SCA HarpStrings | Spring 2015

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The Year in Review and The 2013-2014 Annual Report

contents Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P.


Outstanding Student Achievement

the sound of music 10

The Beauty of Math


The United Nations, Theory in Practice


Socratic Seminar and The Culture of Encounter

Director of Admissions Betty Bader


SCArab Athletics News

Director of Athletics Bryan Picklesimer

22 The 2013-2014 Annual Report

Dean of Students Andres Montana Dean of Academics Sister Julia Marie, O.P.

Director of Alumnae Relations Chenoa Jacobs Director of Communications Alexza Clark


Alumnae Happenings

Nov. 6-15, 2015

Director of Advancement Sister Catherine Marie, O.P. Director of Development Deb Fay Harpstrings Staff Alexza Clark, Editor Michael Ann Zinser ’88, Graphic Designer Photographers: Alexza Clark, Susan Beavin George ’08, Peyton Hoge, Amie Pike, Sr. Helen Marie, O.P. ’76, Sr. Mary Christopher, O.P. ’73, Rebecca Horton ’73 and Uchida Photography. FRONT COVER PHOTO:

Photo by Rich Kalonick. Students from left to right, Colleen Kemp, Adreanna Parlette, Karla Hernandez, and Grace Laster.


Photo by Rich Kalonick. Brianne Kendall ’17 with math teacher, Mr. Dan Smith.






Go to to see our Instagram feed, like us on Facebook, see what we are Tweeting about, watch our latest Youtube video, and read the latest SCA news- all on one Mashup page!

letter from sister

Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. talks to students in Alumnae Hall before school. They are from left to right, Keely Thornton ’17, Ellie Aaron ’17, and Abby Tarquinio ’17.

Dear Friends, This Year-in-Review issue of Harpstrings is full of stories that highlight our life of study in a Dominican school. For us as Dominicans, study is, along with prayer, community, and service, one of the four essential pillars that has marked the Order for 800 years. Recently I read an article entitled “The Place of Study in the Ideal of St. Dominic” that recalls the Latin verb studere as “a pushing forward with effort or a striving after something with zeal.” While it is true that study at St. Cecilia is often a pushing forward or a striving with effort, it is also true that with this effort comes the great joy of acquiring new knowledge or making sense of difficult concepts. At a Dominican school, study is not just about getting good grades or getting into college. Ultimately, it is intellectual grappling with truth. It is thrilling to see our students’ hard work come to fruition as much in the senior religion seminar as in the math classroom, not to mention the outside-ofthe-classroom academic pursuits and honors chronicled in these pages. The Dominican concept of study also has a link to this year’s school theme of “Bring Hope,” since real study should lead to engagement with the world around us. St. Thomas Aquinas defines hope as "a future good, difficult but possible to attain by means of the Divine assistance on Whose help it leans." In other words, hope is the virtue that helps us strive for the good that is sometimes arduous to attain but that is ultimately worth it. Be-

ing a good student, for example, certainly requires the perseverance that hope affords! On a natural level we can hope for a lot of good things, but the virtue of hope helps us put these desires in the right order, ultimately seeing every achievement in the light of God, our truest and most lasting hope. Our school theme of “Bring Hope” was on display during a special assembly after spring break featuring students’ alternative service trips. Close to fifty St. Cecilia students chose to spend their free week working long hours offering dental care to children in Haiti, reaching out to the homeless and the marginalized of Atlanta, or fixing up a summer youth camp in Georgia. These opportunities teach students that some of life's most fulfilling and hope-filled moments come not through immediate gratification but, rather, through giving of oneself to others. In a special way I would like to thank all of our donors whose names are listed in our annual report. You certainly bring hope to St. Cecilia! Thank you for having faith in this school and in the young women we serve, and please know of our grateful prayers for you. God bless you and your families,

Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. Principal



Class of e h T

66% of the class was inducted into the National Honor Society

The 56 students of the class of 2014 are attending 43 different colleges

More than 80% of the class is attending out-of-state colleges

Nearly every student in St. Cecilia Academy’s class of 2014 earned an academic scholarship to attend a 4-year college or university. In fact, 56 girls in the class of 2014 earned 336 merit scholarships totaling more than $12.5 million. 4


Sara Caitlin Lyons (left)

The title of St. Cecilia Girl is the highest honor St. Cecilia Academy confers on a student. By vote of the juniors and seniors with faculty approval, a senior is chosen who best exemplifies the ideals of St. Cecilia Academy. The St. Cecilia Girl is also the recipient of the Lisa Elcan Bruner ’73 Memorial Scholarship. The 2014 St. Cecilia Girl, Sara Caitlin Lyons ’14, exemplified the four pillars of the Dominican charism—study, prayer, community-building, and service. Sara enrolled at Denison University in Ohio, where she is studying sociology/anthropology and minoring in communications.



The salutatorian is the student with the second-highest GPA in her class. The 2014 salutatorian left St. Cecilia Academy having taken a full schedule of honors classes and six AP courses, including AP English (both Language and Literature), AP European History, AP Psychology and AP French. In addition to her academic pursuits, Kristin participated in a broad-range of extracurricular activities including Art Club, Book Club, French Club, Theatre Guild, and various fine arts performances. Kristen enrolled at the University of Notre Dame, where she is studying architecture.

The student with the top GPA in her graduating class is valedictorian, Tracy R. Cherian. Tracy took every honors course available to her, including eight AP classes. She also managed to balance a full life outside the classroom, she was a member of the Dance Company and the Student Ambassador Board, and was President of the National Honor Society. In addition, she was a faithful participant in several Alternative Spring Break programs. She enrolled at Washington University in St. Louis, where she is beginning her studies in pre-medicine.

Kristin Leigh Farr (center)

Tracy R. Cherian (right)





“All Dominican education should be marked by the quest for academic excellence, by fidelity to our intellectual and spiritual traditions and by concern for those in the society where we labor.” —

Father Philip A. Smith, O.P.



National Merit Scholarship Corporation

Virginia Green

Maggie MacCurdy

Naomi Runder

Lucy Scherrer


National Merit Program Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2015 competition.

2015 National Achievement Scholarship Program Finalist And 2014 Questbridge National College Match Scholarship Recipient Naomi Runder was recognized as a Finalist in the National Achievement Scholarship Program. The program was initiated in 1964 to recognize academically promising black students throughout the nation and to provide scholarships to the most outstanding program participants. More than 160,000 high school juniors from all parts of the United States requested consideration in the 2015 National Achievement Scholarship Program when they took the 2013 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Naomi has also received a full scholarship (through the 2014



National College Match Scholarship) to attend Grinnell College in Iowa, currently ranked by US News & World Report as 19th among national liberal arts colleges. Now in its 11th season, the QuestBridge College Match Program (“College Match”) has successfully linked over 3,000 high-achieving students with admission and full scholarships to QuestBridge partner colleges since 2003. QuestBridge partners with 35 premier colleges, including Yale, Amherst, and Northwestern. The partner colleges -- among the most prestigious and selective in the nation -- provide full four-year scholarships to the recipients, including tuition, room and board, fees, books and all associated costs.

TOWARDS INFINITY St. Cecilia students take astronomy hobby to new heights

Suzanne Eastwood ’16 says it is a joke to think girls can’t do science. All you have to do is set your mind to it, she explains. And hers is set on astrophysics.

Astrophysics is not a course offered at St. Cecilia, but with the help of her physics teacher, Ashley George (the 2014 Teacher of the Year and a recent recipient of the Siemens STEM Institute Fellowship) and Dean of Academics, Sister Julia Marie, O.P., Suzanne and senior Mary Landis Gaston set out to create an interdisciplinary independent study, bringing together orbital mechanics, astrophysics, calculus, computer science, and computational physics. Suzanne first became interested in space after watching her father, Larry, an amateur astronomer, become increasingly fascinated by the subject. In fact, in the fall of 2014 he built a 15 foot observatory beside their home. Mr. Eastwood uses the observatory equipment to look at stars and take pictures of constellations. But that was elementary for Suzanne. Like her dad, she had scientific questions and she needed answers. She also proceeded to get her friend, Mary Landis, involved in the quest. “I came across a website that mentioned several organizations, including NASA, that were interested in mining near-earth asteroids. I thought about how that could be done by calculating the orbit of the asteroid and figuring out the composition of the asteroid to make it mineable,” Suzanne explains. From this line of questioning, Suzanne figured that she and Mary Landis would first need spectrographic classification to determine if the asteroid contained water or palladium metals. Then they would need to figure out the orbit of the asteroid so that an interceptor space craft could be sent to mine it. For this, they turned to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory website to figure out which asteroids to follow. Suzanne says St. Cecilia is the perfect place

Junior Suzanne Eastwood and senior Mary Landis Gaston inside the home observatory built by Mr. Eastwood. The duo has been conducting astrophysics research in the observatory by tracking and photographing near-earth asteroids. Their work was recently praised at the 63rd Middle Tennessee Science Fair in numerous categories, including the first alternate to the High School Grand Prize.

“Sometimes when I’m looking at the stars and am trying to figure out how to capture the image of an asteroid, it strikes me how vast space is, and I feel in my soul it can’t be a coincidence and that something had to have caused it.” - Suzanne Eastwood ’16 to conduct this kind of scientific research. “The main reason I chose St. Cecilia was because I loved the school’s inquisitive environment and that the teachers were open to ideas. When I proposed this course, Sister Julia Marie was very responsive. Because of the small school setting, and also the environment that enriches students, St. Cecilia has allowed Mary Landis and me to do this upperlevel scientific research and to do it well,” she explained. And they are doing it well. In March of this year, Suzanne took their research to the Middle Tennessee Science and Engineering Fair (the first time a St. Cecilia student has participated). Their work was well received by the scientific community

and Suzanne was named the Alternate MTSEF High School Grand Prize winner which qualifies her for the International Science and Engineering Fair to be held in Pittsburg this May. In addition to the alternate Grand Prize award, Suzanne won secondary awards from the Barnard Seyfert Astronomical Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and Del Square Psi, APSU Chapter. Although the semester is drawing to an end, and Mary Landis is preparing to graduate, Suzanne plans to continue her research of orbital calculation and spectrographic calculation of select near- earth asteroids. “Each individual person has a vocation in this life,” she explains. “We are all called to do something; we just have to figure out what that is. I just hope my calling involves science in some way.”



, u o y e v o l We t.


, a i l i c Ce

Since 1860, St. Cecilia Academy has graduated gen-

erations of talented young women. Every year we are pleased to recognize the graduates whose mothers also attended St. Cecilia Academy. These women are part of a multi-generational legacy and stand as exemplars of the St. Cecilia Academy tradition. In the 2014 graduating class, we recognized (from left to right), Morgan Jackson ’14 and her mother Stephanie Eads Greco ’95, Emily Peters ’14 and her mother, Mary Holzmer Peters ’82, Caroline Krumm ’14 and her mother Cathy Cook Krumm ’83, and Nina Jenkins ’14 and her mother Pily Buenahora Jenkins ’86.


Rachel Anderson

Emma Graham

Anna Grace Miller

Daughter of Katy Holt Anderson ‘75

Daughter of Jennifer Lusty Crichton ‘93

Daughter of Gina Morrissey Miller ‘79

Clare Peters

Helen Simpson

Meghan Whitney

Class of 2018 Daughters of Alumnae

Daughter of Mary Holzmer Peters ‘82


Daughter of Margaret Derrick Simpson ‘79

Daughter of Kathy Fox Whitney ‘82

and to you we pledge our loyalty 2015 LEGACY TEA The incoming class of 2019 and current students joined mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and aunts who graduated from SCA for our first Legacy Tea.

From left, Katherine Higgins DeLay ’80 with mother Gedy Crawford Higgins ’56 and niece Caroline Higgins ’18.

Madison Baird ’16 with sister Sydney Baird ’19, mother Jane Giuli Baird ’81, aunts Dale Baird Mitchell ’76 and Catherine Giuli ’75.

From left, Denise Donnelly Beaty ’80, Mary Lynn Donnelly ’76, Rita Ann Donnelly Holiman ’79, Anna Donnelly ’19, Jessica Donnelly Gorham ’03, and Ashley Gorham Thompson ’85, with daughter Cate Thompson ‘16

SCA activities director, Margaret Strobel Pyburn ’93 with daughter Mary Catherine Pyburn ’19.

From left, Mary Margaret Warren ’19 with mother Laura Gregory Warren ’88 and Mary Ann McGinn with granddaughter Grace McGinn ’19 and daughter-in-law Jennifer McGinn. HARPSTRINGS


Senior Kathleen Burns ’15 (far right) with math students from Central Middle School, Christ the King and St. Rose of Lima at the first Math is 4 Girls competition at SCA. Middle School girls participated in a day-long math competition with word problems, building exercises, lightning rounds, and a scavenger hunt.

THE BEAUTY OF MATH A balanced approach for girls

Sister Cecilia Anne, O.P. Department of Mathematics Why do so many girls at SCA count math as their favorite class? In a subject that is often thought of as less than enchanting, why do these students look forward to math class every day? As our math teachers remind the students at St. Cecilia, math has a beauty intrinsic to it. In the field of mathematics, one can experience the beauty and order that is reflected in the world around us, a beauty that reflects its Creator. The truth that can be found in numbers, shapes, and measurements provides a definitive and resounding, “Yes!” in a world of uncertainty. Through the study of mathematics, the mind becomes poised to encounter Truth



THE BEAUTY OF MATHEMATICS... 1x8+1=9 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 123 x 8 + 3 = 987 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876 12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 98654321

itself, as the beauty and order found in math reflects that of the Divine Mind. The study of mathematics prepares the mind

for even higher studies – philosophy, theology, and the pursuit of wisdom in general. The ultimate goal of mathematics at

St. Cecilia Academy is not just the math itself, but also to promote the formation of intellectual virtue and teaching students how to think. What do ultrasounds, special effects in movies, the WWII German enigma machine, swimming, credit card fraud, Facebook pages, solar panels, stealth technology, robotic surgery, origami, control of the Ebola virus, and sport seedings all have in common? These are just some of the many and varied topics that students in Pre-calculus Honors researched this year as part of a class project that culminates in an in-house display of student learning. Overbrook School students were invited to tour the displays and had the opportunity to be inspired by the high school girls who were eager to share their passion and love for math. Becca Link, a sophomore who hopes to go into medicine one day, focused on robotic surgery for her project. She researched how robots were being used in heart surgery and how they diminish the need for heart-lung machines, thus simplifying heart surgeries. Becca examined how the robot used differential equations to accurately stabilize a beating heart. Research has time and again proven that girls learn differently than their male counterparts. Recently, Time magazine published an article highlighting the results of a recent study published in an American Psychological Association jour-

Sixth graders Olivia Zimberg from St. Henry School and Olivia Yezbak and Dottie Eastwood from Overbrook School work on a math problem together at the first Math is 4 Girls competition held at St. Cecilia Academy earlier this year.

nal showing that girls actually earn higher grades in school than boys in every subject at every grade level. Why, then, do boys tend to score higher on standardized tests in the area of math? Although research shows that girls don’t have less ability than boys in math, it stated a difference that can clearly be seen in how girls cope with situations that require a challenge involving concepts not specifically learned. Grappling with a difficult math problem can be challenging and frustrating, and girls can easily lose confidence when running into

Seniors Halle Perryman ’15 and Peiton Jarmon ’15 work on a math problem together in class.

difficulty. At St. Cecilia Academy, girls are encouraged to become confident of their problem-solving abilities by adopting a growth mindset. When math competency is viewed as a quality that can be developed, instead of simply a naturally endowed gift, girls become less afraid of math. They learn to have confidence when faced with a new problem that doesn’t present an immediate solution, realizing that they have already developed the necessary tools to approach such unfamiliar problems. In this all-girls environment, students have been given the freedom to excel. Once the students discover that they can truly excel with confidence in math, they are ready to share their passion with the next generation. This past fall, the St. Cecilia chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, the National Honor Society for mathematics, sponsored “Math Is 4 Girls.” This day-long city-wide event encouraged middle school girls to grow in their love of math. Almost one hundred girls in grades 6-8, representing thirteen different schools, came to St. Cecilia for a day of learning, competition, and fun. The St. Cecilia math students led various activities on topics such as fractals, the Fibonacci sequence, tessellations, and water rockets. Students participated in an individual exam, as well as a team round. Using iPads to buzz in, a lightning round ended the day. The St. Cecilia girls were able to share their love and passion for math as well as their expertise with the middle school girls, and by the end of the day everyone cheered together, “I am a girl who can do math!”



“Sculling” Cyanotype by Katherine Frensley ’16.

“A bridge of love” Painting by Cecilia Moore ’15.

THE ART OF TENNESSEE GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS Congratulations to the following students selected for The 2015 Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts, a month long summer program for rising 11th and 12th grade students. The program is administered by the State Department of Education and exists to provide high quality arts education for gifted and talented high school students in the state of Tennessee:

Zoe Dongas (music vocal) Clare Harney (music vocal) Katherine Frensley (art) Eliza Frensley (art) Yaza Sarieh (art)

“Blowing in the wind” Painting by Virginia Green ‘15.

“Wind River Range” Mixed Media by Emma Forrest ’15.



“Avenue Champs Elysées” Drawing by Caroline Lewis ’15.

“Show me your smile” Painting by Allison Hassett ’15.

“Let the good times roll” Painting by Emily Neeley ’15.

“Halle” Painting by Shannon Heflin ’15.

“Carolina Wild Fire” Encaustic on board by Sophie Fuller ’15. HARPSTRINGS


Above: Senior Madison Hall ’15 practices her Spanish presentation before sharing it with Spanish-speaking families at the St. Thomas Family Health Center, South Clinic. Left: Seniors Hailee Crawford ’15, Caroline O’Neill ’15, Madison Hall ’15, and Piersen Briggs ’15 gather with families to share healthful and economical recipe ideas.

Sharing the fruits of our learning This past fall, the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) awarded St. Cecilia Academy a 2014 NCEA Social Justice Grant. The purpose of the grant was to encourage Catholic values in content area lessons, fostering creativity and professional development of teachers who support effective approaches to values integration both inside and outside the classroom. The theme of this year’s grant was “Call to Family, Community, and Participation.” In response to the grant theme, Sister Amelia, O.P., SCA religion teacher, with the help of



six students, seniors Hailee Crawford ’15, Caroline O’Neill ’15, Madison Hall ’15, Piersen Briggs ’15, Anabel Strianse ’15, and Kathleen Burns ’15, created a cooking and nutrition class for low-income families. The grant project also included Health and Wellness teacher Bryan Picklesimer, who helped students learn about the importance of protein and affordable ways to incorporate it in a family’s diet. Students presented in Spanish to families at the St. Thomas Family Health Center, South clinic and used the NCEA grant money to purchase groceries for all families in attendance. Participating families also took

home a protein-packed recipe book which was translated by AP Spanish students. St. Cecilia Academy was recently recognized as a School of Excellence by the Cardinal Newman Society for integration of Catholic identity throughout all aspects of programs and excellence in academics. The Soul Food service project funded by the NCEA is but one example of the many ways SCA students and faculty are not only excelling academically but also raising the bar when it comes to integrating Catholic identity in all aspects of our curriculum.

Above: Mary Landis Gaston ’15 at the United Nations earlier this year. Right: Senior Mary Landis Gaston ’15 (second from left) and junior Tess MacCurdy ’16 (sixth from left) with high school students from Atlanta at the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

mindful learning By Mary Landis Gaston ’15

Throughout my time at St. Cecilia Academy I have participated in Model United Nations, particularly as a lawyer and justice for the International Court of Justice. This experience with Model UN has left me with a microcosmic image of the global efforts needed to ensure justice on any level. Passionate high school students at Model UN learn about the power of perseverance, communication, and humility. However, during the week of March 9-13, I had the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice in a unique way by traveling to New York City and attending the 59th annual UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) along with my classmate, Tess MacCurdy ’16, and my senior religion teacher, Sister Amelia, O.P.. We traveled with a group of high school girls from Atlanta, Georgia, and we called ourselves “Fiat Girls,” a reference to the Virgin Mary’s desire to submit

herself to God’s will. Fiat Girls is led by Beth Howard through InspiredED. This year’s UNCSW evaluated the progress made since the 1995 Beijing Platform to promote women’s rights. We heard many personal testimonies, each one highlighting the pain, violence, trauma, and tragedy that exists in our world today. Our own program had a Catholic Social Teaching emphasis which helped us to grapple with these sensitive issues using a model of compassion and aid, acknowledging above all the uniquely Christian understanding of the human person as made in the image and likeness of God. Every day we attended three conference events of our choosing on topics ranging from the tragedies of war and violence to the positive effects of family empowerment. The non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that sponsored the majority of the events focused mainly on the quick and easy solutions to womens’ rights violations. However, equipped with an understanding of Catholic Social Teaching through my education at St. Cecilia, I

was able to dig beneath the surface level and consider deeper solutions rather than simply addressing symptoms. Catholic Social Teaching emphasizes the importance of family, solidarity, and subsidiarity in reducing or eliminating the suffering that occurs daily in our world. The desire to heal, rather than to merely mask suffering, was a key objective in sessions co-sponsored by the Vatican and other faith-based groups. Sister Amelia stated that she was “encouraged by the visible, confident, and involved presence of the Catholic Church and her Gospel message on the global stage.” At Model UN last November, I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to be exposed to global issues at the UN in New York City. But through my experience, I learned of the power of compassion and active effort in fostering authentic justice for women worldwide. My hope is that future St. Cecilia girls will have similar opportunities to learn at Model UN how to effect change, and finally to be the change they wish to see at the actual UN and across the globe. HARPSTRINGS




CREATING A CULTURE OF ENCOUNTER By Sister Amelia, O.P. A rousing theme of Pope Francis' pontificate is the call to create a “culture of encounter.” During his address at the 2014 World Day of Communications, Pope Francis defined this encounter as an open dialogue "capable of bringing warmth and stirring hearts." However, in an age fixated on personal achievement, test scores, 1 to 1 technology ratios, immediate access to information, and “face time,” making space for genuine encounters, even in the classroom, is a rare art. Amid our preoccupation with feverish activity, however, enters the reflective atmosphere of the student-centered Socratic Seminar. This discussion-based model offers the warmth

and refreshingly human side of communication that Pope Francis is asking of us. The simplicity of the dialogue format begun by Socrates over 2,400 years ago offers a space for the “culture of encounter” to blossom in the modern classroom and in the soul of the modern student. At St. Cecilia Academy, where the seminar model is used in senior religion, young women are encouraged to ponder the truths they have learned over the years in their theology classes in a way that encourages mutual respect, confidence, and patience. 2014 graduate Annelise Yackow said that the senior seminar teaches “how to voice your opinion gracefully, and not [be] afraid of rejection if others do not

agree with you.” Now a freshman at the College of William and Mary, Annelise observes that students have “different opinions on matters relevant to the Catholic faith. Senior religion gave me the ability to speak my thoughts inside and outside of the classroom and be able to understand others’ opinions.” For Annelise and many others, the seminar experience “makes your education much more personal, grounded, and engaging.” The teacher in the seminar classroom must shift the pedagogy from a traditional teacher-directed lesson, a strategy that requires meticulous planning on the front end to assure that questions are high-quality and designed to engage

Above: Sister Amelia, O.P., senior seminar teacher, discussing primary texts with seniors Claire Johnson ’15, Frances Fitzgerald ’15, Bella Green ’15, and Peiton Jarmon ’15. 16


students in the text at hand to a more student directed discussion format. There is little room for students not to prepare for discussion. Nevertheless, discussions may go in a direction the teacher cannot always dictate, and she is called to exercise the same restraint and selfeffacement required of the students, often surrendering to a desire to control the timing of the lesson or how quickly the class covers the anticipated objectives. Yet the teacher is blessed most by simply being with her students during this exciting time of life, to hear their insights and to ponder with them the rousing call to Christian holiness. The seminar affords a place of prayer, reflection, and yes, even many moments of that rare and awkward commodity called “silence.” Today, says Pope Francis, "The speed with which information is communicated exceeds our capacity for reflection and judgment, and this does not make for more balanced and proper forms of self-expression.” The seminar model provides an opportunity

for that balanced reflection to occur amid the busyness of wired 21st century life. Students learn lessons in maturity as they gauge when to speak up or when to sit and listen. Encountering the fears, needs, and hopes of others in the classroom moves their dispositions from an appearance of mere tolerance to one of personal encounter with other students whom they come to understand more deeply. As the seniors learn to ground their comments with careful textual evidence and to back up assertions with good logic, they also come to understand Pope Francis’ distinction that a culture of encounter and acceptance of the other “does not mean renouncing our own ideas and traditions;” rather, “to dialogue means to believe that the “other has something worthwhile to say.” Pope Francis is inviting people of the 21st century to encounter one another in the manner that Christ encounters us. The vir-

tues of reflection, charity, and intellectual exactness that the students and teachers practice in the Socratic seminar are gifts that they cannot offer without first entering into their own daily encounter with Christ. While this daily discipline of encounter is not always easy, the classroom becomes the place of practice and formation that brings with it its own distinct rewards and satisfactions. “A culture of encounter,” says Pope Francis, “demands that we be ready not only to give, but also to receive.” In receiving the views of the other, the students learn how to accept their neighbor with love, in the process of learning “to appreciate more fully the important values inspired by Christianity.” Ultimately, it is Jesus Christ who is the model of encounter. And it is Jesus who, in the senior seminar, has the last word, patiently inviting each student to bring her authentic hopes, questions, and concerns to the group and echoing the desire of St. Peter: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68).”

“It is neither a culture of confrontation nor a culture of conflict which builds harmony within and between peoples, but rather a culture of encounter and a culture of dialogue; this is the only way to peace.” – Pope Francis

Culture of encounter is the foundation of peace.

– Pope Francis

Follow St. Cecilia Academy as we

participate in our first


Youth Day in Kraków, Poland! S U M M E R

2 0 1 6

Find all the updates at #SCAWYD2016. Contact Sister Amelia, O.P. at for trip details.



Mary Collins ‘17, Cameron Sheppard ‘17, and Jaden Limbaugh ‘18

Rose Simpson ‘17

“Daddy Warbucks” with Sara Johnson ’15 18


Emily Humphreys ’15

Mary Hailey Derrick ‘16

Anna Bowman ’18

Emily Vick ’17, Adreanna Parlette ’17, Corinne Wehby ’17, Savanah Lemon ’17, and Mary Farris ’18 Zoe Potter ’18

CONGRATS 100(0) Point Club

Former Scarabs reunited on the court one last time

Diane Lee '16


SCA alumnae Natalie Goodrum’s ’11 and Casey Hassett’s ’12 team bond runs deep. They were together on the basketball team at St. Cecilia and during their time at Overbrook School. But after deciding to play basketball at different colleges - Natalie at Rhodes College and Casey at Sewanee University even they could not imagine having one last chance to be on the same court. But, the former Scarabs faced each other on the same court for the last time in the Rhodes vs. Sewanee women’s basketball game at Sewanee earlier this year. Rhodes won 49-46 in a well fought game.

Maddie Keller '15

Allison Hassett '15 LACROSSE, 100 POINTS


Their reunion on the court drew an impressive SCA crowd, including Jim Tarwater, Teresa, Michael and Maddy Marchetti, the McGrady family, the Goodrum family (including Jack’s dad and Kay’s sister and husband), Todd, Traci and Miles Smith, and Mike and Lauren Luster. Donna Drehmann also watched the game. Her son is an Overbrook graduate and Father Ryan basketball captain. An additional surprise came when former SCA athletic director and basketball coach, Jerry Landers, came to surprise his former athletes, Natalie and Casey.

Cecilia Moore '15 LACROSSE, 100 POINTS 20


SCArab Nation News By: Bryan Picklesimer Athletics Director The Scarab Nation effect has been felt far and wide this year, in school and out. We have had success on the District, Regional, and State levels with our teams as well as individuals earning National and even International success. When I came into my role as Athletics Director I was blown away by how powerful the drive was for our student athletes to succeed and how close the bond was between each and every one of them. I am certainly overjoyed to be a part of the Scarab Nation. I look forward to seeing you on the court, field, course, and track cheering our Scarabs on to victory. Here’s the year-in-review for the athletics department: SUMMER • Abigail Tarquinio ’17 won two gold medals in the CANAMMEX Games, an international Rowing Regatta

• Kathryn Cole ’16 was selected to represent the Southeast in a national swimming competition, swimming six events Volleyball • Maddie Keller ’15 earned 1000 Kills on the Volleyball court • Four players named to the All-District Team • Volleyball won District Tournament • Three players named to the All-District Tournament Team • Maddie Keller ’15 was named to the All-Region Volleyball Team • Volleyball third in the Region Tournament and advanced to Sub State Cross Country • Cross Country placed second in Metro City Championship Meet • Cross Country placed third at the Region Championship Meet • Four members named to the All-Region Cross Country team. • Cross Country team placed 4th at the State Championships Soccer • Three players were named to the AllDistrict Soccer team

Basketball • Diane Lee ’16 scored 1000 career points. • Diane Lee ’16 earned All-District First Team honors • Diane Lee ’16 earned District Tournament Team honors Bowling • Bowling team placed second in District Tournament Swimming • Placed 4th in Regions • Kathryn Cole ’16 placed first in the Region Backstroke, setting a new school record • Advanced five people; two relays and two individual events, to the State Championships. WINTER • Abigail Tarquinio ’17 placed 11th at the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championships. Lacrosse • Allison Hassett ’15 and Cecilia Moore ’15 scored 100 career goals.

SCA Alumnae currently competing collegiately There are several former Scarab Athletes who are continuing their athletic careers in college: Blair Ely ’14 Soccer at Emory University Alys Maynard ’14 Soccer at Andrew College Started as a freshman and named player of the game in September, 2014.

Dana Lee ’13 (pictured bottom left) Track and Field at Washington and Lee University Broke the school record for the long jump with a jump of 18’9.5”. Broke the school record for the 100m run with a time of 12.63. ODAC, Old Dominion Athletic Conference, Women's Track and Field "Athlete of the Year". Olivia Glascoe ’12 Soccer at Sewanee University of the South Named SAA, Southern Athletic Association (SAA) Defensive Player of the Week on October 27th, 2014. Casey Hassett ’12 Volleyball and Basketball at Sewanee University of the South Named the Southern Athletic Association (SAA) Women’s Basketball Player of the Week in January, 2015.

Natalie Goodrum ’11 (pictured above) Basketball at Rhodes College Named to the 2013-2014 SAA, Southern Athletic Association, All-Region Team.

Nancy Margaret Wehby ’12 Cross Country and Track and Field at Rhodes College.

Cate Hargrove ’11 Cross Country at Sewanee University of the South.




Faculty Notes

As a school influenced by the charism of the Dominican Order, we see education as a quest for truth. This quest leads many of our teachers to pursue their academic interests outside of the classroom. Some of their recent accomplishments over the past year include: MATHEMATICS

Math teacher Sister Cecilia Anne, O.P. published an article for the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) titled, “Middle School Math: Real Life Applications and Historical Connections.” She also presented on the same topic at the Tennessee Math Teachers Association (TMTA) conference. Math teacher Sister Cecilia Anne, O.P. was the moderator for a roundtable discussion on “Technology in the Mathematics Classroom” at the TAIS Biennial Conference. Math teacher Sarah Robinson presented “Math and Mindset: The Power of I Think I Can” at the Tennessee Math Teachers Association (TMTA) conference.


Biology teacher Dr. Karen Deal and physics teacher Ashley George, presented on “Vernier Sensor Technology in Physics and Biology Classrooms,” at the Tennessee Association of Independent Schools (TAIS) Biennial Conference. Chemistry teacher Charles Martinez had a paper published in “Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience,” a journal of original research



of exceptional significance in the areas of the neurosciences, titled, “Reovirus-mediated induction of ADAR1 (p150) minimally alters RNA editing patterns in discrete brain regions.”


Spanish and religion teacher Sister Amelia, O.P. received a National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) social justice grant. The purpose of the grant is to encourage the integration of Catholic values into content area lessons. Through this grant, St. Cecilia Academy hosted nutrition and cooking classes in Spanish for low-income families at St. Thomas South Clinic’s Family Center.


Choir director Stephanie Hahn Nolan continues ongoing vocal studies with the Nashville Jazz Workshop, an organization that offers world-class jazz education. She has been studying with Ron Browning, an internationally acclaimed vocal coach to major recording artists, Grammy Award winners, and opera singers. Art teacher Barbara Gronefeld has been honored as an Outstanding Educator for her dedication, commitment and guidance repre-

sented by student work selected for national honors in the 2014 Scholastic Art Competition. Chamber Ensemble instructor, Toni Ferguson performed at The Kennedy Center in New York.


Nora Jimenez, SCA Spanish teacher, was selected to participate in the College Board's Annual AP Reading in Spanish Language and Culture. Each June, AP teachers and college faculty members from around the world gather in the United States to evaluate and score the free-response sections of the AP exams. During the June 2014 scoring sessions, more than 12,500 AP readers evaluated more than 4.2 million AP exams. Nora has been selected to read AP Spanish exams for the College Board for the past 9 years.


Social Science teacher and Teaching Excellence Committee Chair Deanna Kendall has been appointed to serve on the TAIS Teacher Services Committee to create professional development programming for TAIS-affiliated faculty and staff.

All-Faculty Read

“Everyday Executive Functions” Contributor: Deanna Kendall, Teaching Excellence Committee Chair Every year SCA faculty and staff explore together a topic concerning best practices in teaching and learning. This year's topic, an extension of the faculty's ongoing work with differentiated classroom instruction, has to do with executive functions. Since August, all SCA faculty have been reading and discussing Paula Moraine’s book, “Helping Students Take Control of Everyday Executive Functions: the Attention Fix.” Moraine defines executive function as the seven cognitive and non-cognitive tasks of attention, memory, organization, planning, inhibition and initiative, flexibility, behavioral awareness and control, and goal-setting. Awareness of these functions helps

teachers to encourage active learning objectives that in turn will help students develop their intellectual potential, study more efficiently, and achieve higher levels of retention. Teachers can also help students to see how important it is for them to advocate for themselves, develop good relationships with teachers and peers, and learn strategies to assimilate new information through practice and repetition. In October and January, SCA faculty participated in a Skype lecture and Q & A session with author Paula Moraine, who lives in Maryland, in order

to gain a deeper appreciation of the “ingredients” of executive function. Since October, each department has been reading and discussing the seven executive functions, considering how they are applicable to specific areas of study. In April Ms. Moraine was in town and held an evening session for parents about executive functions. Through this professional development focus, SCA faculty and staff model for their students the importance of ongoing study within the context of a supportive, inquisitive community. n

CONGRATULATIONS 2 01 4 - 2 01 5 T EAC H E R O F T H E Y EA R Sarah Robinson Ms. Robinson has been a dedicated member of the math department since 2012. She energizes the math classroom with innovative strategies that engage every student, and this year she helped launch SCA’s new Learning Support Program.




Honorees of the 16th Annual SCA Golf Classic Mary Ruth Peffen Geny ’77 and husband Henry Geny with Sister Helen Marie, O.P. ’76 and SCA Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P.

We accomplish all that you see on these pages because of your faithful gifts of time, financial support, and prayers. Your confidence sustains us in ways you cannot imagine. The students of St. Cecilia Academy benefit directly from your generosity. The sisters, faculty, and staff are deeply grateful to the following individuals and organizations that support our mission. Gifts included on these pages were received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Thank you for partnering with us as we prepare young women to meet the challenges of modern life, to contribute in a positive way to the society in which they live, and to extend to students of all faiths the principles of Christian life in the Roman Catholic tradition. 2013-14 ANNUAL FUND 1860 CLUB

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel J. Eads


2 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Brett Beavers The D'Eredita Family Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Fuller Mary Martha & Emmett J. Doerr Charitable Trust Mary Bailey Neal Rob & Barb Sturgeon Dr. Gregg Tarquinio & Dr. Louise Mawn




Mr. & Mrs. Vic L. Alexander Margaret & John Barker Mr. G. Milton Bunch CBRL Group Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cook Mr. & Mrs. William T. Delay Robert & Kathy Dortch Caroline Marie Glen James & Michelle Hallock Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Luton Eileen & Thomas McGinn Drs. Ken & Molly Petroni Dr. Daphne Pitts & Mr. Greg Pitts Rock Foundation Two Rivers Ford Charles & Mimi Vaughn Krissi & Brent Watkins


2 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William F. Alexander, III Barry Burnette & Reida McCutchen Mr. & Mrs. Jay Callis Lloyd & Elizabeth Crockett The DeRoche Family E. H. McDowell Foundation, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Eastwood, Jr. Dr. Wes & Dr. Kim Ely Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Forrest, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marbut G. Gaston, Jr. Kevin & Kristin Harney Judge & Mrs. Thomas A. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Hiller, Sr. Kane Family Charitable Foundation Heather & Kris Kemp Mr. & Mrs. David L. Lassiter

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Lee Ms. Kathleen Lyons Mr. & Mrs. L. Gino Marchetti, Jr. Michael & Teresa Marchetti Katherine P. McCrea Nashville Catholic Business Women's League Lynn Moll Rassieur Steve & Donna Roach Bill & Sharon Sheriff Craig & Brenda Smith Taylor, Pigue, Marchetti & McCaskill, PLLC Lucy Barrett Thomason Mike & Beth Ussery Frances Anne Varallo

Anonymous Mr. Kenneth Albritton The Family of Jill Bader Drs. Melanie & James Bishop Stephen & Patricia Brink John E. Burns Tarama & Tonya Carver Mr.* & Mrs. Cecil D. Chance Laurie Harris Cian Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Cianciolo Brian & Pamela Clark Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Collins Angela Birch Cox Brent & Maria Dongas William A. & Mary Jo Dortch Dr. Calvin R. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Exton Louis & Cynthia Farr Dr. Andrea Birch Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Forster Dr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Gautsch Mr. Harold Goodrum Bob & Carty Hassett Lynn & Richards Hill Francis Horn Peggy Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Granberry Jackson, III Mrs. Pily Buenahora Jenkins Cathy & Bob Krumm Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kuyper Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. Leftwich Mr. & Mrs. Calvin P. Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Joe M. MacCurdy, Jr. Drs. Kathleen & Derek Marks Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Nacarato Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pancoast Rosalinda Sbuttoni Raher Jeff & Eileen Ricker Katherine Schuster Luck Mrs. Mary Jane Staed Smith St. Cecilia Parents' Club Peter & Laura Strianse Mr. Edward S. Temple Mike & Mitzi Terry Mr. & Mrs. William Terry Steve & Norma Volz Mr. & Mrs. Jon Wall Mrs. Janet Bellamy Warfield Wells Fargo Foundation Patricia Woods


4 Anonymous Joy Bramblett Adams Jerry & Desiree' Appleby Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Axmacher Mr. & Mrs. Grimes Baird Catherine Haid Baltz William & Patsy Belcher Mrs. Gertrude Catignani Bennett * The Family of Yohana Gomez Crisostomo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bogard Edward & Wyeth Burgess Laura Sanders Christy Ms. Pam Christy

Roger J. & Janet L. Colbran Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Cole Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coode Tina Corkum Carroll & Dell Crosslin The family of Juliana Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Denes Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dortch, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Yousuff E. Dukuly George & Karen Furlong Mr. & Mrs. Andre V. Gaccetta Joe & Traci Gallivan Joan & Van Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Jason Grant Joe Hall Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hall David & Jeanette Higgins Mr. & Mrs. R. John Hoff The Hunt Family Foundation of Nashville, TN, Inc. Mr. Duke Kennedy * Mr. Peter King & Mrs. Mary McCarthy King Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Le Clair Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lennon Mr. Robert Edwin Warren Lineberger Dr. & Mrs. Abelardo Manalac Mr. & Mrs. James McClain Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Ryan D. Mire Mr. & Mrs. David M. Monette Catherine Beasley O'Bryan Mark & Bobbie O'Neill Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Overby Dr. Margaret Sutherland Pennington Perk Products & Chemical Co., Inc. Andra & Scott Perkerson Cris & Tina Perryman Mark & Mary Peters Mr. & Mrs. Richard Powell Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Prow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Rice Ridgeview Foundation Peggy Lampley Robeson Randy & Rowena Segui Bolin Kane Stumb Mr. & Mrs. James Tarwater Glynn, Fatima & Evie Taylor Bob & Susan Tuke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Wall Mr. & Mrs. Leonard W. Warren Veronica & Jerry Wauford Roger & Bonnie Wehby Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Wehby, Jr. Ms. Eleanor D. Whitworth Juanita Wilson


31 Anonymous Miss Ellie Betts Aaron Mr. William Aaron & Mrs. Kim McDoniel Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan Vernon Adcock Mrs. Monica Werrbach Aebersold Mr. & Mrs. Edmond E. Agholor Ms. Ann E. Alley Mary Prue Alley



Senior Claire Johnson ’15 with the Blessed Sacrament at the All-School Retreat. Mrs. Lisa Hardebeck Alsup Beverly D. Ammarell Ms. Becky Ammons Ms. Peggy Andrews Rae Lee & Matt Anglin Mr. & Mrs. Victor L. Arms Miss Jilliann D. Armstrong Mrs. Susan Sastry Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Baird, Sr. Allison & Frank Bass Mary Jo* & Walter Bates Carole Barrett Batson Ms. Patricia J. Beazley Ron & Carole Begley Bill & Marie Bellet Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Berlyn Mary Taylor Bernasconi Mrs. Marie DeGrella Bervoets Mr. & Mrs. Philip Betbeze Mrs. Lara Reeves Bills Mrs. Lady Appleby Bird Marie Daugherty Bishop Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bogard Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Bolt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bottei Mrs. Linda Braddock Dr. Joseph W. Bradley Peter & Mary Bream Barbara K. Breen Elizabeth Durst Brown Mary Friel Brown Martha Bryant Gino & Kathy Bulso Mrs. DeeDee Tate Bumpous Charles & Rosemary Burdeshaw Mrs. Katie Camarata Burish Robert & Jennifer Burns Nancy Holzmer Calderon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Camarata Mrs. Elizabeth Shea Campbell Chip & Lisa Campbell Ms. Myria E. D. Carpenter Mrs. Jeri Alessio Carver Mr. & Mrs. Jay Cathey Ms. Megan Caughron Tom & Cathy Caul Mr. & Mrs. Felix A. Cavaliere Mr. & Mrs. David Chase

Dr. & Mrs. George M. Cheij Rich & Jessica Cieler Dr. Alexza Clark Teddie Clark Rick & Mimi Clarke Mary Ann & Joe Claxton Mrs. Vicki True Claycombe Mr. & Mrs. James E. Clyde Coliseum Wealth Management, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Collier Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Collins Mrs. Natasha Collins The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mary Rose & Jon Conlin Diane & Patrick Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Rod Connor, Jr. Cornelia Coode Mr. Donald Coomer Joseph & Gloria Cote Ms. Ashlyn Byrn Cowan Mr. & Mrs. Troy M. Cowan Allen & Julie Cragon Laura Black Crawford Laura Creekmore & Ashby Barnes Mr. & Mrs. John M. Crum Mr. & Mrs. William Curtiss Mr. & Mrs. Chris Czarka Mrs. Connie Mallernee Daniel Mary Ann Daugherty Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davis Rev. Mr. Ronald & Dr. Karen Deal Mrs. Peggy DeFreece Dean Rob & Allison DeHart Mrs. Anne Desruisseau Mrs. Carol Kennon Dick Mrs. Teresa Miller Dickinson Sunny & Harold Donnelly Dr. & Mrs. William L. Downey Spruell & Elaine Driver Mr. & Mrs. James Drysdale Jeff & Jan Duckworth Martha Brothers Duff Mrs. Maxine Duffey Mr. & Mrs. John R. Duke Ms. Holly E. Edwards William * & MaryDe Elliston Mrs. Marilyn Moxley Embrey




Sue Ann Simpson Enneis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Erdman Emily Eyre Ellen B. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ferris Mr. Edward L. Fike Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Fitzpatrick Ms. Patti Fogarty Paul & Faye Forster Mrs. Catherine Fox Sam & Judy Francescon Nina Margaret Freeman Ms. Wende Gregory Frei Chip & Susanne Frensley Miss Sophia Marie Fuller Dr. G. Edward Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gallivan Kirkland W. Garey Ms. Sue Garey Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Garmon Mr. Kelly E. Gatewood Mr. James H. Geldrich Ms. Ashley E. George Ms. Merna G. George Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. George John & Susan Gerbic Ms. Katie Gibbens Mrs. Heather Gibson Milliron & Mr. William Milliron Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gary Glass Cissa Flanigen Glenn Paul & Leslie Goebel Roma M. Goebel Nancy Glenn Gollobin Mrs. Mary Ann Goodrum Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program Mr. & Mrs. Langley Granbery Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grannis, III Jane Grannis Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Grasfeder Mr. & Mrs. Nick Greco Mr. & Mrs. Steve Griner Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Gronefeld Ms. Mary Grubbs Mrs. Michelle Barr Haase Mrs. Lynnora S. Hadley Mr. & Mrs. James Hailey Katherine A. Haltom Mrs. Thomas B. Haltom Tamara L. Hanserd Ms. Terri H. Harkins Mrs. Ann Guepe Harris Mary Ann Green Harris Gretchen K. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes Billy Ray* & Nancy Peterson Hearn Martin & Eileen Heflin Geralyn & David Heller Ms. Sarah M. Heller Suzanne Meifert Hester Dr. & Mrs. Greg Hickman Mrs. Joyce A. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Perry Higgins Highways, Inc. Mrs. Lauren Lassiter Hilbers Mr. & Mrs. John Hoenigman



Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Holland, Jr. Heather & Graham Honeycutt Laura Cullum Hood Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hoover Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hornberger, Jr. Mrs. Beverly S. Hosler Cara Lise Hudson The Hummel Family Gene & Tracey Humphreys J & D Equipment Hauling Mrs. Nora B. Jimenez Contreras Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Johnson Mr. Thomas H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Jones W. Jason Jones & Charlotte Lovell Cathy Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelley, Jr. Mrs. Mary Lassing Kelley Leonora Kellman Mrs. Robert Kempf Brian A. Kendall & Deanna T. Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Allen Kennedy Mr. Kevin Kile Ms. Robin Kimbrough Mrs. Harriet Wemyss Kirk Mrs. Sarah Case Kurek * Mrs. Suzanne Lafond Mrs. Ellen Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Leersnyder Ms. Emily Leftwich Mr. & Mrs. David B. Lembo Mrs. Nancy Shepherd Lesser Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Link Mr. William R. Link Sam & Marian LoCicero Ron & Tisha Longo Mr. & Mrs. Al Luttrell Ms. Sara Caitlin Lyons Ms. Dina M. Manalac Mr. & Mrs. William G. Manda Ms. Jennifer K. Marchesi Mr. & Dr. Charles R. Martinez, III Mrs. Sarah Nunan Marvel Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Matthews Isabel & Dan Maxwell Mary & Bill May Aimee A. Shelide Rosalie & Tom McClard Ms. Shannon McCullough Mrs. Pat McGivaren Mr. & Mrs. Sean McKay Mrs. Michelene Piot McKinney Mrs. Sally McReynolds Ms. Nancy Melley Middle Tennessee Industrial Distributors Association Mrs. Mary O'Rear Miller Dolly & Mike Millican Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Nancy Schuler Moeller Sarah & Yates Mondy Mr. & Mrs. Andres Montana Mr. Andrew Moon Ms. Carolyn V. Moore Ms. Sara Moore

Chris & Melanie Moran Mrs. Dorothy Morcillo Al & Mary Moss Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Muehe Colleen Murray Ms. Marilyn Murray Ms. Sharon Myers Mr. & Mrs. Tim Neeley Mr. & Mrs. Long Nguyen Gene & Laurie Nolan Ms. Stephanie Nolan Mr. & Mrs. William Norman Tom & Vickie Norris Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Connor Reverend John B. O'Neill Richard & Mary Ann O'Neill Steve & Carol Papuchis Ms. Lee A. Patterson Mrs. Susan Brandenburg Pearson Ms. Rebecca L. Phillips Dr. Laura Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pike Karen Clarke Pirkle Rosemary & Wayne Plorin Mrs. Fran Brackman Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Brent Powell Power Equipment Company Mrs. John Prominski Ms. Vian E. Pulous Mrs. Rosa Zanini Punaro Ms. Nancy C. Quarles Mr. & Mrs. Cherian Ramapurath Ms. Mary T. Randall Mr. & Mrs. Michael Turner Rast Mr. & Mrs. James Redwine Sara Graf Remke Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Riddick Riddle Properties Mrs. Terri Patton Riddle Patricia J. Riehm Mrs. Ginny Conners Ripley Mrs. Susan Britt Ritter Mrs. Margaret R. Roberts Ms. Sarah Robinson Jacquie Rohricht Mark & Summer Rohricht Raymond & Donna Rolin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Romeo Dr. Margaret Ross & Mr. Cecil Ross Mrs. Johanna Wannamaker Rothberg Mr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Roushdi Mrs. Van Leer Cockrill Rowe Dr. & Mrs. Pablo J. Saavedra Karen Trauernicht Sadler Mrs. Lynn Williams Sawyer Mrs. Therese Howell Schafluetzel Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Scherrer Veronica Schrenger Susan J. Schultheiss Rev. Edward & Susan Durrett Scully Mrs. Margaret Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Knowles H. Shaw, IV Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. S. Jay Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. David Sherlock Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Shores

Mr. & Mrs. George William Shuff, III Donna & Mohammed Sika Ms. Marion Silva Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Simpson Dr. Christopher & Mrs. Janie Sizemore Steven Small & Laura Tyus Carl & Glenda Smith Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. James L. Smith Grace Sutherland Smith Mrs. Thayer C. Smith Mrs. Evelyn Petrucelli Spencer St. Mary's Bookstore Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stamps Mrs. Amy Kysar Steckel Mr. & Mrs. Larry Douglas Stewart Mrs. Jean McCaffrey Stout Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. David M. Suchanick Sugar Hill Farms Mrs. Theresa Bell Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. W. Laurence Sullivan, Jr. Mrs. Leigh Anderson Sutherland Sandra McMillin Sutterlin Lauren & Rob Tanner Mr. & Mrs. Darrel W. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William D. Tennyson JoAnn Beavin Thombs Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Thompson Ron & Mary Thompson Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Thompson Mrs. Louann Graham Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Timoney Mrs. Susan Salmon Trotman Mrs. Barbara Bradley Tucker Ashley Nimmo Turner Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Catherine Stuart Vrettos Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Wahl Mrs. H. David Walker Mrs. Beth Hailey Walker Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Walsh Mr. & Mrs.* James F. Walsh, Jr. Lindsey Conlin Walsh Mrs. Suzanne Sevier Walters Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Corkran Warner * Mr. & Mrs. Rob Webb Tim & Mary Brugh Weber Mrs. Ann True Wehby Sheryl Wehby Ms. Lisa R. Weiland Diana Weisman Mr. & Mrs. Prescott Weldon Margaret Sutherland Wellborn Mrs. Shirley Kortuem Westfall Mr. & Mrs. Milan White Kathy & Russell Whitney Dr. James Wilburn Tracey Wilds Don & Lynn Williams Mrs. Phate Askew Wirth Mr. Philip K. Woodlief Donna Brown Woods Woods Institute Patricia Batson Wrenne

Special thanks for contributions made in honor of and in memory of loved ones and friends. Tribute gifts to St. Cecilia Academy are a special remembrance to those who have enriched our lives. Those honored are remembered in the daily prayers of the Dominican Sisters and the students at St. Cecilia Academy. Honored during the past year are:

HONORARIUMS Sister Elizabeth Anne Allen, O.P. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Betbeze Susan Sastry Armstrong Mrs. Annette Sastry Sister Margaret Andrew Baker, O.P. Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Robert Collins Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Susan Kennedy Cowden Mr. James R. Kennedy Katherine Higgins DeLay Judge & Mrs. Thomas A. Higgins Palmer Cherry Duffey Mrs. Maxine Duffey Sister Catherine Marie Hopkins, O.P. Anonymous Francis Horn Mr. James R. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Mrs. Catherine Stuart Vrettos Jenny Jordan Mr. & Mrs. William T. DeLay, III Elizabeth "Lizzie" Adria Kimbrough Ms. Robin Kimbrough Debbie Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Berlyn Dale Baird Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. John R. Duke Emma Terry Mr. & Mrs. William Terry Paulette Whitworth Ms. Eleanor D. Whitworth

MEMORIALS Kathleen Dyer Abbey Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Whitney Pamela Adkins Mrs. Ginny Conners Ripley

Norma Murdock Axmacher Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Axmacher Mr. & Mrs. David Rice Judge William R. Baker Dr. G. Edward Gaffney Ms. Peggy Hunt Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Wall Mary Jo Schmitt Bates Ms. Ann E. Alley Mr. Donald Coomer Mrs. Teresa Miller Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Steve Griner Ms. Mary Grubbs Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Johnson Middle Tennessee Industrial Distributors Association Mr. & Mrs. William Norman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Powell Helen Boyd Ms. Kathleen Lyons Mary Frances Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. James A. McClain Lisa Elcan Bruner Mr. James C. Bruner Mary Lee Bunch Mrs. Lara Reeves Bills Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Mrs. Ginny Conners Ripley

Assistant Athletics Director Mr. Francis Horn and math teacher Mr. Dan Smith, both veterans of the U.S. Military, led the flagraising ceremony at St. Cecilia Academy on Veteran’s Day.

Honorable Luke Burns, Jr. Mr. Robert Edwin Warren Lineberger Eileen Carell Mrs. Martha Brothers Duff Mildred Sharp Coode Ms. Becky Ammons Mr. * & Mrs. Cecil D. Chance Mrs. Mary Ann Roberts Claxton Mr. Doug Henard & Ms. Cornelia Coode Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dortch, Jr. Ms. Peggy Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Keller Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Mrs. Catherine Beasley O'Bryan Ms. Nancy C. Quarles Mr. & Mrs. James Redwine Mr. & Mrs. George William Shuff, III


Lisa Wyatt Cyndi & Jack (Joseph) Yackow Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Yappen Caroline & Brad Young Mr. & Mrs. Andy Zimberg

Joycelyn (Billie) Hardwicke Cross Ms. Marion Silva

From left, Corinne Gerhold ’18, Isabella Parlette ’17, Adreanna Parlette ’17, Lauren Watkins ’17 and Margaret Hallock ’17 participating in the quilting Interim class led by biology teacher, Dr. Karen Deal. The quilts were sent to “Quilts for Kids” and are being used by various children’s hospitals throughout the country.

Georgana Donnelly Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Burdeshaw

William P. Drennan Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter

Mary Ann Crews Ms. Peggy Hunt

Jean C. Elcan Mr. James C. Bruner Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. DeFeo




Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Feeney Ms. Elizabeth Greek HDH General Contractors Mr. William D. Jordan Ms. Miriam McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Martin T. Poe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Terry Melissa Ferrell Mrs. Susan Durrett Scully Barbara Higdon Geldrich Mrs. Bobby Higdon Geldrich Barbara Adams Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Eugene N. Bulso, Jr. Mrs. Jeri Alessio Carver Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Evelyn I. Grannis Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Jill Deitschmann Gustafson Mrs. Grace Sutherland Smith Barbara Harlin Mrs. Kimberly Coakley Anne Catherine Herndon Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery S. Frensley

Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Grasfeder Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hassett Highways, Inc. J & D Equipment Hauling Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Mr. Andrew Moon Power Equipment Company Mr. & Mrs. James Redwine Mrs. Margaret Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Darrin E. Yappen Warren & Leola Meifert Mrs. Suzanne Meifert Hester Teresa A. Punaro Coliseum Wealth Management, LLC Ms. Sharon Myers Mrs. Rosa Zanini Punaro Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Taylor Joseph P. Sbuttoni Mrs. Rosalinda Sbuttoni Raher Sally Schiller Ms. Holly E. Edwards

1939 Sarah Case Kurek * 1940 Anonymous 1943 Evelyn Wehby Kempf 1944 Rosa Zanini Punaro 1945 Mary Elizabeth Corkran Warner * 1948 Mary Jo Schmitt Bates * Teresa Miller Dickinson 1949 Martha Nell Long Bryant 1951 Jean Drennan Dortch Nancy Sanders Hearn 1952 Gertrude Catignani Bennett *

Robert Huegle Anonymous

Philip R. Templeton Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William T. DeLay, III Mr. Philip K. Woodlief

Lisa Pendergrass Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Whitney

Megan Whaley Mrs. William J. Elliston, Jr.

1955 Shirley Kortuem Westfall

Jenny Jordan Mr. & Mrs. William T. DeLay, III Ms. Claire Hailey Ms. Peggy Hunt Mr. Stephen A. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Mrs. Janine Lawson Winnard Mrs. Ellen McDonald Yandell

Benjamin Williams Dr. & Mrs. William P. Bellet

1956 Jeri Alessio Carver Gedy Crawford Higgins

Frances Sharp Luster Mr. Doug Henard & Ms. Cornelia Coode Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dortch, Sr.


John Yancey Mrs. Kimberly Coakley Gloria Zelenenki Ms. Katie Laurel Wells

July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 1932 Mary Friel Brown

Over 100 SCA faculty, staff, and students attended the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. 28


1953 Marie DeGrella Bervoets Patsy Batson Wrenne

1957 Carole Barrett Batson Rosemary Barrett Byers Laura Sanders Christy Carmen Otto Morrissey 1958 Mary Ammon McMurry Hoenigman Therese Howell Schafluetzel Veronica Burns Wauford

1959 Bernadette Graham Adams 1960 Anonymous Peggy Lampley Robeson Bolin Kane Stumb Suzy Sevier Walters 1961 Catherine Haid Baltz Elizabeth Lea Crockett Peggy Kelly Hiller Connie Overbey Luttrell 1962 Carroll Brunner Crosslin 1963 Mary Ann Roberts Claxton Toni Wilk Hall Ann Guepe Harris Frances Anne Varallo 1964 Lady Appleby Bird Connie Mallernee Daniel Carol Kennon Dick Wende Gregory Frei Mary Ann Green Harris Kay Collins McGivaren Mary O'Rear Miller Fran Brackman Pollock Susan Britt Ritter Peggy Wall Ross Johanna Wannamaker Rothberg Van Leer Cockrill Rowe Evelyn Petrucelli Spencer Theresa Bell Sullivan Sandra McMillin Sutterlin Phate Askew Wirth 1965 Gretchen Keras Hart Mickey Sutherland Pennington Rosalinda Sbuttoni Raher 1966 Mary Prue Polk Alley Marilyn Murray

Freshmen recite the St. Cecilia Academy pledge for the first time on St. Cecilia Day. Featured here, from left, Jolie Cox ’18, Anna Truss ’18, Clare Peters ’18, Grace Regnier ’18, and Eliza Green ’18.

1967 Joy Bramblett Adams Anne Wall Christeson Ellen Butler Fernandez Jane Grannis 1968 Anonymous Mary Lee Whitehead Jackson Mary Leyden Bevington Johnson Laurie Stewart Nolan Ginny Conners Ripley Susan Durrett Scully Jo Ann Beavin Thombs 1969 Beverly Deal Ammarell Peggy Andrews Allison White Balthrop Sue Ann Simpson Enneis Patti Fogarty Jeanne Burd Marchetti Michelene Piot McKinney Karen Trauernicht Sadler Harriet Weglarz Stewart Denise M. Volz 1970 Monica Werrbach Aebersold Anonymous Sharon Coode Connor Cornelia E. Coode Cissa Flanigen Glenn Katherine A. Haltom Cathy Jordan Colleen Murray 1971 Mary Jo Luster Dortch Sheila Davis Duke Nancy Glenn Gollobin Claudia Volz Kornmeyer Penny Templeton Richardson Mary Jane Staed Smith 1972 Nancy Holzmer Calderon Vicki True Claycombe 1973 Marie Daugherty Bishop Catherine Beasley O'Bryan Karen Clarke Pirkle 1974 Katherine Power McCrea Jeanne Dortch Rast Pat Smith Susan Andrews Thompson Anne White Walker Janet Bellamy Warfield Sheryl Abbey Wehby 1975 Lynn Moll Rassieur 1976

Lisa Greene Caldwell Lynn Black Dolan Suzanne Meifert Hester Anonymous Dale Baird Mitchell Nancy Schuler Moeller Mary Bailey Neal Karen Rowan Pilkerton 1977 Maureen Abbey Angela Birch Cox Andrea Birch Ferguson Mary Ruth Peffen Geny Peggy Hunt Daphne Brady Pitts Lucy Barrett Thomason Norma Trauernicht Volz Fran Coode Walsh 1978 Julie Dortch Cragon Anonymous Eleanor Menefee Parkes


Jean McCaffrey Stout Patricia D. Woods Donna Brown Woods

1979 Lisa Hardebeck Alsup Patty Beazley DeeDee Tate Bumpous Elizabeth Shea Campbell Laura Black Crawford Peggy DeFreece Dean Emily Eyre Michelle Barr Haase Becky Snyder Hickman Anonymous Laura Cullum Hood Mary Lassing Kelley Harriet Wemyss Kirk Nancy Shepherd Lesser Isabel Landeo Maxwell Mary Elcan May Lee Anne Patterson Susan Brandenburg Pearson Mary T. Randall Denise Dobbs Richards Terri Patton Riddle Lynn Williams Sawyer Allison Burns Sheehan Margaret Derrick Simpson Amy Kysar Steckel Louann Graham Thomson Susan Salmon Trotman Barbara Bradley Tucker Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Ann True Wehby Lisa Weiland Joan Molteni White 1980 Katherine Higgins DeLay Martha Brothers Duff Claire Hailey Janine Lawson Winnard Ellen McDonald Yandell 1981 Jane Giuli Baird Mary Kurtz Bream Traci Garner Gallivan

The first inductees of the Estonia Grand Society, alumna Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn '57 and Billy Ray Hearn with three-time Grammy award winning musician, Michael W. Smith.

Remembering Our Dear Friend and Music Pioneer, Billy Ray Hearn

On January 14, 2015, St. Cecilia Academy held its first Estonia Grand Concert, inducting alumna Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn, ‘51 and her husband, Billy Ray, into a society established to recognize those who have contributed to the arts and SCA. Three-time Grammy Award winner Michael W. Smith played before a small audience on the magnificent concert Estonia Grand Piano donated by Cal Turner. It was a fitting tribute to a couple who have offered not just financial support, but the gift of their gracious friendship to SCA. Billy Ray Hearn died on April 15 just months after being honored at St. Cecilia Academy for his lifetime of musical accomplishments and generosity to our school. A member of the Gospel Music Hall of Fame, he is considered the father of contemporary Christian music, eventually founding Capitol Christian Music Group, the largest Christian label in the world. A well known philanthropist, he is remembered for his contributions to the Nashville Symphony and to cancer research. It was his love of music and the alma mater of his wife, Nancy, that led him to contribute to SCA. In 2009 Mr. Hearn invited the sisters to sing on the stage of the Schermerhorn and from that time on he referred to them as “his girls”. The love of his life, however, was Nancy. Together they served as very active honorary chairs of the Fine Arts Campaign. He was greatly loved and will be deeply missed.

Watch Michael W. Smith perform at St. Cecilia Academy




The Alma Wehby Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Wehby was a firm believer in Catholic education and devout in her faith. She was 95 years old when she died in May, 2014. Shortly after her passing, St. Cecilia Academy learned that the Academy was one of the beneficiaries of Elizabeth’s will– a legacy she left in honor of her deceased sister, Alma. The Alma Wehby Memorial Scholarship is the newest endowed fund for tuition assistance at SCA. An endowed gift is a gift that expresses genuine faith in women by providing the gift of a St. Cecilia Academy education for generations to come. SCA’s tuition assistance program provides qualified families with need-based aid, families who otherwise may be unable to afford the total cost of tuition. Elizabeth’s gift exists in perpetuity, helping to make the SCA experience available to talented young women now and in the future.

IS ST. CECILIA ACADEMY ALREADY IN YOUR WILL, TRUST OR OTHER ESTATE PLANS? If so, we thank you. Please let us know about your plans because it helps SCA plan for the future. Please call or email Deb Fay, Director of Development 615.383.3230 ext. 524 or, so that your name can be added to the membership roster of the Legacy Society. If you prefer, your gift may remain anonymous.



1982 Mary Taylor Bernasconi Mary Holzmer Peters Kathy Fox Whitney 1983 Lee Anne Chance Demere Cathy Cook Krumm Meg Hailey Neeley Sara Graf Remke 1984 Grace Sutherland Smith 1985 Rae Lee Rolin Anglin Elizabeth Durst Brown Pamela G. Christy Anonymous Cara Hudson Rosemary Walsh Plorin Ashley Gorham Thompson

Laura Molteni McKay Katie Laurel Wells 2001 Lindsey Conlin Walsh Merrill Moore Lennon 2002 Heather Yopp Honeycutt Aimee Shelide Mayer 2003 Leigh Anderson Margaret McColl Curtiss Sarah Nunan Marvel Alyson Mencio 2004 Ariel Hall Biggs Lauren Lassiter Hilbers Lauren Pitts Shanley Helen Johnson Shores Maria Ambrogi Weldon

1986 Ann Adams Collier Pily Buenahora Jenkins Margaret Goodrum Kennedy Nancy Melley Anonymous Beth Hailey Walker Margaret Sutherland Wellborn Tracey A. Wilds

2005 Sara A.C. Moore Rebecca L. Phillips

1988 Jennifer Marchesi Laura Gregory Warren

2008 Susan Beavin George

1989 Lara Reeves Bills 1991 Susan Sastry Armstrong Missy Parkhurst Bolt Laurie Harris Cian 1992 Pam Kennedy Christina Sharp Lembo Kristine Pancoast Watkins Caroline Ragsdale Young 1993 Myria E. D. Carpenter 1994 Ashley Nimmo Turner 1996 Sarah Dray Mondy 1997 Peyton Aynsley Drysdale Kathleen Wall Marks 1998 Marida Millican Balch Laura Dray Pierce Catherine Stuart Vrettos 2000 Rachel Battan Augustine Katie Camarata Burish

2006 Marissa A. Mencio Leslie A. Volz 2007 Holly E. Edwards

2009 Jessica M. Volz 2010 Eliza M. Nagle 2012 Vian E. Pulous 2014 Ashley B. Cowan Merna G. George Sarah M. Heller Sara C. Lyons Dina M. Manalac

SCA “THE BEAUTY WITHIN” FINE ARTS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN We also express gratitude and acknowledge the following individuals that have made a gift to our Fine Arts Capital Campaign. These gifts were received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Although we are still in a “quiet phase” of the campaign, we do welcome gifts at any level at this time. Mr. & Mrs. Brett Beavers Mrs. Jeri Alessio Carver Mary Rose & Jon Conlin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cook Mrs. Dale Corsa Rev. Msgr. Everard de Jong

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dortch, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Elcan Mr. Robert Erzin Mr. & Mrs. Bob Forster Mrs. Catherine Fox Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Geny Donna Gerstner Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Graham Ms. Toni Wilk Hall Mr.* & Mrs. Billy Ray Hearn Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hearn Mrs. Joyce A. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. B. Frederick Horne Mary Leyden Bevington Johnson Heather & Kris Kemp Carl & Claudia Volz Kornmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Marzialo Dr. Aurelia M. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. James G. Morrissey Nancy M. & Victor S. Johnson, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Deborah & Keith Pitts Miss Teresa Punaro * Joan & Ben R. Rechter Mrs. Margaret Ann Robinson Frances Anne Varallo Charles & Mimi Vaughn Ms. Denise M. Volz Ms. Jessica M. Volz Ms. Leslie Volz Norma & Steve Volz Mrs. Rita P. Volz Kay & Randall Wyatt Cyndi & Jack (Joseph) Yackow Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Yokom Brenda Lee Christmas Concert 2013 proceeds


Alumnae Association Scholarship In 2013-2014, 116 students received a total of $677,428 in tuition assistance. The average award was $5,800. Endowment gifts for tuition assistance provide a permanent source of financial aid to St. Cecilia students. St. Cecilia Academy is grateful to the following alumnae, parents and friends who have generously established or contributed to endowed and annual scholarship funds, to help ensure that all young women can access and benefit from a St. Cecilia Academy education. Mrs. Bernadette Graham Adams Anonymous Mrs. Marida Millican Balch Mrs. Allison White Balthrop Mrs. Ariel Hall Biggs Mrs. Rosemary Barrett Byers Mr. & Mrs. William T. Delay Ms. Claire Hailey Ms. Toni Wilk Hall Ms. Peggy Hunt Mr. Stephen A. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. David L. Lassiter


2015 Rose Gala Honoree, Anne Love Brunette ’72

Claudia Volz Kornmeyer ’71, Candace Dimitri, Anne Love Brunette ’72, and Patti Sears having fun at the annual Rose Gala. Mrs. Michelene Piot McKinney Ms. Alyson M. Mencio Ms. Marissa A. Mencio Ms. Eliza M. Nagle Mrs. Karen Rowan Pilkerton Mrs. Peggy Lampley Robeson Mrs. Johanna Wannamaker Rothberg Mrs. Lauren Pitts Shanley Ms. Frances Anne Varallo Mrs. Janine Lawson Winnard Mrs. Ellen McDonald Yandell Anne Eidell Wall Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Christeson Mr. & Mrs. John G. Wall Aurelia Varallo Mariani Scholarship Nashville Catholic Business Women's League Chip Dobbs Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Ann Dobbs Mr. & Mrs. N. Jerre Richards, Jr. Class of 1971 Scholarship Mrs. Claudia Volz Kornmeyer Mrs. Penny Templeton Richardson Class of 1976 Scholarship Mrs. Lisa Greene Caldwell Mrs. Lynn Black Dolan Mrs. Maura Zalud Johnson Mrs. Dale Baird Mitchell Class of 2011 Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Grubbs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Marzialo Dr. Henry Schmitt Scholarship Lt. Col. Henry J. Goodrum Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Semenick

Helen M. & George L. Smith Endowed Scholarship Ms. Patricia M. Smith Janelle Warrick Scholarship Diocese of Nashville Jesse & Anita Harris Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Ian B. Bodell The Capital Group Companies Kathleen Dyer Abbey Scholarship Ms. Maureen D. Abbey Lisa Elcan Bruner Memorial Award Mr. James C. Bruner Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. DeFeo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Feeney Ms. Elizabeth Greek HDH General Contractors Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Holland, Jr. Mr. William D. Jordan Ms. Miriam McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Martin T. Poe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Terry Margaret Bost Scholarship Margaret M. Bost Trust Mary Sue & Joel Cheek Scholarship Estate of Joel & Mary Sue Cheek St. Cecilia Academy Scholarship Anonymous William T. Coakley Memorial Scholarship The Coakley Family


4 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Vic L. Alexander Mrs. Lisa Hardebeck Alsup

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Axmacher Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Baird, Sr. Ms. Patricia J. Beazley Mr. G. Milton Bunch Mrs. Elizabeth Shea Campbell Cracker Barrel Foundation Laurie Harris Cian Angela Birch Cox Laura Black Crawford Mary Ann Daugherty The DeRoche Family William A. & Mary Jo Dortch E. H. McDowell Foundation Inc Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel J. Eads Emily Eyre Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Garmon Ms. Ashley E. George Mrs. Michelle Barr Haase Mrs. Harriet Wemyss Kirk Mrs. Nancy Shepherd Lesser Ms. Kathleen Lyons Mr. & Mrs. L. Gino Marchetti, Jr. Sarah & Yates Mondy Nashville Catholic Business Women's League Steve & Carol Papuchis Ms. Lee A. Patterson Dr. Daphne Pitts & Mr. Greg Pitts Mr. & Mrs. David Rice Rock Foundation Mrs. Lynn Williams Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Larry Douglas Stewart Taylor, Pigue, Marchetti & McCaskill, PLLC Mrs. Susan Salmon Trotman Mrs. Barbara Bradley Tucker Frances Anne Varallo Charles & Mimi Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Prescott Weldon Patricia Woods

The mark of a successful school is the presence of teachers who embody the vision and mission that defines it. Anne Love Brunette ’72 combines the faithfulness of a devoted alumna with the dedication of an educator who has served with enthusiasm in both teaching and leadership roles at St. Cecilia Academy. For these reasons, she was chosen as the 2015 Rose Gala Honoree. From 1979 until 2002, Anne served SCA in a variety of capacities: teaching art (1979 to 1996), as director of student activities (199596) and as assistant principal (1996 to 2002.) During her years at SCA, she inspired creativity in her students, helped to develop student policies, engaged in event planning, curriculum development, strategic planning and the on-going accreditation process. She was also on the design/build team for the science wing, administration addition, dining hall and kitchen additions. Anne directed the interim program, planned fundraisers and was the school’s liaison with the Alumnae Association and Parents’ Association. When Anne graduated in 1972, she was assigned the superlative, Most School Spirit. St. Cecilia Academy is grateful for all that she has shared of that spirit through the years in ways big and small. Anne Brunette truly exemplifies what it means to be a St. Cecilia Girl.

Please note that every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the reporting of this data and the donor’s wishes with regard to recognition. If you believe there is an error, please contact Kim Hoover at (615) 383-3230 ext. 532. If corrections are necessary, we will confirm and reprint them in the next issue of HarpStrings. Thank you for your generosity to St. Cecilia Academy.



Alumnae Happenings

The 2014 Outstanding Alumna of the Year, Dale Baird Mitchell ’76 (center) with her parents, Martha Ann and Harry Baird at the 2014 Alumnae Luncheon.

With Gratitude What follows are the remarks given by the 2014 Alumna of the Year, Dale Baird Mitchell ’76 as given at the annual Alumnae Luncheon. Allen (Dale's husband) suggested I recite Lincoln's Gettysburg address and even though it seems like four score and seven years ago I began here as a wide-eyed freshman, the four years flew by. And the 38 years since we graduated in the 115th Commencement has really flown by. In fact, I was in danger of not passing Typing II my senior year which would make me ineligible to graduate. Either Mom came by school near the end of the semester just to "check on things" or Sister Mary John called her to come in for a visit, but passing Typing II was potentially standing in the way of my graduating! Sister must be rolling in her grave to know that "word processing" and "keyboarding" as it's called these days were how I supported myself the majority of my career. Academically, I wasn't setting the world on fire or getting invitations to join the National Merit Finalists... I didn't burn up the courts in the sports arena either. I was just an average student



who had fun day in and day out! At St. Cecilia, I renewed friendships from earlier parochial school days, made lots of new friends and enjoyed all the traditions that remain a part of this great school: Freshman/Senior week and getting the seniors to autograph our delicate eggs, putting on a sock-hop dance as Sophomores to welcome the incoming Freshman class, raising money by selling tons of KrispyKreme donuts to host the Senior prom as Juniors and generally ruling the school with our white cardigan sweaters and be-bop shoes as seniors. I am forever grateful to my parents for giving me the opportunity to attend such a special school, the friendships forged here are lasting and lifelong; it's a special place to be a part of and makes me very proud to answer when I'm asked: where'd you go to high school? St. Cecilia Academy.

Alumnae Happenings Dear Fellow Alumnae, It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Alumnae Luncheon this past summer. It was the best turn-out since the 150th Alumnae Luncheon, with a total of 205 alumnae in attendance. In addition to our luncheon, there were many smaller reunions across town. I encourage you all to reach out to your classmates when it is your reunion year and spend some time catching up with one another. I enjoyed seeing the class agents at our meeting last September. Our class agents work hard as representatives for each class. They help with our events and communication between classmates and we appreciate all that they do. One of my favorite alumnae events is the Memorial Mass, held every November at the Saint Cecilia Motherhouse, during which we honor the alumnae who have passed away during the past year. It is always a beautiful and nostalgic event. In November, we also held our Alumnae Art Show honoring our acclaimed artist and alumna Kats Smith Barry, ’76. Kats is an award-winning photographer who has photographed Fidel Castro, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter, among others, and has been featured in numerous exhibits and newspapers throughout the country. It was an honor to meet her and so many of our wonderful alumnae artists who showed their work or came to support their classmates. We all have our stories about what SCA did for us. Each of us remembers a particular teacher that always had faith in us and told us never to give up, or a classmate that was more like a sister than just a friend. That is what makes SCA the special place we can always call home. I look forward to seeing many more of you in the upcoming events we have planned for the summer. If you would like to be more involved, please don’t hesitate to email me at danielleherndon200@ If you are not receiving any of our emails, please contact us at so we can update your information.

invites you to join us for

the 110th Annual Alumnae Luncheon and Mass

Saturday, June 6, 2015 Mass will begin in the SCA chapel at 11 a.m. The luncheon will begin in the dining hall at 12 p.m. Honoring

Outstanding Alumna of the Year Debbie Wallace Craig ’65

Outstanding Young Alumna of the Year Jill Bader ’01

St. Cecilia Academy

4210 Harding Pike

Special recognition: Reunion year classes ending in zero and five

Nashville, TN 37205 R.s.v.p. by May 29


Jacobs For your many years of service as alumnae

Best regards,


Danielle White Herndon, ‘97


President, St. Cecilia Alumnae Association




Alumnae Happenings

HAPPY 50TH Members of the class of 1964 celebrated their 50th reunion at the Dominican Campus White House. They are from front row, left to right: Carolyn Morris Long, Phate Askew Wirth, and Evelyn Petrucelli Spencer. Second row left to right: Susan Britt Ritter, Carol Kennon Dick, Mary Ann Green Harris, Mary O'Rear Miller, and Kay Collins McGivaren. Third, back row: Wende 'Lois' Gregory Frei, Fran Brackman Pollock, Theresa Bell Sullivan, Margaret Mary 'Peggy' Wall Ross, and Connie Mallernee Daniel.

Members of the class of 2009 celebrating their 5th reunion. Members of the class of 2004 celebrating their 10th reunion.

Members of the class of 1980 celebrating their 34th reunion.



Members of the class of 1979 celebrating their 35th reunion.

Alumnae Happenings

Jennifer Lusty Crichton ’93 with daughter Emma Graham ’18, alumnae board president, Danielle White Herndon ’97, and Jean Taber ’97.

Members of the class of 1999 celebrating their 15th reunion.

Celebrating their 45th reunion, the class of 1969.

Members of the class of 1974 celebrating their 40th reunion.

Members of the class of 1989 celebrating their 20th reunion.






1 BIRTHS 1. Amy Delvin Tavalin ‘93 gave birth to a son named Adam Brandon Tavalin on April 7, 2014. 2. Emma Ann Elliot, daughter of Lindsay Hailey Elliot ’98 born December 13, 2013. 3. Emmaline Anne Christie, daughter of Kristie Lumakin Christie ’98, born on March 28, 2014.


4. Kelly Harris Telfeyan ’98 gave birth to William George (Gus) Telfeyan on November 5, 2013. 5. Penelope Renae Hanson, daughter of Margaret "Maggie" Hammond ’98, born on December 14, 2013. 6. Ali Elizabeth Green, daughter of Leigh Wilson Green ’98, born on October 1, 2013. 7. Samuel Thomas Olayer, son of Chiara Buonanno Olayer ’98, born on October 30, 2013. 8. Lauren Lassiter Hilbers '04 gave birth to her son, Sawyer Paul on February 20, 2015. 9. Peyton Caruthers Drysdale ’97 and her husband, James Drysdale, welcomed a baby

husband welcomed their second child, Eleanor Grey Vaughan on November 6, 2014.

14 girl, Clara Aynsley Drysdale, on September 10, 2014. Clara joins big sister Charlotte Quinn (4) and James Duncan (2). 10. Tiffany Butler Amos ’99 and her husband, Devlin Amos welcomed their second child, Sadie Elizabeth Amos, born July 22, 2014. 11. Jordan Moore Vaughan ’01 and her

12. Marida Millican Balch ‘98 gave birth to a baby boy, Ryman Gray Balch on July 17, 2014. 13. Ansley Bowron Wells ’96 gave birth to Caroline Grace Wells on July 14, 2014. 14. On November 25, 2014, Erin Newkirk Edge ’93 gave birth to triplets, Sparrow Reed Edge, Dexter Webber Edge, and Lincoln Newkirk Edge. 15. Heather Yopp Honeycutt ’02 welcomed twin girls, Ainsley Marie and Hailey Elizabeth on January 30, 2015 .

Send your class notes & photos to:

and follow all of the St. Cecilia alumnae news on We Want To Know: Alumnae, please submit personal achievements, birth and wedding announcements to Please know that pictures taken with cell phones cannot be used. For best results, the image size should be (at least) 4x6in and resolution should be 300dpi . 36





6 8

4 WEDDINGS 1. Kathleen May ’04 married Conor Loftus Sweetland on Apr. 26, 2014. They married at Assumption in Germantown. The reception was at Hillwood Country Club. Kathleen & Conor live in San Francisco. 2. Georgia Gronefeld ’06 married Daniel Vallecoccia Saturday, September 27, 2014 at St. Henry's Church in Nashville. A reception followed at the downtown Hilton Hotel. 3. Courtney Edwards ’01 and Chris Cotton were married in Nashville on December 28, 2013. 4. Susan Beavin George ’08, daughter of Mary Ann and Paul Beavin, married Robert Andrew George on November 8, 2014 at St.

5 Matthew Catholic Church. A reception followed at The Cannery Ballroom. Susan and Robert met in college at University of Tennessee. Susan’s classmate, Caitlin Mondelli ’08, was her maid of honor, Sarah Cragon ‘08 and Clayton Kelly ’08, were her bridesmaids. 5. Sarah Tuke '01 married Travis Groth on May 24, 2014 at St. George's Episcopal Church. She is pictured here with her SCA friends. Left to right: Mary Mattingly Pietrzyk '02, Jill Bader '01, and Elise Howorth Bobrowski '02. Also, not pictured, is Deema Ismail '01, Sarah's matron of honor. 6. Alyson Mencio ‘03 married Benjamin Stevens on November 22, 2014. Front row Jessica Donnelly Gorham '03 and Alyson Mencio Stevens '03. Second Row: Haden Wiley, Carla Donisi '03, Mary Al-

den Lanford Brett '03, Mary Elizabeth McGinn Davis '03, Leslie Coakley Thallemer '03, Michele Keith '03, Helen Adelman Roudi '01, Kathleen May Sweetland '04, Mary Elcan May '79. Back row Austin DeMoss '06, Marissa Mencio '06, Leslie May '06, Bobbi Jean Wilson Nealy ’74. 7. Leigh Anderson Sutherland '03 married Taylor Caillet Sutherland on October 17, 2014 in Nashville. Fellow SCA alumna and current SCA teacher Sarah Nunan Marvel '03 served as a bridesmaid. The bride's sister, Paige Anderson '01 served as maid of honor. Other SCA alumnae from the class of 2003 were in attendance as well. Leigh and Taylor work together as a paralegal/attorney team at Sutherland & Belk, a personal injury firm in Nashville that the couple founded in May 2014 with friends and colleagues Anna and Russell Belk. 8. Kristen Burns ’09 married RJ Walker on October 4, 2014 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Her bridesmaids were her SCA classmates Anne Clair Hamilton '09, Jessica Volz '09, Erin Silas '09, Elizabeth Oman Jasarevski '09. Kristen works for the YMCA and RJ is a musician. They reside in Nashville.




5 12

ALUMNAE NOTES 1. Beth Dortch Franklin ’72 was among the five honorees at the T. J. Martell Foundation’s Sixth Annual Nashville Honors Gala held at the Omni Hotel March 10th, 2014. Beth was the recipient of the Lifetime Humanitarian Award. 2. Julie Dortch Cragon ’78 released a new book this year, Visiting Mary: Her U.S. Shrines and Their Graces. She is also the author of Bless My Child, a mother’s prayer book, and Jesus at My Side: 365 Reflections on His Words. 3. Sally Underwood ’96 was recently named “Top 40 under 40” by the Nashville Business Journal. Sally is a property manager and principal broker with XMi Property Management. 4. Cousins Sadie and Sylvie. Sadie is the daughter of Suzan Collier ’97 and Sylvie is the daughter of Christy Collier Carey ’95. They are the granddaughters of SCA librarian Cheryl Carpenter. 5. Caroline Stuart Vrettos, daughter of Catherine Stuart Vrettos '98, with one of the stars of Annie (Rose Simpson ’17), daughter of Margaret Derrick Simpson '79. 6. Dr. Carlenda Smith ‘99 was recently named Young Physician of the Year by the Tennessee Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (TNAAP). A designated "young physician" is 40 years of age or younger and within the first five years of a practice, who has made extraordinary and unique contributions on behalf of Tennessee's children, to his or her community, or to the TNAPP Chapter. Dr. Smith is Board certified in pediatrics, and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is a community physician with Capstone Pediatrics in Lebanon, TN. 7. Jill Bader ’01 communications director for the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), joined Strategic Perception Inc. as Director of Strategic Partnerships in January. 8. Megan Kelly ’02, president and co-founder of Tailored For Education, launched a new campaign to provide a school uniform in honor of each of the missing Nigerian girls. To learn



6 16

more, go to 9. Katy Stumpf '05 recently moved back to Nashville to earn her master’s degree in elementary education at Lipscomb University. 10. Marissa Anne Mencio '06, graduated from medical school at the University of Tennessee in May 2014. Marissa was the SCA class of 2006 salutatorian. She is presently in a general surgery residency at Erlanger/ UT Medical Center in Chattanooga. 11. Julia Moore Hall ’09 is the recruitment and retention coordinator at Tennessee Rural Partnership, an organization that recruits physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to work in rural and underserved communities in Tennessee. 12. Miranda McDonald ’09 served as a congressional intern in the DC office of Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, through the Emerging Leaders program of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. 13. Cate Hargrove ’11 graduated in May from Sewanee University of the South as an environmental policy major and anthropology minor. She is leaving in June for 27 months to Africa with the Peace Corps. 14. Elizabeth Henard ‘11 completed an internship with a speech language pathologist at an elementary school in Birmingham last spring. 15. Rachel Burley ’11 participated in a summer developmental psychology research program where she researched stereotype threats and outcomes of the model minority stereotype on adolescents. Her research was published by the Society of Research on Adolescences. She was also named the President of Psi Chi, The International Honor So-

24 ciety in Psychology for the fall 2014 semester. 16. Rachel Duff ’12 in the Air Force Academy recently was awarded her official prop and wings. 17. Casey Hassett ’12 was recently vested into the Order of Gownsmen at Sewanee, an historic University tradition. 18. Nancy-Margaret Wehby ’12, a student at Rhodes College, is one of 13 college students from the United States and Greece participating in Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS) in Greece cultural program. 19. Abby Link ‘13 was chosen for an ambassadorship position in the College of Engineering at UTK. She is majoring in chemical engineering. 20. The SCA choir classes had a surprise visit from alumna, Abby Sparks ‘13. Abby is a civil engineering major and music minor at Mississippi State University. She also sings with the SATB choir.

21. Molly Humphreys ‘13 attends the University at San Diego. She recently participated in a USD service trip to Tijuana, Mexico. 22. Alys Maynord ’14 is playing soccer at

Andrew College in Georgia. She was recently named the team’s player of the game. 23. Chloe Wall ’14 was accepted into a Phi Delta Chi, a professional pharmacy fraternity

at the Drake University . 24. The Sharp/Coode/Luster family at the Motherhouse for the annual Alumnae Memorial Mass.


Sister Mary George Barrett, O.P. ’47

Norma Murdock Axmacher ’36

Bruce I. Crabtree, Jr., father of Hunter Crabtree, ’67, Dru Crabtree Pugh ’72

Sarah Case Kurek ’39 Margaret Weimer McGehee ’39, sister of Martha John Ormes Binkley (deceased) ’42

Eleanor Louise Crow, mother of Mary Claire Crow ’81

Regina Conquest Melton ’45

Frances Tignor Dockins, mother of Neika Dockins Tillman ’80

Mary Corkran Warner ’45 Sister Robert Ann Britton, O.P. ’46 Geraldine “Gerry” Moran Cloud ’46 Rosemary Brown Snyder '49, mother of Regina Snyder Trainor ’74, Becky Snyder Hickman ’79; sister of Camille Brown (deceased) ’44, Marie Therese Brown Werrbach ’45 Edna Earle Bomar Stephens ’49 Lydia Malone Furlough ’52, sister of Mary Lee Malone Sheridan (deceased) ’46 Ellen Coen Rossini ’53 Gloria “Faye” Orand Arrington ’54 Mary Catherine Eden Wood, attended SCA with class of 1955, mother of Joni Wood Sain ’89 Louise Houston Rolwing ’63 Mary Ann Tiffin Wood, attended SCA with class of 1963 Shirley Kelly Johnson ’64, sister of Margaret Kelly Hiller ’57 Barbara Rudis Dodd ’65 Shelia Shaw Anderson ’75 Sushma “Suzy” Vora ’84 List current as of 3/31/2015

FAMILY OF ALUMNAE George E. Barrett, father of Dr. Lucy Barrett Thomason ’77, Mary Barrett Brewer ’78; grandfather of Sarah Brewer ’10, Betsy Lane ’12, Caitlin Cain ’18; brother of Mary Alice Barrett Dugan (deceased) ’43, and

Thomas Francis Fitzgerald, brother of Josephine Fitzgerald Connolly (deceased) ’35 and Marie Fitzgerald Doyle (deceased) ’39 Carlos Harper Ford, father of Cathy Ford Thompson ’76 and Beverly Ford Evans ’78 Margaret “Margie” Johnston Gicewicz, mother of Sheila Gicewicz ’83 R. Hayes Graf, father of Sara Graf Remke ’83 Gilbert Leroy Graves, husband of Mary Lou Roeser Graves ’53 Frank D. Grosso, husband of Wilhelmina Bickel Grosso (deceased) ’34

Evelyn Freemon Rotier, mother of Margaret Anne Rotier Crouse ’66 John L. Seigenthaler, brother of Mary Ann Seigenthaler Murphy (deceased) ’47, Evalyne Seigenthaler Pace ’50 Jean Goodman Stumpf, grandmother of Katy Stumpf ’05 and Jennie Stumpf ’07 Philip R. Templeton, father of Teresa Marchetti, SCA teacher and coach; grandfather of Anna Marchetti ’08, Maddy Marchetti ’14 and Olivia Smith ’12 Sarah Estalene Tidwell, mother of Donna K. Tidwell ’73 Joseph Benedict Topley, Jr., father of Christine Topley Ray ’87 Charles Richard Treadway, father of Jane Treadway Williams ’95 Jimmy Lee Turner, Jr., husband of Ashley Nimmo Turner ’94

James R. “Duke” Kennedy, father of Susan Kennedy Cowden ’81

Laurine Wallace Vail, mother of Peggy Vail Morgan ’61; grandmother of Vail Morgan Gates ’86, Laurine Casey King ’87

Evelyn Ann Keyes Lounsbery, mother of Denise Lounsbery Sharp ’78

Frank W. “Butch” Veach, Jr., father of Donna K. Veach ’83

Mary Jane Haid McBride, sister of Catherine Haid Baltz ’61

Sue Philbin Walsh, mother of Joan Walsh Read ’82, Colleen Walsh Shelburne ’87, Kathleen Walsh Catasus ’87

Vito A. Marinelli, father of Marci Marinelli Wayman ’98 Margaret “Margie” Evalyne Morgan, daughter of Margaret “Sugar” Howington Morgan (deceased) ’47 Charles M. Natcher, Jr., husband of Jean Kane Natcher ’51 Susan Plageman, mother of Christine Plageman Mayhaus ’03 Norman Eugene “Gene” Ragan, father of Christine Ragan ’86

Irene “Renee” Young Weglarz, mother of Harriet A. Weglarz Stewart ’69; grandmother of Marie Stewart ’98 Pat Oldham Winter, mother of Heather Winter Crook ’87 and Meg Winter El-Shishini ’92

FAMILY OF CURRENT STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF Eric M. Dawson, son of Teddie Clark, former member of SCA faculty

Family of alumnae, current students, faculty and staff, and friends, current as of 11/25/2014. For a more current listing, please visit,





St. Cecilia Academy


4210 Harding Pike Nashville, TN 37205


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