Personal adsare created by GretchenColeman and need tobe approved bythe marketingdepartment.
Steamboat Pilot & Today
Specialnegotiateddiscountedpricingfor SSIR
B ACK PAGE A D (year commitment) RunseverySat/ Sunpaper
$68 34 per listing
D O U B L E T R U C K (yearcommitment)
Runs 8 per year on key weekends
$79 per listing per run
I N S I D E SCOOP/ FRON T PAGE (reservedinadvance)
D I S P L AY A D (singlerun)
1/ 16 pg $64
1/ 12 pg $85
1/ 9 pg $113
1/ 8 pg $122
1/ 7 pg $139
1/ 6 pg $162
1/4 pg $245
1/ 3 pg $326
7/ 16 pg $408
1/ 2 pg $456
5/ 8 pg $569
Full pg $912
3 0 - D AY R E A L ES TAT E A D (30 daysstraight,nochanges)
1/ 16 pg $504
1/ 12 pg $673
O P E N H O U S E A D (singlerun,agent billing)
Single $82
Group of 2 $76 ea
Group of 3 $80 ea
18?27 spots $68 92 ? $92 00
H OM EFI N D ER(fullpgonly)
Full pg $473
B O AT L I F E (relocationguide)
Full pg $1400
Half pg $775
1/4 pg $395
Full pg $175
Homefinder pgs pulled for free
Steamboat Magazine
(9 listingsper pg)
$222 per listing
(9 listingsper pg)
$271per listing
(Exclusivepricingvia SIR)
Business Cards from $70 00 for 500
2-Pg Brochure from $3125 for 25
4-Pg Brochure from $55 for 25
Postcard from $16 25 for 25 (inclpostage)
* Other signage& quantityoptionsavailable