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Art and Design

Edexcel GCSE Art, Craft and Design


This is an innovative course, best suited to those who wish to channel their creative energies into producing original art pieces that reflect their individuality. It is about having an adventurous and enquiring approach to the visual world and cultivating the skills to respond to it. In Year 10, students work thematically on a variety of different ideas and media while in Year 11 they work more independently on their own ideas. Students will develop an understanding of past and contemporary Art and Design and will be able to produce personal responses embracing a range of concepts and techniques.

Work is unit-based using direct experience as a starting point. Students are given the opportunity to explore a wide variety of techniques and materials such as sculpture, painting, photography, digital manipulation, textiles and print.

A unit of work includes:

• An individual response to a theme.

• Making connections between your work and the work of artists.

• Creating using a range of materials and approaches.

• Developing an idea both in and out of the sketchbook.

• Creating a final piece.


All work is internally assessed and marked and externally moderated. Each unit is assessed separately out of 72 marks using 4 assessment objectives of develop, review/experiment, record, present.

Unit 1-Personal Portfolio:

(60% weighting) Students’ portfolio work will consist of a body of research, supporting studies and developmental work leading to one or more outcomes. Submissions for each unit must contain a sketchbook.

Unit 2- Externally Set Assignment: (40% weighting) Students will be given an eight-week preparatory period for the controlled test where they will produce supporting studies both in and out of the sketchbook. During this period students may consult with staff and be supplied with guidance and materials. The timed element (10 hours set over a number of days) is an opportunity for the student to show how capable they are of carrying out in-depth work unaided.

Co-curricular and Enrichment

Students will visit museums and galleries across London on a regular basis. They will attend specialised workshops, artists visits, life drawing, and different talks or symposiums that relate to their current or future work. During the school week, specialised GCSE Forder clubs will allow students to receive extra studio working time and further contact with their teacher. Year 11 students will also benefit from having access to the art studios after school and during lunch.

Progression after GCSE

Studying GCSE Art and Design provides a fantastic opportunity to research and respond critically to the visual world, both culturally and historically, and in a personal and meaningful way. Many of these skills are valued and transferable across other subject areas. The course also equips students with an understanding and knowledge of art history and the ability to make their own informed judgements. Many students go on to study A Level and then to prestigious Art Foundation courses such as Central St Martins or Kingston University or to study Architecture and other design-based courses.

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