Catering news... @StDunstansKitchen
What we did…
Feb 2024
• Eat the Rainbow
• Pancake Tuesday
• Burger Day
• LGBTQ Celebration Cake
What’s coming up… March 2024
• 15 March - Sixth Form Smoothie Wars in the Sixth Form Café
• 15 March - Red Nose Day Sustainable Smoothies
• 25 March - HOLI Celebrations Street Food Special Menu
• 28 March - Sustainable Easter Treats
Cocoa & Oat Mini Egg Cookie
Guest Fish Dish
On Tuesday 12 March we will be introducing the first of our ‘Guest Fish’ dishes to the street food counter.
‘Guest Fish’ will feature twice in the three-week menu cycle and provides a greater balance for our pescatarians and a delicious alternative for all pupils.
Taster Day
Our first taster day will be held on Thursday 14 March with Curried Mutton which is being served on Friday 15 March.
Pupils will be able to sample this dish, from Chef Laurinston’s authentic 'Taste of Jamaica' menu, in advance without the fear of missing out on a filling lunch if they don’t like it.
We hope that some of our students will discover a tasty new favourite cuisine.
Food waste management
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We are excited to share an update on our Food Waste Management. As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the environmental impact of the food we consume, all food waste is now going to Anaerobic Digestion which is a zero-waste process.
Anaerobic Digestion is the process by which organic matter is broken down to produce biogas and biofertilizer, which happens in the absence of oxygen. What’s left is a nutrient rich biofertiliser which is used on farmlands in place of fossil fuel derived fertilisers.