5 minute read

Dr Callum Munday: An atmospheric journey in the Cradle of Humankind

News from the Fellowship

Meet the College’s latest Fellows who joined St Edmund Hall or started new positions in the last year.

Professor Filippo de Vivo

Professor of Early Modern History and Tutorial Fellow in History* Filippo teaches early modern European and world history, with special emphasis on Italy and the Mediterranean.

Dr Orlando Lazar

Early Career Research and Teaching Fellow in Politics Orlando is a political theorist researching domination and the workplace, with a particular interest in new and emerging forms of work.

James Howarth

Librarian and Fellow by Special Election As Librarian, James strives to make the Library the intellectual hub of Hall life and a welcoming place to study.

Dr Frank Hwang

St Edmund Fellow* Frank is the Chairman of the Oxford Chinese Economy Programme (OXCEP), which has been partnering with the Hall since 2013.

For more information on the Hall’s new Fellows please visit: www.seh.ox.ac.uk/people/fellows

*joined the Hall in the academic year 2021/22

Dr Callum Munday

Fellow by Special Election in Geography Callum is a climate scientist specialising in African climate and climate change.

Professor Solène Rowan

Professor of Law and Tutorial Fellow in Law* Solène is a Professor of Law specialising in contract, tort, commercial and comparative law.

Dr James Whitbourn

Director of Music and Fellow by Special Election James Whitbourn directs the musical activities of the College and leads its choral programme for students.

Dr Claire Nichols

Tutorial Fellow in Earth Sciences* Claire uses magnetism as a novel tool to understand Earth and planetary formation and habitability.

Dr Rhys Llewellyn Thomas

Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in Economics* Rhys’s research is in Health Economics. In particular, he uses econometric techniques to analyse health-related questions.

From the Director of Development

Andrew Vivian joined the Hall in March 2022 as the new Director of Development and Fellow, and is responsible for fundraising and alumni relations.

I feel very privileged to have recently joined as Director of Development at this key point in time as we embark upon ambitious sustainable capital developments and the launch of the ‘HALLmarks: Forged by the Hall’ campaign.

I have worked in education and in fundraising for the University of Oxford for several years, with a particular focus and interest in supporting students from all backgrounds, through scholarships, bursaries and access programmes.

Since joining Teddy Hall, I have been warmly welcomed and have had the opportunity to work with current students and Aularians, and experience how the Hall is making such an impact on people’s lives.

For centuries, hallmarks have been used to record the quality and provenance of precious things. With its unique spirit and core set of values, Teddy Hall has adapted regularly for over 800 years to deliver a profound impact on the lives of its students and the wider world. Whether it is recalibrating after the pandemic, playing a significant role in managing the climate crisis or absolutely delivering ‘needs blind’ education.

With an ambitious campaign target of £50m over five years there is a lot of work to be done. We have raised significant amounts thus far, but there is still some way to go and achieving our goal will rely on a significant collective effort of the entire Hall community. We are incredibly grateful to all Aularians for your continued generosity, and I very much hope that the new campaign will inspire even more of our alumni to contribute to our priority projects and areas of greatest need.

By asking the question ‘How were you forged by the Hall’ we hope this provides an opportunity for reflection and pride, and to think about how you may wish to give back by giving forwards for the benefit of future Teddy Hall students. This may be through supporting young people who would never dream of considering coming to Oxford, but have enormous academic ability and potential, enhancing the experience of Teddy Hall students whilst on course through improved sport, music and the arts facilities, or enabling all undergraduate students to experience high quality ‘in college’ accommodation throughout their studies. Or you may be compelled to invest in the world-class research and academic excellence at the Hall through supporting fellowships, early career research and postgraduate scholarships. All donations of all sizes are so important and in this challenging cost of living crisis we really do appreciate Aularian generosity more than ever before.

We have an exciting and full events calendar planned for the next academic year and I am looking forward to getting to know as many alumni as possible, either virtually or in-person. The Development and Alumni Relations Office is committed to keeping in touch with you and providing opportunities for our alumni to maintain contact with one another. As the first point of contact for alumni, we are always glad to welcome you back to Teddy Hall, answer general queries or forward messages between friends who have lost touch with each other.

This year we bid farewell to Kate Payne after eight years of outstanding service to the Hall and to Sarah Bridge who joined the Hall last year. I know from my short time here that they will be missed by many Aularians and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them both well in their exciting new chapters.

Thank you once again for all your support.

Floreat Aula!


Get to know your Aularian Community

Find out a little bit more about the 10,000 alumni in the Aularian Community.

9,277 4,345

We are in contact with 9,277 alumni globally. 4,345 of our alumni have attended one or more Hall events.


12% 63%

1.7% 1.8%


We have alumni living in 123 countries across the globe.

The top 5 locations are made up of the UK (63%), USA (12%), China (1.8%), Germany (1.7%) and Australia (1.7%). Other countries include Macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Kingdom of Eswatini, Wallis and Futuna and Solomon Islands.


The top 5 most common alumni subjects:

Jurisprudence (675 or 6.1%) PPE (627 or 5.6%) Geography (520 or 4.7%) English (428 or 3.8%) History (325 or 2.9%).

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