Relevant Radio Newsletter Summer Edition

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Cover Story:

Summer Edition 2012

Are you ready for the

>>> JUNE 21 to JULY 4, 2012 <<<


Fr. Rocky on the

Fight for Freedom!

Stand Up for Freedom Rallies: Defending Faith, Family and Life

Summer Reading List:

Relevant Radio show hosts share their favorite titles

Building a

Wall of Mercy

And MUCH More!



Summer Edition 2012

01 02 03 04 05 06

Relevant Radio Bulletin Board / Contents Mission Message from Fr. Rocky Fortnight for Freedom Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies Summer Reading List Wall of Mercy

Relevant Radio Bulletin Board Drew’s Giant Texas Bar-B-Q

On April 21, 2012, Relevant Radio 970 AM hosted Drew’s Giant Texas Bar-B-Q in Austin, Texas. The event sold out and countless personal testimonies were shared throughout the day. The most powerful testimonial – un-rehearsed – was a woman and her teenage son who told the crowd at the BBQ that “two years ago we were atheists and stumbled onto Relevant Radio. Today we have completed the RCIA and have been baptized and confirmed and now we are practicing Catholics.”

Inaugural Christ Brings Hope Award in the Twin Cities

On May 22, 2012, Relevant Radio honored Kathleen M. Laird for her years of service to marriage, family and the Church by presenting her with the Christ Brings Hope Award in the Twin Cities. The presence of archbishops, bishops, a dozen priests, the Vicar General, the rector of the seminary, and hundreds of enthusiastic Relevant Radio benefactors made the event an extraordinary success. To see a video from the event, click HERE.

Relevant Radio Pilgrimage to Italy

On May 31, 2012, a group of Relevant Radio pilgrims, led by Father Rocky ventured overseas to Rome, Italy. Upon arrival, the pilgrims were immersed in the art and history of Italian culture, while engaging in activities of solid Catholic spirituality. Highlights included a visit with Raymond Cardinal Burke, as well as a wave from the Holy Father himself (captured to the left). To see images from the pilgrimage click HERE.

On the Road with Fr. Rocky

In preparation for the Fortnight for Freedom, a Religious Liberty Conference was held on June 16, 2012, in Skokie, IL at St. Lambert Parish. Reverend Francis J. Hoffman, JCD, “Fr. Rocky”, Executive Director of Relevant Radio, attended the conference as a featured speaker.

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Join in the Fight for Freedom! Dear Relevant Radio Family, When the bishops speak, we pay attention. When all of the bishops of the United States speak with one voice, we really pay attention! In early February, our bishops warned us about the intolerable mandate from the Administration in Washington, D.C. which will force us to cooperate in evil practices by paying for procedures and medicines that are immoral. The bishops told us that “we cannot – we will not – comply with this unjust law.” Then they called us to prayer, penance, and action. At Relevant Radio, we initiated a 54 Day Rosary Novena, from February 11 to April 4. Every morning at 7:30 AM, we prayed the rosary so that “wisdom and justice might prevail” on this issue. In short order, persons from all 50 states of the union, as well as 12 foreign countries, were joining us for this unprecedented LIVE and interactive recitation of the Holy Rosary. We were so blessed to have 17 bishops, archbishops, and cardinals lead us in the morning rosary. We knew, from history, that when Catholics have their back against the wall, they turn to the powerful intercession of the Blessed Mother. During those 54 days, we estimate our audience prayed more than 20 million Hail Marys. That should make a difference, don’t you think? Now, several months later, the American bishops have initiated a special two-week period to

pray for religious freedom in our nation. It’s called “Fortnight for Freedom” and it takes place from June 21 to July 4. Dioceses and parishes all across the nation are participating, and Relevant Radio will be offering special programming during the Fortnight to highlight what’s going on. You can find out more by going to our website,, and entering the keyword “freedom.” Please do your part as an American and as a Catholic to defend our freedoms. They were bought at a great price by our heroic ancestors who shed their blood. They are defended still by brave service men and women, of whom a disproportionately large share is Catholic. We hope you have a wonderful, restful, and prayerful summer, close to family and friends. Count on our prayers for you daily before the Most Blessed Sacrament in the Relevant Radio Chapel of the Nativity. May Our Blessed Mother intercede for you!

With prayers and best wishes,

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Executive Director

During a time when mainstream media outlets seem to fall short informing the public on the issues that threaten religious freedom and the value of human life - Catholic Media has stepped up to communicate the Truth.

Donate today and help us continue our mission to provide relevant programming on the issues that matter most! Prayer Line: 1.888.577.5443 | Listener/Donor Line: 1.877.291.0123


Fortnight for Freedom • June 21-July 4


s we move toward the 2012 presidential election, it is natural that special attention be given to the issues making waves in the political arena. This being said, the Fortnight for Freedom is an opportune time to prepare oneself for the race this coming November - through its teaching and witness to religious liberty.

For those who may not be familiar, the Fortnight for Freedom is a USCCB led intiative, spanning from June 21 to July 4, in which dioceses and parishes from across the country schedule events intended to both educate and inform the public of issues currently impacting religious rights and liberties. It is a time of prayer, education, and action in support of religious freedom.

In conjunction with the USCCB’s Fortnight for Freedom Initiative, Relevant Radio is excited to offer our listeners a number of special programs between June 21 and July 4. Among them are: The Fortnight Report. Each weekday at 4:30pm (Central) during the Fortnight, we will present a special half-hour show hosted by Drew Mariani. The purpose of this live show is to create awareness of the USCCB Fortnight for Freedom initiative, give voice to our bishops, showcase Fortnight events and activities across the country and inform listeners about the critical issues pertaining to religious freedom, including latebreaking developments in Washington. The centerpiece of this program will be interviews with various bishops throughout the country each day. Already scheduled to appear are The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt - Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, His Eminence Sean Cardinal O’Malley - Archbishop of Boston, and The Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon - Bishop of Joliet. The Fortnight: A Town Hall Discussion. In a partnership with ClearVoiceTM and CatholicTV® of the Archdiocese of Boston, on Monday night, June 25th from 7pm to 8pm (Central) Relevant Radio will present a LIVE, town-hall style panel discussion which will give a Catholic perspective on the threats to religious liberty and why the HHS mandate accommodation is not sufficient for Catholic institutions. Panelists will include His Eminence Sean Cardinal O’Malley – Archbishop of Boston; Dr. Angela Franks Director of the Theological Institute of the

New Evangelization at St. John’s Seminary, whose doctoral dissertation was on the eugenics aspect of Planned Parenthood; and Scot Landry - Cabinet Secretary in the Archdiocese of Boston. The moderator of the event is John Monahan, a former network news reporter. Questions will be taken from an in-studio audience of young adults. Relevant Radio listeners can also participate by submitting questions via Twitter: @CatholicTV, or email Fortnight for Freedom Mass. On Thursday night, June 28th, from 8pm to 9pm (Central) Relevant Radio will present a special Mass from the National Shrine of the Apostle Paul in Minnesota. Concelebrants for this Mass—which will also be a celebration of the Patronal Feast Day of this local Church as well as the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul—will be Archbishop John C. Nienstedt and Auxiliary Bishop Lee A. Piché of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The Mass will invoke the intercession of Saints Peter and Paul to help us strive to defend the first freedoms of our great nation. For more details on the Fortnight for Freedom and our special coverage, visit and enter keyword: Freedom.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Patroness of the Americas

Pray for Us

A PRAYER FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Almighty God, Father of all nations, For freedom you have set us free in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:1). We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty, the foundation of human rights, justice, and the common good. Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and promote our liberties; By your grace may we have the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all those who live in this blessed land. We ask this through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our patroness, and in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with whom you live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Prayer taken from “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty – A Statement on Religious Liberty” by the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty


United We Stand. Stand up for Religious Freedom Rallies


t noon on Friday, June 8th, 2012, tens of thousands of Americans gathered from cities and towns across the United States to attend the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies. The rallies were intended to increase awareness of the fight to stop the HHS mandate and to spread the word on how it threatens our religious freedom. Relevant Radio® provided LIVE coverage of the speakers, including Stand Up for Freedom organizer, Eric Scheidler, who kicked off A Closer Look™ with Sheila Liaugminas, and was later followed by interviews with rally captains and speakers from around the United States.

Above: Six-Time All-Pro NFL Player Matt Birk speaks to the crowd at the Freedom Rally in Minneapolis.

The Stand Up for Freedom Rallies proved to be an amazing success as people from all over gathered together to show their support. The success of the turnout reflects the passion behind the message and the importance of spreading the word to invite the faithful to stand with their bishops for love of God and country. Among the featured speakers was Matt Birk, Six-Time All-Pro NFL Player, who made an appearance at the Minneapolis Stand Up for Freedom Rally. In front of the U.S. Federal Courthouse, he eloquently addressed the crowd regarding the sanctity of Truth and the current attack on religious freedom as posed by the HHS mandate, referring to the violation as a “battle we cannot lose”. About 2,000 people attended this event. To check out more great images of the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies, visit the Relevant Radio Facebook page.

Above: Bishop John Lavoir (Bishop of New Ulm,

Minnesota) on stage at the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in Minneapolis, MN.

Above: Knights of Columbus and Chicago clergy stand up! Chicago, IL

Right: Support Life! Stand up for Freedom! Photo taken at the Rally in Green Bay, WI


Summer Reading List ads

dio® Recommended Re a R t n a lev e R We asked our show hosts to come up with their top titles to share with listeners this summer and, after eager anticipation, the results are in! We hope you enjoy your Relevant Radio recommended reads!

Check out these titles at your local Catholic bookshop or click HERE to access our summer reading list online.

Chuck Neff

The Inner LifeTM

He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter Ciszek, SJ.

Sean Herriott Morning Air®

Delivered: My Harrowing Journey as a Birth Mother by Michelle Thorn

Drew Mariani

The Drew Mariani ShowTM

Render Unto Caesar by Archbishop Charles Chaput

Paul Sadek DaybreakTM

Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux

Sheila Liaugminas A Closer LookTM

The Father’s Tale by Michael O’Brien


’s ocky Fr. R er Summ ! Read

by David McCullough

Msgr. Swetland

Go Ask Your FatherTM

The Pope and the CEO: John Paul II’s Leadership Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard by Andreas Widmer Glen Lewerenz

Glen’s Story Corner

Shackleton’s Valiant Voyage by Alfred Lansing

Wendy Wiese On CallTM

Never Give Up: My Life and God’s Mercy by John Janaro

Fr. Albert Haase Spirit and LifeTM

When the Well Runs Dry: Prayer Beyond the Beginnings by Thomas Green, S.J.

Sr. Bridget Haase Spirit and LifeTM

Generous Faith: Stories to Inspire Abundant Living by Sister Bridget Haase, OSU


Jesus, I Trust in You! E

Relevant Radio® Wall of Mercy

veryday at 3 pm Central, Relevant Radio host, Drew Mariani, prays the Chaplet of Divine Mercy LIVE on The Drew Mariani ShowTM. The fruits of this prayer have been absolutely incredible. Everyday Relevant Radio receives testimonies of miracles and prompt answers to prayers from those who have prayed along with this powerful prayer. As a way to highlight God’s goodness and mercy, Relevant Radio has established a “Wall of Mercy” located at its headquarters in Green Bay, WI. The testimonies (which remain anonymous) of those who’ve received an answer to their prayers are placed into a book of thanksgiving that sits below the beautiful image of Divine Mercy; others have been framed and displayed on the wall nearby.

Just a few minutes ago, I was feeling quite depressed. I walked up to the portrait of the Divine Mercy and said “Jesus, I Trust in You”.

My first thought was to turn on Relevant Radio. The first prayer request for the Chaplet that day was for all suffering with depression. Thank you for your work - for now I feel safe... - Testimonial from the Wall of Mercy

Left: The words “Wall of Mercy” being placed on the wall just above the image of Divine Mercy.

If you are a listener who has prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet along with us and God has answered your prayer, you too can share your experience by emailing Relevant Radio at

Above: The Wall of Mercy with testimonials of miracles attributed to praying the Chaplet framed and displayed to the left.

Above: Drew Mariani and Relevant Radio associate, Margaret Kleinschmidt, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet LIVE on the air.

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