St Edmund Hall Magazine 1975-76

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St Edmund Hall Magazine





Back R ow: J. Samuel: L. S. Greig; A. McCarthy; ). C. Wri ght ; S. P. Elcock ; K. R. Clouston-Thomas; J. D. Charl es: R. W. Gaffey; J. H . McManners; D. G. V. Heaver; N. J. H . Bromley : T. A. Brya n: P. K. Ton gue: T. R. Sykes ; ). R. Payne: M. A. Fabian: R. M. Hoolahan ; P. R. Kane. Second Row: ). Lowe nstein; H . C. Allen: C. Sh aw; R. Stichbury: ). M. Hug hes; M. C. feffery; R. F. M. Adair; P. H . Ince: A. ). Lomas; M. Garrett: D. J. Farrow; P. H. Hirsch ; R. Peskett: I. C. Mc isaac; F. R. H owe ll; J. R. W. Gove; T. W. Richmond: D. N. Pratt; T. L. Spafford; D. D. H . Way; H. M. P apworth. Third Row: N. C. Cotton: A. J. Baldwin; R. D . Bishop ; A. R. Ellis: ] . C. Senogles: G. Gibbs: ]. G. Hamilto n: C. G. P roudfoot; G. E. F. Read; R. S. Friend; R. A. Burger : M. R. Smith ; M. Cvetkovic; D. G. Gooda ll; D. A. Gill a m: E. I. Briffa: P. ]. McKenna ; A. ]. Senior; N. C. Smith: C. B. Sunter. l'ourth Ro w: A. M. L. Elliott: M. P. Wilkins; ] . L. Trimin gham: A. M. Stan sfie ld ; R. Arm stron g; M. R. Devere ux; A. [. Johnston; ]. E. Mackinnon ; D. R. H a rtley; K. P. Cheong; T . Ri ebroicharoen ; T. Ueno; F. A. Newsum; A. Davids : R. D. N. Topham ; B. F. Gasse r; R. Rosewel l; N. GoodrickClarke: C. D. Miller; R. M. Oster ley; ] -C. Muller. Fifth R ow: J. C. H ol ley head; B. D. Hudson ; M. Ewel; C. A. Roac h ; R. A. ] upp: G. ] . Hurst: I. Ru shton: R. ]. Pease: C. S. Richards: I. J. Co lquhoun ; G. W. Kerley: P. R. Merri so n ; P. J. Congdon; D. J. O'Connell ; P. C. Go:nez: T. O zawa; R. ]. Charman: P. E. R. Badger; M. W. Wood: M.A. Jo nes. Sixth R ow: Y. S. Song: N. A. Malcolm: A. Dal e; E. G. Gray: D. J. Hackett; K. G. Davies : S. I. Reynolds : C. J. Jar vis: M. S. Reed ; P. M. Watson: C. P. J. Ke rrison: T. J. Barker; A. C. Bing; W. H . Kingsbury: W. H . D. Morri so n-Bell ; A. P. Stopyra: J. P. Ho lm es : P. Boothroyd; C. R. Hockey; ]. M. Bilton: P. ]. Asquith. l'ront Row: M. C. Aski ns: C.]. Smith; S. R. L. North; A. W. Robertson; S. R. Oxenbridge; F. Marcos; R. E. Nowak: R. A. Mciver; A. C. Kerr; Dr W. G. Urry : R. Grenon (JCR Pres.); A. H. C. Cordell: G. T . R. Droop: R. T. Ledsome: J. Spurr: D. D. Hegarty; P. T. Clipson ; D. P. Wade; A. H. King; K. B. Geeslin; S. H o rnun g.




THE PRINCIPAL AND FELLOWS THE PRINCIPAL, who completed twenty-five years in office on 31 July, has been invited, and has agreed, to serve as a Pro-ViceChancellor for a further year. In February he represented ¡ the University at the five hundred and fiftieth anniversary celebrations of the Catholic University of Louvain (Leuven). In May he delivered three lectures on St Jerome at The Queen's University, Belfast. Sir Denis Wright (Honorary Fellow) has been elected to an Honorary Fellowship at St Antony's College. In November 1975 Professor J. J. R. F. da Silva, who read for the D.Phil. at the Hall in 1960-62 and was Rector of The New University, Lisbon, until recently, was elected into a Visiting Fellowship for the academic year. In the same term the old member D. G. Phillips, Head of VI Form and Head of Modern Languages at Chipping Norton School, who had been seconded to the Department of Educational Studies to take charge of the German students there, was elected into a Schoolmaster Studentship for the year. The Hall's turn for having a Proctor comes round again in March 1977 and under the present system of pre-election Mr J. C. B. Gosling was unanimously elected to that office at a special meeting of members of the Hall entitled under the statute to elect held in the Senior Common Room on 10 March 1976. His fellow-Proctor will be Dr M. B. Powell, of St Peter's College, and as Mr Gosling was first admitted to the degree of Master of Arts he will be a Senior Proctor. On 30 September Mr J. Hackney and Dr E. A. Freeman retired as Fellows, the former to take up a Fellowship in Law at Wadham, his original college, and the latter to become Principal of 1

The Sunderland Polytechnic. Both will be greatly missed, and the gratitude and good wishes of the Hall accompany them. So far no successor to Mr Hackney as law tutor has been appointed, but the Governing Body has appointed Dr A. B. Worden, Tutor in Modern History, to succeed him as Senior Tutor. In place of Dr Freeman Christopher John Harris, B.Sc. (Leicester), Ph.D. (Southampton), Lecturer in Control Engineering and Mathematics at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, has been elected to a Fellowship in Engineering at the Hall and a University Lecturership in the Department of Engineering. Hitherto the Hall has depended on the services of Lecturers for the teaching of Psychology, but in July the Governing Body elected Joseph Maria Franciscus Jaspars, Professor of Social Psychology at the Catholic University of Nijmegen from 1970 to 1976, to a Tutorial Fellowship in Psychology, to be held in conjunction with a University Lecturership. Dr Jaspars, who obtained his doctorate at Leiden University and was Associate (Fullbright) Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Delaware, U.S.A., in 1969-70, at present holds a temporary chair in the Social Sciences at Leiden and plans to take up his Fellowship in the autumn of 1977. AUSPICIOUS OCCASIONS EARLIER THIS YEAR two inscribed plaques were unveiled in White Hall, one on the evening of 27 January by Mr Peter Boon, Chairman of the Hoover Corporation, and the other on the evening of 14 May by Mr Minos Colocotronis, head of the shipping firm of Colocotronis Limited. The former plaque commemorates the gift to the Hall of a suite of rooms on the top floor of White Hall by the Hoover Foundation, the latter the provision of eight rooms on the first floor of the building by Mr Colocotronis, his son John Colocotronis and his nephews Alexander and Antony Georgiadis (these three being graduates of the Hall). Mr Boon was accompanied by Mrs Boon and representatives of both the Hoover Corporation and the Hoover Foundation, Mr Colocotronis by Mrs Colocotronis, his daughter Mrs Marika Lemos, Mr and Mrs Alexander Georgiadis and Mr and Mrs Antony Georgiadis. On both occasions the Principal and Fellows entertained their visitors to dinner after the ceremony and toasted them at dessert. 2

As St Edmund's Day fell in 1975 on a Sunday, the St Edmund's Feast was transferred, for reasons of domestic convenience, to the preceding Friday and was celebrated in customary fashion. The Visitor, Mr Harold Macmillan, was unable to be present but telegraphed his best wishes. The guests included the Master and Junior Bursar of Fitzwilliam College, and also Mr W. J. H. Liversidge (matric. 1934) in his capacity as Mayor of Abingdon, which was observing 1975 as the eight-hundredth anniversary of the birth of St Edmund, its most illustrious son. STAIRCASE VIII in last year's MAGAZINE, work commenced on the complete refurbishing of Staircase VIII (No. 48 High Street) in July 1975, Messrs Audley-Miller, the antique dealers, who occupied the ground floor, moving to a new shop at 46 High Street under White Hall. The operation continued vigorously throughout the academic year, and at the time of going to press (early August 1976) it is confidently expected that the building will be ready to house ten undergraduates and four Fellows at the beginning of Michaelmas Term. The reconstructed rooms are of a very high standard; being unusually large and retaining an individual character, they count among the best in the College. All are centrally heated, with double glazing on the High Street side, and there are showers and toilets on each landing. The house has been linked directly with White Hall; one of the two former staircases has been removed to make this possible, while the other has been replaced with a handsome staircase in Georgian style, with elegantly turned wooden banisters. Thought has been given to the colouring: the High Street frontage has been painted salmon pink, and the frontage facing inwards a warm ochre ('Oasis') which blends effectively with the KeJly block on one side and White Hall on the other. AS ANNOUNCED

IN MEMORIAM THE MAGAZINE records with regret the deaths of two scouts in the course of the year, Mr Jim Collins and Mr Percy Webb; both were victims of cancer. Mr Collins worked as a scout on Kelly III, Mr Webb on the toilets and passage-ways of Emden. Members of the Hall are grateful for their loyal service, and offer sincere sympathy to their widows. 3

GIFTS THE HALL warmly thanks the following : J. H. T. Clarke (matric. 1925) for presenting a two-handled silver bowl and a framed copy of E. H. New's print of the Hall, the former inscribed in memory of the two Lollard principals, William Taylor and Peter Payne; also an old print of the Hall; A. E. Ellis (matric. 1921) for presenting a silver plate, being the Stamford Raffles award of the Zoological Society, and the silver medal of the Linnean Society; the late R. D. English (matric. 1934) for bequeathing the sum of ÂŁ50.00 in his will to the Endowment Fund; the late Revd W. L. Guyler (matric. 1920) for a bequest of ÂŁ100.00, and his daughter Miss Margaret Guyler for the gift of her father's M.A. hood; S. Rahtz for presenting nine colour transparencies of St Peter'sin-the-East and the churchyard; Vivian Ridler (Fellow) for the gift of a morocco-bound copy of the Statutory Declaration made by Fellows on their admission, printed by himself; M. A. Ritchie (matric. 1949) for presenting a splendid watercolour by James Purdy of the old quadrangle of the Hall; the St Edmund Hall Association for further substantial gifts to the Scholarship Fund, the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund and the Directory Fund, as well as towards the cost of the Magazine; Dr R. T. C. Worsley (matric. 1939) for presenting the Emden Collection of books on naval history to the Library. ACADEMIC SUCCESSES obtained Firsts in Finals in 1976: D. M. Beckett (Modern History); E. J. Burns (English); S. R. Douglas (Human Sciences); J. C. Goff (Geology); D. W. Grice and A. N. Siopis (Law); C. E. A. Reddick (Engineering); P. R. Tapster (Physics); J. Wilk (Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology). Eight obtained Firsts in Honour Moderations: A. J. Baldwin, J. M. Bilton and M. Garrett (English); G. A. Gibbs, C. G. Proudfoot, A. W. Robertson and A. M. Stansfield (Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Science); D. R. Hartley (Mathematics). Four obtained distinctions in Prelims : P. Boothroyd (Modern Languages); K. P. Cheong (P.P.E.); R. F. M. Adair and D. N. Pratt (Geology). Among other distinctions J. C. B. Perrott (1970-73; since 1973 a Senior Scholar of St John's) was awarded a Senior NINE HALL MEN


Mathematical Prize and the Johnson Prize in Trinity Term; M. J. Howard was awarded one of the five scholarships offered for 1976-77 by the German Academic Exchange Service in Hilary Term; C. R. Wilson, B.A., won a James Ingham Halstead Scholarship in Music in Trinity Term. GRAHAM HAMILTON AND COCHRANE AWARDS ÂŁ15.00 and ÂŁ30.00 were made from the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund, supplemented by a donation from the St Edmund Hall Association, to the following to help them to undertake trips in the long vacation involving 'enterprise, initiative and endurance': E. Gray, J. Hamilton, C. Sunter and J. Gove (driving to Greece and living rough camping out); T. Cripps (camping, walking and climbing in the Isle of Skye); J. Nason (climbing and living in mountain huts in the Western Bernese Alps); D. Kelsey (caving in Northern Spain: expedition organised by O.U. Caving Club); S. Tarran (the same as D. Kelsey). Travel scholarships from the Cochrane Bequest were also made to A. L. Lomas and D. S. Watson in order to help the former to attend a Russian language course at Krasnodar, in Southern Russia, and the latter to tour select parts of France with a view to improving his knowledge of French language and culture. These are the first awards to be made from the legacy of the late J. A. Cochrane, the income of which, with the full agreement of Mr Cochrane's Trustee and the other parties concerned, is to be used to provide academic scholarships for foreign travel or other approved special scholarly activity for the b~nefit of men reading Arts subjects, with a preference for former pupils of Haberdashers' Aske's School, Elstree. GRANTS OF BETWEEN

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 1964, when the Senior Research Fellowship held by Mr Arthur Ivor Marsh was set up, the Hall has been a vigorous centre for the study of industrial relations, and has acquired a world-wide reputation for the excellence of the practical investigations carried out by the Research Unit in this often intractable field. Research has developed throughout the present year and an important report, The Training of Managers in Industrial Relations, recently became available; it is hoped to expand work on training methods and approaches in 1976-77. In January 1976 Maria Hackmann, Assessor in Law, Federal SINCE


Republic of Germany, was appointed to take part in a joint Anglo-German study of workplace relations in the two countries. A History of the Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff (APEX) is in active preparation and should be in print next year. In 1975 a firm of City accountants, Touche Ross and Co., agreed to sponsor a research project to be carried out by the Unit entitled 'The Disclosure of Information for Industrial Relations Purposes in British Companies'. An article on the subject appeared in the summer issue (1976) of The Industrial Relations Journal, and the work was scheduled to begin in earnest in the autumn. SUMMER INTERLUDE of the early part of Trinity Term was the sudden arrival of a mother duck in the library garden. She established her nest in the north-east corner near the base of the great elm- possibly attracted by the thought of the educational benefits her young might derive from the English literature tutorials the Dean conducts there in summer (he certainly did his best to communicate to them in their native language). In course ten ducklings were hatched, and for all their zeal for literature the problem of getting them and their mother to some pond or river seemed to all the chief priority. This did not prove easy of solution, and when the Dean endeavoured to lead them into the High Street and down to the Isis, the mother duck balked at going through the old Forum gateway. All plans to lure the (by now sadly diminishing) family to the water were then abandoned, and an artificial but temporarily adequate duck pond was constructed in the churchyard. In this aquatic transit camp they remained happily until the onset of the Ball made their departure imperative. On the night before that great event the five survivors were charitably evacuated to the home of Mr Peter Chivers, the Hall gardener. The final act of the drama was the removal of the ducklings (what happened to their mother?) to the river and their adoption by another duck. AN EXCITING EVENT

A WANDERING BARGE which was rented from Salters from 1898 to 1938 and in the latter year (when the Boat Club moved to the O.U.B.C.) was converted by Salters into a houseboat, in 1972 became the home, under the restful name of 'Ataraxia', of A. J.



Wheeler and C. Rayner, being moored in Harts Boat Yard, Portsmouth Road, Surbiton. Mr Wheeler informs the Magazine that in 1966 the barge, then masquerading as 'Wanderlust', was purchased by an Oxonian who gave her her present name. Three years later she was moved to London, where an outboard engine was fitted and a field telephone set up as the engine-room telegraph. Under her present owners she has been greatly transformed. The aft end, originally the wash-room, has been divided into a kitchen, bathroom and workshop; while the forward end, once the clubroom, has been fitted out as a lounge and a bedroom. Externally it is planned to reconstruct the stairway to the upper deck and to replace the missing flagpole with a worthy successor. Although described in the 1938 issue of the Magazine as 'rapidly decaying', the pinewood structure has been found, after the removal of thick layers of flaking paint, to be in excellent condition, and has been repainted in college colours. Messrs Wheeler and Rayner would be happy to show interested parties over the barge, and also to learn more details of its history; they should make contact with the Principal. COLLEGE COMMITTEE IN ADDITION TO the J.C.R. and M.C.R. officers, the junior members serving on the Committee were T. N. Hart, R. J. Lane and I. F. C. Murray in Michaelmas and Hilary Terms, P. Desmond, A. M. L. Elliott and R. J. Lane (re-elected) in Trinity Term. The Committee met regularly twice a term, and a wide range of topics including arrangements for the Summer Ball, the conditions on which a Third World Scholarship should be offered (still to be settled), terms for the use of J.C.R. facilities by students of the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, and ways and means of solving the acute problem of accommodation (on this useful progress was made), were discussed. An important piece of constitutional business was the successful working out, in conjunction with, and ultimately with the endorsement of, the Governing Body, of By-laws to implement the provision of Statute VIII.12 that 'a member of the College in statu pupillari shall have a right to a fair hearing whenever the Governing Body is considering disciplinary action against him which may result in his expulsion or rustication'. An impasse was reached at the last meeting of Trinity Term when the junior members objected to the proposed increases in charges for 1976-77 on the ground 7

that, while purporting to match the increase in the maintenance grant, they did not take account of the fact that an element in that increase was supposed, according to government explanations, to compensate students for no longer being eligible for social security in the two shorter vacations. The debate on this issue was continued at extraordinary meetings of the J.C.R. and the Governing Body. HALL BALL 1976 THE BALL WAS HELD, once again in partnership with St Hilda's, on the last night of Trinity Term, Saturday 19 June, and as 1976 was the seven hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the supposed founding of the Hall in 1226 it was given an appropriately medieval flavour. Several lively groups, including Fairport and the Pasadena Roof Orchestra, made their contribution, and there were also Morris Dancers, a Juggler Travelling Minstrel, a Madrigals Orchestra, and other original excitements. The Chef and his staff rose magnificently to the challenge of providing a lavish and succulent banquet. Tickets were sold out, at 17 guineas each (so much for student poverty!), weeks before the event, and in spite of a continuous downpour of rain (almost the only rain that fell in Oxford in June) the Ball was a huge success. For planning and execution a warm tribute is due to Dan Jennings and the other members of the Ball Committee. ABSENT GHOST J.C.R. AND M.C.R. OFFICERS A. R. HARGREAVES was elected President of the J.C.R. in succession to R. Gretton on 1 December 1975, and R. W. Gaffey Steward of the J.C.R. in succession to J. S. Herlihy on 7 March 1976. M. K. Kramer resigned as President of the M.C.R. in January 1976, and was succeeded by J. C. Rao. At the end of Trinity Term C. D. Miller was elected to hold office for 1976-77. D. Llewelyn served as Steward of the M.C.R. throughout 1975-76, being succeeded at the end of Trinity Term by A. N. McGilvray. AULARIAN CALENDAR THE FOLLOWING DATES in 1976-77 are of special interest: ST EDMUND's DAY: Tuesday 16 November 1976. LONDON DINNER, preceded by A.G.M. of S.E.H. Association, at Simp son's in the Strand: Tuesday 11 January 1977. REUNION DINNER at the Hall: Saturday 25 June 1977. RESIDENCE FOR FULL TERM: Michaelmas Term- Thursday 7 October 1976 to Saturday 4 December 1976; Hilary Term---.:Thursday 13 January 8

1977 to Saturday 12 March 1977; Trinity Term-Thursday 21 April 1977 to Saturday 18 June 1977. DEGREE DAYS: Saturday 9 October (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 30 October (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 13 November (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 27 November (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 15 Jani.iary (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 5 March (at 11.45 a.m.); Thursday 28 April (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 4 June (at 11.45 a.111 .); Thursday 23 June (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 9 July (N.B.: for Hall men, in absentia only) ; Saturday 30 July (at 11.45 a.111.). Members of the Hall wishing to make arrangements for taking their degrees should write to The Secretary, The College Office. HIGHER DEGREES THE FOLLOWING were given leave to supplicate for higher degrees: Doctor of Philosophy

B. V. CUDMORE: 'Regional functions and zones of influence of towns in the Oxford area.' M. J. A. SCANNELL : 'The treatment of emotion in Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte.' R. M. SIBLY: 'State space representation of animal motivation.' Bachelor of Letters

S-J. CH'EN: 'Rural society in selected areas in Shantung and Hopei Provinces, with special reference to Japanese studies.' P. M. E. TEMPORAL: · 'The teaching of finance.' SCHOLARSHIP ELECTIONS THE FOLLOWING ELECTIONS to Open and other awards, tenable during the academic year 1976-77, were made in January 1976: I. OPEN Aw ARDS HISTORY To an Exhibition:

DENTON, A. B., St Kevin's Comprehensive School, Liverpool. MODERN STUDIES To a Scholarship:

JACKSON, I., Manchester Grammar School (for Geography). To Exhibitions:

ASPDEN, P. J., Latymer Upper School (for P.P.E.). JACK, A. C.R., Haberdashers' Aske's School (for P.P.E.). WALD; M. C., Epsom College (for Law). MODERN LANGUAGES To Exhibitions:

GODFREY, P. A., King Edward VI School, Southampton. HESKETH, G., Swanwick Hall School. 9

ENGLISH To Exhibitions: GoREING, A. M., Bishop's Stortford College. HOWE, J. P., Dulwich College. MATHEMATICS To a Scholarship: PHILLIPS, A. H., Haberdashers' Aske's School. To an Exhibition: WHITEMAN, J. D., Derby School. NATURAL SCIENCES To Scholarships: ELEY, C. G. S., Varndean Grammar School (for Chemistry). ELSTON, C. J., Marling School, Stroud (for Engineering). MOORE, R. J., Tiffin School (for Engineering). SMITH, R. G., Tiffin School (for Geology). THOMSON, R. G., Stamford School (for Medicine). To Exhibitions,: EDWARDS, S. L., Goffs School, Cheshunt (for Physics). FLOOD, S. C. , Alleyns School (for Metallurgy) (Armourers and Brasiers). METE, A., Haverfordwest Grammar School (for Chemistry) (Central Electricity Generating Board). RIVAS, P., St George's College, Weybridge (for Biochemistry). SHEPHERD, S. J., Oundle School (for Engineering) (Central Electricity Generating Board). STOCKMAN, A., Ipswich School (for P.P.P.). YOUNG, R. M. K., Bexley Grammar School (for Metallurgy) (Armourers and Brasiers). II . CLOSED AWARD To an Abbott's Scholarship.: ASTIN, T . R., King Edward VI School, Norwich (for Geology) . CONGRATULATIONS Michaelmas Term 1975 B. Thomas, P. E. Kent, J. S. Herlihy and M. J. Wickham on being selected to play for 0.U.A.F.C. against Cambridge. T. A. Bryan and P. K. Tongue on being selected to represent O.U.R.F.C. against Cambridge. J. N . D. Kelly (Principal) on the publication of his book on St Jerome. R. Gretton on his much appreciated and successful year as President of the J.C.R.

Hilary Term 1976 D. N. Pateras on being selected to represent the O.U . Boxing Club against Cambridge for the second year in succession. 10

J. B. Watson on being selected for the O.U.H.C., gaining his third blue against Cambridge. The Hall Association Football Club on achieving a second Cuppers double by winning both the First and Second XI competitions for the second year running. The Hall Rugby Football Club for achieving another double, winning Cuppers magnificently and also retaining the University Inter-college Sevens Trophy. The Hall Badminton Club on again winning Cuppers, and thus crowning the term with five Cuppers victories in one week. C. Burdon on captaining the O.U. Badminton Club once again this year. J. S. Herlihy for a remarkable year as J.C.R. Steward. Trinity Term 1976 P. Gow for completing a successful year as President of the Music Society and for putting on two splendid concerts in the course of the year. M. Wood on being selected to shoot for the 0.U. Archery Club against Cambridge. J. N. Calvert on being awarded his second blue and coxing the recordbreaking O.U.B.C. boat against Cambridge. C. M. Lizieri and P. R. Edwards on being awarded Athletics blues, and K. Cheong on being awarded an Athletics half-blue. J. H. Bodkin on being selected again to play for the O.U. Polo Club against Cambridge in its victorious match. C. H. Moorhouse for winning the Championship Sculls, and R. D. Warren for winning the Novice Sculls, both at the Oriel Regatta. Dr J. N. D. Kelly on completing on 31 July twenty-five years in the arduous office of Principal. C. A. Penwarden on winning the Annual Talent Contest held at the Mitre Inn this year, having charmed the audience with his own inimitable style of folk-singing (the judges included the managing director of K.-Tel International and the associate producer of 'Opportunity Knocks'). THE LONDON DINNER 1976 THE LONDON DINNER was held, as usual, on the second Tuesday in January at Simpsons-in-the-Strand and we are grateful to Jon Shortridge for once more undertaking the arrangements. There was roast lamb again, done in the best Simpsons tradition. Welcoming the Principal and the President of the J .C.R., the President, Sir Denis Wright, complimented the former on the appearance of his study of St Jerome, publication of which had not escaped the notice of Bernard Levin in The Times. 'Affectionate and fraternal greetings' were also conveyed from A.B.E. Replying, the Principal spoke of his years at the Hall since he arrived as chaplain in 1935 to find no S.C.R., but only a bicycle shed. There have been a number of changes since then. The following attended the Dinner, in addition to the Principal and President of the J.C.R. as guests, the Senior Tutor and Dr D. I. Scargill (Fellows): 1924 J. B. Allan; 1925 J. H. T. Clarke; 1927 Sir R. Murray, B. M. Forrest; 1928 E. L. H. Kentfield, R. Waye; 1929 Sir D. Wright; 11

1930 Sir C. Hayes; 1931 S. F. Parsons, R. J. Vaughan; 1932 D. Floyd; 1933 J. C. Adamson, G. L. H. R. Shield, F. H. Frankcom, J. Lee, F. H. H. Finch; 1935 H. A. F . Radley, A. R. Clark; 1936 P. Meade; 1937 L. D. A. Baron; 1940 G. J. F. Brain; 1942 W . J. Tunley, E . L. Williams; 1943 W. Weir; 1944 P. Cutting, D. A. Watson; 1945 G. R. M. Drew, E. M. Goodman-Smith, H. A. Leverett, G. A . Moss, J. R. Paul; 1946 A. R. J. Lloyd, J. Pike, N. J. Williams; 1948 J. S. Clarke, M. J. Plowden-Roberts, B. Tulloch; 1949 J. E . Gillman; 1950 J. Thornton; 1951 M. K. Chatterjea, D .. Day; 1952 A. J. Harding, D. M. Jacobs; 1953 A. J. Kember, I. N. Smith; 1954 A. Crowe; 1955 R. H. T . Batchelor, P. M. Bevan-Thomas, R. Farrand, R. S. Hurren; 1956 L. Chester, J. G. French, P. G. Slip; 1957 D. W. M. Bolton; 1958 R. C. L. Bate, D. A. Clarke, L. Filby, R. M. Jarman, D. C. W. Jones, D. F. O'Donnell; 1959 P. Brett, M. Joy, N. A. M. Wallis; 1960 J. F. Adey, T. Richards, R. E. Sparrow; 1961 E. A. FretwellDowning, J. M. Heggadon, A. M. Rentoul; 1962 S. D. Burgess, N. J. Hamilton; 1963 R. Offer, M. S. Simmie; 1964 D. Ashworth, A. Barker, R. W. Clark; 1965 M. Shaw; 1966 F. H. Hanbridge, C. C. Hird, R. M. Ridley, J. D. Shortridge; 1968 S. K. Hurst, R. T. Ward; 1969 D. Harrison, P. D. Jones, P. E. Ramell, N. F. Strawbridge; 1970 N. C. Coles, S. Fordham, P. G. Harper, J. M. Hawkins, C. M. Potter; 1971 M. Bull, N. J. Hunt, T. S. Robinson, S. Rosefield, N. K. Saite; 1973 P. S. Britton. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING T H E ANN U A L GEN ER AL M E ETING of the St Edmund Hall Association was held at Simpsons-in-the-Strand, London, on Tuesday, 14 January 1976, at 6.15 p.m. The President, Sir Denis Wright, was in the chair. The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, being published in the Magazine, were taken as read. They were duly approved and signed. The President announced that the proposed Supplement to the Hall Directory would not be published, as previously stated, as a result of the extremely high cost involved (£684 as against an earlier estimate of £200). It was hoped to publish the next full edition of the Directory within two to three years. In his Report, the Hon. Treasurer reminded the Meeting that the period under review was of 15 months' duration, covered four terms, and ended on 31 July 1975. Consequently, it had not been possible to publish the Accounts in the Magazine, as in other years; this had been the subject of a note by the President in the current edition of the Magazine. Briefly, the Hon. Treasurer reported that Subscription Income was up by £1,248 on the previous year (£2,403 compared with £1,155). This resulted both from the longer accounting period plus the increase in Composition Fees. There had also been a further win of £50 on the Association's Premium Bonds and a slight increase in the interest from the Building Society investment (£97 compared with £88). As to Expenditure, £300 had been paid over the period to the Scholarship Fund (£200 in July 1974 and £100 in July 1975) and there had been two payments of £80 to the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund. £600 had been appropriated to the Directory Fund and invested with the Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society. With the Magazine cost of £728 being once again the largest single item of expenditure (and this itself showing an increase of £418 on


the previous year), total outgoings were £2,138, or £735 up on 1974. However, there was a surplus of Income over Expenditure of £412 compared with a deficit of £130 . Assets of £2,148 showed an improvement of £1,012 and were represented by £1,900 invested , £100 Premium Bonds and £148 in the Bank. The Publication Fund of £197 had been absorbed into the General Fund. There had also been a welcome donation of £5. The outlook to 31 July 1976 indicated a possible slight deficitIncome £1,768 (3 terms), Expenditure £1,826 (allowing for inflation continuing at 25 %). This figure of £58 could be eradicated, and even turned into a small surplus if the rate of inflation slowed during the next few months. The question was raised concerning possible alternative printers being asked to quote for the Magazine. The President replied that this had been discussed at the Executive Committee Meeting preceding the AGM, and that it had been agreed to take this matter up with the Hall. The Accounts were accepted, and the President thanked the Hon. Treasurer for his careful watching over the Association's finances. He also explained that more detailed consideration would be given to the Allocations at the June Meeting of the Executive Committee, when the financial situation should be clearer. With no other nominations being received, L. D. A. Baron was elected to replace D. M. Carey for the period up to 1944. The retiring members of the Committee (up to 1954, N . J. Williams; up to 1964, R. A. Farrand) were proposed, seconded and re-elected. The Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Auditor, being willing to stand for a further term of office, were also re-elected . The Hon. Secretary had accepted a business appointment abroad and was unable to continue in office beyond the middle of 1976. It was proposed from the Chair that H. A. F. Radley, a member of the Executive Committee, should take over the Secretary's duties, and this was seconded and unanimously agreed. The President then drew the Meeting's attention to the proposed amendments to the Constitution, whereby reference to specific monetary amounts for subscriptions to the Association should be replaced by a more general form of words, thus obviating the need to amend the Constitution whenever the subscription level was changed. The new wording was read to the Meeting and, there being no objections, was duly agreed. There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 6.40 p.m. JOHN FREN CH


THE REUNION of Old Members wa s held on Saturday, 26 June.

Those present were: The Principal: THE REVD DR J. N. D . K ELLY H o norary Fellow and former Principal: DR A. B. EMDEN 1933 J. C. Adamson; 1942 G. W. H. Adcock; 1950 R. A. Adcock; 1924 J. B. Allan; 1965 C. J. G. Allen ; 1950 Professor C. M. Armitage; 1950 B. C. Arthur; 1963 D. M. P. Barnes ; 1937 L. D. A. Baron; 1958 M. J. Beard; 1957 J. J. J. Bell ; 1958 A. E. Birks-Hay; 1922 J. F. Bleasdale; 13

1951 D. Bloom; 1963 A . L. Bond; 1949 R . J. L. Breese; 1959 J. H. D. Campbell; 1951 M. K. Chatterjea ; 1960 R. C. S. Clark ; 1949 J. S. Clarke; 1966 N. J. Clarke; 1925 W. W . R . Clotworthy; Dr P. J. Collins *; 1951 R . C. M. Cooper; 1922 A . C. Corlett; 1946 F. W. Cosstick; The Revd H. E. J. Cowdrey*; 1962 C. J. Cowles; 1965 N. J. Cross; 1963 G. M. Day; 1948 D. J. Derx; 1956 Dr N. 0 . de Villiers; 1929 D . K. Dixey; 1959 A. J. Doyle; 1952 C. I. Drummond; 1939 J. D. Duncan; 1970 C. R. Evans; Dr R. Fargher*; 1951 J. E. Farrand; 1955 R. A. Farrand; 1956 A. J. Featherstone; 1933 F . H. H. Finch; 1932 David Floyd; 1943 R. E. Ford; 1927 B. M. Forrest; 1963 Dr. M. B. Poxon; 1958 R. D. Garratt; 1948 J. C. Graffy; 1952 S. D. Graham; 1947 H. N. Grindrod; J. Hackney*; 1952 A. J. Harding; 1930 Sir Claude Hayes; 1961 J. M. Heggadon; 1962 C. W. Hewitt; 1922 Professor R . L. Hill ; 1926 Professor C. R. Hiscocks; 1962 R. P . Holland; 1930 W . A. Holt; 1954 B. W. Howes; 1955 R. 0 . D. Hughes; 1952 D . M. Jacobs ; 1968 Dr P. K. James; 1938 R. C. T . James; 1932 A. Jenkins ; 1932 J. H. S. Jenkins; 1969 P. S. Jenkins ; 1956 D. H. Johnson; 1952 C. J. Jones; 1947 Professor G. H. Jones ; 1962 T. L. Jones; 1930 G. S. Keen; 1928 E. L. H. Kentfield; Rear Admiral G. C. Leslie *; 1965 R. J. Levine; 1968 Dr T. P. Lister; 1934 W . J. H. Liversidge; 1960 C. H. L. Long; 1929 C. J. Mabey; 1941 R. McAdams; 1938 R. Mcisaac; 1954 E. J. McLaren ; 1935 The Revd Professor J. McManners**; A. I. Marsh*; 1960 D. B. Mash; 1928 H. A. Maxwell ; 1941 The Revd E. G. Midley* (Vice-Principal); 1924 H. J. Mills; Dr R. B. Mitchell*; 1968 Dr A. T. Moore; 1954 J. V. L. Morgan; 1960 D. A. G. Morris; 1963 R. E. F. Moss; 1940 C. Mounsey; 1928 Professor W. R. Niblett; 1926 T. V. Nicholson; 1955 R . F. O'Brien; Dr E. R . Oxburgh*; 1961 R. C. Padfield; 1966 P. G. Pettigrew ; Dr C. E. Phelps*; 1926 The Revd J. E. T. Phillips; 1946 J. Pike; 1951 A. G. Poynter; 1973 The President of the Middle Common Room (Mr J. C. Rao}; 1935 H. A. F. Radley; 1961 I. R. K. Rae; 1952 J. C. Ralphs; Dr G. D. Ramsay**; 1934 F. R . Rawes; 1938 The Revd S. J. Reynolds; 1944 E. Rhodes; 1923 The Revd F. D. M. Richards; 1925 F . G. Roberts; 1932 The Revd P. H. Rogers; 1960 Dr E. P . F. Rose ; Dr F. J. C. Rossotti*; 1959 A. D. Rowland; 1923 The Revd Preb. E. Royle; 1940 D. G. C. Salt; 1946 M. G. Sarson; 1965 J. A. Sayer; 1921 The Revd G. Sayle; 1954 Dr D. I. Scargill*; 1954 J. B. Shepherd; 1966 D . H. B. Slade; 1933 A. P. L. Slater; 1923 C. D. Smith; 1950 P. E. Smith; 1949 R. J. Southan; 1974 B. Spurr (Organist); 1970 M. Stallworthy ; Dr N. J. Stone* ; 1949 The Revd R. D . Strapps; 1946 D. J. R. Thomas; 1934 D. M. Thomas ; 1956 A. W. J. Thomson; 1942 Dr J. D. Todd *; 1961 C. J. Tromans; 1954 Dr R. W. Truman ; 1948 B. Tulloch ; 1944 M. Turi; 1926 E. Urry; 1928 R. Waye; 1943 W. Weir; 1959 Dr R. E. White; 1954 Dr J. S. S. Whiting; 1955 M. Willcock; 1948 Dr J. H. B. Williams; Dr A. B. Worden *; 1929 Sir Denis Wright (President of the S.E.H. Association); 1937 E. C. C. Wynter; Professor D. C. M. Yardley.** *Fellow

**Emeritus Fellow

The Principal welcomed the largest number of old members ever to attend a reunion, spanning- in terms of matriculation- the years from 1921 to 1974. In his speech he spoke first of the Fellows who were 14

leaving the Hall, Dr Freeman to take up his post at Sunderland, and Mr Hackney, who was being sent as missionary to Wadham. The flourishing artistic life of the Hall was singled out for special mention in the review of the year's events. Here, in the old hall, were put on some of the most advanced plays to be seen in Oxford and it was questionable whether one should be seen going in or coming out. But music and theatre had not diminished the range of sporting activities: witness the Rugby, Soccer and Badminton trophies that had been won in Cuppers. The Principal went on to speak of the completion of the new buildings and of the restoration of Staircase 8, the Ritz of St Edmund Hall, as it would soon be known. The Hall's need now is for a large house somewhere in Oxford that could be converted to accommodate graduates. Is there an old member who would buy a house for us? Dr Emden spoke next, referring to the 'sartorial indulgence' that had permitted him to dispense with black tie. Otherwise it was 'too hot for words'. And, true, after an afternoon with temperatures well into the nineties, it was rather warm in the Hall. Sir Denis Wright, President of the St Edmund Hall Association, thanked the Principal and Fellows for the invitation to dinner, referring to the Principal's puckish humour and the agelessness- and kindnessesof A.B.E. DE FORTUNIS AULARIUM T. Abed is public relations manager, Delta Petroleum Co., Cairo. J. F. Adey, after obtaining the M.B.A. at Harvard Business School, is now manufacturing manager with a firm in Swindon. Z. Ahmad has left J. Walter Thompson, and is working for the Secretariat of the Development Committee of the European Parliament in Luxembourg. G. M. Aldridge has completed two years of VSO, teaching in Sierra Leone. D. J. Allen is a research officer, CEGB Marchwood Engineering Laboratories, Southampton. The Revd J. V. Andrews is Rector of Mundford, Thetford, Norfolk. Professor C. M. Armitage is on the editorial board of the new periodical, Four Decades of Poetry. The Revd T. E. M. Ashton is Chaplain of Morden College, Blackheath. J. Babb is Head of Biology, St Philip's Sixth Form College, Birmingham. H. L. Backhouse is working as a part-time specialist at St John's Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem. A. P. Baker is now an antiquarian bookseller (A. P. and R. Baker) in Durham, specializing in archaeology. J. G. Barclay is manager of the Curzon Street, W.l, branch of Barclays Bank. The Revd P. G. B. Barker is a minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and Literature Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana. A. S. Barnes has obtained the degree of B.Pharm. at London University. N. G. Barnett, M.P., was appointed Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of the Environment, in April 1976.


P. F. Barter is now Director of Studies, Durrington High School, Worthing. R. C. I. Bate is Vice-President of Nicholas International Ltd and a member of the board of Aspro-Nicholas Ltd. R. Battye is teaching at Greenhead Sixth Form College. S. H. Beamish, who is with the United Tobacco Co., has moved to S.Africa for two years. N. S. Belam is an Under-Secretary in the Department of Industry, and Regional Director for the Department's N.W. regional office. D. L. Bell is with The Royal Bank of Scotland, St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh. C. H. Benbow was elected M .P. for Devonshire South, Bermuda, at the May general election. R. C. Bennett is Lecturer in Modern Languages (Fr. and Germ.) at Derby College of Art and Technology. M. W. M. Berry is with Mead and Co. Ltd, Montreal, Canada. B. Bigley is regional secretary, C.B.I., Yorks and Humberside Region. G. W. Bishop, having obtained the appropriate qualifications, is practising law in Nashville, Tennessee. J. F. Blackburn raised over ÂŁ1,000 for The Dragon School, Oxford, by walking from John o' Groats to Land's End (30 miles a day for a month). The Revd H. A. Blair has been appointed Canon Emeritus of Truro and re-appointed examining chaplain to the bishop of the diocese. G. H. Blake has this year published, jointly with others, a study of the Middle East and another of an Algerian Islamic town. S. F. Blinkhorn is Lecturer in Psychology at Hatfield Polytechnic. A. L. Bond is a director of BEAM Tubes Ltd. M. D. Booker is articled to a firm of solicitors in Tiverton. N. A. Boucher is production manager at Wickman Wimet Ltd, Coventry. The Revd M. A. Bourdeaux is working at Keston College on a twoyear project for the Ford Foundation on the Roman Catholic Church in the Soviet Union. J. B. Bowes is Headmaster, Haydon Bridge County High School, Cumbria. G. J. F. Brain is Junior Vice-President of the Provincial Notaries Society. R. J. Brake has left Leeds Polytechnic and is an H.M.I. in Bradford. R. W. Breckles is teaching History at Ashfield Comprehensive School, Notts. The Revd P. G. Brett has been senior industrial chaplain, Kidderminster and District, since 1972. Professor D. K. Britton has had the honorary doctorate of Agriculture conferred on him by the University of Bonn. D. W. Broadbridge has returned from Denmark and is teaching English at Simon Langton's G.S., Canterbury. C. M. Brown is now assistant director of Guinness Mahon and Co. Ltd, merchant bankers. P. W. Brown is now personnel and training officer for J. Dickinson and Co. Ltd at their Liverpool works .


The Revd R. L. Brown is Rector of Glencorrwg, Port Talbot. B. Brunton has launched a company ('Oecumuse') for publishing books and music and distributing records and cassettes. C. R. Bullett has joined Notts C.C. as a trainee accountant. R. M. Burns is Lecturer in Religion at Goldsmiths' College, University of London. A. W. Butement is a higher scientific officer with the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, at Winfrith, Dorset. R. J. Callan has joined the Society of Jesus and is preparing for the priesthood at Weston School of Theology, Mass. The Ven. C. R. Campling has been appointed Archdeacon of Dudley and Director of Religious Education, diocese of Worcester. M. J. Cansdale is now managing director of Heritage Fine Art Ltd. E. R. H. Carpenter has been appointed a French dictionary editor with Wm. Collins, Glasgow. R. Catmur has an appointment with RACAL. The Revd R . A. Chapman is a canon of St Andrew's Cathedral, diocese of Aberdeen .and Orkney. I. P. Cheffy has been taking a course in social work at University College, Cardiff. S. H. Chislett works from home supplying the construction industry and local authorities with tools, clothing and equipment. A. T. Clark is headmaster-designate of the new Tiverton Comprehensive School, to be ready next September. M. J. Clarke (1958) has left J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Co. and joined the British Bankers' Association; he is secretary of S.W.I.F.T. (U.K.) Ltd. N. J. Clarke has become senior research executive with Masins WynneWilliams, the advertising agency, S.W.l. D. H. Clibborn, C.M.G., retired as H.M. Ambassador to San Salvador last year and is now living in Barcelona. W. W. R. Clotworthy is in his last year of office on the Devon County Council; he is Vice-President of the Western Orchestral Society. R. J. Coates is working at a training centre for mentally handicapped adults at St Austell, Cornwall. R. L. Coates is now management consultant with Rohrer, Hibler and Ropogle International Company. The Revd B. A. Collins is serving as a missionary of the United Reformed Church in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. M. J. H. Constantine is with Leo Burnett, advertising agents. T. G. Cook is now sales manager with Footprint Tools Ltd, Sheffield. D. J. S. Cooksey was appointed a member of the C.B.I. Council in May 1976. K. P. Copestake is teaching history and games at The Judd School, Tonbridge. B. F. W. Cottrell held an exhibition of his pictures at St Catherine's College in May 1976. A. S. Cowell is now Reuter's man in Ankara. C. J. Cowles has completed the course for the Diploma in Management Studies at Bristol Polytechnic.


N. R. Cowling became Private Secretary in Belfast to the Secretary of State for N. Ireland in June 1976. C. A. J. Cox, having retired from Sandhurst in 1974, is teaching at Tomlinscote School, Frimley, Camberley. D. J. Cox has been reading for the M.Sc.(Ed.) at Southampton University (on secondment from S.E. Essex Sixth Form College). A. R. Craston is teaching English in Hamburg. P. J. Croft has been appointed Fellow and Librarian of King's College, Cambridge (in succession to the late Dr A. N. L. Munby). C. D. Cross has become Vice-President, Business Planning and Development, Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd, Montreal. K. J. W. Crossley-Holland is general editor of The Mirror of Britain series. F. R. Crozier is now area sales manager, the Legal and General Assurance Society Ltd at Ipswich, with responsibility for the whole of E. Anglia. J. R. Currall was called to the Bar in 1974 in the Middle Temple. J. R. F. Curry has joined Creative Workers as the director responsible for public relations~ A. C. Darlow retired from the G.L.C. and became a member of the Thames Water Authority in 1974; he is consultant, Sir Frederick Snow and Partners. R. P. H. Davies is in India as Regional Education Adviser, British Council Division, British High Commission, based on Calcutta. R. Davis (1967) is with the British Poultry Federation, and is Secretary to the British Poultry and Meat Association, the Duck Producers Association, and the British Poultry Export Company Ltd. C. L. Day has been appointed senior editor at the Cambridge University Press. Robin Day published Day by Day ('a dose of my own hemlock') in October 1975. T. P. Denehy is now chairman of Lintas, the international advertising agency. P. V. Dixon has left Winchester and is now teaching in the biology department, Brighton College. K. M. Dodd is with the British Waterways Board as Area Amenity Assistant, Wigan. A. R. Douglas became Second Master, Sutton Valence School, in September 1976. S. C. Downie is at Namasagali College, Kamuli, Uganda. A. J. Doyle has formed (in addition to his present company) a new company-Cruz, Doyle and Tratt Ltd- for the manufacture of electronic fishing floats. W. R. Dunsmore was appointed Manager (Training), Midland Bank Ltd, Sheffield, on 1 December 1975; he is a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers. F. L. W. Eade is Deputy Chairman, Isle of Wight Bench, and Chairman of the Board of Visitors, Albany Prison, I.ofW. J. H. A. Eames is presently chairman of the Masters' Common Room, St Dunstan's College, Catford.


E. H. Edge is now sales office manager, Josiah Wedgwood and Sons Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent. J. M. Edmonds retired as Lecturer in Geology, Curator of the Geological Collections, and Fellow of St Cross College on 30 September 1976. J. M. Elders is a seismic interpreter contracted to the N.C.B. from Seismograph Services Ltd. M. F. H. Ellerton has joined L. Rowland and Co. Ltd, Wrexham, as marketing and finance director. A. E. Ellis has been presented with the Stamford Raffles Award of the Zoological Society. D. C. Elstub is teaching geography at Whitcliffe Mount School, Cleckheaton, W. Yorks. B. England is on a three-yeax tom at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. C. R. Evans is studying medicine at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London University. D. H. Evans is lecturer in the Department of Applied Physics, Sheffield City Polytechnic. C. J. Eyre has been appointed (1.10.76) Randall-Maclver Student in Archaeology at The Queen's College. G. A. Fallon is doing the M.Litt. course at Lancaster University (in the History department). The Right Revd Gordon Fallows, Bishop of Sheffield, has been appointed Clerk of the Closet to H.M. the Queen. R. P. Farrar is reading for the Cert.Ed. at Nottingham. F. J. Farrell is Headmaster of Kenilworth Grammar School, Warks.; from 1977 he will be Head of Kenilworth Advanced Studies Centre. P. M. Fickling is now with Rossminster Corporate Services Ltd, W.l. F. H. H. Finch has retired as Personnel Manager, Robson Rhodes. A. B. Fisher has qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries (May 1975). D. Floyd was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Linguists in 1974. A . H. Foot has now retired, after long service, as chairman of the English Schools H.A., the South Schools H.A., and the Kent Schools H.A. I. Fowler is Mayor of Canterbury for the year starting 19 May 1976. The Revd Canon J. D. Fox has now retired from Neatishead Rectory, Norfolk, and is settled in Dorset. M. B. Foxon is working for March Engineering Ltd, Bicester. J. G. French has moved from being a consultant with M.S.L. to being personnel manager for France (based on Paris) for Lloyds Bank International. J. H. Fryer is now settled in Belgium, where he is engaged on literary projects. D. M. Galloway is a senior educational psychologist in Sheffield Education Department; he has a book of case studies in the press. S. J. Gatrell has left Durham and is Lecturer in English, New University of Ulster, Coleraine. P. A. Gelles has joined the firm of Forry Golbert and Singer, in its Los Angeles office. T. R. Gillard now lives in Australia. 19

J. E. Gillman is now European sales manager for Securicor Ltd, based on London. D. Glew has an appointment with I.C.L. R. J. Godden has joined Hawker Siddeley Dynamics as a junior engineer. T. 0. Godeseth is with Rolls-Royce (1971) Ltd, Derby. J. Goff has an appointment with B.P. J. S. Golland is now on the staff of Harrow School. R. J. A. Golland is teaching privately in Germany. M. Goodfellow is School Liaison Officer, Mander College, Bedford. The Revd T. J. Gorringe is Chaplain of Wadham College and Assistant Curate at the University Church. P, J. Gow is a marketing executive with Guinness. R. H. Gozney is third secretary in chancery, the British Embassy, Jakarta. K. M. Grayson is a housemaster at Malvern College. -Group Captain J. G. Greenhill will be taking up appointment as Air Attache, Rome, early in 1977. N . P. Gregory is working with the Steetley Co. Ltd. A. K. Gregson (formerly Research Fellow) has been promoted Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, the University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W. M. J. Grocott is personnel manager with Minnesota 3M Laboratories, Loughborough. T. C. Grove became Features Editor, The Evening Standard, in April 1976. C. J. M. R. Gullick has been appointed Lecturer in Anthropology at the University of Durham. J. D. Gurney, University Lecturer in Persian History, has been appointed to a Fellowship by Special Election in Iranian Studies at Wadham College. G. D. Gwyer, after 3t years in Indonesia with FAO, is now working in the Philippines with the World Bank. J. 0. C. Haes is at Manchester Uni versity, reading for the M.Ed. in curriculum development. G. H. Hallsmith is Head of English at Charterhouse. A. F. Ham is with Bland Payne (International) Ltd, as bonding and security manager. The Revd T. P. Hamerton is Vicar of Welton with Ashby St Ledgers, diocese of Peterborough. D . J. Hammond is with Spicer and Pegler, the accountants. Air-Marshal R. P. Harding, R.A .F. (ret'd), is in Oman as general manager of Aisworth Ltd. S. W. Hardisty has retired from Barnard Castle School and resides at Startforth, Barnard Castle. D. R. Hare is general manager, Gallaher (Dublin) Ltd. G. Harper King has been re-elected a member of the Borough of Harrogate D.C. J. S. M. Harpham wrote music for th e film 'The Gift of Magna Carta', which had Ralph Richardson as King John and John Gielgud commenting.


P. H. C. Harris is reading for the Ph.D. degree at Queen Mary College, London. R. Harris has been elected Professor of Romance Philology at Oxford. P. J. Hathaway is with the Department of Planning and Transportation, G.L.C. B. Hattersley has been promoted Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy, Sheffield Polytechnic. J. A. Hawley has been appointed county Sheriff of Staffordshire. Yasuhide Hayashi is First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, London. A. J. Haydon is Head of the School of Science and Mathematics, Bedford College of Higher Education. J. R. Hayston recently retired after forty-one years' service at Palmers College, Grays, Essex. M. G. Heal is teaching at Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood. J. M. Heggadon is now marketing director, Thomas Ness Ltd (a N.C.B . company). R. J. Henshaw is N ational Development Officer for Men's Lacrosse. G. R. Heritage is general manager, Marketing Services for 3 M (U .K.) Ltd. The Revd T. C. Heritage retired in June as residentiary canon of Portsmouth and was appointed canon emeritus. The Revd J. F. Hester, who is Vicar of Brighton, has been appointed Prebendary of Waltham in Chichester Cathedral. M. J. Hilt is manager, economics division, Shell Materials Division. L. W. Hobbs has been elected a Research Fellow at Wolfson College. E. J. Hodgson has joined Security Pacific National Bank of Los Angeles, in its London office. S. R. Hogg is running Cranno g Cruising Ltd (his own firm) on Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh. A. Holden, having retired in December 1975 from the Ministry of Defence, is coordinator of operations and services with the Covent Garden Market Authority. W. A. Holt has retired as head of the Book Purchase Department, Wolverhampton Public Library. M. A. Hooker is a partner of the Ross McWhirter Foundation, having been a close friend of the late Ross McWhirter. J. M. Hopwood is in Canada with Atomic Energy of Canada. J. P. S. Howe, having reti red early, is running a small holding at Newcastle Emlyn, Dyfed. P . F. Howell is farming in Norfolk. B. W. Howes has been appointed to H .M. Inspectorate of Schools, London. C. F. Hu ghes runs a private company, Hughes Concrete Ltd, along with his brother. D. J. Hughes is doing operational research for central government . H . J. Hunt is now working for Coventry City Council. S. K. Hurst is working for the European Conservative Group at the European Pa rliament, Luxembourg. Lt. G. Hutchinson is with the 3rd Bn., The Light Infantry, in Germany. R. E. M. Irving has been awarded a British Academy Wolfson Fellow21

ship to study the Christian Democratic movement in Italy and Germany. G. S. Jackson is teaching at the City of London School. K. E . Jackson is a trainee p rogrammer with the Frie nds' Provident Life Office. N. McN. Jackson left Birkbeck College in 1974 and holds a post in the Department of the Environment, London. R. K. Jackson has joined Sperry Gyroscope as a d evelopment engineer. R. V. Jackson has ceased to be a Fellow of All Souls and is working with the Commission of the European Communities in the office of Sir Christopher Soames. C. J. B. James is Head of Modern Languages (not English, as stated last year), King Edmund's School, Bristol. P . K. James is a meteorologist at the R.S.R.E., Malvern, Wares. The Revd A. R. Janes has r et ired to the Homes of St Barnabas, Lingfield , Surrey. N. R. Jarrold, having returned from Dakar, is working in the United Nations Department, F;C.O. T. J. Jeffers is now House Tutor of Maine A, Christ's Hospital. M . F . Jerrom retired from the British Council on 31December1974. The Revd I. P. Johnson is pastor at Grove Place Chapel, Long Lane, Dalton, Huddersfield. A. J. G. Jones is Assistant H ead of Production and Planning, B.B.C. World Service. A. K. C. Jones is a surveyor in Birmingham. D. N. Jones is with the Notts and NSPCC Special Unit, Gordon Road, Nottingham. B. Keith has obtained his Ph.D. at Aberdeen , and took up a postdoctoral fellowship at the Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, in August. M. J. Kelly was elected a District Councillor in May 1976. J. H. Kempster is now Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Lever Brothers Nigeria Ltd. R. V. Kings is now Director of the Electrical Division, the Delta Metal Company. P . V. Kite is now Deputy Headmaster, Spalding Grammar School. The Revd R. C. Knowling is assistant priest at St Mary's, All Saints and St Michael's, Shrewsbury. P. S. Lamb has an appointment with Tradax Ltd. A . W. Laughton has been Managing Director, British Trimmings (Holdings) since June 1973 . R. D. Lees, after doing VSO in Kenya, is teaching Chemistry at City of Ely College. A. Lemon was Visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Natal and Rhodesia in the long vacation 1975. R. J. Levine is now a partner in the firm of Maxwell, Batley and Co., solicitors. The Revd Canon T . A. Littleton retired as Rural Dean of Richmond on 1 October 1975. D . Lomas was appointed managing director, Smith and Cooke Ltd, Bolton, in May.


P. D. Lott, having studied at The College of Law, Lancaster Gate, has entered into articles in local government in Dartford, Kent. T. R . Lucas has joined the Palm Line Division of UAC International. K. D. Luke, having completed a tour as Resident Representative of the U.N. Development Programme in Laos, is now Resident Representative UNDP in Israel. R. F. Mackay has been awarded the D.Litt. by St Andrews University for his published works. D. L. Mackie is now a partner in Allen and Overy, solicitors, E.C.2. The Revd A. R. H. MacLeod is Director of Resources, St Belier Boys' School; also secretary to the Jersey Council of Churches. A. J. H. Makin is Librarian at Portsmouth Technical College. G. Marsh is now at Wadham School, Crewkerne, as Head of Geography. R. D. Marsh is now a patent officer with the Ministry of Defence. Canon M. M. Martin retired as Diocesan Director of Church Schools (Colchester) in September 1975. A. M. Mathieson is with the Lincolnshire Area Health Authority. C. W. Mawer is working for Gwent C.C. as a senior engineer in the highways department. R . J. Mayer is with the Department of the Environment; he has succeeded G. de Deney as the College link with the Civil Service. P. W. Mayne is History master at Gateway School, Leicester (from September 1976 a sixth-form college). K. F. McCormac has been appointed (l.5.76) Deputy Clerk to the Justices, Wallington, Surrey. N. G. McCrea is personnel manager, Nabisco Ltd, Welwyn Garden City. G. J. McGrath, after serving as an articles clerk in Birmingham, has been admitted as a solicitor. A. R. McGregor has joined Messrs Philips and is doing computer work. S. J. McNulty is studying at the English College, Rome. B. D. Mead is with Mitson Ltd, the international traders. J. F. Mew is temporarily Adviser in Media Production, Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of the Bahamas. G. R. Mihell is London internal audit manager, Shell International Petroleum Co. M. Miller, after being adviser in English Language to the Republic of Cameroon to 1975, has been working for the M.A. in Applied Linguistics. D. L. Millie is in charge of modern languages at a comprehensive school at Clacton-on-Sea. D. S. Monkcom has left St John's, Leather head, and is teaching French and Spanish at Bishop Hannon School, Fairwater, Cardiff. E. J. Morgan has been appointed to the Civil Service Commission. N. J. Morley is with the FCO in London, having served for eighteen months as H.M. Consul, Hanoi . B. T. C. Morris returned from Ghana in July 1975 and is now Head of Biology, Eastbourne College. G. B. Morrison is now general manager of the Jockey Club of South Africa. The Revd L. G. Mortimer is Vicar of Styvechale, Coventry. 23

R. E. F. Moss, who holds the Diploma of the Museums Association, is Curator of Heaton Hall, Gr. Manchester. C. Mounsey is now Head of the Science Faculty, Eaton Hall, Retford, Notts. P. N. Mounsey has an appointment with Johnson-Matthey Chemicals Ltd. Professor Emeritus K. A. Muir has been elected first chairman of the International Shakespeare Association; he chaired the Shakespeare Congress in Washington, D.C., in April 1976, and has beeh presented with a Festschrift. M. C. Mulford has an appointment with K. Shoemakers Ltd. D. K. Murray John moved to Tokyo in April 1976 as general manager in Ja pan for Grindlays Bank Ltd. F. J. Murray is farming at Little Marlow. I. B. H. Murray, who is with Transmark, has moved to S. America for six months or a year. S. E. Napier-Bax is now a business consultant. S. M. Natale, S.J., is Consultant to the Washington School of Psychiatry and Director of Education, Center for Religion and Psychiatry, Washington, D.C. P. F. Newton joined The Boots Company Ltd in October 1975. The Revd B. A. Nicholas became Vicar of St Mark's, Exeter, in April 1976. C. C. Nichols has been working on the Sloan Fellowship Programme at the London Business School. Peter Nichols, Rome correspondent of The Times, was in July 1976 awarded Italy's 'Book of the Year' prize for his best-selling work Italia, Italia. E. H. Nicholson has now retired from the teaching post he took up on leaving the Colonial Service. T.V. Nicholson retired from Containerboxes Ltd on 1 January 1976. Mr Nityand is with the Tropical Products Institute, London. R. Norton is Deputy Head, Rodillian School, Leeds. M. R. Oakley is now Divisional Planning Officer in the Avon County Planning Department, Bristol. R. M. Oliver is assistant to the President of the Guinness Harp Corporation in New York. D. Outhwaite is working as a painter in New Mexico, U.S.A.; he has held an exhibition at Santa Fe. M. G. Owen is now Assistant Head and Head of Upper School, Atherstone School. M. B. Page is Lecturer in English and General Studies, Worthing College of Further Education. C. J. C. Palmer is practising as a solicitor at Tiverton. J. L. Park is with A. A. Thornton and Co., London, chartered patent agents. C. E. G. Parkhouse is now parliamentary and political correspondent for The Glasgow Herald. J. Parr (1971) is studying for the ministry at Trinity College, Bristol. 24

v. T. H. Parry has been editor of the Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History since April 1975; The Revd J. Patrick is working at Umtali, Rhodesia. R. A. Payn is now in S.Africa as chief executive of David Whitehead , the textile company. R. Perry is with a firm of accountants at Rugby. S. V. Peskett was President, Ulster Headmasters' Association, 1973 ~ 75. D. G. Phillips has been appointed Assistant Tutor in Modern Languages, O.U. Department of Educational Studies. J. H. Phillips is Director, Retail Distribution Services, Kurt Salmon Associates, international management consultants. J. Ll. Phillips (South Oxfordshire) has been appointed an officer of the District Planning Officers' Association. The Revd J. D. D. Porter is now Vicar of St Peter's, Rickerscote, Stafford. The Revd G. C. Pownall retired as Rector of Staple, Canterbury, on 30 September 1976. A. M. Pratt is with the Dominion Press Ltd, W.C.2. D. R. Preston is now with Peat Marwick Mitchell and Co., chartered accountants, Leeds. C. H. Pretty has joined the Army with a short service commission. M. R. D. Randall is technical manager within the Machinery Building Group, The Metal Box Co. Ltd. P. H. Raspin is a planning assistant with Lincolnshire C.C. E. Rawlinson retired on 31 December 1975 as senior partner, Marshall and Galpin, solicitors, Oxford. T. W. Ream is forage marketing and technical developments manager for Nickerson Seed Specialists, Grimsby. C. E . A. Reddick has joined Shell in exploration and production. A. M. Rentoul is with the National Westminster Bank's international division. The Revd J. S. Reynolds, in addition to being Rector of Dry Sandford, Abingdon, is Lecturer in Church History, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. M. J. Richardson has joined the cabinet of Sir Christopher Soames in Brussels. R . Ridley is now a housemaster at Wellington College. The Revd R. H. Roberts, R.N., was appointed Chaplain of the Commando Training Centre, Royal Marines, in November 1975. D. L. Robertson is articled to the Deputy Legal Adviser, National Coal Board. The Revd J. F. N. Robinson is Deputation Secretary for Ireland of the Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society. R. H. Robinson has left Peat Marwick and Mitchell and taken a job with Lloyds Bank. N. C. Rodliffe has joined Sir William Kalecrow and Partners as an assistant engineer. The Revd P . H. Rogers will be Assistant Priest, Trinity Church, New Orleans, until August 1978. P. J. Rogers has an appointment with Peat Marwick and Mitchell and Co., chartered accountants. 25

T. G. P. Rogers is director of personnel, the Plessey Co. Ltd; he is also President of the Institute of Personnel Management 1975-77, and a member of the O.U. Appointments Committee. M. F. Rooker is now a member of the Stock Exchange specializing in portfolio management. D. L. Rosen is working for the Ph.D. in astronomy at Imperial College, London. K. H. Ross is Chief Solicitor, Tayside Regional Council. The Revd B. B. Russell is priest-in-charge of East Keswick, Yorks. S. L. Russell is teaching at St Augustine's School for Africans, Penhalonga, Rhodesia. R. R. Rylands retired in July 1976 as Second Master, Maidstone Grammar School, after thirty years on the staff. P. F. Sadler is now responsible for Geology and C.S.E. Chemistry at Queen Elizabeth School, Wimbourne. The Revd J. E. Sclater is Chaplain to the Sisters of the Love of God, Bede House, Staplehurst, Kent. The Revd J. M. Scutt is priest-in-charge of Elvedon with Icklingham, Norfolk. G. J. Shaw is working for the D.Phil. at Bristol University. M. S. Shaw has sold his business to Curtis Brown Ltd, and is now a director of the latter. R. M. Sherratt is at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Queen Square, London. J. D. Shippen is now housemaster of Maine A, Christ's Hospital. N. G. Shrive is Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, University of Calgary. R. M. Sibly is Ernest Cook Trust Research Fellow (a Royal Society research appointment) 1974-76, working in the Animal Behaviour Research Group, Department of Zoology, Oxford. M. S. Simmie, having qualified as a solicitor, is practising in North London. S. C. Sinsbury is in the personnel department, Thorn Consumer Electronics. A. N. Smith has been taking a planning course at Newcastle. I. R. Smith is doing a postgraduate course (Geography) at Hull. J. H. Smith is now teaching at Hautlieu School, Jersey, C.I. J. F . Spellar is Head of Research Department, the Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunications and Plumbing Union. J. W. Stead has recently been a research officer with the unit of Tropical Silviculture, the Oxford Department of Forestry. P. J. R. Steddon is now Field Training Adviser, the Air Transport and Travel Industry Training Board, Staines, Middlesex. L. I. Stowe retired as Headmaster, Nelson Thomlinson School, Wigton, on 31 August 1976. A. H. Stroud is head of planning and liaison, the Cement and Concrete Association. J. A. Sultoon has articles with Freshfields, solicitors, London. G. D. Summers is sector administrator, Peterborough Health District. The Revd G. Sunderland is Rural Dean of Plympton Deanery.


P. c. Swann is now Executive Director of The Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Family Foundation, Montreal. N. A. J. Swanson is managing director of Trefimetoux (UK) Ltd (the UK subsidiary of a French metal fabricating company). The Revd F. J. Tackley retired from parochial work on 30 September 1975 and is living at Tolfree, Brede, Rye, Sussex, giving regular voluntary help in local parishes. P. M. E. Temporal is Research Associate in Management Education at the Yorks and Humberside Regional Management Centre, Sheffield. F. H. ten Bos runs his own printing business at Brentford, Middlesex. D. J. Theobald is Head of the Biology Department, Kenya Institute of Education. D. J. R. Thomas has published three books of art criticism in 1975-6. G. H. Thompson has been awarded the silver medal of the Zoological Society of London for making zoological films of high educational value and scientific quality. A. W. J. Thomson, who is Senior Lecturer in Applied Economics at Glasgow University, will be visiting professor at the University of Chicago in 1977. The Ven . G. B. Timms has been awarded a silver medallion by Pope Paul VI for his services to Christian unity; it was handed to him by the Apostolic Delegate on 1 March 1976. Brigadier A . J. Trythall is Chief Education Officer, U.K. Land Forces. L. L. Tuke is administrator of the 0.U. Forestry Department. B. Tulloch is overseas trading adviser, the Chemical and Allied Products Industry Training Board. D. M. Turner is Lecturer in the Department of Ethics and Politics, University College, Dublin. The Right Revd B. N. Y. Vaughan was enthroned as Bishop of Swansea and Brecon on 5 June 1976. A. C. Wadley has an appointment with Unilever. G. F. C. Wall is Lecturer in English at York University. N. A. M. Wallis has become Head of Physics, Archbishop Holgate's School, York. W. G. Wallis is now Estates and Valuation Officer for Harrogate Council, N .Yorks. The Revd D. Walser is Rural Dean of Cambridgeshire. R. G. Waple is with Lloyds Bank International in Brazil; he expects to return to the U.K. in January 1977. J. R. Wardle is U.K. Sales Manager, Continental Gummiwerke A.G. D. C. Warner has moved to the Brussels office of Messrs Lovell, White and King, solicitors. Lt.-Cdr. G. C. Warner, R.N., is currently serving in the Nuclear Fleet submarine H.M.S. Swiftstone. D. A. Watson was elected chairman of the Royal National Institute for the Blind in July 1975. M. P. Watson has joined Coopers Lybrand, Northampton, as a chartered accountant trainee. The Revd Canon I. F. F. Webb retired as Rector of St Mary's, Attleborough, on 31 August 1976 and has been appointed Canon Emeritus.


N. K. Webb is an electronics engineer with Marconi Instruments. J. Webster is with the Post Office in the City of London. M. G. White is Operations Planning Co-ordinator for Showerings Ltd and Coates Gaymers Ltd at Shepton Mallet. S. R. G. White has been appointed Lecturer in Law, University College, Cardiff. J. S. S. Whiting organised an exhibition of early photography and cinematography for the 1976 Harrogate Festival; he is a member of the Festival Executive and Board of Governors. G. P. T. Whurr is Organisation and Team Development Adviser in Management Training for British Leyland, Longbridge. G. M. Wilcox is a probation officer at Middleton, Manchester. The Revd H. E. Wilcox is now Vicar of St Mary the Virgin, Ware, Herts. C. M. Williams is practising as a barrister in chambers at Cardiff. N. L. T. Williams is with Josolyne Layton-Bennett and Co., chartered accountants, W.l. P. Witherington, having retired from teaching at Lancing, does parttime work as librarian of the College and helps with visual aids and printing. G. T. Woods was B.P. Educational Fellow at Keble College, Hilary Term 1976. Sir Denis Wright, G.C.M.G., has been elected an Honorary Fellow of St Antony's College. P. B. Wright is now a House Tutor at Maine A, Christ's Hospital. R. C. Wright is now resident lecturer for N.Merseyside and Liverpool, the Institute of Extension Studies, Liverpool University. J. T. Young is now commercial and managing director, T.l. Silencers Ltd, Blackpool. S. Young has been studying for the ministry at St John's College, Nottingham.

MARRIAGES D. H. Anderson and Caroline Belissa Andrewes, at St Andrew's, Stockton, nr. Worcester, on 30 August 1975. The Revd P. G. B. Barker and Laura Williams, in August 1963. B. Battye and Thelma Pierce, in July 1975. ¡ H. A. Beales and Kathleen Ann Morrell, on 10 April 1976. D. L. Bell and Gillian Alice Inglis, on 27 August 1976. S. F. Blinkhorn and Jenny Hillier, in August 1975. M. D. Booker and Lyn Thomas (St Hugh's,) in the Chapel, on 10 July 1976. G. J. F. Brain and Lorraine Todd, at Henley Registry Office, on 22 January 1976. The Revd R. L. Brown and Phyllis Daniel (St Hugh's), in October 1974. The Revd M. J. D. Carmichael and Elizabeth Becker, at St Mary's Cathedral, Johannesburg, on 13 December 1975.


D. G. Cater and Victoria Margaret Potter, in the Chapel (the Chaplain officiating), on 23 August 1975 . I. P. Cheffy and Gillian Bangor (B.A. Leicester), in St Mary's, South Stoneham, Southampton, on 28 December 1974. M. J. Clarke (1958) and Mary Rose Rice, of Dublin, at St Mary's, Harrow-on-the-Hill, on 6 September 1975 . The Revd B. A . Collins and Gwen Mahy (St Anne's), in Guernsey, on 7 August 1971. D. T. Cooling and Hilary Nowers, at Hurst Green Methodist Church, Oxted, Surrey, on 29 March 1975. B. F. W. Cottrell was married in July 1974. A. R. Craston was married at Ohlstedt, Hamburg, on 19 July 1974. M. G. Craven and Mairi Campbell, at Glasgow, on 19 June 1976. G. M. Day and Miss M. A. Clifford, at Tunbridge Wells, on 13 June 1975. N. 0. De Villiers and Jennifer Russell Gilmour, on 27 September 1975. D. H. Evans and Pamela Kitchen, of Goole, on 2 November 1974. P. T. Galsworthy was married in July 1974. C. F. Graham and Grizelda Jane Celia George, at St Peter and St Paul, Shorne, nr. Gravesend, on 31 March 1975. P. J. Graves and Margaret A. Jones, in Stafford, on 4 September 1976. P. G. Harper and Gillian A. Jennings, at St Martin's, Epsom, on 26 July 1975. P. K. James and Margaret Laughton, on 24 August 1974. A. K. C. Jones and Patricia Mary Cottrell, in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, on 25 October 1975. R. D. Marsh and Ms. Janet Mary Cave, in April 1976. P. W. Mayne and Beverley Burrows, on 9 August 1975. R. P . Meeres and Jane Ridsdate, at St Cuthbert's, Marton-in-Cleveland, on 3 July 1976. W. R. Miller and Mrs Irene Diaman Kaletsch, at St Peter's Lutheran Church, New York, on 28 February 1976. D. J. !vforris and Susan Mary Whittles, in Oriel College Chapel (the Principal officiating), on 4 October 1975. The Revd L. G. Mortimer and Catriona Lane, on 11 August 1973. Toshiro Ozawa and Shizuko Saito, at St Aloysius, Oxford, on 17 July 1976. J. L. Park and Gillian Herridge, on 7 October 1974. A. M. Pratt and Linda Mary Stone, of Hammersmith, on 14 December 1974. J. Prebble and Nicola Reddiford, at Featherston, New Zealand, on 10 April 1976. D. L. Robertson and Susan St Clair, on 1November1975. T. G. P. Rogers and Juliet Curtis (L.M.H.), in 1973. M. H . Sibson and Karen V. Jackson, at St Paul's, Fazeley, Staffs., on 24 May 1975. W. J. Sims and Teresa Ann Prince, on 28 June 1975. M. Stallworthy and Petronella van den Akker, in the English Church, Amsterdam, on 28 June 1974.

A. W. J. Thomson and Joan Hughes (daughter of Cecil Hughes, President of the J.C.R. in 1935). A . Vasa and Rita Elizabeth Sullivan, on 19 April 1976. G. R. Walmsley and Barbara Tane Emes, at Tetsworth, on 10 May 1975. The Revd D. Walser was married on 15 November 1976. J. Webster and Shirley Wallace, on 21 September 1974. R. Wells and Judith Margaret Harris, on 12 June 1976. G. M. Wilcox and Roslyn Slidders, at Rochdale, on 3 April 1976.


J. H. Alexander: a son, Mark, on 26 February 1976. B. J. R. Bailey: a son, Nicholas John Julian, on 1July1974. M . Barratt: a daughter, Susannah Katharine, on 6 September 1975. C. M. Brown: a daughter, Julie Caroline, on Christmas Eve 1974. K. A. Bywater: a son, Richard James, on 14 September 1974. The Revd B. A. Collins: a daughter, Jo Marie, in Goroka, Papua New Guinea, on 17 April 1976. D. J. Cox: a second child, Hannah Louise Austen, on 9 April 1975. Robin Day: a second son, .on 19 February 1976. Y. R. H. Desgouttes: a daughter, Claire Annick, on 30 September 1973. P. J. Dixon: a first child, a boy, on 11April1976. P. M. Fickling: a son, David, on 22 May 1976. P. T. Galsworthy: a son, Michael John, in February 1976. A. B. Gardner: a daughter, Helen, in January 1976. R. G. H. Goddard: a son, on 10 October 1975. The Revd T. J. Gorringe: a second child, Oliver Hugo Jervis McWilliam, on 25. July 1975. T. C. Grove: a daughter, Lucy Veronica, in March 1976. M. R. Harrison: a second child (a boy), on 8 April 1976. P. J. Hathaway: a daughter, Katherine Ann, on 27 September 1975. J. B. Hearn: a son, Benjamin James, on 21 January 1976 . . C. R. Hewitt: a son, Paul Nicholas, on 16 May 1976. M. J. Hilt : a son, William Gerard, on 10 April 197 4. L. W . Hobbs: a daughter, Susannah Verity, on 6 August 1974. H. W. Howell: a daughter, Margaret Colby, in May 1975. Lt. G. Hutchinson: a son, Kimball Richard, on 14 May 1976. N. McN. Jackson has two sons, Andrew and Timothy. M. C. Johns: a second daughter, Clare Louise, on 16 April 1976. The Revd M. 0. C. Joy: a second daughter, Sarah Anne, on 24 January 1975. The Revd R. C. Knowles: two children, Lucy (b. 1972) and James (b. 1974). J. N. Lindsay: another son, William, on 4 June 1976. C. H. L. Long: a son, Toby, on 22 May 1975. A. M. Mathieson: a second child, Edward Alexander, on 4 November 1975. C. W. Mawer: a second daughter, Nicola Claire, on 10 February 1975. 30

R. J. McDonald: a son, Henry John, on 3 July 1976. G. A. Metters: a daughter, Katherine Elizabeth, on 14 April 1976. G. R. Mihell: a third son, David Richard, on 1 August 1975. J.M. Milner: a son, Michael John, on 8 August 1975. The Revd L. G. Mortimer: a daughter, Rebecca, on 4 August 1974. M. G. Owen: a third daughter, on 2 May 1976. C. J. C. Palmer has two children, of 2t years and 8 months. R. B. Phillips: a son, Paul Alexander John, on 28 November 1975. A. M. Pratt: a daughter, Anna Louise, on 30 March 1976. W. J. Rea: a second son, John Henry, on 4 June 1974. J. F. W. Read: a second child, Sophia Isabella, on 28 May 1976. T. R.R. Richards: a second son, Jonathan, on 21 September 1975. C. R. Ritcheson: a son, Andrew Shepherd, in 1976 (christened in All Saints', Margaret Street, London, on 13 June 1976). The Revd J. V. Roberts: a son, Jonathan Peter Higham, on 29 May 1976. T. G. P. Rogers: a son, Benedict, in 1974. M. J. A. Scannell: a son, Piers John Edmund, in August 1973; a daughter, Imogen Claire Maria, in July 1975. M. S. Shaw: a third child, Daniel Timothy, on 27 March 1976. M. 0. Spilberg: a third child, Henry John, on 4 January 1975. G. D. Summers: a son, Benjamin, in April 1976. D. M. Turner: a third child, Brendan Denys Alan, on 3 May 1976. Lt.-Cdr. G. C. Warner: a second child, Philippa Meriel, on 6 January 1975. OBITUARIES THE FOLLOWING DEATHS

are recorded with regret:

The Revd Edwin Oswald Bennett, commoner 1920-22, died on 23 July 1975, aged 75. William Henry Martin Branston, M.A., commoner 1922-26, died on 14 May 1975, aged 71. The Revd Canon Cyril Vaughan Browne-Wilkinson, M.A., commoner 1919-21, Vicar of Holbeach for 46 years and Hon. Canon of Lincoln, died on 22 June 1975, aged 77. Gerald John Pickard Courtney, M.A., commoner 1934-38 and Heath Harrison Scholar 1936, died at Vigeois, in the Massif Central, France, on 16 April 1975, aged 59. He was Headmaster successively of Mitcham County Grammar School and Isleworth Grammar School. Richard Delano English, M.A., commoner 1934-38, died on 4 January 1976, aged 60. Glynn Harry Arthur Flood, B.A., commoner 1968-71, was bayonetted to death by Ethiopian troops in June 1975, at the age of 26. He had been doing postgraduate work in anthropology at London University, and was in Ethiopia making the first study ever carried out of the Afar tribe. The Revd Walter Limb Guyler, M.A._, commoner 1920-21, died on 2 February 1976, aged 86. 31

James Patrick Hogan, Rhodes scholar and commoner 1947-48, died in Rhodesia on 14 July 1975, aged 53. John Marshall Kirk, B.A. (Princeton), Ph.D. (Brown), commoner 1968-69, died at Vermont, U.S.A., on 22 January 1976, aged 34. The Revd Charles Thomas Kirtland, M.A., commoner 1906-9, sometime Hon. Canon of Coventry and Proctor in the Convocation of Canterbury, died on 31 October 1975, aged 88. Patrick Anthony Lovell, LLB. (Leeds), commoner 1961-63; Lecturer in Law at Leeds University, died on 12 September 1975, aged 35. Philip Neil Martyn-Kaye, commoner 1970-71, died on 6 August 1975 after prolonged illness, aged 25. Francis Edward Roberts, B.A., commoner 1910-13, sometime Headmaster of Long Eaton Grammar School, died on 15 November 1975, aged 83 . The Ven. Alick McDonald Trendell, commoner 1921-23, died at White Rock, B.C., Canada, on 18 October 1975, aged 75. The Revd Thomas G. Savage, S.J., of Campion Hall, who shared tutorials in English with Hall men between 1959 and 1962, died in Cincinnati during emergency surgery on 17 November 1975.

CLUBS AND SOCIETIES THE BOAT CLUB Captain: C. M. JONES Secretary: R. D. WARREN Treasurer: A. R. HARGREAVES Steward: F. A. BROWN THE SEASON WAS marked by the keen interest shown within the Hall. At one stage ten summer crews were planned, but owing to a shortage of boats only seven in the end participated. The results reflected this enthusiasm, three of the lower eights getting three bumps each. The First VIII rowed over comfortably for the second year running; the First Torpid had managed to move up one place. Individual achievements were significant, and five Hall men rowed in University crews. The Hall also dominated inter-college sculling at the Oriel Regatta. Officers for 1976-77-Captain:: R. Peskett; Secretary : P. H. Hirsch; Treasurer: C. B. Sunter; Steward: P. M. Watson. C.M.J. THE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Cuppers Captain: J. WALDRON League Captain,: C. H. PRETTY Secretaries: F. L. BARBER and C. A. HUGHES IN A YEAR of outstanding success the Hall won Cuppers after a two years' lapse and easily retained the inter-college Sevens shield. Although Michaelmas Term was less successful, the League side won its last four games. C. H. Pretty deserves credit for weathering the storm in midterm and trimming down a few forwards in preparation for Cuppers. J. Waldron set a splendid example in training, and his emphasis on 'cunning rugby' made the Hall XV the most attractive in Oxford to watch. In the run to the Cuppers Final the Hall swept aside Balliol, Lincoln and, most satisfying of all, Christ Church. A hard game against Queen's was won 12-4, and then a star-studded Worcester side was convincingly beaten 17-6. With many of the present team here next year the prospects for next season seem good. Officers for 1976-77- Captain: J. Samuel; Secretaries: J. D. Charles and C. A. Hughes. F.L.B. THE ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB Cuppers Captain: C. LAMB League Captain: J. W. RAMSEY Secretaries: J. A. B. GRAY and G. M. PRESTON THE LEAGUE XI was unfortunate in losing its first two matches, but won the remaining games and finished second in the League. The strong Cuppers side had an unexpected set-back, losing to Keble (the result of the loss of B. Thomas and over-optimism?) in the last group match; but fortunately the Hall qualified for the quarter-final as best losers. After this scare the team played well to reach the Final, which was played against Lincoln (winners of the League) under floodlights at the Oxford City Stadium. The large and vociferous crowd which braved the weather had the excitement of seeing the match go to penalties, and the greater excitement of seeing the Hall score four goals against two, thereby retaining the Cup. Similarly the 2nd XI cruised to an expected win, demon-


strating that the Hall's strength lies in depth as well as in quality. Officers for 1976-77-League Captain: M. A. Fabian; Secre.taries: M. S. Reed and R. Stichbury. J.A.B.G. THE HOCKEY CLUB Captain: M. SLATER Secretary: R. J. LANE A very enjoyable season was highlighted by the Hall XI gaming promotion to Division I, winning five of the six League matches played. This compensated, in part, for its sad exit from Cuppers at the hands of Trinity, and was some reward for the considerable effort made to retain a reasonable side. Officers for 1976-77- Captain: P. T. Clipson; Secretary: A. R. Ellis. R.J.L. mE CRICKET CLUB Cuppers Captain: D. P. WALTERS Secretary: C. A. PENWARDEN AGAIN THE CLUB had a disappointing season, as much due to the unavailability of grounds as to poor playing performances. Of the ten matches played only three were won, including a fine victory over the Stoics, who were dismissed for only 64. In Cuppers the first match, against Pembroke, was won convincingly, but we fell in the third round to St John's, for whom the captain of the Blues made 94 after being dropped on 5. Mention must be made of R. D. N. Topham and J. D. Charles, both of whom produced some fine performances for the Authentics, and the former of whom played for the University in its victorious match against Cambridge. Noteworthy individual performances were: D. P. Walters (51 v. Stoics); R. D. N. Topham (50 v. R.A.F. Brize Norton); J. H. Herlihy (44 v. Royal Army Educational Corps); J. D. Charles (6-30 v. Blenheim). Officer for 1976-77-Secretary: A. C. Bing. C.A.P. THE ATHLETICS CLUB Captain: C. M. LIZI ERI Secretary: J. w. TAYLOR IN ATHLETICS cUPPERS this year the Hall finished runner-up in the Final, yielding to Balliol by only two points. On the basis of their performance the following were awarded colours: A. W. Ayres, G. W. Chapman, K. P. Cheong, J. A. B. Gray, L. J. Hall, R. M. Hoolahan and J. H. McManners. C. M. Lizieri and J. W. Taylor were re-awarded their colours, the former having finished second in the 800 m . against Cambridge. K. P. Cheong was awarded a half-blue and J. W. Taylor represented the Centipedes in the 3,000 m. steeplechase. P. R. Edwards was re-awarded his blue for a record-breaking jump of 4 m. 20 cm. in the pole vault. Officers for 1976-77-Captain : J. W. Taylor; Secretary : K. P. Cheong. J.W.T. THE SQUASH RACQUETS CLUB Secretary: K. H . AUCKLAND Captain: w. L. EDDLESTONE THIS SEASON, after last year's promotion to the Second Division, proved disappointing, being one of frustration-despite losing reasonably in 34

Cuppers to the favourites, University College. A full side was rare, and there was no strength in depth to offset this disadvantage. P . H. Tudor and C. J. Smith achieved some good results, and J. D. Charles proved a useful reserve. Colours were awarded to C. J. Smith. Officers for 1976-77-Captain: K. H. Auckland; Secretary: C. J. Smith. K.H.A.

THE TENNIS CLUB Secretary: E. G. WAREING Captain: W. R. COOKE A POOR SEASON by any standards, this season was especially so in view of last year's Cuppers success. The team won only two of their League matches, and Jost in the quarter-finals of Cuppers to a strong Trinity side. Prospects look better, however, for next season, with talented freshmen like C. J. Smith, C. A. Roach and A . M. L. Elliott having benefited from this year's experience. Officers for 1976-77--Captain: E. G. Wareing; Secretary: C. A. Roach. E.G.W. THE BADMINTON CLUB Captain: c. BURDON Secretary: J. w. TAYLOR THIS YEAR the Hall completely dominated college Badminton in Oxford, finishing top of the League and winning Cuppers for a record third year in succession after defeating Wadham in a closely contested Final. A second team was entered for the first time, and lost only one match. Officers for 1976-77- Captain: J. W. Taylor; Secretary: R. A. Burger. J.W.T. THE TABLE TENNIS CLUB Secretary.: G. VANES Captain: s. J. BURNETT WITH A GOOD INTAKE of freshmen the first three Hall teams all had a satisfactory season. The first team especially performed well in the Second Division, and may have regained promotion to the First Division. In Cuppers, unfortunately, the Hall got no further than the first round. Officer for 1976-77- Captain: S. C. Richards. G.V. THE DARTS CLUB Captain: A. M. R . STONE THIS w AS AN unfortunate season for the Club, which slipped down the lst Division. The highlight was the final match against Jesus, with whom the Club drew 6-6. Captain for 1976-77: A. M. R. Stone. A.M.R.S. THE CROSS COUNTRY CLUB Captain: J. W. TAYLOR Secretary: L. J. HALL THE HALL made a promising start to the season with some good turn-outs in League races and regular club training sessions. Unfortunately it slipped to third place in Cuppers, and seventh place in the Selwyn relay 35

at Cambridge. Improved form was shown in the Hyde Park race this year, the Hall finishing 66th out of 100 teams. In the League the Hall ended up third. Officers for 1976-77- Capta in: H. M. Papworth; Secretary: A. J. Senior. J.W.T. THE S.E.H. ROAD RELAY A RECORD FORTY TEAMS entered the Relay this year, held on 4 February in and around the University Parks. The Cranford Institute of Technology finished first, while the Hall ended up in the sixth place; its 'B' team ran well to finish twenty-seventh . The cup, together with plaques and medals, was presented by Dr Collins at Iffiey Road Stadium after the race. J.W.T. THE CHESS CLUB Captai1t.: W. H. KINGSBURY THE LEAGUE was divided into four at the end of the season. Difficulties in fielding full-strength teams meant that the Hall narrowly missed selection for the First Division. In Cuppers, after disposing of University College, a sub-strength team was eliminated by Trinity on board count after drawing the match 3-3. Captain for 1976-77: W. H. Kirigsbury.

THE BRIDGE CLUB Captain: D. ANDERSON Secretary: P. DESMOND THE SUCCESS of the Club in Cuppers this year was dramatically increased by renewed support from previously dormant talent in the College. Despite three of the teams being knocked out in the first round, the fourth reached the quarter-final. Officers for 1976-77-Captain: R. A. Burger; Secretary: M. R. Devereux, P.D. THE LIDDON SOCIETY President : R. A. }UPP THE SOCIETY held its first meeting this year in Hilary Term, when Fr Edward Morris, of St Stephen's House, gave an interesting view of the Christian's attitude to politics. In Trinity Term the Society met again, this time with an increased attendance, to hear Sister Barbara, of the Community of St Mary the Virgin, give an entirely personal and very moving account of the vocation to the religious life. President for 1976-77: R. A. Jupp. R.A.J. THE CHRISTIAN UNION THE CENTRE POIN T of the year's activities was the University Mission in Hilary Term. The Hall group was privileged to work with the Revd J. B. Gillingham, of Plymouth, and the work put in during the Mission was richly blessed. The group continued to meet twice a a week. K.R.A. 36

THE HEARNE SOCIETY Secretary: J. E. EDE President: J. c. SAUNDERS THE SOCIETY'S ANNUAL PROGRAMME opened with an interesting talk by Mr H. G. Pitt, of Worcester College, on the foundation of the Mormon movement and, in particular, the character of its founder Joseph Smith. He was followed by Dr V. H. H. Hill, of Lincoln, who presented a very witty paper on a nineteenth-century Oxford election scandal concerning his college. Hilary Term saw the arrival of Dusty Miller, a postgraduate of the Hall, who talked about the myth of Dickens, at the same time exploding many other Victorian misconceptions. The final meeting of the term heard a paper by Dr H. G. A. V. Schenk, of Wolfson, on the European Romantic movement. The Society's dinner rounded off a highly successful year marked by good attendances and lively discussions. J.E.E. THE MUSIC SOCIETY President: P. Gow Secretary: B. ST J. TRAFFORD Treasurer: C. W. HIND THE SOCIETY mounted two concerts this year, both under the direction of the Organ Scholar, B. St J. Trafford. Michaelmas saw the more ambitious performance, the programme comprising Bach's Cantata 140 ('Wachet auf') and Purcell's Ode on St Cecilia's Day (1692), and concluding with Michael Haydn's Horn Concerto in D, P. Gow being the soloist. In Trinity an orchestral concert was performed which was well up to the standard now expected of the Society, consisting of Warlock's Capriol Suite, Mozart's Divertimento in D Major (Kl36), Purcell's Chacony in G Minor, and Haydn's Palindrome Symphony, No. 47 in G Major. This concert saw the last performance of Peter Gow, to whom the Society owes its revival. He is succeeded as President for 1976-77 by B. St J. Trafford. C.W.R. THE MUSIC CLUB President: D. NEUHAUS AL THOUGH THE CLUB has shrunk during the past year, this has encouraged members to give more enterprising and personalised programmes, with a resulting increase in enjoyment at the weekly meetings. The Club's other activities have also been successful, including the now regular and popu lar trip to Festival Hall. The annual dinner was held in Trinity Term, Dr Sherlaw-Johnson being guest-speaker. Officers for 1976-77- President: D. Neuhaus; Secretary: C. R. Russell . D.N . THE JOHN OLDHAM SOCIETY President: R. A. HUFTON Secretary: P. M. WATSON THE YEAR BEGAN with a production of Marowitz's Th13 Shrew directed by R. Mehrotra. This play is a rather crude reduction of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, and while saying little that is not implicit in the original play uses violence to emphasise and isolate the male chauvinism of Shakespeare's play, and also to impose a tragic interpretation on a comic masterpiece. It does, however, present many interesting chal-


lenges and opportunities to the actor, and a strong cast ensured that the production was a great success, with audiences occasionally large and always appreciative. In Hil.ary Term R. Mehrotra directed Peter Shaffer's play Shrivings at the Newman Rooms. This was in many respects an unhappy venture in view of the complications involved in producing a play in a hall of the size of the Newman Rooms. Lacking a large and experienced technical crew, the production muddled through to a chaotic first night on which the set was still being built only minutes before the play opened. In addition, there was the problem of having entered into financial association with another group of players. Although it was fraught with these and other problems, it is fair to say that Shrivings was an artistic success; the production also represented the realization of an ambitious project, and the enlargement of the Society's store of experience. The Society wishes to express thanks and good wishes to D. N. Holmes, J.P. C. Harding-Edgar and J. Nicholas (Wadham), who enhanced it with their enthusiasm and talent. R.A.H. THE ART COMMITTEE President: A. R. HARGREAVES Secretary: C. W. HIND THE YEAR 1975-76 has been very successful for the Committee, with a major addition to the Loan Collection and two exhibitions to its credit. The lithograph 'Le Paon' ('The Peacock') by Oskar Kokushka has been purchased and will, it is expected, prove popular. In Michaelmas the Committee put 'The Hidden Pictures' on show in the J.C.R. Party Room, these consisting of valuable paintings such as Stanley Spencer's 'Cookham Church' and L. S. Lowry's 'Houses in Cumberland', which are normally kept in the S.C.R. P. Gow organised an exhibition of Oriental Carpets and Rugs in Hilary Term, drawn from the stock of Christopher Legge, of Witney. Nearly all the exhibits were for sale, and there was a favourable response from collectors and dealers alike. Trinity Term was rounded off with an exhibition of Mr J. Hackney's paintings and prints of the Hall. C.W.H. TWO DINING SOCIETIES THE JOHN METHUEN SOCIETY DINNER was held at Ristorante Saraceno on 27 November 1975 . Twenty-one members of the Hall enjoyed an excellent meal followed by port in the President's room. The Anniversary Dinner of the Oronyatekha Society was held at the Cherwell Boathouse in Trinity Term. A magnificent meal was arranged by A . R . Hargreaves and enjoyed by twenty members of the Hall; it was followed by port in the President's room. J. W. and A.R.H. S.E.H. FOLK EVENING.S ON TWO OCCASIONS this year, during Michaelmas and Trinity Terms, folk music concerts have been held in the well of the Buttery. Emphasis was placed on the informal and the impromptu, this being necessary in face of an audience which demanded participation. Special tha.qks must be given to C. A . (Clive) Penwarden, and to the trio Fiddler's Guild, two of whom, along with Clive, appeared at the Hall Ball. It is fair to say that a good time was had, and will be had on future occasions, by all. T. RYDER


THE AULARIAN BOOKSHELF WE ARE VERY PLEASED to have received for the Aularian collection the following publications by members of the Hall: J. H . A LEXANDER (1959)-Two studies in romantic reviewing: (1) Edinburgh reviewers and the English tradition ; (2) The reviewing of Walter Scott's poetry. 1976. J. P. ALLEN (1955)- Calendar for 1975 . I. BAIN (1955)-A checklist of the mss. of Thomas Bewick, 1970*; James Moyes and his Temple printing office of 1825 *; A memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself, 1975; Thomas Ross & Son, copperand steel-plate printers since 1833, 1966*; William Daniell's 'A voyage round Great Britain, 1966, with E. Jamieson; Frederick W. Faxon, literary annuals and gift books, a bibliography, '73. C. BENBOW (1951)- Maps and surveys of Bermuda: part III (4) Norwoods first survey, 1975*; The University of Maryland in Bermuda: a continuing educational opportunity, 1975. • J. W. CHRISTIAN (Fellow)-The theory of transformations in metals and alloys, 2nd ed., 1975. K. CROSSLEY-HOLLAND (1959)- Green blades rising: the Anglo-Saxons, 1975. J. P . D. DUNBABIN (Fellow)- British rearmament in the 1930s, 1975*; Oliver Cromwell's popular image in l 9th c. England, 1975 • ; Oxford and Cambridge college finances, 1871-1913, 1975. • D. EASTON (1966)- with T. Copley: a bedside book for RE teachers, 1975. J. M. EDMONDS (1928)- The first geological lecture course at the University of London, 1831, 1975 • ; The geological lecture-courses given in Yorkshire by William Smith and John Phillips, 1824-25, 1975*; with H.P. Powell: Beringer 'Liigensteine' at Oxford, 1974*; with J. A. Douglas: William Buckland, F .R.S. , and an Oxford geological lecture, 1823, 1976. • A. E. ELLI S (1921)- The life-buoy, 1975* (short story). A. B. EMDEN (Hon. Fellow)~Oxford academical halls in the later middle ages, 1976. • J. K. R. FRAUSTO DE SILVA (1960)- with M. E. Emflia de Silva Freire: The application of production functions to the higher education system, 1975. * J. H. FRYER (1969)- The Great Wall of China, 1975. D. GOLDSTEIN (1953)- The citations of Judah ben Solomon ha-Cohen in the commentary to Genesis of Rabbenu Bahya ben Asher, 1975.* J. C. B. GosuNG (Fellow)-The natural supremacy of conscience, 1975*; Plato: Philebus, 1975. I. G. HEGGIE (1961 ) -Modal choice and the value of travel time, 1976. T. R. HERBST (1974)- The return of the natives, 1975. J. N. D. KELLY (the Principal)- Jerome, his life, writings, and controversies, 1975. G. WILSON KNIGHT (Hon . Fellow)- Jackson Knight: a biography, 1975. J. B. KNIGHT (Fellow)- Wages in Africa; what should a foreign firm do?, 1975. * A. I. MARSH (Fellow)- Growth of staff unions in engineering, 1975. * 39

R. B. MITCHELL (Fellow)- The expression of extent and degree in Old English, 1976 *; Linguistic facts and the interpretation of Old English poetry, 1975*; Short titles of Old English texts (with others).* M. R. OAKLEY (1959)- with P. Goss: The information and challenge of reorganisation; The effect of changes in transport responsibilities, 1976.* M. D. PALMER (1954)- World population, 1973; World resources and energy, 1975. D. G. PHILLIPS (1966)-Death in Paris, 1975. * S. J. C~P. PHLIPPONNEAU (1974)-Un example de planification urbaine en Angleterre, 1975. R . B. PUGH (Supernumerary Fellow)- Calendar of London Trailbaston trials under Commissions of 1305 and 1306, 1975; The central records of the Church of England, a report and survey to the Pilgrim and Radcliffe Trustees, 1976; Ministers' accounts of Norhamshire and Islandshire, 1261-2, 1976*; The writ De Bono et Malo, 1976.* A. W. READ (1928)-Is the name 'United States' singular or plural? 1974*; A report on scholarly activities 1973-1974 (typescript). F. J. C. RossOTTI (Fellow)- with J. R. Carruthers and K. Prout: Structure and stability of carboxylate complexes, XIV, The crystal and molecular structure of anhydrous copper (II) phenoxyacetate, 1975 *; with K. Prout and others: Structure and stability of carboxylate complexes, XV, The crystal and molecular structures of diaquobis-(p-methoxyphenoxyacetato) copper (II) dihydrate and diaquobis-(p-methoxyphenoxyacetato) copper (II) and crystal data for diaquobis-(p-nitrophenoxyacetato) copper (II), 1975. * D. I. SCARGILL (Fellow)-editor: Problem regions of Europe, The Eastern Alps; Saar-Lorraine; Moscow City, 1975-76; with P. Daniel: Filling university places, how do they select? 1976. * M. C. SEYMOUR (1950)- editor: On the properties of things, Trevisa's translation of Bartholomaeus Anglicus 'De Proprietatibus Rerum', vols. 1-2, 1975. W. URRY (Fellow)- The Normans in Canterbury, 1958*; Some notes on the two resting places of St Thomas Becket at Canterbury, 1973. * E. R. WELLES (1928)- The happy disciple, 1975. B. J. WICKER (1949)- The story-shaped world, 1975. N. WILLIAMS (1946)-John Foxe the martyrologist, 1975. W. S. C. WILLIAMS (Fellow)-with others: Inclusive hadron production in inelastic muon-proton scattering at 150 GeV /c, 1975.* G. T. WooDs (1956)-Demonstration of the colour range of indicators, 1975*; Chemistry and new mathematics, 1970*; The use of diagrams in chemistry, 1968 *; Physical science projects, 1974*; with G. C. Hill: Multiple true-false questions, 1974*; with H. Irving: The adsorption of some anionic complexes on a cation-exchange, 1963. * P. WORNER (1929)-Way out, verse, 1975. D. C. M. YARDLEY (Emeritus Fellow)- Modern constitutional developments, some reflections, 1975 *; 8th edition of William Geldart's 'Elements of English Law', 1975. * Denotes offprint or part of a larger work.


There have been many welcome gifts to the library, the following being of special interest: The Risborough Collection, given by the Department for External Studies, Oxford. A large collection of books and pamphlets on the labour movement and industrial relations collected by E. J. Risborough during his lifetime of activity in these organisations. Sir Rupert Hart-Davis's gift of 'A Further Prospect of the Case in View, in Answer to Some New Objections not there Considered' (by Mr Dodwell), which has Thomas Hearne's signature on the fly-leaf. And a further 24 volumes for the Emden Collection from Dr R. T. C. Worsley. Also, we have been very pleased to receive books from the following: The Principal; R. E. Alton (Fellow); D. Berman; M. Blackburn; R. D. Brown; M. Cannon; Dr M. S. Child (Fellow); Rev. H. E. J. Cowdrey (Fellow); J. P. D. Dunbabin (Fellow); W. L. Eddlestone; Dr A. B. Emden (Hon. Fellow); Dr R. Fargher (Fellow); D. Floyd; C. F. W. R. Gullick (Emeritus Fellow); J. B. Knight (Fellow); S. A. McCann; D. W. Mackenzie; Revd E. G. Midgley (Fellow); C. D: Miller; S. Rahtz; V. Ridler (Fellow); J. P . Roberts; J. M. H. Scott; The South African Embassy in London; J. G. Trotman, S. Wernberg-M~ller; J. Wilk; Dr A. B. Worden (Fellow). We would like to record our thanks to all these donors for their generous gifts. SASHA




Honour School of Natural Science: Physics: Class I.: P. R. Tapstet. Class Tl: C. R. Bullett, J. M. Catherall, D . R. Copeland, R. J. Godden, A. P. Jordan, R. D. Merriman, P. Tucker, N. K. Webb. Chemistry: Part 1 (Unclassified Honours): K. A. Bromboszcz, K. A. Ford, S. A. Hancock, I. J. Midgley, J. D. Morbey, I. L. Timmis. Part II: Class II: A . W. Ayres, J. C . .Boff, P. N. Mounsey, M. C. Mulford, D. D. Price, G. J. Shaw, A. C. Wadley. Engineering Science: Class I: C. E. A. Reddick. Class II: R. J. Catmur, R. K. Jackson, A. R. McGregor , N . C. G. Rodliffe. Class Ill: S. L. Hutchinson, M. A. Hyde, D. A. Knight. Metallurgy: Part l (Unclassified Honours): N. R. Johnson, K. W. Richards, C. W. Thomas, M. I. Wood. Part l/: Class Tl: J. N. Calvert, M . P. Watson. Physiological Sciences: Class II: T. P. Cripps, A. C. Long, A . T. Stockley. Geology,: Class I: J. C. Goff. Class II: G. E. Bull, S. C. Burrard-Lucas, C. J. Moorhouse, A. Rigby. Biochemistry.: Part l (Unclassified Honours): M , A. Perryman. Agricultural and Forest Sciences : Class TI.: N. R. Herrod-Taylor. Zoology: Class Ill: M. Mahon. Honour School of Geography: Class TI.: C. D. Bamber, C. B. Gange, R. Gretton, J. P. C. Harding-Edgar, T . N. Hart, P. S. Lamb, C. M . Lizieri, J. P . Roberts. Honour School of Jurisprudence : Class I: D. W. Grice, A . N. Siopsis. Class II: A. G. Berry, S. C. Butler, J. A. Dallas, W. L. Eddlestone, R. K-K. Hui, K. N. K. Jones, B. D. Kelly, S. J. McNulty. Class Ill: C. L. Amor, N. B. Holliday. Honour School of Modern History: Class l: D. M. Beckett. Class II: A. J. Hope, N. D. Laing, M. Patterson, B. Thomas, D. P . Walters, N. Wrigley. Class In: A. J. Mourant, C. H. Pretty, J. C. Saunders. Honour School of History and Modern Languages: Class II: C. J. V. Ryan. Honour School of Modern Languages: Class II: A. J. Brundrett, S. J. Burnett, A. G. Deakin, P. W. Jennings, T . J. Saxby. Class Ill: M. J. H. Constantine, P. E. Kent. Honour School of English Language and Literature: Class I: E. J. Burns. Class II: D. J. Beaumont, W. R. Cooke, N. A . Friend, P. J. Gow, D. N. Holmes, H. P. Lewis , A. G. Mercer, R. C. Moore, C. H . M. Oulton, R. Starkie. Honour School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Class II: G. K. Chamberlain, G. W. Chapman, R . Gaster, R. J. A. Golland, R. G. Morgan, P. M. Sains, W. J. Sims, J. J. Tholstrup. Class Ill: B. Austin, T. R. Lucas, S. D. Stephens. Honour School of Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology: Class I: J. Wilk. Class /I: J. Waldron. Honour School of Mathematics: Class II: K. E. Jackson, N. E. Peeling, P. A. Whiting. Class Ill: J. B. Watson. Honour School of Human Sciences: Class I: S. R. Douglas. Class Ill : P. R. Gross bard. Honour School of Oriental Studies: Class Ill : A-P. B. C. Hardy.


MATRICULATIONS 1975 Scholars: Elliott, Andrew Mark Lynton (Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith) Hartley, David Rycroft (King Edward's School, Bath) Holleyhead, James Collis (Bournemouth School) Howell, Francis Robin (St Mary's Sixth Form College, Middlesbrough) Hughes, Jeremy Michael (Harrow School) Ledsome, Robert John (Royal Grammar School, Guildfo~d) Pratt, David Neil (Ipswich School) Robertson, Andrew William (Varndean Grammar School) Stansfield, Alan Michael (Weymouth Grammar School) Stichbury, Robert (Millfield School)

Commoners: Adair, Robert Fredrik Martin (Eton College) Allen, Hugh Christopher (Central London Polytechnic) Armstrong, Robert Colin (London University) Askins, Martin Clive (Porth County Comprehensive School) Asquith, Philip James (Batley Grammar School) Badger, Paul Edwin Roscoe (Bristol University) Baldwin, Andrew John (Sandown High School) Barker, Trevor John (Northgate Grammar School, Ipswich) Bilton, James Matthew (Poole Grammar School) Bing, Alan Charles (Christ's Hospital) Bishop, Robert David (Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough) Boothroyd, Paul (King Edward VI School, Southampton) Briffa, Edward Ian (Downside) Bromley, Nicholas John Howard (Wellington College) Bryan, Timothy Andrew (Hampton Grammar School) Burger, Robert Alan (Reading School) Charles, Jeremy Douglas (Brighton College) Charman, Robert John (University College of Wales) Cheong, Kenrick Philip (Alleyn's School, Dulwich) Clipson, Paul Thomas (Tudor Grange Grammar School, Solihull) Clouston Thomas, Keith Raymond (King Edward VI School, Thetford) Colquhoun, Ian Jesse (Bilbo rough College) Congdon, Philip John (Isleworth Grammar School) Cordell, Andrew Henry Charles (St Albans School) Cotton, Nicholas Charles (Monmouth School) Cvetkovic, Milan (Gateway School, Leicester) Dale, Andrew (Newcastle High School, Staffs.) Davids, Alexander (Witwatersrand University) Davies, Kenneth Gwyn (Cowbridge School) Devereux, Mark Robert (Tiffin School) Droop, Giles Timothy Reinhart (Edinburgh University) Ellis, Anthony Robert (Ardingly College) Ewe!, Manfred (Freiburg University) Fabian, Mark Alister (Highfields School, Wolverhampton) Farrow, Donald James (Harrow County School) Friend, Robert Stephen (Beechen Cliff School) 43

Gaffey, Robert William (Brighton College) Garrett, Martin (St John's School, Leatherhead) Gasser, Brian Frederick (Sheffield University) Geeslin, Keith Bewley (Stanford University) Gibbs, Graeme Adrian (Ardingly College) Gillam, David Anthony (Downside) Gomez, Pedro Carlos Flores (Colegio de Mexico) Goodall, David Graham (Wilmslow County Grammar School) Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas (Bristol University) Gove, John Robert William (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) Gray, Edward Gowan (Newcastle High School, Staffs.)' Greig, Louis Stourton (Eton College) Hackett, David John (Burton-on-Trent Grammar School) Hamilton, John Gavin (Epsom College) Heaver, David Gerard Verney (Brighton College) Hegarty, Daniel Donald (Mayesbrook Comprehensive School, Dagenham) Hirsch, Philip Hans (Lord Williams' School, Thame) Hockey, Christopher Ryder (Poole Grammar School) Holmes, Jeremy Paul (Ratcliffe College) Hoolahan, Roy Michael (Reigate Grammar School) Hornung, Stephen (Exeter University) Hudson, Brian David (Gillingham Grammar School, Kent) Hurst, Gordon James (Wigan Mesnes High School) Ince, Paul Henry (Manchester Grammar School) Jarvis, Charles Johnstone (Marling School, Stroud) Jeffery, Mark Charles (Gravesend School) Johnston, Andrew Ian (Harrogate Grammar School) Jones, Martin Anthony (Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School, Rochester) Jupp, Roger Alan (Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham Boys' School) Kane, Peter Ronald (Eccles Coilege, Manchester) Kerr, Alan Christopher (Richard Taunton College, Southampton) Kerrison, Christopher Peter John (Brune Park School, Gosport) Ketley, Graham Walter (Palmer's College, Grays) King, Alexander Harvey (Sheffield University) Kingsbury, William Howard (Dulwich College) Lomas, Alan Tohn (Manchester Grammar School) Lowenstein, Jack Theseus (Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith) McCarthy, Anthony (St Kevin's Comprehensive School, Liverpool) McGinlay, Robert Mervyn (Trinity College, Dublin) Mcisaac, Ian Christopher (Charterhouse) Maciver, Robert Andrew (Felsted School) McKenna, Paul John (St Brendan's College, Bristol) Mackinnon, John Grant (Henley-on-Thames Grammar School) McManners, Joseph Hugh (Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst) Malcolm, Neil Alexander (Bryanston School) Marcos, Ferdinand Martin Romualdez (Worth Abbey} Merrison, Peter Robert (Aylesbury Grammar School) Miller, Charles Dillon (Ruskin College, Oxford)


Morrison-Bell, Sir William Hollin Dayrell (Eton College) Muller, Jean-Claude (Lycee Classique Diekirch, Luxembourg) Newsum, Fletcher Alan (Swarthmore College, U.S.A.) North, Simon Richard de Lacy (Charterhouse) Nowak, Richard Edward (Cheltenham Grammar School) O'Connell, James Dominick (Harvard University) Osterley, Robin Marius (Monkton Combe School) Otobo, Dafe (London School of Economics) Oxenbridge, Stephen Richard (Ravensbourne School) Ozawa, Toshiro (Tokyo University) Papworth, Howard Mark (The Leys School) Payne John Royce (Maidstone Grammar School) Pease, Richard John (Queen's College, Taunton) Peskett, Roger (Royal Belfast Academical Institution) Proudfoot, Christopher George (St Anselm's College, Birkenhead) Read, Graham Edward Falconer (Newport Grammar School, Essex) Reed, Keith Nigel (Warwick University) Reed, Mark Stephen (Doctor Challoner's Grammar School, Amersham) Reynolds, Stuart Ian (Marling School, Stroud) Richards, Clarke Stewart (Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School) Richmond, Timothy Wavell (Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood) Riebroicharoen, Treepon (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) Roach, Clive Andrew (Wilmslow County Grammar School) Rosewell, Roger (Ruskin College, Oxford) Rushton, Ian (Arnold School, Blackpool) Samuel, Justin (Friars School, Bangor) Senior, Andrew James (Oundle School) Senogles, James Clifford (Bolton School) Shaw, Cecil (Ruskin College, Oxford) Smith, Christopher John (St Benedict's School, Ealing) Smith, Mark Richard (Matthew Humberstone Comprehensive School, Cleethorpes) Smith, Nigel Christopher (Slough Grammar School) Song, Young Shik (Seoul University) Spafford, Timothy Lionel (Shrewsbury School) Spurr, John (The King's School, Grantham) Stopyra, Anthony Peter (St Benedict's School, Ealing) Sunter, Cameron Beresford (Glyn Grammar School, Surrey) Sykes, Timothy Richard (St Edward's School) Tongue, Peter Kenneth (Birmingham University) Topham, Robert Denham Nigel (Australian National University) Trimingham, Jolyon Loch (schools in the United Kingdom and the U.S.A.) Ueno, Tadashi (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Wade, David Patrick (St Benedict's School, Ealing) Watson, Peter Maurice (Abingdon School) Way, David Denison Harvey (Marlborough College) Wilkins, Michael Paul (Thetford Grammar School) Wood, Mark William (Warwick University) Wright, John Christopher (St Chad's College, Wolverhampton)


DEGREES B.A.: 11 October 1975 *N. A. Field-Johnson, *P. N . H. Foot, S. P. Frostick, *J. H. Fryer, T. Y. Malik, *A. D. Maxwell, F. J. Murray, *M. D. Shipster; 1 November 1975 *P. Burnell, D. G. Cater, S. S. Chandler, *R. H. Colsen, B. F. W. Cottrell, H. D. Evans, S. B. Fisher, H. J. Hunt, H. G. Mason, N. L. T. Williams; 15 Novernber 1975 M. W. M. Berry, *R. J. Coates, *B. J. Cole, P. F. Howell, P. N. Mounsey, *J. F. Regan, G. S. Taylor; 29 November 1975 J. B. Bennett, J. H. E. Colton, K. P. Copestake, S. A. Fell, D. A. Hamilton, *A. A. Harman, B. Jones, A . S. Lowenthal, S. A . McCann, D . P . Piper, G. J. Price, A. W . Riley, F. J. Robichaux, I. R. Smith, R. Stephenson, J. G. Trotman, A. J. Walker; 17 January 1976 L. D. Curtis, *L. J. Farrugia, *R. E. C. Jones, *J . B. H . Swift, S. C. Taylor; 28 February 1976 *H. G. Forrest, J. R. Kirkham, R. Perry, D. L. Rosen, M. J. Wilding; 29 April 1976 *D. W. Edmondson, M. D. Booker; 5 June 1976 R. J. Barnfield, P. J. Betton, M. A. S. Blackburn, D. J. A. Cockerill, J. M. Fisher, P. R. Gillett, D . J. Hammond, C. J. Hodgkinson, *S. M. Jones, J. B. C. Lazenby, D. A. Leggett, *D. W. Liniker, P. N. Middleton, D. G. Miles, R. T. M. Moore ; H. St. C. O'Neill, P. A. Osborn, P. J. Rogers, J. A. Sultoon; 24 June 1976 C. M. Fisher, J. N. Goater, P. F. C. Gordon, D. Mack, C. Sauer, A. G. Shipton, M. A. S. Winter; 10 July 1976 A. C. Cave, J. A. Logan, D. S. Stevens; 31 July 1976 *P. S. B. Brennan, G. E. Bull, *P. M. Dendy, P. W. Driver, A. J. Ewart, *M. R. M. Ffinch, *P. R. Grossbard, A. J. Harding, B. J. L. Lowe, R. S. Monro, W. J. Sims, A. N. Smith, J. Wilk, R . C. Wilson. M.A.: 11 October 1975 *D. M. Galloway, *H. M. Hyde, *E. S. G. Jelinek, *C. D. W. Robinson; 1 November 1975 P. D. Bailey, S. H. Carleston, *R.H. Colsen, T. J. Gorringe, *G. H . Hallsmith, D. J. Hughes, H.J. Hunt, R. T . Ward; 15November1975 *B. J. Cole, G. S. Tayl.:>r; 29 November 1975 *R. E. Southwood; 17 January 1976 *L. W . Downey, J. B. H. Swift; 28 February 1976 *N. Gray, *A. N. Jones; 29 April 1976 *R: P. O'Brien; 5 June 1976 R . J. Barnfield, J. M. Hopwood, S. K. Hurst, *H. Kahnamouyipour, *C. R. Kerridge, J. W. Mitson, *P. Nathanson, *P. F. Newton, R . J. Sapsford, D. P. Turner; 24 June 1976 C. M. Fisher, P. F. C. Gordon, *P. R. W. Kelly, D. C. Monckom; 10 July 1976 J. N. Aptaker, J. M. E. Dobson, E . A . Fretwell-Downing, L. A. Jackson, P. K. James, H. M. Johnson, N. F. Strawbridge; 31 July 1976 C. V. A. Bailey, *M. R. M. Ffinch, *D. Glew, A. J. Harding, B. J. L. Lowe, *G. J. McGrath, *D.R. H . O'Regan, S. W. Rock, *N. G. Shrive. B. Litt.: 11 November 1975 *H. M. Hyde; 28 February 1976 *S-L. Wong. D. Phil.: 11 October 1975 R. M. Sibly; 29 November 1975 *E. J. Lowe ; 17 January 1976 *J. P. Cull, *D. Turner; 5 June 1976 *P. F. Newton ; 10 July 1976 P. K. James, A. M. Sbeta ; 31 July 1976 *D. Glew. B.Phil.: 24 June 1976 R. R. Mccutcheon; 10 July 1976 *J.M. Wien. B.M. & B.Ch.: 17 January 1976 L. D. Curtis. M.Sc.: 29 November 1975 *A. D. Hendley ; 31 July 1976 *W. G. Kennedy. •In absence



lnvestments at Cost: Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society Premium Savings Bonds ..


1,900 100

Bank Ilalance

1,300 100 2,000 148



1,513 377

£2, 148


11 3

Less: Subscriptions received in advance

REPRESENTED BY Accumulated Funds: General Fund at 30 April 1974 Surplus (Deficit) from Income Ex penditure Account





1,351 197

939 197


Absorption of Publication Fund


1,136 500

Directory Fund at 30 April 1974 Appropriation during year




845 845

Less: Cost of Directory

600 £2,148


B. M. FORREST (Honorary Treasurer) I have examined the books and vouchers of the Association for the fifteen months ended 31 July 1975. In my opinion the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Account give respectively a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association at 31 July 1975, and of the excess of Income over Expenditure for the fifteen months ended on that date. JOHN R. PAUL (Honorary Auditor) 27 August 1975


ST EDMUND HALL ASSOCIATION INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the fifteen months ended 31 July 1975 1975

INCOME Membership Subscriptions Building Society Interest . .. Donations ... Refund, S.E.H. Sports Fund Premium Bond P rize

2,403 97


1,155 88 6 24


2,550 EXPENDITURE Grants to: Scholarship Fund Graham Hamilton Travel Fund Initial Computer Costs for Future Directory Supplements Appropriation to Directory Fund Magazine Postage Stationery Secretarial Refund of Subscriptions Overpaid

Surplus (Deficit) of Income over Expenditure carried to General Fund on Balance Sheet


300 160


200 80 108 345 310 280 58 7 15

600 728

236 97 16





Family on the Move (see p. 6.)

Photo by P.




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