Library Editions March 2019 Vol. 28 Issue 2

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In this issue… Open Educational Resources (OER)

A Night with Author Sam Kean at Lindenwood University

Library Book Sale

MAR. 2019

Science and Nature Writing, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, Slate, and Psychology Today. His work has also been featured on NPR’s “Radiolab,” “Science Friday,” and “All Things Considered.” Join Sam Kean on Tuesday, April 30 at Lindenwood, as he discusses his favorite true science stories. Books sales and signing will follow. Check out all of Mr. Kean’s books at the SCC Library! Sponsored by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

26th Annual Library Book Sale Contents: Book club .......................... 2 24-hour chat ...................... 2 Workshops ........................ 2 Oscar nominees ................ 2 OER .................................. 3 Notable books ................... 4 Indy film awards ................ 5

Lindenwood University, with St. Charles High School, St. Charles West High School, and St. Charles Community College, and are proud to welcome author Sam Kean on Tuesday, April 30, at 6:00 p.m., at the Lindenwood University Library.

Kean, New York Times best selling author of several popular science novels, including The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements, spent years collecting mercury from broken thermometers as a child. His stories have appeared in The Best American

Celebrate National Library Week at the annual Library Book Sale, April 8—10, 7:30 a.m.— 9:00 p.m., at the LRC. Hardcover books and DVDs are $1, and paperbacks, 50 cents.

We still need your donations! Please bring book sale donations to the LRC during library hours. Questions? Don’t hesitate to call us at 636-922-8434. See you at the book sale!

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