St Edmund Hall Magazine 1976-77

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St Edmund Hall Magazine


976- 77



Back Ro w: J. F. Christo pher ; R. G. Thomson ; D. A. Berman ; P. Rivas; A. C. R. Jack ; N. J. Preston ; J. Warner ; A. H. Stockman; G. C. D. Young; S. A. Banks ; M. R. Saunders; M. B. Williams; J. P . Howe; S. F. F. Parke; R. P. Clarke; S. Moore; P . R. Sutton; S. Cheung. Second R ow: P . Campbell ; Anon ; P . G. Macardle ; L. Kent; A. Mete ; M. R. Evans; R. M. K. Young; C. G. S. Eley; J. J. R. Pu gh ; A. J. Winstanley; B. G. Buciak ; J. A. Kerr ; P. I. Shead ; J. K. C. P earce; A. B. Denton ; A. J. Heslop ; K. J. Jones; G. Hesketh; N. J. Worthington ; I. M. Taylor. Third R ow: S. A. Sta ite ; P. V. Field ; P. J. Trowles ; S. G. Catchpol e; A. D. Wilson ; K. R. Scott; J. Reynolds; I. Jackson; S. Gallagher ; P. N. Blakey; J. D . Nicholl s; S. C. Flood ; B. W. Richter ; T . I. McDougall ; P. J. Bevan; G. W. Farquharson; M. R. Wheatley; R. J. Cook ; G. J. Rees; A. F. Palmer; T. G. Blenkinsop ; J. Montes. Fou rth R ow: A. M. Goreing; A . H . Phillips; J. D . Whiteman ; R. G. Smith; M. S. H ockey; T . A. R. Payne; G. D. Bu rger; S. J. Charters; M. Pheby; S. J. Hobson ; P. L. Smith ; R. P. Beckley; N. J. Henshaw ; S. R. Corsham ; J. J. Young; N. P. Howard; J. L. Armstrong; H. R. C. den Dulk; R. A. H . Finch; S. L. Edwa rds; C. M. Mayers. Fifth R ow: B. J. Partri dge; B. Wi lson; S. G. M. Parsons; N. J. Spring; D. J. Corps; J. C. Keey; G. H. Adams; P. A. Godfrey; A. B. Wathey; C. S. Lattimer ; N. R. Wilkes; A. J. Cooper; M. C. Mill ; R. H . Coleman; D. M. Simpso n ; R. J. Moore ; R. H. Edwards ; A. Lundie ; R. P . Jones ; R. A. Waters; R. B. Dunn ; R. G. Birch. Fl'on.t R ow: T. D. Worsfold; C. G. Climie; R. A. Wilson ; J. A. Robertson ; J. M. Collingwood; R. M. Head; W. B. Cogar; W. R. Baker; G. D. Bates; Dr. W. G. Urry; S. K. Ellison ; C. J. E lston; T. R. A stin ; M. C. Wald ; A. N . Bodd in gton; S. J. Tetley; D . C. W. Adcock ; M. K. Power; P. J. Apsden ; S. J. Shepherd; W . A. Hollington.



THE DEATH OF NEVILLE WILLIAMS on 29 January, at the early age of fifty-two and only three weeks after taking office as President of the St Edmund Hall Association, brought unexpected sadness to all who knew him. He was a man of remarkable versatility and capacity for unflurried hard work who achieved a great deal in a comparatively short span. After reading Modern History at the Hall (1946- 48) and engaging in research which later won him his doctorate, he spent most of his professional career in the Public Record Office, and although he missed becoming Keeper he was Deputy Keeper of the Public Records from 1970 to 1973. In the latter year he changed course abruptly, being appointed Secretary of the British Academy, and for three and a half years carried out an entirely fresh range of functions at Burlington House, bringing to them an enthusiasm, an administrative flair and an apparently tireless energy which evoked p1~aise and admiration. Alongside these public activities, however, he was all his life an ardent lover and accomplished performer of music; he had spent three years at Christ Church Choir School under Thomas Armstrong, and it was as an organ scholar that he entered the Hall after serving as an officer in the R.N.V.R. A keen student of local history, he was also literary editor for several years of the Wiltshire Record Society. Most surprisingly, perhaps, he found time, in spite of the heavy claims of his professional appointments, to be a prolific writer of well informed and highly readable books, many of them Tudor biographies and descriptions of life at Court, but including two fat manuals of modern chronology. As a man he impressed 1

people as singularly urbane, gentle and considerate, quietly determined but by nature always a conciliator, with a faith which was both unobtrusive and firm. His attachment to the Hall, in which he had stood out among the undergraduates of his day, was deep-seated and unflagging; he was proud to serve on the Executive Committee of the Association, and it gave him pleasure to resume his seat at the organ at the summer reunions. He will be greatly missed, and the sympathies of Aularians go out in full measure to the family circle in which he found unfeigned joy and satisfaction. Born at Chalfont St Peter in 1924, Neville died at Nairobi, when as Secretary of the Academy he was visiting the British Institute in Eastern Africa. In mid-October 1976 he had suffered a mild coronary, necessitating a period in hospital; he had just returned from an official visit to Russia, where he and other officers of the Academy had conducted important negotiations with the Soviet Academy of Sciences. At the London Dinner on 11 January, when he was installed as President of the Association, he seemed well, and was in excellent spirits. Alas, after that happy evening we were to see him no more, but the writer of this note treasures an affectionately inscribed copy of his last book, The Cardinal and the Secretary, which he then slipped into his hand. There was a deeply moving memorial service, arranged by the Academy, at St James's, Piccadilly, on Saturday 7 May, with music such as might have delighted his heart and a splendid panegyric by Professor A. G. Dickens, Director of the Institute of Historical Research, who had been one of his supervisors when he was a graduate student almost thirty years ago. A great crowd gathered to do tribute, along with his family, to this kindly, gracious and courageous scholar, and amongst them was an ample contingent representing the Hall. J.N.D.K. THE VISITOR the Visitor, Mr Harold Macmillan, honoured the Hall by attending the St Edmund's Day Feast on 16 November 1976, spending the night in the Principal's Lodgings. To his own and everyone else's great regret he had been prevented from coming the previous year, but had sent an eloquent telegram on the morning of the celebration. This year he was with us in typically urbane form and crowned the evening with a spellONCE AGAIN


binding speech, full of reminiscence and wit, which the whole company-Fellows and undergraduates and guests of the College - saluted with a standing ovation. THE PRINCIPAL AND FELLOWS THE PRINCIPAL and Mr J. C. B. Gosling were members of the delegation from the University of Oxford which, led by the Chancellor, presented a loyal address to H.M. the Queen at Buckingham Palace on Friday 1 July 1977. The Principal has been nominated as a Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the year 1977-78; he has also been nominated as a Delegate of Privileges. His completion of twenty-five years as Principal was celebrated, with speeches of congratulation, toasts and presentations, by the Senior Common Room at a dinner held on the eve of Michaelmas Term 1976 and by junior members generally at the Christmas dinner in the Wolfson Hall on the last Sunday of that term. Dr D. I. Scargill has been appointed a magistrate on the Oxford bench. Mr A. I. Marsh was awarded the Silver Jubilee Medal. Professor P. F. Ganz has been elected an Honorary Fellow of Hertford College, and Mr J. Hackney (who retired as an Official Fellow last autumn) has been elected to an Emeritus Fellowship of the Hall. Sir Denis Wright is to be congratulated on the publication of his book The English Among the Persians. The Vice-Chancellor appointed Dr Child to carry on the duties of the Coulson Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry, and the General Board appointed Professor Christian as deputy for the Isaac Wolfson Professor of Metallurgy during his absence on sabbatical leave in 1978. Mr R. E. Alton and the old member Mr I. G. Heggie (Fellow of St Cross and Director of the Transport Studies Unit) have been awarded two of the five wall plaques presented by the Oxford Preservation Trust for excellence in the restoration and conservation of buildings. Dr D. R. T. Jones, whose I.B.M. Research Fellowship terminated in September, has taken up an appointment with CERN at Geneva. THE SENIOR PROCTOR J. c. B. GOSLING was instituted as Senior Proctor on Wednesday 16 March this year. At 12.15 p.m. on that day a procession led by the Principal and Mr Gosling and consisting of all available Fellows arranged two by two in order of seniority left the Hall and marched, under the escort of a University Bedel, in MR


heavy rain to the Convocation House. Here, after the customary oration by the retiring Senior Proctor, the two Proctors-elect were presented to the Vice-Chancellor by the Principal and the Vice-Master of St Peter's College respectively, and after they had been charged and had taken the oath were formally admitted to office, were clothed with the proctorial hoods and received their insignia from the Vice-Chancellor. After escorting .the Vice-Chancellor to his college, the procession returned to the Hall, and the new Senior Proctor entertained the ViceChancellor, University officials, Honorary and Emeritus Fellows and Fellows and their ladies to luncheon in the Wolfson Hall. Mr Gosling had nominated Dr D. I. Scargill and Dr M. S. Child as his Pro-Proctors, and they were admitted to office at the ceremony in the Convocation House. The Senior Proctor subsequently ¡nominated Dr K. H. Segar as an additional ProProctor, and he was admitted as such by the Vice-Chancellor. ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS IN MARCH Stephen Richard Blarney, B.A., B.Phil., Exeter College, was elected to the St Edmund Junior Research Fellowship, which had been vacant since the resignation of Mr R; Tait in August 1974. After taking a First in Honour Classical Moderations, Mr Blarney read for the Honour School of Mathematics and Philosophy; his research will be in the field of logic. At the same time the Governing Body elected the runner-up, Mrs Vivien Mary Jones, B.A., Lady Margaret Hall, to a Junior Research Lecturership, and subsequently agreed that, if and when the Statutes permitted, she should become a Junior Research Fellow. Mrs Jones obtained a First in English in 1974, and has since been engaged in research on Henry James's criticism of the novel. Both these took up their appointments on 1 October. The following were appointed to Non-Stipendiary Lecturerships in the course of the year: in Psychology (for 1976-77)~ P. R. Collett, D.Phil. (B.A. Natal and Cape Town), Research Officer in the Department of Experimental Psychology; in Engineering Science (for three years in the first instance)- R. G. Lord, M.A., D.Phil., University Lecturer in Engineering Science and Fellow of Worcester College; in Metallurgy (for three years in the first instance)- J. P, Jakubovics, M.A., D.Phil., University Lecturer in Metallurgy and the Science of Materials; in Phil4

osophy (for the period of Mr Gosling's Proctorship)-M. J. Lockwood, B.A., St Peter's College, and D. W. D. Owen, B.Phil. (B.A. Trent), Corpus Christi College; in Geology (for five years in the first instance)-H. C. Jenkyns, Ph.D., Durham University, University Lecturer-elect in Sedimentology. The lecturerships of Dr Olleson (Music) and Dr Wild (Biochemistry) were renewed for further periods. IN MEMORIAM AS THE MAGAZINE goes to press, it records with deep regret the death, at the age of ninety-two, of the Hall's senior Honorary Fellow and one of its most outstanding sons, Bishop John William Charles Wand, P.C., K.C.V.O., Hon. D.D. An undergraduate under Principal Moore 1904-7, he became Dean of Oriel in 1934, and was then successively Archbishop of Brisbane (1934-43), Bishop of Bath and Wells (1943- 45), Bishop of London (1945- 55), and Canon and Treasurer of St Paul's (1956-69). An accomplished theologian, wonderfully prolific writer, remarkable preacher and outstanding administrator, he was among the two or three leading British churchmen of his time. Lecturer in Theology at the Hall 1928- 21 and Trustee 1946- 52, he lavished his interest and affection on it until the end; his portrait in oils hangs in the Wolfson Hall. The Magazine also notes with regret the deaths of two former Fellows of The Queen's College who played a small but helpful part in the Hall's history. Alfred Henry Seddon Cripps, second Lord Parmoor, who died on 19 May 1977 and was for many years Estates Bursar of Queen's, represented the College on the body of Trustees of the Hall from 1938 to 1945. Archibald Bridges, C.B.E., who died on 17 June 1977, Bursar of Queen's from 1945 to 1958, took a cooperative and constructive part, along with the late Provost J. Walter Jones, in the discussions which the Principal conducted with the College in the winter of 1955 and which smoothed the path for the attainment of full collegiate status by the Hall. Nearer home, the Hall mourns the loss of two valued scouts: Mr G. A. Joyner, who had worked on front quadrangle staircases from January 1973 and died on Christmas morning 1976; and Mr W. Sutton, who joined the Hall staff almost exactly one year later and died on 30 April 1977. The sympathies of Aularians go out to their relatives.


GIFTS THE HALL warmly thanks the following : The late Mrs Dora Allen, stepmother of Principal Gerald Burton Allen, for a legacy of ÂŁ1000.00; Professor G. R. Allen (Emeritus Fellow) for a Victorian claret decanter bearing the insignia of the Scots Guards; Jesse P. Allen (matric. 1956) for two sets of panel etchings in colour executed and signed by himself; M. J. Cansdale (matric. 1956) for a silver Tastevin to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Principal's election to his office; Jeffrey Hackney (Emeritus Fellow) for a pair of silver 'berry' spoons (one Georgian, one Victorian); C. W. Hind (matric. 1974) for two altar cruets for use in the Chapel; A. I. Marsh (Senior Research Fellow) for a numbered copy (limited edition) of a drawing of the quadrangle by Charles Broadhurst; Barry Spurr (matric. 1974) for a silver-plated wafer box for use in the Chapel; Professor G. R. Wilson Knight (Honorary Fellow) for a bronze head of himself sculptured by Robert I. Russin, along with a photograph of Russin engaged on the work and an illustrated catalogue of the artist's other works; The St Edmund Hall Association for further substantial gifts to the Scholarship Fund, the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund and the Directory Fund, as well as towards the cost of the Magazine; The Fellows for six silver dessert spoons, of Old English pattern, in commemoration of the Principal's silver jubilee. THE ADMISSION OF WOMEN has decided that the Hall, like almost all other men's colleges, should become co-residential and admit women to membership whether as Fellows, graduate students or undergraduates (for some years there have been women Lecturers). The momentous, first step was taken in July 1976, when a statute was passed deleting the clause in the Statutes prohibiting women from membership of the College. At this point a halt had to be called because both the Charter of Incorporation and certain deeds settling the relationship between



the Hall and Queen's specifically stated that it should be a place for the education of men members of the University. The agreement of Queen's was readily obtained, but the drawing up of a fresh deed and, more importantly, the special procedures prescribed for the amendment of the Charter took a considerable time. These complicated preliminaries, however, were completed early in Trinity Term, and Hebdomadal Council agreed to promote a decree giving the consent of the University to the statutory amendment (its consent was not deemed necessary to the alteration of the Charter). At the time of going to press (late July) the statute amending the Statutes and the Special Statute amending the Charter were under consideration by the Privy Council. Old members with eligible daughters should not, however, be impatient. Even assuming the approval of the Queen in Council, delays in implementing the new provisions are inevitable, for there is general agreement that the transition of the men's colleges to co-residence should be carried out in an orderly way. It is not expected that the Hall will be admitting girls until 1979 at earliest. ACADEMIC SUCCESSES c. B. FREEMAN (1960) and J. M. Shneerson (1965) were granted the degree of Doctor of Medicine for research into immunotherapy in leukaemia and thoracic scoliosis respectively. Sixteen men (much the largest number in the Hall's history) obtained Firsts in Finals in 1977: I. Midgley (Chemistry); N. R. Johnson and M. I. Wood (Metallurgy); S. P. Edrich (Geology); A. C. Patterson (Engineering); S. M. Hutchinson (Mathematics); A. G. Crosby (Geography); G. Pollitt (History and Economics); G. P. Clark, L. J. Hall and T. B. Robinson (Physics); C. A. Penwarden (P.P.E.); B. R. Green and S. Khurshid (Jurisprudence); P. Gent (Modern Languages); R. A. Kelly (English). Of these M. I. Wood, S. P. Edrich and T. B. Robinson were awarded the International Nickel, the Burdett-Coutts and the Scott Prizes respectively for the best performances in their Honour Schools; while L. J. Hall had previously been awarded one of the coveted Kennedy Scholarships to the U.S.A. In Preliminary Examinations T. R. Astin (Geology), J. F. Christopher (Theology), and M. K. Power (P.P.E.) obtained Distinctions. In Honour Moderations the following obtained Firsts: A. J. Cooper, C. J. Elston and R. G. 7

Smith (Physics, Mathematics and Engineering); N. J. Henshaw, A. H. Phillips and J. D. Whiteman (Mathematics); J. Reynolds (Geography); A. M. Goreing (English). J. Montes-Larrain was awarded a Distinction in the Diploma in Economic Development. INTERNAL AWARDS E. J. BURNS (English), A. N. Siopis (Law) and P. R. Tapster (Physics), who obtained Firsts in 1976 and resumed residence in Michaelmas Term, were elected to Honorary Scholarships. K. M. Fisher and R. W. Series were elected to Brockhues Scholarships in Metallurgy in November 1976, and both they and A. N. McGilvray and D. G. McCartney were later awarded grants from the Brockhues Fund to help them to attend learned conferences in Metallurgy in this country or the U.S.A. A. H. Phillips, A. C. R. Jack and C. R. Wilson were awarded grants from the Cochrane Bequest to assist them with travel expenses, the two former in connection with vacation study and the last in connection with his attendance at a scholarly conference at Tours and work in Paris libraries. The following received grants of between ÂŁ20 and ÂŁ10 from the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund to help them to make expeditions involving enterprise and endurance in the long vacation. N. C. Cotton (trip to Spain to youth camp and windmill exploration); S. P. Tarran (caving in Jugoslavia); J. Samuel (archaeology in Devon, camping); G. W. Farquharson and T. R. Astin (geological study in Finmark); K. Davies (geological mapping in Austria and Dolomites); H. M. Papworth (voluntary forestry and rebuilding work in Spain and France); S. Goodchild and R. Warren (running from Post Office Tower to Eiffel Tower, rowing the Channel, for charity); A. R. Ellis (walking ~ n Norway and Dolomites); J. M. Hughes (work camp in Scandinavia); G. Dunford and R. A. Chadwick (climbing in Arctic Norway); S. Yiend (walking from John O'Groats to Land's End). THE CHAPEL J. COWDREY being on sabbatical leave, Fr Edward Morris, of St Stephen's House, served as Acting Chaplain for the academic year 1976~77. The visiting preachers included the Revd P. R. Cornwell, Vicar of the combined parish, and Fr Michael Hollings in Michaelmas Term, Bishop Stephen Neill and Bishop Michael Ramsey in Hilary Term, and the Principal THE REVD H. E.


of Pusey House and the Revd J. Muddiman in Trinity Term. The Holy Communion was sung instead of Evensong on two Sundays in each term, and was celebrated in the crypt of St Peter's both in Trinity Term and (for the parish) on St Peter's Day. Mass was said by a priest from the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy on one weekday evening in each term, and on the 15 November, the eve of St Edmund's Day, Fr John Crozier, parish priest of St Edmund's, Abingdon, offered mass for the furtherance of organic Christian unity. The Roman Catholic mass was also said in the crypt of St Peter's one evening in Trinity Term, probably the first celebration of the Roman rite in the church since the Reformation. GOLDEN JUBILEE ONE OF THE happiest events of the summer term was the Mancipal's golden jubilee, and the Principal and Fellows celebrated the occasion and expressed their appreciation and regard for Mr Don Filer by entertaining him and Mrs Filer to dinner on Friday 6 May. At the appropriate moment the Principal presented him with a silver tankard recording his connection with the Hall from 1927 to 1977, and Mr Filer responded with a witty and superbly reminiscent speech. COLLEGE COMMITTEE which was reached in June 1976 over the proposed increased charges (see Magazine 1975- 76, pp. 7 f.) was resolved early in Michaelmas Term. On the one hand, the Governing Body established for one year a system of 'hardship bursaries' for junior members who got into difficulties as a result of the Government's withdrawal of social security in the two short vacations. On the other hand, the proposal to hold in protest a partial rent strike was decisively defeated (213 votes to 78) at a referendum held on 15 October. At its first meeting of Michaelmas Term the College Committee considered the proposed hardship bursaries, and its recommendation that they should be administered by a committee appointed by the Governing Body with junior members coopted was accepted. Throughout the year the Committee's deliberations covered a wide range of subjects, including M.C.R. dinners in vacations, the provision of more reading space in the Library, the problem of unidentified damage, and the use to which the Third World THE IMPASSE


Scholarship fund should be put. On this last there was a switch of opinion, for the Committee at first favoured using the money to provide books for academic institutions in the Third World, but later as a result of the persuasive arguments of T. L. Spafford decided to explore further means of bringing a Third World scholar to the Hall. In addition to the J.C.R. and M.C.R. officers the following junior members served on the Committee: in Michaelmas and Hilary Terms- A. M. L. Elliott, P. Desmond, R. J. Lane; in Trinity Term- P. T. Clipson, C. R. Hockey, M. R. Smith. PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE THE J.C.R. ASSUMED a more international stance during the year, focussing its attention on Chile and the Soviet Union as regimes which continue to deny basic human rights to their citizens. It sent a birthday telegram to Sir Harold Wilson last year demanding an end to all British economic links with Chile, and subsequently adopted a political prisoner, Jose Candia Varas, who had been sentenced to twenty years imprisonment by a military tribunal. Bishop Michael Ramsey and others also took up his cause, and Senor Varas was eventually released and now resides in Sweden. In November 1976 the J.C.R. also adopted Yakov Nikolaevich Pavlov, who had worked as a technical planner in Kazakhistan untit 1973 but was condemned in 1974 to five years intensive regime in a prison camp and stripped of his parental rights over four of his eight children. A Baptist believer, he had committed the 'crimes' of giving his children a Christian education privately, possessing religious literature and disseminating 'lies defaming the Soviet state and social system'. The J.C.R. sent letters to him and his wife, as well as to prison and government authorities, a petition to the Soviet Embassy, and a donation of ÂŁ60.00 to the 'Aid the Russian Church' fund. HALL BALL 1977 headlined the main groups at this year's Ball on a remarkably dry night. Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias satisfied the more bizarre tastes, while Quantum Jump were very heavy and no-one could fail to be infected by the electric energy of Shakin' Stevens. Between the musical extravaganzas could be heard the swan song of the late great Mad Mac Disco. As usual food and wine were in abundance, helped down



by a seductive balalaika band. Other en.tertainments included the incredible Oxcentrics and a crowded folk cellar with Chris Smith, Clive Penwarden and Fiddler's Guild symbolised the increasing popularity of Hall musicians (as were the Catte Street Rhythm Wreckers). An overall varied programme was supplemented by some novel circus acts in the Front Quad, madrigals, films, an unbelieveable fifteen minute rendering of Hamlet, and several other pluckings of strings and breakings of wind (ensemble). For all this (and more) we have to thank Mark Elliott and his committee who made sure the night went smoothly and speedily cleared up afterwards. Security at other Balls, however, was not so good, as the SEH Commandos later found at New College, and we have to concur that 'Hall Balls are Best'! PETER DESMOND

J.C.R. AND M;C.R. OFFICERS A. R. HARGREAVES resigned as J.C.R. President and R. W. Gaffey as Steward on 10 October 1976, when the J.C.R. voted, against their advice, to hold a referendum on a rent strike. After a short interval during which A. M. L. Elliott, Junior Treasurer, held the fort, M. W. Hardy was elected without opposition as President, and R. W. Gaffey agreed to resume the Stewardship, for the remainder of Michaelmas Term. E. G. Gray and A. Lundie were then elected in the ordinary way as President and Steward respectively until December 1977. C. D. ('Dusty') Miller was President of the M.C.R. until the end of Trinity Term 1917, when he was succeeded by the Steward, A. N. McGilvray, and W. B. Cogar became M.C.R. Steward in his place.

AULARIAN CALENDAR THE FOLLOWING DATES in 1977-78 are of special interest: ST EDMUND's DAY: Wednesday 16 November 1977. LONDON DINNER, preceded by A .G.M. of S.E.H. Association, at Simpson's in the Strand: Tuesday 10 January 1978. REUNION AT THE HALL (Garden Party; Dinner in the evening): Saturday 24 June 1978. RESIDENCE FOR FULL TERM: Michaelmas Term-Thursday 6 October 1977 to Saturday 3 December 1977; Hilary Term-Thursday 12 January 1978 to Saturday 11 March 1978; Trinity Term- Thursday 20 April 1978 to Saturday 17 June 1978. DEGREE DAYS: Saturday 8 October (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 29 October (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 12 November (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 26 November (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 14 January 1978 (at 2.30 p.m.);


Saturday 4 March (at 11.45 a.m.); Thursday 27 April (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 3 June (at 11.45 a.m.); Thursday 29 June (at 2.30 p.m.); Saturday 15 July (N.B.: in absentia for Hall men); Saturday 29 July (at 11.45 a.m.). Members of the Hall wishing to make arrangements for taking their degrees should write well in advance to The Secretary, The College Office.

SCHOLARSHIP ELECTIONS THE FOLLOWING ELECTIONS to Open awards, tenable during the academic year 1977- 78, were made in January 1977: HISTORy To an Exhibition: PLATER, N. M., Aylesbury Grammar School. MODERN STUDIES To Scholarships: HEDLEY, S. W., City of London School {for Law) . MARCHANT, S. B., St Edward's School (for Geography). To an Exhibition: HUTCHINGS, T. W., Brentwood School (for Geography). MODERN LANGUAGES To Scholarships: P1cKOVER, R. C., Chesterfield School. ROBSON, G. D ., Solihull School.

To an Exhibition: HAXBY, A . K., Southwell Minster School. ENGLISH To Exhibitions: RmD, M. D ., Ardingly College (for Modern Languages) (Kolkhorst)'. VERNON, J. N., St Lawrence College, Ramsgate. MATHEMATICS To Exhibitions: EDWARDS, N. A., Warwick School. S!LKSTONE, R. E. J., Peter Symond's College, Winchester. McDERMOTT, M. C ., Preston Catholic College. NATURAL SCIENCE To Scholarships: HENDERSON, J. R., Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough (for Geology). JENNINGS, H . C., Dulwich College (for Physics). SASADA, M. P., Skinners School, Tunbridge Wells (for Medicine). 12

To Exhibitions: ANSCOMBE, J. C., Reading School (for Engineering) (Central Electricity Generating Board). BERRY, A. J., St Theodore's Roman Catholic High School, Burnley (for Physics). BUBB, S. C., Marling School, Stroud (for Physics) (Central Electricity Generating Board). DOHERTY, I. J. V., Reading School (for Biochemistry). DuRRANS, I. W., Sedbergh School (for Metallurgy) (Armourers and Brasiers). FOSTER, C. R., Harrogate School (for Metallurgy) (Armourers and Brasiers). JOHNSON, A., King's School, Tynemouth (for Law). To an Organ Scholarship: RossnER, P. K., Worcester Royal Grammar School. THE LONDON DINNER 1977 ONCE MORE there was the most excellent lamb to greet the old members who assembled for the London Dinner which followed the Annual General Meeting of the St Edmund Hall Association at Simpsons-in-theStrand on Tuesday llth Ja[\uary. In his speech of welcome Sir Denis Wright greeted the Principal and the President of the JCR, Edward Gray. Good wishes were conveyed from Dr Emden and Jack Allan, the latter somewhere in the Andes. Tributes were paid to the Committee of the Association and especially to Jon Shortridge for arranging the Dinner again . The Principal was congratulated on his twenty-five years in office and on all the achievements in the Hall during that period. Thanking the Association, the Principal referred to Sir Denis Wright's services as President over the last three years. He went on to describe events during the last twelve months at the Hall, when sporting life had survived the drought and the closure of facilities in the Parks. Special note¡ should be taken of the fact that the Hall's Junior Research Fellowship had been advertised as open to women as well as to men, a sign of things to come. Finally, old members might derive some cheer from the fact that, although the Bursary had been broken into at\d the College's entire stock of Mars Bars stolen, supplies of S.E.H. whisky had been left untouched. During the evening Dr Neville Williams was admitted as President of the St Edmund Hall Association and warm tributes paid to him. The following attended the Dinner, in addition to the Principal and President of the J.C.R. as guests: 1924 D. K. Daniels; 1927 B. M. Forrest; 1928 H. A. Maxwell; 1929 Sir D. Wright; 1930 Sir C. Hayes; 1931 R. J. Vaughan; 1932 A. Jenkins; 1933 J. Lee, E. F. Foxton, F. H. Francom, F. H . H. Finch; 1934 J. C. Adamson, J. C. Cain; 1935 H . A. F. Radley; 1937 D. G. S. Salt, C. D. A. Baron; 1938 J. M. G. Halsted, R. E. Alton; 1941 E. G. Midgley; 1942 W. J, Tunley, W. Weir; 1944 J. P. le Pelley, P . D. Cutting; 1945 J. R. Paul; 1946 N. J. Williams, A. R. J. 13

Lloyd; 1948 J. C. Graffy; 1949 R . J. Southan, R. J. L. Breese; 1950 R. Leach, J. Wheeler; 1951 D. J. Day, M. K. Chatterjea, W. H. Slack, M. J. Kelly; 1952 E. A. Simmonds, D. M. Jacobs, C. J. Jones, C. J. Lummis, H. W. Goldsworthy; 1953 P. R. Saul, D. M. Preston; 1954 D. I. Scargill; 1955 D. Ward, P.R. Lewis; 1956 A. Page, D. H. Johnson, M. P. Hickey, J. W. J. Pinnick, J. C. Marwick, W. J. S. Moorcroft, A. F . Ham; 1959 M. Shaw, M. Joy, P. Brett; 1960 P. Sankey-Barker, S. R. Hogg; 1961 E. A. Fretwell-Downing, J. M. Heggadon, W. J. Burroughs, A. M. Rentoul; 1962 N. Cowling, J. R. de Rennes, P . f. Collins, M. F. Rooker, J. H. W. H. Elkins, N. McN. Jackson, A . J. Hawkes; 1963 R. G. Hunt, R. A. S. Offer, M . S. Simmie, D. M. P. Barnes, D. King-Farlow, J. W. Allan, A. C. Barker; 1964 A. Lemon; 1965 S. R. Garrett, M. R. D. Randall, R. W. Beckham; 1966 C. C. Hird, F. H. Hanbidge, J. D. Shortridge; 1968 M. J. Daniels; 1969 M. Birks, G. Coates, P. E . Ramell, H. D. R. Browner, D. Harrison, P. D. Jones, R. D. Marsh; 1970 P. J. Harper, J. W. Hawkins; 1971 M. D. Booker; 19.75 P. C. R. Badger. Other Fellows: A. I. Marsh, R. B. Mitchell, G. C. Leslie, R. Fargher.

MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 11 JANUARY 1977 THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the St Edmund Hall Association was held at Simpsons-in-the-Strand, London, on Tuesday 11 January 1977 at 6.15 p.m. The President, Sir Denis Wright, G.C.M.G., was in the chair. 1. MINUTES The Minutes of the last Meeting, held 13 January 1976, having been published in the 1975-6 Magazine, were taken as read, confirmed and signed. There were no matters arising. 2. HON. TREASURER'S REPORT (a) Financial Year 1 August 1975-31 July 1976 The audited accounts, dated 5 October 1976, were before the Meeting and would, said B. M. Forrest, the Hon. Treasurer, be published in the 1976-77 Magazine, as required by the Constitution. Income and Expenditure The previous accounts had covered a period of 15 months, including the overlap on changing from May- April to August-July. Even so, subscription income had fallen proportionately, only slightly offset by increases in Building Society interest and a small donation. Expenditure, however, had also fallen- chiefly on the Magazine and the appropriations for Scholarships and the Directory Fund, the latter receiving only the standard £300 instead of the exceptional £600 in the overlap year. Thus the £551 surplus contrasted with the £58 deficit forecast this time last year. Balance Sheet With this surplus and the transfer of £300 to the Directory Fund, our assets were now up by £851, to £2,999, mostly interest-bearing.


(b) Forecast for the Financial Year 1 August 1976-31 July 1977 The surplus should be c. £3 72, a reduction on last year chiefly owing to increased Magazine costs. The accumulated surplus over the last two years was £963 (£412 plus £551): this would reduce to £163 if we had to meet a deficit in publishing the Directory this year at the quoted estimate. The President congratulated the Hon. Treasurer on his admirable housekeeping and the very satisfactory surplus he had achieved two years running. It was proposed, seconded, and agreed that the accounts be adopted. During the ensuing discussion the wisdom of accumulating large funds at a time of rapid inflation was questioned. The President pointed out that there was little danger of large surpluses or any big accumulation of funds: it was important, however, to build up some reserves in order to pay for the directory and enable allocations to be made to the Hall. In answer to a question about whether Building Societies were· the best investment for the Association's funds the Hon. Auditor pointed out that as the Association could not be treated as a charity its income from investments was taxable: Building Societies provided as attractive a yield as other investments offering seemingly larger gross yields. In addition investments in Building Societies could be withdrawn at short notice without loss. The Meeting agreed that there should be no change in the Association's investment policy, which had been the subject of careful scrutiny some years earlier. 3. DIRECTORY The Hon. Treasurer reported that the Executive Committee had decided to publish a new directory in 1977, as envisaged at the last AGM. The cost, at present estimated at £2,000, would be met by supplementing the Directory Fund, totalling £1,200, by drawing on the General Fund. Doubts were expressed about the need for a revised directory so soon after the 1974 edition. Some members scarcely consulted the directory from one year to another. Could not the computer produce a list of changes and additions for circulation with the Magazine each year? Or might not those wanting specific information phone the Hall? The President pointed out that if we waited longer the cost would inevitably be higher. He also mentioned that under the Association's constitution members were entitled, inter alia, to the directory. A show of hands was indecisive on immediate publication. It was then agreed that: (a) search be made for a cheaper printer. (b) the Bursar be consulted about the possibility of printing fewer copies. (c) if possible a decision on publication be delayed until the members had been consulted: this to be done when invitations for the summer Reunion Dinner were issued. If a decision on publication could not be delayed until after the June Executive Committee publication should proceed.


(d) consultation with members about the future need for a directory should take place whether or not publication took place this year. 4. ALLOCATIONS The President reported the Executive Committee's decision last June to allocate £200 to the Hall Scholarship Fund, £80 to the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund, and £50 to the restoration of books in the Old Library. 5. REUNION DINNER AND GARDEN PARTY The President reported that the June 1976 Dinner had been a most enjoyable occasion. He also mentioned that in the view of the Executive Committee the Garden Party, last held in 1975 and generously paid for by the Hall, should take place every three years instead of annuallythus one would fall within the term of each successive President. 6. ELECTIONS The President read out the Executive Committee's nominations for the offices shown below, the names given being elected or re-elected after due proposal and seconding, with special acclamation for the incoming President and the Hon. Auditor: President 1977-79 Dr N. J. Williams, elected. Hon. Treasurer 1977 B. M. Forrest, re-elected. Hon. Secretary 1977 H. A. F. Radley Hon. Auditor 1977 J. R. Paul Members of the Executive Committee by Matriculation Groups: Up to 1934 - Sir Claude Hayes, elected. 1935-44 D. G. C. Salt 1945-54 - R. J. L. Breese, re-elected. One vacancy to be filled vice Dr N. J. Williams. I. R. K. Rae, re-elected. 1955-64 J. D. Shortridge 1965-74 Two vacancies (still to be filled) 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 10 January 1978 at Simpsons-in-the-Strand, 6.15 p.m. There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 7 p.m, H. A. F. RADLEY THE REUNION THE ANNUAL REUNION of Old Members was held on Saturday, 25 June. Those present were: The Principal: THE REVD DR J. N. D. KELLY 1933 J. C. Adamson; 1960 J. F. Adey; 1924 J. B. Allan; 1963 Dr J. W. Allan; Professor G. R. Allen**; 1957 J. N. Aptaker; 1956 J.C. Atkinson; 1963 D. M. P. Barnes; 1936 H. B. D. Beales; 1958 M. J. Beard; 1954 S. R. Bilsland; 1930 J. Bradley; 1949 R. J. L. Breese; 1956 I. R. Briars; 1953 K. 16

A. Bulgin; 1953 C. G. Burnham; 1930 E. J. R. Burrough; 1934 The Revd J. D. Carr; 1964 R. Chappell; 1951 M. K. Chatterjea; Professor J. W. Christian*; 1958 M. J. Clarke; 1925 W. W. R. Clotworthy; 1947 Dr J. A. Cockshoot; Dr P. J. Collins*; 1922 A. C. Corlett; The Revd H. E. J. Cowdrey*; 1954 A. G. Cox; 1921 The Revd S. Cox; 1946 F. R. Crozier; 1959 J. A. H. Curry; 1938 R. P. H. Davies; 1951 D. J. Day; 1925 The Revd S. A. C. Dickins; 1969 K. M. Dodd; 1935 Prof<ssor S. R. Dunlap; 1942 L. H. Elliott; Dr R. Fargher*; 1956 A. J. Featherstone; 1957 L. L. Filby; 1933 F. H. H. Finch; 1927 B. M. Forrest; 1945 A. A. J. Foster; 1921 N. Frangiscatos; 1951 R.H. French; 1963 P. J. Galsworthy; 1958 R. D. Garratt; 1948 S. E. George; 1952 S. D. Graham; 1962 J. A. Hall; 1966 F. H. Hanbidge; 1969 M. A. Harbron; 1962 A. J. Hawkes; 1930 Sir Claude Hayes; 1961 J. M. Heggadon; 1961 I. G. Heggie; 1952 The Revd P. R. Henwood; 1919 The Revd T. D. C. Herbert; 1922 Professor R. L. Hill; 1930 W. A. Holt; 1957 R. G. Hope; 1968 D. J. Hughes; 1968 H. J. Hunt; 1952 D. M. Jacobs; 1932 A. Jenkins; 1952 C. J. Jones; 1943 P. N. V. Keep; 1929 A. W. Keith-Steele; 1953 A. J. Kember; 1928 E. L. H,. Kentfield; Rear Admiral G. C. Leslie*; 1934 W. J. H. Liversidge; 1931 The Revd R. J. Lowe; 1929 C. J. Mabey; 1941 R. McAdams; 1965 R. J. McDonald; 1949 J. McElheran; 1941 J. R. McGovern; 1969 A. J. Mackichan; 1935 The Revd Professor J. McManners**; 1949 J. N. McManus; 1944 The Revd Dr R. A. Mason; 1967 P. J. R. Masson; 1938 P. H. Mathews; 1952 P. B. Maxwell; 1940 J. L. Meigh; 1941 The Revd E. G. Midgley* (Vice-Principal); 1949 W. R. Miller; 1924 H. J. Mills; Dr R. B. Mitchell*; 1960 D. A. G. Morris; 1926 T .. V. Nicholson; 1932 Sir William Nield; 1955 R. F. O'Brien; 1925 R. S. Orchard; Dr E. R. Oxburgh*; 1931 S. F. Parsons; 1963 R. J. Pelham; 1946 J. Pike; 1943 J. S. Power; 1951 A. G. Poynter; The President of the Junior Common Room (Mr E. G. Gray); The President of the Middle Common Room (Mr C. D. Miller}; 1935 H. A. F. Radley; 1952 J. C. Ralphs; 1948 R. B. Renton; 1944 E. Rhodes; 1923 The Revd F. D. M. Richards; Dr F. J. C. Rossotti*; 1937 D. G. C. Salt; 1967 G. D. Salter; 1954 Dr. D. J. Scargill*; 1950 J. L. Scott; Dr K. H. Segar*; 1932 Brigadier J.C. C. Shapland; 1963 M. S. Simmie; 1971 A. R. Slabas; 1951 W. H. Slack; 1971 J. P. Sloan; 1923 C. D. Smith; 1953 I. N. Smith; 1971 J. R. Smith; 1949 R. J. Southan; 1960 R. E. Sparrow; 1942 W. J. Stafford; 1969 T. E. Statham; 1934 D. M. Thomas; 1942 Dr J. D. Todd*; 1961 C. J. Tromans; 1944 M. Turi; 1926 E. Urry; 1932 M. Wall; 1968 R. T. Ward; 1922 The Revd Canon C. N. Wardle-Harpur; 1954 J. A. West; 1950 J. Wheeler; 1959 Dr R. E. White; 1968 C. M. Williams; 1930 C. C. H. Worrall; 1945 N. B. Worswick; 1929 Sir Denis Wright (Honorary Fellow); Professor D. C. M. Yardley.** *Fellow **Emeritus Fellow For the first time in many years there was no flag flying. to greet the large number of old members who assembled for the Reunion on 25th June. It is a large and heavy flag and had broken its pole after loyal service over a windy Jubilee. There was very nearly no menu either, but the Principal's typewriter had been brought into service 17

at the last moment and if the list of culinary delights was even then not quite complete, at least the fish course came as a pleasant surprise. The Principal began his speech by referring to the death of Neville Williams, thanking Sir Denis Wright for agreeing to serve a further year as President of the St Edmund Hall Association. Sadly Dr. Emden could not be present but he conveyed his 'fraternal greetings to the brethren', apologizing for the 'uncooperative state of my cardiac apparatus'. The Principal noted that the life of the Hall was as vigorous as ever and if, for the first time in many years, there were no sporting cups to display, this should not be seen as any more than a pause on the road to greater successes. After all the First Eight had advanced two places to fifth on the river. The year had been marked by considerable success in drama, and there promised to be a record number of Firsts in Schools. The New Buildings Fund was now only ÂŁ4,000 short of the target figure of ÂŁ125,000 and a single generous gift could see us home. Saving the sweetest delights till last, he referred to the forthcoming change in the Hall's Charter which will permit the entry of women undergraduates to St Edmund Hall. Were certain old members seen to be discussing the academic talents of their daughters with the sixteen Fellows present? Replying, Sir Denis Wright thanked the Principal and Fellows for the occasion and the Chef for his splendid meal. We are all looking forwards to the triennial garden party next year. DE FORTUNIS AULARIUM S. J. Advani is Director of Inlaks Foundation. J. A. Akroyd represented the Midlands in the 1977 'Brain of Britain' contest, being eliminated in the semi-final. G. M. Aldridge is teaching at Hitchin Boys' School. G. M. Alexander is with UNICEF in Afghanistan. J. G. T. Almond is horse trading in Spain. E. W. Anderson has been awarded his Ph.D. by the University of Durham. J. D. Anthony continues as a prosecuting solicitor for the South Wales Police Authority. W . P. Asbrey has been elected to the Northamptonshire C.C. as an Independent Conservative. J. C. Atkinson is master in charge of careers, Nobel School, Herts. K. H . Auckland is training with Price Waterhouse, the accountants. A. W. Ayres fa assistant Chemistry master at Nottingham High School. The Revd A. D. Bailey is honorary assistant curate to three parishes near Cromer, Norfolk. B. J. R. Bailey was joint winner of Southern Television's 'A Hymn for the Jubilee' competition. The Revd J. A. Baker has obtained the M.Sc. in Sociology (CNAA) at the Polytechnic of the South Bank. P . Ballinger is working for the Cert.Ed. at Nottingham University.


N. W. Barr has been Deputy Secretary for Education, Cornwall C.C., since October 1976. N. Bartleet retired on 1 April 1976 as organist and Head of Geography, The Royal Hospital School, Ipswich . . J. A. Bartram is in Zambia for two years. . · J. R. Bates moved to Customs and Excise, Newark, Notts. in 1974, after nineteen years in the department at Doncaster. P. Bates is now Research Officer, County Planning Department, Somerset C.C. Albert Baxter is still Head of History at the Alun School, Mold. S. H. Beamish is with the United Tobacco Company in Johannesberg. I. B. Beesley has from 1 June 1976 been on loan from the Central Statistical Office to H.M. Treasury where he is head of the cash limits division. K. D. Belden has completed fifteen years as chairman of the Westminster Memorial Trust (responsible for the Westminster Theatre). J. D. M. Bell has been chairman of the North Western Electricity Board since 1 July 1976. J. J. J. Bell has taken up a senior executive position with Myer (Queensland) Ltd, the Australian store group. · R. C. Bennett has retired as Lecturer at Derby College of Art and Technology and now has an appointment with the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. M. J. Birks is with Montagu, Loeb!, Stanley and Co., stockbrokers, as their economist. N. P. Blair is teaching History and Economic History at Worksop College, Notts. D. J. Blezard is with the Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., in Hamburg; he is Assistant Treasurer. J. C. Baff is working for the Ph.D. at Imperial College, London. M. D. Booker is articled to a firm of solicitors in Tiverton, Devon. The Revd M. A. Bourdeaux was an umpire at Wimbledon in June this year. G. J. F. Brain, who is a Notary Public for England and Wales, has been made Senior Vice-President of the Provincial Notaries Society (a two-year stint). The Revd Canon G. T. Brett has now retired and lives at Seend, near Melksham, Wilts. The Revd P. Brett is on the staff of the General Synod as Assistant Secretary (industrial and economic affairs) of the Board · of Social Responsibility. · I. Brimecome has been appointed Assistant Treasurer, Bankers Trust Company, in the New York head office. K. A~ Bromoszcz has an appointment with Air Products. F. A. Brown is with Tube Investments Ltd. P. L. D. Brown is a freelance record producer and music publisher, and is now working with the company handling Jethrotull, The . Chieftains, Richard and Linda Thompson, etc. S. G. Bryant is currently workfog for the Royal Society of Medicine as an assistant librarian after completing a postgraduate course in librarianship at Ealing. · 19

P. S. H. Budden has an appointment with Costain's. G. E. Bull is working as H.M. Inspector of Taxes, Hammersmith. S. J. Burnett is teaching French, with German, at The Leventhorpe School, Sawbridgeworth, E. Herts. W. J. Burroughs is a principal in the Department of Energy dealing with fuel policy in the electrical supply industry. I. C. R. Byatt has been Under-Secretary H.M . Treasury, since 1972; he is head of public sector economic short-fall. M. J. Campbell, having left Worksop and done doctoral research at Bath University, has been appointed to H.M. Inspectorate of Schools. T. J. C. Cannon is now Head of Upper School, Stainbeck High School, Leeds. K. A. Carby is now chief technical assistant, Tulse Hill Comprehensive School, London. I. D. Carruthers has been Senior Tutor, Wye College, University of London, since 1975. J. M. Catherall is taking the Applied Optics M.Sc. course at Imperial College, London. R. E. Cawthorne is with the National Westminster Bank, international division, as a management trainee. S. S. Chandler passed the Professional Examination (1) of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants last December. R. Chappell is now in the personnel division of P.O. Telecommunications; he is also preparing ¡ an edited translation of Alexander Shlyapnikov's The Eve of 1917. R. I. Chard is Senior Lecturer in Town Planning, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria. L. A . Chester has been co-author of three books in the present year (1977). . A. R. Clark (1935) has retired from Trinity School, Croydon, and moved to Bangor, C. Down. A. M . Clevely is head gardener to J. B. Priestley and Jacquetta Hawkes at Kissing Tree House, Alveston. B. V. Clifton is studying Ecology at Lancaster University. B. J. Coates is at Redruth working for Cornwall C.C. Social Services, with responsibility for. the mentally disturbed. S. N. Coldicott has an appointment with Costain's. J. A. Collingwood is now a director of the Spanish affiliate company Titano S.A., and director of the UK subsidiary, B.T.P. Tioxide Ltd. The Revd B. A. Collins is working as a missionary in the remote highlands of Papua, New Guinea, for the Council for World Mission. M. F. Connoley has taken articles with Richards Butler, solicitors. J. L. Cooke from being a solicitor has transferred to the Bar and is in practice at 7 King's Bench Walk, Temple. W. R. Cooke held an appointment with a wine merchant in Bordeaux during the winter and spring, and played Rugby football in that region of France. R. A. <;::~oper has retired as Headmaster of The Hall, Hampstead, and is living at Ludwell, Shaftesbury, Dorset. K. P . Copestake is teaching at Judd School, Tonbridge . 20

J. W. A. Cosgrave is Head of Modern Languages, King Edward VI School, Totnes, Devon. P. G. Croissant is a director of Doyce Dane Bernbach Ltd, advertising agents, London. K. Crossley-Holland's The Dream House was the Poetry Book Society's choice, and his children's book The Wildman won the Francis Williams Prize. He has left Victor Gollancz and is free-lancing. P. M. Crystal, having obtained the Ll.M, at McGill in Comparative Law, is an assistant solicitor with Clifford-Turner, London. L. Cummings is a management trainee with Ocean Transport and Training, and expects to be in Singapore 1977-78. W. F. Cummings, formerly of John Lyon School, Harrow, retired from part-time work with the London Borough of Harrow in 1976. P. A. H. Currah is now manager of social policy and employee communications, Rank Xerox Ltd, London headquarters. P. D. Cutting is deputy chief investigation officer H.M. Customs and Excise. P. M. Daley has moved to Sydney, Australia, where he is teaching. The Revd C. K. H. Davison, who is Rural Dean of Brixworth, Peterborough diocese, is establishing an international institute for Christian studies. M. J. Davies has been serving with the Missions to Seamen at Lagos, Nigeria. T. P. Denehy is chairman of Lintas Advertising Ltd. P. Desmond is with Price Waterhouse in Southampton. J. M. E. Dobson is now a qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. The Revd D. S. Dormor is Rural Dean of Hertford. A. G. S. Douglas is managing director of Presight, the marketing consultants. A. Doulton is director of educational publishing, Basil Blackwell Ltd, Oxford. T. A. Downes has been appointed Lecturer in Law at Durham University. P. E. Driscoll is with ICI Fibres, Dublin. J. D. Duncan resigned from the Home Office unit for educational methods in December 1976. W. R. Dunsmore was elected to Sheffield City Council in January 1977. P. H. Eades is senior captain, Bristol Caledonian Airways. J. H. A. Eames is now Deputy Sixth Form Tutor, St Dunstan's College, Catford. ' G. R. R. East retired from full-time service in February 1977, but continues as Civil Service Commissioner (part-time) responsible for the final selection board for graduate administrative trainees. D. F. Easton is at the London University Institute of Archaeology, researching on the Bronze Age in W. Anatolia. W. L. Eddlestone has taken articles with Withers, the solicitors (in the Strand). P. R. Edwards is lecturing at Froebe! College, Roehampton.


R. H. Elms is Ii.ow Head of Science, Woodberry Down School, London. R. P. C. Elverson is teaching in Cheltenham. C. J. Etherington has been teaching at Shrewsbury School since 1968. C. I. L. Evans is now senior engineer, Westinghouse Nuclear Europe, Brussels. S. A. Fell is with British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. A. B. Fisher in investment manager of Federated Insurance Company, Sale, Cheshire. J. M. Fisher has joined Imperial Metal Industries as a technical officer. Major M. G. Fossey, R.E., having completed the Army Staff course, has been posted to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, as a military liaison officer. G. P. Fox was Visiting Professor at the University of British Columbia for the summer sessions of 1976 and 1977; he is editor of the journal Children's Literature in Education. M. L. E. Foxon works in the City with Touche Ross. and Co., chartered accountants. J. H. Fryer is in Brussels, where he reviews for a Belgian magazine and broadcasts for the Canadian B.C.; he has also become Clerk of the Brussels Meeting (Society of Friends). R. A. Fryer has been training as an accountant with Deloittes in Birmingham. S. R. Gell is teaching at St Albans School. P . W. Glover was Chairman of the Coal Trade Benevolent Association 1976 during the presidency of the Duke of Edinburgh. The Ven. D. E. M. Glynne Jones retired as Archdeacon of Montgomery and Vicar of Berriew on 31 December 1976. T. 0. Godeseth has joined the Instructor Branch of the Royal Navy. The Revd A. R. Graham is now Rector of Upper Clatford, Andover, Rants. A. W. M. Graham (Fellow of Balliol) is a member of Sir Harold Wilson's committee 'to review the functioning of the financial institutions'. S. D. Graham has been appointed a Queen's Counsel. J. J. Grayley has been working for the M.B .A. at the London Business School. C. A. Gregory is export manager to a leading motor cruiser manufacturing company. N. P. Gregory, having left the Steetley Co. Ltd, has spent 1976-77 doing research at Sheffield University. J. C. Griffin is now Deputy Head, Ranelagh School, Bracknell. The Revd J. P . Gutch is priest-in-charge of Stibbington and Water Newton, as well as Rector of Elton. L. J. Hall, having been awarded a Kennedy Scholarship, is at M.I.T. R. A. Hall has been in Nepal since October 1975, coordinating the VSO volunteer programme.


E. T. Halstead retired as Head of the Lower School (1948-77), Solihull School, in July 1977. Lieutenant D. A. Hamilton, R.N., is navigating officer of H.M.S. Bossington, a mine-hunter of the Second MCM Squadron, Plymouth. S. A. Hancock has an appointment with Beecham Pharmaceuticals. K. Hardacre is head of the English department, Queens' School, Bushey, Herts. The Revd D. A. Harding is Chaplain of the College of St Hilda and St Bede, Durham. J. S. M. Harpham has this year produced two scores for feature films, and has been commissioned by the Arts Council to compose a piano sonata to be played by John McCabe in 1978. D. B. Harrison, who has been musical director and conductor of Hertford Choral Society, is working with RHM Management Services Ltd, Harlow. M. R. Harrison is now a partner in Urquhart-Dykes and Lord, chartered patent agents. The Revd R. H. Hawkins has retired as Canon of Windsor and is living at the home for retired clergy at Hindhead. M. Healey retired as Chief Education Officer, Enfield, last year. J.M. Heggadon has joined Reed Building Products Ltd as international marketing director. K. H; Hennings, Lecturer 1975-6, has been appointed to a chair in Economics at the University of Hanover. B. S. Henry has a part-time job as organist of Windsor Parish Church. M. Herbert is chief executive of Madame Tussauds Ltd. J. Hill is principal lecturer in Modern History, Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham. C. J. Hodgkinson is now a trainee probation officer at Manchester Polytechnic. The Revd Canon S. H. Hoffman has been appointed Chaplain in Ordinary to H.M. the Queen; he is also Warden of Readers, as well as of Education, in the Rochester diocese. A. Holden, who has retired from the Covent Garden Market Authority, has been elected a Surrey county councillor. A. B. Holdsworth has been Senior Controller, Ferrous Scrap Supplies, BSC, since 1975. F. C. Holroyd was appointed a Justice of the Peace in July 1976. The Revd Canon R. T. Holtby has been appointed Dean of Chichester. M. G. Hornsby has been chief Brussels correspondent of 'The Times' since April 1975. K. M. Hounslow is chief civil structural engineer with W. S. Atkins and Partners in Middlesbrough (for the north of England and Scotland). J. Hughes is now Head of Modern Languages, Ballemoor School, Southampton. M. J. N. Hughes is with the Government Statistical Service, currently working in H.M. Customs and Excise. S. L. Hutchinson is with Ransome, Hoffman, Pollard Ltd. S. M. Hutchinson has a job with CRS Information Systems. 23

J. E. Hutt is the resident mechanical engineer of PENCOL in Mombasa, Kenya. D. M . Huxley is Head of Upper School, Herbert Carter School, Poole, Dorset. E. C. Inions has joined Simon and Coates. Dr N. McN. Jackson has been promoted to principal research officer, D.O.E. R. C. T. James retired from Nielson at the end of November 1977 and plans to spend active years on the Pembrokeshire coast. D. S. Jarvis has been working for the M.Sc. in city and regional planning at the University of Pennsylvania. T. J. Jeffers has moved from Maine A to Barnes A, Christ's Hospital, Horsham. Brian Jeffery is a founding partner in Tecla Editions (which publishes early music). A. Jenkins has been promoted to Senior Tutor, Strode's VI Form College, Egham. E. Jenkins is deputy headmaster, Cardinal Newman School, Bath. D. H. Jennings has joined Binder Hamlyn as an accountancy trainee. P. W. Jennings is still working with Robson Rhodes, chartered accountants (doing articles) . A. S. Johnson is teaching French and Rugby football at Myers Grove School, Sheffield. N. G. Johnson is a manager with The Orion Bank and spends much time travelling abroad in connection with international investment banking. N. R. Johnson is a graduate trainee with Tube Investments Ltd. A. C. Johnston is Director of Marketing (Europe, Middle East and Africa) for an Armenian conglomerate selling Smirnoff vodka, Kentucky fried chicken and other goods. David N. Jones is a member of the National Council of the British Association of Social Workers and gave evidence on its behalf to the H. of C. select committee on violence in the home. J. N. Jones (1966) is now teaching at Christ's Hospital, Horsham. Lewis W. Jones has been a member of the executive committee of the W. Midland Regional Labour Party since 1976. S. R. A. Kelly has been awarded the Ph.D. degree by London University (research in geology). A. J. Kember is Area Administrator, Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Area Health Authority (Teaching). P. Kennedy has joined Collett Dickenson Pearce and Partners as an account executive. G. E. A . Kentfield, after a period as the Governor's speech-writer, is back in the Economic Intelligence Department of the Bank of England; he is editor of the Bank's quarterly bulletin. H. A . Kirby is with Peat Marwick Mitchell. Professor G. R. Wilson Knight, Honorary Fellow, has continued to give recital-performances of 'Shakespeare's Dramatic Challenge'. K. W. Laflin is senior French master, Kimbolton School, Cambs. R. J. Lane has joined the Seismograph Service as an assistant seismologist. 24

P. T. Larrett is now with McEvoy, a Rockwell International subsidiary, in a programmer /analyst capacity. J. Lee was an official umpire at Wimbledon this year. J. D. Lees is Reader in American Studies, University of Keele. The Revd R. P. J. Le Feuvre has been appointed new Testament Lecturer at St Paul's Theological College, Grahamstown, C.P. A. Lemon was visiting lecturer at the University of Rhodesia in July-November 1977; he also visited Botswana and Namibia. W. R. Liston is doing research in geography at St John's, Cambridge. H. Lith is now working for a firm of town planners and landscape architects in Pretoria. M. P. Littleton is now assistant director of Chandler Hargreaves Whittall and Co. (Northern) Ltd, Lloyds insurance brokers. J. P. Lloyd has been appointecj. an A.D.C. to H.M. the Queen. The Revd P. N. Longridge retired as Rector of Highweek, Newton Abbot, in January, and is now living at Appledore, N. Devon. P. D. Lott recently qualified as a solicitor. The Revd J. H. J. MacLeay has been appointed Canon of St Andrew's Cathedral, Inverness. P. L. R. Maison is principal planning officer, Bucks County Planning Department. C. H. R. Marriott is now working in heavy engineering near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. H. C. Marston has now retired from Wellington College and is living at Yarmouth, I. of W. A. P. Martel is still with the 3rd Royal Greenjackets; in the spring he took part in Spearhead emergency tour in Belfast. H. G. Mason was 'Apprentice of the Year' at BAC, Weybridge, in 1976; he is parish councillor for Sunninghill. The Revd M. W. Matthews is now Vicar of All Saints, Highgate, N.6. S. Maxwell has since June been heading a new office of the UN Development Programme in the Comoros Islands. J. H. Mayne retired from the Victoria and Albert Museum in June 1977. D. A. T. Mccammon is personnel manager, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, UK and Eire. The Revd N. G. L. R. McDermid is Rural Dean of Harrogate. Lt.Col. W. K. Megill is now at Calgary, Alta, Canada, where he has been placed in command of his regiment, Lord Strathcona's Horse. R. D. Merriman is reading for a Ph.D. in the interdisciplinary higher degree scheme at Aston. I. J. Midgley has an appointment with Unilever. D. G. Miles is personnel officer for Steinberg Group Ltd. W. R. Miller was appointed, as from 1.1.77, Executive Vice-President of Bristol-Myers Company, with responsibility for the International Division, the Industrial Division and Bristol Laboratories. R. G. Miller reports that he is watching history in the making as a geologist on Rhodesian gold mines . . D. L. Millie joined the Schools Inspectorate, Department of Education, N. Ireland. 25

J. M. Milner is now with the Employee Relations Department of Yorkshire Imperial Metals Ltd. H. 0. Mohammed is now a member of the Public Accounts Committee of the Kaduna State Government, Nigeria; the Federal Government has also appointed him a member of the Nigerian Health Services Panel. R. G. Monro has taken up a new job with the Management Consultancy Unit, British Airways. P. G. A. Montgomery is practising as a solicitor, with the firm of Weigall and Crowther, in Melbourne, Australia. K. Moore is working as an assistant solicitor with Adler and Co., solicitors, Southport. N. J. Morley, having returned from Hanoi in December 1975 to work at the FCO, has been posted as First Secretary, British Military Government, Berlin (June 1977). J. R. Mott has qualified as a chartered accountant. Professor K. A. Muir has been lecturing in Pennsylvania and California. J. H. Nason has an appointment with Schlumberger. M. J. Nazir Ali was ordained priest in August 1976 in Holy Trinity Cathedral, Karachi. P. H. G. Newhouse, formerly Press Secretary of SIMA, is enjoying active retirement as a factory sweeper. The Revd B. A. Nicholas has moved from Chudleigh Knighton to become Vicar of St Mark's, Exeter. Sir William Nield retired on 30 June 1976 as Deputy Chairman of Rolls Royce Limited. M. J. Notley is now Second Master of Judgemeadow School, Leicester. M. R. Oakley is one of the two deputy county planning officers in the County of Avon; he is based on Bristol. D. J. O'Dell is Head of the department of government, the Sixth Form College, Worthing, W. Sussex. J. A. Ormiston is with Josolyne Layton-Bennett and Co., accountants, Manchester. C. H. M. Oulton is with Press Release and Distribution Services. D. Outhwaite is permanently settled in the USA; he continues to paint abstract landscapes and shows his work in New Mexico and Texas. C. J. C. Palmer is a partner with Orford, Sparkes and Howard, solicitors, Tiverton. D. T. Palmer has been appointed a History and Politics master at Highgate School. J. Park retired as master i/c Spanish, Collyers School, Horsham, on 31 August 1977. R. M. Parkinson is spending 18 months in the USA in the Kansas office of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell. V. T. H. Parry is chief librarian and archivist, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ¡ G. T. Partridge's firm completed a residential development in Perth, W. Australia in 1976 which was commended for its imaginative design.


A. J. Patient has been a producer with 'The Man Alive Report', BBC Television. R. S. Paul, after being marketing manager and then general manager of Afrox in Johannesburg, has returned to England and is Regional Controller South, BOC Ltd. The Revd D. J. Paxman, having resigned as Warden of St Michael's College, Tenbury, is now Chaplain to Rowell's School, Denbigh. J. D. Penfield is working as senior social worker at Southampton's Children's Unit. A. J. Pentecost is now Head of Geography and Careers Master, Woodhatch School, Reigate. C. A. Penwarden has accepted a training contract with Price Waterhouse. D. L. Perrott has been Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Exeter, since 1974. J. C. B. Perrott is with BP as an assistant in the Supply Department of the London head office. John H. Phillips (1958) is now director, Retail Distribution Services, Kurt Salmon Assoc. Ltd, Windsor. J. B. Phillips has moved to Banbury as personnel director of Alcan Booth Extensions Ltd. P. P. Phillips has joined Bankers Trust as a lending officer. D. H. Piper has been appointed Deputy Lieutenant for London. D. R. Plowright is with ICI Pollution Control Systems, Hyde, Ches. G. Pollitt has an appointment with Coopers and Lybrand in Manchester. S. R. Porter is Administrator of St Cross College, Oxford. W. T. Powell is now Head of Business Studies, Marlborough College. The Revd G. C. Pownall retired as Rector of Staple in autumn 1976 and is now living at St Nicholas Hospital, Hartledown, Canterbury. E. L. G. Powys (matric. 1926), who lives at Aberystwyth, passed 'A' Level in Welsh (Grade A) with merit in the S paper in 1976. H. A. F. Radley, having retired from the BBC (Management Services Group Organiser), is free-lancing as industrial consultant and magic lantern lecturer on travel and architecture. J. W. Ramsey is a management trainee with the National Westminster Bank Ltd. T. W. Ream is marketing executive with a firm of seed specialists at Grimsby. A. D. I. Reed became a principal in the Department of Energy m June 1977. N. Ribeiro is reading Medicine at Southampton University. P. J. Riden has been appointed staff tutor in local history, Extramural Department, University College, Cardiff. A. N. Ridley has left Fettes after five years as assistant master and has moved to New Zealand. R. M. Ridley is now a housemaster at Wellington College. M. A. Ritchie closed in 1975, its international work completed. The Individual Postal Tuition Service. Since then he has been continuing private research on the K1ng James Bible as centre of the English language.


A. G. Rix is senior lecturer in charge of Business Educational Council courses at Kilburn Polytechnic. G. Roberts has a job on the North Sea oil rigs, working for Texaco. D. L. Robertson is employed as a solicitor in the Legal Department of the NCB in London. F. J. Robichaux is to join Baker and McKenzie, London, solicitors, as an articled clerk early in 1978. The Revd J. F. N. Robinson is now Team Vicar with responsibility for St Giles in the Mayfleet Team Ministry, Hull . M. G. Robinson, having retired from the R.G.S. Newcastle-uponTyne, is honorary general secretary of the Old Novocastrian Association. P. L. Roussel is now with the British Council in Washington. A. G. Ruffhead, having been senior lecturer in History at St John's College, York, is now Head of Humanities, Romsey School, Rants. J. J. R. Rycroft is now Staff Administration Manager at the Springfield works of British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (Preston). R. J. Sapsford is with the Home Office Research Unit, doing research on prisons and prisoners. A. Scarfe, after two years' research in Bucharest, is now engaged in Romanian studies at Keston College, with special reference to the Church under Socialism. J. C. Seccombe was appointed Treasurer of BTR Ltd in March 1976. C. Shaw has joined Mobil as an industrial relations adviser. J. H. Sheffner is now working in France as shareholders' representative for BP with the French associate company. R. M. Sherratt is senior registrar in clinical neurophysiology, the National Hospital, Queen Square, W.C. 1. A. G. Shipton is with Macmillan, the publishers, as a book editor concerned with primary school and ¡remedial reading publications. A. R. Slater is a Research Fellow, Department of Botany and Microbiology, University College, London. A. L. Sloane is spending 1977-78 at Nashotah House, Wisconsin, USA, concluding his training for ordination. A. N. Smith has been appointed an administrative assistant at The City University. E. M. Smith, after six years in the West End, has returned to the City as manager of the City branch of the Trust Division of Lloyds Bank. G. A. N. Smith is now Lecturer in Applied Social Studies, Department of Social and Administrative Studies, Oxford. I. N. Smith is Area Administrator, Hilling.don Area Health Authority. I. R. Smith is working for the Ph.D. degree at Hull University. J. R. Smith is now with Young and Rubican Ltd, London. W. P. Smith has left the UN in New York and been appointed Director General to the Ordnance Survey. R. Snelgrove is now traffic manager for Cory Distributors. M. D. Snelling is now Head of the Technical Studies Department, Brighton Hill School, Basingstoke. C. J. R. Sneyd is Head of Science, West Bridgford Comprehensive School, Nottingham.


c. P. Spencer is Lecturer in Social Psychology, Sheffield University; in both 1976 and 1977 he was Visiting Fellow at the Science University of Malaysia, Penang. B. Spurr is Lecturer in the Department of English, University of Sydney, Australia. M. Stallworthy is working with Clifford-Turner in London as a solicitor. T. E. Statham, having qualified as a solicitor, is with the London firm of Norton, Rose, Botterell and Roche. J. W. Stead, having returned from the Republic of Honduras, is continuing his work as a Research Officer with the Unit of Tropical Silviculture, O.U. Department of Forestry. T. P. C. Stibbs, in addition to his academic post in the University, is Tutor-in-residence, Unitarian College, Manchester. J. T. Stoakley is an entomologist at the Forestry Commission's northern research station near Edinburgh. A. M. R. Stone has joined Schlumberger as a field engineer. M. J. C. Streatfield is temporarily a schoolmaster in Zambia. D. J. Sudlow is now senior lecturer in Geography and responsible for main courses in Environmental Studies and Outdoor Pursuits at Hereford College of Education. K. Swain is a trainee accountant with Price Waterhouse. The Revd D. R. Tassell continues as Priest-in-charge of Welland, and is also Chaplain of St James's School, West Malvern. G. S. Taylor is working as science editor for Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. J. A. Taylor is teaching Biology at St Edward's School, Oxford. S. C. Taylor is working for the Cert.Ed. at Exeter University. L. P. Tempest has been seconded by the Bank of England to the Shell International Petroleum Co. for a year (from Oct. 1976). C. W. Thomas has joined Foseco as a development engineer. D. N. Thompson has been Chief Executive of the Lewes District since June 1973. D. M. Thomson is now in New Zealand, creating an orchard with a view to becoming a fruit farmer. C. G. Thorne has been appointed Professor of International History at Sussex University; he has also been invited to deliver the LeesKnowles Lectures at Cambridge. The Revd J. Thornton is chairman of the governors of Brockworth Comprehensive School. I. L. Timmis is a management trainee with Metal Box. A. D. Titcombe is deputy headmaster, The Plume Comprehensive School, Maldon, Essex. J. H. Torrens has retired to 51 St Martins, Marlborough, Wilts. T. 0. Torstein has a commission in the Royal Navy and is teaching Mathematics and Science. W. B. Travers is taking the Diploma in Housing Management course at the Bristol Polytechnic. M. Trower-Foyan is a research associate at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 29

D. P. Turner is working with the Ministry of Overseas Development. The Revd E. G. H. Turner is now Honorary Canon of Chelmsford and Rural Dean of Colchester. John A. Turner, who is with The Royal Bank of Canada, has been transferred from Montreal, Canada, to Sydney, Australia. D. P. Vaughan, who is with British Airways, is now senior personnel officer, Terminal 3, Heathrow Airport. D. Vickers holds an appointment in the Planning Department of the London Borough of Wandsworth. C. Waddington is now Head of the History Department, Sudbury Upper School, Sudbury. M. Wall retired in August 1976 as Head of Modern Languages, Falmouth School. A. J. Walker is at Edinburgh University, doing a course in landscape design. R. G. Waple, having completed two years in Brazil with Lloyds Bank International, is now working for it in Chicago. Lt.Cdr. G. C. Warner is on a one-year M.Sc. course in Information Systems at the Royal Military College of Science, Sandhurst. J. B. Watson has held a temporary teaching post in mathematics at Mill Hill prior to studying for the Cert.Ed. . The Revd Canon I. F. F. Webb retired as Rector of Attleborough, Norfolk, on 31 August 1975. R. Wells is now working as assistant legal adviser, Lloyds Bank Ltd, Trust Division, at the chief office in the City. The Revd P. F. White, C.F. , was appointed D.A.C.G. Wales District in January 1977. The Right Revd R. B. White has retired as Bishop of Tunbridge. R. C. W. Whitling, having retired as M.0. to Ever-Ready Battery Co. Ltd, is now a part-time general practitioner in London (Colney). The Revd D. R. Wilkinson was appointed Canon of Brecon Olthedral in 1976. J. C. Wilkinson has been elected a Fellow and Tutor St. Hugh's College, Oxford. The Revd M. J. Williams is now on the staff of the Western Hospital, Credi ton. R. M. L. Williams is now Principal of Roger L. M. Williams and Co., solicitors, Exeter. J. Willis-Richards is employed as an administrative officer by the Gilbert Islands government. D. H. Wilson retired as Deputy Registrar, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, on 30 September 1977. A. T. de B. Wilmot retired from business in Nigeria in July 1977 and has started a three-year consultancy assignment for a church (ECWA) with numerous and varied business activities. The Revd D. H . A. Wilson has been appointed Rector of the two parishes of Walsingham and Thornley, diocese of Durham. E. C. Windsor was appointed a director of PE Corporate Strategy Ltd (international management consultants). J. J. Wisdom has an appointment with the British Library. 30

D. E. Wood is now export sales manager, ICI Ltd Plasti'cs Division, Welwyn Garden City. G. T. Woods is now Head of the Chemistry Department, Monmouth School. C. G. H. Worrall has retired as senior housemaster and member of the Board of Governors, Wymondham College, Norfolk. N. B. Worswick is Headmaster of the Royal Hospital School, Ipswich. J. M. Wragg is engineer's representative at the SAS Cheshmeh copper mine, Kerman, Iran. M. E. Young has left Pocklington School and is spending a year in London in T.E.F.L. work before going abroad. The Revd S. Young was made a deacon in Portsmouth Cathedral on 20 June 1977 to serve in Holy Rood parish, Crofton. MARRIAGES R. T. Baker and Marjorie Anne Bennett, in Manchester, on 23 October 1976. W. R. Baker and Louise Hollingsworth, at Trinity Church, York Harbor, Maine, U.S.A., on 18 June 1977. G. E. Bull and Nicola Harper (L.M.H.), at St Michael and All Angels, Winterbourne Earls, near Salisbury, on 24 July 1976. K. A. Carby was married in Derbyshire on 23 July 1977. Raoul Cerratti and Christa Schauer, at St Lorenz Kirche, Ni.irnberg, W. Germany, on 18 September 1976. S. S. Chandler and Susan Rowland, at St Martin's Church, Sale, Cheshire, on 9 April 1977. M. G. Craven was married on 19 June 1976. J. A. Cunningham and Lavinia Kinchin-Smith, in April 1975. J. R. Curran and Susan Mayne Montgomery, in the Hall Chapel (the Dean officiating), on 28 May 1977. A . Daulton and Anne-Marie Swales, on 3 September 1977. D. W . Edmondson and Miss H . M. Verney, at Beckenham, in April 1977. R. P. C. Elveson and Miss J. M . Simmons, on 18 December 1976. N. A. Field-Johnson and Sarah Katherine Landale, at The Royal Memorial Chapel, Sandhurst, on 18 June 1977. D , Imeson and Rosalyn Jane Bell, at St Peter's, Freshford (near Bath), on 7 May 1977. A . S. Johnson and Marie Farret, in August 1975. D. R. T. Jones (Research Fellow) and Julia Margaret Ramsden, in the Hall Chapel (the Principal officiating), on 2 October 1976. J. N. Jones (1966) and Joan Alison Bain, at St Congal's, Bangor, Co. Down, in 1973. D. S. C. Lee and Joan D . Lan, on 9 July 1977. H. G. Mason and Letitia Jane Patricia Wilmshurst, in the Hall Chapel, on 2 July 1977. J. R . Mott and Margaret Jones, in Liverpool, on 8 November 1975 . D. J. O'Dell and Mary Weller, on 30 October 1976. 31

Sir Alan Outram and Jean Paton, on 24 July 1976. J. C. B.. Perrott and Elizabeth Cranstoun Cutler, at Croydon, on 13 November 1976. J. G. Phillip and Barbara Chanter, at St Paul's Redhill, on 14 June 1975. A. Scarfe and Donna Michella Bryan, of Trent, U.S .A., on 23 August 1975. A. G. Shipton and Siobhan Fraser, at Farnham Parish Church, Surrey, on 25 June 1977. William Howard Slack and Winifred Eileen Belcher, in the Hall Chapel (the Dean officiating), on 12 March 1977. J. P. Sloan and Pamela M. Beardwood, in the Hall Chapel, on 21 May 1977. A. N. Smith and Suzy von Bergen, at St Luke's, Watford, on 6 August 1977. J. R. Smith and Marie Highton, in the Hall Chapel, on 6 October 1976. N. K. Staite and Catherine Jennings, on 20 August 1977. C. Waddington and Audrey Sutcliffe, at Girlington Wesleyan Church, Bradford, on 4 August 1973. D. Wilton and Janet Elizabeth Nourse, at Bracknell Baptist Church, on 25 October 1975. BIRTHS D. W. Alder : a second child, Joanne Elizabeth Clare, on 10 June 1976. W. T. Andrews: a second daughter, Meredith Eleanor, on 22 July 1976. J. P. N. Badham has two children, Richard on 14 August 1975 and Harry Alexander on 27 October 1974. P. Bates: a daughter, Chloe Elizabeth, in August 1976. S. H. Beamish: a daughter, Kerry-Ann, on 5 July 1976. R. W. Beckham: two children, Catherine Jane, on 24 December 1975; Michael William, on 9 May 1977. I. H. Bennett: a son, Edward Toby, on 20 February 1975. D. J. Blezard: a second son, Adam Jon, on 7 November 1975. A. Brunskill: a son, Timothy David, on 22 December 1974. V. A. Bulbeck: two adopted boys, Michael (9) and Matthew (6). K. A. ~ywater: a second chiia, Camilla Elizabeth, on 12 October 1976. R. C. S. Clark: a daughter, Georgia Hannah Surtees, on 27 August 1976. D. J. S. Cooksey: a son, Alexander, on 7 July 1976. P. J. Dixon : a son, Jedediah Richard, on 11 April 1976. R. A. Dolman: a second son, Toby, on 29 January 1977. J. H. W. H. Elkins: a fourth child, Anne, in December 1976. D. C. Elstub: a daughter, Lindsay Jane, on 16 March 1977. S. R. Garrett: a daughter, Alice Rosamund, on 4 March 1977. D. F. Goldsmith: a son, Charles William George, on 11 June 1977. P. J. Hathaway: a second daughter, Louise Amy, on 11 May 1977. 32

C. W. Hewitt: a son, Thomas David Edward, on 1 March 1977. K. J. Houston: a son, Alan James, on 29 October 1976. J. Hughes: a son, Alexander James, on 3 October 1975. R. G. Hunt: a third child, Michaela Frances Katharine, on 22 June 1977. L. A. Jackson: a son Anthon Patrick, on 12__ ovembe ¡ Leos Jirasek: a son, Vit, on 3 April 19 5 (his mother's birthday). P. M. Johnson: a son, Simon Christopher, on 10 May 1976. J. N. Jones (1966): a son, Christopher, on 16 August 1975. R. A. Jordan: a second daughter, Amanda Claire, on 12 April 1977. R. A. Kenworthy: a son, Maxwell George, on 24 May 1977. D. C. Knight: a daughter, Rachel Francis, in June 1976. R. D. Lees: a daughter, Katherine, on 18 October 1976. P . Lever: a daughter, Nicola Jayne, on 24 August 1976 (in Brazil). M. P. Littleton: a second son, Thomas Edward, on 8 January 1977. J. D; Loydall: a daughter, Esther Mary, on 15 August 1976 . P . L. R. Maison: a son, Ralph Richard, on 13 April 1977. S. Maxwell: a son, Daniel, on 8 April 1976. A . H. Morgan: a second son, Peter James, on 11 January 1977. L. G. Mortimer: a second daughter, Rosamund Clare, on 1 November 1976. 0. Murray (sometime St Edmund Junior Fellow): a son, Andrew Edmund, on St Edmund's Day 1976 . B. G. O'Dwyer: another child, in 1976 (in Brazil). R. M. Oliver: a daughter, Lauren Kathryn, on 2 February 1977. C. J. C. Palmer: a third child, in April 1977. D.R. Plowright: a third child, Alexandra Jane, on 1November1976. I. R. K. Rae: a second daughter, Philippa, on 18 January 1977. J. S. Rayner: an adopted son, Benedict Jonathan (b. 25 September 1975). P. F. Sadler: a daughter, Emma Jane, on 30 June 1976. D. J. H. Smith: a second daughter, Jennifer Helen, on 12 November 1976. I. N. Smith: a son, Thomas Ian James, on 6 August 1976. R. H. Smith: a son, Richard Howard, on 22 May 1976. G. D. Summers: a son, Benjamin, in April 1977. D. P. Vaughan: a son, Robert James, on 31October1976. W . Walker: a daughter, Helen Elizabeth, on 17 March 1977. J. Walters: a son, David, on 1September1976. G. M. Wilcox: a son, Ian Stuart, on 26 April 1977. R. M. L. Williams: a daughter, Victoria Claire, on 9 October 1976. D. Wilton: a daughter, Annabel Sarah, on 18 February 1977. OBITUARIES are recorded with regret: Mrs. Dora Allen, widow of the late Revd T. K. Allen and step-mother of the Right Revd Gerald Burton Allen, sometime Principal of the Hall and later Bishop of Dorchester, died on 29 August 1976, at Cheltenham, aged 95 . 33 THE FOLLOWING DEATHS

Samuel Edward Bradshaw, B.A., J.P., commoner 1933-37, who spent much of his life in the Colonial Service, died at his home at Leek, Staffordshire, on 25 November 1976, aged 62. John Eric Alwyn Bye, commoner 1923-26, died at his home in Norfolk on 14 July 1976, aged 71. He captained the University Hockey XI in 1925, was in the Colonial Service in Fiji until 1936, and subsequently engaged in teaching. John Johnson, M.A., commoner 1919-22, died at Worthing after a long illness on 13 September 1976, aged 76. George Silvester Keen, M.A., commoner 1930-34, died at Oxford on 27 February 1977, aged 65. He was a master at King Alfred's School, Wantage, for over forty years, being deputy headmaster when he retired in 1976. During the war he was a company commander and saw service in N. Africa, and from 1944 to 1946 was seconded to the War Cabinet Historical Section to work on the official history of the war. Douglas David Lees, M.A., commoner 1940-43, died unexpectedly in his sleep on 15 June 1977, aged 58. A fine hockey player who captained the O.U.H.C. in 1942, he was a schoolmaster, first at Cranleigh and later at Haileybury. Henry Barrowby Linton, M.A., commoner 1924-27, a schoolmaster by profession, died at Leyburn, Yorkshire, on 3 October 1975, aged 70. The Revd Bernard Patrick Mohan, M.A., commoner 1922-25, died at Torquay on 8 October 1976. Ordained in the Guildford diocese, he held livings at Ludham and then Penge, was regional secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society 1946-55, and then spent 21 years in Canada, first as District secretary to the Canadian Bible Society. Herbert Edward Pegg, M.A., commoner 1927-30, died at Salisbury, Rhodesia, on 28 January 1977, aged 68. His career was in the teaching profession, and at different times he was regional education officer in Bulawayo, headmaster of Guinea Fowl School, and education liaison officer at Rhodesia House, London. John James Denis Anthony Peter Moore Quinn, B.A., commoner 1933-37, died at New York on 22 August 1976, aged 62. After serving throughout the war (being evacuated with the expeditionary force from Dunkirk), he joined the Ford Foundation, and eventually became a senior member of its international division, dealing with educational projects in Asia and the Pacific. The Very Revd George Fenn Seaver, M.A., commoner 1909-12, sometime Dean of Ossory and Canon of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, died on 25 October 1976 . Before being ordained in 1925 he was for five years Assistant Native Commissioner, Northern Rhodesia. A prolific writer, he was 86 when he died. Caleb Henry John Trevor, M.A., commoner 1912-15 formerly of St David's College School, Lampeter, died on 16 June 1976. Bruce Tulloch, B.A., commoner 1948-51, who was overseas training adviser to the Chemical and Allied Products Industry training Board, died on 6 October 1976, aged 49.


CLUBS AND SOCIETIES THE ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB Cuppers Captain: J. HERLIHY League Captain: M. FABIAN Secretary: M. S. REED THE CLUB had a very successful season once again. Three teams were entered in the league and a number of players were included in the Blues squad, three of whom played against Cambridge. The First XI finished fourth in the League and the second XI were top of their division. The Hall again dominated Cuppers. Our loyal supporters were able to witness the remarkable spectacle of the Third XI playing the Second XI in the final of the Second XI competition. The Seconds eventually won on penalties after extra time. The First XI fought hard to retain the cup but lost in the final to a strong Queen's side. This was after the replay went to extra time. The Club also represented the University at Crystal Palace in the five-acside competition of the Varsity games. They beat Queen's in the final. The Hall can be proud of a memorable season. M.F.


Secretary: R. A. BURGER

AS USUAL the Club had a successful year though the Cuppers side was surprisingly defeated in the final. John Taylor and Anson Jack are to be congratulated on representing the University in the Blues match; Anson has been selected as next year's Blues captain. John Christopher is next year's captain of the Woodpeckers. Colours have been awarded to these players and to Mike Wood. R.A.B.

THE BOAT CLUB Captain: R. PESKETT Secretary: P . Hrns cH Vice-Captain: R. J. MOORE Treasurer: C. B. SUNTER THE HALL entered seven crews for Summer Eights this year. The results of the higher crews boded well for the future: the first VIII bumped Magdalen and Univ. to gain fifth place on the river and the second VIII also achieved two bumps. The fourth VIII got three bumps, promoting themselves to the Fifth Division. Torpids unfortunately had to be cancelled because of bad flooding. Bill Baker and Robert Moore rowed for Isis this year and Peter Smith was in the successful Lightweight VIII. The Hall won OUBC Junior Pairs and is entering a IV at Henley this year.


THE BRIDGE CLUB Captain : BOB BURGER Secretary: MARK DEVEREUX FIVE TEAMS from the Hall entered Bridge Cuppers this year . All achieved a certain measure of success. The team of Rob Mciver, Mark Devereux, Paul McKenna and Howard Kingsbury deserve special mention . They reached the quarter-finals of the plate competition. B.B. THE CHESS CLUB Captain: W. H. KINGSBURY THE HALL first team outclassed most of the opposition in the Second Division of the college league, remaining unbeaten throughout the season and easily gaining promotion. The chaotic organisation of the lower divisions meant that the Hall second team played very few matches. Next season's prospects in Division One seem good as the entire first team will be available. W.H.K. THE CRICKET CLUB Captain,: IAN MIDGELEY Secretary: ALAN BING THIS WAS A frustrating season for the Hall. Bad weather, the exam commitments of many of the strongest players and the perennial problem of finding a pitch all contributed to the disappointing season. Ten games were played, three of which were victories. It is encouraging that a talented nucleus of cricketers emerged amongst the freshmen. The season will be remembered for a few fin~ performances by individuals- particularly Bill Hollington's 59 against a strong Chesterfield team, Ian Midgeley's innings against Brize Norton and against Merton, and Dave Bourne's lonely effort against Latymer School. A.B. THE CROSS-COUNTRY CLUB Captain: H. M. p APWORTH Secretary: A. J. SENIOR THIS SEASON proved to be one of ups and downs, showing above all that while we have great potential on paper, we have difficulty rallying our forces to good effect on individual occasions. Thus while we slipped badly in the league competition, we finished very close (one point) runners-up in Cuppers, and finished 57th out of 100 teams in the annual Hyde Park Relay, an improvement of nine places on last year. The St. Edmund Hall Road Relay took place with a record number of entries and press coverage. Although the course had to be changed at the last minute because of conditions in the Parks, the event was very successful. Southampton University finished first and the Hall finished a creditable sixth, the first of the Oxbridge colleges. The Principal presented the trophies and medals in the Iffley Road stadium after the event. H.M.P.


THE DARTS CLUB Secretary: P. INCE Captain: A. M. R. STONE THIS YEAR has seen an upsurge of interest in Hall Darts which was reflected in the entrance of three teams for Cuppers. What a pity this enthusiasm was not matched with skill! Nevertheless the first team did regain its rightful position in the First Division after a close promotion fight with Univ. The club is looking forward to next season when the resounding call of 'ARRERS' should be heard echoing around the Buttery once more. P.I. THE HOCKEY CLUB Captain: P . T. CLIPSON Secretary: A. ELLIS THIS WAS a good season for the Hall. A strong team narrowly missed winning the First Division title. A single defeat against St John's robbed us of the top position in this, our first season since gaining promotion. It was a very enjoyable season marred only by an early exit from Cuppers and the terrible weather we suffered for much of the season. P.T.C. THE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Cuppers Captain: C. R. BROWN League Captain: J. SAMUEL Secretaries: J. D. CHARLES and M. R. SMITH HALL RUGBY this season had mixed fortunes, with much achieved but little to show for it. The League side, ably led by Justin Samuel, finished third in the table, one point behind the winners. However it proved a firm base for a competent and spirited Cuppers team, qualities gained from Chris Brown's enthusiasm. The all round cohesion and fluidity definitely gained a fillip from the December tour to North Wales, and this helped dispose of Lincoln and Wadham in Cuppers, despite the absence of two Blues. In the semi-final, however, the Hall fell prey to injuries and to the eventual winners, Univ. (9-16). The experience gained and the blooding of new players and old noses presage well for the coming season. J.D.C. THE TABLE TENNIS CLUB Captain and Secretary,: C. S. RICHARDS THE HALL TEAMS enjoyed a reasonably good season, in spite of a shortage of keen players. The first team gained promotion to the Second Division. In Cuppers the Hall was eliminated in the first round. C.S.R. THE TENNIS CLUB Captain: E. G. WAREING Secretary: C. A. ROACH DUE MAINLY TO strength in depth, this year's team won all its league matches in Division II, thereby earning a place in Division I next season. In Cuppers the side lost to Balliol in the quarter-finals. C.A.R. 37

Congratulations In addition to the sporting achievements mentioned above, the following are to be congratulated for their performances against Cambridge: Steve Johnson (Judo), Bill Hollington (Rackets), John Bodkin and Chris Eley (Polo), Hugh McManners (Boxing), Nick Henshaw (Lacrosse). Tim Bryan has been selected as next year's captain of the University Rugby Football Club.

THE ART COMMITTEE Secretaries: A. BING and C. W. HIND 'P resident: A. HARGREA YES THIS w AS A quiet year for the Art Committee. In Hilary Term we had a successful exhibition of the 'Hidden Pictures'-those of the Hall's works of art which are considered too valuable to be hung anywhere other than in the S.C.R. In Trinity members of the Ruskin School of Art contributed pictures in various media to an exhibition in the Party Room. The loan scheme was more popular this year and the programme of re-framing continued. The only picture we have bought is a sketch by William Morris for the 'Men of Galilee' panel in the East window of the Chapel which was .executed in 1865 by Morris and Co. It is hoped that the sketch will be hung in the Ante-Chapel. C.W.H.

THE CHRISTIAN UNION Secretary: D. N. PRATT THIS YEAR saw the Christian Union flourishing and growing. There were several visitors to the group this year, including Graham Kendrick, a Christian singer-songwriter, who gave an entertaining and challenging concert. Dicussion groups started in Trinity term to examine the basic teachings of Christ. These were rewarding and it is hoped to continue them next year. D.N.P.

THE LIDDON SOCIETY President,: R. A. JUPP DURING HILARY TERM the society organized the Hall's activities as part of the Mission to the¡ University. This was led by Cardinal Suenens, the Primate of Belgium. Christians of all persuasions from the Hall played a part in the Mission. We were privileged to have as our assistant Missioner Fr. Michael Hollings, the former R.C. chaplain to the University. Our thanks go to him for all his patient work, and also to Fr. Edward Morris of St Stephen's House, who acted as College Chaplain during the Chaplain's sabbatical and who gave us a great deal of his time. R.A.J.



Organiser: R. E. NOWAK FOUR FILMS were shown this year, the most successful of which was 'Taxi Driver'- a reflection of the prevailing emotional climate in the Hall perhaps! Sic transit gloria artis- as Sam Goldwyn ought to have said. FOLK EVENINGS

THE BUTTERY WELL found its ancient timbers being shaken on two occasions this year when folk-music concerts were held during Michaelmas and Hilary terms. Entertainment was provided as usual by Trevor Ryder and Clive Penwarden, with the noble assistance of Dick Sands (St Edmund Hall's Poet Laureate?) and Martin Saunders, who was not the only person present to be surprised at his own talents. Thanks are due to the J.C.R. Presidents and Joe, the barman, who between them made it all possible. An atmosphere of unrestrained participation was enjoyed by all, perhaps with the miraculous aid of a certain Devizes brewery. . . .

T.R. THE HEARNE SOCIETY President.: J. E. EDE Secretary: J. SPURR

THE socIETY's first meeting of the year welcomed the Dean, who spoke of the impact of Cook's discoveries on the popular literature of the time. He was followed by Dr P. Langford of Lincoln, who suggested that eighteenth-century English politics were far less corrupt, stable and boring than is often thought. Dr S. J. Loach of Somerville and Dr R. A. C. Parker of Queen's presented papers later in the year. The final meeting of the year was treated to a witty exploration of the historiography of the French Revolution by Mr S. M. Sacha of Brasenose. The Society's programme was rounded off by the annual dinner, at which Dr C. R. Lucas was the Guest speaker.


President: R. 0STERLEY THE NUMBER OF people involved in the Club's activities was relatively small this year. Nevertheless there were some enjoyable and memorable events, notably a talk given by Dr Sherlaw-Johnson, two trips to concerts at the Festival Hall and the now traditiOnal Christmas 'Face the Music' quiz. The ordinary meetings usually took the form of record evenings; of these a particularly successful one was an informative, illustrated talk on Mahler's symphonies given by Robin Osterley. P.C. 39


Secretary: C. W. HIND

THIS YEAR the Society continued its policy of giving popular and varied concerts. In Michaelmas Term Robin Osterley made his maiden appearance as conductor of Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony and Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. The soloist was Alec McGregor. The dining hall was packed and the concert was a great success. In Hilary Term Bernard Trafford, the organ scholar, directed a wind ensemble with music by Mozart and Richard Strauss. C.W.H.


Secretary: P. M. WATSON

THIS WAS one of the better years for the Society. The cuppers entry, 'The Education of Skinny Spew' directed by Jeremy Howe, was very successful, coming a close second overall. This competition fulfilled its purpose in that people involved with 'Skinny Spew' have since gone on to appear in major productions within the University. Jeremy Howe is undertaking a major project with OUDS next term. The Society, in conjunction with Pembroke College, produced Joe Orton's comedy 'Loot' in Hilary term. Directed by Pete Watson and Patrick Cook the play went down very well, with full houses on most nights. One of the macabre consequences of the production is that the society is now the proud owner of a slightly used coffin. Any offers? P.M.W.


THE AULARIAN BOOKSHELF THERE HA VE BEEN MANY welcome gifts to the library during the past year, both for the Aularian Collection and for the open shelves. We are very grateful to the following members of the Hall for giving copies of their publications: R. BECKWITH (1949)- Christ's presence and sacrifice, 1973; The panAnglican document, 1974; St. Luke, the date of Christmas and the priestly course at Qumran, 1977*; The series 3 funeral services, 1973*; A turning point in prayer book revision, 1975 *; The use of the bible in th~ World Council of Churches, 1975. * J. K. CHADWICK-JONES (1948)- Social exchange theory, 1976. R. CHAPPELL (1964)- a translation of Larissa Reissner's Hamburg at the barricades, and other writings on Weimar Germany, 1977. L. A. CHESTER (1957)- Martin Luther King, 1971; (with others) an American melodrama, 1969; The Cleveland Street affair, 1977; Hoax the inside story of the Howard Irving affair, 1972; Watergate, the full inside story, 1973; The Zinoviev letter, 1967. H. E . J. COWDREY (Fellow)- The Mahdia campaign of 1087, 1977.* D. F. EASTON (1966)-Towards a chronology for the Anatolian early bronze age, 1976. * J. J. R. FRAUSTO DA SILVA (1960)-(with R. J. P. Williams) Possible mechanism for the biological action of lithium, 1976*; The uptake of elements by biological systems, 1976. * S. R. GARRETT (1965)- Articles in 'The Tenterden Terrier', 1974-1976; (with N. Rose) Sutton, a hundred years in steam, 1976. J. C. B. GOSLING (Fellow)- Reply to White, 1977. * C. J. M. R. GULLICK (1963)- Exiled from St. Vincent, 1976. G. D. GWYER (1962)- Pasar karet- the rubber market, 1976*; Supply and demand for cloves, 1976 .* N. S. HAILE (1945)-(with others) Palaeomagnetic data a-n d radiometric ages from the cretaceous of West Kalimantan (Borneo), 1977. * R. HARRIS (1951)- 0n the possibility of linguistic change, Inaugural Lecture, 1977. R. E. M. IRVING (1958)-Christian democracy in France, 1973. R. V. JACKSON (1965)- South Asian crisis, 1975. G. R. WILSON KNIGHT (1921)- Shakespeare's dramatic challenge, 1977; Vergil and Shakespeare (Jackson Knight Memorial Lecture), 1977. J. B. KNIGHT (Fellow)- Devaluation and income distribution in lessdeveloped economies, 1976. * D. G. LITTLE (1961)- A new German syllabus, 1976. * Y. R. LOVELOCK (1960)- City and beyond, 1976; Folk tales of ancient Persia, 1974; Padma river boatman (a translation), 1973; Radha's lotus (a translation), 1975; Short circuit, 1975; Strangers in amber, 1976. A. I. MARSH (Fellow)-Contrasts in agricultural price policies, 1950. R . A. MASON (1944)~The relation of Zech 9-14 to Proto-Zechariah, 1976. * T. R. A. MASON (1959)- Los recursos c6micos de Calderon, 1976. * R . B. MITCHELL (Fellow)-No 'House is building' in Old English, 1976*; Old English ac as an interrogative particle, 1977*; Some problems involving Old English periphrases with beon/wesan and the present 41

participle, 1976*; review of Old English dictionary, ed. G. K. Jember and others, 1977.* S. M. NATALE (1969)- Pastoral counselling, 1977. A. H. W. NIAS (1944)-Interactions of ionising radiation and cancer chemotherapy agents, 1976*; The oxygen enhancement ratio of mammalian cells under different irradiation conditions*; The place of radio biology in an oncology centre, 1973 *; The response of Chinese hamster cells to 252 Californian neutrons and 14 MeV neutrons, 1974*; (with D. Anderson) Resistance to methylene dimethane sulphonate (MDMS) in Ll210 cells In Vitro, 1972*; (with B. W. Fox) The sensitivity of HeLa and Chinese hamster (Ovary) cells to methylene and dimethane sulphonate, 1976*; (with C. W. Gilbert) Responses of HeLa and Chinese hamster cells to low doses of photons and neutrons, 1975*; (with I. Szumiel) Action of a platinum complex . . . on Chinese hamster ovary cells In Vitro, 1976*; The effect of combined treatment with a platinum complex and ionizing radiation on Chinese hamster ovary cells In Vitro, 1976*; (with H. M. A. Yosef) Letter to the editor of the British Jnl. of Radiobiology, 1976*; (with others) Absence of a fractionation effect in irradiated HeLa cells , 1973 *; Determination of R.B.E. values for fast neutrons and negative r.-mesons using frozen HeLa cells, 1974*; The response of Chinese hamster (ovary) cells to protracted irradiation from 25 2Cf and 60Co, 1973 *; Scanning electron microscopy of mouse intestinal mucosa after cobalt 60 and D-T neutron irradiation, 1976*. V. T. H. PARRY (1945)-(with others) Conservation of threatened plants, 1976; Proceedings of the Easter meeting of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, 1976. R. B. PUGH (1929)-The central records of the Church of England, 1976; The site of Southwood Park, 1976.* J. S. REYNOLDS (1938)-The Evangelicals at Oxford, 1735-1871, 1975. A. G. RuFFHEAD (1957)-(with S. Price) Three Yorkshire villages, 1973; (with others) Wheldrake; aspects of a Yorkshire village, 1971. D. I. SCARGILL (Fellow)-The RGS and the foundations of geography at Oxford, 1976*; This changing world; new hope for the Rhone-Rhine waterway.* E. P. SMITH (1958)- By mourning tongues, 1977. B. SPURR (1974)- Christian faith and practice in the later life and work of T. S. Eliot (thesis), 1976 . W . S. C. WILLIAMS (Fellow)-Measurement of nucleon structure function in muon scattering at 147 GeV3c* (with others), 1976*; (with others) A search for CP violation in KÂą-~"7TÂą7T 08 decays, 1976. * G. T. WOODS (1956)- Chemically, the same or different?* A. B. WORDEN (Fellow)-The Rump Parliament, 1648-1653, 1974; and reprint, 1977. Sir D. WRIGHT (1932)-The English among the Persians, 1977; Introduction to H . Amirsadeghi and R . W. Ferrier, Twentieth-century Iran, 1977. D. C. M. YARDLEY (Emeritus Fellow)-Modern constitutional developments, inaugural lecture, 1974; La riforma del governo locale in Inghilterra, 1976*; The effectiveness of the Westminster model of constitution, 1977. * (* denotes offprint or part of a larger work) 42

Among other gifts to the library we would particularly like to thank Mr. J. M. Dening (1958) for making available to the library many very fine volumes which have greatly enriched the arts sections. We would also like to record that we are very much indebted to Mr. A. I. Marsh (Fellow) for his part in acquiring the Risborough Collection, mentioned in the last issue of the Magazine. And thanks to Professor J. B. Walmsley (1957) for giving Richard Grey's 'Memoria Technica', 1737, for the collection in the Old Library. Many thanks are due to the following for their generous gifts of books, or money to buy books, for general use in the library: The Principal; J. D. R. Adams; Rev. M. Bordeaux; F. A. Brown; R. Cerratti; Prof. J. K. Chadwick-Jones; Dr. P. J. Collins (Fellow); K. Copestake; Dr. A. B. Emden (Hon. Fellow); Dr. R. Fargher (Fellow); Prof. F. Fabi-icius; Fitzwilliam College Cambridge; Florida State University Summer School ; R. W. Garrett (College Staff); K. Geeslin; J. C. B. Gosling (Fellow); G. R. Wilson Knight (Hon. Fellow); D. Lennie; W. J. H. Liversidge; S. McCann; A. I. Marsh (Fellow); E. G. Midgley (Fellow); C. D. Miller; S. Ogilvie-Thompson (Lecturer); N. Pasha; Dr. J. D. Pickles; Princeton University Industrial Relations Section; H. A. F. Radley; Prof. A. 'Rudrum; Dr. D. I. Scargill (Fellow) ; Dr. K. @.7 Segar (Fellow); South African Embassy; Hon. Ch. Strutt; C. J. Wells (Fellow); M. P. Wilkins; Dr. W. S. C. Williams (Fellow); Dr. A. B. Worden (Fellow); Dr. R. T. Worsley. SASHA WERNBERG-M!i'lLLER



Honour .School of Natural Science,: Physics: Class I: G. P. Clark, L. J. Hall, T ; B. Robinson. Class II: P. T. Ballinger, I. D. Cullum, R. J. Lane, J. H. Nason, P. P. Phillips, K. Swain. Chemistry: Part I (Unclassified Honours): K. R. Albans, S. H. Johnson, P. M. Matthews, D. Neuhaus, J. W. Taylor, J. D. Wharne. Part JI: Class I: I. J. Midgley. Class I I: K. A. Bromboszcz, K. A. Ford, S. A. Hancock, J. D. Morbey, I. L. Timmis. Engineering Science:: Class I: A. C. Patterson. Class JI: P. S. H. Budden, S. M. Coldicott, D. A. Swain. Class III: A. R. F. Banks, A. M. R. Stone. Pass: W. A. Balfour. Metallurgy: Part l (Unclassified Honours): P. R . . Franklin, D. G. McCartney, G. M. Preston, P. H. Tudor. Part II.: Class I: N. R. Johnson, M. I. Wood. Class ll: K. W.~ Richards, C. W. Thomas. Physiological Sciences: Class II.: T . M. Crossley, R. J. Langstaff, R. A. H. Surtees. Geology: Class I: S. P, Edrich. Class JI: R. A. Chadwick, G. M. Dunford, C. A. Hughes, D. J. Kelsey, S. P. Tarran. Biochemistry: Part ll: Class II: M. A. Perryman. Zoology: Class · II: T. J. Wacher. Honour School of Geography: Class l: · A. G. Crosby. Class ll: P: Desmond, J. S. Herlihy, . J. G. Ibbotson, I. F. C. Murray, J. A. Ormiston, T. Ryder, R. M. Samson, M. J. Wickham. Class Ill: F. A. Brown. Honour School of Jurisprudence: Class I: B. R. Green, S. Khurshid. Class ll: M. F. Connoley, J. R. Drew, R. D. Gillingwater, P. G. Hill, I. H. Macleod, K. A. Palmer, T. J. T. Walker, E. G. Wareing. Honour School of Modern History: Class ll: K. H. Auckland, A. J. Carter, T. R. H. Du Boulay, C. W. Hind, M. L. Morris, J. W. Ramsey, S. J. Yiend. Class Ill: J. H. Bodkin, J. E. Ede, R. N. M. Eggar, A. T. Gosling, P. Kennedy. Honour School of History and Economics: Class I: G. Pollitt. Honour School of History and Modern Languages.: Class II: R. E. Cawthorne, T. S. L. Goodchild, P. J. Lockley. Honour School of Modern Languages: Class I: P. Gent. Class II: W. Baston, R. I. Corner, R. W. Harper, D. G. James, E. G. Maddocks, C. R . Russell, M. Slater, T. E. West. Class Ill: B. H. Blamires. Honour School of English Language and Literature: Class I: R. A. Kelly. Class !I: A. D. B. Brett-Smith, A. Davids, S. T. Garland; J. A. B. Gray, M. W. Hardy, A. R. Hargreaves, R. A. Hufton, C. M. Jones, H. A. Kirby, A. F. G. McGuinness, C. J. Wilson, J. J. Wisdom. Honour School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Class I: C. A. Penwarden. Class !I: C. R. Brown, V. H. Flood, K. B. Geeslin, E. C. Inions, D. H. Jennings, L. J. Kent, N. Pasha, T. F. Phillips. Class Ill: D. Anderson, D. N. Pateras, C. Shaw. Honour School of Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology: Class II: A. D. F. Rogers. Honour School of Experimental Psychology: Class. II : R. Breakwell-Bos.


Honour School of Philosophy and Modern Languages.: Class II: R. J. L. Harandon. Honour School of Mathematics: Class I: S. M. Hutchinson. Class ll: R. A. Fryer, R. J. Sands, R. D. Warren. Honour School of Music.: Class II: B. St. J. Trafford. Honour School of Theolog,y: Class /JI: R . A. Jeavons. Honour School of Oriental Studies: Class Ill: M. C. Gluckman, K. P. Mistree.

MATRICULATIONS 1976 Scholars: Eley, Crispin George (Varndean Grammar School) Elston, Christopher John (Marling School) Jackson, Ian (Manchester Grammar School) Moore, Robert John (Tiffin School) Phillips, Alan Harry (Haberdashers' Aske 's School, Elstree) Smith, Richard Graham (Tiffin School} . Thomson, Richard Geoffrey (Stamford School)

Commoners: Abubaker, Muhammad Lamina (Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria) Adams, George Harper (Brinkburn Comprehensive) Adcock, David Charles William (Barton Peveril College) Armstrong, James Legendre (Texas University) Aspden, Peter James (Latymer Upper School) Astin, Timothy Robin (King Edward VI School, Norwich) Avery, Ronald Wallace (London University) Baker, William Richard (Cornell University) Banks, Samuel Andrew (Florida University) ¡¡ Bates, Glenn Davis (Jacksonville University) Beckley, Robin Piers (Cheltenham Grammar School) Berman, David Anthony (Gateway School, Leicester) Bevan,'Peter John (London University) Birch, Robert Gray (Fettes College) Blakey, Peter Nigel (Kirkham Grammar School) Blenkinsop, Thomas Geoffrey (Marlborough College) Boddington, Andrew Neil (Reading School) Bourne, David Colin (Cambridge University) Buciak, Bohdan George (Hulme Grammar School, Oldham) Burger, Glenn Douglas (Toronto University) Campbell, Paul (King Edward VI School, Southampton) Catchpole, Stuart Guy (Ipswich School) . Charters, Stephen-John (King Alfred's Grammar School, Wantage) Cheung Sik (Thames Polytechnic) Christopher, John Francis (St John Rigby Sixth Form College, Orrell) Clark, Richard Paul (Eccles College) Climie, Colin George (Sexey's Grammar School) 45

Cogar, William Bennett (Kentucky University) Coleman, Richard Hugh (Bilborough College) Collingwood, John Michael (Christ's Hospital) Cook, Richard John (Abbeydale Grange, Sheffield) Cooper, Andrew James (Upholland Grammar School) Corps, David John (Farnborough (Sixth Form) College) Corsham, Stephen Robert (Christ's Hospital) Den Dulk, Hora Reynout Carl (Berkamsted School) Denton, Adrian Brian (St Kevin's Comprehensive, Liverpool) Dunn, Roger Brian (University College of North Wales) Edwards, Richard Huw (Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe) Edwards, Steven Lloyd (Goffs School) Ellison, Stephen Kenneth (Bolton School) Evans, Michael Robert (Croesyceiliog School) Farquharson, Geoffrey William (Palmer's College) Field, Peter Ventris (Durham Johnston Secondary School) Finch, Richard Anthony Heneage (St Paul's Schoo1) Flood, Stephen Charles (Alleyn's School) Gallagher, Stephen John (John Fisher School, Purley) Godfrey, Paul Alexander (King Edward VI School, Southampton) Goreing, Andrew Mark (Bishop's Stortford College) Greenwood, John Stephen (Nottingham University) Head, Robert Michael (Lawrence Sheriff School) Henshaw, Nicholas John (Manchester Grammar School) Hesketh, Glynn (Swanwick Hall School) Reslop, Anthony John Peter (St. Mary's College, Crosby) Hobson, Stephen James (Marlborough College) Hockey, Mark Simon (Poole Grammar School) Hollington, William Alexander (Haileybury) Howard, Nicholas Phillip (Boston Grammar School) Howe, Jeremy Peter (Dulwich College) Ilgren, Edward Bernard (New York University) Jack, Anson Charles Richard (Haberdashers' Aske!s School, Elstree) Jones, Kevin John (Handsworth Grammar School) Jones, Robert Peter (Cranleigh School) Keey, Jeffrey Clifford (Batley Grammar School) Kent, Stephen Lawrence (Bishop Wordworth's School) Latimer, Christopher Scott (Royal Grammar School, Newcastle) Lundie, Alexander (Fettes College) Macardle, Peter Gerard (Trinity College, Dublin) McDougall, Thomas Ian (Keele University) Mayers, Christopher Morgan (St Edward's School) Mete, Antonio (Haverfordwest Grammar School) Mill, Michael Charles (Newcastle-under-Lyme High School) Montes-Larrain, Joaquin (University of Chile) Moore, Stephen (Liverpool Institute High School) Nicholls, Jonathan Douglas Morris (Exeter School) Palmer, Anthony Farquhar (The Judd School, Tonbridge) Parke, Simon Frederick Fenning (Ardingly College) Parsons, Simon Geoffrey Martin (Langley Park School for Boys)


Partridge, Brian John McPherson (Leeds University) Payne, Trevor Alan Roger (Dulwich College) Pearce, Jonathan Kenneth Charles (Royal Naval College, Dartmouth) Pheby, Malcolm (Loughborough Grammar School) Power, Michael Kevin (Devonport High School) Preston, Nigel John (Aylesbury Grammar School) Pugh, Jeremy John Rupert (Birkenhead School) Rees, Gareth John (Tonyrefail Comprehensive) Reynolds, Jonathan (Leamington College) Richter, Brian Williams (Newcastle upon Tyne University) Rivas, Pedro (St George's College, Weybridge) Robertson, Jamie Argyll (Eton College) Saunders, Martin ¡Richard (The Shenfield School, Essex) Scott, Keith Roland (Walton School, Stafford) Shepherd, Barrie William Owen (Bristol University) Shepherd, Simon James (Oundle School) Simpson, Paul Michael (Lancaster Royal Grammar School) Smith, Peter Labrecque (Westminster School) Spring, Nicholas Julian (Radley College) ¡ Staite, Simon Anthony (Sir Thomas Rich's School) Stockman, Andrew (Ipswich School) Sutton, Paul Raymond (Epsom College) Taylor, Ian Morris (Durham School) Tetley, Stephen John (Bancroft's School) Trowles, Peter John (Latymer School, Edmonton) Wald, Matthew Christian (Epsom College) Warner, Jonathan (Chesterfield School) Waters, Richard Andrew (Bancroft's School) Wathey, Andrew Brian (Plymstock School) Wheatley, Michael Robert (Bristol University) Whiteman, John Duncan (Derby School) Wilkes, Nigel Robert (Dovecliffe Grammar School) Williams, Mark Bentley (Reading School) Williams, Peter Robert (Aston University) Wilson, Antony David (Sir ,J oseph Williamson's Mathematical School) Wilson,- Brendan (Glasgow University) Wilson, Robert Alexander (St Edward's School) Winstanley, Allan John (Mesnes High School, Wigan) Worsfold, Trevor Donald (Woking County Grammar School) Worthington, Neil James (Mesnes High School, Wigan) Young, Gregory Cameron David (University of the West Indies) Young, Jeremy James (John Fisher School, Purley) Young, Robin Michael Kurt (Bexley Grammar School)


DEGREES B.A. :9 October 1976 *B. Austin, A. L. Sloane, J. J. Tholstrup; 30 October 1976 A. W. Benson, R. C. Moore, D. D. Price, C. E. A. Reddick; 13 Novf?mber 1976 J. M. Beer, *P. J. Fouracre, A.. P. Jordan, G. Roberts, *C. J. V. Ryan, P. Tucker, *R. M. Wilcock; 27 November 1976 S. C. Butler, M. L. E. Foxton, D. W. Grice, J. P. C. HardingEdgar, K. E. Jackson, A. G. Mercer, A. N. Siopis, *H. M. Tann; 15 January 1977 B. D. Kelly, *P. G. A. Montgomery, N. E. Peeling, P. M. Sains, P. A . Whiting; 5 Mal"ch 1977 K. A. Bromboszck, C . .R. Bullett, *R. J. Catmur, C. R. Flood, R. J. Godden, R. K. Jackson, A. C. Long, *C. J. Moorhouse, J. D. Morbey, *S. D. Stephens, N. K. Webb; 28 April 1977 T . A. Downes, *E. C. R. Hadfield, *J. L. Mallett, D. P. Walters; 4 June 1977 P. M. Ashley, A. W. Ayres, C. D. Bamber, D. M. Beckett, J. C. Boff, S. J. Burnett, *R. I. Clements, L. Cummings, W. L. Eddleston, C. B. Gange, J. C. Goff, R. Gretton, R. J. Henshaw, N. R. Herrod-Taylor, D . . N. Holmes, P. E. Kent, D. A. Knight, N. D. Laing, T. R. Lucas, D. W. Mackenzie, M. Mahon, B. D. Mead, I. J. Midgley, M. Patterson, *P. Phillips, K. W. Richards, N. C. Rodliffe, T. J, Saxby, B. Thomas, A. C. Wadley, N. Wrigley; 23 June 1977 D. J. Beaumont, E. Burns, *J. B. Watson; 9 July 1977 J. N. Calvert, *D . R. Copeland, *A. J. Hope, *H. P. Lewis, *R. G. Morgan; 30 July 1977 C. L. Amor, S. C. Burrard-Lucas, J. M. Catherall, T. P . Cripps, A. Davids, J. E. Ede, R. P. Farrar, K. A. Ford, N. A. Friend, *M. C. Gluckman, P. J. Gow, J. A. B. Gray, *L. J. Hall, R. K-K Hui, J. G. Ibbotson, A. R. McGregor, T. B. Robinson, M. J. Simmonds, J. H. Tracey, M. P .. Watson. M.A.: 9 October 1976 G. E. Chandler, P. A. Coleridge, T. S. Lavender, *D. B. Rimmer; 30 October 1976 D. J. Allen, K. A. Boyce, D . H. Evans, D. Harrison, P. D. Jones, P. Lush, A. J. H . Makin,. R. D. Marsh, *G. V. May, P. W. Mayne, *C. Munshi, M. 0. Spilberg, *J. R. Whelan, M. G. White, C. M. Williams, I. Wilson; 13 November 1976 J. M. Beer, M. A. Cave-Browne-Cave, M. R. Oakley, *R. M. Wilcock, C. M. Williams ; 27 Novembel" 1976 J. A. Dawson; *M. F. Lowe, *D. J. A. Shears; 5 Mal"ch 1977 *L. Gibeon, G. A. Jenner, *J. N. Landaw, *D. Pollard *R. KW. Pratt, A. Scarfe, T. E. Statham, P . J. Webb; 28 April 1977 *E. C. R. Hadfield, *T. D. Hawkins, *J. L. Mallett, *F. Spooner, *R. M. Weinberg; 4 June 1977 *E. J. Meynell, *R. M. Parkinson, P . F. Sadler, R. J. Slade; 23 June 1977 *R. C. Bennett; 9 July 1977 *M. J. Arnold, *C. D. H. Bryant, *J. H. D. Campbell, *C. R. Higgs, *J. E. Hutt; 30 July 1977 P. W. Badman, H. A. Beales, M. J. Birks, P. Butler, *P. E. Dobsen; M. J. Durrant, P. G. Harper, J. W. Hawkins, J. Kendall, *S. R Little, J. P. Lloyd, P. S. Malin, *K. Moore, D. L. Morgan, J. R. Mott, J. M. Naisby, R. B. Phillips, T. F. Pope, P. H. Raspin. B.Litt.: 5 March 1977 *B. Spurr; 4 June 1977 *S-J. Ch'en. D.Phil.: 9 October 1976 J. W. Allan; 27 November 1976 W. A. T. Clark, P. R. Edwards; 15 January 1977 *K. R. Hutchinson; 4 June 1977 M. J. A. Scannell, D. J. Sudlow; 23 June 1977 R. M. Weinberg; 30 Tuly 1977 *D. C. Belden. 48

B.Phil.: 27 November 1976 • M. F . .Lowe, *F. W. Jaeger; 30 July 1977 R. M. McGinlay. B.C.L.: 30 July 1977 R. K-K. Hui. D.M.: 15 January 1977 *C. B. Freeman, 23 June 1977 J. M. Shneerson. B.M. & B.Ch.: 15 January 1977 P .. Ebden, H. F. McDonald, R. M. Paw son. M.Sc.: 28 April 1977 *P. A. Osborn; 9 July 1977 *S. P. Braide; 30 July 1977 M. E. Hawthorne. *In absence



BALANCE SHEET 31 July 1976 ASSETS EMPLOYED 1975 (15 months)


In vestments at Cost: Cheltenham and Gloucester Society Premium Savings Bonds ...

Building l,9QO 100

2,800 100

Bank Balance

2,900 99

2,000 148



REPRESENTED BY Accumulated Funds: General Fund at 31 July 1975 Surplus from Income and Expenditure Account Absorption of Publications Fund




412 197 2,099

Directory Fund at 31 July 1975 Appropriation during year

600 300

1.548 600





B. M. FORREST (Honorary Treasurer)

I have examined the books and vouchers of the Association for the year ended 31 July, 1976. In my opinion the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Account give respectively a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association at 31 July, 1976, and of the excess of Income over Expenditure for the year ended on that date. JOHN R. PAUL (Honorary Auditor) 5 October, 1976


ST EDMUND HALL ASSOCIATION Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 July 1976 1975 (1 5 months)


INCOME 2,403 97

1,705 136 10

Membership $ubscriptions Building Society Interest Donations Premium Bond Prize

50 2,550

1,851 EXPENDITURE Grants to: Scholarship Fund Graham Hamilton Travel Fund Old Library Fund Appropriation to Directory Fund Magazine Postage Stationery Sec retarial Refund of Subscriptions Overpaid

Su rplus of Income carried to General Sheet

over Fund

300 160

200 80 50 300 286 345 9 30

600 728

236 97 16





Expenditure on Balance

5 October, 1976


The Principal and the Seni o r Proctor-Elect setting out with the Fello ws in Procession for the in stallation of Mr. Goslin g as Senior Proctor in the Convocation House.

The Holywell Press Ltd., Alfred Street, Oxford.

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