GCSE Options Booklet 2025

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Core subjects

• English Literature and Language

• Mathematics

• Sciences

Options subjects

• Art and Design

• Business

• Classical Civilisation

• Computer Science

• Design Engineering

• Drama and Theatre Studies

• Geography

• History

• Latin

• Modern Foreign Languages: French, German & Spanish

• Music

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• Physical Education

• Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (Religious Studies)


Dear Year 9, September will arrive quickly. When it does, you will be in Year 10 studying ten subjects, all of which you will be expecting to do well at, in GCSE or IGCSE examinations at the end of Year 11. The aim of this booklet is to give you information about the subject choices available to you. Please read it carefully and use it to support informed decisions. Enjoying your GCSE studies and achieving the strongest grade profile across them all is the goal; above all I would recommend you choose subjects in which you have received strong learning and Hecker descriptions, and ones that have content you enjoy at Year 9.

Because you will not sit AS examinations at St Dunstan’s at the end of Year 12, your GCSE grades will be the only public examination results visible to universities (and employers) when you make applications to them in Year 13. That may seem like an age away, but you should be aware now; strong grades in all your subjects, and not just in your favourite few, will matter. Never has this outcome been more important to work towards, then, and so the choices you make now must be made carefully. The school will help you with this, and you must help yourself too.

The Middle School (Years 10 and 11) is a time of growing independence, responsibility, and choice. Making good choices now and through Years 10 and 11 is the way to give yourself greater choice later – over A Levels, universities, and careers. Before going into more detail about the subject choices, it is also important to remember that a healthy, successful, and enjoyable future is built on more than just academic results. In the Middle School there will be plenty of opportunities for you to develop other talents, knowledge, skills and interests. We expect you to stay involved in our vibrant Forder programme, and to become more self-reliant and confident; to acquire greater experience in leadership and to undertake more responsibility within the College. You should also see the Middle School years as vital foundations for any competitive applications you might wish to make in Year 13, be that to Oxford, Cambridge, or courses such as Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Engineering etc. Our thriving ‘Aiming High’ programme is open to students in Year 10 and 11, and Medical Society is a must attend for all students with future applications for medical related degrees.


Back to the subjects - the key purpose of this booklet! You will study courses leading to GCSE or IGCSE examinations in a ‘core’ of subjects expected by employers and universities to be at the heart of a young person’s GCSE profile, whatever their ultimate ambitions. That core is:

• Mathematics

• English Language

• English Literature

• Sciences - Biology, Physics and Chemistry (students will study all three sciences, either on the Double Award pathway (resulting in 2 (I)GCSEs) or the Triple Award pathway (resulting in 3 (I)GCSEs); you will be given advice over which pathway is most suitable for you before the start of Year 10 and again before the start of Year 11.)

In addition to your ten subject choices, your curriculum time in Year 10 will include Games. Sport and Exercise Science (SES) will only be examined if you choose it as a specific GCSE subject. Games is not examined.

Modern Languages (chosen from French, German or Spanish) are not core subjects and are therefore optional, however, they are highly recommended as part of an academically rigorous (I)GCSE profile.

There is no one right way to make your choices. You may find it useful to ask yourself these questions, however:

• What do I enjoy studying the most?

• What am I achieving the best in?

• Do I want to keep a wide balance of subject areas (humanities and creatives)?

• Are some subjects examined in a way that suits me more or less (such as via coursework, or not)?

These are all insightful questions to ask yourself and to raise with your teachers. Please think carefully about your GCSE choices, and do discuss them with teachers and parents, as well as friends.

Full details on how to submit your choices using our online system will be made available after options evening.


In so far as possible, we give you free choice. We expect to be able to give you what you choose on your form. On rare occasions it might not always be possible to allocate a student to all their first three choices due to timetabling or other constraints. This is unusual, and please assume it will not happen. If it does happen to you, we will be in touch with you and your parents before Year 10 begins to discuss the situation and the options available to you.


We create the timetable based on the original choices made. If you change your mind after submission of your original choices, we will make a note of the new request and review it in August to see if it can be accommodated within the timetable that has been created. We will not adjust the lists and timetable planning from the original choices between now and August. You will understand that re-planning timetables every time any individual changes their mind would make the process impossible to complete effectively. What this means is that we cannot guarantee that changes will be possible to accommodate, but we will try if you have requested them. Please do, therefore, make the choices now that to the very best of your consideration, you intend to stick with.


We ask that you complete the online form on or before Monday 3 February 2025. Shortly after options evening full instructions will be sent to parents/carers outlining how to use our online form.


The College looks forward to celebrating your achievements by the end of Year 11 based on the choices you make. Our expectation is that you will complete all of your ten chosen subjects and meet our entry requirements into Sixth Form; the vast majority of students at the school exceed this level of attainment to transition automatically in our Sixth Form. In the rare circumstances where evidence in Years 10 and 11 suggests a student is not on track to meet this level and have these options available to them, the school will offer academic support and educational advice over how best to proceed. If the situation persists, our advice and expectation may be that you withdraw from one or two appropriate subjects to support best achievement in the rest. Our priority will always be to support students to a position where they have choices at the end of Year 11 based on as strong an overall GCSE profile as possible.

Thank you very much in advance for your careful decision making at this important and exciting time. We, as a school, look forward to advising and supporting you.

Introduction to Middle School

Mrs Latham has introduced you to the academic pathways and decisions you are making as you indicate your GCSE options. As your year group’s SSLT link I would like to outline some of the other elements which make up your Middle School journey. First, some familiarity: tutor time will continue to deliver the pastoral support you need, with time each day to examine and discuss issues arising from the Theme of the Week, circle time discussions, Usherwood and Stuart lessons. You should look to share your enthusiasms and life interests during form time: this helps make up the rich community which we are privileged to share here at St Dunstan’s College. Your tutor will, as in Lower School, work with you to choose exciting, varied and challenging Forder activities, which develop you as an individual and help make up the shield mentioned in our ‘Albam Exorna’ motto. You will continue as a member of a House and will be expected not just to contribute but also increasingly to lead, taking charge of specific House and charitable initiatives, organising and encouraging other students to participate and thrive.

You will also experience some changes from the Lower School, which are all a key part of your journey through the College. Years 10 and 11 have six forms each year, which means you will most likely have a new form and new form tutor. The Middle School tutors are experienced teachers, who have worked with Middle School students and understand their individual challenges. Your day will feel different, too: instead of all members of your teaching group experiencing the same timetable, you will all have different timetables, depending on your GCSE profile. This means that, while of course you will benefit from studying in a community, you will be following your own unique path through each day and Middle School as a whole.

To support you through the Middle School, your tutor will get to know you well: the STARS process after Learning Scores and Attainment Scores will require you and your tutor to review your learning habits and progress. As you learn more about your academic subjects, and your own skills and capabilities, you will also learn how to improve your study skills, and how to manage your time outside school and revise effectively. In Year 10, we also encourage you to look beyond the Middle School; your tutor will advertise the many events and opportunities for Careers, Higher Education and the ways that St Dunstan’s College Sixth Form can help you turn your dreams into real life pathways.

So, please take advantage of the information provided here and choose options which will make up your unique journey through the Middle School and beyond. I look forward, along with the whole Middle School team, to welcoming you into Year 10 very soon.

Core subjects

English Language and English Literature

Students study IGCSE courses in both English Language and English Literature, which lead to two GCSE awards at the end of Year 11.


Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) English - First Language 0990

English Language

Two external examinations that count for 100 % of the total GCSE English Language mark.

Paper 1 - 2 hours

Reading 50% - 80 marks

Structured and extended writing questions. Questions will be based on three reading texts. Externally assessed.

Paper 2 - 2 hours

Directed Writing and Composition 50% - 80 marks

Extended writing question and a composition task. Externally assessed.

English Literature

Two external examinations that count for 100 % of the total GCSE English Literature mark.

Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) Literature in English 0992

Paper 1 - 1 hour 30 minutes

Poetry and Prose 50% - 50 marks

Two questions on two texts: One poetry and one prose. Externally assessed.

Prose novel study: Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen) Poetry of Kayo Chingonyi

Paper 2 - 1 hour 30 minutes

Drama 50% - 50 marks

Two questions on two texts. Externally assessed.

Modern drama: A Streetcar Named Desire (Tennessee Williams)

Shakespearean drama: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (William Shakespeare)


All written are components externally assessed through terminal examinations.

Teaching Methodology

Students can expect to take part in class discussions of texts, to prepare presentations, to work in groups as well as completing individual reading and writing tasks and essays. Drama-based activities support our study of texts as well as a whole range of speaking and listening activities. Students are encouraged become confident and analytical readers who can effectively articulate their interpretations of texts both verbally and in formal writing. Students are encouraged to read a wide range of novels, poetry, plays, poems and non-fiction to support their study of English Language and English Literature GCSE.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

The English Department offers creative writing and reading clubs through the LRC, the successful Debating Society, a literary publication, poetry and podcast clubs, and the opportunity to take part in drama performances. Theatre trips are offered to support literary study. There is also an English reading society.

Progression after GCSE

The two GCSE courses provide all students a solid grounding in fundamental reading and writing skills which are essential for accessing the entire curriculum. Those who wish to continue the study of Literature, may do so at A Level.



The IGCSE Mathematics course allows students to explore a wide range of concepts, from forming and solving quadratic equations to an introduction to calculus and set notation, whilst building on ideas from Years 7 and 8 through transformations, rearranging formulae and drawing straight line graphs. This is only a small sample of the topics covered in this extensive course. Students already began the IGCSE Mathematics course at the start of Year 9, with all of the topics covered between Year 9 and 11 forming the examinable content, but they will begin to find that new content is explored in increasing depth, with a focus on problem solving and combining their knowledge of previous topics.

There will also be the potential for some students to explore additional topics beyond the IGCSE course with a view to taking a second qualification – AQA Level 2 Further Maths. This will be particularly useful for those wishing to study Further Mathematics A Level, as it will act as a bridge between IGCSE and A Level and provide additional stretch and challenge during Year 11.


Students are assessed regularly, usually towards the end of each half term. These marks are used to create the attainment scores across each year and for independent target setting and response from students. This is crucial in a subject that continues to build on previous knowledge to the extent that Mathematics does.

The final written examination consists of two papers and a scientific calculator is required for both. Each examination is two hours long. There is no coursework for IGCSE Mathematics.

Teaching Methodology

Mathematics lessons often include some teacher explanations and examples, alongside a range of activities to practise the new concept for that lesson. This could include the use of matching tasks, mini whiteboards or formal written practice using textbooks and worksheets. It is essential that students develop their problem solving and written communication skills as they move towards their IGCSE examinations, so we include lots of practice of these elements across our lessons.

Dr Frost Maths is used for revision purposes and for some homework. Students have homework books, which will be used for further written practice.

We often encourage students to use their scientific calculator in lessons and show them efficient calculations they can perform on them. Many lessons also include drawing graphs or constructions using rulers, compasses and protractors.

in the annual UKMT Intermediate Mathematics Challenge, and there are opportunities for keen mathematicians to compete against other local schools in the Hans Woyda Maths Competition, which trains in Forder time in the Michaelmas Term. During Lent term Mathematical enrichment clubs will continue, providing students the platform to continue to build their abstract problem solving skills. Year 10s are then able to attend Maths Challenge Club in Lent Term to prepare for another inter school team competition, the FMSP Maths Feast.

Advanced Maths clubs run in Years 10 and 11 to introduce students to concepts beyond the curriculum and allow them to develop their mathematical communication skills. In Year 11, this club also delivers some of the content required for the AQA Further Maths Level 2 qualification, which is available for selected students to enter.

Chess and Go clubs are also available, which assist with logical and strategic thinking.

Progression after IGCSE

The IGCSE course offers a strong foundation for students to progress to A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, both of which are linear courses, with no coursework elements. We offer the OCR (MEI) specification, which emphasises the practical use of mathematics to solve problems in industry.

These A Levels offer students an opportunity to explore mathematical concepts in far greater depth and build on their love of problem solving whilst exploring abstract concepts alongside their real-life applications. Hans Woyda club continues, along with additional Mathematics lectures and advanced maths clubs to explore concepts beyond the scope of the course and prepare students for Mathematics courses at university.

Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Double Sciences)

Edexcel IGCSE Sciences

Biology: Edexcel IGCSE Biology (4BI1)

Chemistry: Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry (4CH1)

Physics: Edexcel IGCSE Physics (4PH1)

Double Science Edexcel IGCSE Double Science (4SD0)


All students study a programme that covers the current National Curriculum for Science at Key Stage 4 and additional topics essential for progression to Sixth Form in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Most students at St Dunstan’s College will take three separate Science IGCSEs – one each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and some will study the Double Science pathway. Each pathway is an excellent preparation for those who wish to carry on and study the Sciences at A Level and beyond, but also provides a broad Science education for those who wish to study other subjects.


For each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics: two papers per subject, one paper of 2 hours and one of paper of 1 hour and 15 minutes. This leads to three grades, one in each science.

For Double Science: one 2 hour paper per subject (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). This leads to two grades.

There is no controlled assessment or coursework.

Teaching Methodology

All students regardless of pathway study Biology, Physics and Chemistry separately, taught by subject specialists. Lessons have a strong focus on acquiring a strong understanding of the theory, before using this to carry out practical investigations which go above and beyond the Core Practical’s required by the exam board.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

In Science we always link theory to relevant topical issues. There is a range of enrichment activities that students are encouraged to participate in such as STEM Week which provides us with the ideal opportunity to explore science beyond the syllabus, and to make links across other curriculum areas. Students can take part in many competitions

including the UK Space Design Competition, Top of the Bench Chemistry competition, Astro Pi coding, British Physics Olympiad, and the First Lego League. During Forder time they can attend Ecology Club and MDV Soc to name but a few.

Progression after IGCSE

Students who study an A Level in Science often go on to study at Russell Groups Universities and Oxbridge. Students with a Biology A Level regularly go on to study Biological Sciences, Psychology or Healthcare related degrees such as Medicine, Veterinary Science or Pharmacy. Students with Chemistry A Level regularly go on to study Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicine or Medicine related courses at university. Students with Physics A Level regularly go on to study Engineering at university, and A Level is recommended for entry for many degrees, notably including Economics and Computer Science. An A Level in any science is seen as well respected by universities and can open up a wide variety of career paths.

Options subjects

Art and Design

Edexcel GCSE Art, Craft and Design


This is an innovative course, best suited to those who wish to channel their creative energies into producing original art pieces that reflect their individuality. It is about having an adventurous and enquiring approach to the visual world and cultivating the skills to respond to it. In Year 10, students work thematically on a variety of different ideas and media while in Year 11 they work more independently on their own ideas. Students will develop an understanding of past and contemporary Art and Design and will be able to produce personal responses embracing a range of concepts and techniques.

Unit 2 - Externally Set Assignment: (40% weighting)

Work is unit-based using direct experience as a starting point. Students are given the opportunity to explore a wide variety of techniques and materials such as sculpture, painting, photography, digital manipulation, textiles and print.

A unit of work includes:

• An individual response to a theme.

• Making connections between your work and the work of artists.

• Creating using a range of materials and approaches.

• Developing an idea both in and out of the sketchbook.

• Creating a final piece.


All work is internally assessed and marked and externally moderated. Each unit is assessed separately out of 72 marks using 4 assessment objectives of develop, review/ experiment, record, present.

Unit 1 - Personal Portfolio: (60% weighting)

Students’ portfolio work will consist of a body of research, supporting studies and developmental work leading to one or more outcomes. Submissions for each unit must contain a sketchbook.

Students will be given an eight-week preparatory period for the controlled test where they will produce supporting studies both in and out of the sketchbook. During this period students may consult with staff and be supplied with guidance and materials. The timed element (10 hours set over a number of days) is an opportunity for the student to show how capable they are of carrying out in-depth work unaided.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

Students will visit museums and galleries across London on a regular basis. They will attend specialised workshops, artists visits, life drawing, and different talks or symposiums that relate to their current or future work. During the school week, specialised GCSE Forder clubs will allow students to receive extra studio working time and further contact with their teacher. Year 11 students will also benefit from having access to the art studios after school and during lunch.

Progression after GCSE

Studying GCSE Art and Design provides a fantastic opportunity to research and respond critically to the visual world, both culturally and historically, and in a personal and meaningful way. Many of these skills are valued and transferable across other subject areas. The course also equips students with an understanding and knowledge of art history and the ability to make their own informed judgements. Many students go on to study A Level and then to prestigious Art Foundation courses such as Central St Martin’s or Kingston University or to study Architecture and other design-based courses.


Edexcel Business (1BS0)


You’ll start by exploring the world of small businesses through the lens of an entrepreneur. How and why do business ideas come about? What makes a successful business? You’ll learn how to develop an idea, spot an opportunity and turn it into a successful business. You will understand how to make a business effective, manage money and see how the world around us affects small businesses and all the people involved.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

Then you’ll move on to investigating business growth. How does a business develop beyond the start-up phase? You’ll learn about key business concepts and issues and decisions you need to make when growing a business and working in a global business. You’ll learn about meeting customer needs, making marketing, operational, financial and human resourcing decisions and you’ll explore how the wider world impacts the business as it grows.

Students will study two broad themes across the two year course:

Theme 1 concentrates on the key business concepts, issues and skills involved in starting and running a small business. It provides a framework for students to explore core concepts through the lens of an entrepreneur setting up a business.

Theme 2 examines how a business develops beyond the startup phase. It focuses on the key business concepts, issues and decisions used to grow a business, with emphasis on aspects of marketing, operations, finance and human resources. Theme 2 also considers the impact of the wider world on the decisions a business makes as it grows.


The qualification will be assessed in two equally weighted exam papers. There is no coursework.

Our Business Society meets weekly to discuss recent business news. Students also engage in fantasy stock market trading.

Our Dragon’s Den Forder club meets weekly and provides valuable insight into the world of entrepreneurship, business development, and investment.

We run trips to local social enterprises and a visit to the Museum of Brands for a seminar on customer profiling.

We invite guest speakers from the business world to provide students with insights into diverse career prospects.

Progression after GCSE

Business is a subject that gives pupils the opportunity to develop a wide range of transferable skills. Pupils will become skilled in making decisions, being creative, solving problems, understanding finance, analysing data and working as part of a team.

Business at A Level is a popular option, and the Economics and Business department has enjoyed considerable success in A Level examinations and in preparing students to study Business related courses at university.

Paper 1 (Theme 1)

Paper 2 (Theme 2)

Multiple choice, calculation, short-answer and extendedwriting questions. There are three sections in each paper.

Each section is ramped, starting with multiple choice questions, moving to short answer questions and ending with extended writing. Sections B and C are based on real life, relevant business contexts and examples.

Classical Civilisation



Classical Civilisation GCSE offers students the chance to explore a wide range of aspects of the Greek and Roman civilisations, including their daily life, entertainment, literature and history. Students will explore themes touched on in the Key Stage 3 Latin course, such as Roman burial customs and Greek Mythology, but will also encounter new topics, including the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus, the labours of Hercules, the archaeology of Mycenae, Tiryns and Troy and will learn about life during the times of Achilles.

Classical Civilisation is an excellent option for anyone who enjoys learning about ancient Greeks and Romans, or new cultures generally, but does not want to continue to study the Latin language beyond Year 9. Classical Civilisation has no language component; all material is read in English. Students will study Greek and Roman art and architecture, literature and archaeological sources, underpinned by a purposewritten textbook and the vast range of resources available in the Classics subject area.


There is no Controlled Assessment. All units are assessed by examination.

There are two components to the GCSE course, each worth 50% of the final grade:

Component Group 1:

Thematic Study - Myth and Religion (11)

This component involves a comparative study of ancient Greece and Rome, and combines literary and visual/ material sources.

Component Group 2:

Literature and Culture - The Homeric World (21)

Students will read selections from Homer’s great epic, The Odyssey, telling the story of Odysseus’s travels back from the Trojan War and his encounters with numerous monsters, villains and gods along the way. They will discuss what makes a good adventure story, a winning hero and a chilling monster!

This component contains two elements: one in-depth cultural study and one study of related literature.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

Students will have the opportunity to attend a Classics Trip to sites of particular classical interest in Europe, such as Rome and the Bay of Naples, which will directly assist in their understanding of the material they have studied. Students are also encouraged to join clubs such as the Classical Greek Language Club and the Classics Film Club.

Progression after GCSE

Classical Civilisation GCSE ties in well with a broad range of subjects, due to its historical, sociological and literary elements and is of great benefit to students with a general interest in any of these areas. It provides an excellent opportunity to learn about new cultures and get a different perspective on modern beliefs and practices and is valued amongst universities and employers for that reason.

Computer Science

Computer Science (9-1) Cambridge IGCSE 0984


Computer Science is an incredibly rewarding subject to undertake at GCSE level. It not only equips students with essential technical skills but fosters problem-solving, logical thinking and creativity. In an increasingly digital world, understanding the fundamentals of Computer Science opens doors to numerous career paths and opportunities. IGCSE Computer Science introduces concepts such as programming, algorithms, and computational thinking, laying a strong foundation for further studies in technology-related fields. Additionally, it empowers students to navigate technology responsibly and innovatively, preparing them for the challenges and advancements of the future.

The course will build upon fundamental Computer Science concepts and programming skills taught through Years 7 to 9. IGCSE Computer Science will cultivate a deep understanding of problem-solving principles through the creation of algorithmic solutions and high-level programming. It empowers students to develop technical skills, and recognise industry standard frameworks such as the development life cycle. The approach taken in the Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) Computer Science program fosters confidence, curiosity in exploring computer science, and the adept use of technical language to articulate their knowledge and understanding.

The course is divided into two strands of knowledge, Computer Systems and Algorithms, programming and logic.

• Computer Systems includes the study of topics such as Boolean Logic, Hardware, Networks, Security, Number Systems, Data Representation, Software, Automation, Robotics, AI, Digital Currency, Encryption, and the Internet.

• Algorithms, programming and logic builds on the student’s knowledge of textual programming languages such as Python and whilst also expanding their breadth of knowledge to include aspects of sorting and searching algorithms, Boolean logic, file handling, databases and SQL


Paper 1: Computer Systems

Externally assessed exam

1 hour 45 minutes

75 Marks (50%)

Paper 2: Problem-Solving and Programming

Externally assessed exam

1 hour 45 minutes

75 Marks (50%)

Teaching Methodology

The course will be taught with a focus on deepening their problem-solving skills through numerous rigorous challenges with an emphasis on student independence and freedom. All lessons will be tailored to ensure exam preparedness with regular exam practice. Programming will be taught through the PRIMM methodology to guide students to competence and proficiency. Opportunities for extension beyond the curriculum/syllabus will be always offered for students and tailored support will be provided for students that require extra support. Each student will have 5 lessons a fortnight with a Computer Science specialist teacher. The department operates an open-door policy and we encourage all students to come and see us whenever they need/want to discuss their studies or explore a Computer Science related interest.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

As a department, we provide numerous opportunities for students to further their understanding beyond the curriculum. Trips are organised every year to locations such as Bletchley Park, the Science Museum, and the National Museum of Computing History. We regularly seek external speakers and provide students with access to externally run workshops to further expand their contextual experience of Computer Science. We also offer a range of co-curricular Forder clubs such as eSports, Content Creators, Code Club and First Lego League. The Computer Science teachers work closely to support students who want to explore interesting ideas and pursue individual projects. We also provide tailored support and advice to students in relation to higher education, external courses and challenges and wider reading.

Progression after IGCSE

Students who undertake the IGCSE Computer Science have a wide range of options post-GCSE. The Computer Science department currently offer a challenging A Level Computer Science course which follows the OCR H446 specification. Students who follow the natural progression to the Computer Science A Level, often go on to study at Russell Group universities and Oxbridge. Recent alumni have left St Dunstan’s to study Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Philosophy courses. An A Level in Computer Science prepares students for success in higher education by developing their independence, computational thinking and problem-solving.

Design & Technology

AQA GCSE Design & Technology


Design and Technology: Resistant Materials Technology: GCSE (AQA)

GCSE Design and Technology will prepare students to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world. Students will gain awareness and learn from wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors. Students will get the opportunity to work creatively when designing and making and apply technical and practical expertise.

Design Technology GCSE will particularly appeal to students who enjoy designing and making practical products for everyday use. It will allow students to study core technical and designing and making principles, including a broad range of design processes, materials techniques and equipment. They will also have the opportunity to study specialist technical principles in greater depth.

Core content

• Core technical principles

• Specialist technical principles

• Designing and making principles


• Coursework: A brief set by AQA released on 1 June in the first year of study – (50% of GCSE)

• Exam: 2 hour examination - written answers (50% of GCSE)

Teaching Methodology

Theory lessons form an integral part of the course but the majority of the students’ class time is allocated to coursework tasks, including design folio production and practical work. Students should therefore understand that they need to develop an independent and self-disciplined approach to research work and study outside the classroom.

A high standard of presentation and a range of graphic techniques including good quality, freehand sketching, use of computer-aided design software and desk-top publishing will be needed in producing design folios and other coursework. Students should already have a firm basis of

these skills to be developed further during the GCSE course. High quality, Computer Aided Design (CAD) software is provided for students wishing to install this on a PC at home.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

As a department, we provide numerous opportunities for students to further their understanding beyond the curriculum. Trips are organised every year to locations such as the Design Museum and we regularly have external speakers and former students with a Design Engineering background. We also provide a wide range of Forder Clubs to support students learning throughout GCSE. These include the popular Electronics Club where students can design and develop their own electronic projects, Innovation Society and NEA support sessions.

Progression after GCSE

The study of Design and Technology provides students with the opportunity to develop a wide range of research, analytical, creative, evaluative and IT skills; many of which readily ‘transfer’ to other disciplines. Design and Technology provides a foundation for future study in a huge range of design related subjects and helps equip students with the ability to become more discerning consumers in a world where almost all they see and touch has been designed.

The Design Engineering department currently offer a challenging A Level Product Design course course which follows the AQA 7552 specification. Students who follow the natural progression to the A Level, often go on to study at Russell Group universities. Recent alumni have left St Dunstan’s to study Product Design and Engineering at Loughborough.

Drama and Theatre Studies



WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Drama offers a broad and coherent course of study enabling students to:

• Apply knowledge and understanding when making, performing and responding to drama

• Explore performance texts, understanding their social, cultural and historical context including the theatrical conventions of the period in which they were created

• Develop a range of theatrical skills and apply them to create performances

• Work collaboratively to generate, develop and communicate ideas

• Develop as creative, effective, independent and reflective learners able to make informed choices in process and performance

• Contribute as an individual to a theatrical performance

• Reflect on and evaluate their own work and that of others

• Develop an awareness and understanding of the roles and processes undertaken in contemporary professional theatre practice

• Adopt safe working practices


Component 1: Devising Theatre

Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated - (40% of qualification)

Students will be assessed on either acting or design.

Students participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of devised theatre using either the techniques of an influential theatre practitioner or a genre, in response to a stimulus set by WJEC. Students must produce: a realisation of their piece of devised theatre, supporting evidence, an evaluation of the final performance or design.

Component 2: Performing from a Text

Non - exam assessment: externally assessed by a visiting examiner - (20% of qualification)

Students will be assessed on either acting or design.

Students study two extracts from the same performance text chosen by the centre. Students participate in one performance using sections of text from both extracts.

Component 3: Interpreting Theatre

Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes - (40% of qualification)

Section A: Set Text

A series of questions on one set text:

I Love You Mum - I Promise I Won’t Die - Mark Wheeller

Section B: Live Theatre Review

One question, from a choice of two, requiring analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a live theatre production seen during the course.

Teaching Methodology

The course is comprised of both written and practical components, as noted within the assessment section above. The performance elements of the course focus on skill acquisition and their application within differing performance styles. The written course is focused upon analysis and evaluation of both literary play texts and the student’s own performances.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

The co-curricular offering at the College is exciting, wide and varied in terms of productions. As well as remaining highly inclusive for all, we offer students the opportunity to explore a range of styles, including, but not limited to, Naturalism, Brecht, Musical Theatre, Physical Theatre and Artaud. With a focus on diversity and the use of ensemble, we encourage all students to create work that relates both to the College Values and the context of the world in which they live. We regularly work with professional practitioners to expand the experience of students both in terms of skill and style. Alongside productions, we organise regular trips to the theatre to see a wide range of productions. Tickets prices vary but usually cost between £15 and £30 depending on the mode of transport to and from the theatre involved. There are multiple opportunities to explore different aspects of the performing arts including directing, producing, design, video, sound, and light.

Progression after GCSE

The study of Drama and Theatre at A Level opens the door to a multitude of opportunities for students, as they begin considering their future career path. For those who are keen to progress into the professional world of performance, we have strong track record of students attending elite training facilities such as RADA, Central School of Speech and Drama, and Trinity Laban, studying not only Acting, but also Dance, Technical Design and Script Writing.

For those favouring a more traditional route, many students continue their study in a plethora of red-brick universities such as Warwick or Durham, majoring in specific aspects of theatre such as speech therapy and youth counselling, or combine it as a minor alongside subjects such as English Literature or RPE. Drama also develops a range of transferable skills such as public speaking and presentation, collaboration and creativity; skills which strengthen students’ applications to study other courses such as Law or Politics.


Edexcel 4GEO


Geography aims to bring together the wide range of ideas that shape the world we live in, and explain how we can adapt and work with them. Geographers are able to combine skills: analysis, data interpretation and fieldwork, combined with the ability to explain your ideas and evaluate them for an audience. As a contemporary subject, you’ll study the world around you and the forces that shape it: using real world examples, current events and clear case studies to deepen and strengthen your understanding.


The IGCSE is assessed in two separate papers, with no coursework.

Paper 1: Physical Geography (4GEO/01) 40%

Paper 2: Human Geography (4GEO/02) 60%

Coastal environments

Hazardous environments

Fieldwork to investigate these topics

Economic activity and energy

Urban environments

Globalisation and migration

Fieldwork to investigate these topics

Full information and typical content can be found on the Edexcel iGCSE specification

Teaching Methodology

Taught by expert teachers, we have examiners and subject experts to get you the best results we can. We expect high standards, and we will keep pushing you to constantly challenge your world view – through fieldwork, travel, and an exciting curriculum that keeps you involved in explaining the events you experience. Be prepared for a great journey.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

The new IGCSE specifications gives you the best Geography that we can. We are bringing in new skills – like GIS, and online mapping; getting the best out of interactive and case study driven lessons, and making use of our position in the heart of London to be in contact with universities and researchers alike. You’ll be part of the Senior Geography Society, meeting and hearing from excellent speakers from academic and business worlds. You’ll be able to join some of the Senior Geography adventures, building on Iceland, and future destinations will reflect the demands and inspiration for our Geography students.

We expect to conduct a variety of local fieldwork through the duration of your IGCSE course, which helps in key parts of the examination, and will be written up formally. However, fieldwork skills will be assessed in both exam papers, not in the write up – that is our way of developing your independent research skills, crucial for A Level and university. Trips will be largely small scale, local and help build geographical understanding, but more ambitious international trips are being planned.

Progression after GCSE

Geography opens a world of options. You’ll find that your skills will take you a long way: Geography goes well with Arts and Sciences alike and is academically rigorous to provide excellent support for almost any combination. It is a rich academic subject to lead your studies. We have an excellent track record of Geographers at university, including Oxford success, and of achieving great results at A Level and beyond. So, why not take the first step?


Cambridge IGCSE (0977)


The Cambridge IGCSE is a modern History course that enables students to explore key issues that have shaped the contemporary world. The core content of Paper 1 is “the twentieth century: international relations since 1919” and is examined through the following key questions:

1. Was the Treaty of Versailles fair?

2. To what extent was the League of Nations a success?

3. Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?

4. Who was to blame for the Cold War?

5. How effectively did the United States contain the spread of Communism?

Students also undertake a depth study on Germany 1918-1945, which examines the creation and failure of democracy in Germany after the First World War, the Rise of the Nazi Regime, and its effect on German Society.

Paper 2 is a source-based paper, the topic of which changes annually. For the 2027 examination the topic is “How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989? ” Students will examine a range of perspectives on the peace-making process at the end of World War One to assess questions relating to how far the peacemakers achieved their objectives and whether the conditions imposed on Germany were justified.


Paper 1 – 60 marks 2 hr exam, candidates answer 2 questions on the core content and 1 on the depth study.

Students are assessed on their ability to describe, explain, and evaluate historical events.

Paper 2 – 40 marks

1 hr 45 mins exam. Students are assessed on their ability to analyse and evaluate historical sources.

Paper 3 – 40 marks

1 hr exam. Candidates answer 1 extended question, split into part a) and b) on the Germany Depth Study

Teaching Methodology

Taught by subject experts, lessons place a strong emphasis on discussion to develop the higher-level skills of evaluation while grounding such debate in a firm grasp of the fundamental historical evidence. Although source skills are only examined in Paper 2, we ensure that the teaching of source skills is embedded throughout the course allowing students to become comfortable handling a range of written and visual source types.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

The Senior History Society brings together GCSE and A Level students to stretch those with a passion for the subject, exploring topics related to the course, wider historical issues and debates, and how history interacts with modern society. Other societies include Global History, History on Film, and Museum Society.

Progression after IGCSE

The Senior History Society brings together GCSE and A Level students to stretch those with a passion for the subject, exploring topics related to the course, wider historical issues and debates, and how history interacts with modern society. Other societies include Global History, History on Film, and Museum Society.




Latin GCSE offers students the opportunity to study the language and culture of one of the most remarkable and influential civilisations of the Ancient World. Students will read a variety of literature, both prose and poetry, whose subject matter is of universal interest, with the aims of developing precise analytical skills, a personal appreciation of the value of all language and literature and of the influence of Classical society on the modern world.


There are three papers in the examination:

Language (01) externally assessed written paper, 100 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes – weighting 50%

The Language question paper has two sections.

Section A: Students will be required to answer comprehension questions, derivations and will choose between either answering questions on accidence and syntax or translating three short English sentences into the classical language. Section A is worth 30 marks.

Section B: Students will be required to answer comprehension questions and translate a passage of unseen prose. Section B is worth 70 marks.

Prose Literature (03) externally assessed written paper, 50 marks, 1 hour - weighting 25%

Each question paper assesses a specific prose set text (110–120 lines). Students are required to answer comprehension questions, translate a section of the set text into English, answer questions focusing on literary style, characterisation, argument as appropriate to the set text studied and an extended response. Our prose authors for the examinations in 2025 and 2026 will be Tacitus and Pliny the Younger.

Verse Literature (04) externally assessed written paper, 50 marks, 1 hour – weighting 25%

Each question paper assesses a specific prose set text (110–120 lines). Students are required to answer comprehension questions, translate a section of the set text into English, answer questions focusing on literary style, characterisation, argument as appropriate to the set text studied and an extended response. Our prose author for the examinations in 2027 and 2028 will be Apuleius - Metamorphoses book V.

Teaching Methodology

Apart from the rich resources developed by the department, students use John Taylor’s comprehensive textbook, ‘Essential Latin for GCSE’ as well as Cullen and Taylor’s ‘Latin to GCSE’, which provide excellent means for developing the linguistic skills necessary to tackle the original Latin works encountered as the course progresses.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

Students may have the opportunity to attend a Classics Trip to sites of particular classical interest in Europe, such as Rome or Greece, which will directly assist in their understanding of the material they have studied. Students could also join clubs such as Latin Unseen Stories, the Roman Poetry Club, Classical Greek Language and the Classics Film Club.

Progression after GCSE

Latin at GCSE is, of course, a prerequisite for any student considering the study of classical subjects and ancient history at Key Stage 5 (A Level) or beyond. However, it is also a vastly cross-curricular discipline which will be of benefit to students with a more general interest in humanities, languages or literature. It is valued by Higher Education institutions and employers as a result of the transferable skills in which it trains students, such as problem-solving, evaluation, linguistic fluency and versatility.

Modern Foreign Languages

Edexcel IGCSE

French: Edexcel IGCSE 4FR0

German: Edexcel IGCSE 4GM0

Spanish: Edexcel IGCSE 4SP0


All four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) are assessed and final grades are determined by performance on a scale of 9-1. Topic areas:

• Home & Abroad

• Education & Employment

• Personal Life & Relationships

• The World Around Us

• Social Activities, Fitness & Health


Paper 1: Listening paper (30 minute examination plus 5 minutes reading time): 25% of the total IGCSE

Paper 2: Reading and Writing paper (1 hour and 45 minutes): 50% of the total IGCSE

Paper 3: Speaking paper (maximum 10 minutes): 25% of the total IGCSE

Part A - discussion of a photo chosen by the candidate (falling under one of the core topic areas)

Part B - two further conversations on two of the other main topic areas

Teaching Methodology

Students enjoy the highly interactive and varied nature of language lessons, which focus on active involvement as a means to improving the four core skills of language learning. We make use of a wide range of source material beyond the GCSE Text Book to support and challenge students, including digital platforms such as Language Nut. Students are encouraged to speak in the language as often as possible, whether via pair-work in class or during their weekly sessions with our Language Assistants. This is an opportunity for them to practise and improve their conversational skills with native speakers.

In addition to skills practice, mastering a language requires a disciplined approach to grammar and vocabulary learning to develop the ability to analyse and manipulate the key structures. Students will need to plan their written work thoughtfully, aiming to recycle language learned in class in order to consolidate their knowledge and demonstrate as wide a range of language as possible.

Through these approaches, our aim is for students to develop the ability to communicate effectively on a range of topics that are relevant to them, building on prior learning to increase the complexity and variety of their spoken and written language.

The ability to manipulate grammatical structures and vocabulary is fundamental to this, but also enables students to access texts and other sources from a wide range of countries and communities where the language is spoken – as Federico Fellini said, “A different language is a different vision of life.” By acquiring a language at GCSE, students will be able to deepen their understanding of the culture of the language they have studied, whether this is when travelling abroad or by furthering their studies at A Level.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

The MFL Department recently took trips to Lyon, Berlin and Granada; students really enjoyed the mixture of cultural activities and immersive language-learning courses. It is strongly recommended that GCSE students sign up early to future trips to make the most of them.

We also have numerous Forder clubs both to support students with their language learning and give them a taste of the cultures associated with the languages taught, spoken and celebrated at St Dunstan’s. These include a French Breakfast Club, Spanish Film Club, the Languages Appreciation Society group and German ‘Deutschklub’.

Progression after IGCSE

If you have enjoyed your language option and would like to progress to A level, the IGCSE course is a solid foundation on which to build. The A Level course has a much more cultural focus, and you will have the opportunity to learn about the music, film, literature, and politics of the countries where the language is spoken. There remains a strong linguistic element to the course, with increased complexity of the vocabulary and grammar to enable access to a wider range of authentic material.

With an A level in another language you can apply to university to study the language, take up a second language ab initio at university, combine a language with another subject (e.g. Business), communicate with people from other countries, work abroad, work for a company with international links, or simply have more fun on foreign holidays! Language learning also gives you highly sought after transferable skills, greatly enhancing your prospects in any area of higher education or employment. These include communication skills, analytical skills and strong interpersonal skills through developing intercultural understanding.


OCR - J536


Music is everywhere. It’s an integral part of modern life. We are exposed daily to a huge range of musical styles and cultures all of which have the power to affect us deeply as humans. OCR GCSE Music is an exciting and diverse qualification that offers students the ability to analyse what they hear, create developed compositions, as well as developing their performing capabilities on their chosen instrument or in music production. This is achieved through focus on 5 areas of study:

1. My Music (study of own instrument or music production)

2. The Concerto Through Time

3. Rhythms of the World

4. Film and Video Game Music

5. Conventions of Pop Assessment

Integrated Portfolio (30%): Coursework - Solo performance or production (15%) and a free composition in a style chosen by the candidate (15%)

Practical Component (30%): Coursework - an ensemble performance or production (15%) and a composition of a piece of music in response to a set brief in relation to one of the areas of study (15%)

Listening and Appraising (40%): Examination

30 minutes. Questions are based on students’ learning throughout the course on areas of study 2-5. Students respond to unprepared listening extracts, identifying their musical elements and contexts, through a set of short and medium-form questions. There are no essays to complete at GCSE.

Teaching Methodology

The GCSE Music classroom is a vibrant, dynamic and fun environment. Lessons usually feature a balance of all three of the main aspects of the course. Practical work forms a significant component and students are expected to practise regularly on their instrument. Noteflight, Soundtrap and Logic Pro software are available to students for their compositions.

Any student demonstrating a commitment to their chosen performance discipline and composing can excel at GCSE Music. It is expected that students are currently having individual Music lessons in their instrument. Pupils performing at the equivalent of grade 4 standard in Year 11 are able to access the highest marks as part of their performance coursework. There is pathway for Music producers who have one to one lessons already as part of the course. Students will have access to our exciting facilities, including a computer suite, studio (with Macs) and three multi-purpose classrooms, including a recital room.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

There is a wealth of opportunities for students to perform both formally and informally throughout the course and to present their creative work to a wider audience. GCSE students should play an active role in the life of the Music Department, attending groups or workshops regularly as part of the Forder programme. Termly trips are arranged to concerts, gigs and performance workshops in London to hear and perform music related to the areas of study.

Progression after GCSE

Pupils will develop and enhance their creativity, critical listening, performance skills, confidence, resilience, interpretation of multi-faceted data, team-work and technological capabilities through the course. These farranging skills are essential to any A Level or career, as well as preparing them for possible careers in the creative arts industries and beyond.

Physical Education


Component 01: Physical factors affecting performance

Students examine how the human body functions during physical activity and explore the physiological adaptations driven by diet and training. They also develop skills in data analysis and gain a deep understanding of the principles of training, the purpose of different training methods, and how to create effective training plans to maximise performance.

There are two topics:

• Applied Anatomy and Physiology

• Physical Training.


Component 02: Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology

Students delve into the socio-cultural and psychological influences that impact participation in sport and explore the broader societal effects of sports. Topics include the benefits of physical activity on health, fitness, and well-being, as well as the roles of commercialisation, sponsorship, and media in sports.

There are three topics:

• Socio-Cultural Influences

• Sports Psychology

• Health, Fitness and Wellbeing.

Component 03: Performance in physical education

This component assesses students in three practical activities and one written performance analysis task. Students demonstrate effective performance, tactical application, and adherence to rules and conventions under applied conditions. Additionally, they analyse and evaluate performance, producing an action plan for improvement.

Practical Skills:

Core and advanced skills in three activities taken from the approved lists:

• One individual activity

• One team activity

• One activity from either list

Component 05: Analysis and Evaluation of Performance (NEA)

Students apply their knowledge and skills to analyse and evaluate their own or a peer’s performance in one activity, creating a detailed improvement plan.

issues and sports psychology (02)

in physical education (03) - NEA

Analysis and Evaluation of Performance (05) NEA

Teaching Methodology

Students receive five academic PE lessons per fortnight, comprising:

• Four theory lessons in the classroom

• One practical lesson to develop practical skills

Participation in co-curricular sporting activities is mandatory to support the practical assessment and maintain representation of the College in sports.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

The Sports Department offers a wide variety of clubs, such as swimming and cross-country, to support Component 03. Students also have the opportunity to attend enriching workshops, such as a visit to BodyWorlds, to gain deeper insights into human anatomy and physiology.

Progression after GCSE

The GCSE PE course is a valuable qualification, providing a strong foundation for further study and careers in the growing sport sciences industry. For students progressing to A Level PE, it offers excellent preparation, alongside the development of interpersonal skills applicable to diverse fields.

Many past students have advanced to prestigious universities, studying subjects like Sports Science, Physiotherapy, and more at institutions such as Bath, Birmingham, Exeter, Durham, and Loughborough.

Religion, Philosophy and Ethics

AQA Religious Studies (8062MA)


Component 1(A): The Study of Religion


Students study the beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity below and their basis in Christian sources of wisdom and authority. Beliefs: Nature of God and the Trinity, Creation, Afterlife, Life of Jesus Practices: Worship, Sacraments, Festivals, the Church in the community


Students study the beliefs, teachings and practices of Islam and their basis in Islamic sources of wisdom and authority. Beliefs: Six Articles of Faith, Five Roots of Usul ad-Din, Nature of Allah, Angels, Akhirah, Sources of Wisdom and Authority Practices: The Five Pillars, Ten Obligatory Acts, Jihad, Festivals

Component 2(A): Thematic studies in Philosophy and Ethics

Theme B – Religion and Life

The origins and value of the universe: Origins of the universe, environmental attitudes, use and abuse of animals. The origins and values of human life: Origins of life, abortion euthanasia, afterlife

Theme C – The existence of God and revelation

Philosophical Arguments: Design Argument, Cosmological Argument, Miracles, The Problem of Evil, Religion vs. Science. Nature of the divine and revelation: Special and general revelation

Theme D – Religion, peace and conflict Violence, Terrorism and War: Peace, justice, forgiveness, reconciliation, terrorism, Just War Theory, pacifism 21st Century Conflict: Nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction

Theme E – Religion, crime and punishment

Crime and its causes: Good and evil intentions and the reasons for different types of crimes. Punishment: The aims of punishment, treatment of criminals, forgiveness, capital punishment.


The AQA syllabus is a full GCSE course assessed through two 1 hour 45 minute examination papers, each worth 50% of the overall GCSE grade. There is no coursework in this specification.

2 written papers:

- Each paper = 1 hour 45 minutes

- Each paper = 96 marks + 6 SPaG marks

- Each paper = 50% of GCSE

Questions: Each religion has a common structure of five-part questions of 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks.

Teaching Methodology

RPE is a subject where you are awarded not only for what you know but for the strength of your argument. We therefore spend time honing debating and critical analysis skills and exploring issues that have no right or wrong answer. Students relish this ability to learn and achieve through discussion. Each student will have 5 lessons a fortnight with a specialist RPE teacher. Lessons will address both specification content as well as specific exam technique to ensure success in the final exams.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

We provide a variety of enrichment opportunities through the Forder programme including Junior and Senior Philosophy societies where GCSE students enjoy taking a lead in some of the discussions, a philosophical film club and, a PPE Society for those aspiring to take the subject in some capacity at university. There will also be opportunities outside of the classroom for GCSE students to attend conferences where they debate issues of life, death, truth and, secularism with other students from around the country as well as trips to local places of worship. We also regularly welcome guest speakers from Christianity, Islam and Humanism to provide additional insight into the diverse perspectives across modern British society.

Progression after GCSE

A significant number of students continue with RPE to A Level, but the way the GCSE trains students to argue confidently and analytically is a skill highly valued by other essay subjects at A Level such as English, History, Geography, Classical Civilisation, Economics, and Business. This is why RPE is known within higher education as the Queen of all the Humanities! It is valued by universities as a subject that encourages clarity of articulation, appreciation and analysis of alternative perspectives and, the development of empathy, tolerance and critical thinking.

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