President's Report to the Board – May 2019

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SCC provides new career opportunities through annual Job Fair SCC hosted some 251 employers representing 124 companies and organizations at the 26th annual community Job Fair on May 3 in the College Center. The event provided opportunities for more than 365 job seekers to find job leads, obtain job training and job search information; receive resume critique/job coaching; get professional headshots taken; and benefit from networking opportunities. “We could not have had such a successful job fair without the help and support of Catering, Housekeeping, Maintenance, Public Safety, the Help Desk/IT, Advising/Enrollment Services, the Fitness Center, Cashier’s Office, Purchasing, Marketing and anyone who shared our flier, mentioned the Job Fair to someone or spread the word some other way,” said Jenny Hahn Schnipper, career services manager. “Additionally, special thanks to Admissions and Recruitment, Human Resources, and Workforce Development for hosting tables so our job-seekers could learn about all the wonderful things SCC has to offer.” Volunteers participated from SCC, the Missouri Job Center of St. Charles County, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Lewis and Clark Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management.

SCC ranked among safest colleges in America SCC was named among’s list of safest colleges in America. The Safest Colleges in America study ranked SCC 52 of the nearly 500 colleges with safety scores based on a number of factors, including FBI crime data, reports from local law enforcement and police adequacy. “For parents sending their children off to college, safety is usually a top concern,” according to the website. “It is often the first time that their kids are on their own, living independently outside of the home. Choosing a school with a solid reputation

for security and low potential for dangerous threats allows moms and dads to breathe easier once their kids ship off to earn a higher education.” See the full ranking at “We know that one of the main priorities for any college is keeping students and faculty safe and feel that this is a good opportunity to make your campus crime statistics and safety resources available to prospective and current students,” said Robyn Avery, media relations at


Spring Finals Week Tuesday-Monday, May 14-20 Summer Foundation Book Scholarship Application Deadline: Wednesday-Tuesday, May 15-21

Center Stage Theatre Auditions Catch Me If You Can Tuesday-Thursday, May 21-23 | FAB Theatre SOAR 8:30 a.m. & Noon Thursday, May 30

Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, May 20

Summer Classes Begin Monday, June 3

2nd 8-Week Classes End Monday, May 20

SOAR 8:30 a.m. & Noon Wednesday, June 12

Summer Early Start 5-Week Classes Begin Tuesday, May 21

Food Truck Frolic 5 p.m. Friday, June 21 | Red Parking Lot

For more information and additional events, including SCC athletics, visit

Dr. Kavalier joins Governor Parson, state legislators to discuss economic development Governor Mike Parson gathered community and government officials early this month at Wentzville City Hall to discuss his Economic Development Package. Barbara Kavalier, Ph.D., SCC president, was among the leaders invited to participate in the round-table discussion introducing the plan. The Economic Development Package is a comprehensive strategy for growth across Missouri. In it, Parson revealed a General Motors: A Real-Time Case Study initiative that

is encouraging GM to invest nearly $1 billion in its Wentzville location. According to Parson, such an investment will safeguard the longevity of the plant as a whole, ensuring that production remains in Wentzville over the long term and that Missouri doesn’t lose jobs to other states. Dr. Kavalier joined the Governor again at the capitol the following week to participate in a meeeting regarding this bill. The Senate approved the bill on May 14 and it was sent to Gov. Parson for his signature.

Dave Leenhouts named SCC Vice President for Student Services

in Texas, Georgia and Colorado. “Mr. Leenhouts’ skills and experiences align with many of the traits and areas of expertise identified by the employees in enrollment management,” said Barbara Kavalier, Ph.D., SCC president. “Based on multiple assessments, he emerged as the top candidate.” Leenhouts holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Hope College in Holland, Mich. He received a Master of Arts degree and in general psychology from Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant, Mich., and a Specialist degree in psychological services with an emphasis in school psychology from Central Michigan University. Leenhouts’ first day will be July 1, 2019.

St. Charles Community College has selected Dave Leenhouts as the next vice president for student affairs. Leenhouts brings more than seven years of experience as a vice president of student services at Wharton County Junior College in Wharton, Texas, and additional experience as the director of student life, director of financial aid, and director of special services for disadvantaged students. He has worked at community colleges

Sizemore awarded first Pinnacle of Excellence Dr. Barbara Kavalier, SCC president, announced Amanda Sizemore, assistant vice president for corporate and community development, as the recipient of the first SCC Pinnacle of Excellence Award. “Amanda has been instrumental in developing and expanding our Workforce and Corporate and Community Development Division,” Kavalier said. Her notable accomplishments include expanding welding to a credit program; writing the MoExcel grant for $1.5 M which was approved in the House budget bill; contributing to expanding SCC’s service area to include Warren County; conducting a survey of business and industry and identifying the most needed technical programs; developing and implementing new technical programs; and, in collaboration with Dean Amy Koehler, contributing to the establishment of the new Dardenne Creek Campus.

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