2 minute read
Introduction to Middle School
Mr Holmes has introduced you to the academic pathways and decisions you are making as you indicate your GCSE options. As Head of Middle School, I would like to outline some of the other elements which make up your Middle School journey. First, some familiarity: tutor time will continue to deliver the pastoral support you need, with time each day to examine and discuss issues arising from the Theme of the Week, circle time discussions, Usherwood and Stuart lessons. You should look to share your enthusiasms and life interests during form time: this helps make up the rich community which we are privileged to share here at St Dunstan’s College. Your tutor will, as in Lower School, work with you to choose exciting, varied and challenging Forder activities, which develop you as an individual and help make up the shield mentioned in our ‘Albam Exorna’ motto. You will continue as a member of a House and will be expected not just to contribute but also increasingly to the lead, taking charge of specific House and charitable initiatives, organising and encouraging other students to participate and thrive.
You will also experience some change from the Lower School, which are all a key part of your journey through the College. Years 10 and 11 have six forms each year, which means you will have a new form and new form tutor. The Middle School tutors are experienced teachers, who have worked with Middle School students and understand their individual challenges. Your day will feel different, too: instead of all the tutor group members experiencing the same timetable, you will all have different timetables, depending on your GCSE profile. This means that, while of course you will benefit from studying in a community, you will be following your own unique path through each day and Middle School as a whole.
To support you through the Middle School, your tutor will get to know you well: the STARS process after Learning Scores and Attainment Scores will require you and your tutor to review your learning habits and progress. As you learn more about your academic subjects, and your own skills and capabilities, you will also learn how to improve your study skills, and how to manage your time outside school and revise effectively. In Year 10, we also encourage you to look beyond the Middle School; your tutor will advertise the many events and opportunities for Careers, Higher Education and the ways that St Dunstan’s College Sixth Form can help you turn your dreams into real life pathways.
So, please take advantage of the information provided here and choose options which will make up your unique journey through the Middle School and beyond. I look forward, along with the whole Middle School team, to welcoming you into Year 10 very soon.
Miss L Clewley Assistant Head – Head of Middle School
Core subjects