VOL. 26 ISSUE 1 SEPT. 2016
From the Dean What’s all the buzz about? Does the library have stationary bicycles? The library received funding from SCC’s Health and Wellness Committee which allowed for the addition of three new FitDesks. They’re cool. They’re quiet. And they’re stressfree.
Recently a student stopped at the Reference Desk to report that the FitDesks are "awesome." She is 41, the mother of four, and taking care of her own mother. All of these responsibilities leave her with no time to exercise. To be able to ride the bike for 40 minutes while studying means a lot to her. She hopes we never get rid of them! Students, staff, and faculty are welcome to drop by and try out a FitDesk. First come, first fit. Stephanie D. Tolson, Dean Learning Resources & Academic Support
Study Rooms to Receive a Technology Boost
Contents: New Resources…………….2 Book Club…….…..……......3 Staff News…...……………..3 Wireless Printing…………...3 National Book Award……...4 Web Sites…………………..5 Challenged Books…………6
Today’s students want to multitask because of their busy lives. Students who visit the library to do research, write a paper, or connect to their Canvas course will be able to achieve some fitness as they connect on their laptop or mobile device by using the FitDesks. The SCC library wants to engage students. That is why FitDesks have been added. In addition, students can de-stress at the Lego table, put together a puzzle, or play chess.
Goodbye to outdated technology! The LRC was recently awarded a Technology Fee allocation to purchase five 43inch LED Smart TVs to enhance the study rooms on the second floor of the library. Students will be able to connect mobile devices to the TVs to rehearse PowerPoint presentations, share videos, and perform other group work. Mounting the TVs on the wall will also increase space in the study rooms. Thanks to the Maintenance Department for installing them!