On the Dial - Special Lenten Issue 2011!

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Deepen Your Walk with Christ This Lent

Lenten Edition 2011

Cover Story:


A Special Lenten Mission Message from Fr. Rocky! Make this the best Lent you ever had!

How to help enrich a child’s experience of this season! Don’t Miss:

40 Days 40 Links

AUDIO EXTRA: CONVERSION Sean Herriott’s Journey into the Church!

A Relevant Radio Lenten favorite Returns!

A Closer Look


with Sheila Liaugminas New Hour-long Format!

Plus More!



Lenten Edition 2011

Relevant Radio Bulletin Board / Contents 02 Mission Message from Fr. Rocky 03 Lent for Little Ones, 40 Days 40 Links, Sean Herriott Interview 04 Give HOPE 05 A Closer Look with Sheila Liaugminas 06 Face Time: We love to see you smile! 01


Relevant Radio Bulletin Board Beatification of Pope John Paul II: Tune in to Relevant Radio to hear Drew Mariani’s reports from Rome!

Feast of the Annunciation March 25, 2011

There will be a special edition of On The Dial in April in anticipation of Pope John Paul II’s Beatification.

NEW HOST: Monsignor Stuart Swetland is joining the regular lineup of hosts on Go Ask Your FatherTM later this month.

NEW SHOW! Sheila Liaugminas is returning to the Relevant Radio network in the capacity of News Director and as host of an hour-long program, A Closer LookTM. Premieres April 4 at 5pm CT. See page 5 for more details. Where’s Father Rocky? Father will be a featured speaker at the Iowa Men’s Conference - Pure Mentality Presents: Prayer for Life at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Iowa City, IA on Saturday, March 26. Father will be giving a Parish Mission at St. Cajetan Church in Chicago, IL on Sunday, March 27 and Monday, March 28. Click HERE for more information on these and other upcoming events.

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Dear Relevant Radio Family, As Lent soon approaches and we continue to face rising challenges in our world, I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage and assist you in making this the best Lent you ever had, so that together we can help convert the world with the joyful message of Christ! We cannot give what we don’t have, and sometimes it helps to go back to the basics and remind ourselves what it is the Church asks of us. I’d like to review with you the Precepts of the Church so that we can all do our best in observing this holy season. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Five Precepts1 of the Church are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor. You shall confess your sins at least once a year. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church. You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church.

The 4th Precept refers especially to Lent, and the Church went further in Her explanation of this Precept by spelling out exact practices to help us observe Lent properly in order to prepare our souls to joyfully celebrate the Holiest of all Feasts, that of Easter, the Lord’s Resurrection. “Abstinence from eating meat … is to be observed on Fridays2 throughout the year unless they are solemnities; abstinence and fast3 are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and on the Friday of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Canon 1251) “All persons who have completed their fourteenth year are bound by the law of abstinence; all adults are bound by the law of fast up to the beginning of their sixtieth year. Nevertheless, pastors and parents are to see to it that minors who are not bound by the law of fast and abstinence are educated in an authentic sense of penance.” (Canon 1252) I hope the review of these Precepts is helpful to you, and I challenge every Relevant Radio listener to become the best Catholic they can be by faithfully observing these rules during this Lenten season. Personal holiness through the observance of our Church laws, daily prayer, and the use of the Sacraments, is so necessary today. Just think how the world could change around us through our personal efforts toward holiness – the effects would be felt far and wide! Thank you for supporting Relevant Radio, and thank you for striving for holiness. Your effort toward personal holiness is an inspiration to me. Together with God’s grace, we can change the world! With prayers and best wishes,

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, JCD Executive Director


You may find a complete explanation on the Five Precepts in paragraphs 2041-2043 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Click HERE to read.

2 On Fridays outside of Lent, the U.S. Bishops obtained the permission of the Holy See for U.S. Catholics to substitute a penitential or charitable practice of their own choosing in place of abstinence.

The law of fasting requires adults to reduce the amount of food normally eaten. The Church defines this as one meal a day, and two smaller meals which if added together would not exceed the main meal in quantity.



Lent for Little Ones

Cover Story

There’s no doubt that Christmas and Easter are exciting seasons for little children to participate in, but what about Lent? Lent may seem a bit too “heavy” for little ones to grasp, but it too is a great opportunity to help your children or grandchildren grow deeper in their faith. For many of us growing up, Lent meant “giving up sweets.” Not a bad way to introduce us to the practice of self-discipline, but simply giving up something for Lent, without a whole spirituality that children can enter into, can leave kids dreading Lent more than looking forward to it. Here are a three ways to enrich your family’s Lenten journey.


1. Whether your little one has an allowance or earns money by doing chores, Lent is a great time to start encouraging them to be generous to charities such as Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl.



2. Use “story time” as an opportunity to read Bible stories or children’s books on the lives of the Saints. Go to your local Catholic book store to pick up a few new titles or click HERE to go to the Relevant Radio Online Catholic Store.

3. Start a new tradition... pray a family rosary after supper! This might seem daunting but start with a decade each night of Lent. Like Father Rocky says, “there’s no such thing as a perfect family rosary.”

40 Days 40 Links

Conversion Story

This Lenten Season, Relevant Radio offers you “40 Days 40 Links” to inspire and encourage you to grow in your Faith. You will find a daily prayer, the Gospel of the Day, an Action Item and Featured Links to assist you in your Lenten Journey. Visit the Relevant Radio web site at www.relevantradio.com and enter the keyword: Lent. May God richly bless you this Lenten Season!

Sr. Bridget and Fr. Albert Haase interviewed Morning Air host, Sean Herriott on a recent episode of Spirit and LifeTM that focused on Conversion. Sean shared the story of his journey into the Catholic Church. Click HERE to listen to the conversation! Tune in to Spirit and Life on Relevant Radio Saturdays at 6:30 pm CT and Sundays 8 am and 2:30 pm CT.




The verses below reportedly were written on the wall of Mother Teresa’s home for children in Calcutta, India, and are widely attributed to her.

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

Listener Supported

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

It’s easy to feel that it’s impossible to make a difference in the world today. When you make a gift to Relevant Radio, you help listeners create a place in their hearts and minds to receive God’s gift of salvation and deepen their on-going conversion of life! There’s no better return on an investment than a changed-life! To make your Lenten gift, click HERE or send your gift to: Relevant Radio National Headquarters P.O. Box 10707 Green Bay, WI 54307-0707 Checks, money orders or bank drafts can be made payable to Relevant Radio. To make a contribution by phone call 1-877-291-0123. Click HERE to donate online. Relevant Radio is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. EIN/tax ID number: 39-2003067


Taking A Closer Look

Sheila Liaugminas’ A Closer Look™ Expands to One Hour! Sheila Liaugminas is returning to the Relevant Radio network in the capacity of News Director and as host of an hour-long program, A Closer Look with Sheila Liaugminas. Expanding from a short-form segment to a one hour interview program centered on current event, A Closer Look will feature notable experts, newsmakers, elected officials, scholars and clergy. By applying her many gifts and decades of experience in print and broadcast journalism, Sheila and her guests will put the news of the day into sharp focus from a uniquely Catholic perspective. A Closer Look premieres Monday, April 4 and will air weekdays from 5 pm to 6 pm Central Time. Sheila is an Emmy Award winning journalist with experience in both secular and religious journalism. Her writing and broadcasting covers matters of faith, culture, politics and the media. She reported for Time magazine and has written for the Chicago Tribune, Crain’s Chicago Business, the National Review Online, the National Catholic Register, Crisis Magazine, Adoremus Bulletin and Voices. Sheila also covers news and analysis on InForumBlog.

A Closer Look - philosophy and mission The major means of social communication – the mass media and entertainment industry – often add to our cultural confusion by distorting our views of ourselves and clouding our vision of transcendent truths. They craft messages about men and women, about relationships and values, about community and society that reflect more the “dictatorship of relativism” Pope Benedict XVI warned about than the Gospel that determines true moral order. ‘A Closer Look’ will take Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter ‘Rapid Development’ as its guiding mission statement about how we promote Gospel values through the media, taking a lens to the issues of the day. Pope John Paul said “the goal must always be to make people aware of the ethical and moral dimension of the information,” and that is the goal of this program as we explore news and current topics as they relate to human dignity. John Paul II also said this: “The modern technologies increase to a remarkable extent the speed, quantity and accessibility of communication, but they above all do not favor that delicate exchange which takes place between mind and mind, between heart and heart, and which should characterize any communication at the service of solidarity and love.” In a special way, ‘A Closer Look’ is dedicated to favoring that delicate exchange, at the service of faith, hope and charity among people.



Fr. Leander Nickel, one of the priests who celebrates Mass regularly for our week night broadcasts, celebrated his 90th birthday on March 4. Thank you for your faithful service!

Fr. Benjamin Sember, who often celebrated Mass for broadcast on Relevant Radio, recently had an audience with Pope Benedict XVI (Cardinal Raymond Burke also present).

Picture from the 2011 March for Life in Washington, DC.

ESTO VIR - “Be A Man!”

Father Rocky was master of ceremonies for the 6th Annual Esto Vir Catholic Men’s Conference on Saturday March 5, 2011 in Appleton, WI. Speakers included Dr. Scott Hahn and Tim Staples. Over 800 men attended! For more information on Esto Vir, please visit www.estovir.com.

Father Rocky welcomes Dr. Scott Hahn to the Esto Vir Conference.

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