St Edmund Hall Magazine 1974-75

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St Edmund Hall Magazine

1974- 75


Readi11g from Left to Right starti11g Jro111 t/ie Back Row Back Row: F. A. Brown; K. Swain; J. G. Ibbotson; R. J. Langstaff; R. Surtees. S eco11 d R o111: R. A. Hufton; P. S. H. B udden ; J. W . Tt.amscy ; L. J. Kent; M. J. Howard ; J. Akew ien ; D. Kelsey; A. J. Crosby; R. Fryer; .13. C harlton ; M . Hardy; C . A. Hughes; K. Auckland; P. P . Phillips; L. Barber; H . Kirby ; G. Wareing; P. Kennedy; V. H. Flood ; D. Anderson; S. M. Coldi cott. T hird Row: T. R. H erbst ; R. K. Hui; D.S. Watso n; M. Handsley; T. P. E. Hedges; I. F. C. Murray; J. D. T . .l<.ose; R. M. Samson; G. Vanes; D. N . Pateras; C .R. Brown; D. G. Begg; C. M. Jones; M . Joseph ; P. R.. Rogers; D. R. Zaret; B. St. J. Trafford; J. Bodkin; A. R. F. Danks; T. Walker ; S. Garla nd. Forirth Ro111 : P . R . Grossbard; A.J. Carter; R. D . Warren ; D. A. Evans; G. M . Preston; A. F. G. McG uinness; A. Raikes-Hargreaves; W. A. Balfo ur ; A. M . R . Stone; R.J. Lane; G. N. Dunford; A. P . A. Eggleston ; J. S. H erlihy; M.J. Wickham;J. A. B. Gray; A. C. Patterson ; D . Llcwclyn; M . C. Gluckman; B. Austen ; A. R. P. Steele; M . Kramer; S. Wheway; M. Connolcy. Fifth Ro111 : T. J. W acher; P.R. McCutcheon ; S. Khurshid; W. J. Sims; A. N. Siopis; S. M. Hutchinson ; B. Spurr; T. Ryder; J. R . Ormiston ; F. A. Leaf; G. Pollitt; .13. M. Al-Saadi ; P. J. Lockley ; G. P. C lark; G. B. K. Rocks ; J. Wisdom ; S. P. Tarran; M. J. Hooton; A. T. Gosling; R. A. Chadwick; A. D. F. R ogers; N. G. Pendry. Six t/i Ro111: E. C. lni ons; J. H. Nason; T. S. Maxwell; D . Imeson; C. E. Evans; D. A. Swain; P. T. Ballinger; C. W . Hind; D. G. McCartney; S. P. Edri ch; R . A . Jeavons; M. Crossley; R . Ahm ed; D. Neuhaus ; J. Wharnc; K. A . Palmer; R. N . M. Eggar; I. H . Macleod; J. R . Drew; P. R . Frartklin; M. Trower-Fo yan; N. J. Hanley; D . Jennings. Fro11t R o111: P. Hill; R. Cerratti; R . Gillingwater; C. Penwarden; C. G. Pecora; T. Du Boulay ; T. B. Robinson; I. D. C ullum; L. J. Hall ; Nasir Pasha ; J. G . Trotman (J.C.R. President); Dr. W. Urry (Dean of Degrees); P . Desmond; R . J. Sands; R.A. Kelly; A. Brett-Sm ith; J. Ede; B. R . Green; K. R. Albans; J. W. Taylor; J.M. Valenca Esgalbado; P. Matthews; S. Galindo.



THE PRINCIPAL AND FELLOWS ON 8 OCTOBER 1974 the Principal was once more admitted as a Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the ensuing academic year. The Magazine congratulates Professor J. W. Christian on his election in March as a Fellow of the Royal Society, and Professor P. B. Hirsch on being awarded a knighthood in the Birthday Honours. The Vice-Principal (Revd E. G. Midgley) has been elected to the General Board. Dr R. B. Mitchell, who has been elected to the English Board, lectured in April at the University of Bologna and the British Institute, Bologna. Dr F. J. C. Rossotti lectured in June at the NATO Advanced Study Institute held near Pisa on nuclear magnetic resonance. He serves on the Analytical Chemistry Panel of the British National Committee for Chemistry. Dr D. I. Scargill has been appointed Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Oxford Preservation Trust. Mr N. C. Pollock lectured in October 1974 on animal ecology at Adelaide University, South Australia. Dr M. S. Child has continued as Acting Professor of Theoretical Chemistry. Dr P. J. Collins was chairman of the organizing committee for the International Conference on Analytic Typology held in Oxford in April. AN HONORARY FELLOW THE SMALL but distinguished band of Honorary Fellows has been increased by the election, in January 1975, of the Right Hon. Lord Wylie, P.C., Senator of the College of Justice in Scotland. Before coming to Oxford Norman Russell Wylie was 1

at Paisley Grammar School and Glasgow University; he entered the Hall in 1946 on being demobilized from the Fleet Air Arm. After reading Modern History he returned to Glasgow, where he took the LLB. degree, and was admitted to the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh, in 1952. As Member of Parliament for Edinburgh, Pentlands, he became Solicitor-General for Scotland in 1962, and was Lord Advocate from 1970 to 1974. He has been described as 'one of the most significant reforming Lords Advocate of this century'. EMERITUS FELLOWS and Professor D. c. M. Yardley, whose retirement from their Official Fellowships was announced in the previous issue of the Magazine, were elected Emeritus Fellows of the Hall in October last year. Of those who were already Emeritus Fellows the Magazine notes with satisfaction the marriage of Professor H. M. N. H. Irving and Dr Anne Mawby on 17 June; the election of Professor G. R. Allen to a Senior Leverhulme Research Fellowship (subject: the World Food Situation till 1985, with special reference to S.E. Asia); and the choice of the Revd Professor J. McManners to preach the Commemoration Sermon before the University on 22 June.


NEW FELLOWS extends a warm welcome to Stephen Wigham Richardson, M.A., D. Phil., and Robert Venables, M.A., Ll.M. (Lond.), who have been elected to Fellowships in Geology and Jurisprudence respectively, and also to David Richard Timothy Jones, M.A., D.Phil., who has been elected to a Junior Research Fellowship in Theoretical Physics in association with an Oxford University IBM Research Fellowship. Dr Richardson, whose Fellowship took effect on 1 June, is no stranger to the Hall, having been a Lecturer since 1970. Originally a New College man, he studied at Princeton, where he obtained his Ph.D., has been a Lecturer at Edinburgh University, and holds the position of University Lecturer at Oxford. Mr Venables, who took up his appointment on 1 October, is Professor Yardley's successor. A classical Postmaster of Merton, he read for Honour Moderations in Classics, Greats and finally Jurisprudence at that college. Among other distinctions he was awarded the Charles Oldham Classical Scholarship and the Chancellor's Prize for Latin Prose. A barrister of the Middle Temple, he won the



Astbury Law Scholarship. Since 1972 he has been part-time Lecturer at Merton (with Corpus), and since 1973 Lecturer at University College, London. Dr Jones was a Welsh Foundation Scholar of Jesus College, and obtained Firsts in Honour Moderations (Physics and Mathematics) and Physics Finals. He has recently been lecturing at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex. LECTURERS IN THE academic year 1974-75 the following were appointed Lecturers of the Hall: in Biochemistry-Dr D. G. Wild, Fellow of Corpus Christi; in Psychology (in succession to Mr N. Harvey, now Lecturer at St Andrews)-Dr R. E. Passingham, Balliol College, Research Officer in the Department of Experimental Psychology; in English Language-Mrs S. J. OgilvieThompson, St Hilda's College. TWO HAPPY OCCASIONS THE HALL congratulates the Chef, Mr Gabriele Cavalieri, and Mrs Maria Cavalieri on the birth of triplets on 8 February 1975, and the Manciple, Mr Donald Filer, on his marriage to Mrs Marjorie Tofts on 22 March 1975. The triplets, two boys and a girl, are named Ricardo, Vincenzo and Maria Assunta; they have two older brothers, aged four and two respectively. Mr Filer, who has played bowls for Oxfordshire, is a member and former president of the East Oxford Bowls Club, and his bride is Vice-President of the Oxford City Supporters Club. WHITE HALL expressed in last year's Magazine were not frustrated, and the north wing of the Phase III building, comprising eighteen study-bedrooms, was brought into occupation at the beginning of Michaelmas Term 1974. The residental part of the High Street block was completed on the eve of Hilary Term 1975 and at once came into occupation. It contains a further sixteen study-bedrooms and, on the top floor, a suite for a resident Fellow and a large teaching-room shared by two Fellows. At the time of going to press the remainder of the building, except for one shop on the High Street, has been brought into use, thus providing a launderette, a drying-room, a furniture store and a large general-purposes room, as well as THE HOPES


a shop. The whole building has been designated White Han after a medieval hall of that name which occupied the same site and which was annexed to St Edmund Hall by 1399 /1400, still belonged to it in 1469, but probably passed out of its possession after 1471. The penthouse apartments have been named the Hoover Rooms in commemoration of the munificent benefaction given to the Hall by the Hoover Foundation. Three studybedrooms on the ground floor have been named the Tennant Room, the Mizen Room and the Elaine and Neville Blond Room because their cost was met out of generous gifts from John Spencer Tennant (1909-12), Raymond Mizen (1957-60) and the Neville and Elaine Blond Charitable Trust respectively. Eight study-bedrooms on the first floor have been named the Colocotronis Rooms in recognition of munificent donations to the New Buildings Fund which the Hall has received from Dr Minos Colocotronis, his son John Colocotronis (1971-74), and his nephews Alexander Georgiadis (1961-64) and Antony Georgiadis (1964-67). Plaques recording these names and the names of the benefactors whose generosity made the construction of these rooms possible are being prepared. RESTORING THE ROOFS BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1974 and March 1975 scaffolding enshrouded the north range of the old quadrangle while its roofs were extensively restored. On the side facing the churchyard the Stonesfield slates, which had been either re-hung or freshly affixed in 1913, were replaced, the battening beneath them and, where necessary, the old trusses were renewed, and felting was inserted for the first time. On the side overlooking the quadrangle, where the slates and supporting roof dated from the 1931 restoration and were in a much better condition, a thorough re-patching job was carried out. The dormers on the churchyard side were taken down and rebuilt, while those on the quadrangle side were renovated. Fire-breaks were constructed up to the level of the eaves, dividing the roof by staircases, and the ceilings and sides of top-storey rooms were lagged with fibre-glass. All chimney stacks, including the one rising above the gabled north end of the Queen's Lane building, were carefully restored. The operation, which cost approximately ÂŁ10,000, has greatly enhanced the appearance of the north range, especially as viewed from the churchyard. 4

STAIRCASE VIII THE NEXT TASK facing the Hall, now that Phase III is virtually complete, is the refurbishing, or rather internal reconstruction, of the house once known as No. 48 High Street and since its annexation by the Hall in 1930 as Staircase VIII. In recent years its staircases and rooms have become shabby and run-down, and it has become urgently necessary to bring its studybedrooms up to an acceptable standard, instal modern facilities, and link the house with White Hall. Work started on this in July and will, it is hoped, be finished in time for the opening of Michaelmas Term 1976. Meanwhile the temporary loss of thirteen undergraduates' and four Fellows' rooms has caused an awkward problem of accommodation.


GIFTS warmly thanks the following :

Mrs M. Barnes, of Nether Westcote, Kingham, for the gift of a second shrub, this time a Witch Hazel, for the Library Garden; H. Beresford Barrett (matric. 1919) for his old M.A. gown, to be kept by the Principal for the use of gownless graduate visitors; Chen Shing-jen (matric. 1971) for a peacock and peony screen made by Korean artisans, originally the property of I. H. Kim (matric. 1970); the late Herbert Cook (d. 1 Jan. 1967), father of H. F. Cook (matric. 1932), for the gift of a silver inscribed tankard for use in the dining-hall; M. W. Gallop (matric. 1919) for presenting a print depicting Thomas Hearne and formerly owned by a descendant living at Church Stretton, Shropshire; the late Canon W. E. Lambeth (matric. 1914) for presenting two prints of the Hall; Mrs D. C. Malcom for the gift of the Hall scarf used by her late husband David C. Malcom (matric. 1964); the St Edmund Hall Association for the donations to the Scholarship Fund, the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund ¡and the Directory Fund voted at the A.G.M. in January. 5

ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS FOUR HALL MEN obtained Firsts in Final Honour Schools in Trinity Term: S. A. Fell and D. A. Leggatt in Chemistry, N. P. Gregory and R. W. Series in Metallurgy. R. W. Series was also awarded the International Nickel Prize. S. S. Chandler (Geography) won the Herbertson Memorial Prize for the best geographical dissertation. K. A. Ford (second year) won the Trabutt Prize for excellence in practical organic Chemistry. Firsts in Honour Moderations were obtained by L. J. Hall and T. B. Robinson (Physics, Mathematics and Engineering), and by R. A. Kelly (English). The following were awarded Distinctions in the First Public Examination: I. H. Macleod (Law), M. J. Hooton (German), S. P. Edrich (Geology) and C. A. Penwarden (P.P.E.). Two scholars won Heath Harrison Junior Scholarships in Hilary Term: E. G. Maddocks (for the second time: in French) and M. J. Hooton (in German). T. S. Maxwell, a graduate student (Oriental Studies) in his first year, was granted an award from the Boden Fund to engage in field work in India and was pre-elected to a Junior Research Fellowship at Wolfson College (for 1976). K. M. Fisher, R. M. Jacobs and D. C. Wilson, who obtained Firsts in 1974 and remained in residence, were elected into Honorary Scholarships in Michaelmas Term 1974. S. J. C. P. Phlipponneau, a graduate of the University of Rennes, was elected into a Besse French Scholarship. COLLEGE COMMITTEE THE COMMITTEE had a busy year, with five regular meetings and one emergency meeting. As usual, a number of practical matters- the effect of rising prices on central heating and the hot water supply, the provision of facilities in the vacations, the use of and charges for rooms in the vacations, the structure of fees and charges for 1975-76- figured on the agenda. The emergency meeting was called (11 February) to deal with the short-fall of rooms in 1975-76 for third-year men caused by a higher-than-usual intake in 1974 and the temporary loss of Staircase VIII owing to reconstruction. In addition certain items of wider importance were discussed at regular meetings, notably (a) the question of the sale of alcoholic liquor in colleges in the light of the acceptance by colleges generally of the view that this should be confined to genuine members of 6

colleges, and (b) the sending down of an undergraduate for academic reasons and the representation of it in interested quarters, chiefly outside the College, as politically motivated. The Committee addressed itself to these very varied issues in a constructive fashion which contributed greatly to the smooth functioning of college life. The new junior members in Trinity Term were R. Gretton (J.C.R. President), J. S. Herlihy (J.C.R. Steward: co-opted), and (elected) T. N. Hart, R. J. Lane, and I. F. C. Murray.

GRAHAM HAMILTON TRAVEL FUND GRANTS OF ÂŁ25.00 each were made to the following from the Fund (augmented by a generous donation from the St Edmund Hall Association) in order to help them to make trips in the long vacation involving 'some measure of enterprise, initiative and endurance': T. P. Cripps (climbing in the Alps-he was unable to take up the grant made to him in 1974); R. C. Moore (hitch-hiking through Italy, ferry across the Adriatic to Greece and Crete, camping and sleeping rough); P. Phillips (walking in the Pyrenees and N.W. Spain); P. J. Rogers (walking the Pennine Walk); D. L. Rosen (orienteering competition and a week mountaineering, in Switzerland); J. J. Tholstrup (walking and living in primitive conditions in S.W. Turkey); J. M. Wien (one month F.0. course on spoken and written Arabic in Beirut; then overland to Damascus).

HALL BALL 1975 GLIDE OVER THE LAWN, past the crazy croquet, past the meats and delicacies and the invisible food marquee. Start an avocado with Lol Coxhill serenading on alto-sax; finish your strawberries and cream to the fine strains of an orchestral waltz. Gaze at the front quad bathed in floodlight; listen to Richard Stilgoe's musical revue; dance to Alyn Shipton's jazz band . . . . Time for some action-follow the signs to the Main Hall and bop to Johnny Johnson and the Bandwaggon. Then the highlight of the evening, 'Osibisa', 'criss-cross rhythms that explode with happiness'. Wind down in the Folk Cellar, doze in Paddington's room. Revive, it's time for breakfast, eaten to a wind ensemble, digested to a steel band. Dawn piper and madrigals to introduce the spectacular 7

finale, Shakin' Stevens and the Sunsets. Over 400 revellers rocking at six in the morning .... Where else but the S.E.H. Ball? A night to remember: I hope there are many more. R. J. GOLLAND J.C.R. AND M.C.R. OFFICERS P. J. LIVESEY was elected President of the J.C.R. at the end of Michaelmas Term 1974. On his resignation at the beginning of Trinity Term 1975 R. Gretton was elected as President in his place, to hold office until the end of Michaelmas Term 1975 . J. S. Herlihy was elected Steward of the J.C.R. at the end of Hilary Term 1975. In Trinity Term M. K. Kramer and D. Llewelyn were elected President and Steward respectively of the M.C.R. for the year 1975-76. AULARIAN CALENDAR THE FOLLOWING DATES in 1975-76 are of special interest: ST EDMUND's DAY: Sunday 16 November 1975. LONDON DINNER, preceded by A.G.M. of S.E.H. Association, at Simpson's, the Strand: Tuesday 13 January 1976 . . REUNION DINNER at the Hall: Saturday 26 June 1976. RESIDENCE FOR FULL TERM: Michaelmas Term- Thursday 9 October 1975 to Saturday 6 December 1975; Hilary Term- Thursday 15 January 1976 to Saturday 13 March 1976; Trinity Term-Thursday 22 April 1976 to Saturday 19 June 1976. DEGREE DAYS: Saturday 11 October (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 1 November (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 15 November (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 29 November (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 17 January (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 28 February (at 11.45 a.m.); Thursday 29 April (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 5 June (at 11.45 a.m.); Thursday 24 June (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 10 July (at 12 noon); Saturday 31 July (at 11.45 a.m.). Members of the Hall wishing to make arrangements for taking their degrees should write to the College Office. HIGHER DEGREES THE FOLLOWING were given leave to supplicate for higher degrees:

Doctor of Medicine C. H. JELLARD (Diphtheria infection in North-west Canada). Doctor of Philosophy J. R. BocKSTOCE, C. J. M . R. GULLICK (Anthropology); N. M. JACKSON (Geography); s. J. GATRELL, M. G. PETTIGROVE (English); D. G. CHRISTIAN, R. F. MULLEN (History); F. C. HOLROYD, P. J. MITCHELL (Mathematics); J. MOSLEY, A. R. SLABAS (Biological Sciences); C. J. HAWKESWORTH, R. M. WEINBERG, R. C. WRIGHT (Geology); M. R. BENDALL, T . N. DURLU, D. J. HEBDITCH, S. F. KAPOOR, D . J. KIRWAN, J. G. PHILIP, S. R. PORTER, N. G. SHRIVE (Physical Sciences).


Master of Science J. N . ADLEY, M. A. K. IBRAHIM (Mathematics); A. D. HENDLEY, L. JIRASEK (Physical Sciences).

Bachelor of Letters M . J. NAZIR-ALI (Theology) ; c. J. BRADSHAW (Literae Humaniores); R. J. BALFOUR, M. H. BUTCHER (English); J. s. CHILD, P. D. PERITON (Social Studies); H. M . HYDE (Modern Languages). SCHOLARSHIP ELECTIONS THE FOLLOWING ELECTIONS to Open and other awards, tenable during the academic year 1975-76, were made in January 1975: I.



To Scholarships: ELLIOTT, A . M. L., Latymer Upper School. HoLLEYHEAD, J. C., Bournemouth School, for Law. LEDSOME, R. J., Guildford Royal Grammar School.

To an Exhibition: WAY, D. D. H., Marlborough College. MODERN STUDIES

To Scholarships: HUGHES, J. M., Harrow School, for Geography. STITCHBURY, R., Millfield School, for Geography.

To Exhibitions: CHARLES, J. D., Brighton College, for P.P.E. LOWENSTEIN, J. T., Latymer Upper School, for P.P.E . MODERN LANGUAGES

To Exhibitions: BOOTHROYD, P., King Edward VI School, Southampton. CoNGDON, P. J., Isleworth Grammar School. LOMAS, A . J., Manchester Grammar School. ENGLISH

To Exhibitions: FARROW, D. J., Harrow County Boys School. GARRETT, M., St John's School, Leatherhead. GREIG, L. S., Eton College. MATHEMATICS

Tq a Scholarship: HARTLEY, D. R., King Edward's School, Bath. 9

To Exhibitions: DEVEREUX, M. R., Tiffin Boys School. JOHNSTON, A. I., Harrogate Grammar School. JONES, M. A., Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School. NATURAL SCIENCES To Scholarships. HOWELL, F. R., St. Mary's Sixth Form College, Middlesbrough, for Medicine. PRATT, D. N., Ipswich School, for Geology. ROBERTSON, A. W., Varndean Grammar School, for Physics. STANSFIELD, A. M., Weymouth Grammar School, for Physics (Central Electricity Generating Board).

To Exhibitions: ASKINS, M . C., Porth County Comprehensive School, for Metallurgy (Armourers and Brasiers' Company). BRIFFA, E. I., Downside School, for P.P.P. COLQUHOUN, I. J., Bilborough College, for Chemistry. GIBBS, G. A., Ardingly College, for Engineering. HUDSON, B. D., Gillingham Grammar School, for Physics. JARVIS, C. J., Marling School, Stroud, for Engineering (Central Electricity Generating Board). KETLEY, G. W., Palmer's College, for Chemistry (Central Electricity Generating Board). KINGSBURY, W. H., Dulwich College, for Physics. PESKETT, R., Royal Belfast Academical Institution, for P.P.E. SENOGLES, J. C., Bolton School, for Engineering. CLOSED Aw ARDS Abbott's Scholarships: HENSHAW, N . J., Manchester Grammar School, for Mathematics . SPAFFORD, T. L., Shrewsbury School, for H istory.


CONGRATULATIONS Michaelmas Term 1974 B. Thomas (Captain) and M . J. Davies on being selected to play for O.U.A.F.C. against Cambridge. P. E. Kent on being elected Captain of 0.U.A.F.C. for 1975-76. The First VIII on winning the Final of the Christ Church Regatta. D. W. Mackenzie and J. A. Taylor on being selected to represent O.U.R.F.C. against Cambridge. S. A. North on having his article 'Henry Grinnel: Patron of Arctic Travel' published in The Geographical Journal, June 1974.

Hilary Term 1975 J. B. Watson on being selected for O.U.H.C. against Cambridge. K. N. K. Jones on gaining his Half-Blue in the victorious O.U. Fives side against Cambridge.


D. N . Pateras for winning his Boxing Blue and also his fight in the match against Cambridge. The Athletics Club on retaining the Relays Cup. The Association Football Club on achieving a Cuppers double by winning both the First and the Second XI competitions. The 'Teddy Hall Choir' on being rewarded with a better write-up in the Oxford Mail than either of the sides at First XI Cuppers Final. C. Burdon on his selection as Captain of the O.U. Badminton Club. The Badminton Club on retaining Cuppers. K. M. Dodd (Captain) and R. J. Henshaw on playing in the victorious O.U. Lacrosse side against Cambridge. J. N. Calvert on his selection as Coxswain for the O.U.B.C. J. N. Goater on winning the Varsity Cross-Country Match. The Rugby Football Club, under the leadership of K. P. Copestake, on winning the University Inter-College Sevens competition. Rajiv Mehrota on his unqualified success in directing the John Oldham Society's production of C. Marowitz's An Othello.

Trinity Term 1975 J. N. Goater on winning the Drake-Digby Cup for the best individual performance in the Athletics match against Cambridge. P. R. Edwards on gaining his Athletics Blue; J. D. T. Rose and C. M. Lizieri on gaining Athletics Half-Blues. The Athletics Club on regaining Summer Cuppers. J. H. Bodkin on gaining his Half-Blue when selected for the O.U. Polo team against Cambridge. The Tennis Club on winning Cuppers. J. B. Watson on his selection for England's Under-22 Hockey side in the International Tournament in Barcelona. P. J. Gow on his success in conducting the Music Society's summer concert in the Wolfson Hall. N. C. G. Rodliffe on his energetic and superb Stewardship of the Boat Club. The Fourth Floor of Kelly Building on their success in gaining the Dean's Cup in the O.U. Aerial Aquatics Championships. R. J. A. Golland and his Committee on providing a tremendously enjoyable Summer Ball. S. S. Chandler on winning the Herbertson Memorial Prize for the best dissertation submitted as part of the Final Honour School of Geography. R.G. THE LONDON DINNER 1975 of the St Edmund Hall Association was held at Simpsons-in-the-Strand on Tuesday 14 January. As usual the Principal was guest of honour, and eight other Fellows were also present. Thanks are due to John Shortridge for taking over the organization of the Dinner from Roger Farrand and arranging such an excellent meal. The lamb was superb and for most of us it is worth the cost of the dinner



just to see those white clad figures carving joints of dickensian proportions. Before proposing the customary toast of 'Floreat Aula' the President, Sir Denis Wright, welcomed the Principal and the President of the Junior Common Room, Peter Livesey. He also conveyed 'grandparental safotations' from A.B.E. whom he had visited a few days before. Replying, the Principal recalled the earliest London Dinners held in purple and green surroundings in Soho. He then spoke of the year's achievements at the Hall, the completion of White Hall, the eight Firsts gained in Schools, and the revival of the Boat Club with its successes in Eights and the Christ Church Regatta. Clearly these had not gone unnoticed in the world at large, the Hall having had the largest number of applicants amongst the men's colleges of the university in the November scholarship and entrance examination. The London Dinner is held every year on the second Tuesday in January at Simpsons. Why not get up a party and join us? The following attended the Dinner, in addition to the Principal and President of the J.C.R. as guests: 1924 J.B. Allan; 1925 J. H. T. Clarke; 1927 Sir R. Murray, B. M. Forrest; 1928 E. L. H. Kentfield; 1929 Sir D. Wright; 1930 Sir C. Hayes; 1931 S. F. Parsons; 1932 Rt Revd W. G. Fallows, A. Jenkins; 1933 F. H. H . Finch, F. H. Frankcom, J. Lee, G. L. H. R. Shield; 1934 J. C. Cain; 1935 A. R. Clarke, H. A. F. Radley; 1937 L. D. A. Baron; 1938 R. E. Alton (Fellow), R. P. H. Davies; 1940 J. H. A. Eames, G. J. F . Brain; 1941 Revd E. G. Midgley (Fellow); 1942 W. J. Tunley; 1943 W. Weir; 1944 P. D. Cutting; 1946 F. R. Crozier, A. R. J. Lloyd, J. Pike, N. J. Williams; 1947 N. Grindrod, J. Hobbs; 1948 C. R. Ritcheson; 1949 R. J. L. Breese, R. Southan; 1951 M. K. Chatterjea, D. J. Day, W. H. Slack; 1952 P. Brown, C. I. Drummond, D. Graham, A. Harding, D. M. Jacobs, C. J. Jones; 1954 D. I. Scargill (Fellow); 1955 F. D. Bishop, R. Farrand, Revd D. Frayne, C. E. G. Parkhouse; 1956 J. French, D. H. Johnson, P. G. Slip; 1958 J. B. Grant, L. L. Filby, D. K. Murray-John, J. H. Phillips; 1961 S. M. Donald, J. M. Heggadon, A . M. Rentoul, D. P. Vaughan; 1962 P. Collins, N. R. Cowling, J. Elkins, M. J. Hamilton, N. McN. Jackson, J. R. de Rennes, J. Hall; 1963 D. M. P. Barnes, G. M. Day, M. B. Foxon, R. G. Hunt, R. Offer, M. F. Simmie; 1964 D. Ashworth, A. Barker, M. Butcher, A. Mayer, D. Morton, S. Sherbourne; P. Crystal, F. H. Hanbridge, C. Hird, J. D. Shortridge, M. Stone; 1968 S. K. Hurst; 1969 R. E. M. Sage; 1970 H. A. Beales, N. C. Coles, P. Harper, J. W. Hawkins, J. Poyser. Also present were: R. Fargher, J. Hackney, E. R. Oxburgh, Rear Adm. G. C. Leslie, N . J. Stone (Fellows).


MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the St Edmund Hall Association was held at Simpsons-in-the-Strand, London, on Tuesday, 14 January 1975, at 6.15 p.m. The President, Sir Denis ·W right, was in the Chair. The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, being published in the Magazine, were taken as read. They were duly approved and signed. The President announced that, to bring the Association's financial year into line with that of the Hall, it had been agreed by the Executive Committee that the current financial year should end on 31 July 1975 and not on 30 April. This proposal was accepted by the Annual General Meeting. The Hon. Treasurer drew the members' attention to the Accounts as printed in the Magazine, and briefly explained one or two salient points, viz. the Association's income was up by £76 and, despite increases in the costs of the Directory, postage and stationery, the overall level of expenditure was down by £ll5. This was largely the result of the lower computer costs for future Directory Supplements, and the Hall's generosity in agreeing to pay half the costs of the Magazine. This left a deficit of £130 compared with £321 the previous year. Investments stood at £1,400 and the Bank Balance was £113. The Allocations had been made as authorized-£200 to the Scholarship Fund, £80 to the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund , £300 to the Directory Fund. The former Publication Fund had been transferred to the General Fund. The current financial year would be of fifteen months duration, which would mean that the next accounts would be published sixteen months 'late'. Should anyone wish to see the Accounts prior to publication, he should write to the Hon. Treasurer. The Accounts were accepted nem con. The President congratulated the Hon. Treasurer on his stewardship and said that, as the subject had been so well covered, he had no further comments to make. As no other nominations had been received, the retiring Members of the Executive Committee (up to 1934, R. Waye; up to 1944, Revd E. G. Midgley; up to 1954, D. J. Day; up to 1964, M. G. M. Groves) were proposed en bloc, seconded and unanimously elected. J. B. Allan was also proposed, seconded and elected without opposition, to replace the late N. G. Fisher on the Committee. The Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Auditor and Hon. Secretary all declared themselves willing to stand for a further term of office and, with no other nominations having been received, were duly elected. There was no other official business, but the President took the opportunity of thanking Sir Claude Hayes for deputising for him at the previous year's June Meeting, and the Officers and Members of the Executive Committee for their help during his year of office. There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 6.35 p.m. JOHN FRENCH



of Old Members was held on Saturday, 28 June.

Those present were: The Principal: THE REVD DR J. N. D. KELLY Honorary Fellow and Former Principal: DR A . B. EMDEN

1933 J. C. Adamson; 1924 J. B. Allan; 1938 R. E. Alton*; 1957 J. N. Aptaker; 1963 D. M. P. Barnes; 1958 M. J. Beard; 1960 J. J. J. Bell; 1922 J. F. Bleasdale; 1930 J. Bradley; 1959 R. J. L. Breese; 1922 E. P. Brice; 1962 C. L. Brown; 1953 K. A. Bulgin; 1953 C. G. Burnham; 1951 M. K. Chatterjea; 1935 A. R. Clark; 1960 R. C. S. Clark; 1972 W. A. T. Clark; 1928 C. P. R. Clarke; 1959 J. A. Collingwood; 1922 A. C. Corlett; 1941 C. W. B. Costeloe; Revd H. E. J. Cowdrey*; 1962 C. J. Cowles; 1952 B. V. Cudmore; 1962 A. J. Davis; 1951 D. J. Day; 1962 J. R. De Rennes; 1929 D. K. Dixey; 1952 C. I. Drummond; 1939 J. D. Duncan; 1962 J. H. W. H. Elkins; 1966 A. G. R. Evans; 1955 R. A. Farrand; 1946 Revd R. H. Faulkner; 1933 F. H. H. Finch; 1927 B. M. Forrest; 1962 Captain M. G. Fossey; 1953 E. P. Fox; 1963 M. B. Foxon; 1956 J. G. French; 1961 R. D. Garrett; 1962 W. G. Gulland; J. Hackney*; 1958 R. D. Haddon; 1944 D. J. Hardy; 1930 Sir Claude Hayes; 1931 J. M. Heggadon; 1961 I. G. Heggie; 1926 Professor C. R. Hiscocks; 1930 W. A. Holt; 1952 D. M. Jacobs; i938 R. C. T. James; 1956 D. H. Johnson; 1948 P. R. Jones; 1952 D. W. Keighley 1929 A. W. Keith-Steele; 1928 E. L. H. Kentfield; Rear Admiral G. C. Leslie*; 1934 W. J. H. Liversidge; 1960 C. H. L. Long; 1938 R. Mcisaac; 1941 Revd E. G. Midgley* (Vice-Principal); 1970 R. G. Miller; 1949 W.R. Miller; R. B. Mitchell*; 1960 D. A. G. Morris; 1940 C. Mounsey; 1959 D. J. Murray John; 1943 Revd Father J. O'Halloran; 1942 C. R. Owston; 1931 S. F. Parsons; 1958 J. H. Phillips; 1960 F. J. Pocock; 1946 P. L. Poel; 1935 H. A. F. Radley; G. D. Ramsay**; 1923 Revd F. D. M. Richards; 1925 F. G. Roberts; 1967 I. C. Robertson; F. J.C. Rossotti*; 1937 D. G. C. Salt; 1954 D. I. Scargill*; 1933 Brigadier J. C. C. Shapland; 1951 W. H. Slack; 1944 E. M. Smith; 1962 R. H. Smith; 1949 R. J. Southan; 1938 C. J. H. Starey; 1957 A. L. Stewart; N. J. Stone*; 1942 J. D. Todd* 1974 B. St J. Trafford (Organ Scholar); 1961 C. J. Tromans; 1944 M. Turi; 1926 E. Urry; 1944 F. E. Wakelin; 1928 R. Waye; 1943 W. Weir; 1946 N. J. Williams; 1968 J. M. Wragg; 1929 Sir Denis Wright; 1953 T. R. Wright; Prof. D. C. M. Yardley.** *Fellow

**Emeritus Fellow

The Reunion took place following the Garden Party. The Principal, Dr Emden and twelve of the Fellows were present, together with 91 old members representing a span of over fifty years from 1922 to the present and including one father and son. In his speech of welcome the Principal referred first to the Fellows: the honours recently accorded to Professor Christian and Professor Hirsch, the election of Lord Wylie to an Honorary Fellowship, and the appointment of three new Tutorial Fellows. After reviewing the academic, artistic and sporting year at the Hall, he spoke of the completion of White Hall and the benefits which 14

the College was deriving from the new buildings, financed in large measure by the generosity of old members. The President of the St Edmund Hall Association, Sir Denis Wright, expressed his thanks for the Garden Party and offered his congratulations on the successful completion of the New Buildings programme. In conclusion he paid tribute to his former Principal, Dr Emden, who was prevailed upon to reply, doing so in characteristic manner.


J. R. E. Adams, Head of Modern Languages at Didcot Girls' School, wrote and presented 'Dialogos Espafioles' for Radio Oxford. J. R. Adey, who obtained his MBA at Harvard Business School, is Manufacturing Manager for Rayhem Wire and Cable Division, in Swindon. J. A. Akroyd is teaching at Queen (not St) Mary's Grammar School, Walsall. D. L. Audsley has been reading for the M.Phil. in town planning at University College, London. J. R. Baldwin became Assistant Adviser in Social Studies, Dean Educational Centre, Edinburgh, in August 1974. N. 0. Barak, now M.B.A. of the London Business School, is with the Overseas Division of the Delta Group and has been seconded to Brazil. D. M. P. Barnes is with Barclays Bank International at the head office. N. G. Barnett, M.P., is one of the Labour Party's delegation to the European Parliament. R. J. Barnfield, having resigned from the R.A.F., is with the Coventry Engineering Employers Association. L. D. A . Baron was awarded the C.B.E. in the New Year Honours; he has left the Commonwealth Sugar Exporters Association and is now Commonwealth and European Affairs Manager, Tate and Lyle. The Revd D. L. Bartles-Smith is now Vicar of St Luke's, Battersea. K. M. Baxter is with the Water Research Centre, Marlow. H. B. D. Beales, having retired as Bursar, continues to perform special duties at St Edward's School, Oxford. S. J. Bedford, after being called to the Bar in Grays Inn (July 1974), is now in pupillage at Bristol. J. J. J. Bell is now Sales Director of Booker-Belmont Wholesale Ltd. J. G. Bellamy is Professor of History, Carleton University, Ottawa. G. A. L. Bennett is Manager, Group Public Relations, Mardon Packaging International Ltd., Bristol. J. B. Bennett is working for the Cert.Ed. at Keele University. R. G. Bentfield is training as a Probation Officer. J. R. Berryman is teaching at H. 0. Nash High School, Nassau, W.I. B. Bigley is now Regional Secretary, Yorks and Humberside Region, C.B.I. The Revd Canon H. A. Blair retired on 31 August. D. M. Bolton is a partner with H. Smith and Co., solicitors, London Wall. 15

D. M. W. Bolton is now Headmaster, Davenant Foundation Grammar School, Loughton, Essex. The Revd M. A. Bourdeaux is to be Chavasse Memorial Lecturer, Wycliffe Hall, in Hilary Term 1976. J. P. Bowles is with British Rail, working on data processing. K. A. Boyce was made deacon on 29 July by the Bishop of Leicester and is serving at St Denys, Evington, Leicester. R. G. Brandwood is at Harvard, taking part in the second year of the M.B.A. program. 0. T. Brown retired in the summer after being Headmaster of Hurst Grange, Stirling, for 24 years. C. D. H. Bryant is an assistant manager, The Chase Manhattan Bank, London. V. A. Bulbeck has obtained the M.Ed., University of Birmingham. The Revd P. Burns, C.S.B., is Principal of a Roman Catholic college at the University of British Columbia. The Revd G. M. Burt has become Secretary of 'Ministry in the Sectors' in the Methodist Church. I. D. C. Button has been with the Dartington Amenity Research Trust in Edinburgh. M. L. Cafferty, after training as a social worker, is now at the Middlesex Polytechnic, Enfield. D. G. Cater is with UKAEA as an Executive Officer. The Revd Preb. A. S. Chandler is Team Rector of Ilfracombe Team Ministry and Rural Dean of Barnstaple. Chen Shing-jen is now in Japan, studying at Rikkyo University. D. H. Clibborn retired in January from being H.M. Ambassador, San Salvador, El Salvador. J. A. Collingwood is a Group Sales Manager with Tiokide International Ltd. H. F. Cook is now working in the English Department, University of Munster. P. V. Copley is teaching at St Elphin's School, Darley Dale. M. J. Corden has obtained his Ph.D. at Birmingham and is continuing research with a S.R.C. Fellowship. A. J. Cowan is a Management Consultant with P.A. Management Consultants Ltd, Edgbaston, Birmingham. N. R. Cowling is now working for H.M. Government in Belfast. I. R. Cox has joined Kodak in a research capacity. J. J. D. Craik is Housemaster of Meister Omers, The King's School, Canterbury. L. Cummings is a management trainee with Ocean Transport and Trading. P. M. Daley is teaching at Scots College, Sydney, Australia. G. M. M. Dalzell-Payne is General Manager, Lingfield Park Racecourse Ltd., Surrey. M. J. Daniels is now Technical Programmer with Mobil Data Services Ltd., Sevenoaks, Kent. Robin Day has been awarded the 1974 Richard Dimbleby Award 'for the year's most important personal contribution to factual television'. 16

P. V. Dixon is teaching at Winchester College. F. L. W. Eade, who after twenty years as Group Secretary of the I. of W. Group Hospital Management Committee retired in June 1974, continues active as a magistrate and is Chairman of the Magistrates' Courts Committee for the Island. J. H. A. Eames, as well as being Second in the History Dept., is now Head of the Political Studies Dept., St Dunstan's College, Catford. The Revd J. H. Edinger is Rural Dean of Avon, Wilts. P, R. Emmott is now Training Officer with Redfearn National Glass Ltd. C. J. Etherington has been teaching Modern Languages at Shrewsbury School since 1969. C. R. Evans has an appointment in the Operating Department, Westminster Hospital, S.W.l. J. C. Fazackerley is with 'Operation Mobilization' in Iran. E. A. Fennell is with the Cambridgeshire L.E.A. as career adviser to those entering higher education and the professions. J. R. Flood, after VSO in N. Nigeria (1968) and four years in Botswana (1969-73), has an appointment at Magila Hospital, Muheza, Tanzania. B. H. Forster is Clerk to the Justices for the Petty Sessional Divisions of Caerleon, Chepstow, Monmouth, Pontypool, Skenfrith and Usk in Gwent. Captain M. G. Fossey is on the Army Staff Course, spending 1975 at the R.M.C., Shrivenham, and 1976 at the Staff College, Camberley. E. P. Fox has been appointed Headmaster, Colyton Grammar School, Devon. M. B. Foxon is with the Development Planning Directorate, Dept. of the Environment. S. R. Garrett is Hon. Secretary, Chingford Labour Party; also Hon. Assistant Editor, Tenterden T errier, and author of numerous railway articles. T. R. Gillard is working for Quantas in Sydney, Australia. P. R. Gillett has joined Price Waterhouse as an accountancy trainee. G. R. Gleave is now Assistant Director, Crewe and Alsager College of Higher Education. P. W. Glover became Director General of Staff, N.C.B., on 1 December 1974. C. D. Glynne-Jones is Director of Exstock Ltd, Nottingham. Rabbi Dr D. Goldstein, associate minister of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, St John's Wood, holds a research position in the department of Oriental printed books and MSS, the British Library. J. J. Graley has left Alcan and is at the London Business School. Professor Cecil Grayson last year won (the first Englishman to do so) the international Galileo Galilei prize for outstanding scholarship in Italian studies by a non-Italian. P. M. Grimsditch is following an interpreter's course in London. H . N . Grindrod is a member of the Lord Chancellor's advisory committee on legal aid, advice and assistance. 17

E. P. Gush has been appointed Director of Stewart and Lloyds, South Africa, Ltd. D. J. A. Hallam is teaching at Green Gate School, Mexico City. J.E. Hancock is now County Solicitor to Tyne and Wear C.C. N. J. Hanley is with Malden District Council as a Planning Officer. Air Vice-Marshal R. P. Harding is at the Royal College of Defence Studies, London. J. M. Hardman is Head of Chemistry, Reading School. C. Harrison has moved to a Japanese training company importing and exporting machinery. J. W. Harrison has been seconded from the B.B.C. to the Ministry of Defence to set up the new television channel for the British Forces in Germany. M. E. Hawthorne is working for his D.Phil. at Cambridge. Sir Claude Hayes retired in January 1975 as Chairman of the Crown Agents. The Revd W. P. Head is at Haslemere Preparatory School, Surrey. J. P. Hearn, who last year obtained the M.Phil. at the University of Kent, is teaching Economics at South East Essex Sixth Form College. J. M. Heggadon has joined the board of Thomas Ness Ltd (a subsidiary of the NCB) as marketing director. I. G. Heggie has been elected a Fellow of St Cross College. The Revd J. F. Hester has been appointed Vicar of Brighton. C. R. Hewitt is teaching Chemistry at Bishop Hannon R.C. High School, Cardiff. W. N. Hillier-Fry has been H.M. Consul-General, Hamburg, since November 1974. C. J. Hodgkinson has an appointment with Lloyds Bank Ltd. P. Hodson is now with Leak, Almond and Parkinson, solicitors, Manchester. Lt.-Col. G. J. Insley is now Chief Education Officer, H.Q. North-east District, York. L. A. Jackson is in the Personnel Office, Nottinghamshire C.C. D. M. Jacobs is now Secretary of the Anglo-Jewish Association. C. J. B. James is Head of English, King Edmund's School, Bristol. P. Janson-Smith is now with the Oxford University Press, Ely House, W.l. D. S. Jarvis has won a Thouron Award and is at the University of Pennsylvania for 1975-76. B. K. Jeffery (sometime Hearne Senior Scholar) is Vicente Canada Blanch Senior Research Fellow, and is being assisted in his research by a grant from the Leverhulme Fund. D. H. Johnson has joined Bristol-Meyers Ltd. N. G. Johnson is an executive with the Orion Bank. A. N. Jones was admitted in April as an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. B. Jones has an appointment with Benton and Bowles. D. N. Jones, having obtained the appropriate professional qualifications, is doing social work in Nottingham. 18

P. C. H. Jones is a personnel officer with Rhodesia Oxygen, Salisbury, Rhodesia. R. Kemp is no w Managing Director, Armstrong Cork Co. Ltd., Uxbridge. G. E. A. Kentfield has switched to the U.K. side of the Bank of England, and is concerned with monetary policy. D. J. Kirwan is working for LC.L. Systems Programming Division, Bracknell. G. J. Lally is in the Social Services Division of the Liverpool Corporation. T. S. Lavender is Secretary to the Governor (Permanent Secretary for External Affairs), British Solomon Islands. P. D. Lawrence is Director of Sixth Form Studies, The Purbeck School, Wareham, Dorset. D. A. Leggatt has a marketing appointment with Unilever. P. R. Lewis is now at the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment, Fort Halstead, Kent. , Canon T. A. Littleton has resigned as Rural Dean of Richmond, ¡ but remains Rector of Croft, Co. Durham. W. J. H. Liversidge is Town Mayor of Abingdon, Oxon. A. R. J. Lloyd is a Director of Urwick, Orr and Partners (U.K.) Ltd. J. C. Lowe is now Principal Lecturer in History, Oxford Polytechnic. P. Lush is taking a two-year course in Town and Regional Planning at Sheffield University. D. Mack is doing a diploma course in Personnel Management at the L.S.E. R. F. Mackay has been promoted to Reader in Modern History, University of St Andrews. A. J. Mackichan is a stockman at Hill Farm (Suffolk) Ltd. D. L. Maidment is Chief of Editorial Services, U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bankok. P. S. Malin is teaching English at Cherwell School, Oxford. The Revd Dr R. A. Mason has been appointed Senior Tutor and Tutor in charge of Old Testament and Hebrew, Regent's Park College, Oxford. A. M. Mathieson has been appointed Staff Officer (Personnel) with the Lincolnshire Area Health Authority. The Revd M. W . Matthews is now Lecturer in the Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Nairobi. K. F. McCormac was called to the bar in July 1974; he is now Court Clerk with the Notts Magistrates' Courts Committee. J. M. McElheran has been promoted Assistant Solicitor in the Dept. of Industry. A. J. McGaw is studying at the Chartered Institute of Secretaries. J. N. McManus is Deputy Chi ef Education Officer for the Royal Borough of Kingston-on-Thames. K. I. Meldrum is now Director of Recreation, Greater Manchester County. D. M. Meredith has articles with Robt. B. Grayson and Sons, solicitors, Sheffield. 19

¡ E. J. Meynell is assistant master at the Judd School, Tonbridge. R. G. Miller has been working around Australia since 1973; he returned to the U.K. at Easter. G. Mitford-Barberton has been elected Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. H. 0 . Mohammed has been appointed Chairman of the Statutory Corporations ¡ Standing Tenders Board, Nigeria. p. L. Morgan is now a technical author with I.C.L. N. J. Morley has been H.M. Consul in the British Embassy, Hanoi. B. T. C. Morris, after nine years service with the Scripture Union of Ghana, is teaching biology at Eastbourne College. P. F. Newton has an appointment with Messrs. Boots. R. P. O'Brien is Head of English, Easingwold School, N .Yorks. M. J. Ockenden has become L.R.A.M. P. 0. O'Donovan is with Midi-Nautilus (locations de bateaux de plaisance), Agde-la-Tamarissiere, France. The Revd K. C. Oliver is now Vicar of Clymping, Sussex. R. M. Oliver is Deputy Marketing Manager , Guinness Jamaica Ltd. M. A . Pannell is Senior Software Designer with Raytheon-Cessor Data Systems, Harlow. P. St. J. Parker has an appointment with the Norwich Department of Social Security. M. W. Parkin is Head Master of Deacon's School, Peterborough. R. S. Paul has been in Johannesburg with African Oxygen since 1973. N. Pegram has left Harrington Crane Ltd and is wholly occupied with 'show biz' (ITV etc.). R. D. Peverett is a governor of Woottonley House School, Canterbury, and is on the Training Committee of the Inc. Assoc. of Prep. Schools and on the council administering comprehensive schooling in the Cranbrook area. D. G. Phillips, who is Head of Sixth Form and Head of German at Chipping Norton School, has been seconded to the Oxford University Department of Educational Studies for 1975-76. D. P. Picksley is with Coty Ltd as Export Shipping Manager. D. P. Piper has joined the National Environment Research Council as a G~ologist in the Mineral Assessment Unit. A. T. G. Pocock has left the 0.U.P. and is now Managing Director, Faber and Faber Ltd. J. Prebble is Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Auckland, N.Z. The Ven K. R. Prebble is now Vicar of All Saints, Wellsford, N.Z. L. L. Pressler is Member of the U .S. Congress, lst District of South Dakota. The Revd R. G. Pusey has retired from being Team Vicar of Malvern Link wit4 Cowleigh. J. R. Rennison is studying for the Ph.D. in linguistics at Salzburg University. N. M . Ribeiro is at Eastleigh Technical College acquiring qualifications for a medical course.


T . R. R . Richards has a new company, Harrington Coachpainters, specializing in restoration of pre-1920 traction engines and horse-drawn vehicles . P. G. D. Robbins is now Managing Director, Integrated Maintenance Ltd. R. H . Robinson is with Peat Marwick Mitchell, accountants. K. H. Ross is now Chief Solicitor for the Tayside Region. H. W . Rye is working for the jazz magazine Storyville. The Ven R. L. Sharp became Archdeacon of Dorset on 1 January. J. C. D. Sherratt is Assistant Chief Social Development Officer, Warrington New Town. M. H. Sibson has been a graduate trainee with Mitsui. R. M. Siedle is now running Robin Siedle Associates, a public relations consultancy, in Johannesburg. The Revd R. M. W. Skinner is now Priest-in-charge of Condover, Hereford diocese. A. L. Sloane is spending 1975-76 as lay assistant to the Archbishop of Cape Town. W. P. Smith has left Fairey Surveys, and has become Adviser on Surveying and Mapping to the United Nations, New York. T. P. C. Stibbs is an administrative assistant at Manchester University. M. J. C. Streatfield joined The Nature Conservancy Council in January 1975. K. L. Suddaby has been promoted General Manager, Grocery Group, Co-op. Wholesale Society Ltd., Manchester. N . B. Swanepoel is a management trainee with the Anglo-American Corporation in Johannesburg. R. B. Tait is at the University of Cape Town completing his Engineering course. D. J. Theobald is at K.I.E. Nairobi, Kenya , for three years. H. W. Thomas has been appointed (from 1.1.76) Headmaster of Sale Grammar School. R. G. Thomas is Promotion Director, Atlantic, with Newsweek International. A. W. J. Thomson is Lecturer in Applied Economics at Glasgow University. N. R. Thorp has an appointment in the Library of Glasgow University. A. M. Tod was · a Schoolmaster-Fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge, during the summer term 1975 . P;. J. Toogood is Area Education Officer, W. Dorset. Col. A. J. Trythall is engaged, inter alia, in writing a biography of Major-General J. F. C. Fuller. G. H. Turner works for the administration of the Stock Exchange. J. A. Turner is with the Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal. D. P. Vaughan is assistant to the Personnel Manager, Commercial British Airways. K. E. Vipas, having passed the Law · examination, is now working as a solicitor. D. H. E. Wainwright is · Director of Information; Social Sciences Research Council.


W. Wallace retired in 1973. C. J. Ward is now French Adviser at Hagley Middle School, near Stourbridge. The Revd Canon C. N. Wardle-Harpur, though retired, has been working three days a week with Missions for Seamen. C. J. Weir has been appointed Second Master, Sedbergh School. D. G. West has been promoted from Assistant Professor to Professor of French, McMaster University, Canada. R. E. White has been appointed University Lecturer in Soil Science and Fellow of St Cross College. C. C. B. Wightwick has been appointed Headmaster of King's College School, Wimbledon. M. Willcock is Director of Music, Churcher's College, Petersfield. The Revd M. J. Williams is now on the staff of a parish near Crediton, Devon, as well as on the staff of Tiverton Parish Church. J. Willis-Richards is serving the Government of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony as an Administrative Officer. A. T. de B. W'ilmot became Managing Director, Cornerstone Organisations Ltd, in January 1975. E. P. Wilson (sometime Lecturer) is now a Fellow of Worcester College (in English Language). The Revd D. G. Wilson is Chaplain to the Handicapped, R.C. diocese of Westminster. Professor G. R. Wilson-Knight visited the U.S.A. in April and gave his dramatic lecture-recital 'Shakespeare's Dramatic Challenge' at fourteen universities. S. Wong has been appointed a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. J. Wood has an appointment as a statistician at Rothamsted. A. P. M. Woodward is now working for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. E. L. Wright has relinquished his boarding house at Dover College after fifteen years tenure. S. Young is training for ordination in the Church of England. MARRIAGES J. R. Baldwin and Vivien Margaret Noble, at Cupar Baptist Church, Fife, on 14 July 1973. S. J. Bedford and Ruth Hockridge, at Camberley, Surrey, on 31 August 1974. J. R. Berryman and Alberta Humes, at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Nassau, on 17 May 1973. D. N. Bourne-Jones and Hilary Clare Marsh, at St Matthews, Hastings, on 2 August 1975. C. D. H. Bryant and Barbara Anne Ashmore, at St Lawrence's, Seal Chart, nr. Sevenoaks, on 7 October 1972. J. Creek and Hilary Turner, on 25 January 1975. G. M. Day and Miss M. A. Clifford, at Tunbridge Wells, on 13 June 1975. 22

T. 0. Godeseth and Valerie Deeley, in the Hall Chapel (the Principal officiating), on 11 January 1975. D. F. Goldsmith and Janice Baxter, in Radley College Chapel, on 26 July 1975. T. C. Grove and Valerie, in London, on 14 June 1975. C. M. Harrison and Fiona M. Dorosz, on 3 May 1975. C. R. Hewitt and Carolyn Davies, at All Saints, Cardiff, on 31 April 1975. R. V. Jackson and Carolyn Harvey, at Ferran, Cornwall, on 26 July 1975. D. M. Jacobs and Marion Sally Davis, at Wembley Liberal Synagogue, on 29 September 1974. L. Jirasek and Irena Fiedler, at Prague, in 1973. G. A. D. McPherson was married in autumn 1974. K. I. Meldrum and Elisabeth Mayo, on 22 February 1975. R. P. 0. O'Brien and Jane Finch, at Sheffield, on 28 March 1970. J. Parr (1971) and Alice Fuller, at St Helen's Parish Church, St Helen's, on 21 November 1974. L. Scholl and Christine Junge, at Gi:ittingen, W. Germany, in September 1974. M. D. Shipster and Jaquelynne Mann, in Gaborone, Botswana, on 17 March 1974. R.H. Smith and Gillian Sheila Johnson, on 4 January 1975. R. M. Sutton and Joy Ann Bowden, on 27 July 1974. P. M. A. Temporal and Fenella Davies, at St Cross with St Peter-inthe-East, Oxford, on 14 June 1975. G. H. Turner and Margaret Donaldson, at St Michael and All Angels, Hinley, Staffs., on 31 May 1975. BIRTHS J. F. Adey: two children, Helen (4 years) and Matthew (5 months), both adopted. D. W. Alder: a son, Jonathan, on 14 October 1974. M. L. Andrews: a second child, Katherine, on 1 June 1975. W. T. Andrews~ a daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth, on 13 January 1975 (her father's birthday). J. R. Berryman: a daughter, Melissa, on 10 April 1974. A. E. Birks-Hay: a son, Paul, on 2 April 1975. ¡v. A. Bulbeck: two adopted sons, Nicholas now seven, Matthew four. P.A. Coleridge: a daughter, Jessica Elizabeth, in March 1975. D. J. S. Cooksey: a daughter, Leanda, on 19 May 1974. M. J. Corden: a son, in January 1975. A. J. Davis: a son, Matthew Charles, on 1 July 197 4. F. P. Ferguson: a second child, Hazel Ann, on 11June1974. M. B. Foxon: a daughter, Jane Victoria, on 9 March 1975. S. R. Garrett: Luke Jarlath, adopted/born 19 May 1974, and Sanchia Marianne, on 20 May 1975. Alec V. Georgiadis: a second son, Nicholas, on 8 November 1974. R. D. Haddon: twins, Joe and Alice, on 9 December 1974. 23

J.M. Hardman: a second daughter, Johanna Bernice, on 22 May 1975. R. A. Jordan: a daughter, Susanna Marjorie, on 3 July 1974. M. P. Littleton: a son, Paul James, on 8 August 1974. J. H. Lovell: a second daughter, Helen Warren, on 27 August 1974. J. F. Mcintyre : a son, Andrew Richard, on 24 May 197 4. M. Morrow: a daughter, Benedicta, on 20 May 1975. R. Norton: a daughter, Helena Kate, on 26 May 1975. M. A. Pannell: a son, Christopher James, on 3 April 1975. R. L. Phillippo: a son, Mark William, on 1 December 1974. D. R. Plowright: a second child, Andrew John, on 30 July 1974. B. G. Potter: a daughter, Victoria Margaret, on 14 February 1975. D. V. Rumbelow: a second daughter, Elizabeth Jane, on 7 March 1975. J.C. D. Sherratt: a daughter, Joanna, on 4 April 1975. C.R. Sneddon: a daughter, Fiona Mary, on 29 March 1975. D. P. Vaughan: a daughter, Katherine Ann, on 18 April 1975. J. Walters: a son, Richard, on 13 February 1975. R. C. Wright: a son, Simon Alexander, on 23 October 1974. OBITUARIES THE FOLLOWING DEATHS are recorded with regret: Arthur Lindsay Clegg, M.A., B.C.L., exhibitioner 1923-26, sometime Town Clerk of Bournemouth and Justice of the Peace, died on 5 February 1975, aged 70. The Revd Arthur Benjamin Dex, M.A., commoner 1923-26, Hon. Canon of Blackburn, 1960-70, died on 11 August 1973, aged 70. Paul Gilbert l'Espinasse, M.A., commoner 1918-19 and 1925-29, sometime Professor of Zoology at the University of Hull, died on 10 May 1974, aged 74. Charles Herbert Jenner, K.i.H., . M.A., died on 8 January 1975. Educated at St Edward's School, of which he was later a Governor, he served in the army in India in the First War, and then was in business in that country. On retirement he was Bursar of Radley College for many years, and was Bursar of the Hall 1949-53. Benjamin Charles William Johnson, M.A., commoner 1919-21, for forty years assistant master (Senior English Master, for thirty-three years housemaster, for a term Acting Headmaster) of Wrekin College, died on 10 February 1975, aged 79. The Revd Wilfrid Evelyn Lambeth, commoner 1914-15 and 1919-21, Hon. Canon of Carlisle 1945-48 and Vicar of St Paul's, Swindon, 1948-58, died on 16 January 1974, aged 82. The Revd Edward James Reece Lutley, B.A., commoner 1900-3, Vicar of Hewish, Som., 1920-53, died on 22 July 1969. The Revd Lloyd Roberts McDermid, commoner 1915-18, President of the J.C.R., who served in the dioceses of Durham, York and Ripon, died on 13 April 1975, aged 81. The Revd Ernest Glanville Mortimer, M.A., commoner 1907-11, whose grandfather, eldest brother, cousin, nephew, great-nephew and son were all at.the Hall, and who held livings in the dioceses of Bristol, Oxford and Exeter, died on 3 May 1975, aged 86. 24

Herbert Alexander Triffit, B.A., commoner 1922-25, died on 20 November 1974, aged 72. Stephen John Roberts, exhibitioner in Physics 1972-75, formerly of Aylesbury Grammar School, who was active in rowing, football and acting, died after a motor-cycle accident on 2 January 1975, aged 22. The Revd John Irving Stuttaford, B.A., commoner 1906-9, died on 26 June 1975, aged 88. Ordained at Exeter in 1912, he served in that diocese till his retirement in 1961, except for 1930-36, when he was Chaplain to the R.A.F. The Revd Ernest George Gregory Swann, O.S.B., B.A., commoner 1906-9, monk of Ampleforth, died on 31 March 1974, aged 86. Robert Charles Thomas, B.A., commoner 1926-30, captain of Hockey 1928-29 and an Occasional, Headmaster of Hereford Cathedral Preparatory School 1947-73, died on 15 September 1974, aged 66. Anthony Charles Whitby, B.A., scholar 1949-52, graduate student of Nuffield . College 1952-54, died on 25 February 1975, aged 45. After a period in the Civil Service, he joined the B.B.C., and from 1969 was Controller of B.B.C. Radio 4. He wrote several plays, including The Breadwinner, under the pseudonym 'Tony Lesser'. George Henry William White, M.A., commoner 1930-33, died on 11 July 1973, aged 61. A schoolmaster by profession, he served in India and Burma in World War II, and from 1950 to 1973 was Head of the English Department, Shene Grammar School, Richmond, Surrey.





Captain: T. R. LUCAS

Secretary: T. R. LucAs

Treasurer: S. C. BUTLER

Steward: N. C. G. RoDLIFFE

ALTHOUGH THE 1974-75 season will not count as the most successful in the Hall's history, there were some notable achievements. In November the First VIII won the Christ Church Regatta in convincing fashion, but owing to an accident at the start on the third day failed to maintain this form in Torpids. Eights Week also proved disappointing for all Hall eights, although bumps were made by the Sixth, Fifth and Third ('Vikings'). There was universal rejoicing, however, when J. N. Calvert was chosen to cox the Blue Boat against Cambridge. ¡Officers for 1975-76- Captain: C. M. Jones; Vice-Captain: J. G. Ibbotson; Secretary: R. D. Warren; Treasurer: A. R. Hargreaves; Steward: F. A. Brown. T.R.L.




League Captain: A. J. WALKER Secretary: A. P. JORDAN Treasurer: R. GRETTON UNFORTUNATELY, THIS proved to have been probably the least distinguished season for the Club for over ten years. Injuries dogged it throughout both terms , compounding the gaps caused by the demands of the O.U.R.F.C. As a result the First XV finished fifth in Michaelmas Term, and the only high spots were the Blues won by D. W. Mackenzie and J. A. Taylor. In Hilary Term Cuppers again eluded the Hall and it was disappointing, after the excellent victories achieved earlier in term over Oxford Thursdays and Brize Norton (R.A.F.), to have to yield to Keble in the semi-final. As usual, however, the Hall's strength in depth was reflected, first, in the continued reign of the Second XV as the best in the University and, secondly, by winning the University Sevens in great style. Officers for 1975-76-Captain: C. H. Pretty; Secretaries: F. L. Barber and C. A. Hughes. A.P.J. and R.G.


THE ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB Cuppers Captain: D. P. WALTERS League Captain: C. L. AMOR Secretary: N. D. LAING IT IS FAIR comment that the Hall dominated University Football during the 1974-75 season with B. Thomas captaining the Varsity at Wembley, M. J. Davies winning his second Blue for football, and P. E. Kent succeeding to the Varsity captaincy for the next season. In the League the First XI lost only one match and finished runners-up in the final table, ¡ while the Second XI recovered from a poor start to take third place in their competition. In Hilary Term the Hall completed a Cuppers double, winning both the First and Second XI events. As enthusiasm is high among players and supporters, and as few are leaving, prospects for next season seem bright. Officers for 1975-76- League Captain: J. W. Ramsey; Secretaries: J. A. B. Gray and G. M. Preston. N.D.L.

THE HOCKEY CLUB Captain: M. SLATER S ecretary: C. E. A. REDDICK THOUGH ENJOYABLE, the season was not as successful as hoped. In Cuppers, after convincingly disposing of Christ Church, the team was unlucky to lose to Worcester in the quarter-final on penalty strokes. Despite atrocious weather, some League matches were played and it was evident that the full team, when fielded, was capable of gaining promotion, but too often other activities took precedence and the Club had to be content with holding its place in the Second Division. Officers for 1975-76--Captain: M. Slater; Secretary: R. J. Lane. C.E.A.R. THE CRICKET CLUB Cuppers Captain: D. P. WALTERS Secretary: I. J. MIDGLEY THE CLUB had a disappointing season, winning only two matches, against the Troughers and the Waggoners. The dilemma, as always, was to find a balance between picking capable teams and giving a regular game to all the keen players. In Cuppers the Hall was eliminated in the second round, having had a bye in the first. The blame for failure to impress throughout the rest of the season can be laid at the door of established players who proved unreliable in either performance or availability. There were some noteworthy individual performances: D. P. Walters (103 * v Churchill, Cambridge); I. J. Midgley (53* v. Troughers and 47 v. Stoics); F. L. Barber (35 v. Mansfield) and T. Ryder 27

(5 for 8 v. Churchill); C. A. Penwarden bowled encouragingly without a great deal of support. F. L. Barber and C. A. Penwarden have been appointed Captain and Secretary respectively for 1976 season. I.J.M. THE ATHLETICS CLUB Captain: M. L. E. FOXTON Secretary: C. M. LIZIERI EVEN BY HALL standards, the Club had a remarkable season, completing a Cuppers double. In Hilary Term the Relays Cup was easily retained, while the Athletics Cup itself was recovered in June after a year's absence. The victory was close, being secured, against the combined Merton/Mansfield side, by a mere point and a half in the last event. Colours were awarded to J. N. Goater, P. R. Edwards, J. F. Dykes, J. D. T. Rose, C. M. Lizieri, M. A. Perryman, G. W. Chapman, M. L. E. Foxton, A . P. Jordan and P. H. Tudor. C.M.L. THE SQUASH RACQUETS CLUB Captain: w. L. EDDLESTONE Secretary: R. J. HAMMOND THE REVIVAL OF Hall squash which began last year was continued this season; the game has grown more popular in college, and a ladder which has been started received enthusiastic response. For the second season in succession the Club remained unbeaten in the League, and this season won the third division title, dropping only three points. In Cuppers it was unlucky in meeting the favourites in the early stages, and suffered its only defeat of the season. Colours were awarded to K. H. Auckland and W. R. Cooke, and the former will take over as Secretary next year. W.L.E. THE TENNIS CLUB Captain: A. s. LOWENTHAL Secretary: C. H. M. OULTON THE CLUB maintained the high standard of previous years, all five University players of last year being still up and several talented freshmen adding strength in depth. Owing to Schools, it was unfortunately obliged to concede the last three League matches and thus bring its unbeaten run to an end. The Hall, however, convincingly won Cuppers, defeating last year's victors (St John's) 5-1 in the Final. Officers for 1976- Captain: W. R. Cooke; Secretary: E. G. Wareing. R.T.M.M.



Captain: c. BURDON Secretary: G. J. SHAW THIS PROVED to be a most successful season for the Club, and the Hall retained the Cup for a second year. In spite of the enforced absence of the Captain (who was also Captain of the Blues' side), the Club showed strength in depth by gaining promotion for the third year in succession, this time to the First Division. G.J.S.


Captain: R. T. M. MOORE Secretary: R. I. CORNER THERE wAS little success for any of the four teams this season, there being only a very small pool of players keen enough to play each week. In Cuppers, for the third year running, the Hall got no further than the second round. Officers for 1975-76- Captain : S. J. Burnett; Secretary: G. Vanes. R.I.C.


Captain: T. A. DOWNES Secretary: D. P. PIPER Technical Adviser: A. G. SHIPTON THE CLUB had a more lively season than for several years, entering two pairs for the revived Cuppers competition. Both were quickly eliminated, but the improved understanding of the subtle, tactical nature of the game made the humiliation bearable. Captain for 1975-76: D. N. Holmes.






PERHAPS THE only purpose of this report is to say that the Club is, at the moment, 'standing still'. There has not been much activity down at the old corral this year; no adventurous rodeo riders have come forward; we seem to have been flogging a dead horse (Editor sic!). C.R.W.




IN THIS, only its second season, the Club showed itself to be one of the strongest college teams, finishing near the top of the First Division of the Inter-college League. An early defeat in Cuppers by Queen's should spur us to greater efforts next year. Captain for 1975-76: A. M. R. Stone. A.M.R.S.

THE CROSS-COUNTRY CLUB Captain: J. C. LEWIS Secretary: D. L. ROSEN THIS WAS a mixed season for the Hall. In Michaelmas Term there were some poor turn-outs in the League races, and the Hall was narrowly defeated in Cuppers by St Catherine's. In December, however, four members of the Club, financially assisted by Amalgamated Clubs, took part in an international competition in Paris. In Hilary Term the Hall achieved fourth place in its own relay, being the highest placed Oxford college, and fourth place again in the Selwyn relay at Cambridge. At Hyde Park the Hall was 71st out of over one hundred teams from at home and abroad. The Club also repaid the hospitality received in Paris, entertaining and racing against some thirty Frenchmen. Officers for 1975-76- Captain: J. Taylor; Secretary: L. J. Hall. D.L.R.

THE ST EDMUND HALL ROAD RELAY THIS YEAR'S relay, held on 5 February, attracted 24 teams from places like Bristol, Guildford and Warwick, as well as from a good number of Oxford Colleges and from Queens' College, Cambridge. The 2t mile lap started and finished in the Parks. The Hall team were only fourteenth after the second leg, but J. Goater, who ran the fastest lap of the day, pulled up to fourth position. J. Taylor retained this on the last leg, and the Hall was the first Oxford college home in overall fourth position. D.L.R.

THE SAILING CLUB Secretary: J. N. GANNAWAY THE CLUB had another very quiet season this year, but in Cuppers, although the team was assembled at short notice, the Hall came third out of the four in its group. J.N.G.


THE CHESS CLUB Captain: P. M. SAINS FOR THE second season running, despite an influx of enthusiastic freshmen, the Hall found it difficult to muster a full-strength team on all occasions. In the League erratic play kept the team not far above the middle of the competition, while in Cuppers a sub-strength team was unlucky to lose 3t-2t to Jesus College. P.M.S.

THE BRIDGE CLUB Captain: D. ANDERSON Secretary: P. DESMOND DESPITE THE wealth of talent emerging from a Freshmen's team, the Club did not find adequate form for Cuppers this year, its teams being knocked out by St John's III and Brasenose II in the first round. P.D.

THE LIDDON SOCIETY President: A. L. SLOANE AT THE first meeting of the year a large and diverse audience heard Bishop John Robinson discoursing on 'Which way will the ball roll?', a title which he made refer to the future of society. At another meeting Miss Denlegh-Maxwell, of the Church Army, highlighted the problems of our present society. Although the meeting was poorly attended, those who were present were given a vivid picture of the varied work of the Church Army ;ind of the extent of its activities. It is perhaps a sign of the times that current social problems were again the subject of the final meeting, at which Professor Sir Hans Krebs reviewed the attitude of authorities (including those of the Church and theology) towards criminology, and reassessed the influences which contribute to criminal tendencies. The annual visit to the church and well at Binsey had to be omitted owing to the President's involvement with Schools. A.L.S.

THE CHRISTIAN UNION AMONG THE specific activities of the Hall group was an evening of Christian entertainment entitled 'The Shores of Galilee'. The link-up at Cheney School was continued, with much closer ties between the two Unions, which have jointly put on two assemblies and some lunchtime meetings. A graduate member of the College, the Revd P. Rogers, gave much useful help. S.A.H.


THE HEARNE SOCIETY President: J. H. E. COLTON Secretary: J. c. SAUNDERS THE YEAR started on a rather sombre, though somehow witty, note, with the Revd Professor J. McManners (Ch. Ch.-but Emeritus Fellow, S.E.H.) presenting a paper on attitudes to death in eighteenth-century France, the subject of the inaugural lecture he was to give later in term. He was followed in November by Michael Howard (All Souls), who drew far the largest attendance of the year when speaking ('Can wars be just?') about attitudes to warfare through the ages. Michaelmas Term ended with a wide-ranging paper, 'Oliver Cromwell in History and Legend', from Blair Worden, who has magnificently filled the gap left by Dr Ramsay's regretted departure at the end of last year. Trinity Term saw the welcome appearance of Dr Max Hartwell (Nuffield), defending his 'optimistic' view of the Industrial Revolution. The year's discussions were concluded with a visit by Dr Piers Mackesy (Pembroke), who talked of problems encountered in the conduct of maritime operations at the turn of the nineteenth century. The end of Trinity Term saw the highlight of the Society's activities, the annual dinner, with short and scintillating speeches from Dr Worden, the Revd H. E. J. Cowdrey and the President. J.C.S.

THE MUSIC SOCIETY President: P. J. Gow Secretary: B. ST. J. TRAFFORD Treasurer: C. W. HIND A wiDE VARIETY of musical styles was presented in the three concerts which the Society mounted during the year. The first, in Michaelmas Term, was a performance of Songs of Yale for close harmony and Scott Joplin Rags arranged for a small band. Hilary Term saw the staging of a larger venture altogether. A guest conductor, Michael Smedley, directed a programme consisting of Handel's Concerto Grosso Op. 6 No. 9, Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante and Haydn's 'Hornsignal' symphony. The orchestra included some of Oxford's best players, and throughout Oxford the concert was reckoned one of the outstanding college performances of the term. A third, more ambitious orchestral concert was mounted in Trinity Term. It consisted of a programme of Classical and Romantic music: Beethoven's 'Egmont' Overture, Weber's Bassoon Concerto, with Ian Leckie as soloist, and Schumann's 'Rhenish Symphony'. P. J. Gow conducted with the greatest of skill, and indeed it was as a result of his direction that the Society came to life again during the past year. B.St.J.T.


THE MUSIC CLUB President: A. R. McGREGOR Secretary: c. R. RUSSELL AFTER A tentative start in Michaelmas Term the Club's amalgamation with Lady Spencer Churchill College Music Society was finally put on a firm footing. Of the fortnightly joint meetings at both colleges several were particularly successful, including two musical quizzes run on the lines of television's 'Face the Music' and two guest evenings given by the Dean. The highlight of Trinity Term was the annual dinner, for which the Club was fortunate to have the composer, Bryan Kelly, as guest speaker. Further, in Trinity Term a journey to the Royal Festival Hall was arranged (by hired coach), and proved so successful as to suggest similar trips, at least once a term, in the future. A.R.M. and C.R.R. THE JOHN OLDHAM SOCIETY President: D. N. HOLMES Secretary: R. A. HUFTON THE YEAR began with a slight set-back when the previously arranged production for the term, Measure for Measure, fell through. An alternative production, however, was proposed by P. M. Sains, who made his directing debut with the little performed Restoration tragedy, Venice Preserved, by Thomas Otway in the eighth week. Hilary Term saw another directing debut, that of Rajiv Mehrota. Breaking completely with the Society's growing tradition of performing Elizabethan and Jacobean plays, he directed a production of Charles Marowitz's An Othello. This exciting, almost workshop production proved an unqualified success, in terms both of acclaim and reaction and of size of audience (people having to be turned away on both the last two nights). In Trinity Term the Society remained ostensibly inactive. In fact, however, a large number of its members were 'hiding out in the Playhouse' under the disguise of the E.T.C., which had accepted R. Mehrota's project for its summer major (a success which was, in no small way, due to the reputation gained for him by An Othello). The experience of having a major production, while highly enjoyable and interesting, does serve to emphasize the advantage of playing an active part in a small, compact Society like the John Oldham, in which one can act one term, work the lights the next, and be Production Manager in the third. The Society expresses thanks and good wishes to T. A. Downes and A. G. Shipton.

D.N.H. THE ART COMMITTEE President: A. G. SHIPTON Secretary: A . J. WALKER ONLY ONE exhibition was held during 1974-75, owing to the postponement of the scheme to hold exhibitions of sculpture in the crypt of St Peter-in-the-East. This was a show of oil and pastel landscape paint33

ings by a Cambridge artist, Allan Dorian Clarke, which proved successful and attracted many visitors. The Hall collection itself was considerably increased, in Michaelmas Term a fine collage by Ian Black, entitled 'Large Artefact', being purchased, and at the end of Hilary Term a set of lithographs for permanent display in the J.C.R. These latter included 'Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night' by Ceri Richards (an interesting complement to the Chapel altar-piece), a 'Horse and Rider' by Elizabeth Frink, a strange design by Graham Sutherland, and a large lithograph by the late Dame Barbara Hepworth. Next year it is hoped to return to the full programme of two exhibitions every term. The new President is A. R. Hargreaves and the new Secretary C. W. Hind. A.G.S. THE COSMOGRAPHERS President: J. P. ROBERTS ALTHOUGH THE activities of the Cosmographers as a whole have declined in recent years, a pleasant and sober evening was spent in Hilary Term when the geographers of the Hall and of the women's colleges met for their annual cocktail party. J.P.R.


THE AULARIAN BOOKSHELF THE LIBRARY has been enriched during the past year by a number of very acceptable gifts. We would particularly like to thank the Principal, to whom we are indebted for his gift of a set of the 15th ed. of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, a most valuable and welcome addition to the reference section. Also Dr Emden for over 100 books, journals and papers; Dr R. T. C. Worsley for a further gift of 88 volumes for the 'Emden Collection' ; Mr and Mrs G. E. Roberts for giving 26 volumes for the physics section, in memory of their son Stephen John; Mr E. L. H. Kentfield for 28 volumes on French and German literature; and the Revd T . J. Childs for 25 books on theology. We also thank the following for giving copies of their publications: J. W. ALLAN-Incised wares of Iran and Anatolia in the llth and 12th c. (offprint) 1974; Some observations on the origins of medieval Persian faience body (offprint) 1974. J. BARNES- Law Reform Commission of Canada (offprint) 1975. J. F. BLEASDALE- Dog Saturday and other poems, 1975. M. BOURDEAUX-with X. Howard-Johnston, Aida of Leningrad, 1972. W. V. BRELSFORD-ed., Handbook to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1960. M. S. CHILD (Fellow)- Molecular collision theory, 1974. J, P. D. DuNBABIN (Fellow)-Rural discontent in 19th c. Britain, 1974. D. EASTON-What they never told you about R.E., 1974. A. E. ELLIS-The chapel men, 1974; If thy right hand offend thee, 1974 (short stories). P. J. GRAVES-Disclaimers and paradoxes in Dilrrenmatt (offprint) 1974. C. J.M. R. GULLICK- Language and sentiment in Malta, 1974. N. S. HAILE- The recognition of former subduction zones in S.E. Asia (offprint) 1973. I. G. HEGGIE-with J. Rothenberg, The management of water quality and the environment, 1974. R. L. HILL-ed. with E. Toniolo, The opening of the Nile basin, 1974. H. M. N. H. IRVING (Emeritus Fellow)- Techniques of analytical chemistry, 1974. A. JENKINS-The Twenties, 1974. C. J. LAWLESS-Conditions of learning and response mode (offprint) 1975. J. McMANNERS (Emeritus Fellow)- with R. M. Crawford, The future of the Humanities in the Australian Universities, 1965. W. W. S. MARCH-God be in my head, 1975. A. I. MARSH (Fellow)- with B. Hillery and A. Kelly, Trade Union organisation in Ireland, 1974. M. W. MATTHEWS-Is there an indigenous theology in Africa? (offprint) 1975. W. B. MATTHEWS (Fellow)-with H. Miller, Diseases of the nervous system, 2nd ed., 1975; Practical neurology, 3rd ed. 1975; Recent advances in clinical neurology, No. 1, 1975 (ed.); Slow viruses and the human brain (offprint) 1975. 35

R. B. MITCHELL (Fellow)-Bede's account of the poet Caedmon (offprint) 1974; Two reviews: Millward, Imperative construction in O.E., 1974; and Sprockel, Language of the Barker Chronicle, 1974. S. A. NORTH-Henry Grinnel (offprint) 1974. N. C. POLLOCK (Fellow)-Animals, environment and man in Africa, 1974; This changingg world (offprint) 1974; W. M. Davis and his visit to Southern Africa in 1905 (offprint) 1974. L. PRESSLER-200th anniversary of the first Continental Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives. H. A. F. RADLEY-References to St. Edmund Hall compiled from Pevsner and Sherwood's Oxfordshire, 1975. G. D. RAMSAY (Emeritus Fellow)-The city of London in international politics at the accession of Elizabeth Tudor, 1975; The merchants of the Staple and the downfall of the English wool export traffic (offprint) 1974; Northern Europe (offprint) 1974; The publication of English records (offprint) 1960; A Royal Commission at Oxford? By 'Tom Jones' (offprint) 1959; The undoing of the Italian mercantile colony in 16th c. London (offprint). W. J. REA--The volcanic geology and petrology of Montserrat, West Indies (offprint) 1974. D. I. SCARGILL (Fellow)-The Dordogne region of France, 1974; Ed. with C. G. Smith, Oxford and its region, 1975; Ed., Problem regions of Europe, 2 vols, 1974, 1975. T. W. SILKSTONE-Bradley on relations (offprint) 1974. E. P. SMITH-Repairing antique clocks, 1973; Some versions of 'The Fall', 1973. J. D. Toon (Fellow)-Structural theory and analysis, 1974. D. TURNER--On the philosophy of Karl Marx, 1968. W. R. WESTON- Style of management in the probation and aftercare service (offprint) 1973. E. C. WHITAKER-Sacramental initiation complete in baptism, 1975. C. C. B. WIGHTWICK-with H. W. Strubelt, Herr Korner und seine Welt, 1974. W. S. C. WILLIAMS (Fellow)-with others, A search for GP-violating effects in the decays K±-7rr±ir0 ir 0 (offprint) 1973. In addition to the above we are very grateful for gifts to the library from: S.-J. Chen; Dr. M. S. Child (Fellow); L. Cummings; Dr. R. Fargher (Fellow); R. W. A. Leslie; W. J. H. Liversidge; S. A. McCann; Prof. H. E. Mason; A. I. Marsh (Fellow); Revd E. G. Midgley (Fellow); The Principal; Dr G. D. Ramsay (Emeritus Fellow); V. H. Ridler (Fellow); Prof. C. R. Ritcheson; Prof. A. Rudrum; Dr K. H. Segar (Fellow); A. L. Sloane; A. G. Shipton; R. B. Tait; Prof. J. B. Walmsley; C. J. Wells (Fellow); Dr A. B. Worden (Fellow).


THE SCHOOLS TRINITY TERM 1975 Honour School of Natu ral Science: Physics: Class II.: D. J. A. Cockerill, D. J. Hammond, D. W. Liniker, D. N. Powell. Class III: R. T. M. Moore. Chemistry: Part I (Unclassified Honours): A. W. Ayres, J; C. Boff, P. N. Mounsey, M. C. Mulford, D. D. Price, G. J. Shaw, A. C. Wadley. Pass: R. Perry. Part II: Class I: S. A. Fell, D. A. Leggett. Class II: L. J. Farrugia, J. M. Fisher, R. J. Henshaw. Engineerimg Science: Class II: D. J. Rogers. Class Ill: R. J. Hammond. Metallurgy: Part I (Unclassified Honours): J. N. Calvert, R. P. Farrar, D. A. Hamilton, P. J. Rogers, M. P. Watson. Part II: Class 1: N. D. Gregory, R. W. Series. Class II: D. W. Mackenzie, A. N. McGilvray. Physiological Sciences: Class II: S. P. Frostick, J. S. Pedersen. Geology: Class II.: J. B. Bennett, P. J. Betton, H. D. Evans, H. St. C. O'Neill, D. P. Piper, J. Willis-Richards. Honour School of Geography : Class II: S. S. Chandler, R. S. Monro, A. W. Riley, I. R. Smith, S. C. Taylor, A. J. Walker. Class III: S. A. North. Honour School of Jurisprudence: Class II: M. A. S. Blackburn, T. A. Downes, A. A. Harman, F. J. Robichaux, R. Stephenson, M. J. Wilding. Class Ill: M. L. E. Foxton, J. A. Griffiths, J. R. Kirkham, J. F. McGlashan. Honour School of Modern History: Class II: K. P. Copestake, C. R. Flood, P. J. Fouracre, C. J. Hodgkinson, R. A. Hones, P. N. Middleton, G. J. Price, A. N. Smith. Class Ill: R. E. C. Jones. Honour School of History and Economics: Class III: J. H. E. Colton. Honour School of History and Modern Languages: Class II: M. D. Booker. Honour School of Modern Languages: Class II: C. G. P. Beaven, D. G. Cater, L. Cummings, D. W. Edmondson, S. B. Fisher, N. L. T. Williams. Class Ill: R. I. Clements. Honour School of English Language and Literature: Class II: M. J. Davies, A. R. Dougall, P. W. Driver, A. D. Green, P. Phillips, A. G. Shipton, J. G. Trotman, M. A. S. Winter. Class III: C. A. Bowker, T. Y. Malik, D. S. Stevens. Honour School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Class II: M. A. Cannon, A. C. Cave, W. D. Cowan, P. M. Dendy, J. N . Goater, D. S. Jarvis, D. Mack, C. Sauer, W. R. Sheaff. Class Ill: J. F. Dykes, D. G. Miles. Honour School of Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology: Class II: B. Jones. Honour School of Experimental Psychology: Class II: J. R. Ashton. Honour School of Theology: Class II: P. B. Buckle, S. A. McCann, A. L. Sloane. 37

Honour School of Mathematics: Class II: H. G. Mason, P. A. Osborn, D. L. Rosen. Honour School of Mathematics and Philosophy: Class II: P. R. Gillett. Honour School of Human Sciences: Class II: M. R. Mandel. Honour School of Engineering and Economics: Class II: J. B. C. Lazenby. Class III: A. S. Lowenthal. MATRICULATIONS 1974 Scholars: Hall, Lawrence John (Bishopshalt Grammar School) Hooton, Michael John (Mesnes High School) McCartney, David Graham (Royal Belfast Academical Institution) Phillips, Pip Philip (Tiffin Boys' School) Robinson, Timothy Blyth (Bishop Holgate's Grammar School) Ryder, Trevor (Batley Boys' Grammar School) Watson, David Stuart (Salford Grammar Technical School)

Commoners: Ahmed, Rafiq (Dacca University) Albans, Keith Richard (Bilborough School) Al-Saadi, Basim Mohamed (Baghdad University) Anderson, David (Cheadle Hulme School) Auckland, Keith Howard (Oundle School) Austin, Brian (St Mirin's Academy, Paisley) Balfour, William Arthur (Eton College) Ballinger, Peter Terence (Burton-on-Trent Grammar School) Banks, Alan Richard Frederick (Windsor Grammar School) Barber, Franklin Lionel (Dulwich College) Begg, Desmond Glassford (Fettes College) Bodkin, John Hunter (Ampleforth College) Brett-Smith, Adam de la Falaise Brett (Westminster School) Brown, Christopher Ross (Fettes College) Brown, Francis Adam (Harrow School) Budden, Philip Stack Hanson (Charterhouse) Carter, Anthony John (King's School, Canterbury) Cerratti, Raoul (Reading University) Chadwick, Roland Andrew (Bolton School) Charlton, Brian (Selhurst Boys' High School) Clark, Graham Paul (Manchester Grammar School) Coldicott, Stephen Matthew (Cheltenham Colllege) Connoley, Mark Frederick (Glyn Grammar School, Ewell) Crosby, Alan George (Woking County Boys' School) Crossley, Timothy Martin (Bolton School) Cullum, Ian Derek (Sidcup Grammar School) Desmond, Peter (St Benedict's, Ealing) Drew, Jeffery Ross (Solihull School) Du Boulay, Thomas Robin (Ampleforth College) Dunford, Gerard Michael (Bishop Wordsworth's School)


Ede, James Edward (Westminster School) Edrich, Steven Peter (Norwich School) Eggar, Robert Neil Macdonald (Wellington College) Eggleston, Philip Andrew (Kimbolton School) Evans, Charles Edward (Burnley Grammar School) Evans, David Allan (Bexley Grammar School) Flood, Vaughan Howard (Dover Boys' Grammar School) Franklin, Michael (Royal Institute of Chemistry) Franklin, Peter Richard (St Paul's School) Fryer, Robert Arthur (Swanwick Hall Grammar School, Derby) Galindo-Uribarri, Salvador (University of Mexico) Garland, Surrey Thomas (Charterhouse) Gillingwater, Richard Dunnell (Chesterfield School) Gluckman, Michael Chuehmin (St Martin's School, Johannesburg) Gosling, Andrew Thomas (Radley College) Gray, Jeremy Anthony Bowman (Highgate School) Green, Brian Russell (llford Boys' County High School) Grossbard, Peter Richard (University of California) Handsley, Mark (Eastfields Boys' High School) Hanley, Nicholas John (Lancaster University) Hardy, Michael William (Harrow County Boys' Grammar School) Hargreaves, Andrew Raikes (Eton College) Hedges, Timothy Peter Edward (St Paul's School) Herbst, Thomas Richard (University of Erlangen) Herlihy, John Stuart (Brentwood School) Hewitson, John Featherstone (University of Wales) Hill, Peter Gerard (St Aidan's School, Sunderland) Hind, Charles Wheelton (Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood) Howard, Mark Jeremy (Sidcup Boys' Grammar School) Hufton, Robert Anthony (Leeds Grammar School) Hughes, Charles Anthony (Rydal School) Hui, Raymond Kin-Kui (Harvard University) Hutchinson, Stephen Marc (Dulwich College) Ibbotson, Jeremy Graeme (Monkton Combe School) Imeson, Douglas (Fitzwilliam Colleg.e, Cambridge) Inions, Edward Charles (Hutton Grammar School, Preston) Jeavons, Robert Anthony (Malvern College) Jennings, Daniel Hamilton (Latymer Upper School) Johnson, Stephen Howard (Newcastle on Tyne Royal Grammar School) Jones, Christopher Michael (Abingdon School) Joseph, Martin (Central London Polytechnic) Kelly, Richard Alexander (St Kevin's Comprehensive School, Kirkby) Kelsey, David John (Nottingham High School) Kennedy, Paul (Aylesbury Grammar School) Kent, Leslie John (Dover Boys' Grammar School) Khurshid, Salman (Delhi University) Kirby, Hugh Anthony (Tiffin Boys' School) Kramer, Michael Kenneth (University of California) Lane, Robert Julian (Marling School) Langstaff, Ronald Joseph (Kimbolton School)


Leaf, Frederick Arvid (Stanford University, California) Llewelyn, Derrick (University College of Wales) Lockley, Peter Jonathan (Marlborough College) Mccutcheon, Robert Reed (Duke University, U.S.A.) McGuiness, Alastair Frederick Grant (St Edward's School) Macleod, lain Hugh (Portsmouth Grammar School) Matthews, Paul McMahan (Washington University, St Louis) Maxwell, Thomas Stuart (London University) Morton, John Albert (Sussex University) Murray, Ian Francis Charles (Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood) Nason, Jeremy Harry (Chichester Boys' High School) Neuhaus, David (Reading School) Ormiston, John Andrew (Manchester Grammar School) Palmer, Kevin Andrew (Rednock School) Pasha, Nasir (Deane High School, Bolton) Pateras, Diamantis Nicolas (Haileybury College) Patterson, Andrew Campbell (Bournemouth School) Pecora, Cosma Gary (St Michael's College School, Toronto) Pendry, Nicholas George (London University) Penwarden, Clive Andrew (Epsom College) Phillips, Trevor Francis (Dulwich College) Phlipponneau, Sylvain Jean Charles-Pierre (University of HauteBretagne) Pollitt, Gary (Bolton School) Preston, Gregory Miles (Cambridge Boys' School) Puig-Duran, Enric (Barcelona University) Ramsey, John William (Sexey's School) Rocks, Gerard Bernard Kevin (Barrow-in-Furness Boys' Grammar School) Rodgers, Peter Robert (Hobart College, New York) Rogers, Alastair David Forbes (Wrekin College) Rose, John David Thomas (St Luke's College, Exeter) Samson, Roger Maxwell (Lord Williams' School, Thame) Sands, Richard John (Wallasey Grammar School) Sims, William Josephus (U.S. Air Force Academy) Siopis, Antony Nicholas (Rhodes University) Spurr, Barry (Sydney University) Steele, Allan Richard Paul (New England University, N.S.W.) Stone, Ashley Mark Ronald (Reigate Grammar School) Surtees, Robert Alexander Harrison (Stamford School) Swain, David Alan (Dovecliff Grammar School) Swain, Kim (Goffs School) Tarran, Stephen Paul (King Edward VI Grammar School, Morpeth) Taylor, John Anthony (Leeds University) Taylor, John Watson (Portsmouth Grammar School) Trafford, Bernard St. John (Downside School) Trower-Foyan, Michael (Southampton University) Tudor, Peter Hugh (Wellington College) Valen9a, Jose Manuel Esgalhado (University of Louren90 Marques) Vanes, Gregory (Dudley Grammar School)


Wacher, Timothy John (Cranleigh School) Walker, Timothy James Thomas (Adams Grammar School, Newport, Shropshire) Wareing, Eric Graham (Hutton Grammar School, Preston) Warren, Robert David (Monkton Combe, School) Wharne, John David (Cambridge Boys' Grammar School) Wheway, John Steven (Warwick University) Wickham, Michael James (King Edward's School, Witley, Surrey) Wien, John Milgram (Stanford University, U.S.A.) Wisdom, John Joseph (Bancroft's School) Zaret, David Raphael (Amherst College, U .S.A.)


DEGREES 1974 10 October B.A.: M.A. :

*M. L. Cafferty, J. C. Fazackerley, *S. A. Israel, *A. J. Peacock, D. C. Wilson. *J. P. Howarth, *R. H. Jones, *D. N. Lade, *S. J. Manners.

By incorporation


*C. W. H. Currie.

2 November G. N. Booth, S. G. Bryant, P. V. Copley, G. A. Fallon, B.A.: *E. A. Fennell, M. E. Hawthorne, G. J. Lally, C. G. McGrail, A. P. Martell, *P. J. Melhuish, D. L. Robertson, *P. Taylor, R. G. Waple. M.A.: L. S. Leask, J. M. Milner. D.Phil.: D. G. Christian, D. J. Hebditch. M.Sc. : B. P. Kokelaar. B.A. & *J. M. Kershaw. M.A.:

16 November B.A.: J. N. Gannaway, N . P. Gregory, D. J. A. Hallam, W. R. Liston, P . D. Lott, H . F. McDonald, R. R. Moore, R. M. Pawson, *P. H. Raspin, *A. Scarfe, R. B. Tait. J. R. Clarembaux. M.A.: M. J. Nazir-Ali. B.Litt.: 30 November B.A.: D. L. Audsley, *D. E. Collins, P . M. Grimsditch, A. Rigden. M.A.: *M. E. Mitchell, S. J. Radcliffe. D.Phil.: *M. G. Pettigrove. B.C.L.: *R. K. W. Tong.



1974 14 December B.A.: R. P. Brand, G. F. Cadwallader, *J. M. Naisby, *S. L. Russell, W. S. Sellwood. M.A.: *A. Maden, *P. J. Melhuish. B.Phil.: *E. J. Lowe. M.A. B.M.& B.Ch.: T. P. Lister, A. T. Moore. 42

1975 1 March B.A.:

M.A.: B.Litt.: D.Phil.: M.Sc.: B.A.& M.A.:

*B. P. Dawson, *N. A. Edgar, G. Hutchinson, J. Parr, Richards, C. W. Richmond-Watson, M. H. Sibson, Sutton-Mattocks, M. J. Thomas, *M. J. Turner, C. Wilson. *D. R. Hexter, M. A. Mason. *J. C. Bradshaw. C. J. M. R. Gullick, F. R. Mullen, *N. G. Shrive, *A. Slabas. K. M. Baxter.

S. C.



*J. H. J. Rogers.

1 May B.A.: M.A.: B.A.& M.A.: 7 June B.A.:

M.A.: 26 June B.A.: M.A.:

B.Litt.: D.Phil.: 12 July B.A.: D.M.: B.A.& M.A.:

2 August B.A.:

M.A.: B.Phil.: M.Sc.: B.A.& M.A.:

J. M. Colocotronis, *D. C. Elstub, C. A. Gregory, *D. M. Lauder, *K. Moore, J. P. Sloan, J. R. Smith. Alexander V. Georgiadis, Antony V. Georgiadis, *R. S. Paul, *V. V. Razis. *A. James, *M. P. Littleton. R. A. Barker, R. C. Bennett, G. Bull, I. P. Cheffy, T. 0. Godeseth, R. A. Hoyle, R. M. Jacobs, *H. M. Johnson, J. C. Lewis, D. C. Monkcom, B. R. Parkhurst, T. W. Ream, N. M. Ribeiro, T. S. Robinson, N. K. Staite. *D. L. Bartles-Smith, E. R. H. Carpenter, *B. Kemp, D. J. Palmer, G. D. Salter.

J. Kendall, *K. D. J. Macdonald, J. W. Stead. J. Creek, *M. Goodfellow, *M. H. Jennings, P. M. Johnson, K. V. Mackenney, M. S. Stone, D. C. Warner. P. M. E. Temporal. B. V. Cudmore. *R. F. Mooney. *C. H. Jellard. *D. M. Laing. I. Brimecome, M. J. Davies, *M. R. Mandel,

J. R. Rennison, R. W. Series.

J. R. Ormond,

*M. H. Bottomley, *P. J. Croft, D. A. Forbes, R. G. R. Munday. G. F. C. Wall. *J. A. Bartram. *M. G. Heal. *In absence 43

ST. EDMUND HALL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL ACCOUNTS to bring the Association's accounting procedure into line with that of the Hall, the Annual General Meeting on 14 January 1975 approved the Executive Committee's decision that the Association's financial year should in future end on 31 July and not, as previously, 30 April. To make this adjustment, accounts for the year 1974-75 will cover the fifteen month period from 1 May 1974 to 31 July 1975 and, after auditing, these will be published in the 1976 Magazine. Subsequent accounts for the twelve month period will be published annually in the Magazine. President D. A. H. WRIGHT IN ORDER


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