SCC Winter 2013 Continuing Education Class Schedule

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Don’t hibernate ... rejuvenate!


This schedule of classes brought to you by the

SCC DIVISION OF CORPORATE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Dr. Ron Chesbrough, SCC President • Yvonne Wills, Division Dean Tina Sieker Associate Dean Continuing Education

Amanda Sizemore Director Workforce Development

Maureen Miles Coordinator Class Schedule

Kelly Thebeau Layout and Design Class Schedule

It’s a new year – what an exciting time! A new year provides an opportunity to think about all of the possibilities that lie ahead … all the dreams to be fulfilled. It’s a time to get back on track, follow a new path or re-prioritize those things that are truly important to us. Wherever your passion takes you – from exploring your creative side to improving your health and well-being, we

Amanda Rose Associate Dean Extended Learning

have a class that can help you. We are committed to providing high-quality, high-value classes in a broad range of topics. Challenge yourself to discover, explore and enjoy in 2013. Live with passion – Learn for Life! Tina Sieker Associate Dean, Continuing Education

When you see this Quick Response (QR) symbol throughout the course schedule, use your smartphone with a QR code reader app to link to videos and more information about SCC Continuing Education. Free application recommendation: i-nigma or Scan

REGISTER EARLY SO YOUR CLASS DOESN’T CANCEL! Cancellation Policy: Because St. Charles Community College Continuing Education (non-credit) classes are self-supporting, the decision to run a class is based on the number of people enrolled. The college reserves the right to cancel if sufficient enrollment is not achieved.

Registrations need to be received at least one week prior to the start of class to be considered in the determination of whether to cancel the class. An attempt will be made to notify registrants by phone or mail if a class is cancelled. Full refunds will be issued for classes cancelled by the college.

Online registration is easy! College Mission SCC enriches our community by providing life-changing educational and cultural opportunities focused on personal growth and student success in a global society.


LEARN FOR ... GROWTH: FOR THE AGES Academic Enhancement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Homeschool Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Spring Break Camps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Youth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Plus 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 LEARN FOR ... ADVENTURE: SPECIAL EVENTS AND TRIPS

Day Trips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lunch/Dinner Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LEARN FOR ... INSPIRATION: CREATIVITY

Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Crafts and Hobbies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 LEARN FOR ... WELL-BEING: RECREATION AND FITNESS Fitness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 Fitness Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Rec Certification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-20 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 LEARN FOR ... YOUR MIND: LIFESTYLE Culinary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-22 Home and Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 History/Special Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24 Life Improvement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-26 Personal Computing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-29 LEARN FOR ... WORK: PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL

Career Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Professional Development/Certification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Small Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Home Inspection Certification Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Ed2Go, 360 Training, ProTrain, Center for Legal Studies, American Management Association, Carson Dunlop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

ADULT EDUCATION, LITERACY, ESL, GED速 PREPARATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

HOW TO ENROLL, REGISTRATION, LOCATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-40



For the Ages Academic Enhancement

Homeschool Enrichment

ACT Cambridge Review

Space, A New Frontier! (Ages 8-14)

All subjects on the ACT exam are covered. Prepare for the ACT exam using materials developed by Cambridge Education Services. Bring a calculator. Textbook required. Purchase textbook at the St. Charles Community College Bookstore.

Earth and beyond! Scientists have long studied the skies and recently ventured into it. This module on space will study Earth along with its closest neighbor, examine the electromagnetic spectrum along with space-based astronomy, and investigate the future of space exploration. Experienced teacher who has taught in the S.E.M.A.A. (Science, Engineering, Math, Aerospace Academy) program which was sponsored by NASA. Last day will include a field trip to Boeing Prologue Room to experience The Adventures in Space Program. We will carpool as a class.

1/15-2/5 T/Th 6-9p $125 2/25-4/8 M 6-9p $125 4/23-6/4 T 6-9p $125

College Preparatory Math Course is for students who cannot test into or pass MAT 096, who want to review the core subjects of mathematics or improve their techniques and problem solving skills. Each student works at his own pace and the number of modules required will depend on each individual’s current level of ability and the time and effort put into the class. Class is broken into four units: number sense, arithmetic, pre-algebra and word problems. Class has an optional lab on Thursdays from 5-6p, 1 hour before class starts. 1/22-3/14 T 6-8p Th 5-8p $139 Class has an optional lab on Wednesdays from noon-1p, 1 hour before class starts. 1/23-3/18 W Noon-3p M 1-3p $139 Class has an optional lab on Wednesdays from 9-10a, 1 hour before class starts. 1/23-3/18 W 9a-noon M 10a-noon $139 Class has an optional lab on Thursdays from 5-6p, 1 hour before class starts. 3/19-5/16 T 6-8p Th 5-8p $139 Class has an optional lab on Wednesdays from 9-10a, 1 hour before class starts. 3/20-5/20 W 9a-noon M 10a-noon $139 Class has an optional lab on Wednesdays from noon-1p, 1 hour before class starts. 3/20-5/20 W Noon-3p M 1-3p $139



1/28-3/4 M 12:30-2:30p $89

LEGO® Robotics Engineering and Alternative Energy (Ages 9-12) Design, build and program robots to take your engineering skills to a higher level. Students will build machines powered by the sun and the wind! The Renewable Energy extension set for the LEGO® Mechanisms kit gives kids a hands-on introduction to renewable energy sources and the science behind solar panels and wind turbines. Students watch their machines come to life as the miniature solar panels and electric generators gather the energy to power them. Robotic projects include Amazonian, two scaler car, solar car, solar detector station, wind turbine and wind turbine station. 4/10-5/15




Spring Break Camps

iCreate Web Computer Camp (Ages 11-15) Create your own video scrapbook and comic book. Animate your own stories, stylize your images and edit videos online. Learn how to use Glogster, Animoto, Wordle, Comic Master, Blabberize, Storybird and Go Animate. Have a blast posting your creations on your own digital portfolio website! 4/2-4/5

Lunch Supervision – 5 days (Ages 7-12) All students attending both morning and afternoon camps must register for this supervised lunch hour. No student may be on campus unsupervised between camps. This is NOT a drop-in program. You must register your child in advance. 3/11-3/15 M-F Noon-1p $15 4/1-4/5 M-F Noon-1p $15




LEGO® Robotics Engineering Camp (Ages 7-9) LEGO® + Robotics + Computers = Education the LEGO® way! Build LEGO® models featuring working motors and sensors, learn simple programming techniques to make models perform simple tasks and explore a series of cross-curricular, theme-based activities, all while developing skills in science, technology, engineering, math, language and literacy. Students will work in teams using NXT Mindstorm Robotic kits. T-shirt included.

Lunch Supervision – 4 days (Ages 7-12)

3/11-3/15 M-F 9a-noon $115 4/1-4/5 M-F 9a-noon $115

All students attending both morning and afternoon camps must register for this supervised lunch hour. No student may be on campus unsupervised between camps. This is NOT a drop-in program. You must register your child in advance.

LEGO® Robotics Engineering Camp (Ages 10-14)

3/12-3/15 T-F Noon-1p $12 4/2-4/5 T-F Noon-1p $12

Take your engineering skills to a new level using LEGO® NXT Mindstorms Robotics. Discover the challenges that make robotics technology accessible using problem-solving techniques. Create your robot using basic computer programming, principles of simple and complex machines, gearing and your own creativity. Teams will attempt to exploit the design weaknesses or incidental mechanical advantage of their opponents’ robots. A perfect blend of math, science and fun! Projects will include robotic arm, intelligent car, scorpion and a lawn mower. LEGO® soccer and golf players kick the ball, cranes lift creatures, motorized bridges open up, all created and programmed by you! T-shirt included. 3/11-3/15 M-F 1-4p 4/1-4/5 M-F 1-4p

Cupcake Wars (Ages 7-12) Do you love to make cupcakes and watch cupcake wars on the food network? In this amazing camp, you can let your imagination and creativity run wild as you discover how to use icing, flavorings, fondants, gum paste, cookies and candies and turn them into creations of art! Each day you will be given a theme. On the final day, we will have our very own cupcake wars! Are you up for the challenge? 3/12-3/15 T-F 1-4p 4/2-4/5 T-F 1-4p

$105 $105

$115 $115

So You Think You Can Dance (Ages 8-12) Do you love dance shows but need help learning the latest and coolest dances? Get energized while you master jazz, contemporary jazz and hip hop techniques to develop dynamic choreography. On the last day show off your jazz and hip hop combo routine as you perform for your family and friends. 3/11-3/15 M-F 1-4p 4/1-4/5 M-F 1-4p

$95 $95



Art Studio Camp (Ages 7-9) Are you the next Picasso or Walt Disney? Let your creativity and imagination run wild as you work with a variety of mediums. Explore acrylics, watercolors, pastels, charcoals, printmaking, oil painting, three dimensional art and more! You will exhibit in an art show on the last day of camp to showcase your creativity and talent. Get creative, get messy! 3/11-3/15 M-F 9a-noon $105 4/1-4/5 M-F 1-4p $105

Youth Introductory Theater Workshop I (Ages 8-10) Introductory class for theater students includes definitions of stage and theater areas, basic acting and diction exercises, stage movement and auditioning techniques. Class size is limited. 1/14-2/11 M 6-7:30p $49

Introductory Theater Workshop I (Ages 11 and Up) Art Studio Camp (Ages 10-12) Are you the next Picasso or Walt Disney? Let your creativity and imagination run wild as you work with a variety of mediums. Explore acrylics, watercolors, pastels, charcoals, printmaking, oil painting, three dimensional art and more! You will exhibit in an art show on the last day of camp to showcase your creativity and talent. Get creative, get messy! 3/11-3/15 M-F 1-4p $105 4/1-4/5 M-F 9a-noon $105

Science Rocks! (Ages 7-12) Ignite your science potential for a week of the messiest, stickiest, slimiest and coolest camp you will ever see! Discover how to make your own slime to take home. Make homemade bouncy balls, learn about DNA, create edible chemical reactions, see rockets soar and watch volcanoes erupt in this hands-on science adventure.

Class consists of detailed work in stage direction, stage presence, diction and vocal performance studies and makeup expertise. Minimum age 11 years old or consent of the director. Supply list available online. 1/14-2/11 M 7:30-9p $49

Introductory Theater Workshop II (Ages 9 and Up) Advanced workshop for students who have completed the introductory/beginning workshop. Students will prepare and present a monologue. Includes additional acting techniques, elements of creating characters and voice projection. Fun exercises in pantomime and improvisation will be introduced. Class size is limited. Prerequisite: Introductory Theater Workshop Part 1. 4/8-4/29 M 6-7:30p $49

3/11-3/15 M-F 9a-4p $175 4/1-4/5 M-/F 9a-4p $175

Disne�® Dazzle and Dessert! 2 and 7 p.m. · Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013, and Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013 · $15 per person Daniel J. Conoyer Social Science Building auditorium St. Charles Community College Join Disney® Princes and Princesses as Young People’s Theatre brings your favorite characters to life in a rousing musical review of the fabulous Disney® music that we have all come to love. Cinderella and Prince Charming will host a dessert show that will include many of their best friends. Allow yourself to be transported to the world of Disney® as you enjoy sweet treats and lemonade, coffee or tea. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine, Prince Charming and many of their companions, both new and old, hero and villain, will entertain and charm you. What a fabulous way to say ” I love you" just before Valentine’s Day. For more information, call 636-922-8233 or get tickets online at OPEN TO ALL AGES 3


Storytelling (Ages 10 and Up)

Extreme LEGO® Robotic Engineering (Ages 9-13)

An overview of storytelling technique to include: how to choose and prepare material, how to use characterization and costuming, proper vocal technique and incorporation of acting strategies to bring the story to life.

LEGOS® + Robots + Computers = Super science fun! For students who have taken a LEGO® Robotic class or who are experienced LEGO® Robotic engineers. Program your robots to meet more challenges. Projects will include fork lift, puppy dog, baseball and a humanoid. Bring along your enthusiasm and imagination, and have a blast with robotics fun! Students will work in teams with Mindstorm NXT robotic kits. Bring digital camera to class.

5/1-5/22 W 7:30-9p $49

Playreading (Ages 12 and Up)

Designed for serious young acting students, this 1/15-3/5 T 6-7:30p $89 course concentrates on development of specific scenes with an emphasis on characterization and voice and body language study. The actor will learn the essentials of developing a scene in reference to the other actors, as well as how to understand the context that the playwright intended. Prerequisite: Have a blast as you meet new friends and learn Introductory Theater Workshop II or teacher consent. something cool. Classes meet on Friday nights for

Friday Night Kids and Teens Zone

4/8-4/29 M 7:30-9p $49

Cupcake Art for Winter (Ages 7-14)

Fun With Improv (Ages 8 and Up) Have fun and develop acting technique by exploring basic improvisation skills through theater games and scenes. Improv develops stage presence, poise and quick thinking as students learn to work together to create unique characters and humorous situations. 5/1-5/22 W 6-7:30p $49

Drawing and Watercolor Painting (Ages 8-14) Learn drawing and basic watercolor skills in a class for beginning artists. Practice drawing and learn to add watercolor to your artwork. Students should wear old clothes or bring an apron. 3/2-3/23


kids and teens. Parents, enjoy a night out!

Celebrate winter fun creating and designing cupcake art. Learn decorating techniques using candies, cookies and other treats. Everyone will take home lots of goodies. Yum! 1/18

F 6-8:30p $36

Cupcake Art for Valentine’s Day (Ages 7-14) Come celebrate Valentine’s Day creating and designing cupcake art. Learn decorating techniques using candies, cookies and other treats. Everyone will take home lots of goodies. Yum! 2/1




10a-noon $59

NEW! Keyboarding and MS Word Fundamentals (Middle School) Middle and high schools are all requiring students to submit highly polished, typed documents. In this hands-on class, learn keyboarding and word processing skills essential for success in school, college and the workplace as well as how to increase speed and accuracy. A great class for students who struggle with handwriting skills. Organization and study skills will also be emphasized. 1/10-1/17 Th 6-8p 3/7-3/14 Th 6-8p 5/2-5/9 Th 6-8p

$39 $39 $39



Let’s Hit the Trail

Plus 50 Modified Aerobics A gentler approach to the typical fitness class. Choreographed dance moves are set to a variety of music. Hand weights, body bars, balls and bands tone the muscles, while stretching adds to your flexibility. Great class if you’re new to exercise or just getting back to it. 1/23-3/13 M/W 8-8:50a $65 S1 3/18-5/15 M/W 8-8:50a $65 S2

You’re never too old to learn to ride, so come on out to the Katy Bike Rental and let them get you up to speed. Conquer any fear you might have by learning the basics of safety and etiquette, how to inspect your bike before hitting the trail and what to do if you have mechanical problems once you are on our way. Happy trails! Must bring trail-worthy bike or rent from shop for $8. 5/19-6/9 Su 5/20-6/17 M

1:30-3:30p $75 S1 9-11a $75 S2

NEW! Social Security Workshop

Zumba Gold

Knowledge is power. Learn about your Social Security benefit options, including strategies that will help you to get the most from this important benefit. Topics include required credits, value of Social Security, benefits and understanding your statement, esti2/26-4/18 T/Th 10:30-11:30a $75 mating benefits, early versus late retirement, breakeven point and longevity risk, working in retirement, spousal and survivor benefits, claim and suspend, Learn the Harmonica Social Security and taxes and available planning Have fun learning this unique and versatile instru- tools. Whether you are decades away, nearing retirement. Learn many great folk songs while impressing ment or already in retirement, you can benefit from your family and friends. The 10-hole C diatonic har- this class. Taught by an accredited wealth managemonica is used. ment advisor. Zumba Gold is a low-impact easy-to-follow Latin dance with movements and routines designed for active older adults or those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle.

1/28-2/11 4/8-4/22


7-8p 7-8p

$39 $39

S1 S2





Coming Soon ... Boomers on the Boardwalk! Community members aged 55+ are invited to join us in this fun new group which will meet at the St. Charles County Arts Council in Winghaven. Watch for an announcement of classes and events, or better yet, let us know what you are interested in. Contact us at to tell us what classes you would like to see offered.



Special Events & Trips Daytrips These trips are for adult participants unless otherwise noted. Tuition includes meals, transportation and all admissions. Day trip coach departs from the circle by the Fine Arts and Humanities buildings. All times are approximate.

The Simple Life – Amish Countryside Tour Spend a full day exploring Arcola and Arthur, Ill. Rich in history and Amish culture, this trip will give you a glimpse of what it would be like to live in a much simpler world. Tour an Amish home and enjoy a delicious family-style meal. After lunch, enjoy a buggy ride on a third-generation farm followed by a bus tour of the country including a woodworking shop and other local stops. The trip home will include a stop at Rockome Gardens and a light snack on the bus. Feel free to bring your camera, but please respect the Amish people’s desire not to be photographed. Last date to cancel 3/28.

Sheldon Coffee Concerts Join us for Tuesday morning coffee concerts at the Sheldon Concert Hall. Morning will begin with coffee and pastry in the beautiful Louis Spiering Room, followed by a one-hour concert.

4/12 F 7a-7p $109

Sheldon Coffee Concert – Peter Henderson Step Back in Time – Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Explore this charming and friendly historic community, named one of America’s Dozen Distinctive Destinations, and one of Budget Travel’s Coolest Small Towns in America. Our journey begins at the Great River Road Interpretive Center followed by tours of several historic homes and sites, to include the Bolduc House and the Felix Valle House. Lunch will be at the Old Brick House Restaurant in the oldest, brick building west of the Mississippi. After lunch its off to Kaskaskia Island to view the Liberty Bell of the West. A quick tasting stop at one of Ste. Genevieve’s local wineries will finish off the day. A full day with moderate walking to tour homes and sites. Last date to cancel is 4/12. 4/26




One of St. Louis’ top classical pianists, Peter Henderson is a regular performer with the St. Louis Symphony. He is known for his virtuosic solo performances and his ability to communicate the joy of live music. For his Sheldon concerts, Henderson will play glorious music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Liszt and Claude Debussy’s popular Clair de Lune. Last date to cancel is 1/22. 2/5


8-11:45a $59

Sheldon Coffee Concert – Cornet Chop Suey Cornet Chop Suey wows St. Louis audiences with their exciting style of traditional jazz, swing and blues music. With Brian Casserly, Tom Tucker, Jerry Epperson and Brett Stamps on the front line, and Paul Reid, Al Sherman and John Gillick making up the rhythm section, Cornet Chop Suey promises a high-energy good time! Last date to cancel is 4/22. 5/7


8-11:45a $59



Life and Times of Henry Shaw Take a historical look at the life and times of Henry Shaw. Shaw began his hardware store in St. Louis in 1819 just before St. Louis saw rapid growth and he became very successful. Tour begins in downtown St. Louis at the site of that first store. Our tour guide, Melanie Harvey, will educate you on your journey to learn about Shaw’s life and contributions to St. Louis. Tour also includes Tower Grove Park, lunch and Missouri Botanical Garden, Shaw’s most important contribution to the city of St. Louis. Last date to cancel 5/3. 5/17




Lunch/Dinner Theater

Deathtrap This highly successful play tells the story of an acclaimed playwright, famous for his theatrical thrillers, who has had a recent string of flops and misfires. He is ready to try anything to reverse his fortunes, even if it means bringing the killing off the page. He begins a collaboration with a young student who has written the beginnings of a top-notch thriller. Through a series of twists and turns the characters' real intentions all begin to shine through. The trap is set. Not everyone will make it out alive. Lunch after the performance on campus. Last date to cancel is 2/21. 3/7

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? When Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? opened on Broadway in 1962, critics raved at what became a transformational play for the American theater. Targeting the modern American marriage, it broke new ground with its controversial profanity and sexual situations. Set in New England during the Cold War ‘60s, the marriage of George and Martha, with its razor-sharp dialogue and vicious taunts, is laid open for all to see. Winner of both the Tony and the New York Drama Critics awards for Best Play, it went on to become a very successful film starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Dinner in the College Center Rotunda follow by a short walk to the theater. Last day to cancel is 4/10. 4/25 Th 6-10p


Th 9:30a-1:30p $22

Dinner Concert Come enjoy an evening of musical favorites from Hollywood and Broadway performed by the singing, dancing members of the SCC Show Choir. A delicious dinner in the College Center Rotunda will follow the show. Last date to cancel is 5/2. 5/16 Th 6:30-10p $19




Art Calligraphy

Introduction to Oil Painting

Explore the world of stylish and elegant handwriting. Beginners will experiment with basic italic scriptconsidered the easiest to learn. Transform your next party invitation! Supply list available online.

Art lovers and beginners welcome! Internationally known artist Ron Hauser will guide you in traditional and contemporary methods as you apply your first brush strokes to canvas to create your masterpiece. Using oil media you will explore basic design, color, form and space on a canvas. Bring a favorite photo or magazine picture to work from. Supply list available online.

1/14-3/11 M 6:30-8:30p $75

Open Artists Studio Are you a current or former Continuing Education art student? Our studio is open for you! Use this time to complete your current art project at your own pace in this self-guided class. Collaborate with other artists while enhancing your artistic ability. Prerequisite: Must be a current or former Continuing Education art student. 1/7-2/18 M 6-9p 3/6-4/17 W 6-9p 4/24-5/29 W 6-9p

1/24-2/28 Th 6-9p 3/21-4/25 Th 6-9p

$149 $149

$36 $36 $36

Introduction to Ceramics Come ready to get your hands dirty and express your creative side in a fun and relaxed environment! Conquer basic construction skills, including pinch pots, coil building, slab construction, throwing on a potter’s wheel and a variety of methods for glazing and firing your next project. $35 supply fee payable with tuition. 2/2-4/13 S 12:30-3:30p $165 $35

Advanced Ceramics Get thrown into the next level of ceramics! Master the art of wheel-thrown pottery. Building on the techniques learned in the introductory class, create three large-scale projects using a combination of creative techniques. $35 supply fee payable with tuition. Prerequisite: Introduction to Ceramics or instructor permission.

Watercolor by Shirley Nachtri eb,


Introduction to Watercolors Feed your creative appetite with beginning watercolor techniques that will include color theory and values. Simple, small paintings will be completed during class. A great way to understand and begin an exciting medium. Supply list available online. 3/4-4/8 M 4/29-6/10 M

6:30-8:30p $99 6:30-8:30p $99

2/2-4/13 S 12:30-3:30p $165 $35



St. Charles County Arts Council SCC is proud to announce its partnership with the St. Charles County Arts Council to provide high quality arts and cultural classes and experiences to the community. Classes, workshops and events will be held at the Arts Council Lillian Yahn Gallery in WingHaven located next to the library. Class sizes will be kept small in order to give students individual attention. We hope you will share our enthusiasm about this exciting new partnership and will attend some classes at this new site! Whether you are a senior, adult or child, there will be something fun and inspirational for you. For complete descriptions and to register, go to

Tree of Life – Jan. 18 class

Art and Wine Extravaganza! Join us for an unforgettable evening of fun, friends and fine art where you can drink wine, munch on appetizers and be instructed by an artist step-by-step recreating a Mosaic Tree – March beautiful painting! 6-10 p.m. Jan. 18 – $45; 6-10 p.m. March 8 – $45 8 class

Experiential Drawing: Mark Making With a Mixed Media Approach Dust off your drawing materials and take part in this unique art class! Emphasis is on the process of drawing using mixed media on a variety of surfaces. 6-9 p.m. Feb. 12-March 12 – $99

Watch a video about one of our new art instructors by scanning here.

Creative Photos With Beautiful Butterflies

Learn the basics of how to shoot better photos. Included in this class is a hands-on field trip to the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House in Chesterfield. 10 a.m.-noon March 20-April 3 – $51

Arts Funding – Making it Big! Learn how to fund your creative projects and ideas and have total artistic control of your project. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Jan. 23-Feb. 13 – $65

iPad for the Visual Artist Discover how to research and determine which apps you need to support your artistic practice and business. 6-9:30 p.m. Jan. 29 – $39

Watercolor, Composition, Color and Creativity! (Ages 7-12) Create powerful paintings by learning and improving composition, value and color through individual instruction, demonstration and critique. 6-7:30 p.m. Feb. 1-22 – $59 Yoga 4 Kids and Tweens (Ages 7-12) This class allows youths to take a step back from daily life and get their AHHH on! 4:30-6 p.m. Feb. 11-March 25 – $69 Small Scale Sculpture Arts

Get inspired to unleash the inner sculptor in you! A variety of demonstrations and hands-on sculpting techniques will be explored. 6-8 p.m. Feb. 20March 6 – $69

For complete descriptions and to register, visit 9


Crafts/Hobbies Get Hooked on Crocheting Learn the basics of crochet and how to complete a fabric. Students will complete a simple project of their choice and learn techniques to correct simple errors and how to read a pattern. Supply list given the first night of class. 1/29-2/19 T 7-9p

Off-Loom Bead Weaving Have you been to some of the art shows recently and admired the unique beaded pieces? Learn to create your own beautiful wearable works of art with just a few basic off loom beading techniques. Warning, you will become addicted to creating your own modern stylish pieces! 2/20-2/27 W 6:30-8:30p $49


Intermediate Wood Carving NEW! I’m Hooked – Now What? Go beyond the basics of crochet by learning how to double, triple and shell stitch. Grasp the concepts of reading a simple pattern to create those cute little hats, the popular granny square pattern or toys. The list of what you can create is limitless. 3/5-3/26 T 7-9p


Beginning Wire Wrapping Learn the art of wire wrapping and create a wearable work of art! Discover how to make links, clasps, and charms. Designed for those who are unfamiliar with using wire; not to be confused with cabochon wire wrapping. $6 supply fee payable with tuition.

Hone your woodcarving skills. Work with basic palm gouges with special attention given to carving facial features. Carve a wood spirit utilizing all the skills learned. $12 supply fee payable with tuition. 1/22-2/12 T 6:30-8:30p $59

Silk Painting on Scarves Vibrant, colorful silk scarves are a great addition to your wardrobe, or frame and use as unique works of art for your home. Mix, apply and control colored dyes on silk using a variety of techniques. Supply fee covers most materials to make six small scarves and two larger ones. Deadline to register 4/2. $47 supply fee payable with tuition. 4/9-4/30 T 6-9p


4/9-4/16 T 6:30-8p $45

Bath and Body Scrubs Create your own posh spa basics with natural ingredients for a fraction of the cost in stores. Enrich your understanding of mixing essential oils that will make you feel pampered. Make for yourself or as a luxury gift. 3/18 5/7

M 6:30-8:30p $49 T 6:30-8:30p $49

Beyond Bead Jewelry Design Take your Bead Jewelry Design to the next level. Create a beautiful multi-strand bracelet or necklace and learn multiple design techniques to complete the clasp. Take home three unique pieces to wear or give as gifts. $6 supply fee payable with tuition. 3/7-3/14 Th 6:30-8:30p $45



NEW! DIY Spring Décor Want your home to look beautiful for spring? See how easy and affordable it can be to duplicate looks from popular interior design magazines. Create fabulous spring decor projects that will enhance your home. Move over Martha! 3/19

T 6:30-8:30p $45

NEW! Pinterest Mania! You’ve seen it. You’ve pinned it ... or tried to anyway. Having trouble understanding how Pinterest works? First, learn to work your way around the pin boards and then head to our workshop to actually create some of the design ideas and recipes featured on this popular social media site. 1/22-2/5 T 6:30-8:30p $69

Picture Perfect Calling all fabulous hidden away pictures! It’s time to bring out your creativity and go beyond everyday scrapbooking and framed photos. Bring a duplicate of a cherished photo and discover how to creatively transfer to canvas for a unique display. 2/19-2/26 T 6:30-8:30p $59



Ballroom III – Rumba I


4/10-5/29 W 5:50-6:50p $48

A lifetime investment in fun and wellness, dance is a great way to get exercise without working out! Students are instructed to enroll with a partner.

Ballroom III – Mamba I 1/13-3/3 Su 4:10-5:10p $48

Ballroom III – Night Club 2-Step (Slow Dance) 4/8-6/3

M 8-9p


Ballroom IV – Amalgamation of Dance ADVANCED STUDENTS ONLY. 4/7-6/2

Su 4:10-5:10p $48

Imperial Swing Basic I

Social Dance instructors Stan Mayer and Linda Landwehr Ballroom I (Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, East Coast Swing)

1/13-3/3 1/15-3/5 1/17-3/7 4/7-6/2 4/9-5/28 4/11-5/30

Su 2-3p $48 T 6:55-7:55p $48 Th 6:55-7:55p $48 Su 2-3p $48 T 6:55-7:55p $48 Th 6:55-7:55p $48

Imperial Swing Basic II

1/13-3/3 Su 12:55-1:55p $48 1/14-3/11 M 6:55-7:55p $48 1/16-3/6 W 6:55-7:55p $48 4/7-6/2 Su 12:55-1:55p $48 4/8-6/3 M 6:55-7:55p $48 4/10-5/29 W 6:55-7:55p $48

1/15-3/5 1/17-3/7 4/9-5/28 4/11-5/30

T 9:05-10:05p $48 Th 8-9p $48 T 9:05-10:05p $48 Th 8-9p $48

Imperial Swing Basic III (Lindy) 1/17-3/7 Th 9:05-10:05p $48 4/11-5/30 Th 9:05-10:05p $48

Ballroom II (Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, Rumba, East Coast Swing) 1/14-3/11 M 5:50-6:50p $48 1/16-3/6 W 9:05-10:05p $48 4/8-6/3 M 5:50-6:50p $48 4/10-5/29 W 9:05-10:05p $48

Ballroom III – Bolero I 1/15-3/5 T 8-9p


West Coast Swing I and II 1/16-3/6 W 8-9p 4/10-5/29 W 8-9p

$48 $48

Line Dance (variety) No partner required. 1/14-3/11 M 9:05-10:05p $48 4/8-6/3 M 9:05-10:05p $48

Ballroom III – Cha Cha II 1/14-3/11 M 8-9p


Jitterbug Swing I and II Ballroom III – Waltz II 1/16-3/6 W 5:50-6:50p $48

1/13-3/3 Su 3:05-4:05p $48 4/7-6/2 Su 3:05 -4:05p $48

Ballroom III – Foxtrot I 4/9-5/28 T 8-9p

$48 STCHAS.EDU/LEARNFORLIFE | 636-922-8233


Belly Dance Spring Recital Preparation – Level 3 Designed for students who are enrolled in the regular level 3 class during the spring session and who plan on performing in the spring recital. Focus is on learning and refining choreography. Participants will receive guidance on performing skills and costuming. Required for those who wish to perform in the spring recital. 2/23-5/4 S 4:30-5p


Belly Dance Level 1A – Drills and Practice

Belly Dance instructor Nisaa, Heather D. Ward Belly Dance – Level 1


An introduction to the history and technique of Middle Eastern dance. Acquaints the student with fundamental movements of belly dance as it’s practiced today in the United States. Wear comfortable clothes; shoes are optional. Bring a scarf to tie around your hips. 2/9-5/4


9:30-10:30a $79

Builds on the basic techniques, with focus on more complex dance combinations, as well as on musical interpretation. Dance props, including zills and veils, will be introduced. Prerequisite: Belly Dance – Level 1 and instructor permission. S


10:45-11:45a $79

Belly Dance Level 2A – Drills and Practice Provides additional practice in Level 2 belly dance technique. Geared toward students who have completed the Level 2 curriculum but do not wish to move to Level 3 or need additional practice before moving on. 2/9-5/4 S 2-3p

Belly Dance – Level 2


Not ready for Level 2 belly dance? Gain additional practice in Level 1 belly dance technique. Geared toward students who have completed the Level 1 curriculum but do not wish to move to Level 2 or need additional practice.

12:30-1:30p $79


Hula for Your Health For beginners, learn basic hula steps combined with contemporary Hawaiian music. Increase muscle tone in legs, arms and buttocks. A terrific workout for your body and spirit. 1/19-3/9 S 9-10a 3/23-5/18 S 9-10a

$56 $56

Belly Dance – Level 3 Provides in-depth instruction with emphasis on the importance of musical interpretation and showmanship in creating a Middle Eastern dance performance. Admission by instructor permission only. 2/9-5/4 S 3:30-4:30p $79

Belly Dance Spring Recital Preparation – Level 2 Designed for students who are enrolled in the regular Level 2 class during the spring session and who plan on performing in the spring recital. Focus is on learning and refining choreography. Participants will receive guidance on performing skills and costuming. Required for those who wish to perform in the spring recital. 2/23-5/4 S 13




Turbo Tahitian Join us for the newest form of cardio dance. Class will expose you to the movements of Tahitian dance while mixing it up with cardio to increase muscle and burn fat. 1/19-3/9 S 3/23-5/18 S

10:15-11:15a $56 10:15-11:15a $56

Instrumental (Music) Private Lessons

Music Piano I Develop basic skills and techniques in piano playing, applicable to various types of music. No previous keyboard experience necessary. 1/28-5/20 M

6-7:50p $180

This is a private instrumental lesson. Half-hour lessons will be offered in an 8-week session with an optional recital. Eligible persons are middle school to adult. Lesson times are arranged between instructor and student. 1/7-3/4

By Appointment


Piano Private Lessons This is a private lesson. Half-hour lessons will be offered in an 8-week session with an optional recital. Lesson times are arranged between instructor and student. 1/7-3/4

By appointment


Voice Private Lesson SCC Singers Don’t just sing in the shower – come sing with us! In this performance class, participants work on music of various styles and genres culminating in a public performance at the end of the semester. 1/22-5/14 T

This is a private voice class. Half-hour lessons will be offered in an 8-week session with an optional recital. Eligible persons are middle school to adult. Lesson times are arranged between instructor and student. 1/7-3/4

By appointment


7-8:50p $90

Suzuki Violin Lessons Jazz Band A performance course where students study through rehearsals, culminating in a public performance. Enrollment in Concert Band is helpful. Must provide your own instrument. 1/23-5/15 W 7-9:50p $90

This method is based on the concept that children can be taught to play an instrument in much the same way they learn to speak. Enrollment is limited. These classes are available for all ages and are also offered for violin, viola and cello. One hour private lessons plus weekly group sessions. Payment plan available! Lesson times are arranged between instructor and student. 16 weekly lessons. 1/7-4/29 By Appointment $440 (30-minutes); $550 (45-minutes); $660 (1-hour)

Concert Band For woodwind, brass or percussion instruments, students study music techniques through rehearsals, culminating in a public performance. Must provide your own instrument. 1/28-5/20 M

7-9:50p $90

Orchestra Ensemble For string, wind or brass instrument. Group playing and rehearsal, technical and performance skills culminating in a concert at the end of the session. 1/24-5/16 T/Th 7-9p


NEW! Payment plan available for Suzuki lessons. Call 636-922-8233 for details. STCHAS.EDU/LEARNFORLIFE | 636-922-8233


An Introduction to Voiceovers Have you ever wanted to be the voice everyone hears on commercials and documentaries? This fun and interactive class covers details of the industry, the importance of marketing, and of a demo tape. Receive a professional voice evaluation. Taught by a professional voice actor from the voice acting training company, Voices For All. Minimum age requirement is 18 years old. 3/13

W 6-8p


Instant Guitar for Busy Adults and Teens Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply can’t find the time? In just a few hours you can learn the basic chords to start playing along with your favorite tunes. Bring your acoustic guitar. Workbook and practice DVD included. 1/30 4/16

W 6:30-9:30p $59 T 6:30-9:30p $59

Principles of Professional Songwriting Have you ever wanted to write your own songs? Delve into what makes songs a hit, study popular songs and music theory while learning the craft and art of songwriting. Workbook included. 2/6 4/23

W 6:30-9:30p $59 T 6:30-9:30p $59

Recording and Mixing With ProTools Record yourself and others like a pro. Become a better mixer using basic knowledge of recording, editing, MIDI and virtual instruments, mixing and mastering. Learn general studio design, production and recording tips. 1/22-2/12 T

6:30-8:30p $125

Photography Beginner’s Digital Camera Photography What’s the right digital camera for me? How do I use the one I own? Master the settings, get those pictures off your camera and onto your computer and share with family and friends. 3/25-4/1 M 9a-noon $69 4/16-4/23 T 6:30-9:30p $69

Digital Video Editing Do you have hours of video that you want to chisel into a gem? Is some of your footage too shaky? Discover the perfect elements to edit your footage into a finished DVD incorporating image improvement, transitions, titles and special effects with the use of Premiere Elements. 2/5-3/12 T 6:30-8:30p $89

NEW! ISOs, F/stops and Shutter Speeds – Oh My! Don’t be afraid – learn to control your camera to get the creative results you want. Understand the fundamentals of composition, light and movement and become comfortable using your camera menus and controls. Appropriate for DSLRs and point-and-shoot cameras with manual controls. Expect to share your images for constructive class critique. Prerequisite: Basic camera knowledge is required. 2/27-3/13 W 6:30-8:30p $99 4/16-4/30 T 6:30-8:30p $99

Photo Repair and Restoration Bring your vintage photos back to life! Revive faded black and white photos, correct color shifts and remove scratches or surface creases. Repair areas with missing pieces from vintage photos using Adobe Photoshop. 4/22-5/13 M 6:30-9:30p $89

NEW! Photoshop Elements – The First Step Take the first steps and make your photos come alive! Correct and enhance photographs, organize a growing collection of digital photos and share your work online and in print. Discover the key features of this comprehensive image organization and photo enhancement application. 3/5-3/26 T 6:30-9:30p $89



NEW! Fiction Writing for Beginners

Writing Writing and Publishing Your First Book or Seventh Learn how to sell your work to a publisher or selfpublish. Complete information on ISBN’s, copyright, LOC numbers, starting your own business and dealing with the IRS, POD and more. $15 supply fee payable with tuition. 4/8

M 6-10p $39

Characters … conflict … plot. Whether you have a manuscript sitting on the shelf or your thoughts haven’t made it to paper, transform those words into the greatest story ever told. Become the master by learning the basic elements of good fiction writing and get started. 1/23-2/27 W 6:30-8:30p $75


NEW! Fiction Writing – Beyond the Basics Writing and Publishing Children’s Books Conceive, write, edit and publish. Whether you are just beginning to cultivate your story or looking for ways to get past writers block and onto a published book, make this class your priority. Take home a working outline and a viable publishing plan. 2/12-3/19 T

6:30-8:30p $95

An important element of any writing is to revise and edit. Discover the difference between the two and how to separate emotion when it comes to other people critiquing your work. Learn how to improve upon the basics of writing. 3/20-5/8 W 6:30-8:30p $95

Become a Continuing Education Instructor! Do you have a hobby, talent or skill that you would like to teach others? Bring your ideas to this session. If we feel it has the makings of a successful class, we will help you develop it to be taught through our Continuing Education program. We are always looking for new instructors and great ideas for classes. Come and meet us and learn the basics of getting started as a Continuing Education instructor!

6:30-8:30 p.m. Jan. 15, 2013


FREE – Registration is required. Visit

Create Your Own Class!

Want to do something special for an upcoming celebration? Let us help you design an art class just for you and your group. Great for bachelorette parties, birthday celebrations, girls night out, even scout groups and children’s parties. Classes include but are not limited to wine and canvas classes, beading classes, wine glass painting classes and age appropriate classes for children’s groups. Call 636-922-8233 for more information.



Recreation & Fitness Fitness Boot Camp

Physical Fitness

Targets the total body by toning and strengthening the major muscles of the upper and lower body while challenging the cardiovascular system through fastpaced cardiovascular exercises.

Class incorporates a combination of physical activities to produce an overall fitness improvement in the student.

1/22-3/14 T/Th 1-1:50p 3/19-5/16 T/Th 1-1:50p

$90 $90

$90 $90

Walking Fitness

Cardio Core Strength A blend of cardio, yoga, pilates and strength training using a stability ball. This class is done using the Swiss ball. 1/23-3/13 M/W 1-1:50p 1/23-3/13 M/W 6-6:50p 3/18-5/15 M/W 1-1:50p 3/18-5/15 M/W 6-6:50p

1/23-3/13 M/W 10-10:50a 3/18-5/15 M/W 10-10:50a

$90 $90 $90 $90

Learn how to use an ordinary mode of exercise to increase your fitness level and implement weight loss. Required walking handbook available at SCC Bookstore. 3/18-5/15 M/W Noon-12:50p $90 3/19-5/16 T/Th 5-5:50p $90

Muscle Conditioning Stationary muscle strengthening moves to define and sculpt muscles. Uses body ball, body bars, mat work, hand weights and resistance bands. 1/23-3/13 M/W Noon-12:50p $90 3/18-5/15 M/W Noon-12:50p $90

Step and Muscle Conditioning Using the step platform, challenge the cardiovascular system and then turn to bands and weights to tone the muscles. 1/23-3/13 W/M 4:30-5:20p $90 3/18-5/15 M/W 4:30-5:20p $90

Stretch and Strengthen Class is based on yoga, Pilates and dance for conditioning the total body. Emphasis is on core training and proper breathing. Incorporates the use of balls, mats, body bars and hand weights. 1/23-3/13 M/W 9-9:50a 3/18-5/15 M/W 9-9:50a

$90 $90

Beginning Cardio Kickboxing The latest for muscle conditioning and cardiovascular endurance. Time interval drills training using martial arts and boxing moves. 1/7-3/4 M/W 7-7:50p 1/22-3/14 T/Th Noon-12:50p 1/23-3/13 M/W 11-11:50a 3/11-5/8 M/W 7-7:50p 3/18-5/15 M/W 11-11:50a

Intermediate Cardio Kickboxing A continuation of Beginning Cardio Kickboxing. Prerequisite: Beginning Cardio Kickboxing. 3/19-5/16



$90 $90 $90 $90 $90

T/Th Noon-12:50p


Sticky exercise mats (available in the SCC Bookstore) are required in ALL Pilates and yoga classes.

Basic Pilates-Contrology While considering individual levels, skills for coordination of body strength and mental awareness are taught to develop the inner balance needed by all in this classical mat class. Sticky exercise mats (available in the SCC Bookstore) are required in all Pilates and yoga classes. 1/7-3/6 M/W 1-1:50p $95 1/8-3/7 T/Th 5:30-6:20p $95 3/18-5/8 M/W 1-1:50p $85 3/12-5/9 T/Th 5:30-6:20p $95

Basic Strengthening Yoga Learn the basics and understand how breathing and postures are linked together when used in action. Teaches proper alignment and lengthens the spine. This gentle approach eases you into fitness and flexibility. Special instruction will be given to those focusing on a stronger back. Sticky exercise mats (available in SCC Bookstore) are required for all yoga classes. 1/19-3/9 S 3/23-5/18 S

8:30-9:45a $69 8:30-9:45a $69

Beyond Beginning/Intermediate Yoga A more in-depth study of yoga; refining techniques and postures, enhancing core strength, integrating meditation and breath work into a vinyasa flow. Prerequisite: One beginning yoga session. 1/17-3/7 3/21-5/9

Th Th

6:30-7:45p $69 6:30-7:45p $69

Beginning Yoga Hatha Yoga is the practice of meditation, stretching and breathing. Posture allows you to gain flexibility, tone muscles and enjoy the flow of breath within your body. Create a more fluid body, open mind and release tension from your muscles. Sticky exercise mats (available in the SCC Bookstore) are required in all Pilates and yoga classes. 1/17-3/7 Th 1/22-3/12 T 3/21-5/9 Th 3/26-5/7 T

6:30-7:45p $69 7-8:15p $69 6:30-7:45p $69 7-8:15p $69

NEW! Power Yoga A high-energy, total body, cardio and strength training workout that is a synergy of Korean martial arts, Viniyoga, and meditation. Powerful exercises are contrasted by slow yoga postures that increase core strength, flexibility, balance and coordination and relieve muscle tension while developing mental focus. 1/28-3/11 M 3-4:40p $90 3/18-5/15 M 3-4:40p $90

Fitness Dance Modern Dance Modern dance brings out the inner you! Emphasis is on basic components of time, force and movement through the space. Come dance with innovation and expression. 1/23-3/13 W/M 1-1:50p


RUN. LIVE. 10K · 5K · FUN RUN · EXPO LEARN. April 27, 2013 · STCHAS.EDU/LEARNFORLIFE | 636-922-8233


Jazz Dance I Participate in movement experiences designed to increase range of motion, strength, endurance, agility, coordination, stability, line and special awareness using the basic elements of jazz dance. The dance elements of time, force, space, dynamics, expression, and more will be incorporated. Jazz shoes are required. 3/18-5/15 M/W 1-1:50p $90

Dance Aerobics Combines dance and aerobic steps set to contemporary music. Whether you’re a beginner or an old pro, this effective workout is for you. 1/22-3/14 T/Th 2-2:50p $90 3/19-5/16 T/Th 2-2:50p $90

Zumba The latest craze in exercise, learn fun Latin dance steps to create an exhilarating aerobic workout. Based on interval training – a very effective way of working out your whole body while having fun! 1/14-3/11 M/W 7-8p $90 1/23-3/13 M/W 10-10:50a $90 1/23-3/13 M/W 4:30-5:20p $90 3/18-5/15 M/W 10-10:50a $90 3/18-5/15 M/W 4:30-5:20p $90 3/18-5/8 M/W 7-8p $90

Zumba Gold Zumba Gold is a low impact easy-to-follow Latin dance with movements and routines designed for active older adults or those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. 2/26-4/18


Hunter Education Learn safe hunting practices and outdoor ethics (mandatory for anyone born after January 1967). Must be at least 11 years old to be certified; ages 15 or younger are required to bring parent/guardian and proof of age. Parent must pay $5 registration fee also. Participants should bring a #2 pencil, black ink pen and highlighter pen. Registration needs to be done first through the Department of Conservation. To complete this step, log onto: http://my.register-ed. com/panel/statelanding.MO. Click on St. Louis area and choose the class you’re attending. This must be done seven days prior to class! No internet access? Call Busch Conservation Area (636-441-4554). Registration closes seven days prior to start date. 1/19-1/20 S/Su 9a-4p 2/16-2/17 S/Su 9a-4p 3/23-3/24 S/Su 9a-4p 4/13-4/14 S/Su 9a-4p

$5 $5 $5 $5

Amateur Radio General Class License Upgrade This is the second of three US Amateur Radio licenses. To upgrade to General class, you must hold a Technician class license, and pass a 5 words-perminute Morse code test. Once you earn your General Class license, you’ll have access to all ham bands and be able to use every mode of communications from Voice, RTTY, CW, Video and all the modern Computer Interface Digital Modes. This class teaches Element 1 (5-WPM Morse Code), Element 3 (35 questionGeneral Theory) license qualification exams. Class ends with FCC license Exam session. Textbook required. 3/26-5/28 T

7-9p $10

10:30-11:30a $75

Amateur Radio Technician License Course & Exam

Zumba Facts

• You can burn 500-800 calories in a one-hour class. • Zumba workouts are taught in 75 countries. • The word "zumba" is Columbian slang for buzz like a bee or to move very fast.


Recreation Certification


Ham radio provides the broadest and most powerful wireless communications capability available. An entry level ham radio license class that will give you the ability to communicate with other hams around the world using a variety of modes. Certification exam given at the end of class. Textbook required. 3/26-5/28 T

7-9p $10

The ARRL Introduction to Emergency Communications Learn the skills and procedures required for basic disaster communications. Training is a vital step for upgrading skills to a level that follows the FEMA guidelines. Final class date includes testing. Textbook required. Prerequisite: Must hold a valid Amateur Radio license. 3/28-5/30 Th 7-9p $10

NEW! Beginning Tennis II for Adults Playing tennis is a great way to improve your health and it is so versatile you can play anywhere. Designed for the student who has taken a beginning class or who could benefit from additional lessons, the pros at West James Tennis Club will show you how you can improve your game. Forehand, backhand, serving, volleying, lobs, overhead and double strategies will be covered. Held at West James Courts. Bring tennis racquet and athletic shoes. 3/5-4/9


7:30-8:30p $95

Sports NEW! Beginning Tennis I for Adults Did you know playing tennis increases flexibility, coordination and balance? What a great way to beat the winter blahs! Learn how to play tennis from the pros at West James Tennis Club. Covers the basics of playing tennis, forehand, backhand, serve and scoring of a game are all covered. Held at West James Courts in St. Charles. Bring tennis racquet and wear athletic shoes. 1/22-2/26 T 7:30-8:30p $95

Become a Personal Trainer ... Personal Trainer Certification There is a shortage of personal trainers in the workforce. Come join this fun field and be a part of what states as the fourth hottest job in the United States. Course is comprised of 16 hours of lecture, 16 hours of practical training and a 30-hour internship. Topics include biomechanics, exercise physiology, fitness testing, equipment usage and health assessment. The National Exam is held on the ninth week. CPR/AED needed to receive certification. To register, call 636-922-8233 or visit online at Textbook required. Call to order textbook and start reading immediately: 888-330-9487 ( 3/5-5/2 T/Th 7-9p $675

out d n i F It's . w ho ree! f

Personal Trainer Certification INFORMATIONAL MEETING Have you ever considered becoming a personal trainer? Have all of your questions answered during this exciting informational session. 2/4

M 7-8p



Lifestyle Culinary NEW! Crazy for Cupcakes – Sending Kisses 2U

NEW! Crazy for Cupcakes – Cupcake Bouquets

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time of year to brush off your dusty apron and start baking some cupcakes for your sweetie! It’s all about the love and thought behind your baked works of art, so why not try something new? Let’s get inspired!

What do you get when you cross one of the hottest culinary trends, cupcakes, with Mother’s Day? Cupcake bouquets! One of the most popular gifts for Mother’s Day is flowers. With this cupcake idea, she can have her flowers and eat them too.

1/31 Th 6-8p $35

4/18 Th 6-8p

NEW! Crazy for Cupcakes – Follow the Gold!

NEW! Crazy for Cupcakes – It’s My Birthday

On St. Patrick’s Day, observed by the Irish (or anyone wearing, eating or drinking anything green) you will find some of the cutest cupcake ideas ever! So let’s start with some leprechaun rainbows and grasshopper pies.

When it comes to children’s birthday parties, it’s all about making it cute and still keeping it simple. If you’re looking for a decorating challenge beyond the basic sprinkles – have we got the tricks and ideas for you!

2/28 Th 6-8p $35

5/23 Th 6-8p

NEW! Crazy for Cupcakes – Cupcake Cakes And Candy Clay Come learn a new technique that is quickly becoming a popular cake design and can be served at just about any occasion. These cakes look terrific and are a wonderful option for someone who would like to serve cupcakes at their party, yet want the look of a finished cake. Create a new type of edible art!



NEW! Sassy Sauces: Infused Cooking Oils Love the idea of flavored oils but don’t like the high price? Discover step by step how easy it can be to make infused oils to enhance your cooking. Take some home for yourself or give as a unique gift. 2/4 M 6:30-8:30p $45 5/6 M 6:30-8:30p $45

3/28 Th 6-8p $35

14th Annual Family History Research Trip | March 20-24, 2013 Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Ind. Co-Sponsored by: St. Charles Community College and St. Charles County Historical Society WHY GO WITH US? • Use the outstanding resources of one of the top genealogy collections in the United States. • You will have guidance from members of the Society to assist you in developing your research strategy and using the resources of the Library, if this is needed. • You won’t have to drive. • Maximize your library experience through pre-trip consultations and effective use of library time-do more in less time without exhausting yourself. • You’ll be staying within walking distance to the library, in the comfortable Hilton Fort Wayne. • Be part of a congenial group and network with others. To receive additional information, call the St. Charles County Historical Society at 636-946-9828 or email



Home and Garden

Cooking for Life Series Food is one of life’s great pleasures. Mastering the principles of great cooking can help you make dishes that deliver deliciousness without the calories and fat. Come explore with us – your taste buds will be happy. Enroll in all five classes and save! Individual dates and times below


Organize Your Life Series Let our Certified Professional Organizer show you how to simply your life! Enroll in all three classes and save! Individual dates and times below


NEW! Heartfelt Morsels

Home Organizing Makeover

For Valentine’s Day, you don’t need to fuss. A good steak paired with a couple of impeccable side dishes is really all you need. Enjoy this easy and delicious dinner menu.

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home? Do you want to get organized but don’t know where to start? Do you struggle making decisions and are you unsure what to do with the stuff you don’t want to keep? Accomplish your goals by learning tips and tricks to manage and organize many years worth of stuff!


Th 6-8p $45

NEW! Pasta! Pasta! Let’s Make Pasta! Making pasta from scratch is easy and does not require a pasta machine – just a rolling pin and good strong arms. Taste how fresh and delicious homemade pasta can be. Sample the varieties, pour some sauce, and let’s eat. Manja! 2/7

Th 6-8p $45

NEW! Vegetarian Delights


M 6-8p


NEW! Keeping an Organized Home Organizing your home is one thing, but keeping it organized is entirely another. The key is to learn how to change your behaviors and create systems that will put your routine tasks on autopilot. 4/1

M 6-8p


People are drawn to vegetarianism by all sorts of motives. Some of us just want to live longer, healthier lives. Some want to experiment with different combinations of foods they already use and learn how to incorporate some new ones. Whatever your reason, come join us as we explore the delights of eating vegetarian! 3/21

Th 6-8p $45

NEW! Spice or Herb? Learn how to create distinctive flavors that define the great culinary regions of the world. Learn what an herb is versus a spice. Why have they become so important to our meals? How do they enliven and enhance different foods? Come experiment and enjoy. 4/25

Th 6-8p $45

NEW! Let’s Picnic

NEW! Organize Your Papers

A picnic can be a romantic date for two, a familyoriented outing or a quick break from a hectic work schedule. No matter what the intent, the word picnic invokes the image of a simple, care-free event. Come learn how to create some tantalizing morsels sure to please a variety of tastes.

Do you let your mail sit in the mailbox for days because you dread having to deal with it? Are countertops piling up and filing cabinets filled with outdated papers? Master the paper monster by identifying different types of paper and how to organize them efficiently!



Th 6-8p $45

M 6-8p




History/Special Interest NEW! Introduction to Acting for Adults Have you ever imagined yourself on stage ready to explore your creativity and playfulness? Discover how much fun acting can be in this supportive class designed for people with little or no experience. We’ll introduce you to basic theater techniques through games, physical and vocal warm-ups, role playing, simple monologues and short scenes. Discover how to approach and build a character, stretch your imagination, and learn what it means to act. Break a leg! 1/22-2/12 T 6:30-8p $49 S1 4/16-5/7 T 6:30-8p $49 S2

Beginning French Ideal for the professional traveler, this introduction to the French language will study the culture, geography, and daily life through simple vocabulary and grammar-learning exercises. Be sure to register for the book fee. 1/28-4/1 M 8-9:30p


French II This is a continuation of French I. It expands reading, vocabulary and grammar skills. Prerequisite: Beginning French. Be sure to register for the book fee, if needed. 1/28-4/1 M 5-6:30p


Language Spanish I Introduction to the Spanish language for beginners with little or no knowledge of Spanish. A pleasant approach through basic reading skills, short everyday life dialogues, simple vocabulary building and grammar-learning exercises. Be sure to register for the book fee. 1/28-4/1 M 6:30-8p $105

Spanish II This continuation of Spanish I expands reading, vocabulary and grammar skills. Prerequisite: Spanish I or instructor permission. If you need the book, be sure to register for the book fee. 1/24-3/28 Th 5:20-7:20p $139

Introduction to Chinese Chinese is spoken by approximately one-fifth of the world’s population! Discover the varieties of spoken and written Chinese as well as the culture of one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Learn about Chinese characters and how to say, read and write key words and phrases used in daily social and family life. Be sure to register for the book fee. 1/22-3/26 T 5:30-7:30p $139

Italian for All – Level I Introduction to the Italian language, geography, culture, daily life and more. Ideal for travelers, professionals, art lovers or others interested in their Italian roots. Be sure to register for the book fee. 1/24-3/28 Th 7:30-9:30p $139



Portuguese for All

Developing Your Psychic Abilities II

Portuguese is the most spoken language in South America, not Spanish. It is the official language in many countries including the European Union. Its use is expected to grow dramatically in the next two decades. Interested beginners will learn the basics of the Portuguese language including vocabulary, basic grammar, introductions, greetings and daily conversations. A pleasant approach to a language that will surprise you! Be sure to register for the book fee.

A fast track-guide to enhancing your gifts. Develop your abilities while learning advanced techniques used by psychics worldwide. From precognition to remote-viewing and beyond, learn valuable ways to utilize psychic abilities. Prerequisite: Psychic Development I.

1/23-3/27 W 5:30-7:30p $139

NEW! Developing Your Psychic Abilities III

NEW! American English Pronunciation For ESL Individuals

Working with past, present and future events, gain further skills in advanced recognition, retrocognition and remote-viewing. Awaken further the power within you! Prerequisite: Psychic Development I & II.

Workshop designed for non-native English speakers with near-proficient to proficient English skills who have difficulty communicating in social, educational and/or professional settings due to a foreign or regional accent. Focuses on appropriate pronunciation of American English vowels and consonants as well as standard word and sentence level stress. Presented by a certified (CCC-SLP) and state-licensed SpeechLanguage Pathologist experienced in accent modification. Increase your ability to communicate as clearly and effectively as possible! 2/2 3/9 5/4

S 8a-4:30p $99 S 8a-4:30p $99 S 8a-4:30p $99

3/5-4/9 T 6-8p

4/16-5/21 T 6-8p



NEW! Mindfulness for Stress Reduction, Focus and Balance Feeling overwhelmed with your life? Discover ways to cultivate personal insight using your thoughts and emotions through meditation techniques. Realize a better sense of self, improved relationships, better task performance and greater happiness. 2/5-2/26 T 6-7:30p $69


Basic Sign Communication Learn the manual alphabet and basic signs and participate in activities that increase recognition of signs learned. Textbook required. Children under age 15 must enroll with a parent/guardian. 1/28-3/4 M 6-8:30p 3/28-5/2 Th 6-8:30p

$79 $79

Strategies for Estate Planning Wills, Revocable Wills, Living Trusts, Powers of Attorney, TOD and POD, the dangers of joint tenancy, life insurance, gifts to minors, avoiding probate, estate taxes, family business concerns and more. Taught by local attorney Jim Borchers. 4/16-4/23 T 6:30-9p


Life Improvement Developing Your Psychic Abilities I Are you psychic? Awaken the power within you! Whether developing your natural skills for more awareness or pursuing a new career, this course will heighten your senses and expand your awareness. 1/22-2/26 T



Women’s Financial Education Gain control of your life by taking control of your finances. Get organized, learn about credit and debt management, making a will, insurance, saving for retirement, and investing for retirement. Taught in partnership with the University of Missouri Outreach and Extension. Bring a 1.5-inch or 2-inch ring binder with pockets and clear overlay. 2/21-3/21 Th 6:30-9p




Stock Market Series

Stock Analysis

Enroll in a series of four basic stock market classes and save money! Taught by Wally Obremski, certified financial planner.

Learn about innovative market analysis, trend changes, and sector rotation through simple fundamental and technical knowledge and recognition.

Individual dates and time below

3/13-3/20 W 7-9:30p



Stock Market for Beginners A workshop for people who know nothing about the stock market. Review the basics of stock terminology and the world of the stock market. 1/23-1/30 W 7-9:30p


Stock Market and You Why do rising interest rates or a falling dollar impact your investment? What about unemployment or new housing starts? This class will help you understand these items and how to integrate with your portfolio. What makes it go up and down and how does it affect your life and your retirement? 2/6-2/20 W 7-9:30p


Portfolio Construction Learn how to buy and sell stocks, mutual funds and options. Discover the what and when for buying and selling, how to avoid that next big crash and how to get back in early enough. 2/27-3/6 W 7-9:30p

ancial instructor

Wally Obremski, fin

"Now is a great time to invest in the stock market and add aggressivley to your 401(k)/403(b). Come learn to invest for success!" – Wally Obremski


Retirement Planning Today

NEW! Caring for the Aging: Be Prepared

Learn financial education and life planning to build wealth, align your money with your values and achieve your retirement lifestyle goals. Course includes 235-page book. Couples may attend together for single registration fee.

Caregiving can be a demanding but truly rewarding experience. Learn about the consequences of caregiving and the types of care and options available. Discover legal and financial consideration and helpful planning tips.

3/13-3/20 W 6:30-9:30p $59 3/19-3/26 T 6:30-9:30p $59

2/12 4/25

NEW! Financial Fitness Are you hoping to buy a house? Have too much debt? Wondering how to fund your children’s college education? Pump up your financial knowledge making you fit to face your money challenges. Train for the major financial events in your life! 2/5 4/18


T 6-7:30p Th 6-7:30p

$25 $25


T 6-7:30p $25 Th 6-7:30p $25

NEW! Financial Literacy – Know How to Make Your Dreams a Reality You have invested a lot of effort to get to where you are. Now learn the necessary skills to get the most out of your efforts! Learn the fundamentals of managing your personal finances, establishing credit, buying a home and reaching your financial goals. From creating a budget and tracking expenses to developing credit, learn more about what kinds of financial products exist and how to utilize them properly. 3/5-3/12 T 6:30-9p $25

Personal Computing Computer students are encouraged to bring a USB jump drive to class to save work for reference at home. Our computer guarantee: If you need a refresher or additional classroom time, you may repeat the identical class at no charge for up to one year. Limited seats available.

Beginner’s Guide to Computers Don’t be left behind in the digital age. Become acquainted and comfortable with your computer. Get started with the alphabetic keyboard, how to use the mouse, navigate the Internet, basic email accounts, basic word processing and become familiar with today’s most popular software. 1/28-2/18 M 6:30-9:30p $79 2/27-3/20 W 9a-noon $79 4/11-5/2 Th 6:30-9:30p $79

NEW! Typing Beyond Hunt and Peck Designed for individuals who want to improve their keyboarding skills beyond the hunt-and-peck method. Advance to the next level with keyboardoperating techniques, speed and accuracy, numeric keyboarding skills and formatting basic documents. 2/28-3/21 Th 6:30-8:30p $69

Microsoft Windows 7 Discover how to customize everything on your computer. Start with the basics of how to use Windows, how to log onto the workstation, tour the desktop, Start menu, Taskbar and standard icons. Be a pro in no time!

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator is the program of choice for many graphic artists. Learn to optimize your workspace, draw and manipulate artwork, create professional logos with type effects and color. Produce extraordinary graphics for your jobs in print, video and for the Web. Textbook required. 3/6-3/27 W 6:30-9:30p $95

Adobe InDesign Create sophisticated page layouts for print publishing. Get innovative with the work area, tools and palettes. Learn to set up a document, work with color, text, graphics, images and prepare for printing. Jump start your design career. Textbook required. 4/10-5/1 W 6:30-9:30p $95

Adobe Photoshop – Part 1 Make your digital images come alive! Learn about layout, panels, tools, filters, adjustments, edging, brushes, masking and formats. Textbook optional. 1/9-1/30 W 6:30-9:30p $95

NEW! Photoshop Elements – The First Step Take the first steps and make your photos come alive! Correct and enhance photographs, organize a growing collection of digital photos and share your work online and in print. Discover the key features of this comprehensive image organization and photo enhancement application. 3/5-3/26 T 6:30-9:30p $89

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Take advantage of Outlook, and organize your busy life! Learn the most efficient ways to communicate, schedule meetings, organize email, set up calendars, journal, create and use task lists and manage contacts. 3/25-4/15 M

6:30-9:30p $89

Microsoft Publisher 2010 Create brochures, letterhead, invitations, postcards, greeting cards, newsletters and simple Web pages using Publisher. 3/4-3/11 M 6:30-9:30p $69

1/17-2/7 Th 6:30-9:30p $89 STCHAS.EDU/LEARNFORLIFE | 636-922-8233


Microsoft Access 2010 Create, edit and manage a database. Customize tables and fields, add and delete records, and perform simple queries. 1/17-2/14 Th 6:30-9:30p


Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Use Microsoft PowerPoint to entertain, inform, sell or motivate. Make your next presentation on your own. Prerequisite: Windows experience and keyboarding ability. 3/7-3/28 Th 6:30-9:30p $89

NEW! Accounting Review for QuickBooks Having trouble understanding the basic concepts in accounting? This quick review will get you on your way in no time. Learn basic bookkeeping entries. Main focus will be transaction analysis and preparing entries. 1/26-2/2 S 9a-noon


QuickBooks Fundamentals Accurately manage your financial data. Conquer invoicing, receiving payments, making purchases, entering and paying bills, banking, paying employees, viewing reports, backing up files and printing. Prior knowledge of accounting/bookkeeping is helpful. Textbook required. 2/16-3/2 S 8:30a-12:30p $95

QuickBooks, Part 2 Learn to avoid some common mistakes. Course includes customizing reports, personalizing your settings, importing and exporting from QuickBooks, use of classes and other features. Prerequisite: QuickBooks Fundamentals. 3/16-3/23 S 9a-noon $69

Microsoft Excel in a Day 2010 Short on time? Get it done in a day! Track, organize and analyze data. Topics include shortcuts, creating, saving, editing, copying, moving, basic formulas and formatting. 4/10



Microsoft Excel in a Day Advanced 2010 Get the most out of your Excel spreadsheets by using functions, formulas, working with lists, automating tasks with macros, sharing worksheets with other programs, pivot tables and what-if analysis. Prerequisite: Excel in a Day. 4/17


W 9a-4p

W 9a-4p


Microsoft Office Certificate To remain competitive in today’s workforce, employees must demonstrate a strong working knowledge of many key software applications. This certificate will assist you with upgrading your current skills and learning new ones.


• •

Knowledge of computers Beginning Computer Keyboarding or the ability to type 20 words per minute.

To earn the certificate, student must complete the following required courses:

• • • • • •

Microsoft Word (all 5 modules) Microsoft Excel (all 5 modules) Microsoft Access Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Excel Series Microsoft Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet application used by employers today. Confidently navigate the program’s environment and discover how to use this powerful tool. From designing your spreadsheet to advanced formulas, we have a handson module for you! Enroll in a class from each module and save. Individual dates and times below. Tuition $149

Classes are taught by practicing professionals who emphasize real-world skills that can be immediately applied to the workplace.

Top reasons adults enroll in the Microsoft Office Certificate Program:

• • • •

Acquire new technical skills Update and enhance job skills Retrain for a new career Increase earning potential

All classes are WIA fund approved.

Culminating project and final exam: $169 (Required to receive certificate)

Microsoft Excel 2010 Module III Learn to efficiently manage a workbook, perform calculations using functions and formulas, how to sort your data and data ranges. Prerequisite: Module I or prior experience. 1/29 2/20 3/13 5/6

T 6:30-9:30p $39 W 9a-noon $39 W 6:30-9:30p $39 M 6:30-9:30p $39

Microsoft Excel 2010 Module I

Microsoft Excel 2010 Module IV

For the very beginner. Learn the fundamentals of creating and saving information, navigating a worksheet, entering information and editing.

Working with tables and creating PivotTables. Prerequisite: Module I or prior experience.

1/15 2/6 2/27 4/22

T 6:30-9:30p $39 W 9a-noon $39 W 6:30-9:30p $39 M 6:30-9:30p $39

Microsoft Excel 2010 Module II

2/5 2/27 3/20 5/13


6:30-9:30p $39 9a-noon $39 6:30-9:30p $39 6:30-9:30p $39

Microsoft Excel 2010 Module V

Master formatting a worksheet using document themes and creating and working with charts and gridlines. Prerequisite: Module I or prior experience.

Effortlessly analyze data by creating scenarios, learn how to create hyperlinks, import data form external sources and make the most of macros. Prerequisite: Module I or prior experience.

1/22 2/13 3/6 4/29

2/12 3/6 3/27 5/20

T 6:30-9:30p $39 W 9a-noon $39 W 6:30-9:30p $39 M 6:30-9:30p $39

T 6:30-9:30p $39 W 9a-noon $39 W 6:30-9:30p $39 M 6:30-9:30p $39



Microsoft Word Series Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processing application on the market. This powerful program will allow you to create professionallooking content quickly. Develop simple documents by changing fonts, underlining, centering, indenting, cutting and pasting and using more advanced features: headers, footers, tables, templates, mail merge, macros, table of contents, footnotes and much more. Enroll in a class from each module and save! Individual dates and times below.

Microsoft Word 2010 Module III

Tuition: $149

Perform a mail merge and create outlines, long documents and references. Properly use document collaboration tools and collaborate with other programs. Prerequisite: Module I or prior experience.

Microsoft Word 2010 Module I For the very beginner. Learn the fundamentals, understand the ribbon, create and save documents, and work with text. 1/16 W 6:30-9:30p $39 2/4 M 9a-noon $39 4/11 Th 6:30-9:30p $39

Microsoft Word 2010 Module II Conquer formatting characters, paragraphs, lines, spacing, margins and pages. Learn to apply themes and styles for that professional look. Prerequisite: Module I or prior experience.

Add a creative piece to your flyers with shapes and pictures, WordArt, SmartArt and charts. Discover how easy it is to work with tables. Prerequisite: Module I or previous experience. 1/30 W 6:30-9:30p $39 2/18 M 9a-noon $39 4/25 Th 6:30-9:30p $39

Microsoft Word 2010 Module IV

2/6 W 6:30-9:30p $39 2/25 M 9a-noon $39 5/2 Th 6:30-9:30p $39

Microsoft Word 2010 Module V Work with templates, forms, Web pages and more advanced features. Prerequisite: Module I or prior experience. 2/13 W 6:30-9:30p $39 3/4 M 9a-noon $39 5/9 Th 6:30-9:30p $39

1/23 W 6:30-9:30p $39 2/11 M 9a-noon $39 4/18 Th 6:30-9:30p $39

Create Websites Instantly

Computer Tutoring

Did you know there’s a quick and easy way to design your own website? Create a free website without programming knowledge or cost of additional software. Best thing is it’s absolutely user friendly. Include photos, video and animation. Who knew creating a Web page could be so simple?

Receive one-on-one computer tutoring from a qualified Continuing Education instructor. Tutoring session is three hours. Lesson time is arranged between instructor and student. By appointment


2/13-2/20 W 6:30-9:30p $69

Let your company pay for your class!

Going Google Want to be able to collaborate on projects online? Hate carrying a flash drive? Move your life to the cloud by learning how to use Google’s free Web-based suite of messaging and collaboration applications. 3/19-4/9 T 6-9p




Have your company contact our office at 636-922-8233 to register you and provide approval for payment, or you can be registered online using a credit card at

Professional & Occupational

Career Builders NEW! Work $mart

APICS CPIM 1: Basics of Supply Chain Management

An interactive workshop designed to give working women the confidence and skills they need to earn fair compensation and obtain promotions. Participants learn how to determine comparable salaries in their field, negotiation skills, and have an opportunity to negotiate through role-play. Held at University of Missouri Extension office in St. Peters.

Introductory course for production and inventory management personnel and CPIM candidates. Provides basic definitions and concepts for planning and controlling the flow of materials into, through and out of an organization. Explains fundamental relationships among the activities that occur in the supply chain from suppliers to customers.

4/11 Th

4/25-6/27 Th 5:30-8:30p $495 for APICS members $645 for non-APICS members $640 for APICS members funded through WIA $790 for non-APICS members funded through WIA

6:30-8:30p $40

Professional Development/ Certification Professional Engineer Refresher Review courses will help participants pass the Professional Engineer (P.E.) license exam. Classes will be held in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Civil Engineering 1/26-3/23 S 8a-noon $450 for MSPE/SAME members $500 for ASCE/ASME/ASHRAE/IEEE members $550 for non-members

Mechanical Engineering 1/26-3/23 S 8a-noon $450 for MSPE/SAME members $500 for ASCE/ASME/ASHRAE/IEEE members $550 for non-members

Electrical Engineering 1/26-3/23 S 8a-noon $450 for MSPE/SAME members $500 for ASCE/ASME/ASHRAE/IEEE members $550 for non-members

APICS Lean Enterprise Workshop Series Seven workshops in this series cover the following topics: Introduction, Lean Culture, Value Stream Mapping, Stability and Process Improvements, Justin-Time, Measuring and Sustaining. These must be taken as one unit. A certificate will be furnished upon completion. 4/6-5/18

S 8:30a-12:30p $770

APICS: Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) Program The APICS CSCP program will help you demonstrate your knowledge and organizational skills for developing more streamlined operations. Master the necessary tools to effectively manage global supply chain activities, acquire the skills to create consistency and foster collaboration through best practices. Learn how to use enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems. Test fee of $630 not included. 2/7-4/11 Th 5:30-8:30p $1,435 for APICS members $1,635 for non-APICS members

Need financial assistance? We are a WIA-approved training provider. Contact the Missouri Career Center to determine your eligibility for funding assistance.



APICS: Principles of Distribution Requirements Planning Gain an understanding of the principles required to implement/improve product distribution including distribution channel design, inventory management, distribution requirements planning, warehouse management, packaging and material handling, transportation and transportation operations. 4/3-5/22 W 5:30-8p $535

Principles of Inventory Management – APICS Provides an operational knowledge and understanding of inventory management principles and techniques. Topics presented are: inventory management fundamentals, ordering techniques, replenishment policies, purchasing management, JIT/Lean, inventory performance measurement. Also learn basic methods of planning and controlling inventory in manufacturing, institutional, distribution and retail environments. The questions of what to stock are addressed through an examination of current and evolving technologies of inventory management. 1/28-4/1 M 5:30-8p $535

APICS CPIM: Strategic Management of Resources Explore the relationship of existing and emerging processes and technologies to manufacturing strategy and supply chain-related functions. Three main topics addressed: aligning resources with the strategic plan, configuring and integrating operating processes to support the strategic plan and implementing change. For maximum comprehension of course content, students should be familiar with the information and concepts presented in other CPIM modules before taking this course. APICS members need to call 636-922-8233 to register in order to receive member discount. 3/12-5/14 T 5:30-8:30p $495 for APICS members $645 for non-APICS members $620 for APICS members funded through WIA $770 for non-APICS members funded through WIA



Food Protection Manager Certification Prepares students for the Food Safety Certification exam. Addresses food safety practices, prevention of food-borne illness and personal hygiene guidelines. Food Safety Manager Certification exam given at end of class. Must register seven days prior to class. ServSafe book and materials included. 1/22 T 8a-4p $135 3/12 T 8a-4p $135 5/14 T 8a-4p $135

Paralegal Certificate INFORMATIONAL MEETING Have all your questions answered about the paralegal certificate during this informational session. 2/4 M 7-8p

Paralegal Certificate Course For beginning as well as advanced legal workers. Learn how to interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law, prepare legal documents and assist in case preparation for courtroom litigation. Payment plan available! Textbooks required, call the SCC Bookstore at 636-922-8448 for prices. Last date to cancel is 2/11. 2/18-4/6 M/W 6:30-9:30p S 9a-5:30p $1,189

NEW! Social Media Marketing

Small Business How to Start and Manage Your Own Business Topics include: how to write a business plan, what you need to know about accounting records, legal issues for your new business, insuring your business, fundamentals of marketing your website, the St. Charles County Economic Development Center and finding a lender. 2/19-3/26 T 6-9p



Th 6:30-8:30p $45

NEW! Accounting Review for QuickBooks

Leasing Tips for Small Business Owners And Entrepreneurs The course guides the business owner through the fundamentals of selecting, inspecting and evaluating a rental space. Negotiate a favorable tenant improvement allowance and understand the types of leases and the business terms of a lease. 4/25

Needing to connect more with your customers? Learn how to properly use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The great thing about social media is there are no costs and very little time is involved in getting it up and running.

Having trouble understanding the basic concepts in accounting? This quick review will get you on your way in no time. Learn basic bookkeeping entries. Main focus will be transaction analysis and preparing entries. 1/26-2/2 S 9a-noon $49

Th 7-9p $25

LERN Online Classes Looking to take your business to the next level? Let us help get you up to speed with these incredible classes in record time.

All of our LERN classes have:

• Real

teachers. Our courses are actually built by the instructors who teach them.



Social Media for Business Certificate.........$495 Introduction to Social Media...........................$195 Marketing Using Social Media........................$195 Integrating Social Media in Your Organization...........................................$195 eMarketing Essentials Certificate................$495 Improving Email Promotions..........................$195 Boosting Your Website Traffic..........................$195 Online Advertising..............................................$195 Supervisory & Leadership Certificate........$395 Two-month program Virtual Meeting Planner Certificate...........$795

• Audio. You actually get to hear the instructor in the audio presentations.

• Multimedia. There are slides, often video, pictures and more.

• Every

question answered. Our teachers participate regularly, often daily, answering your questions and making comments.

For more information, call 636-922-8233 or visit CERTIFICATES AND COURSES


Video Marketing.................................................$395 Mobile Marketing..............................................$595 Courses for K-12 Teachers............................... One graduate credit available from each of the four courses offered. Gender in the Classroom for K-12 Teachers..................................................$245 Generational Learning Styles for K-12 Teachers..................................................$245 Online Learning and Teaching for K-12 Teachers..................................................$245 Social Media for K-12 Teachers.......................$245



Home Inspection Certificate Program SCC is pleased to partner with Carson Dunlop and Associates to offer this high-quality and convenient program, which is endorsed by the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI).

See for detailed course descriptions and payment plan information. According to Carson Dunlop, who hires home inspectors and provides ASHI endorsed training for home inspectors: • Approximately 5,000,000 – 6,000,000 homes are sold each year in the United States. • More than 70 percent of resale homes are inspected. • Requires 50 percent technical knowledge and 50 percent communication skills with a broad knowledge across several disciplines. • While Missouri does not presently license home inspectors, those individuals with a certification that ensures they have the skills needed across the various disciplines needed will have the best opportunities in the field. • Self-employed home inspectors can conduct 300-500 home inspections a year. At an average fee of $350 per home inspection, it is possible to earn more than $100,000 a year. Information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook for 2010-2011 indicates:

The 10 courses will be delivered through a blended approach of printed material and online sessions. Each of the 10 courses requires a minimum of 42 hours of study, and you can work from the comfort of your own home or office. Exercises and practical quizzes allow you to check your level of understanding with feedback. With the mixed-course format you can stay connected with your instructor and other learners and share ideas with other participants in your online community. Courses can be taken in any order. $395 per course. Courses include: • Home Inspection – Air Conditioning/Heating • Home Inspection – Plumbing • Home Inspection – Exterior • Home Inspection – Electrical • Home Inspection – Structure • Home Inspection – Heating I • Home Inspection – Heating II • Home Inspection – Insulation and Interior • Home Inspection – Roofing • Home Inspection – Communication and Professional Practice



• Employment is expected to grow 17 percent between now and 2018. • Approximately 44 percent of home inspectors are employed by local governments, typically municipal or county building departments. • Many home inspectors are self-employed. • Opportunities will be best for those with construction-related work experience, training in engineering, architecture, construction technology, or related fields and for individuals with certification as a home inspector. • Median annual wages were $50,180 in May 2008, with the top 10 percent earning more than $78,070.

Online Courses Take classes that fit YOUR schedule! Anytime, anywhere. For questions or assistance, email, or call 636-922-8233. American Management Association®

General Courses A wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our courses are led by expert instructors. Topics include accounting and finance, business, computer applications, design and composition, health care and medical, language and arts, law and legal, personal development, teaching and education, technology, writing and publishing GRE and GMAT prep. Once a course is accessed either by requesting materials or viewing lessons, there are no refunds.

American Management Association Certificate Programs Accounting, Communications, Customer Service, Finance for Managers, Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Manufacturing/ Quality, Marketing, Negotiation Skills, Personal Development, Project Management, Purchasing, Strategic Planning, Supervision, Team Building and Time Management. Register:


Green, Renewable Energy and Trade Skills Training Career Training Certificate Programs Health Care and Fitness, Business and Professional, IT and Software Development, Management and Corporate, Media and Design, Hospitality and Service Industry, Skilled Trades and Industrial, Sustainable Energy and Going Green. Once a course is accessed either by requesting materials or viewing lessons, there are no refunds. Register:

SCC Workforce Development in partnership with ProTrain Online is your solution for green, renewable energy and trade skills training! These online courses will help you learn the skills you need to excel in the jobs for the new economy. Business/Management/Leadership, Career and Services, Green Renewable Energy and Industrial/Skilled Trades. To register, call SCC Continuing Education at 636-922-8233.


Licensing, Career Training, Compliance Certified Financial Planning CE, Firm Element, Insurance CE, Insurance Pre-License/Exam Prep, Securities and Futures Prep, DOT Training and OSHA.

Paralegal Certificate Online Course The Paralegal Certificate Course© is the cornerstone of The Center for Legal Studies programs and paralegalism is one of the fastest growing careers in the country. To register, call St. Charles Community College at 636-922-8233.

Home Inspection Certificate A home inspection is a documented, professional opinion of a home, based on a visual evaluation and operational testing of the home’s systems and components to determine their current condition. This 10-course online certificate program provides students with the technical skills and expertise needed to succeed in the home inspection field. Students learn how to conduct visual examinations and deliver written reports on the physical and operational condition of homes or housing units. To register, call SCC Continuing Education at 636-922-8233.



Expo March 23

Need help conquering the clutter? Conquer the paper clutter by learning to organize your papers and home office. Take control of your life by gaining productivity and time management skills and gain functional useable space. Streamline your work by organizing your garage and basement. Let the National Association of Professional Organizers help you! This half-day workshop will get you on the path to a more organized future! Mark your calendars for March 23, 2013. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. The expo will be held in the SSB Auditorium

on SCC Campus.

NAPO members attend free of charge. Registration opens Jan. 1, 2013. $39 Earlybird (through March 17) – $49 (March 18-23)

For more information, call 636-922-8233 or visit 35


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SCC Cougar Car Show 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, May 19 SCC Campus

Space is limited – register early! Pre-registration for car entries: $15 Day of event registration entries (space permitting): $20

Accepting a limited number of vendors. Call 636-922-8233 for details. Classic cars, drift cars and specialty cars … there will be special categories for you – register early! A portion of the proceeds from this event will go toward scholarships for non-credit math programming.



Workforce Development The mission of the SCC Workforce Development Department is to deliver customized training to the current workforce, re-direct the ready workforce to gainful employment and assist the development of the next generation of workers using programs and events to strengthen their understanding of the world of work. Business and Industry Program: Developing the Current Workforce The Business and Industry Program of St. Charles Community College has been a leading force in the St. Charles County business community since 1992. The Business and Industry Program works with large and small employers to identify job skills and training needs for thousands of workers and employers; targeting primarily St. Charles, Pike, Lincoln, Montgomery and Callaway counties.

Our training features: • Experienced facilitators in a wide range of disciplines. • On- and off-site training options. • Flexible scheduling. • A focus on adult learning. • Cutting-edge technology and resources.

Liaison to State Training Funds The SCC Workforce Development Department is recognized by the state of Missouri as a Local Education Agency (LEA) for the application and administration of state funds for company training programs, new jobs training and similar grant funding programs. If your company meets state guidelines, you may be eligible to receive funding assistance to support employee training. Workforce Development can assist you in applying for state funds. For additional information, call 636-922-8474 or email

Missouri Career Center Partnership The Missouri Career Center Partnership is a federally funded program that provides professional job search assistance to job seekers in St. Charles County. The program is part of the Workforce Investment Act serving individuals who have been displaced from their jobs and are unlikely to find employment in their previous occupation. This service is provided through the St. Charles County Department of Workforce Development at the Missouri Career Center. Contact the Missouri Career Center at 636-255-6060.

Services Provided: • Job Search Assistance: Including résumé preparation, identification of transferable skills, informational and job interviewing skills and marketing yourself to employers. Various workshops and networking opportunities are provided. • Individual Career Consultation: An individual plan of action is developed to determine job search goals and career direction. • Career Resource Center: For use by customers during their job search. Phones, copier, fax machine, IBM computers, laser printers and employer directories are available. Internet access is also available. • Job Placement Assistance: Including current labor market information and access to available job listings from area employers. • Training Opportunities: Available for eligible customers who require upgrade training or retraining into a different career. Contact our office to see if you qualify. • Résumé Development and Critique: Gives the job seeker an excellent opportunity to enhance his or her résumé to its fullest extent. • Career Assessments: Various standardized formal assessments are used to allow job seekers to match their skills and temperaments to other occupations. This is a must for the job seeker wishing to enter into a new industry.

School-Business Programs: Investing in the Future Workforce Today’s youth are tomorrow’s workforce. School-Business Programs has established a coalition of educators and business leaders who work together to make a difference in the lives of young people. Programs focus on career development, career exploration and career readiness. For more information, call 636-922-8474. 37


Adult Education and Literacy Adult Education and Literacy (AEL/GED®/ESL) St. Charles Community College coordinates a four-county effort (St. Charles, Warren, Lincoln and Pike) to teach basic reading, math and writing skills, to prepare people to take the GED® Tests and to assist non-native speakers in gaining English proficiency. Free day and evening classes are available. Students must be at least 17 years old and not enrolled in secondary school. For more information about class times, locations or the services below, call SCC at 636-922-8411 or visit

GED® Preparation Instruction is available for students to improve basic skills, learn new skills and to prepare for and pass all five of the GED® tests.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes provide reading, writing, listening and speaking activities at English proficiency levels for people wishing to improve their English language skills.

Citizenship Preparation

Fast-Track Classes A 15-hour Fast-Track class is available for students who want an overview of the GED® Tests before taking the exam.

GED® Testing The paper/pencil and the computer-based GED® Tests are given at SCC. The pencil/paper test is given once monthly. Test applications are available at all AEL class sites or online at Examinees are required to complete and submit the demographics form prior to their test date. The testing application must be approved before completing the demographics form. (See GED® Demographics Form, below.) For paper/pencil testing dates, call 636-922-8629. To register for the computer-based tests, go to www.GED® Each of the five content area tests cost $28 ($140 total). Content area tests may be taken and paid for individually. Applications, demographics, scheduling and payment must be completed online. Tests may be scheduled as early as the following day, and the test results are immediate on all except Language Arts-Writing section.

Classes help students prepare for the citizenship interview. Students must have a resident card for four years or more (two years if spouse is a citizen) and at least intermediate-level English skills.

GED® Demographics Form and GED® Test Registration

TOEFL Preparation

Volunteer tutors are needed to work with adult literacy students and in the GED® and ESL classrooms. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. They work with individuals or small groups of students under the direction of the classroom teacher. Training is provided. No previous experience is required. Call 636-922-8504 or email for more information.

Classes help students prepare for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Students whose first language is not English must pass this test for admission to college.

Celebrating Adult Education and Literacy in St. Charles County! AEL STUDENT RECOGNITION CEREMONY 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Donald D. Shook Fine Arts Building Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. @SCC_AEL

For information about completing the GED® demographics form and registering for the GED® Tests, call 636-922-8629 or 636-922-8411.

Volunteer Opportunities

GED® SCHOLARSHIPS You might qualify for a GED® scholarship! Call 636-922-8269. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT AEL/GED®/ESL, CALL 636-922-8411 OR VISIT WWW.STCHAS.EDU/AEL. STCHAS.EDU/LEARNFORLIFE | 636-922-8233


Registration Payment must be received when you enroll. Online – 24 hours a day – 7 days a week

Announcements will be made on KMOX Radio (1120 AM), KSDK TV (Channel 5), KMOV TV (Channel 4), and KTVI TV (Channel 2). In the case of evening classes held at middle schools and high schools in the area, the SCC classes will not meet if it has been announced that the schools themselves are closed.

Accommodations/Support: By Phone – Call 636-922-8233 at least one

week before the first class meeting during the hours listed below. Telephone registration: Visa, Discover and MasterCard only accepted as payment.

By Mail – Send the registration form, with your check or money order to: SCC Division of Corporate & Community Development 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, HUM 103 Cottleville, MO 63376-2865 In Person – Register in HUM 103. Registration hours: • 8a-7p Monday-Thursday; • 8:30a-4p Fridays. Refund Policy: If you drop a class, you will receive a 100 percent refund if the class is dropped one business day before the first meeting. No refund will be given if the class is dropped the day of class or later. Events which may require more advanced notice to cancel include, but are not limited to, certain business and industry classes, conferences, trips, day trips and other special events. For these exceptions, refer to the LAST DAY TO CANCEL information listed in the course description. If you have a situation that warrants an override of the above policy, an explanation of the circumstances should be made in writing to the Division of Corporate and Community Development. The appropriate associate dean will review the situation to determine if a refund can be granted and will notify you accordingly. Refunds should be received within 30 days. Inclement Weather Policy: In the event of severe weather conditions or other emergencies, the SCC president may cancel classes and close the campus for a partial or full day. The college will update the SCC website (stchas. edu) and main number 636-922-8000, send a text message through the Emergency Alert System, and contact selected radio and television stations, when the timing of conditions allow, by 5 a.m. for day classes and no later than 4 p.m. for evening classes (if bad weather develops during the day). The college will typically update the college website and main number prior to contacting the selected radio and television stations. It is recommended to use the college’s website or main number in order to receive information in a more timely manner.



St. Charles Community College is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Please email with your accommodations request. It is recommended that you contact the college 10 business days prior to the event.

How to Read a Course Description Create Your Own Photo Book If you’ve ever dreamed of publishing your photos in a book, this course is for you. Learn how to create photo albums, calendars, cards and more. Impress your friends and family with special holiday gifts! 5/9-5/23 W 6:30-9:30p $79 $5 Course title Course dates Time class meets Supply fee

Course description Day(s) class meets Tuition cost

Campus-Closed Dates Jan. 21 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day March 29 – Spring Holiday May 27 – Memorial Day

Calendar of Events March 15-17, 22-24 – YPT show: The Scarlet Pimpernel March 23 – Get Organized St. Louis April 27 – RUN. LIVE. LEARN. – Fun Run, 5k and 10k May 12 – Middle Eastern Dance Performance May 19 – SCC Cougar Car Show

SEND YOUR REGISTRATION FORM AND CHECK TO: St. Charles Community College, Corporate & Community Development – HUM 103 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, Cottleville, MO 63376-2865 To pay by credit card, visit or call 636-922-8233. Fees should be included in your payment if indicated in the course description. Name____________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________ City/State________________ Zip____________ Date of Birth: Mo.______ /Day_____/Year____ Home Phone (


Work Phone (



Email Address_____________________________ Emergency Contact (




Money Management


------Sample ------

Sat., March 6

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ _________

CLASS LOCATIONS Classes are located on the SCC campus unless otherwise noted. Class location information is listed below. NOTE: For on-campus classes, students should go to the Humanities Building, Room 103, during office hours or call 636-922-8233 for specific room assignments. After hours and on Saturdays, go to the ADM Welcome Center/Information Desk.

Locations found in this schedule St. Charles Community College 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive Cottleville, MO 63376 636-922-8000 St. Charles Arts Council 7443 Village Center Drive O'Fallon, MO 63368 636-561-0028

University of Missouri Extension Office 260 Brown Road St. Peters, MO 63376 636-970-3000

West James Courts 1330 Harvestowne Industrial Court St. Charles, MO 63304 636-441-0006


The College is committed to non-discrimination and equal opportunity regarding the treatment of students, faculty and staff. The College adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy in student admission, educational-programs, activities and employment regardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability or genetic information. The College is an equal opportunity employer. Inquiries may be directed to: Vice-President for Human Resources, 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, Cottleville, MO 63376-2865.



Middle Eastern Dance Recital 3 p.m. Sunday, May 12

Donald D. Shook Fine Arts Building Theater Admission is FREE!

Young People's Theatre presents


Scarlet Pimpernel

ECRWSS Residential Customer

Summer camps online registration begins March 1. Visit

March 15-17, 22-24

National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) Expo March 23 Follow SCC Continuing Education. 636-922-8233 41


4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive Cottleville, MO 63376-2865


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