SCA HarpStrings | Spring 2016

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S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 I M AG A Z I N E

Robotics Team Triumphs! 2016

shoe fits

If the

Q&A with Fashion Entrepreneur Ashley Parkes ’07

Rose Gala Forensics Team Spotlight

Here’s to all of the inquisitive and courageous young women at St. Cecilia who are not afraid to speak their minds. And a special salute to members of the 1981-1982 SCA Forensics Team.

Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. Vice Principal of Students Andres Montana Vice Principal of Academics Sister Julia Marie, O.P. Director of Admissions Betty Bader Director of Athletics Bryan Picklesimer Director of Alumnae Relations Bridget Nolan Thomas ’05

Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P talks with juniors Brianne Kendall ’17 (left), Adreanna Parlette ’17 (right), and Abby Tarquinio ’17 in Alumnae Hall. Brianne and Abby presented at the Praedicare lecture series.

Dear Friends,

This spring some of our juniors presented academic papers in the Praedicare (“to preach”) lecture series, an SCA initiative that marked the culminating assignment of an interdisciplinary English and Theology unit. Students addressed a wide range of topics based on their areas of interest, some of which included immigration, the relationship of science and faith, ecumenical dialogue, the moral principle of double effect, the Zika virus, dignity of the elderly, the HHS mandate as a threat to religious liberty, and the ethical dilemmas raised by genetic engineering. As I witnessed these presentations, I was in awe of the depth and poise these young women demonstrated. Through their St. Cecilia education they are gaining an intellectual and moral foundation that is equipping them to navigate with confidence through the competing claims of our culture. One of the mottos of the Dominican Order is “to contemplate and to share with others the fruits of that contemplation.” Efforts like this lecture series and the accomplishments you see within the pages of this issue of Harpstrings provide opportunities for our students to be, just like St. Dominic before them, “preachers of grace” who can think deeply about the important things in life and learn to share with others the insights

they have gained through their study. A recent article by R.R. Reno suggests that the hallmark of a true liberal arts education is not simply that a person knows about a particular thing, but that he or she knows across categories, thus gaining an ability to make connections and see how the parts relate to the whole. This “knowing across” propels education from mere information gathering (a feature of our Google age) to an ascent to true wisdom. In this journey we discover a truth that lies beyond ourselves and our subjective experience. Far from being a drain, the quest to be liberally educated becomes a great adventure that can captivate a person’s whole life. An education that ignites both mind and heart is what we seek to offer at St. Cecilia, for as Reno observes, “An animated mind requires an engaged heart.” Thank you for your continued support of St. Cecilia Academy in this 800th anniversary of the Dominican Order, and please know of our grateful prayers for you and your families. In Christ,

Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. Principal

Director of Communications Alexza Clark Director of Advancement Sister Catherine Marie, O.P. Director of Development Deb Fay Harpstrings Staff Alexza Clark, Editor Michael Ann Zinser ’88, Graphic Designer Photographers: Alexza Clark, Susan Beavin George ’08, Amie Pike, Sr. Mary Christopher, O.P. ’73, Rich Kalonick, Uchida Photography, Ed Rode, and Frederick Breedon.

Front: Photo by Ed Rode. Alumna Ashley Parkes ’07 with members of the SCA Robotics Team. From left, Katie Corkum ’17, Corinne Baroni ’18, Lindsay Leftwich ’17, Katie Norris ’16, and Katie Collins ’17


Visit our Instagram feed, like us on Facebook, see what we are Tweeting about, watch our latest Youtube video, and read the latest SCA news- all on one Mashup page!


Contents 4 When fashion meets technology | 7 The 2016 Rose Gala Honoree | 10 SCA Forensics | 12 Academics | 16 Fine Arts | 20 Athletics | 22 Campus Life | 24 Alumnae STCECILIA.EDU SCAConnects HARPSTRINGS | 3

FA S H I O N & T E C H

When technology goes


Alumna Ashley Parkes ’07 is revolutionizing footwear using 3-D printing technology to create custom shoes for women. Parkes was the featured speaker at a recent SCA Lunch and Learn, where she talked to students about starting her own business, building a brand, and bridging three of her passions—shoes, art, and technology.

Q&A with alumna Ashley Parkes ’07 Q: What is the inspiration behind your shoemaking business? A: At one point in college I started an intern-

ship with a fashion company. Everyone there told me to wear flats to work or I would really regret it, but I was determined to be stylish so I diligently wore heels every day. After hobbling around a few fashion shows, I started to really wonder why all my heels fit so differently and were all so painful. This inspired me to take a couple of shoemaking classes myself, and after wearing custom shoes I had made for myself the first time, I decided everyone should have the opportunity to wear some. But custom


shoes are expensive. Shoemaking takes a while, and making custom lasts and patterns for every single order - not to mention the time it takes to switch gears from one pair to another (or even from one process to another while making a single pair) requires a lot of extra hours that you can easily skip with mass-produced shoes. I started thinking about how to cut down on all that extra time, and eventually got so obsessed with it that I decided to do a startup.

Q: Can you describe the new shoe production technology you have developed? A: My goal starting out was to create a cusSTCECILIA.EDU

FA S H I O N & T E C H

... if you want to do something different, you have to keep messing up and learning what doesn’t work until you stumble on what does ... tom-fitted fashion footwear line for women with an accessible price point. The first objective was to piece together building blocks to create a scalable business model that works using technologies that are growing and changing really quickly. To do that, I needed to find a way to produce custom parts fast AND at costs that wouldn’t completely remove my end product from the accessible-luxury price point, which is especially problematic for a tiny startup. (There’s a reason so many custom shoes come from one-man shops and have high price tags!) My second objective was to find an ecommerce platform that would enable the depth of customer-driven customization I would need for this to scale, among other back-end concerns: I couldn’t find anything suitable, so I built it. The third objective was to find software that could handle as much as possible of the customization process (there are a lot of moving 2D and 3D parts in footwear, especially women’s). That’s

an enormous undertaking, so I’m still looking for existing solutions that will do what I need in a way that will actually save time rather than require more of it, but I’m also working on my own in the meantime since I haven’t found the right thing yet.

Q: Where are you in the process of launching your business? A: I need to figure out a few more fit and design issues on lasts, put together some production-worthy samples, and then I’ll be ready to launch!

Q: As founder and CEO of a company, you are involved in all aspects of the prod-

uct. Can you share how you became a computer programmer in the process of creating your shoe company? A: When I was a kid my dream was to work for Pixar. I would stay up until 3 a.m. most nights in middle school trying out different 3D software packages, experimenting with the command line on various Linux distributions, messing with web development, making games for my TI calculator, etc. I stopped freshman year of high school because I hated being the weird girl who’s obsessed with computers, and I’m still kicking myself for that. Embrace your inner nerd, because that will give you cool opportunities and tons of things to talk about with all the interesting people you’ll meet throughout your life. continued on page 6

Custom footwear pioneer, Ashley Parkes ’07 talks to students as part of SCA’s Lunch & Learn series about the software she created using 3-D printing technology.



FA S H I O N & T E C H continued from page 5

When I started working on this, it became apparent very quickly that it wasn’t going to go anywhere without a programmer on staff. So I bit the bullet, picked the languages that seemed best-suited to my use case, found a couple of people who could give me advice when I got stuck, and started maniacally going through tutorials.

life in the meantime. Easier said than done!

Q: One of the hallmark characteristics of a St. Cecilia student is that she is an inquisitive and courageous learner. Would you say that describes your learning philosophy?

Q: What is the story behind the company name, Aloncii, A: I like to think so! I get depressed if I’m not doing and learning new things constantly. Inc.? A: Originally I wanted to call it Bauhaus be-

cause I think the Bauhaus movement’s focus on functional art was awesome and relevant to what I’m doing, but finding available IP is a little more complicated than that. I’m obsessed with the BBC series Doctor Who, and the Doctor is always saying “Allons-y!” which is French for “let’s go!” and for some reason that name seemed appropriate. Then I had to invent a spelling that both had an available domain and social media handles, and what I came up with was reminiscent of one of my favorite electronic artists (Avicii).

Q: Collectively, the women in your family have spent sixty years on the Dominican Campus. Is there a St. Cecilia Academy experience that you all share? A:

The campus has changed a lot over that time so I don’t know what they would each say here, but I thought my youngest sister’s graduation was a cool end-of-an-era moment. We all have this shared experience with diplomas from the same place and that’s pretty awesome.

Q: What is the greatest lesson you have learned in the process of launching Q: What advice do you have your product? for SCA students and alumnae about developing and A: You have to accept failure to do anything nurturing the gifts God has interesting. You cannot allow yourself to think in terms of success or failure; you have to look given them? at every little thing you do as an experiment, and all of the experiments are like Legos you have to fit together to make a structure. Accepting failure and roadblocks is counterintuitive especially for women, I think, because failing is not enjoyable, it’s not socially acceptable, and a lot of us have this existential crisis if we feel like we aren’t perfect at everything we do- certainly I am that way! But if you want to do something different, you have to keep messing up and learning what doesn’t work until you stumble on what does. And in the context of a startup, you have to accept that there’s approximately a 95% chance that you won’t figure out all the stuff you need to learn in time, and your startup could fail despite all your best efforts. You have to be in it for the long game, accept that the long game could be really long, and be present for your



Your gifts and talents are not static. If someone is an incredible pianist, it is not because they were endowed at birth with the gift of piano playing. It’s because they spent a lot of time playing the piano, and learning how to learn effectively. If you want to be good at something and aren’t, it’s not magic. Everyone has skills that they do or don’t want to spend their time on. I’m terrible at public speaking because I haven’t put in the time, but I am very introverted and would rather spend my time becoming fluent in Chinese, so I’m still terrible at public speaking. Read Malcom Gladwell’s Outliers. While I don’t believe that there’s a magic number like 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert in something, there is a lot to his theory.





By Alexza Clark Director of Communications

of the Hour

All eyes were on Francis Horn at the 2016 Rose Gala held Saturday, March 12 at the Hutton Hotel in downtown Nashville. To say that Mr. Horn has become a fixture in the St. Cecilia Academy community in the last 30 years would be a severe understatement. You would be hard-pressed to find any SCA alumna within the past three decades that would not count Mr. Francis Horn as one of the most influential people in their high school careers. With a tremendous amount of spirit and diligence, Mr. Horn has embedded himself into every fabric of the school—from the classroom, to the athletics fields, to the theatre stage, and beyond. St. Cecilia Academy is fortunate to count Mr. Horn as an esteemed member of our school community and we are proud to recognize him as the 2016 Rose Gala honoree. Prior to coming to St. Cecilia in the late 80's, Mr. Horn grew up on a 200 acre farm in what is now Bellevue, Tennessee. It was on that farm that Mr. Horn learned the importance of getting up early, working hard, and accomplishing goals for the day—characteristics that would serve him well in varying endeavors throughout his career. In high school at Montgomery Bell Academy, his strong work ethic earned him a spot on two undefeated football teams in 1948 and 1949. His good friend and former classmate, Jimmy Morrissey, remembers that Mr. Horn was not necessarily built like a football player, but he worked harder than anyone else on the field. “I guess all that plowing on the farm paid off,” Morrissey said. After graduating from MBA, Mr. Horn went on to Vanderbilt University where he majored in business and minored in history. While at Vanderbilt, Mr. Horn coached the Overbrook School basketball team and was so impressed with the way the players and students at the school lived their lives, he converted to Catholicism in 1953. While a student at Vanderbilt, he was also set up on a blind date with Sydnor Ownbey, whom he married in 1956. They were married for 50 years (“and 20 days,” Mr. Horn inserts) until she passed away. In 1964 they welcomed their daughter, Elizabeth, and enrolled her at Overbrook School and later in St. Cecilia Academy. Beyond college, Mr. Horn served in the Marine Corps on active duty and in the reserves and ultimately retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1978. He also established himself in a long and successful career in merchandising, working his way up to vice president of operations at Harvey’s Department Store. When the department store closed in 1984, Mr. Horn found a second career as a history teacher at St. Cecilia Academy and has served loyally here ever since.




A Night to Remember By Deb Fay Director of Development On March 12 Mr. Francis Horn, a beloved teacher, coach, and mentor was honored at the 2016 Rose Gala at the Hutton Hotel. It was a great evening for St. Cecilia and Mr. Horn as our families came together to wish him well, build community, celebrate our accomplishments, and support St. Cecilia Academy. Sponsored by the SCA Parent Association and thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers, we are able to raise $73,194 for the school this year. We are grateful for the efforts of all of our volunteers, as well as the contributions of our many friends who made this effort successful.

Jeanne Burd Marchetti ’69 takes a break from the Gala action to take a picture of her daughter, Margaret Marchetti Bourland ’04 and Mr Horn.

SCA receives many forms of support and we are thankful for each one. St. Cecilia is certainly blessed to have alumnae who continue to participate in the life of the school. Over the past few months, I have been fortunate to hear three young alumnae speak to our students – Noel Pittman '01, Ashley Parkes '07 and Jill Bader '01 each of whom is so gracious, confident, and knowledgeable. Hearing these young role models confirms what I believe about St. Cecilia Academy and the ‘edge’ provided to our students through their formation here. At SCA every student receives an invaluable and time-tested education. Your generosity helps our current parents as well as the parents of the generations to come to continue to educate their daughters in the St. Cecilia tradition.


Rose Gala

Rose Gala Honoree Francis Horn with daughter Elizabeth Horn Thielke ’82.


Find the YouTube video at


Past parent Charlie Vaughn with daughter Shea Vaughn ’06.

Vice Principal of Academics, Sister Julia Marie, O.P. with Parent Association President Jennifer Burns.



(From left) Rose Gala Chair Kathy Dortch with teachers Sister Scholastica, O.P. and Sister Mary Eileen, O.P.

Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. with Missy YokumKoehn ’78 and daughter Alexandra Koehn ’09.

Bishop of Nashville, David R. Choby with Superintendent Dr. Therese Williams and her husband Kenny.

Childhood friend of Mr. Horn and SCA past grandparent Jimmy Morrissey, and his wife, Carmen Otto Morrissey '57.

SCA faculty and staff at the annual Rose Gala. (From left) Amie Pike, Susan Beavin George ’08, Merideth Miller, Sarah Nunan Marvel ’03, Ashley George, Beth Hailey Walker ’86, Chris Caprioli, Alexza Clark, and Betty Bader.




Katherine Zerit ’17

Mary Hailey Derrick ’16

Jean Pflum ’16

Fierce, Focused, & Funny SCA Forensics is a FORCE to be reckoned with

Anna Bowman ’18


Ky Majors ’16

Grace Roushdi ’16



“We have girls who have a

spark, who are go-getters. They are committed, they work hard,

and they support each other”. — Cathie Stamps By Alexza Clark, Director of Communications They are talented, witty, classy, smart, and funny. These are the ladies of St. Cecilia Academy’s award-winning Forensics team. “She’s got the gift.” This is the phrase SCA Forensics coach and fine arts department chair Mrs. Cathie Stamps uses to describe her talented lineup of young women. Having coached the forensics team since she started teaching at SCA 28 years ago, Stamps has seen “the gift” in many generations of St. Cecilia students. “We have girls who have a spark, who are gogetters. They are committed, they work hard, and they support each other,” said Stamps. All of that appears to be a good recipe for success. This year’s team took the second place sweepstakes award at the Tennessee High School Speech and Drama League District 3 Qualifiers. The team also had a fantastic showing at the THSSDL State Tournament where several members finished among the top 5 speakers in the state in their respective events.

Members of the award-winning SCA Forensics Team pictured here with their 2nd place sweepstakes award at the THSSDL District 3 Qualifiers. not have that many students entering the competition, they are placing in their individual events and racking up a lot of points, and that’s impressive.”

Sweepstakes awards are the highest award a forensics team can win as a unit. At every forensics tournament, each competing member earns points for her rankings in individual events. In the end, those points are tallied and the team with the most points wins.

Stamps believes it is no coincidence that her all-girl team flourishes year to year.

“We are a small team compared to other schools, but I always stress to our students that it is quality that counts, not quantity,” Mrs. Stamps explains. “Even though we may

That sense came in handy last year when Stamps needed a medical leave of absence for 6 weeks. “I don’t know of any

“I think it’s that all-girls environment that really empowers them to do what they do,” Stamps explains. “They have a strong sense of how to run things.”

other team but ours that could continue to hold practices, work successfully with a substitute teacher, and not lose interest in forensics,” said Stamps. Mrs. Stamps believes the lessons learned in forensics reach far beyond the performance stage and into every aspect of the student’s life. What is most important to her, she says, is to see them gain confidence on stage and carry that with them for the rest of their lives. Above all, her wish for every Forensics student is, “that they have success and happiness in their lives and that they continue to share their gifts with others.”


Elizabeth Kimbrough '17


St. Cecilia Academy junior Elizabeth Kimbrough took Third Place Overall at the National Speech and Debate Association National Qualifying Tournament in Clarksville, qualifying her for the 2016 National Speech and Debate Tournament in Salt Lake City, Utah, this June.

The U.S. National Debate and Speech Tournament has been held since 1931. Today more than 3,300 high school students compete in a week-long competition to determine the most prestigious title in high school forensics: National Champion.

Kimbrough is preparing a secondary poetry piece for the national tournament titled, “On Evaluating Black Privilege.”

Kimbrough’s winning piece is an original oratory titled, “Black Lives Matter.”

“These are just issues that matter to me personally. They hit close to home and I am excited to advance to Nationals because I might be one of the only people there with a piece like this,” Kimbrough explained.

“I’m really proud that the words I am saying are impacting people and that judges are appreciating it,” said Kimbrough.

The 2016 National Speech and Debate Tournament will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 12-17.


Seeking Truth Seeking Truth Seeking Truth


Faith in Young Women

By Sister Julia Marie, O.P. Vice Principal of Academics

There is a lot to be said for confidence. It is clear that a student with a healthy dose of self-confidence has great potential for success. It is not uncommon for teachers to encourage students by saying “Have more confidence in yourself! You can do this!” In fact, if you read any educational journal or website dedicated to pedagogy, you will find confidence extolled in every way. Of course overconfidence is not a good trait to have, and lack of confidence, is to be avoided as well.

All of this got me to thinking about the source of confidence and the rightful place of confidence in a person’s life, especially in a teenager's life. The word ‘confidence’ comes from two Latin words: con, meaning ‘with’ and fides, meaning ‘faith.’ Confidence, then, means to act with faith, or to believe in one’s ability. To be sure, this kind self-assurance and strength of conviction is very much a part of the St. Cecilia culture. We encourage confidence. We promote innerreliance. But there’s something else here, too.

Any walk down the hallways, any visit to a classroom, or any interaction with our students will show you that there is more than just confidence being fostered at SCA. There is faith, the virtue of faith, that is cultivated in classrooms, hallways, and programs. The events highlighted in this edition of Harpstrings, from students going to Governor’s school, to Suzanne's astronomy outreach program, to the various awards and accolades our students are honored to receive, all testify to the way that faith is integrated into life. It is evident in our Math is 4 Girls program, in our newly formed Robotics team, in our students observing at the UN, performing service, and participating in Mock Trial. St. Cecilia girls are motivated both by their confidence and their faith. Faith in Young Women—faith that they can succeed, and faith that they can rely on. For a St. Cecilia student, confidence is not only an inner strength, it is a virtue. It is a gift that ennobles a young woman so that she is secure in her dignity, knowing that she is a beloved daughter of her Heavenly Father. Faith is lived out in a myriad of ways in our school, creating an atmosphere of passionate excellence and compassionate service. Every time I look at our mission promise, I am reminded that we are committed to a lofty goal. St. Cecilia Academy ennobles young women, equips them to excel, and inspires them to lead lives of integrity. I am reassured by the fact that it is faith in Christ which makes this mission possible.


GOV E R N OR ' S SC HOOL ACC E PTA N C E S Congratulations to the following students for acceptance in the 2016 Governor’s Schools of Tennessee. These ladies will participate in a challenging and high-intensity program in twelve subject areas for four weeks this summer. Corinne Baroni '18 Governor's School for the Sciences Elise Driver '17 Governor's School for Engineering Grace Regnier '18 Governor's School for the Sciences Elizabeth Rohricht '17 Governor's School for International Studies Sophie Rowlett '18 Governor's School for Computational Physics Amy Nguyen '17 Governor's School for Business & IT Leadership Cecilia Green '17 Governor's School for the Arts - Vocal Music Clare Harney '17 Governor's School for the Arts - Vocal Music Melissa Le Clair '17 Governor's School for the Arts - Visual Arts


S uz anne Eastwo o d ’16 se ts si gh t on sta rs For the past eight months, Suzanne Eastwood '16, a St. Cecilia Academy senior, has been developing an outreach program for younger students to grow their interest in two of her passions—physics and astronomy. As part of her outreach efforts, Eastwood has traveled to several Nashville-area Catholic schools to deliver a presentation about creative things students can do in the sciences when they get to high school and college that relate to physics and astronomy. She is pictured here with students from Christ the King School. The outreach project is an extension of her astrophysics studies at St. Cecilia Academy. Eastwood has also developed a website ( where she shares her perspectives on science as a 17 year old student, posts images she has captured in her home observatory, shares about her near earth asteroid research project, and writes about her astronomy travels. “There has possibly never been a more exciting time to study our planet and space and the objects in our solar system. In fact, many of mankind’s greatest problems might be solved in part through our understanding of and access to objects in space,” Eastwood said.



Grades 6-8



Erin Wh it n ey ’ 1 6 n a m e d c a n d i date i n U.S. Pres id en t i a l S c h ol a r s P ro gram


Erin Whitney '16, a graduating senior at St. Cecilia Academy, has been named one of more than 4,000 candidates in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. The candidates were selected from nearly 3.3 million students expected to graduate from U.S. high schools in the year 2016. Inclusion in the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, now in its 52nd year, is one of the highest honors bestowed upon graduating high school seniors. Scholars are selected on the basis of superior academic and artistic achievements, leadership qualities, strong character and involvement in community and school activities.

Sophie Rowlett '18


“What I love most about math is the feeling I get when I actually understand a new topic being introduced… St. Cecilia has taught me to appreciate math and makes me feel as if I can conquer a certain topic in math as long as I put my head to it and devote my time to truly understanding it.”

Three S C A st u de n t s n a m e d 2 015 Nati o n a l Mer i t S c h ol a r s h i p Fi nal i sts, One Co mmen d e d St u d e n t Seniors Patricia Eastwood, Diane Lee, and Natalie Zimberg were named to this honor, which allows them to continue in the competition for National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $32 million. The nationwide pool of semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants from each state. Additionally, senior Erin Whitney (pictured above) was named a Commended Student in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Commended Students are among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who enter the competition.

Suzanne Eastwood '16

Diane Lee '16





50 50


Natalie Zimberg '16

Holly McClure '17 “In my opinion, math is one of the most beautiful subjects of study. It transcends language barriers and unites students around the world. "

Cameron Sheppard '17

2255% Katie Collins '17



“I want to be an example for younger girls who do not feel confident in their skills in STEM subjects… I also want to be part of a group that enjoys math, and sees learning math as a way to gain a better understanding of the universe, rather than as a necessary burden for graduating from high school. Many of the girls I know in Mu Alpha Theta (our Math Honor Society) are planning to pursue careers in STEM fields where they will use math on a daily basis. They enjoy math and so do I.”

“As a young girl, I never enjoyed my math courses. In fact, during my eighth grade year, I needed a tutor for my Algebra I course. Just as I was feeling that I would never succeed, I began my first math class at St. Cecilia. These courses at SCA had impeccable instructors who took their time to reestablish my interest in math. As they taught, my horizons broadened, and now I am even considering a career in engineering. I now strive in class to understand to the very best of my ability. Three years ago, I would have never imagined myself to have such an insatiable desire to be challenged in math as I do now.”




SCA ju n io r s h e a d to Th e U n i te d Nati o n s fo r a n n u a l s e ss i o n o f th e Commiss io n on t h e St at u s of Wo me n

Amy Ngu ye n ’17 ho no re d o n be hal f of P re si de n t O bama for vo l unte e r se rvi ce

Zoe Dongas ’17 and Cameron Sheppard ’17 attended the sixtieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations Headquarters in New York this March. They were part of a Catholic Social Teaching program spearheaded by Beth Howard of InspiredED. While in New York, Cameron and Zoe attended both UN and NGO sessions as observers and were also able to ask questions during the sessions.

SCA junior Amy Nguyen ’17 has been honored for her exemplary volunteer service with a President’s Volunteer Service Award. The award, which recognizes Americans of all ages who have volunteered significant amounts of their time to serve their communities and their country, was granted by The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program on behalf of President Barack Obama.


Hi gh ra n kin g fo r SC A m oc k tri al te am The SCA Mock Trial Team earned fourth place in the Davidson County Mock Trial competition held earlier this semester at the Metro Court House. This district-wide contest pits teams of student lawyers and witnesses on opposing sides to present the plaintiff’s or defendant’s side in a pretend trial of an imaginary case. The teams who place first and second from each district then advance to a state-wide Mock Trial competition. Winners of the state competitions next compete in a national Mock Trial competition. Members of the 2015-2016 SCA Mock Trial Team include seniors Madison Baird, Dyamond Bass,and Yaza Sarieh; juniors Nicole Chandonnet

and Eileen Kile; sophomores Corinne Gerhold, Grace Regnier, Sophie Rowlett, and Madelyn Smith; and freshmen Catherine Johnson, Jule Voss, Claire Wehby, and Ellie Yarbrough. St. Cecilia’s team is very thankful for the extensive help they received from a group of trial attorneys who devoted many hours to coaching the team. In addition to long-time coaches Teddie Clark, Don Dawson, Gene Humphreys (father of Molly Humphreys ’13 and Emily Humphreys ’15), and Lynne Ingram, Patrick McNally and Andy Rowlett (father of Sophie Rowlett ’18) joined in preparing this year’s team for competition.


Sister Julia Marie, O.P. for your 9 years of service to St. Cecilia Academy. We wish you continued success as you embark on your new assignment as principal of Overbrook School.


Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead The newly formed SCA Robotics team competed in its first robotics competition and won the Judges’ Award for "unique and outstanding efforts, performance, and dynamics." The team was also named a finalist in the Control, Think, and Community Award based on their programming skills, team notebook, and efforts to promote robotics efforts in Nashville. The SCA Robotics Team is spearheaded by SCA physics teacher Ashley George.



Finding Beauty

By Cathie Stamps Fine Arts Department Chair

Alive to Beauty and Art Alive to Beauty and Art


The Fine Arts continues to flourish at SCA. Our students have continually hustled and bustled to prepare art galleries, sing in concerts, open plays, rehearse for the dance recital, compete in speech tournaments, and work on arranging music . On a daily basis the students rejoice in their successes but do not rest on their laurels as they scurry to perfect their next project.

ZO E D ON GAS ’ 1 7 TO AT T E N D A RTS CON S E RVATO RY St. Cecilia Academy junior Zoe Dongas ’17 has been awarded an Anthony Quinn Foundation scholarship to attend the 2016 High School Performing Arts Summer Conservatory at AMDA, one of the nation’s premier conservatories for the performing arts. Dongas was chosen for her exceptional talent and dedication with a strong commitment to personal and artistic growth. She was nominated by St. Cecilia Academy choir director, Stephanie Hahn Nolan and theater director, Cathie Stamps


In December the Fine Arts Department presented A Christmas Carol—A Victorian Christmas to a standing-room-only audience. Nearly 130 students participated in the show-half the school population! The Theatre Guild executed tech while the actors performed the tale of the irascible Scrooge who has a change of heart. The chamber ensemble, choir, artists, and dancers wore Victorian costumes and performed as towns people. A memorable, fun evening was had by all. It was a magical moment when the performers and the audience became one.

Following Christmas break the Fine Arts Department geared up for a busy winter and spring. Art students won competitions at Belmont University and Cheekwood, the entertaining production of Pride and Prejudice humored the crowd, the Seasons Dance Company wowed audiences with the theme of Clarity, selected choir members sang gloriously in the All State concert with other students from Tennessee, the Forensics Team victoriously produced three state champions and one national qualifier, the Art students held an Art Crawl and sold their work to earn a scholarship for an art student, and the chamber ensemble arranged music for upcoming events such as ArtsParts.

St. Cecilia Academy took first place at the annual Catholic Charities of Tennessee, Inc. art contest. The contest is presented by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), the domestic anti-poverty program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.



Oct. 30 2 p.m. 16 | HARPSTRINGS

The St. Cecilia Academy Choir competed at the Middle Tennessee Vocal Association (MTVA) Choral Adjudication Festival on February 22. They received Superior ratings in both rhythm and melodic reading skills. In addition, five freshmen were accepted to the MTVA Freshmen Honor Choir, five to the Mid-State Choir, and two to the All-State Choir. To listen to the three pieces the choir performed for adjudication under the direction of Ms. Stephanie Hahn Nolan, go to and click on "Fine Arts Gallery".



(From left) Olivia Posey ’19, Erin Neilsen ’19, McClain Jung ’19, Madeline Coode '19, and Zoe Potter ’18.

Rose Simpson ’17 as Jane Austen.

Jane Austen’s

(From left) Brianne Kendall ’17 as Lydia, Evelyn Goodwin '18 as Catherine and Ryan Crone (from Father Ryan High School) as Bingley. Jean Pflum ’16 playing the lead role of Elizabeth with Michael Locke '16 from John Paul II High School as Wickham.

(From left) Anna Bowman ’18, Mary Grace Urbanczyk '19 , and Ava Durelli ’19 take a bow at center stage.




Cheekwo o d S c h o l a st ic A rt Competition Winners Receiving awards in the Cheekwood Scholastic Art Competition and Exhibition from St. Cecilia Academy: Gold Key, Mixed Media Virginia Conners ’16 Gold Key, Photography Yaza Sarieh ’16 Silver Key, Sculpture Kealey Cate ’18 Silver Key, Printing Kathleen Collins ’17 Two Silver Keys, Mixed Media Eliza Frensley ’16 Two Silver Keys, Mixed Media and Photography Katherine Frensley ’16 Silver Key, Ceramics Kayla Gilroy ’18 Silver Key Art, Portfolio Yaza Sarieh ’16

Yaza Sarieh ’16

Two Honorable Mentions Kathleen Collins ’17

Honorable Mention, Mixed Media Katherine Frensley ’16 and Jill Shaw ’17

Honorable Mention, Printmaking Jolie Cox ’18

Honorable Mention, Painting Evie Taylor ’17

Yaza Sarieh ’16

Eliza Frensley ’16 18 | HARPSTRINGS

Kathleen Collins ’17


FINE ARTS MI DDL E TEN N E SSEE REGIONAL STU D E N T A RT E XHIBIT ION AWA R DS In the 8th annual Middle Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition (MTRSAE), presented by The Tennessee Art Education Association and Belmont University’s Department of Art, ten SCA student artists were recognized. The MTRSAE competition is a juried exhibition, showcasing exceptional middle and high school student artwork from Middle Tennessee. Receiving awards at the MTRSAE reception were: Mixed Media Rita Daniel ’17 Printmaking Kathleen Collins ’17 Printmaking Melissa LeClair ’17 Printmaking Madison Williams ’16 Drawing Katherine Frensley ’16 Mixed Media Katie Corkum ’17 Sculpture Anna Grace Miller ’18 Photography Andrea Ricker ’17 Photography Colleen Kemp ’16 Photography Virginia Conners ’16 Madison Williams ’16

Katherine Frensley ’16

Melissa LeClair ’17



Scarab Nation Scarab Nation Scarab Nation


The Strength of a Team

By Bryan Picklesimer Director of Athletics


Arin Wyttenbach ’17 and Corinne Baroni ’18 n ame d to Vo l l eybal l Al l - Re gi o n Tea m

When asked how strong his team was approaching the season, former NBA coach Phil Jackson said, “The strength of the team is in each individual member. The strength of each member is in the team.” This statement defines the girls, the teams, and the Scarab Nation at St. Cecilia Academy. Anybody who has spent any time watching our girls compete this year knows how closely they work together, how much they care about each other, and how much stronger that has made them on the court, field, and course.

Four volleyball players earned All-District honors while Arin Wyttenbach ’17 and Corinne Baroni ’18 were named to the All-Region team for their outstanding play. On the soccer pitch, three Scarabs earned All-District honors and Holly McClure ’17 was named to the All-Region team. The cross country team earned a third place finish at the State Championships. The team was led by Clare Peters ’18 and Ragan Hummel ’17, both of whom earned medals as they finished in the top 15 in the final meet of the year.

Arin Wyttenbach ’17

Corinne Baroni ’18


McClure ’17 named to Soccer All-Region Team

The basketball team celebrated a successful season with Diane Lee ’16 and Gracey Gallagher ’18 named to the All-District team. The bowling team knocked down a lot of wins as well. They were led by Yaza Sarieh ’16, whose outstanding scores qualified her for the Individual State Tournament where she placed 17th over all. The swimming and diving team sent multiple girls to the State Championship Meet. One of the team's premier swimmers was Kathryn Cole ’16 who, after winning the region in the 100m Freestyle, went on to place third in that race at the State meet. She was also named to the All-MTHSSA Regional team.

We are excited and proud to watch a couple of Scarabs' athletic careers continue as they move on to college. Kathryn Cole ’16 has earned an appointment to attend the US Naval Academy this fall where she will, not surprisingly, be a member of the swim team. After Aine McGinn ’16 was recognized and honored by US Rowing and named to their Scholastic Honor Roll, she signed her National Letter of Intent to join the rowing team at the University of Texas at Austin.

Holly McClure ’17


Cole ’16, 1st at state meet in 100m Freestyle

Kathryn Cole ’16 (center)




Cross Country takes 3rd in State Championship

Clare Peters ’18 and Ragan Hummel ’17 pictured here with the SCA cross country team. Both athletes earned medals finishing inside the top 15 in the final meet of the year.



Diane Lee ’16 and Gracey Gallagher ’18 named to Basketball All-District team

Kathryn Cole ’16 and Aine McGinn ’16 sign to play collegiately

Kathryn Cole ’16, United States Naval Academy

Diane Lee ’16


Gracey Gallagher ’18

Aine McGinn ’16, University of Texas at Austin


Adventure Calls

Exploring & Adventure Exploring & Adventure



By Susan Beavin George ’08 Assistant to Admissions & Communications

As a freshman, Interim was not quite on my radar. I signed up for fun classes on campus and looked forward to spending a week out of uniform, easing back into my normal school routine. I thought that as a junior and senior I could either intern because it “would look great on a college application” or travel with my classmates because it would be exactly like the “Lizzie McGuire Movie”. Interim was and is so much more than that—Interim is a week full of opportunities. The goal of Interim is to provide a time for students to explore the possibilities that exist within the world around us through travel, internships, and on-campus non-traditional learning opportunities.

Above, hiking to the peak of Piestewa Peak in Phoenix, Arizona, are seniors Madison Baird, Julianna Dyer, Virginia Conners, Chesna Climaco, and Tess MacCurdy.

The Interim classes for freshmen and sophomores encourage students to deepen their desire to learn. Interim 2016 classes included exploring historic locations in middle Tennessee, visiting the Davidson County jail and courthouse in an Intro to Law class, experimenting with the chemistry behind cooking, learning from local artisans and entrepreneurs about business and craftsmanship, serving others through community service, and more. Juniors and seniors planned almost a year in advance either to intern or travel. In the fall, they were busy making connections with professionals or saving money and preparing their packing lists to travel to Arizona or Italy. These connections and experiences have sparked their interests and could potentially guide them to think about a career path and life after SCA.

After a week of interning at Channel 4, I decided broadcast journalism wasn’t for me, but focusing on a major in communications in college was right up my alley. I still have great stories about the inner-workings of a news station. Travelling abroad in Italy my senior year meant seeing in real life the masterpieces we talked about in Mrs. Gronefeld’s Advanced Visual Art class, in Church History with Sister Anna Laura, or in Art History at the University of Tennessee. I think how lucky I was to have had the opportunities that last a lifetime!


In ter i m 2 01 6 If it’s January at SCA, it’s time for Interim. Students begin the new semester with wide and enriching learning experiences. Some girls use the opportunity to travel and learn about other cultures. Others shadow local community leaders and professionals. Still others take advantage of intriguing on-campus course offerings. Here are some snapshots of SCA's 2015-16 interim offerings.

At left, Julianna Dyer ‘16 sees how she sizes up to an Arizona cactus plant.

MAST E R C HE FS From the flour and the pasta press to boiling and taste-testing, Ava Albamont ’18 and Catherine Bohren ’18 enjoyed being a part of the Italian Cooking Interim class.



Nicole Chandonnet ’17 interned with Senator Lamar Alexander’s office in Nashville. Nicole learned about all the hard work and time it took to pass a bill to become a law as she answered phone calls and learned about specific legislation like immigration and health care.



Addie Smith ’16, President of Sodality, and Bailey Wisniewski ’18, Vice-President of Spirituality, take a moment after saying the Angelus over the intercom.

The bells ring and the familiar voices come on the intercom… “Please stand for the Angelus.” Officers of Sodality lead SCA in the Angelus everyday at noon. These familiar words brighten our heart and encourage us to stop, take a moment and pray together. Addie Smith, President of Sodality, and Bailey Wisniewski, Vice President of Spirituality, are the 20152016 officers and familiar voices we hear each day.


Seniors Jessie Gallivan, Caroline McClain, Erin Whitney, Anne Elizabeth Ussery, Aine McGinn, Diane Lee, Sara Saavedra, Kristen Manda, Margaret Cragon, Colleen Kemp, Juliana Crowe, Addie Asta, Adela Appleby, Natalie DeRoche, and Dana Morcillo gathered together after throwing a few coins into the Trevi Fountain to ensure their return to Rome on the Interim trip to Italy.


Slow Fashion Interim class led by Madame Begley and Mrs. Gronefeld allowed Clarisa Gaines ‘19, Timberlake Pieper ‘19, Allie Perkerson ‘19, Anna Perrone ‘19, Caitrin Salem ‘19, Cally Link ‘19, Marianna Rollins ‘18, Olivia McClure ‘19, Mary Catherine Pyburn ‘19, and Anna Donnelly ’19 to visit Hey Rooster in East Nashville during Interim to talk with the shop owners about being a business supporting local artisans in Nashville.

Madeline Quinby ‘17 and Cameron Sheppard ‘17 interned with Cobb County’s Sheriff's Department where they saw a bomb dog sniff out an object hidden by his handler.


St. Cecilia Academy Faith in Young Women.


A Special Legacy

By Bridget Nolan Thomas ’05 Director of Alumnae Relations

This spring semester I had the privilege to work alongside the Parent Association on The 2016 Rose Gala that honored Mr. Francis Horn. As the Gala date grew closer, we heard from countless alumnae on how this man touched their lives. Our social media posts about our beloved coach and mentor were shared hundreds of times and no matter how many times I watch the tribute video, I tear up every time. At the Gala we heard about how he cheered for you on the softball field, taught you how to win (and lose) graciously. We heard about the lessons of respect he taught you and the love for your county. We heard from alumnae who are old, young, and everywhere in between about the infamous high-five, that simple act of encouragement that can change a girl's whole world on that bad day. Every SCA girl from 1989 until the present day has a special place in her heart for Mr. Horn. It just goes to show that the lessons you learn at SCA from your teachers and coaches can last your whole life. The Alumnae Association’s hope is that our newest members, the Class of 2016, know that Mr. Horn and all their teachers are their biggest advocates. We hope they know that they are part of a great group of women who are part of a very special legacy that extends beyond the school walls.

A special thanks to Danielle White Herndon ’97 for her service as President of the Alumnae Board. I am thrilled to see what Denise Lounsberry Sharp ’78 has in store as she steps into the role for the next two years. This summer we are planning new events to engage all of you, so stay tuned for exciting changes coming to Reunion Weekend 2017!

Danielle White Herndon ’97


2016 Young Alumna of the Year

Katie Wells

Katie Wells ’ 0 0

Katie Wells ’00 is the 2016 Young Alumna of the Year. Her connections to St. Cecilia and the Dominican Campus run deep, since she started at Overbrook School in the first grade. After graduating from St. Cecilia, Wells went on to Sewanee where she majored in Russian. During her undergraduate program she completed an internship at the White House with President George W. Bush in the Public Liaison and Correspondence Offices. It was her experience in Washington that connected her to her next venture at Walter Reed National Medical Center, where she provided occupational therapy and counseling services to amputee soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Inspired by her work at Walter Reed, Wells founded Eagle Forward, a resume writing program that helps veterans in the job hunting process. Wells has been editing veterans' resumes for the last eight years as part of her program and also currently assists in the St. Cecilia Academy afterschool program.




2 01 6 Out st a nd in g A l u m n a o f th e Year

Jeri Alessio Carver

Je ri A le ssio C a rver ’ 56

Jeri Alessio Carver ’56 is the 2016 Outstanding Alumna of the Year. After graduating from St. Cecilia, Carver had a 35-year career in the telephone operating business. She is a great volunteer in the community, currently serving as an Ambassador at Vanderbilt University, on the Women’s Council at Christ the King, and as the recording secretary at the Telephone Pioneers of America. In the past, she has also volunteered her time and talents with organizations such as the Diabetes Association, the Red Cross, and Monroe Harding Children’s Home. Reflecting on her time at St. Cecilia Academy, Carver’s most cherished memories include lunchtime with her friends at the Motherhouse. She was involved in various activities at SCA, including Sodality President, glee club, and the choir. Most notable of all was the honor she received in 1956 when she was named the St. Cecilia Girl of her graduating class. A self-described “introvert,” Carver credits her time at SCA with giving her the confidence she needed to succeed in the workplace and in life.

ALUMNAE LUNCHEON June 4, 2016 Mass - 11 a.m. in the SCA Chapel Luncheon - Noon in the SCA Dining Hall STCECILIA.EDU



THANK YOU FOR THE MEMORIES SCA Easter Bunny Kevin Marchetti retires after 33 years

Mr. Marchetti is the husband of Mary Davis Marchetti ’75 and father of Liz Marchetti Schimmer ’07. He has loyally volunteered to be the official SCA Easter bunny at the annual alumnae egg hunt for 33 years and recently decided to hang up his “ears.” St. Cecilia is grateful for his service and for the many beautiful memories he has helped create for our alumnae and their children.

Charlotte and Thomas Longmuir take a break from the egg hunt fun.

Future SCA girl Grace Nelly pets the miniature donkey at the Annual Alumnae Easter Egg Hunt.

A future SCArab enjoys the first-ever petting zoo at the Alumnae Easter Egg Hunt .




Jane Burns Anderson ’66 with granddaughter, Eleanor Rose.

Fern and Elena LeBlanc, daughters of Sonia Fernandez LeBlanc ’95, nieces of Clare Fernandez ’04 and granddaughters of Ellen Butler Fernandez ’67.


C l are Fe rnan dez ’04 helps Nashvi l l e h o me l e ss through art i n i ti ati ve

Abby Herndon, daughter of Danielle White Herndon ’97, and Hallie Taber, daughter of Jean Augustine Taber ’97.

And they are off! Egg Hunters of all ages enjoyed finding eggs in the St. Cecilia Academy Courtyard.


Alumna Clare Fernandez ’04 joined Poverty & the Arts, a local non-profit, as a volunteer in May 2014. The non-profit helps homeless people through creative outlets and community support. Artists working with the organization are able to sell their original artwork and are also provided opportunities to further their art education and learn business skills. Currently, Fernandez serves on the board where she focuses on grant writing and education outreach. Fernandez is a proponent of the same arts-integrated education that she experienced during her time at St. Cecilia, and is passionate about connecting the Nashvillearea homeless to the community through art.



St. Cecilia was proud to welcome several new legacy students at the Annual Alumnae Legacy Tea. (From left) Dany Hernandez ’20, Emma Healy ’19, Julia Cragon ’20, Schuyler Nunnally ’20, Elise Durelli ’20, Anna Regnier ’20, and Rosie Robinson ’20. All of these students have a family member who has graduated from SCA or is currently enrolled.

2nd Annual Alumnae Legacy Tea

A family tradition. Alumna Julie Dortch Cragon ’78 with daughters Julia Cragon ’20, Sarah Cragon ’08, and Margaret Cragon ’16.

The legacy continues. Alumna Anne Herbert Daniel ’60 with Holly Herbert Healy ’86, and Emma Healy ’19.

Annual Memorial Mass at the Motherhouse Members of the class of 1969 at the annual memorial Mass at the St. Cecilia Congregation Motherhouse.




2015 Hall of Fame Inductees

The 2015 inductees into the Hall of Fame are Teresa Marchetti, The 1989 Volleyball Team, Kristen Burns Walker ’09, Catherine Stuart Vrettos ’98, and Sarah “Missy” Roberson Crafton ’76.

Young Alumnae (& Almost Alumnae) Christmas Luncheon

Home for the holidays. From left, Alex Sturgeon ’14, Grace Forster ’14, Madeline Sturgeon ’12, Annelise Yackow ’14, and Shaina Wilburn ’14.

Just like old times. Recent grads reunite over lunch in alumnae hall. From left, front, Allison Hassett ’15, Eliza Tarwater ’14, Grace Brink ’14, Maddy Marchetti ’14, Hannah Perryman ’14, and Emily Peters ’14.

English teacher Dr. Collins with former students. From left, Paige Gawley ’12, Lindsey Tipps ’12, Della Smith ’12, Elizabeth Gobbell ’12, Maggie Ward ’12, and Susan Kleman ’12.


SCA graduates make time to visit their alma mater while on Christmas break in college. From left, Kaitlyn Dedman ’13, Abby Bray ’13, Mary Marshall Anderson ’13, Chloe Page ’13, Sarah Hagans ’13, Asia Jolly ’13, Lane Vaughn ’13, Anna Whitney’13, and Abby Link’13. HARPSTRINGS | 29




Class Notes W EDDI N G S

1. Colleen Sheehan Halfmann ’08 married Alexander William Halfmann in November 2015. Pictured are fellow St. Cecilia alumnae Ellie Walsh, Colleen Sheehan Halfmann, Hayley Dobbs, Goodwin Burgess, Brandi Luna, Kylie Long, and Sarah Camplese from the Class of 2008. 2. Catherine Louk LaHaie ’10 married Andrew LaHaie on January 23, 2016. 3. Kathryn Davis Zelenik ’10 married high school sweetheart, Matthew Zelenik (CPA) on September 12, 2015. Sarah Kate Brewer, SCA 2010, served as maid of honor. Kathryn and Matthew reside in Nashville.



4. Shellie Farris ’08 and Matthew Bogle married on April 23, 2016 at Church of the Assumption. The couple met at the University of Tennessee and currently live in Atlanta, GA. 5. Hannah Granbery Mooney ’09 married Davis Mooney on January 2nd, 2016.

A LU M N A E N OTE S 1. Blair Ely ’14, Brooke Ely ’14, and Emma Hall ’14 were recognized by the Association of National Fundraising Professionals Nashville Chapter as the Rising Star Youth Fundraising Volunteers of 2015. Blair, Brooke and Emma founded Be Happy Haiti, a dental organization dedicated to providing dental hygiene to children in LaValle, Haiti.





In Memoriam

NORMA PETRE ALLEN '37, sister of Rosemary Petre Brunette ’40, Mildred Petre Sweeney ’29 deceased, Dorothy Petre Trauernicht ’44 deceased




mother of Valarie Halcin Breedlove '78

DR. ALICE BROWN '74, sister of Dr. Jacqueline Brown Bryant ’75 and Dr. Renee Brown Pascoe ‘77

May the souls of our faithful departed alumnae, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Forever in our prayers, we remember each alumna as pictured in her high school class composite. To view recent memorial notices of our alumnae’s family members and friends of St. Cecilia Academy, please visit

2. Brady Diaz-Barriga ’13 (center) with fellow classmates, Rebecca Conners and Emma MacCurdy at the Ring Dance at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. Brady is a junior at the University of Richmond. Richmond has a ball for the junior women every year. 3. Lily Fisher ’13 (right) is studying abroad this semester with Aquinas College's new program in Bracciano, Italy. 4. Jill Bader ’01 (center) has been recognized by the American Association of Political Consultants as part of the 2016 Class of 40 under 40 winners.

3 5

5. Liz Marchetti Schimmer '07 was recognized as Nashville's Top 30 Under 30 honoree and was presented with The Rising Star award for being the top fundraiser in her class. She raised $25,000 for Cystic Fibrosis research.

a Send birth and wedding announcements, alumnae notes and photos to: NOTE: Photos taken with phones can’t be used. For best results, image size should be high resolution of 300dpi and (at least) 4x6 inches.









4210 Harding Pike Nashville, TN 37205 STCECILIA.EDU


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Make plans now to see this

“tale as old as time.” USA Today voted

SCA’s 2006 production of Beauty and the Beast as the

“Best High School Musical in Tennessee.”



NOV. 4-13, 2016 This year’s rendition is sure to be a hit, so plan now to get your tickets in advance!

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