St Chad’s College News November 2002
An Infinite Number of Monkeys did Durham The College turned out in force (over 300 strong) to welcome Tim Higham (Chad’s 1997) and James Campbell to perform at the Gala Theatre. Between performances, Tim writes for Smack the Pony and for Rory Bremner, and his humour last Tuesday was in the same vein. Congratulations to Tim and James, and to the Senior Tutor, Michael Hampel, for all his hard work in bringing the duo to Durham. There was a lot of work behind the scenes, notably by James Randle and Mandy Griffin of the Development Team, Tony and all the staff in the kitchen, and the tutors for their persuasive marketing work. Thanks also to the whole College for coming together to celebrate the work of one of our former students.
BUILDINGS The Quad. Although it’s not obvious to the eye yet, things are progressing. We have received listed building consent for the works, although we have not received the paperwork, and so cannot apply for building regulation approval. We have hired an architect, George Stastny, and a planning supervisor, DTA Consulting Engineers. We have also received rough estimates on adding underfloor heating; and we are arranging to hire someone to oversee compliance with health and safety regulations. There are a few decisions to be made about boiler-replacement, etc., but the major task is to get detailed building plans prepared in November. We are going to try to get the floor done before the Candlemass Ball. We can’t afford to risk having it only nearly-done, so we’re going to have to monitor this very closely; and if there’s any risk at all we’ll have to begin after the Ball. We should have a roof over our heads before or around Easter, and then there will be further work to do re flooring, lighting, etc. We’re conscious of the problem of noise disruption, and College Officers will liase with students to ensure that it’s kept to a minimum. The Quad, when finished, will serve a variety of purposes. The College will sometimes want to use it as an extension of the Dining Hall and for occasional lectures or recitals, but generally the new Quad/Hall will be extra common space B and it will feel like an extension to the JCR. Having such a large, central common space should enhance our sense of community. The Toastie Bar. Following a decision made last year, the Toastie Bar will now be open during the day as a second JCR lounge. It’s hoped that the serving hatch in the Toastie Bar will become a tuck shop, but more on that from the JCR themselves.