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Design Engineering
AQA GCSE Engineering Content
The sky’s the limit. Engineering is an increasingly innovative and exciting area to work in. It affects every aspect of modern life – from skyscrapers to smart phones, cars to carrier bags.
Our new GCSE introduces students to a host of new technologies, helping them to gain practical skills and understanding to inspire a lifelong interest in engineering. It will particularly appeal to those who enjoy being creative, with an affinity for drawing, design, maths and problemsolving.
Core content
1. Engineering materials
2. Engineering manufacturing processes
3. Systems
4. Testing and investigation
5. The impact of modern technologies
6. Practical engineering skills
Written exam: 2 hours - 120 marks - 60% of GCSE
Coursework: A brief set by AQA released on 1 June in the first year of study. - 80 marks - 40% of GCSE
Teaching Methodology
Theory lessons form an integral part of the course, but the majority of the students’ class time is allocated to coursework tasks, including design folio production and practical work. Students should therefore understand that they need to develop an independent and self-disciplined approach to research work and study outside the classroom.
In Year 10 students will be completing several projects to teach them the Engineering theory as well as learn practical skills. Year 11 will be predominantly completing the coursework. A high standard of presentation and a range of graphic techniques including good quality, freehand sketching, use of computer-aided design software and desktop publishing will be needed to produce design folios and other coursework.
Students should already have a firm basis of these skills to be developed further during the GCSE course. High quality, computer-aided design (CAD) software is provided for students wishing to install this on a PC at home.
Co-curricular and Enrichment
As a department we always ensure that subject content is relatable and focus’ on Engineering in the real world. We also run multiple co-curricular clubs that students can attend. Arduino coding club gives students an opportunity to design and develop their own coding projects. We also run several trips and visits throughout the GCSE course.
Progression after GCSE
The study of Engineering provides students with the opportunity to develop a wide range of research, analytical, creative, evaluative and IT skills; many of which readily ‘transfer’ to other disciplines. Engineering provides a foundation for future study in a huge range of design related subjects and helps equip students with the ability to become more discerning consumers in a world where almost all they see and touch has been designed.