t is hoped that all Year 11 students will transfer to our Sixth Form, subject to grade expectations being met in their GCSE examinations. Students need an average grade of 6 across all their subjects, as well as meeting specific entry requirements, depending on the A Level subjects of their choice. There is no need to complete a registration form, or to sit our entrance examinations, and our Middle School team will work closely with families where they believe there is a risk that a student will not reach the expected level of academic attainment to be eligible for transfer from Sixth Form. We want to support all students into our Sixth Form, wherever possible, and as such we frequently consult with Year 11 students across the year, both in helping support them with their GCSEs, and in managing the next steps into post-16 education. There are several opportunities during Year 10 and Year 11 for students and families to meet with the Sixth Form Team, and to learn more about life in the Sixth Form. The Middle School team are also available for consultation and advice. The schedule of events for this year is included within this booklet.
Head of Middle School: Miss L Clewley
Head of Year 12: Mr S Healy
Head of Sixth Form: Mr A Brewer
Head of Year 13: Mrs E Bocarro-Ashford
‘Discover the Sixth Form’ Events
A Levels on offer in September 2023
cross Year 10 and Year 11 we hold a number of events to help students in the Middle School familiarise themselves with Sixth Form life at St Dunstan’s.
Art & Design
We want to be as open as possible in showing students the whole range of support and opportunity that is available in the Sixth Form and so events will include information on our Careers and Higher Education programme, our Aiming High programme, our Sixth Form Diploma, the exciting new Sixth Form facilities, and tailored sessions that allow parents and students to ask questions of the Sixth Form team about what the A Level studies might mean for them.
Classical Civilisation
Computer Science
Design Engineering
English Literature
Further Mathematics
For this year, there are a number of ‘Discover the Sixth Form’ events being hosted either virtually or on the College site. For students, this will include a tour of the Sixth Form Hub and its facilities. You will hear talks on our Diploma with its academic and wider skills programmes, and you will be able to ask questions and think about which sort of journey would best suit you. You are warmly encouraged to attend one of these events and to hear from the Sixth Form team, as well as the current Sixth Formers.
Politics (new to 2023)
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
Sports Science
(must be chosen with Mathematics)
The St Dunstan’s Diploma
Academically rigorous A Levels serve as the backbone of the Diploma. We believe in academic challenge and inspiring curiosity in subjects that students are passionate about. This year we are excited to add Politics, bringing subjects on offer to 24. A very broad academic choice. All students begin their Diploma journey on a programme of four Subject A Levels. In December of Year 12, one-to-one consultations with senior staff provide the option of dropping to three A levels, as well as enhancing commitment to some of the elective courses on offer.
The St Dunstan’s Diploma overtly
he St Dunstan’s Diploma is the defining framework for Sixth Form life. All students embark on this ambitious and forward-thinking programme that is designed to develop well-rounded and self-confident young women and men who can thrive in the wider world of higher education and beyond. It is a programme that deliberately allows for the development of the individual, creating multiple pathways of learning and growth
St Dunstan’s
Four/ three Subject A Levels
Leadership Volunteering Societies Prefecture Scholars
recognises and celebrates all of the activities, commitments and achievements that are valued and enjoyed through the College’s rich co-curriculum. In the Sixth Form, it is expected that students start to take a lead in these activities, as well as giving back to the wider school community, by starting up their own societies and other clubs. All co-curricular activities contribute towards the St Dunstan’s Diploma. Examples of regular Sixth Form activity include: • Helping lead the whole College community through prefecture • Championing the CCF, House
Higher Education Apprenticeships Work & CVs Online courses Practical skills
System, dramatic performances, sports teams and musical ensembles • Completing the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award • Leading community service initiatives both within the St Dunstan’s community and within our local setting • Leading the Pupil Parliament • Setting up and running an Academic Society • Running clubs and activities for younger students • Training to be a Peer Mentor and supporting our younger students • Qualifying in Youth Mental Health
A programme of careers and higher education events are held throughout the Sixth Form, designed to give insight into a full range of possible sectors and higher education pathways. Specialists provide students with invaluable information in fields of Law, Medicine, Financial Services and The Arts, amongst others. Through Year 12 students can take part in our Futures pathways, collectively called ‘Aiming High’. Each route contains taught undergraduate level material, guided personal statement projects, and where appropriate, marked admissions test practice. These bespoke courses ensure applications for competitive degrees are robust and strong, preparing students for some of the most popular degrees choices including Law, Engineering, Economics, as well as Drama School and Art Foundation courses. During Lent term of Year 12, the UCAS application process is introduced to parents and students, launched with an evening event with the likes of admissions teams from Birmingham or Manchester Universities, offering insider guidance on personal statements. That evening a panel of alumni also offer frank feedback on a university they attend, to help students understand the type of institution they would like to apply
to. Aside from this, specialist speakers on gap years and overseas applications, are available for one-to-one advice throughout a student’s time in the Sixth Form. In the Trinity term, students have a day off timetable to construct their UCAS application and begin in earnest their personal statement, having the lion’s share completed before the summer break. Through Year 13 Michaelmas term, the ’Aiming High’ programmes with early application dates intensify the preparation given to students for their admissions tests, including personal statements and interviews by their Tutors, and our expert Oxbridge and Gallen programme co-ordinators. To enable students to have a clear understanding of the careers open to them, in November we host a careers convention with over 60 exhibitors, plus a series of Career Insight events through Lent term, each with a panel of professional giving details advice on how to reach your target careers. These events are coupled with our visiting Career Mentors, professionals who visit the College termly, having one-to-one meeting with students each time they visit, so students can get continual feedback and progression advice on how to access competitive careers.
Diploma Research Programme & EPQ Qualification The three strands of the Diploma – Knowledge, Character, Futures – are underwritten by our Diploma Research Programme. This is taught in weekly lessons by tutors and incorporates the chance to deepen study skills, devising projects and societies, developing personal interests and skill sets. Through it, students could opt to take the Extended Project Qualification, allowing a formally assessed qualification to be gained that can help with entry to certain university courses. Alternatively, students may decide not to take it formally but will still incorporate those skills in their A Levels. At that point we provide multiple other smaller courses they can take up. For example: • • • • •
Massive Open Online Courses (Future Learn) Ab Initio Language Study (Rosetta Stone) British Science Association ‘CREST Award’ (Gold) First aid Qualification Practical Skills Courses – recent examples include first aid, barrista training, and British Sign Language amongst others.
In these ways we are able to build a successful and forward-looking programme that enables a fully rounded student capable of facing their adult futures with confidence.
The Sixth Form Diploma Scholarship Current Co-curricular awards Co-curricular awards are decided upon during the Trinity Term of Year 10, when Heads of respective Departments put forward recommendations for students they believe should continue to receive an award for Academics, Art, Drama, Design Engineering, Music or Sport because of a continued particular talent in each field. Once confirmed, these are then held throughout a student’s remaining time in the College.
Diploma Scholarship All of Year 11 can also apply for a Diploma Scholarship at the end of their Michaelmas term. This is a single award that recognises a particular specialism that students have become expert in. During Year 12, the Diploma Scholars receive further training from the Head of Sixth Form, are taken on bespoke visits and trips, including a residential at our Scholars’ Retreat, receive one-to-one mentoring, and produce a final project in their interest in Year 13 at our Scholars’
Symposium. They are also expected to run clubs and societies promoting that interest. If a Co-Curricular Award is held already, it can be converted into a Diploma Scholarship at this point and it is possible to hold the Scholarship in more than one area of expertise. On 16+ entry these awards become the following positions: • • • • • •
Diploma Scholar – Academic Diploma Scholar – Art & Design Diploma Scholar – Sports Diploma Scholar – Dramatic Arts Diploma Scholar – Music Diploma Scholar – Design Engineering
Sixth Form Diploma Scholars will be expected to champion other years in their specialism for at least two terms of each year of Sixth Form. For example, they might be a Football captain and/or they might organise and run Photography club.
Application process Year 11 will be invited by the Head of Sixth Form to apply for the Diploma in late October and families will be sent an application document where students can set out their case for being worthy of this award. Interviews take place during November and are carried out by both the Head of Sixth Form and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Sixth Form Diploma Scholarships are awarded for excellence in a field of interest. The Diploma Scholarship carries a fee remission, typically between 10% and 25% and lasts for the whole of a student’s time in Sixth Form, conditional on the requirements of the award being completed. If more than one specialism is held the fee remission can attract another 10%. Please note that there is a 35% cap on all Scholarship remissions for any one student.
Key Dates MONTH Year 10
Year 11
November onwards
Attend our Careers & Higher Education series
University Programme introduction & various careers events
Pupil & Parents Sixth Form Taster Day
• •
Oxbridge essay competition launch Sixth Form Open Evening
Virtual Q&A with parents and Head of Sixth Form Launch of Sixth Form Diploma Scholarship
Deadline for applying for Diploma Academic & Scholarships Diploma Scholarship interviews Attend our Careers and Higher Education series A Level option deadline
November onwards
Diploma Academic Scholarship offers
Acceptance deadline for Diploma Scholarship offers
Scholars’ Retreat
• • •
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An ambitious, forward-thinking community that inspires and supports individuals to thrive