Texas Strong. By Tamma Hicks, STEAM Magazine No one ever expects the hurricane to hit home – especially since Corpus Christi had just marked the 47th anniversary of Hurricane Celia (a Cat 5) just the week before Harvey came pounding in. In the days before Harvey marched in, residents boarded up their homes, packed their precious belongings, and fled. Those that chose to stay or weren’t able to leave bought every drop of water and as much nonperishable food as they could as they hunkered down. Much to everyone’s surprise Harvey jogged north of Corpus Christi nearly missing it, but flattening our beloved cities of Port Aransas, Aransas Pass, Rockport, Fulton, Refugio, Woodsboro, and so many more that I can’t list them all. And no one can forget the pictures of Houston as bands of torrential rains poured through the city. The wake of devastation Harvey left is incomprehensible and, if it weren’t for my own eyes, unbelievable. It truly makes my heart ache thinking about it. Fortunately, THIS IS TEXAS and we are TEXAS STRONG! I never really understood that saying until Harvey showed up. The massive number of volunteers and crews that have come to help clean up and restore life giving services (water, sewer, electricity) and life normalizing services (cell phone towers, internet) is staggering. I can’t recall seeing such an out pouring of love and devotion from people of all walks of life and from all over the state, country for that matter. They are there helping feed, shelter, and comfort everyone especially those that have lost so much and those offering helping hands. And that is truly what we want to focus on! STEAM Magazine wants to say THANK YOU to every person who has sloshed through water, vacuumed gallons of water and mud, moved mountains of seagrass and seaweed, furniture and appliances, those who just offered a hug to those who really needed it, and to the people that made sure everyone ate as we walked around dazed and bewildered. We want to stress how important of a service the local channel newscasters and programs were and how they kept many of us sane while we fretted over our family, friends, towns, homes, and belongings. And finally THE BIGGEST THANK YOU goes to the first responders and emergency teams! It is really because of these people we stayed safe. They quite literally had our backs during this time. I have one message to all those storms out there thinking that the Texas coast would be a good place to call home, thinking that they are stronger than us… DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!
Port A from my perspective. By Jason Cunningham
Make shift donation site in front of Winton’s Island Candies (Jason Cunningham)
Karen Chisholm & Lily Gee: We filled & emptied this trailer with supplies 3 times today! Can't wait to sleep and wake up to plan the next steps! (Karen Chisholm) The Impact Center in Shepard TX: Wow! A small community sending out supplies to Port Aransas while they themselves need so much! (Karen Chisholm)
I just returned home from 3 days in Port Aransas and want to share the experience. May be a little lengthy, but I believe worth the read. To get right to it, PA got the Shit kicked out of it! 6 foot plus of water surged from the bay into town. Every structure, business or residential, received damage and most is catastrophic. Most every business is gutted as are the majority of homes. Homes that are on stilts, still lost garages and received roof damage, which led to interior damage. And most of these home’s electrical panels are in the garage, which was submerged in saltwater. Best way I can paint the picture... imagine you and all your neighbors taking everything out of your house and placing it on the curb, all at once. That is PA right now. I was personally in homes taking it down to the studs...paneling, drywall, insulation...all out to the curb along with everything else. The amount of native sea grass that came in from the bay is staggering alone. Massive piles everywhere, which had to be removed before business and homeowners could make it to the front step. The harbor is a total disaster with more boats sunk than I could count. Businesses had their entire store fronts outside. Nothing and no one escaped the surge. No power, no water on island. Pre Harvey, I began to think Man had become self-centered, focusing solely on himself, his own needs and desires. I can honestly report I witnessed the complete opposite; man's sacrifice, commitment and compassion was fully on display. The old saying 'He ain't heavy, he's my brother' was the epitome and town message. I can testify to perfect strangers turned volunteers working shoulder to shoulder with one common cause: help PA dig out and begin the restoration process. There were numerous make shift donation sites manned by many, many volunteers distributing necessities and smokers on every major corner offering brisket, sausage, fajitas, burgers for any and all. Ever present were the contributions, the sacrifice, the love, the sorrow, the disparity, the hugs and tears, the helping hand, and shirt off your back. Unfortunately, it takes a natural disaster to bring this together. From my eye's, what I witnessed was how God intended his people to be and I'm extremely thankful I was fortunate enough to experience it. I met more selfless people than I could ever imagine and will take that with me wherever I go. PA will rebuild. PA will be stronger, tighter. New friendships and relationships have been created that will help strengthen township and tourist. I truly believe PA and its people will stand strong in due time. I will close with this, I'm extremely proud to be a Texan. I'm extremely grateful of Texans taking the lead, for their sacrifice and commitment, ingenuity, perseverance, and most importantly, their hearts the size of Texas! If you agree with or believe in my perspective and/or message, please share with others. We all play for the guy to our right and the guy to our left, not ourselves. GOD BLESS THE GREAT STATE OF TEXAS!
September 2017 VOL.6 ISS.6 #66 ON THE COVER...
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STEAM Magazine is published monthly by STEAM Magazine, South Texas Entertainment Art Music, in Corpus Christi, TX. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Views expressed within are solely the authors and not of STEAM Magazine. Typographical, photographic, and printing errors are unintentional and subject to correction. Please direct all inquiries to: submissions@steamtx.com
SEP 2017
ineedcoffee.com unarbaboon.com theawkwardyeti.com Look For These Comics On Facebook.com!!
FIXING A HOLE J. Michael Dolan (:23) There’s no excuse any more for not getting it right. There’s just so much information available, so many useful tech-tools, so many ways to get the answers we need to take our talent or business to the next level, and so many coaches and consultants to help us get there. However, even with all the answers right in the palm of our hand, we rarely get it perfect. Important because the creative mind of a crazy, genius artist/ entrepreneur is always on the hunt for flaws, searching for imperfections and relentlessly fixing holes where the rain gets in, right up to the final take. Not like perfectionists, more like pragmatists. Simply because we know deep down inside, that while others may be charged with helping us get there, we alone will be held accountable for the final result.
NEW SHOES J. Michael Dolan (:17) What style? What color? What size? How Much? Why buy? For the especially talented artist, every choice is plagued with an endless, agonizing stream of perpetual possibilities. And for the super smart, risk-taking entrepreneur, every decision is overwrought with limitless, time-taxing, number crunching options. It can all be so overwhelming that most often, important choices and decisions remain on the back burner, simmering in a stew of indecision and procrastination. Important because life is short, buy the shoes.
And the Artist rested, after an exhausting week of battle, some of it physical, most of it mental, all of it worth it. And the Artist rested, after a confronting week of intimately interacting with others, who for the most part, may not have regarded a word she said. And the Artist rested, after a weary week of winning some battles, losing others, and feeling indifferent towards the war itself. And the Artist rested, after a perplexing week of making choices and decisions; not the obvious ones, or even the necessary ones, but the ones that relentlessly confronted her from the inside: What should I do next? How can I make this work? Am I capable of doing this? What if I’m wrong? And the Artist laid her weary mind to rest, for just this hour, knowing that soon enough a new hour will beckon a new battle.
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In his forthright 2004 autobiography, “Chronicles Volume One,” (Simon & Schuster) Bob Dylan writes about meeting with playwright Archibald MacLeish to discuss the possibility of composing music for MacLeish’s play, “Scratch.” This came at a time of turmoil in Dylan’s life. He had just returned from his father’s funeral in Minnesota. His life in Woodstock, New York was anything but serene. Reporters continuously hounded him. An endless cast of intruders, freeloaders and freaks would show up at his home at all hours in search of some guidance from the “High Priest of Protest.” Providing a loving home for his growing family and living a normal life was hopeless. He moved his family to New York City where the situation got worse. Dylan reluctantly accepted an honorary doctorate from Princeton University which turned into yet another awkward tribute to the so-called spokesman for “the disturbed and concerned conscience of Young America.” A few songs were written, but he eventually decided that “Scratch” was too dark, not a good fit and declined MacLeish’s proposition. These songs ended up on “New Morning,” Bob Dylan’s 11th album. His double album “Self Portrait,” released a few months earlier, left fans and critics scratching their heads. This new album was viewed as a return to form. However, the sessions didn’t go smoothly. With no band, his longtime producer, Bob Johnston assembled a fine crop that included David
Bromberg, Charlie Daniels, Russ Kunkel and Al Kooper, the only musician Dylan requested. The two Bobs had a falling out and it was left up to Dylan and Kooper to finish the project. Al Kooper was so frustrated with Dylan’s indecisiveness that he vowed never work with him again. Still, there is some very good music on this album. An uplifting version of “If Not For You” (covered by George Harrison and Olivia Newton John) starts it off, followed by “Day Of the Locusts,” written about his Princeton experience. The jazzy “If Dogs Run Free” features some tasty piano work by Kooper and brilliant scat singing by Maeretha Stewart. The homey title track was written for “Scratch” and that is the recommended one to lend an ear to .
There is no denying that John Fogerty was the heart and soul of Creedence Clearwater Revival. But in 1972, a bitter dispute between Fogerty and his band mates had been ignited, and the flames were fanned by their label, Fantasy Records, and specifically by Saul Zaentz, the owner of Fantasy. The story of how the band split with Fogerty by siding with Zaentz over his oppressive treatment and control of the band is well documented in John’s 2015 autobiography, “Fortunate Son” (Little, Brown and Company). In the ensuing years, Fogerty battled depression, alcohol abuse and financial strife while still trying to produce music worthy of his rich past. With “Centerfield,” John’s first album in nine years, he was in complete control. He handled all the arrangements, production,
and played all the instruments, including drums and horns. The result was a double platinum, number one album. It spawned three hits; “The Old Man Down The Road,” “Rock And Roll Girls,” and the title track, an anthem to America’s pastime that is still played in baseball parks all over the country. John was rightly proud of his accomplishment, but all was not well. Saul Zaentz still owned the rights to the Creedence catalogue and filed suit against Fogerty claiming that “Old Man” plagiarized CCR’s “Run Through The Jungle.” To make matters worse, Zaentz was also suing for defamation of character because of the song that closes the album, “Zanz Kant Danz,” about a pig named Zanz. “Zanz can’t dance, but he’ll steal your money.” In the end, Fogerty prevailed by bringing his guitar to court to demonstrate his writing style and showing the differences in the two songs. Saul Zaentz died from complication due to Alzheimer’s disease in 2014 at age 92. After his death, Fogerty posted the video for “Zanz Kant Danz” on his Facebook page. This album contains some of John Fogerty’s best post-Creedence work. Besides the three hits, there is the rockabilly flavored “Big Train (From Memphis),” the nostalgic “I Saw It On T.V,” the rocker “Mr. Greed,” the bluesy “Searchlight,” and the vocal gymnastics of “I Cant Help Myself,” which is the recommended track to seek out
NAOMI WACHIRA SONG OF LAMENT (DORELI RECORDS) BY RICK J BOWEN The definition of the word “lament:” A formal expression of sorrow or mourning, especially in verse or song; an elegy or dirge. The Kenyan-born, Yakima-based artist Naomi Wachira chose to title her sophomore album Song of Lament, as she feels the music ““was born out the many tragic losses we’ve witnessed globally - ranging from cases of police brutality to the refugee crisis - that made me grieve about who we’ve become, but also burned a desire in me to create art that would serve society at large and hopefully lessen the chaos around us.” A bold, brave and almost brutal statement to describe the birth place of a music that is so lovely, calming and touching. The 11 track collection which certainly feels like one big song was recorded at Seattle’s historic London Bridge studio, and produced by Eric Lilavois (Saint Motel, Atlas Genius, My Chemical Romance) with contributions from Dave West (organ/Rhodes), Teo Shantz (drums), Masa Kobayashi (bass), Tommy Sandovallegos (percussion), Eric Lilavois (percussion), Owuor Arunga (trumpet) and Andrew Joslyn (strings). The crisp and clean production is a
Since there is little information about the band other than to note that Jimmy Lumpkin is from Alabama, reckon we are free to make up our own stories about them: maybe landing on Planet Earth from a distant galaxy in the backwoods of a muddy Alabama town just off the Gulf in the muck and mire of no-where’s ville. There is precious little information about the band itself, and fluctuation seems to be key; in the credits at one point it is Jimmy Lumpkin vocals, acoustic guitar, and harmonica; Dallas Kruse - keys, vibes, Choir/BG vocals; Sean Friday - drums and percussion; Chris Null guitars, bass “”You’re my Best Friend”; David Ralicke - horns; Sol Philcox-Littlefield - guitars; Chris Lippincott- Pedal Steel/Lap Steel - the a 3 person choir/BG vocals and in another place in the credits there is a giant Thank You to the Revival. Then the names of Morris Barosa, Jacob Hall, Chris Ozuna, John Keuler and Duane Betts, Scott Frock, Brad Walker and Jon Hamm; so I’m not sure but whoever they are powerful and do a great job backing his lead vocals, and providing the swampy gospelly feel to this disc.
These lead vocals have power, soul, and energy to burn. That was what hit first about this disc is the lead vocals. They are as dirty with the power as can be, and the voice oozes compassion and caring that is absolutely necessary to put these songs across. There are 12 songs on this disc and all of them are written by Jimmy Lumpkin, they are his and he belongs to them. There is not a weak song on the disc, all of them have the strength of reminders of the power of the Word. Then to integrate the words and the music with a voice that contains the sincerity to put these songs across makes them all the more striking. This is a man singing with the strength and majesty of someone who has been touched by a power. There is that undeniable power that comes from people that know of what they sing. You hear it in voices like those of Mavis Staples, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Irma Thomas and recently Tierinii Jackson of Southern Avenue. There is a power and conviction that can’t be taught but is felt. A dynamite disc that basks in its power. JIMMYLUMPKIN.COM BOB GOTTLIEB: NODEPRESSION.COM/TAOBOY
focused on the earth-shattering alto of Wachira, who picks up the torch of heroes of afro pop and folk singing Miriam Makeba, Angelique Kidjo, Joan Armatrading, and Odetta. Like those groundbreaking artists, Wachira accompanies herself on acoustic guitar which she nimbly strums throughout, guiding her soaring vocal and centering the ensemble. The album opens with the musical life lesson, “Our Days Are Numbered,” with Wachira preaching “learn to be wise, learn to be kind.” The funk and world percussion thenjump up a notch for questioning call out “Up in Flames,” and then she tackles issues of equality over a sweet reggae beat for “Beautiful Human.” Joslyn’s mournful strings accompany her as she attacks the zealots who perpetuate violence in the name of faithful religious expression head on for the pleading “Where is God?” She then shares a tribute to her fallen countrymen for the funeral song “Farewell.” The title track is an homage to mother Africa as well as a strong rebuke of her citizens and the lack of humanity among the world’s first peoples. Wachira delivers words of encouragement on the gently rocking “Run, Run Run,” and the all-acoustic choral “Murathimwo,” she shifts back and forth between English and Swahili as she attempts to give praise and devotion to her parents. She then leaves us with one more set of questions to ponder on the rumbling ¾ time ode “Think Twice.” It would be so
VALERIE JUNE THE ORDER OF TIME (CONCORD/CAROLINE AUSTRAILA) BY ROB DICKENS Memphis-bred, Brooklyn-based songwriter Valerie June is one of a kind. The Order of Time follows June’s 2013 breakout release Pushin’ Against a Stone that established her as one of the most interesting artists going around. The old-time blues aesthetic and quirky, but riveting, stage presence are hard to ignore. Her song stories are full of vivid and personal portraits of Southern life. The Order of Time (Concord/Caroline Australia) showcases twelve original songs and there is a common thread with the previous collection as it evidences her stripped-back blues chant style. What is different here, though, is that we have essentially a soul album, but one with a difference. Here is an Eastern drone that overlays the album which provides for a quite hypnotic, even meditative
SEP 2017
easy to play off Wachira’s Song of Lament as an album of lovely world music wall paper because the harsh realities of the lyrics are colored by such truly beautiful music, much in the way that roses carry thorns . NAOMIWACHIRA.COM RICK J BOWEN: WABLUES.ORG
style. The opener 'Long Lonely Road' and 'Love You Once Made' set the scene with June's vocals intense but measured. 'Shakedowns ' is fascinating as the most urgent song on the collection - a hill country blues foundation with a rustic doo-wop overlay. There's the Eastern chanting of 'If And' and 'Man Done Wrong', and the ethereal, attractive spirit of 'The Front Door. 'Two Hearts' is lilting and catchy, while we have the yearning 'Just In Time', the folky, string-laden 'With You', the slow building 'Slip Slide On By' and low-key soul track 'Got Soul'. The new album was produced by Matt Marinelli and features appearances from June’s family – her father, Emerson Hockett and brothers, Patrick and Jason Hockett. The Order of Time is a bold offering. While the vocal style on display here may not be to everyone's taste, this is an impressive release, cementing Valerie June as an artist that requires constant watching and investigation so we can revel in her uniqueness . VALERIEJUNE.COM ROB DICKENS: LLISTENINGTTHROUGHTHELENS.COM
Continued from page 9 with other musicians, which gives you that collaborative outlet to take the song to another level. And then you get the chance to play it in front of other people. Honestly I think it's like the Holy Trinity of creativity right there. Writing is the inspiration; recording is its birth, and performing it in front of people is its confirmation. Wow, that’s the most passionate explanation for song writing I think I’ve ever heard; it’s no wonder you are one of the best. So, is that the type of feeling you had while you were writing this book? Yes, but it was different because the book took a long time; it took two years. If a song takes two years to write it's probably not very
good. Writing a book is a whole different discipline, it's a whole different way of thinking about things. Well, I am really excited to read Change of Seasons. I really enjoy reading autobiographies. Fact is always more fun than Fiction and usually crazier too. It's something about the truth that is hard to beat.
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different genres and he gets it done. Do you prefer guitar or Bass? I really love playing guitar but I do miss playing bass because I haven't had much chance to do that since Red Giant’s been going. I don't know I guess I can't decide, but I love to sit in with people and learn things. That’s you're short attention span kicking in, huh? Yeah. I like doing sound too. Hearing things that you want to hear as a musician, but when you’re on stage you're too busy to make the changes yourself. So, it's cool to be able to do that for someone else and make sure that they sound the best they can. So, it's pretty fun. So, you picked up the guitar at 21? Yeah, I was pretty old by guitar standards; maybe a year yearand-a-half before I join the military. Once I was in I had plenty of time to play guitar; it was that or go to the bar. So, I started a band in the Marines and we called it Dark Room. We played Tool, Nine Inch Nails, and Creed. And of course everybody gets out including me, so then I came home and started playing around Corpus.
By Tamma Hicks, STEAM Magazine
I think you might have been one of the first people, and groups, that we met when we came to Corpus Christi. Yeah, you guys would come down to the open Jam we hosted at Gators. We had that room in the back and the jam was there until the new owners took over and put a stop to it. Anyway, I don't remember exactly how, but Rusty (Hicks) brought me in to run sound for Forest Lee Jr and then I think the three of us did the Beeville Festival with me on bass. Yes, I remember that. So how long has Red Giant been together? About 5 or 6 years I think. It was in 2011ish, 12ish when I decided to put a group together rather than continue the acoustic thing that I was doing. It was really fun, but it's nothing like having a full band. I really enjoy the music that you guys play I know you're a cover band for the most part and you have a wide variety from 80s, country, 90s, to classic rock.
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Well, I have a short attention span so that’s where that comes from. I can sit in just about anywhere and play all night, but you know I get bored in a single genre for too long. You pretty much play around this area exclusively. Do you have any thoughts of playing out of the area? You know, I love Corpus Christi. That's where I'm from and I love playing on the beach. People are there to have a good time and let loose. We’ve played a gig or two out of town, but really we just love playing the beach gigs. It’s so much fun. Do you have a favorite genre to play? Well, is Goofy a genre? Because you know I like being goofy. I like mixing songs up, changing the words, Saying things that make people laugh. So, when did you start playing? I picked up guitar when I was 21 and in 1997 I went into the Marines. When I came back in 2002 I started doing solo stuff and was in a few bands around town. I played lead and rhythm guitar and bass. But I'd never really been in my own band until Red Giant.
Tell me who's in the band. Besides Lalo Garcia, who’s the man with the plan, Kick-Ass Bass Player, we have Red (Brian Moore) on lead guitar player and singing backup vocals. People know him as the engineer over at Q Productions. He's the guy that runs the soundboard and produces. He pulled me into the studio one day and said let’s do a song. I didn't know what we were going to play, he just started building this awesome drum beat with the computer, and when I went to sing he directed me on what to do. And by the way he's the guy that recorded Selena and has a Grammy. He's a legend and I'm just really lucky that he hangs out with me. We have a new drummer, Robert Merchant, who joined us in July. He's doing just an awesome job, because trust me I threw a million different songs out in all
Do you do original songs besides the covers? We do two and I try to make sure we squeeze them in every night. “One night stand” which is a country Two-Step song and “Simple Man,” which is a reggae version of Lynyrd Skynyrd's Simple Man. It's really fun; it's different. I forgot you guys did reggae too. Yeah, I don't know of any genres that we don't do; maybe Tejano. You know every musician seems to have one really good story. What is yours? Well just before Red Giant started the first gig I had singing by myself was at a place called Tequila Grill in Corpus Christi. I knew that place for having comedy shows on the weekends, so I tried to book a gig there and got it. Then I thought how am I going to do this gig? And I thought what if I came up as a character? A big sombrero, dark glasses, poncho, and a big fake mustache; and that's what I did. I would write jokes for my acoustic shows and come out as “Juan A-have-a-good-time”. After that I started Red Giant. That is probably one of the oddest ways I've heard somebody start a solo career. Oh yeah. I got a picture of me as Juan Ahave-a-good-time. You'll love this: he got me kicked out of Harrah’s in Las Vegas. “Juan” got you kicked out of Harrah's in Vegas? My nephew had a Bachelor party and was getting married there and the whole family went. I thought it would be cool to take that costume and my guitar. So, I dressed up and was on the street right in front of Harrah's and I made like 68 bucks and as I went in to go back to my room, Security said, “Hey you're a street musician. You can't be here.” So, long story short I got kicked out of Harrah’s. That is such a funny story. Wait, you weren't staying there where you? Yeah, I was staying there; I was a guest, but when they asked for my key I gave them my brother’s from a different hotel. They didn't arrest me but they did call the cops and they gave me enough time to go get my stuff. I was mad. The worst part about the whole story is that I had run out of eyelash glue to get my mustache on and my sister ran out and bought Super Glue.
pictures and family photos just wonderful. Yeah, but I got to pursue my dream is being a street musician. Oh my gosh that is a great story! What is it you'd like to do as musician that you haven't done? I mean obviously you've been kicked out of Harrah's and you were a street performer, so there's probably not a long list. Yeah, I’d love to go and do a whole recording studio album but I need to spend some more time just writing songs. And I think I'd really like to get involved with like the USO tours or the other military tours that do shows around the country and world for that matter. Chris performing on the Las Vegas Strip as “Juan A Have a Good Time “
Oh no, I can see where this is going. And then of course the fumes are in my face so I couldn't breathe and I was having a panic attack so I used the blow dryer to clear the air. It was crazy! Then I went downstairs played on the street, got kicked out, and the worst part was when I took the mustache off and the super glue ripped the skin above my lip. It was terrible; painful. Oh I bet that really made the wedding
I know you guys play just about every weekend but with Harvey hitting, a lot of the beach places are not there or are not ready for entertainment. So, how can people find your schedule? Well, for September we’ll be at the House of Rock’s Rock for Relief Fundraiser for Harvey on the 8th. And then just check our Facebook and ReverbNation to find out where we're playing in October. As you said we've got to reschedule a lot of things. Facebook.com/RedGiantcctx Reverbnation.com/TexasRedGiantBand Chris and Red Giant at the Boathouse on N Padre Island
SEP 2017
COASTAL BEND BORDERLINE BAND See our ad for full listing! FRONTIER SALOON 9709 Leopard St, Corpus Christi Live Music Every Saturday Night! See our ad for full listing! GIGGITY’S 722 Tarpon St, Port Aransas Closed for remodeling SHORTY’S 823 Tarpon St, Port Aransas Live Music Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday Nights! See our ad for full listing! WETLANDS EDUCATION CENTER TOURS University of Texas Marine Science Institute 855 East Cotter Ave., Port Aransas Did you ever want to visit and learn about a marsh without getting your feet wet? The Wetlands Education Center is a ADA compliant 3.6-acre wetland will allow you to do just that, as you stroll through seagrass, salty marsh plants, and dunes. Free guided tour to learn about the special plants and animals of our local wetlands. Tues & Thurs @ 10AM KEDT CLASSIC BREW Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History 1900 N. Chaparral, Corpus Christi The 22nd Annual KEDT Classic Brew international beer tasting presented by HE-B features over 200 imported and domestic beers for guests to sample from commemorative pilsner glasses, while enjoying the best South Texas cuisine from area restaurants and food trucks. Guests will also enjoy live music on two stages, an outside Biergarten, a photo booth and silent auction of exciting collectible beer merchandise and one-of-akind items. 9/28 @ 7:00PM
SNORKEL THE SAN MARCOS RIVER Olympic Outdoor Center 602 N Interstate 35, San Marcos Sunfish, blue tilapia, crayfish, and red eared slider turtles are just a few of many that inhabit the San Marcos River. Let us guide you through this beautiful underwater landscape, and help you discover Texas's greatest hidden adventures. Saturdays through 10/30 @ 8:00 AM RECKLESS KELLY CELEBRITY SOFTBALL JAM Dell Diamond 3400 East Palm Valley Blvd, Round Rock An all-star lineup of celebrities, musicians and professional athletes come together for this annual event. The day kicks off at noon with an athleticism-optional, antic-filled softball game. Immediately following the game, fans are invited down on the outfield for a six-hour concert featuring 20+ acts including Reckless Kelly 9/10 @ 12:00 PM SCHERTZQ Pickrell Park FM 1518, Schertz SchertzQ will fill the air with delicious grilling flavor from competitive barbequers from all over Texas. Bringing in nearly 100 teams to compete in an IBCA Sanctioned BBQ CookOff, SchertzQ visitors will get a firsthand look at how seriously barbequers take their grilling as they show off their skills. 9/16 @ 10:00 AM HALL & OATES WITH TEARS FOR FEARS HEB Center @ Cedar Park 2100 Avenue of the Stars, Cedar Park Read our exclusive interview with John Oates on page 8. 9/22 COMAL COUNTY FAIR Comal County Fairgrounds 801 East Common Street, New Braunfels Largest County Fair in Central Texas! 9/26 – 10/1
PONG TO POKÉMON: THE EVOLUTION OF ELECTRONIC GAMING Bullock Texas State History Museum 1800 N. Congress Avenue, Austin Explore the past and future of electronic gaming through the player's experience. Playable classic video games. No quarters required! Discover the scope and impact of the electronic gaming industry as a cultural and technological phenomenon through a behind-the-scenes look at the technology and artistry that drive modern game development. Daily through March 2018
EDINBURG OLE TIME FESTIVAL Various locations throughout the city, Edinburg On the third Friday of each September, this sleepy little town comes alive with the Festival of music, arts, crafts, parade, entertainment and great food. 9/15-17 HARLINGEN ART NIGHT Jackson Street, Harlingen Last Friday of every month on Jackson Street. Enjoy local vendors displaying and selling local art. Art exhibits. Live Music. Food. 9/29 @ 6PM
International Beer Tasting Event Presented by H-E-B Brew enthusiasts and foodies will unite in support of public broadcasting at the 2017 KEDT Classic Brew, presented by H-E-B, on Thursday, September 28th from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History, 1901 N. Chaparral. Over 200 international, domestic and handcrafted beers from Andrews Distributing, L&F Distributors, Ben E. Keith, Lazy Beach Brewing, Lorelei Brewing Co. and Rebel Toad Brewing will be available for guests to sample from a commemorative pilsner glass. More than 20 of the area’s best restaurants, caterers and food trucks will offer tasting selections of their popular items. Three stages will feature live music throughout the evening including Independent Thieves in the North Gallery and The Buddy Treviño Band in the outdoor Biergarten. Non-alcoholic drink selections are always available and KEDT encourages attendees to buy a ticket for a designated driver or plan to use a driving service. A brew inspired silent auction will feature specialty beer merchandise, vacation getaways and packages from local businesses. For a second year in a row, Omar Lopez, Corporate Communications Manager of AEP Texas, is serving as host for the VIP party. This year’s VIP party promises to be a completely new experience from prior years. Held on the second floor of the Museum beginning at 6 p.m., VIP ticket holders will have access to a tantalizing course pairing menu developed and prepared by the Texas Chef’s Association Coastal Bend Chapter and Lazy Beach Brewing. The VIP party will also feature live music, an immersive interactive PBS experience, Star Wars galactic characters photo meet and greet and Swag Bags with Classic Brew merchandise. The second floor will remain exclusive to VIPs through 8:00 p.m. at which point it will open to all event attendees who will be able to sample hand-crafted brews from B&J’s Pizza Restaurant. Tickets may be purchased in advance at KEDT studios, B&J’s Pizza Restaurants or online at kedt.org. $60 general admission and $125 VIP tickets are available. Tickets can be purchased at the event. Complimentary valet parking is available. Sponsors for the 2017 KEDT Classic Brew include AEP Texas, Nevill Document Solutions, B&J’s Pizza Restaurants, Wienerschnitzel, NEC Co-Op Energy, Rock Engineering, AGCM, Alamo Drafthouse, Texas A&M University-Kingsville and Drs. McIntyre, Garza, Avila and Jurica. Opportunities are still available for additional sponsor participation. Support of KEDT fundraising events such as Classic Brew, ensures the continuation of favorite programs viewers expect from public broadcasting like, NOVA, Austin City Limits, This Old House and Curious George as well as radio programs such as Morning Edition, Fresh Air and All Things Considered. KEDT also airs many more original documentaries and programs that focus on education, the arts and entertainment. Visit the KEDT Corpus Christi Classic Brew event page on Facebook for updates on participating restaurants, silent auction items, sponsors and specialty beer selections.