St Edmund Hall Magazine 1977-78

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St Edmund Hall Magazine


Back Row: D. M. Van Roijen; J. K. Round; N. A. Edwards; D. Muckersie; A. Haxby; P. Brett: G. D. Robson; C. Homer; I. Durrans; P. Thompson; M. McDermott; P. Clackett; C. J. Blount. Second Row: P. K. Shukla ; J. B. Pickering; K. Smith; A. ) . Berry; S. C. Bubb; J. Cotman; D. F. McKenna ; L. D. Page; D . M. Crawshaw; J. R . Alexander; C. J. Heslop; A. Robinson; Y. Maghsoodi; F. Wefelmeyer; T. W. Hutchings; J. Tullett; I. J. V. Doherty; J. Graham. T/1ird Row: M. F. Rodgers; H. L. Shooter; S. Vivian; R. Ruvigny; R. Fowler; M. Stimson; D. J. Lewis; A. A. Brown; A. W. Mack; D. J. Cooper; D. Steffenson; G. M. Schweitzer; P. J. Lewis; S. D. Wallace A. Watkinson; R. S. Shusterman ; C. Debattista; J. J. Tate; K. Diamond; C. L. Lamar. Fourth Row: C. J. L. Samuel; S. J. Lloyd; T. P. Elliott; J. Thurston; R. C. Pickover; S. Gilbert; J. S. Ullyott ; J. N. Vernon; M. O'Sullivan; M. Lovick; P. Beaufour; P. Geddes; N. Malik; P. J. Rogers; S. Old; R. W. Avery; M. H. Holford; S. A. Clark; N. M. Plater; J. M. J. Buczak; P. McDonald; C. R . Foster. Fifth Row: J. Wheeler; P. M. Wildman; N. Tucker; P. Walker; L. Terelak; G. Nesbitt; 0. Grundy; D. Blakey; H. C. Jennings; C. Parrish; P. Vaughan; I. M. Kirk; T. Wisdom; D. I. C. Herbison ; K. Kodama; M. J. Bianchi; P. B. Matthews; A . K. T. Au; S. R. Clingman; R. Mukherjee; M. D. Schneider. Sixth Row: S. Hedley; P. D. Myatt; R. Price; R. K. Shah; R. A. Postgate; B. P. Rothwell; P. J. Bowcock; J. C. Anscombe; D. Harding; P. D. M. Lim; R . Dalby; N. Eyre; 0. Stovin ; D . Hope; S. B. Marchant; G. L. Thomas; R. Keeley; N. Hamilton: I. Maidment; J. Henderson; G. Guyer; J. R . Moreland. Front Row: R . P . Barker; T. E. 0. Bury; J. P. B. Denehy; S. S. Advani; J. M. Newey; L. St. L. Lawson; P. K. R ossiter: A. Snowdon; N. Richardson; P. R. Southgate; J.C.R. President; Dean of Degrees, Dr. W. G. Urry: S. M. Haniff; P. R. Casterton; A. Johnson; C. P . Russel l: N. S. Moriarty; P. T . Foster: N. P . Kay; T. F. Hales; J. P. Potter; F. Sochacki: M. J. Ward .



PRE-ELECTION USING THE POWERS conferred by the Statutes of the Hall, the Governing Body (for this purpose the Vice-Principal and Fellows) early in March pre-elected Sir Ieuan Maddock, C.B., O.B.E., Hon. D.Sc. (Wales), F.R.S., as Principal in succession to the Revd Dr J. N. D. Kelly, who is statutorily required to retire on the 31 July following his seventieth birthday (13 April 1979). Sir Ieuan, who will therefore enter upon office on 1 August 1979, was born in 1917 and educated at Gowerton Grammar School, Glamorgan, and the University of Wales (Swansea). Since 1940 he has had a distinguished career in the government scientific service, entering the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment in 1960 and becoming Assistant Director in 1965. There followed six years at Mintech, where he held first the post of Deputy Controller B and later Controller, Industrial Technology. He was Chief Scientist to the Department of Trade and Industry 1971 to 1974, and of the ¡ Department of Industry 1974 to 1977, being knighted in 1975. He was also Director of the National Physical Laboratory 1976 to 1977, and is at present Secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. An Honorary D.Sc. of the University of Wales, he is a member of the Science Research Council and of the Court of the University of Surrey; and he has published articles in various scientific and technical journals, and is a frequent broadcaster. A married man with a son of university age, he will be the first scientist, in the modern sense of the term, to have presided over the Hall. The MAGAZINE joins with Aularians everywhere in offering him and Lady Maddock a warm welcome, and in wishing him every success and happiness in his tenure of the principalship. It deserves note that Sir leuan will be the first Principal 1

of the Hall to have been elected by the procedure traditional in almost all Oxford colleges. All the Principals from Thomas Lancaster, admitted 26 February 1564 I 5, down to and including Mr A. B. Emden, admitted 17 January 1929, were appointed by The Queen's College; while Dr Kelly, admitted 11 October 1951, was elected by the board of Principal and Trustees set up by the 1937 statutes. The right of the Fellows to elect the Principal, now exercised for the first time, was provided for by the collegiate statutes approved by the Queen in Council on 15 February 1957. THE PRINCIPAL AND FELLOWS THE PRINCIPAL, in his capacity as a Pro-Vice-Chancellor, represented the University at the five hundredth anniversary of the founding of the University of Tiibingen during the weekend 7- 10 October 1977. On 27 October he presented the prizes at The Royal Belfast Academical Institution at the invitation of its Principal, Mr S. V. Peskett (matric. 1937). He served throughout the year as chairman of the Curators of the Sheldonian Theatre, and has been nominated as one of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors for the year 1978-79. The MAGAZINE congratulates Dr Emden on publishing in 1977 his monograph Medieval Decorated Tiles in Dorset. It also notes with pleasure that another Honorary Fellow, Professor G. Wilson Knight, visited Oxford in March this year and presented his lecture and recital 'Shakespeare's Dramatic Challenge' under the auspices of the Oxford Literary Society. The Revd E. G. Midgley resigned as Vice-Principal on 12 July, having held the office since October 1969 (when he succeeded Mr C. F. W. R. Gullick). At its meeting held that day the Governing Body recorded its appreciation and thanks for his many services as Vice-Principal, which included presiding over and managing the business arising out of the special meetings of the Governing Body in Michaelmas Term 1977 and Hilary Term 1978 held for the pre-election of a new Principal. Under the present By-laws the Vice-Principalship is now held by the senior Fellow who has not previously held it. Mr R. E. Alton was therefore duly appointed Vice-Principal in succession to Mr Midgley with effect from 12 July 1978. The Revd E. G. Midgley has also retired as Dean, having been Junior Dean from October 1951 to October 1956 and Dean from that date onwards. Before Grace at dinner on the last Sunday of Trinity 2

Term the President of the Junior Common Room (Mr Paul 'Simpson) came up to the high table and, amid general acclamation, presented him with a set of inscribed pewter wine cups in token of the affectionate appreciation of many generations of junior members (in which senior members heartily join) of his firm but understanding exercise of the functions of Dean. The new Vice-Principal, the MAGAZINE notes with satisfaction, is Chairman of the Faculty of English Language and Literature and has been chosen for the important position of Editor of The Review of English Studies. The Revd H. E. J. Cowdrey has relinquished the office of Chaplain, having held it since his election as Fellow and Tutor in Modern History in 1956. After the service of Holy Communion on Sunday 18 June he was presented by the junior members, as an expression of their appreciation and gratitude, with a print depicting Trinity College, where he studied as an undergraduate. The Governing Body has appointed the Revd E. G. Midgley to succeed him as Chaplain. Fr Midgley assumed the office of Chaplain on 1 October, and Aularians will wish him well in his ministry. Dr. E. R. Oxburgh, Fellow and Tutor in Geology since December 1964, is to be congratulated on his appointment to the chair of Mineralogy and Petrology at Cambridge, and ¡ also on his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society. The College will feel his departure greatly, for he has rendered it signal service both as a Tutorial Fellow and as a Tutor for Admissions, as well as in a host of other ways. Its warmest wishes, however, accompany him and Mrs Oxburgh t o ¡cambridge, where he has been elected a Fellow of Trinity Hall. Professor Sir Peter Hirsch is to be congratulated on being awarded, in November 1977, a Royal Medal by the Royal Society for his studies of the structures and properties of imperfect crystals and of atomic and crystallographic processes. To comply with the Safety at Work Act Dr C. J. Harris, has been appointed Safety Officer, while the Domestic Bursar (Rear Admiral G. C. Leslie) is Fire Officer. Among Emeritus Fellows the Revd Professor J. McManners is to be congratulated on being elected a Fellow of the British Academy. Dr D. C. M. Yardley has resigned from the Barber Chair of Law at Birmingham and has returned to Oxford to become Head of the new Department of Law, Politics and Economics at the Oxford Polytechnic. He is a Constitutional Commissioner for Cyprus. 3

ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, was in November 1977 elected into a Tutorial Fellowship in Law with effect from I October 1978; he was at the same time appointed to a University Lecturership. Mr Wyatt, who was Commonwealth Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School 1970-71, was Lecturer at Liverpool University 1971 ~75, and has been at Emmanuel (his college as an undergraduate) since 1975. An expert in European Community law, he was called to the )Jar in 1972. His election means that the College once again has two Law Fellows. In March 1978 Hugh Crawford Jenkyns, Ph.D. (Leic.), M.A. (Camb.), M.A. status, was elected into a Tutorial Fellowship in Geology, also with effect from 1 October . 1978. Dr Jenkyns, it will be recalled, is University Lecturer in Sedimentology, and was appointed a Lecturer of the College in 1977; from 1973 to 1977 he had been Lecturer at Durham University. The College thus continues to have two Geology Fellows, despite Dr Oxburgh's departure to Cambridge. In May 1978 ' the Governing Body elected Philip Burgess Morsberger, M.A., Ruskin Master of Drawing, into a Professorial Fellowship with effect from the middle of that month. Mr Morsberger, who was born at Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., has had a distinguished career both as a teacher of art and as a creative artist; he has held a number of exhibitions of his work, and has contributed to galleries and permanent collections in the United States. His election coincides with the closer association of the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art with the University as a 'unit of academic administration', and with the creation by the University of the new degree of Bachelor of Fine Art. Dr. E. R. Oxburgh, who (as reported above) has resigned from his Tutorial Fellowship to become a Professor at Cambridge, and Mr Vivian H. Ridler, whose Professorial Fellowship terminated when he ceased to be Printer to the University, have been elected into Emeritus Fellowships. Pamela Mary Burnett, B.Sc. (Liverpool), Demonstrator in the School of Geography, has been appointed Lecturer in Physical Geography, and the Lecturerships held by Mrs Cynthia Macdonald (French), Mrs Sarah Ogilvie-Thomson¡ (English Language) and Dr Lucas (Anatomy) have been renewed for DERRICK ARTHUR WYATT, LL.B., M.A. (CAMB.),


further periods. In addition, the Governing Body has granted the title of Honorary Lecturer in Law for the year 1978-79 to Mr Andrew R. Thornhill and Mr John D. Adams in grateful recognition of their services as visiting tutors in Law during the past two years, when the College was without a second Law Fellow. THE OFFICE OF DEAN has appointed Dr P. J. Collins, Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics, as Dean from 1 October in succession to the Revd E. G. Midgley. Dr Collins has already acquired considerably experience of decanal duties, having held the offices of Sub-Dean and then Junior Dean for a number of years. The Governing Body further agreed that there should be a Junior Dean who should be required to live in college and who should be expected to shoulder the main burden of the day-to-day 'policing' of the College; he might be either a Fellow of the College or, alternatively, a postgraduate or other person of senior status. It gave its Nominating Committee executive power to nominate a Junior Dean, and in the event the person who was chosen, and who has agreed to serve, is Mr William B. Cogar, a graduate of the University of Kentucky, U.S.A. Mr Cogar is a well known and respected figure in the College, having been (among other things) Steward of the Middle Common Room and as such a member of the College Committee. In addition the Governing Body agreed that, if the Junior Dean should not be a Fellow, a Fellow should be appointed as Deputy Dean to help and work in regular consultation with the Dean, and to stand in for him when he is absent from Oxford. Mr J. C. B. Gosling, Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, who was Senior Proctor 1977-78, has been appointed to this office. THE GOVERNING BODY

CO-RESIDENCE to the Charter and the Statutes making it possible for women _to become members of the College were approved by Her Majesty the Queen in Council on 9 February 1978. From that historic date women have been eligible, on exactly the same terms as men, not only for admission as scholars, exhibitioners and commoners, or as graduate students, but for election to Fellowships of all categories and ¡to the Principalship. (For a number of years the Hall has had women



as Lecturers, but Lecturers do not count, in the legal sense, as 'members of the College'.) As a result Mrs V. M. Jones has become a Junior Research Fellow, but although a 'number of candidates are at present under consideration it is unlikely that the College will have many, if any, female undergraduates before October 1979. A point which is sometimes overlooked is that the admission of girls will entail a proportionate diminution in the number of young men admitted as undergraduates, for no increase in the overall total of junior members is contemplated or would indeed be practicable. GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE are due to the Revd J. E. Mowll (matric. 1931), who has presented a copy of the Ackermann print of the Hall and a drawing of the churchyard face of the Hall by Ethel Chesswright of Sark; also to the late Neville Williams, who bequeathed the Hall a legacy of ÂŁ100; also to the St Edmund Hall Association for further substantial gifts to the Scholarship Fund, the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund, the Directory Fund, and towards the cost of producing the MAGAZINE, as well as for the gift of ;JOO to the Boat Club towards the purchase of a new boat. Particular thanks are owing to Dr Harold F. Brooks, Emeritus Professor of the University of London, who has handed over during his lifetime his collection of editions of the works of John Oldham on permanent loan to the College, with the stipulation that after his death it should pass into its possession, and who has also offered to present to the College his photograph of the autograph MS in Bodley, copies of his own Oldham publications and MS collections on Oldham, and the portrait of himself by Clara Ewald and other autobiographical material. Noting that Professor Brooks is the foremost scholar in this field, the Governing Body has gratefully accepted his generous offer, and has assured him that it will do its best to house his collections worthily and find a suitable place for hanging his portrait. WARM THANKS

THREE BANNERS were this year installed in the Wolfson Hall. The first and largest, which was placed in position in Hilary Term, is a magnificent representation of the traditional



arms of the Hall; it hangs on the south wall behind and above the high table. The other two, smaller in size and oblong in shape, appeared towards the end of Trinity Term and hang alongside each other on the north wall. They represent respectively the alternative arms attributed to St Edmund (azure, three suns in glory) and the arms of Oseney Abbey (or, two bendlets azure), which owned the site of the Hall from about 1270 until the Dissolution .. With their splendid colours these embellishments certainly break the monotony of the wooden panelling, and it is hoped that they will improve the acoustics of the dining hall. They have been paid for out of the legacy bequeathed to the Hall by the late Mrs T. K. (Dora) Allen and thus 'commemorate a lady who greatly loved St Edmund Hall and was loved by all the Aularians who knew her. MEMORIES OF MORRIS 10 OCTOBER 1977 the Vice-Principal, in the absence of the Principal, unveiled an inscribed glass plaque in the doorway of No. 48 High Street, which is the property of the College and is at present let as a wine shop, recording the fact that William Richard Morris, later to become famous as Sir William Morris and then Lord Nuffield, had as a young man used the shop for making and repairing bicycles, thereby laying the foundations of the motor-car enterprise with which his name is associated. The money for the plaque was provided by British Leyland, and the unveiling was part of extended celebrations in Oxford commemorating the hundredth anniversary of William Morris's birth. ON MONDAY

REFURBISHING the long vacation of 1977 and the whole subsequent academic year the Besse Building was the scene of complex and costly operations designed to secure the building itself and enhance the accommodation it contains. The works planned and taken in hand have included re-wiring, the fitting of effective double-glazing on the High Street frontage, the strengthening of the bay-windows, the installation of gas central-heating and of basins in individual rooms, the provision of boilers, and improved toilets and facilities for showers, and the painting of the whole exterior overlooking the High. During



the past long vacation further extensive work was undertaken involving the narrowing of the corridor on the top floor of the Besse Building and the reconstruction of the D Block. The object of the former was, by reducing the breadth of the corridor, to make a number of smallish rooms larger and more attractive. The object of the latter was in part to meet the more exacting fire-regulations, but also to make the D Block more accessible to Besse by taking out its separate staircases and continuing through it the corridors of Besse. In the end the College will have both safer and greatly improved accommodation. This is a brief interim report, and it is hoped that next year's MAGAZINE will contain a full account of what has been achieved. FRONTAL ON VIEW AULARIANS will be interested to learn that, among the exhibits shown at the Exhibition of 20th Century Church Embroidery held in the Chapter House, Canterbury Cathedral in August in connection with the Lambeth Conference, was an altar frontal lent by the Principal and Fellows of the Hall. This was the probably unique frontal of bark-cloth, adorned with red and black paint, made in 1936 by Mwanapungwe, an African of the Chipili District of Zambia (then called Northern Rhodesia), at the suggestion of Padre Fiennes, of the U.M.C.A. The frontal was presented to the Hall in 1936, and a full account of its workmanship and other particulars of its making is contained in an article, over the initials A.B.E., in the volume of the MAGAZINE for that year. It may be recalled that barkcloth painted in this way was at one time extensively used to make blankets and clothing in Central Africa. The frontal has not been used in the Chapel for many years, the altar having been reduced to a size more suitable to the proportions of the building.

ACADEMIC SUCCESSES IN MICHAELMAS TERM 1977 D. D. H. Way was awarded the Gibbs Prize for Modern History. In April 1978 the George Herbert Hunt Travelling Scholarship, given for the purpose of Clinical Study or Research in Medicine, was awarded to J. N. Thomas, M.A., B.M., B.Ch. (matric. 1962). The two Senior Heath Harrison Scholarships were awarded to E. G. Maddocks


(German) and P. Gent (French), while Junior Heath Harrison Scholarships were awarded to J. B. Picker~ng (German) and N. J. Worthington (French). The following obtained Firsts in Honour Moderations in Trinity Term: T. W. Hutchings and S. B. Marchant (Geography); N. A. Edwards and M. C. McDermott (Mathematics); P. K. Shulka (Physics, Mathematics and Engineering). B. R. Green, who obtained a First in Jurisprudence in 1977, was awarded a First in the B.C.L. examination. Twenty-three Firsts, much the largest number in the history of the College, were awarded in Final Honour Schools to the following: G. A. Gibbs, C. G. Proudfoot, J. C. Senogles and N. C. Smith (Engineering); A. J. Baldwin, J. M. Bilton and M. Garrett (English); J. M. Hughes (Geography); R. F. M. Adair (Geology); P. T. Clipson (Human Sciences); E. G. Gray and M. S. Reed (Jurisprudence); D. R. Hartley and A. I. Johnston (Mathematics); J. Spurr and D. D. H. Way (Modern History); M. J. Hooton and D. S. Watson (Modern Languages); K. P. Cheong and P. R. Kane (P.P.E.); D. G. McCartney (Metallurgy); A. W. Robertson and A. M. Stansfield (Physics). In addition G. A. Gibbs, who obtained a First in Engineering, won both the Edgell Shepee Prize and the Institution of Civil Engineers Prize; A. W. Robertson's First in Physics was the best in the whole School, and he was awarded the Scott Prize on his performance in the examination; and P. J. Asquith, who obtained a very good Second in Geography, was runner-up for the Herbertson Prize. B. Wilson passed the B.Phil. examination with Distinction. The following, who obtained Firsts in June I July 1977 and continued in residence to work for higher degrees, were elected to Honorary Scholarships of the College in Michaelmas Term 1977: A. G. Crosby (Geography), P. Gent (Modern Languages), B. R. Green (Jurisprudence), R. A. Kelly (English), S. Khurshid (Jurisprudence), T. B. Robinson (Physics), M. I. Wood (Metallurgy). TRAVEL A WARDS GRANTS FROM THE Cochrane Bequest, which is intended to support travel with academic objectives (with a preference fo: former pupils of Haberdashers' Aske's School), were made to A. C. R. Jack (Old Haberdasher), A. H. Phillips (Old Haberdasher), and P. J. Aspden. In the case of the first two of these the grants were to cover the cost of journeys from their


homes to London libraries, while A. C. R. Jack needed financial help to enable him to use the facilities of libraries in Athens for research in recent Greek politics. The following received grants of either ÂŁ10 or ÂŁ20 from the Graham Hamilton Travel Fund, supplemented by a generous subsidy from the St Edmund Hall Association, to help them to make expeditions involving enterprise and endurance in the long vacation: J. Samuel (walking tour in Wales); P. H . Hirsch (cycling and camping in Spain); C. J. Blount (University expedition to Shiant Island); J. D. Charles (bus and camping trip through Afghanistan); J. M. Hughes (University expedition to the Gilbert Isles); T. G. Blenkinsop (geological expedition t o Kashmir); P. T. Foster (twenty days in an international work-camp in the Black Forest); J. M. Newey (camping in Italy); D. A. Berman (geological expedition to Peru); D. G. Goodall (trip to a bird observatory in Canada).

COLLEGE COMMITTEE J.C.R. and M.C.R. officers, the following junior members served on the College Committee in Michaelmas and Hilary Terms 1977-78: P. T. Clipson, C. R. Hockey, M. R. Smith; in Trinity Term 1978 : M. S. Hockey, A. Lundie, S. A. Staite. Throughout the year the Committee carried out a great deal of down-to-earth, constructive work, dealing with such matters as the Summer Ball, the installation of vandalproof telephones, college safety arrangements in compliance with the new legislation, the dining requirements imposed on graduates, bill sticking in unauthorised places, and facilities for junior members living out. The provision of a Third World Scholarship, and the finding of a scholar, were recurrent items on the agenda; in the event the scholarship had to be held over until 1979. There was much debate on the pinning down of responsibility for unidentified damage; the scheme eventually agreed was that the Dean should keep an account of such damage, and the need to make a charge for it to undergraduates should be assessed annually by the Committee in the light of his report. Rumours of friction between the kitchen and serving staffs, which had caused great concern to the J.C.R., were handled with tact and firmn ess. In Hilary Term the Committee held an important discussion on the practical implications of IN ADDITION TO THE


co-residence; it broadly accepted a detailed report of the O.U.S.U. Co-residence Committee, and agreed that first-year women should not be assigned rooms in the old quadrangle in view of its Spartan facilities, but that elsewhere in the college the principle of 'seeded randomness' should be adopted. Appropriate controls were established for college discos in order to forestall objections from the public authorities. At the last meeting (6 June 1978) the Domestic Bursar's proposals for board and lodgings charges for 1978- 79 were accepted after an increase in the number of returnable dinner tickets had been agreed. The J.C.R. President reported a request that consultation on the proposed figures should take place before a detailed budget was presented, and the Committee agreed to recommend (a recommendation subsequently accepted by the Governing Body) that in future years the Domestic Bursar and the Junior Members of the Committee should meet to examine the proposed figures early in the fifth week of Trinity Term.

HALL BALL 1978 ONCE AGAIN THE BALL, which was held on the last Saturday of Trinity Term (17 June), was a great success, with a minimum of hitches and a maximum of good-natured cooperation from all concerned. Perhaps the most successful of all this year were the main bands: Dr Feelgood, The Cimarons, and Five Hand Reel, who provided high quality entertainment and tremendous variety. Musical contrasts were again evident outside the Wolfson Hall, with two local rock bands, folk music, a Strauss orchestra, and the always popular jazz in the Old Dining Hall supplied by The Catte Street Rhythm Wreckers and Pat Kenny and the Accidentals. These and other varied entertainments contributed in their different ways to the traditional Ball atmosphere, which culminated for many with the enjoyable experience of punting on the Cherwell after dawn. This is an appropriate place to thank all those ,who were concerned in setting up, and clearing up after, the Ball. An especial vote of gratitude is due to the College staff, whose tireless efforts contributed immeasurably to the smooth running of the whole affair; nor should our brilliant Chef and his talented assistants, who laid on a feast of such excellent quality,


be forgotten. Without their help we could not have staged such a successful combination of festivity and spectacle. ROBIN 0STERLEY

J.C.R. AND M.C.R. OFFICERS E. G. GRAY was President of the Junior Common Room during Hilary, Trinity and Michaelmas Terms 1977. With the expiry of his term of office in December l977, P. M. Simpson was elected as President until the end of Michaelmas Term 1978. A. G. Lundie served as Steward of the J.C.R. from Trinity Term 1977 until the end of Hilary Term 1978, when R. Keeley was elected as his successor for the ensuing three terms. S. R. Corsham was Junior Treasurer until the end of Hilary Term 1978, and was then succeeded by P. T. Foster. The Middle Common Room officers for 1977-78 were A. N. McGilvray, President, and W. B. Cogar, Steward. At the end of Trinity Term 1978 S. A. Banks and C. L. Lamar were elected President and Steward respectively of the M.C.R. for the ensuing year.

AULARIAN CALENDAR THE FOLLOWING DATES in 1978- 79 are of special interest: ST EDMUND's DAY: Thursday 16 November 1978. LONDON DINNER, preceded by A.G.M. of S.E.H. Association, at Simpson's in the Strand: Tuesday 9 January 1979. REUNION DINNER at the Hall: Saturday 30 June 1979. RESIDENCE FOR FULL TERM: Michaelmas Term-Thursday 12 October 1978 to Saturday 9 December 1978; Hilary Term-Thursday 18 January 1979 to Saturday 17 March 1979; Trinity Term-Thursday 26 April 1979 to Saturday 23 June 1979. DEGREE DAYS: Saturday 28 October (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 11 November (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 2 December (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 27 January 1979 (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 10 March (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 26 May (at 11.45 a.m.); Saturday 16 June (at 11.45 'a.m.); Saturday 21 July (N.B.: in absentia only for Hall men); Saturday 4 _ August (at 11.45 a.m.). Members of the Hall wishing to make arrangements for taking their degrees should write well in advance to The Secretary, The College Office. Under the new arrangements the number of candidates that a college may present on one degree day is limited.


SCHOLARSHIP ELECTIONS THE FOLLOWING ELECTIONS to Open awards, tenable during the academic year 1978-79, w~re made in January 1978: MODERN STUDIES To Exhibitions: DuRRANS, R. J., Sedbergh School (for P.P.E.). MARSH, A. N., Emanuel School, London (for Law). RowE, N., Gayton High School, Harrow (for P.P.E.). GEOGRAPHY To Scholarships: FIDLER, C. C. I., at St Albans School. SAUNDERS, T., Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith. MODERN LANGUAGES To a Scholarship: WATTLES, G. D., The Perse School. To Exhibitions: APPLEGATE, c. M., Arnold School, Blackpool. RAMAGE, T. W., Solihull School (Kolkhorst Exhibition). ROTHWELL, P. F., Manchester Grammar School. ENGLISH To Exhibitions BROWN-HUMES, C. E., Sedbergh School. KELLY, M. J., Tiffin School. MATHEMATICS To Exhibitions: CALVERT, A. J.,, King Edward's School, Bath. SPRATT, J. N., Harrogate Grammar School. WILSON, W. E., Poole Grammar School. ,NATURAL SCIENCE To Scholarships: BROWN, C. C. A., Haileybury College (for Engineering) (Central Electricity Generating Board). CATMUR, J. R., Leys School (for Engineering). JOHNSON, S. A., Portsmouth Grammar School (for Chemistry) (Central Electricity Generating Board). LEVENBACH, J. H., Epsom College (for Engineering). MEAD, J. S., St Edward's School (for Engineering). To Exhibitions: ARMITSTEAD, J. D., Lancaster Royal Grammar School (for Engineering). ASHTON, M. R., Gateway Sixth Form College (for Medicine). BLAIR, A. J., Yeovil College (for Chemistry). DURRANS, D. W., Sedbergh School (for Engineering). FOLDS, L. D. J., St Albans School (for Physics). HARRISON, P. D., Bishop Vesey's Grammar School (for Chemistry). HOLLOMBY, D. A., St Kevin's Comprehensive School, Merseyside (for Physics).


ST EDMUND HALL ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. MEMBERS 1978 President J. Lee M.A. C.I.P.M. (Matric 1933) Meadway, Danes Close, Surrey KT22 OLL. Oxshott (970) 2493. Principal Revd J. N. D. Kelly D.D. St Edmund Hall, Oxford OXl 4AR. Oxford (0865) 41039. Immediate Past President Sir Denis Wright G.C.M.G. M.A. (1929) Duck Bottom, Flint Street, Haddenham, Bucks. HPl 7 BAL. Haddenham (0844) 291086. Hon. Treasurer B. M. Forrest T.D. M.A. (1927) Shilling Cottage, Harroell, Long Crendon, Bucks. HP18 9AY. Long Crendon (0844) 208772. Members by Matric. Date Groups Up to 1934 J. B. Allan M.A. (1924) Home Farm House, Besselsleigh, Abingdon, Oxon. OX13 SPX. Cumnor (08676) 2149. D. K. Daniels O.B.E. M.A. (1924) 28 Oaten Hill, Canterbury, Kent CTl 3HZ. Canterbury (0227) 63029. R. Waye M.B.E. T.D. M.A. (1928) Curly Cottage, Brewers Lane, West Hendred, Oxon. OX12 8RR. East Hendred (023588) 284. Sir Claude Hayes K.C.M.G. B.Litt. M.A. (1930) Prinkham, Chiddingstone Heath, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7DN. Cowden (034286) 335. 1935-44 L. D. A. Baron D.F.C. M.A. (1937) 27 Palace Street, Canterbury, Kent CTl 2DZ. Canterbury (0227) 54695.

D. G. C. Salt M.A. (1937) Flat 6 Holland Park, London Wl 1 3RR. 01-727-0287. Revd E. G. Midgley B.Litt. M.A. (1941) St Edmund Hall Oxford OXl 4AR. Oxford (0865) 41039. 1945-54 D. J. Derx C.B. M.A . (1948) 40 Raymond Road, London SW19 4AP. 01-947-0682. R. J. L. Breese B.A. (1949) 4 Sandy Lodge Way, Northwood, Middx. HA6 2AJ. Northwood (65) 22712. D. J. Day M.A. (1951) 3 9 Jocelyn Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 2TJ. 01-948 2614. 1955-64 R. A. Farrand B.A. (1955) 53 Duncan Terrace, Islington, London Nl SAG. 01-226 3930. I. R. K. Rae (1961) The Keeper's House, Long Green, Great Barrow, Chester CH3 7JW. Mickle Trafford (024462) 446. M. G. M. Groves (1962) Banks Farm, Caldy Road, Caldy, Wirral, Merseyside L48 2HZ. Liverpool (051) 625 8982. 1965-74 J. D. Shortridge M.A. (1966)Dinner Sec. 6 Ebnal Road, Shrewsbury, Salop SY2 6PW. Shrewsbury (0743) 56986. J. R. Smith B.A. (1971) 11 Shooters Hill Road, Blackheath, London SE3. 01-853 4528. l4


Hon. Secretary

J. W. Allan M.A. D.Phil. (1963) The White House, 12 Frilford Road, Marcham, Abingdon, Oxon. OX3 6NS. Oxford (0865) 391 373.

H. A. F. Radley M.B.E. M.A. (1935) 157 Holland Park Avenue, London Wll 4UX. 01-603 6062.

Hon. Auditor (not on Ctee.) J. R. Paul M.A. F.C.A. (1945) Kemberton, Warrenders Lane, St George's Hill, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 OLH. Weybridge (97) 45479.

THE LONDON DINNER 1978 THE LONDON DINNER was held on 10 January at Simpson's-in-the-Strand. The Dinner is always a convivial occasion, and this year it was especially so with 120 Aularians (a record number) present to enjoy the customary saddle of mutton and to applaud the Principal's speech. (Simpson's tell me, by the way, that they are able to accommodate a maximum of 140 at a sitting so I hope we shall break this year's record in 1979.) In proposing the toast of 'Floreat Aula' Sir Denis Wright congratulated the new President, Jack Lee, on his election, and spoke of the tragic loss of Neville Williams who had died only a fortnight after he had been elected President in January 1977. Replying, the Principal expressed his pleasure at seeing such a large gathering and one which contained representatives from most of the last 55 years. He was happy to report that the last year had been a particularly successful one academically- though he feared that many of those present would be disappointed to learn that the Hall's sporting achievements had not been on a par with recent years. He was confident, however, that this was something that would be put right in the near future. J. D. SHORTRIDGE The following attended the Dinner in addition to the Principal and President of the J.C.R. as guests: 1922 E. P. Brice; 1924 J. B. Allan; 1927 B. M. Forrest; 1929 Sir D. Wright; 1930 Sir C. Hayes; 1931 J. E. Mowll; 1932 D. Floyd; 1933 F. H. H. Finch, E. F. Foxton, F. H. Frankcom, J. Lee, J. C. Adamson, G. L. H. R. Shield; 1934 J. C. Cain; 1935 H. A. F. Radley; 1937 D. Salt, J. P. Meade, L. D. A. Baron; 1938 R. E. Alton (Fellow); 1941 E. G. Midgley (Fellow); 1942 W. J. Tunley; 1943 W. Weir, W . R. Dunsmore; 1944 D. Watson; 1945 G. R. M. Drew, J. W. E. Snelling, J. R. Paul; 1946 M. G. Sarson, J. S. Golland, E. M. Goodman-Smith, F. R. Crozier, D. Thomas, J. Pike, D. S. Dunsmore, A. R. J. Lloyd; 1948 J. C. Graffy; 1949 P. R. Sykes, R. J. L. Breese; 1950 D. A. Lillicrap, T. P. Denehy, G. Thomas; 1951 M. K. Chattersea, D. J. Day, W. H. Slack; 1952 J. M. Skinner, D. M. Jacobs, P. Brown, J. D. Alun-Jones, C. I. Drummond; 1953 D. Giles, N . Isaac, H . G. Jelinek, M . Herbert, K. A. Bulgin, P. B. Saul, I. N .


Smith, A. J. Kember; 1954 I. L. R. Burt, H. P. Beaumont, J. Curry, J. M. Preston, S. S. MacLoughlin, M. R. M. Ffinch, J. C. M. Casale, T. Crowe; 1955 R. A. Farrand, C. E. G. Parkhouse, E. A. V. Casale, P. Humphris, N. F. Lockhart, J. D. Farnworth, H. W. Goldsworthy; 1956 D. H. Johnson; 1959 P. G. Brett, K. Crossley-Holland; 1960 M. Shaw, T. R. R. Richards; 1961 D. R. S. Anderson, I. R. K. Rae, A. M. Rentoul, S. M. Donald, E. A. Fretwell-Downing, P. Vaughan; 1962 A. J. Hawkes, M. J. Hamilton, J. Elkins, J. R. de Rennes; 1963 M. S. Simmie, J. W. Allan, D. J. Cox; 1964 A. C. Barker; 1965 M. R. D. Randall, R. W. Beckham, J. Barclay, I. M. Laing, M. J. Richardson, B. G. Streather, A. J. Terry, A. Gribbon; 1966 R. M. Ridley, C. W. Kemp, C. M. Brown, D. A. Hopkins, J. D. Shortridge; 1967 M. Young, P. V. Robinson, M. C. V. Spencer-Ellis, P. J. R. Masson; 1968 M . J. Daniels; 1969 D. Harrison, S. W. Groom, B. Wylie, P. Ramell, P. D. Jones; 1970 J. B. Hearn, M. P. Dunn; 1971 G. Roberts; 1974 J. H. Bodkin, A. J. Carter. The Domestic Bursar, Rear Admiral G. C. Leslie, was also present. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1978 THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the St Edmund Hall Association was held at Simpson's-in-the-Strand, London, on Tuesday 10 January 1978 at 6.15 p.m., closing at 6.50 p.m. 28 members were present: the President, Sir Denis Wright, was in the chair. In the interests of economy only an abstract of the proceedings is being published this year, the full M inutes being available for inspe'Ction at the next ACM. Sir Denis Wright referred in his report to the sad deaths of two leading members of the Association during the last year. The Rt Rev and Rt Hon J. C. W. Wand died on 16 August 1977, aged 92, and N. J. Williams died on 29 January 1977, aged 52-only two weeks after being elected President. Sir Denis said that the situation created by Neville Williams's death was not covered by the Constitution: he had therefore consulted leading members of the Association before deciding to carry on for the remainder of the current year. The Executive Committee had endorsed this decision at its Meeting on 25 June 1977. DIRECTORY 1206 replies had been received to the questionnaire sent out with the June 1977 Dinner notices as decided at the 1977 AGM. Although some 2000 members had not replied the President considered the actual response to be satisfactory and conclusive, showing an overwhelming preference for not publishing before 1980, a 2: 1 majority favouring a directory in principle, and a general willingness to contribute towards the cost. It was agreed that there would be no Directory before 1980, when the AGM would have to decide whether one should be published that year or not. GARDEN PARTY The President reported that the Governing Body of the Hall had accepted the Executive Committee's recommendation that the Garden 16

Party should be held every three years, and had decided that the next one would be on 24 June 1978, the day of the Reunion Dinner. He felt sure that he spoke for all when he said how much they appreciated this decision of the Governing Body. · ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1 AUGUST 1976-31 JULY 1977 The audited Accounts were presented by the Hon. Treasurer, Brian M. Forrest, who remarked that the surplus of £551 was larger than expected and that assets had risen by £760. The Accounts were unanimously adopted. They are published in full on pp. 52-3. ELECTIONS The following were unanimously elected I re-elected: President 1978- 80 - J. Lee, elected The outgoing President commended Jack Lee to the Meeting as the unanimous recommendation of the Executive Committee. He had matriculated in 1933 and won distinction as the second-ever Aularian to win a Soccer Blue, playing for the University in 1934, 1935 and 1936. Subsequently he had made a name for himself in the labour relations and personnel management field and was a Past President of the Institute of Personnel Management. Having retired from Shell International as Employee Relations Adviser he was still very activeumpiring at Wimbledon in the summer and directing the "Working Together Campaign" among other activities. He would undoubtedly prove a worthy successor to Neville Williams. Hon. Treasurer 1978 - B. M. Forrest, re-elected. Hon. Secretary 1978 H. A. F. Radley, re-elected. Hon. Auditor 1978 J. R. Paul, re-appointed (with thanks for his continued efforts) Members of the Executive Committee by matriculation date groups: Up to 1934 - D. K. Daniels (retiring by rotation) re-elected. 1935-44 - Revd E. G. Midgley (retiring by rotation) re-elected. 1945- 54 - D. J. Day (retiring by rotation) re-elected. D. J. Derx (matric. 1948) elected. 1955- 64 - M. G. M . Groves (retiring by rotation) re-elected. 1965-74 - J. R. Smith (matric. 1971) elected, leaving one vacancy in this group to be filled. ARTHUR FARRAND RADLEY Hon. Secretary THE REUNION THE ANNUAL REUNION of Old Members was held on Saturday, 24 June . Those present at the dinner following the Garden Party were: The Principal: THE REVD DR J. N. D. KELLY 1933 J. C. Adamson; 1924 J. B. Allan; 1963 Dr. J. W. Allan ; 1950 J. R. Allchurch; (1938) R. E. Alton* ; 1950 Dr C. M. Armitage; 1956 J. C. Atkinson; 1957 J. E. Aves; 1927 R. H. Barff; 1937 L. D. A. Baron; 1936 H. B. D. Beales; 1958 M. J. Beard; S. R. Blarney*; 1972 J. Boff; 1957 D. M. W. Bolton; 1971 M . D. Booker; 1940 G. J. F. Brain; 1949 17

R. J. L. Breese; 1953 K. A. Bulgin; 1972 S. J. Burnett; 1953 C. G. Burnham; 1952 I. L. R. Burt; 1956 R. H. Caddick; 1947 The Ven. Canon C. R. Campling; 1956 M. J. Cansdale; 1934 B. W. Cave-BrowneCave; 1964 R. Chappell; 1951 M. K. Chatterjea; 1925 W. W. R. Clotworthy; 1947 Dr J. V. Cockshoot; Dr P. J. Collins*; 1959 T. W. Cooper; 1946 F. W. Cosstick; The Revd H. E. J. Cowdrey*; 1933 C. A. J. Cox; 1957 T. D. Day; 1955 J: L. Dellar; 1948 D. J. Derx; 1956 Dr N. 0. de Villiers; 1949 T. W. Ditchburn; 1929 D. K. Dixey; 1952 C. I. Drummond; 1932 The Rt Revd W. G. Fallows; Dr R. Fargher*; 1956 A. J. Featherstone; 1933 F. H. H. Finch; 1927 B. M. Forrest; 1952 J. F. Foster; 1958 R. D. Garratt; 1961 R. G. H. Goddard; 1971 T. 0. Godeseth; J. C. B. Gosling*; 1952 S. D. Graham; 1948 K. M. Grayson; 1962 W. G. Gulland; 1958 R. D. Haddon; 1972 D. J. Hammond; 1930 Sir Claude Hayes; 1961 I. G. Heggie; 1969 B. S. Henry; 1919 The Revd T. D. Herbert; 1922 Professor R. L. Hill; 1926 Professor C. R. Hiscocks; 1935 A. Holden; 1962 R. P. Holland; 1973 M. A. Hyde; 1972 D. S. Jarvis; 1956 D. H. Johnson; 1928 E. L. H. Kentfield; 1933 J. Lee (President of the S.E.H. Association); Rear Admiral G. C. Leslie*; 1954 M. G. Lewis; 1964 P. W. Liversidge; 1934 W. J. H. Liversidge; 1931 The Revd R. J. Lowe; 1951 R. G. Lunn; 1941 R. McAdams; The President of the Middle Common Room (A. N. McGilvray); 1938 R. Mcisaac; 1954 E. J. McLaren; 1935 The Revd Professor J. McManners**; 1932 B. R. S. Mainwaring; 1944 The Revd Dr R. A. Mason; 1928 H. A. Maxwell; 1952 P. B. Maxwell; 1937 J. P. de C. Meade; (1941) The Revd E. G. Midgley* (Vice-Principal); 1924 H. J. Mills; Dr R. B. Mitchell*; 1973 J. D. Morbey; 1940 C. Mounsey; 1972 M. C. Mulford; 1943 F. F. Nicholls; 1926 T. V. Nicholson; 1932 Sir William Nield; 1960 H . W. S. Norvill; 1954 R. F. O'Brien; 1947 W. A. Osman; 1955 C. E. G. Parkhouse; 1931 S. F. Parsons; 1926 The Revd J. E. T. Phillips; 1958 J. H. Phillips; 1960 Dr F. J. Pocock; 1967 N. C. J. Pope; 1943 J. S. Power; 1951 A. G. Poynter; 1944 E. G. Price; 1935 H. A. F. Radley; Dr G. D. Ramsay**; 1948 R. B. Benton; 1944 E. Rhodes; 1923 The Revd F. D. M. Richards; 1966 R. M. Ridley; 1925 F. G. Roberts; 1971 G. Roberts; 1971 D. L. Robertson; Dr F. J. C. Rossotti*; 1925 B. J. Rushby Smith; 1940 D. G. C. Salt; (1954) Dr D. I. Scargill*; 1950 J. L. Scott; 1933 Brigadier J. C. C. Shapland; 1933 G. L. H. R. Shield; 1966 J. D. Shortridge; 1971 J. P. Sloan; 1923 C. D. Smith; 1949 D. G. Smith; 1971 J. R. Smith; 1971 N. K. Staite; 1969 T. E. Statham; Dr N. J. Stone*; 1949 The Revd R. D. Strapps; 1934 D. M. Thomas; 1962 Dr J. N. Thomas; (1942) Dr J. D. Todd*; 1928 The Revd J. H. Torrens; 1961 C. J. Tromans; 1956 R. M. Trotter; 1954 Dr R. W. Truman; 1926 E. Urry; 1961 D. P. Vaughan; 1944 F. E. Wakelin; 1932 M. Wall; 1928 R. Waye; 1941 C. J. Weir; 1943 W. Weir; 1950 J. Wheeler; 1956 G. P. T. Whurr; 1959 S. C. Wilkinson; Dr A. B. Worden*; 1929 Sir Denis Wright; 1952 D. J. V. Wright; 1953 T. R. Wright; 1937 E. C. C. Wynter. *Fellow

**Emeritus Fellow 18

The Principal, in his speech, welcomed old members whose year of matriculation ranged from 1919 to 1973. Reviewing the year's activities he spoke first of the sporting life of the Hall. Despite success in Badminton Cuppers this had been a year of limited achievement, but might we not be 'better men for these humiliating experiences'? In contrast the year had been one of quite considerable academic success, with not only a good record of Firsts in the Schools but an impressive list of prizes and scholarships won. The Hall was sad to lose Dr. Oxburgh to a chair in Cambridge, but new tutorial fellows had been appointed in Geology and Law, . and the Hall's interest in the Arts recognized by the appointment to a fellowship of the Ruskin Master of Drawing. Following changes in the Hall's Charter allowing admission of women, the initial step in a new direction had been taken with the appointment of the first woman to a Junior Research Fellowship. Another new experience had been the election by the Fellows of a Principal, and in the conclusion to his speech Dr Kelly spoke warmly of his successor, Sir Ieuan Maddock, who would take office on lst August 1979. Replying, the President of the St Edmund Hall Association, Mr Jack Lee, thanked the Principal and Fellows for the afternoon's garden party and recorded the pleasure which everyone had felt at the presence there of Dr Emden . .The formal part of the evening concluded with a 'sign-in' in honour of Dr. Emden's ninetieth birthday, which was to be celebrated in October. ¡ DE FORTUNIS AULARIUM R. A. Adcock, in view of the closure of The College of St Matthias, Bristol (of which he was Principal), is taking a sabbatical year. D. W. Alder is now with the operations division of North Western Postal Board H.Q. (Post Office), in Manchester. J. R. Allchurch is now running a small group of companies trading under the Manpower name in Worcestershire and Salop. D. W. Allen is teaching at New Plymouth Girls' High School, New Zealand. J. D. Alun-Jones is Chief Executive of Ferranti Ltd. B. C. Arthur has been promoted H.M. Staff Inspector (for Secondary Education). The Revd T. E. M. Ashton is Chaplain of Morden College, Blackheath S.E.3. J. E. Aves is Director of Ayer Barker Hegemann, the advertising agency. A. P. Baker is an antiquarian bookseller, specializing in archaeology, in Durham. M. C. W. Baker is a consultant geologist for Texas Instruments in Iran. J. R. Bladwin was guest lecturer at the Institute of Ethnology, University of Oslo, in spring 1976; he is editor of, and contributor to,

Scandinavian Shetland: an Ongoing Tradition? F. L. Barber ' has a position with 'The Scotsman' newspaper in Edinburgh. 19

J. G. Barclay was appointed Local Director of Barclays Bank, Birmingham, in May 1978. R. A. Barker has been reading for the Cert.Ed. at Chelsea College. P. Bates has been Research Officer, Somerset C.C. Planning Dept., since June 1977. S. H. Beamish, who has been with the B.A.T. Co. in S. Africa for two years is now with Cigarreria Morazan in El Salvador, Central America. J. B. Bennett is at the Guildhall School of Music, London. E. Benson is Head of Modern Languages, Stuart Bathurst R.C. High School, Wednesbury. J. R. Berryman is now an Associate .of the College of Preceptors; in addition to teaching he has been doing part-time work at the University of Miami. I. E. N. Besley retired on 30 September 1978 as Appointments Officer and Education Adviser, Cambridge University Appointments Board, after thirteen years service. J. M. Bilton is a management consultancy trainee with Deloitte, Haskins and Sells. C. P. Bishop is teaching R.E. at Colne Valley High School, Linthwaite, nr. Huddersfield. R. A. Bishop retired from the F.A.O. in November 1977 after twentyfive years with it. M. A. S. Blackburn has left the Bar and taken a job with Kleinwort, Benson Ltd. The Revd P. H. Blair has been teaching English Language in the Faculty of Education, Khartoum University, Sudan, since January 1978. Dr G. H. Blake is a member of Council, University of Durham, and a magistrate for County Durham. B. H. Blamires is with the International Exhibition Co-operative Wine Society. D. Bloom is Controller, market planning and development, British American Cosmetics (a subsidiary of B.A.T.). G. N. Bootl:]. is an assistant solicitor with Mercers, solicitors, Henleyon-Thames. N. A. Boucher is now Planning Systems Manager for Glynwed Ltd. D. F. Bourne-Jones has an appointment with the Health and Safety Executive in London. G. J. F. Brain, having retired from his family firm of solicitors in Reading, is now a consultant to a small firm in Pangbourne. M. G. Bream is Head of Biology and housemaster of the day pupils' house, Queen's College, Taunton. R. W. Breckles is at St John's College, Durham, reading for the Dip.Theo!. and preparing for ordination. A. G. Bridgewater is a consultant with Inter-Bank-Research Organization. A. B. Bromley is principal engineer, Western for Severn Trent Water Authority's Tame Division. I. L. R. Burt formed, and is now group chairman of, Ivor Burt and Sons Ltd.


P. Butler, after serving for one year as Chairman of the Trainee Solicitors' Group of the Law Society of England and Wales, started in June 1978 as a Prosecuting Solicitor with Thames Valley Police at Kidlington; he is also a partner in The Pickstock School, Shrewsbury. I. D. C. Button is a trainee computer programmer with a finance company based on Halifax, W. Yorks. J. N. Calvert is reading for the Ph.D. at London University. D. M. M. Carey, for twenty years legal secretary to successive archbishops of Canterbury, has had the degree of D.C.L. (Lambeth) conferred on him by the Archbishop of Canterbury. P. S. Carr continues with B.P. (Canada), living at Calgary. J. H. Case was in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, doing TEFL until August 1978. J. M. Catherall, who was awarded the M.Sc. (with distinction) in Applied Optics at Imperial College, London, in 1977, is now researching there in laser physics for the Ph.D. degree. G. K. Chamberlain has been working as an economist with Chemical Industries Association Ltd since November 1977; he was an English Language teacher in Oran, Algeria, 1976-77. J. C. Chaplain retired in July 1978 from Scarborough _College Preparatory School and is now living at 7 King's Cross Road, Oxford. J. A. Chapman has been appointed Headmaster of the Bishop of Hereford's Bluecoat School. The Revd R. A. Chapman, after ten years as Chaplain to the University of Aberdeen, has been appointed Canon Residentiary of Carlisle and Bishop's Adviser for Education in the diocese. R. I. Chard is Principal Lecturer in Town Planning at Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria. L. A. Chester has left the staff of 'The Sunday Times' and is now a free-lance writer; he was co-author of Aristotle Onassis (1977) and Cops and Robbers (1978). S. Cheung has been appointed an assistant systems analyst with Burroughs Machines. The Revd T. J. Childs retired from the full-time ministry on 30 September 1977 and is now living at Glen Mona, Maughold, I. of M. W. A. T. Clark has a 12-month appointment as a post-doctoral associate at Michigan Technological University, Michigan, U.S.A. D. G. Clarke, who is Head of German, Clifton College, was B.P. Fellow of Keble College during Trinity Term 1978. D. R. Clopet is Head of Business Studies, Elthome High School. B. R. Coates retired as Headmaster, Kirkby Stephen Grammar School, in August 1977. P. Coleridge, after teaching for seven years in the Sudan and in Lebanon, is now housemaster and Head of EFL at Atlantic College, St Donat's Castle; he also teaches Arabic there. The Revd B. A. Collins is now Minister of the United Church, Mendi Town, in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea; he is also Regional Health Secretary. D. I. Cooling became Head of Careers, St Katherine's School, Bristol, in September 1978. 21

The Revd R. G. Cornwell retired as Residentiary Canon of Newcastle in 1976 and has been appointed Hon. Canon; he continues active work in the diocese . . L. Corrigan is now Head of Chemistry, St Mary's Sixth Form College, Blackburn. J. W. A. Cosgrave is Head of Modern Languages, King Edward VI Comprehensive School, Totnes, Devon. F. W. Cosstick has retired from his post at King's College, Wimbledon, and since September 1978 has been living in Paris. T. E. Cowlard is now Systems and Programming Manager, The Water Data Unit, Reading. D. J. Cox has returned to his position as Head of Geography, S. E. Essex Sixth Form College, having obtained the M.Sc. in Geography at the University of Southampton. N. J. Cross now has an appointment in Chicago. F. R. Crozier retired from the Legal and General Assurance Society Ltd in October 1977; he is now working from home as a consultant. L. Cummings is temporarily in Singapore as a management trainee ocean ¡transport on secondment to Straits Steamships, Singapore. J. A. Cunningham has changed jobs within I.C.I. Plastics Division to become 'Corvic' sales controller. J. R. Currall is Legal Adviser, Health and Safety Executive (Dept. of Employment), London. P. D. Cutting was appointed Chief Investigation Officer, H.M. Customs and Excise, in November 1977. M. Cvetkovic has joined Beau Brummel as a management trainee. J. S. Daniel is now Vice-President (Learning Services), Athabasca University, Edmonton, Canada. R. E. J. Darby is with the Ministry of Defence at ASWE, Portsdown, Hants. ¡ M. J. Davies is works administrator, Julius Berger Ltd, Warri, Nigeria. R. P. H. Davies was awarded the O.B.E. in the Birthday Honours, June 1978; he continues as Regional Education Adviser, British Council Division, British High Commission, Calcutta. The Revd C. K. H. Davison is Consultant and Local Church Research Fellow, Grubb Institute of Behavioural Studies, London N.l. J. Dawson is teaching at Cheney School, Oxford. M. R. Devereux has an appointment with Deloitte and Co. S. G. Downey, who is with the World Bank, has been appointed a Project Manager for a new textile factory processing wool in Bolivia. G. R. R. East relinquished his appointment as Civil Service Commissioner on final retirement in February 1978; he continues as occasional chairman of CSSB's. J. M. Elder, who started work with Shell Internationale Petroleum in Holland in January 1978, was posted as seismologist in Sarawak, N. Borneo. D. C. Elstub has been appointed Geography master at Bradford Grammar School. A. G. R. Evans now lectures in the Department of Elecfronics, University of Southampton. 22

The Ven. J. B. Evans was appointed Archdeacon of Monmouth in 1977. A. F. Finch, having retired in 1976, is now Child-care Office.!' in a residential school for maladjusted boys at Tadworth. R. H. Findlay, while completing his Ph.D. research on the geology of the Mt. Cook region, New Zealand, is working for the Antarctic Division, D.S.I.R., Christchurch, N.Z. P. N. H. Foot is Assistant Area Manager, British Rail, Cornwall Area, based in Penzance. K. A. Ford is working for the D.Phil. degree in chemistry in Oxford. S. W. Fordham is with a United States legal firm in Hong Kong. H. G. Forrest has resigned from his lecturership in Law at Sheffield University and been appointed a lecturer to A.S.T.M.S. at Whitehall College, Bishop's Stortford. S. C. Forrest is a partner in the firm of Wilkins and Thompson, solicitors, Uttoxeter. J. F. Foster, who is Senior County Inspector, Hereford and Worcester LE.A., is on a year's secondment to the Council for Educational Technology for the U .K. M. C. Foster became Senior Tutor at Farnham College in September 1978. M. C. F. Freter has a new appointment as Account Director, McCannErickson Ltd, advertising agents. J. H. Fryer, in addition to writing, is working half-time in the Ecumenical Centre for Church and Society, Brussels; he has been elected to the executive board of the Europe-China Association. I. C . . Funnell has changed jobs and is now a representative of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. P. E. Garland has been appointed associate artistic director, Chichester Festival Theatre. S. R. Garrett is now Lecturer II in Law, Kilburn Polytechnic (Department of Police Cadets). P. R. Gillett has been articled since 1975 with Price Waterhouse, chartered accountants. J. N. Goater took part in the Commonwealth Games Trials in June 1978; he is in the R.A.F. and was posted to Hendon in July. Dr David Goldstein is Assistant Keeper, Hebrew Section, Department of Oriental MSS and Printed Books, The British Library. M. Goodfellow has been appointed Staff Tutor with special responsibility for educational liaison at the University of Surrey. P . J. Gow is now brand manager of Triple X, an extra strong stout, running a test market in Lancashire and planning for the future. R. H. Gozney has been posted from the British Embassy, Jakarta, to the British Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A . J. -Griffith is working in Laos for UNICEF. T. C. Grove is now Assistant Editor of 'The Sunday Telegraph'. R. D. Haddon became a housemaster at Eton in September 1978. E. C. Hadfield has been on a tour of the U.S.A. and Canada in preparation for a book on world canals. 23

J. O. C. Raes, who is teaching at Sandham Middle School, I. of W., has been awarded the M.Ed. in Curriculum Development at Manchester University. J. M. G. Halsted has left Karachi, Pakistan, where he was Regional Representative of the British Council, and since September 1978 has been British Council Representative in Rabat, Morocco. Lt. D. A. Hamilton, R.N., is Navigating Officer, H.M.S. Bossington and is due to start flying training in 1979 with a view to becoming a Fleet Air Arm pilot. Air Vice-Marshal R. P. Harding (retired) has returned to the U.K. after completing a two-year aviation executive job in Oman. J. S. M. Harpham composed the music for the B.B.C. TV serial 'Hawksmoor', set in 16th cent. Wales. Professor R. Harris, after briefly holding the Oxford chair of Romance Philology, has been elected to, and is the first holder of, the chair of General Linguistics in the University. C. M. Harrison is now with the Metal Box Company in Portsmouth. D. B. Harrison is Senior Staff Analyst, R. H. M. Management Services, Harlow; he is also conductor of the Hertford Choral Society. D. J. Harrison is managing director of Parkerson Ltd, at Winchester. A. J. Hawkes was posted in May 1978 to the British High Commission, Lusaka, as First Secretary. T. D. Hawkins started a new job as Group Finance Manager, the Plessey Company Ltd, on 14 November 1977. J. R. Hayston has now retired and is living at Grays, Essex. D. B. Hicks is at the Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, N.Y. C. W. Hind is at University College, Aberystwyth, taking the course in librarianship. Professor C. R. Hiscocks is Vice-President of the United Nations Association of the United Kingdom. L. W. Hobbs is now Professor of Ceramics and Materials Science, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, U.S.A. D. J. Hockridge is now Senior Lecturer in French, Leicester Polytechnic; he has completed twenty consecutive years as a county squash player (for Lancashire and Leicestershire). Fr . Augustine (Kenneth) Hoey is in charge of 'Emmaus', a house of prayer and intercession in Sunderland under the auspices of the Community of the Resurrection. J. V. J. Hogan has been .appointed to a post in the B.B.C. in Current Affairs. Dr M. A. Hooker has been appointed a governor of the Truman and Knightley Educational Trust. The Revd C. S. Hope is now Vicar of Stockland, Honiton, Devon. D. G. Howitt, after taking the degrees of M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the University of California at Berkeley and having spent two years as a post-doctoral Fellow at Cleveland, Ohio, has been appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California at Davis. R. A. Hufton has been teaching English at Crema, N. Italy. 24

D. J. Hughes is now working at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna. R. G. Hunt is now Assistant Accountant (Computer) to The Midland Bank Ltd, Money Market Division. W . H. Huntington has now retired, after working since 1947 in Belgium, where he now resides. S. A. Israel is now living permanently in Israel as a member of a kibbutz in Western Galilee. J. T. Jackson has been appointed to a Research Fellowship in Geography at the University of Western Australia. D. S. Jarvis, having completed his Master's degree at the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., is now working as an economist and regional planner with Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, consultants, in Hampstead. A. I. Johnston has an appointment in the Government Actuary's Department. F. M. I. Johnston is Director of the Southern Africa Regional Council and lives at Blantyre, Malawi. G. K. Johnston, after fourteen years at Allhallows School, Devon, is now teaching at The King's School, Gloucester. D. C. W. Jones has been promoted Creative Group Head with Ogilvy, Benson and Mather Ltd, advertising agents. L. W. Jones is election agent for Mr J. Rooker, M.P., Labour candidate for the Birmingham (Perry Bar) constituency. T. G. P. Jones is preparing a new Monty Python movie . A. P. Jordan continues as Research Physicist for B.I.C.C., Shepherds Bush. P . R. Kane is at Sussex University doing graduate¡ work in economics C. W. Kemp , after several years in accountancy, is now specializing in vintage cars. A. C. Kerr is training as an accountant with Price Waterhouse. M. Kerrigan is serving as a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. The Revd D. C. Knight is now priest missioner of St Andrew's Shared Church, Cippenham, Slough- the first purpose-built Anglican / R.C. church in England. D. N. Lade has left teaching and is Director of Studies in a youth travel organisation based on Bromley. F. A. Leaf has now started on a medical course at the University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. T. M. Le Mesurier is now teaching at Lord William's School, Thame. The Revd Canon T. A. Littleton retired on 31 January 1978, and is now living at Stanwick Old Hall, Aldbrough-St-John, Richmond, Yorks. A. R. J. Lloyd left Urwick, Orr and Partners on 31 January 1978 and, while continuing to give occasional assistance to that company, has from 1 February been operating his own firm John Lloyd and Partners. Colonel E. E. Lowe has retired from being Director, British Families Education Service (N.W. Europe) - and is living at Haverfordwest, Pembs.


The Revd R. J. Lowe retired as Vicar of Thame in November 1977, and is living at Headington, Oxford. C. W. Luke, who obtained the postgraduate diploma in Forestry at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in 1976, was seconded to the Mano River Union Forestry Training Institute, Monrovia, Liberia in May 1977. G. E. Lumsden has been awarded a Doctorate by the University of Montpellier, and is about to set up a language school at Nimes. R. G. Lunn has now returned to the U.K. (Shell Centre, London), after working in Venezuela, Indon!'!sia, Cyprus and Singapore since 1954. C. J. Mabey retired on 31 March 1978 as Secretary to the Governors of the Schools of King Edward VI, Birmingham, after 20 years service with the Foundation following 24 years in the Colonial Service in West Africa. ¡ T. M. McCarthy, who was with 'Agence Europe' 1969- 73, is currently working for the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities in Brussels. The Revd N. E. McCurry is now Area Dean of Tower Hamlets. The Revd Canon Norman McDermid is now a Church Commissioner; in 1977 he was appointed a member of the Redundant Churches Fund by the Crown. E. J. McLaren has been appointed Lecturer in, the Faculty of Educational Studies, University of Warwick (following the merger of the former Coventry C. of Education with the University). The Revd J. H. J. Macleay is now Rector of St Andrew's Episcopal Church, Fort William, Inverness-shire. A. R. McGregor is NOT (as wrongly reported in the Magazine for 1975-76) wQrking for Messrs Philip in Croydon, but is a management trainee with BXL's Plastic Containers division, Leicester. P. S. Malin is assistant head of English, The Cherwell School, Oxford. R. D. Marsh has left the Ministry of Defence and joined Brewer and Son, chartered patent agents. Captain A. P . Martel left the Royal Green Jackets in October 1977 to take up a contract appointment with the Sultan of Oman's armed forces for three years. H. G. Mason was 'highly commended' in the City of Westminster Chamber of Commerce Silver Jubilee awards for export achievement. The Revd M. W. Matthews was Finch Lecturer in the diocese of London for the year 1977. S. J. Maxwell has been with the Ministry of Overseas Development since April 1978; he is an agricultural economist with the British Tropical Agricultural Mission in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. D. G. Miles is now personnel officer for the Portsea Island Mutual Cooperative Society Ltd. M. Miller is Director of Studies, The British Council, Algiers. D. J. Mills is now with the Commonwealth Development Corporation, Jakarta, Indonesia. H. 0. Mohammed was recently ordained into the Anglican Ministry by the Bishop of Northern Nigeria.


J. D. Morbey has an appointment with Whinney Murray and Co. D. L. Morgan is now a systems engineer with IBM in the City of London. N. J'. Morley has been with the British Military Government, Berlin. D. A. G. Morris organized a highly successful Invitation Squash Tournament at the Swansea Lawn Tennis and Squash Rackets Club in Dec. 1977 at which the final proved to be an 'all-Hall' affair. C. Mounsey has been appointed Deputy Principal at Eaton Hall College of Education, Notts. P. N. Mounsey is with Johnson Matthey Chemicals Ltd, Retford, Notts, engaged in refining precious metals. The Revd J. E. Mowll has retired from St John's, Golcar, and is living at Jersey House, London N .2. I. B. H. Murray is now European Rail Freight Manager with B.R. Dr A. H. W. Nias has been appointed Richard Dimbleby¡ Professor of Cancer Research, St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London University. F. F. Nicholls has been appointed Head of the Faculty of English, Tasker-Milward School, Haverfordwest. Air Marshall J. M. Nicholls, C.B.E., D.F.C. (who was a R.A.F. cadet at the Hall 1944-45) joined the Air Force Board as Air Member for Supply and Organisation in September 1977. B. B. North has recently established a yacht-building company, Minstrel Yachts Ltd. R. F. O'Brien is now Chief Executive, Merseyside County Council, having formerly been Chief Executive, Notts C.C. R. M. Oliver is now Regional Executive for Guinness-Overseas Ltd; he is based on New York and Responsible for N. and S. America and the Caribbean. The Revd C. R. Ollier retired on 15 9ctober 1978 and is living at Kettering, where he assists in the parish of SS. Peter and Paul. Brigadier H. R. Orton retired from the British Transport Docks Board in October 1977 and is now living at Warsash, Southampton. P. A. Osborn has been articled since 1976 with Thomson McLintock, chartered accountants. C. J. C. Palmer is a partner in the firm of Ackford, Sparkes and Harward, solicitors, Tiverton, Devon. J.C. Palmer (1937) is now President of the Law Society. M. D. Palmer is now Headmaster of De Burgh School, Todworth, Surrey. M . Pannell has been appointed technical sales support manager for Raytheon-Cossor Data Systems. ¡ C. E. G. Parkhouse is Political Correspondent of 'The Glasgow Herald'. J. Parr, who has been studying for the ministry, was last year awarded a Liddon StudentsP,ip. , A. J. Pentecost, who is Head of Geography and Careers teacher Woodhatch School, Surrey, is reading for a Diploma in Career Education and Guidance, Southlans College, London University. 27

M. A. Perryman is Assistant Packaging Manager, Courage (Central) Ltd. S. V. Peskett retired in August 1978 as Principal of The Royal Belfast Academical Institution, and is now living at Metfield Hatleston, Norfolk. The Revd J. E. T. Phillips retired in 1977, but assists at Christchurch Priory, Dorset, as an honorary member of staff. R. B. Phillips became Personnel Manager, Henry Boot Construction Ltd, on 1 August 1978. D. J. Pickersley has been Supply Manager, East European Division, Rank Xerox Ltd, since December 1977. D. P. Piper, who is still with the Institute of Geological Sciences, has moved to its Nottingham office. F. J. Pocock is now working for Courage Limited at the head office in London. T. F. Pope is teaching French at Kamloops, near Vancouver, B.C. The Revd J. D. D. Porter is Chairman of the Stafford Council of Churches 1978-79. S. R. Porter is now Bursar of St Cross College, Oxford. C. M. Potter, having completed work for the Ph.D. degree at Cardiff University, has an appointment with Rolls Royce Ltd at Filton, Bristol, as a metallurgist. D. J. Powell has joined Mansell Information/Publishing Ltd as editorial manager. Lt. C. H. Pretty is serving with the 3rd Battalion, The Light Infantry, and last year did a tour of duty in Belfast, some fire-fighting in Newcastle, and training in Kenya. T. J. Quinn is Deputy Director of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Paris. H. A. F. Radley was awarded the Grand Medal of Honour of Styria, Austria, for service rendered in the immediate post-war period and for maintaining contact ever since as secretary of the Reunion of Military Goverment Officers, Styria. F. R. Rawes retired in July 1978 as Headmaster of St Edmund's School, Canterbury, after fourteen years' service. V. V. Razis is lecturing in the Department of Business, University of Cape Town, and also completing his M.A. thesis in the Department of Political Science. J. R. de Rennes has been elected to a Schoolmaster Studentship at Merton College for Michaelmas Term 1978. R. Bruce Renton, who is now living in Rome as -a writer /journalist, won the Pisa prize for Italian poetry in 1977, his entry being Il Giorno che Vado. A. N. Ridley is teaching at Rathbeale, Masterton, N.Z. ¡Professor C. R. Ritcheson has been designated a Distinguished Professor and has been appointed a member of the Ditchley Advisory Council. G. W. Roberts is now S. Midlarnls Area Mana~er, Burton Menswear (based in Cornmarket St., Oxfor j/.


Lt. J. P. Roberts served in 1978 with the U.N. Force in Cyprus as part of th e British contingent at Nicosia. D. L. Robertson is with Kenneth Brown, Barker, Barker, solicitors, W.C.l. F. J. Robichaux joined the London solicitors, Baker and Mackenzie, in February 1978. M. G. Robinson, having fully retired, is concentrating on ornithology. The Revd P. H. Rogers has been Assistant Priest, Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans, U.S.A., since August 1976. The Revd T. M. F. Rogers retired in June 1977 for medical reasons as Archbishop's Chaplain to the Deaf and Surrey C.C. Welfare Officer for the Deaf. E. P. F. Rose, who is Lecturer in Geology at Bedford College, University of London, has been elected a Vice-President of the Palaeontological Association. The Revd Canon S. H. Rumsey retired on 31 May 1978 and is now living at Tunbridge Wells. The Revd F. E. Rushby, after 18 years as incumbent of Fyfield, Tubney and Kingston Bagpuize, has been appointed Rector of St Nicholas, Sutton, Surrey. J. E. Rutherford retired in summer 1978 as Deputy Head, Palmer School, Brighton; he continues to do part-time teaching. C. J. V. Ryan has been teaching at the Oxford School, Mantua, Italy. R. Sampson, after teaching at Epsom (1973 ~74) and then working as an accountancy trainee (1974-75), is now an Instructor Officer R.N. at H.M.S. Collingwood; he has represented the Royal Navy at Athletics. A. Scarfe has held a temporary lectureship in church history at Wheaton College, Illinois; in September 1979 he will start training for ordination at Wescott House, Cambridge. L. U. Scholl has been awarded the Ph.D. degree by the University of Hanover; he won the Kellermann Prize for the history of technology in 1977. J. L. Seccombe has an appointment with Henry Serventi Ltd, London W.l. M. S. Shaw is working with Curtis Brown Ltd, literary agents. S. E. Shepley is with Carnation International (the milk company) as Director of its European office. A. T. Sherlock, having qualified as a chartered accountant in 1976, is now working in the taxation department of Price Waterhouse and Co. , Birmingham. G. L. H . R. Shield is senior partner of Gordon Shield and A. R. Willson, solicitors, of London, Chingford and Walthamstow. R. M . Sibly took up a Lecturership (temporary) in Zoology at the University of Glasgow in October 1978. J. da Silva is on a two-year appointment at the University of Rio de Janeiro. J. P. Sloan, having qualified as a chartered surveyor, is working for Richard Ellis, international property consultants. A. L. Sloane, who spent the past year at Nashota House, Wisconsin, was on 14 June 1978 made a deacon in All Saints Cathedral, Albany,


N.Y., by the Bishop of Albany acting for the Archbishop of Canterbury; h e is serving in St George's parish, Schenectady, N.Y. J. R. Smith is an accounts manager at Young and Rubicam, London. M. G. Smith has been appointed Head of Corporate Finance, Citicorp International Bank Ltd. P. E. Smith has been appointed French master at Cheltenham Ladies College. T. L. Spafford has been accepted for V.S.O. M. C. V. Spencer-Ellis is now Head of the English Department, Forest School. S. Sperling has an appointment at Bedford College, London. The Revd J. H. Spruyt is now Vicar of All Saints and Curate-incharge of St Simon, Jersey. B. Spurr, while remaining Lecturer in English, has been appointed Senior Tutor at St Paul's College, Sydney, Australia. N. K. Staite was admitted as a solicitor in June 1978. A. M. Stansfield is with the C.E.G.B. in Southampton. J. W. Stead, who works for the unit of tropical silviculture of the Oxford Department of Forestry, has been travelling extensively in South America. D. L. Summers has been appointed to the board of Butterworths, the legal, scientific, medical and technical publishers. J. A. Sultoon has qualified as a solicitor and is with Messrs Fresh-1 fields, London. The Revd C. H. Sutton retired in February 1978 as incumbent of Aldbury, Herts., and is now living at Southwick, Sussex. N. A. J. Swanson is now with the major French industrial group PECHINEY. J. B. H. Swift is working for the doctorate in education at Wiirzburg University. ¡ S. C. Taylor has been appointed geography teacher at Plymouth School, Plymouth. A. W. J. Thomson has been appointed Professor of Business Policy at the University of Glasgow. C. Thorne has a personal chair at the University of Sussex. D. E. Timms is teaching, and coaching tennis and squash, at Moses Brown School, Providence, Rhode Island. B. St J. Trafford is teaching Music at The Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe. P. Tucker is working as a medical physics technician at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester. E. Urry is now fully retired and has moved to Lindum Cottage, Beverley Gardens, Stamford. R. J. Vaughan, after obtaining his doctorate at the University of Chicago, is in Washington, D.C., where he works for the Land Corporation. A. C. Wadley, after doing management training with Bird's Eye Foods, now has a post with them at Great Yarmouth. W. G. Wallis has joined the firm of Renton and Renton, chartered surveyors, Harrogate.


R. D. Warren has been reading for the Cert.Ed. at Magdalene College, Cambridge. J. Walters is now Deputy Chief Probation Officer for the Middlesex Area of Greater London. C. J. Ward is now teaching at Haywards Heath, Sussex. Lt. Cdr. G. C. Warner is now working for the Ministry of Defence, having obtained the M.Sc. in Information Systems Design at R.M.C.S., Shrivenham, in 1977. J. Warwick, who is Professor of French at York University, Ontario, has been President of the Association des Professeurs de F:rancais des Universites Canadiennes. Duncan A. Watson (1944) was appointed Under-Secretary (Legal) in the Treasury Solicitor's Department on 1 January 1978. J. B. Watson is teaching mathematics at Aldenham School, Herts.; he was chosen to represent England at Hockey in the European Cup. D. D. H . Way has a position with Longmans, the publishers, editing their history film-strips. John Wells, who still does occasional writing and acting, wrote Peace for Scottish .Opera, with composer Carl Davis (with whom he wrote the B.B.C. radio Alice in Wonderland). Professor G. D. West has been on sabbatical leave, working on a medieval MS (Arthurian) in the Cambridge University Library. W. R. Weston has been Chief Probation Officer for W. Yorkshire since 1974. J. D. Wharne has an appointment with Laporte Industries. M. P. Whitaker was a member of Lord Longford's Working Party on Victims and wrote much of the original draft of the Interim Report (July 1978). M. G. White was licensed as a lay reader to the parish of Evercreech with Chesterblade and Milton Clevedon, Somerset, in October 1977. The Revd P. F. White has now left the army to become Rector of Barming, Kent. R. A. G. White has left the Bar and is working with B.N.O.C. M. J. Wickham is teaching at The Oxford School, Glanville Road, Cowley. R. W. Willer is practising as a barrister (1 Temple Gardens, E.C.4). R. M. Williams is Corporate Manager, Production Co-ordination, , Albright and Wilson Ltd. Stuart Williams is now Principal Lecturer in European Studies at Wolverhampton Polytechnic. C. R. Wilson holds a temporary lectureship in Music at St Andrews University. The Revd D. H. A. Wilson is now Rector of Wolsingham and Thornley, diocese of Durham. G. T. Woods is Head of the Chemistry Department, Monmouth School. R. I. Woods is Lecturer in Geograpi:)y, University of Sheffield. Lt. S. J. Yiend passed out of Sandhurst in March 1978 and in May was training as a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery at Larkhill before posting.


G. R. Zbyszewski has been an administrator at the SecretariatGeneral of the Council of the European Communities, Brussels,' since 1974.

CORRECTION: The Revd Canon I. F. F. Webb retired on 31 August 1976, not 1975 as wrongly reported in last year's MAGAZINE; he is now living at Saltash, Cornwall.


MARRIAGES J. E. Aves and Joanna Kitson were married in 1967. J. G. Barclay and Joanna Brindley, at St Michael's, Kingsland, Herefordshire, on 10 June 1978. A. G. Berry and Sarah Rosamond Foster, on 29 April 1978. C. P. Bishop was married at St Philip's, Bradford, in July 1977. C. R. Bullett and Pamela Christine Downs, at Rotherham, on 30 July 1977. D. C. Cater married Penelope Jane Douglas on 23 April 1975, NOT Victoria Margaret Potter as was erroneously announced in the 1975-76 MAGAZINE.

R. I. Chard and Janet B. Whitehead, at St Christopher's, Kaduna, Nigeria, on 20 May 1978. D. R. Clopet and Lynne Lawrence (a finalist in the Miss England contest), in 1974. L. Corrigan and Cynthia Ward, in April 1976. T. E. Cowlard and Janet Hamden, at St Peter's Yateley, in August 1974. N. R. Cowling and Venetia Chase, at Guildford, on 30 September 1978. P. M. Crystal and Lena Elisabeth Olsson, at Westminster Synagogue, on Sunday 2 July 1978. R. E. J. Darby and Lesley Diana Cleverley, at Hove, on 1 February 1975. J. N. Goater and Susan Elizabeth Evans, at Bushey, Herts., on 23 April 1977. R. A. Galland and Jan Lynnette Brandrick, in the Chapel wit}l the Principal officiating, on 18 March 1978. M. Goodfellow and Allison Bramley, in .December 1976. A. K. Gregson (sometime Research Fellow) and Jane, in Australia, on 17 December 1977. R. J. Grey and Margaret Cave, in Cheltenham, on 10 July 1976. R. T. L Harandon and Barbara Maria Rozycke were married at Cracow, Poland. J. Hill and Mary Cockshott, on 28 May 1978. J. V. J. Hogan and Jane E. Kinnock, in July 1976. D. N. Holmes was married on 1 October 1977. H. J. Hunt and Valerie Mary Parkin, at Swanwick, Derbyshire, on 28 December 1977. R. K. Jackson and Miss C. A. Hardwick, at St Mary's, Stretton, Burton-on-Trent, on 7 May 1977. F. M. I. Johnston is married to an Argentinian lady doctor with three children. A. P. Jordan and Susan Renee Field, on 4 February 1978. C. W. Kemp and Wendeline Maria Naessens, in London, on 7 September 1973. Lt. M. Kerrigan, R.N., and Susan Jane McQuitty, at Monimail Church, Fife, on 16 September 1977. P. S. Lamb and Caroline Murdoch, at St Peter's, Hurstbourne Tarrant, on 5 August 1978. T. M. McCarthy and Lucienne Hennaert (from Antwerp), in 1970. 33

D. M. Meredith and Lynn Graham, at St Peter's, Greenhill, Sheffield, on 15 July 1978. D. L. Morgan and Helen Ann James, in Pembrokeshire, on 7 August 1975. D. P. Piper married a teacher of cookery at Ilfracombe on 5 August 1978. P. H. Raspin and Karen Spencer, at Reepham Parish Church, Lines., on 22 April 1978. V. V, Razis and Nadia, in South Africa, in early 1978. R. J. Richardson and Jean Sarewitz, on 5 March 1977. R. M. Sibly and Dr Ann Watson, on 17 June 1978. M. Spencer-Ellis and Victoria Love, at St Mary Magdalen, Oxford, on 29 July 1978. R. W. Stoner and Anita Catherine Moore, at St Matthew's, Ashford, on 5 June 1976. J. B. H. Swift and Ingibjorg J6nasd6ttir, at Reykjavik, Iceland, on 18 March 1978. W. G. Wallis anli Jacqueline Slater, at St Robert's Church, Pannal, Harrogate, on 1 October 1977. T. E. West and Gaynor Esther Bishop, of Loughborough, on 5 August 1978. M. J. Wickham and Marina Delgado, at the Evangelical Church, Trafalgar 32, Madrid, on 14 July 1978. R. I. Woods and Alison Cook, in 1977. BIRTHS J. H. Alexander: a fourth child, Patrick John, on 17 November 1977. J. E. Aves: a daughter, Alexandra, aged 8; a son, William, aged 5. B. J. R. Bailey: a second child, Andrea Kay Lesley, on 23 October 1976. D. Band: an adopted son, David Robert Benjamin, on 10 March, 1978. P. Bates: two daughters, Chloe Elizabeth in August 1976; Lydia Josephine in September 1977. M. J. Birks: a first child, Hannah Elizabeth, on 3 May 1978. A. E. Birks-Hay: a second son, Adam Nicholas, on 19 November 1977. A. L. Bond: a daughter, Katherine Rebecca Louise, on 17 March 1978. M. G. Bream: two daughters, Elizabeth in February 1975; Victoria in February 1977. G. R. Brown: a second son, Matthew Richard, on 2 November 1977. J. L. Cooke: a daughter, Emily Jane, on 3 June 1978. J. R. Curran : a daughter, Victoria Mary Mayne, on 23 February 1978. R. E. J. Darby: a daughter, Katharine Esther Cleverley, on 6 April 1976. G. M. Day: a son, Alexander Clifford, on 12 July 1977. N. 0. De Villiers: a son, Nicholas Edmund, on 24 May 1977. F. P. Ferguson has two children: Derek born in 1968; Hazel born in 1974. T. D. Hawkins: a son, Jonathan David, on 1 November 1977. N. R. Herrod-Taylor: a son, Thomas Nathanael, on 8 April 1978. 34

L. A. Jackson: a second son, Paul Raymond, on 8 July 1978. R. D. Lees: a son, Christopher David, on 3 April 1978. C. W. Luke has three children: Adenike, aged 7; Subuola, aged 5; Tricia, aged 3. T. M. McCarthy: a son, Nicholas, in 1973. S. J. Maxwell has two sons: Daniel, in 1976; Oliver, in 1977. A. J. Middleton: two children, Helen Elizabeth in April 1976; Stephen James in January 1978. The Revd L. G. Mortimer: a third child, John Lawrence, on 25 March 1978. M. Pannell: a second son, Paul Nicholas, on 15 December 1977. R. B. Phillips: a second child, Joanna Mary, on 18 January 1978. B. G. Potter: a daughter, Leonora Anne, on 16 September 1977. G. W. Roberts: a daughter by adoption, Gemma Jane, aged three years. A. Scarfo: a son, Dominic Christopher, on Christmas Eve 1977. J. A. Scott: a daughter, Georgina Caroline, on 27 October 1976. N. R. Thorp: three children, Alexander, Arabelle and Magnus. J. Walters: a daughter, Esther, on 12 March 1978. J. Webster : a daughter, Emma Louise, on 8 December 1977. R. C. Wright: a second son, Alistair Jamie, on 20 April 1978.

OBITUARIES are recorded with regret: Bryan Theodore Buckle, M.A., commoner Jan. 1947 to Dec. 1948, died suddenly on 23 June 1978 at the age of 53. The son of the Revd F. J. Buckle, also an Aularian, he went to Malvern College, and then served in the R.A.F. from 1943 to 1947. He read Jurisprudence, and was called to the Bar by .the Middle Temple in 1949. He was Chancellor of the dioceses of Southwell (from 1959), Chichester (from 1960), and Portsmouth (from 1971). His son was also at the Hall. John Michael Carr, M .A., D.Phil., scholar 1947- 52, died as a result of a motor-car accident in British Columbia on 9 November 1977. He obtained a brilliant First in Geology and also boxed for the university and was secretary of Hall Athletics. After serving as a geologist with the government of Cyprus and spending a year on the staff of the University of Illinois, he became a research associate at the University of British Columbia in 1956. In the same year he joined the British Columbia mines and petroleum resources department. Later he became chief geologist of western operations to the Teck Group: He was a member of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and chairman of its geological division in 1973. A Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada, he was its publications chairman in 1965-67, and was himself the author or co-author of many important geological papers. He was 52 when he died. To honour his memory the J. M. Carr Memorial Scholarship in Geological Science has been established at the University of British Columbia. Charles ¡ Philip Reeman Clarke, M.A ., B.Litt., exhibitioner and then senior exhibitioner 1928- 31, died on 1 August 1977, aged 67. After THE FOLLOWING DEATHS


obtaining a First in History and a Distinction in the Diploma in Education, he was awarded the B.Litt. for a thesis on the British occupation of Gibraltar. He also won the Beit Senior Research Scholarship. He made his career in educational administration, and after holding Deputy or Assistant Directorships in Education in Hampshire and the City of Liverpool eventually became Directo r of Education for Liverpool. Hugh Richard Durham, M.A., commoner 1936-39, died suddenly on 8 December 1977, aged 61. After serving during the war with the Lancashire Fusiliers, he first became Leicestershire County Organiser for the National Association of Boys' Clubs, and then training officer for the London Federation of Boys' Clubs. In 1956 he was appointed secretary of the Family Welfare Association. Later he was founder of North West London Tutors, but his chief interest was in maladjusted or 'problem' children. He also became a home and hospital tutor to the I.LE.A., and it was at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead, that he suddenly collapsed and died. The Revd John Harrison Edinger, M.A., commoner 1936-39, died after a painful and protracted illness on 27 January 1978, aged 60. He read Theology, and was both President of the J.C.R. and captain of Hockey. After training for ordination at Westcott House he first served as Chaplain Toe H in Kirkwall, assisting Tubby Clayton, and then moved to Hythe, where he was curate 1942-48. He was in the Canterbury diocese until 1972, as Rector of Mersham and later of Dymchurch, and then Vicar of Lenham and Rector of Boughton Malherbe. From 1972 he was in the diocese of Salisbury as Vicar of Bulford, and was Rural Dean of Avon from 1974. Severe illness obliged him to retire in September 1977. His Honour Judge Gilbert Alexander Forrest, M.A., exhibitioner 1932-35, died on 24 September 1977, aged 65. He obtained a First in Jurisprudence, and was also junior editor of the Magazine and a member of the Standing Committee of the Union Society. He practised as a barrister (Gray's Inn) on the Western Circuit from 1937 to 1970, and was Lecturer in Law at Bristol University during that period. During the war he was a Captain in the R.A.0.C., and in 1943- 45 served with the British Military Mission to N. America. He was Deputy Chairman of Somerset Quarter Sessions 1966- 71. He became a London and South of England Circuit Judge (formerly a County Court Judge) in 1970. He contributed articles to legal journals. He had two sons who are graduates of the Hall. David John Howes, M.A., exhibitioner 1964-67, died on 4 August 1977, aged 32. Coming up from Trinity School of John Whitgift, Croydon, he read P.P.E. and took an active and successful part in both college and university societies. His chosen career was teaching and he studied for the Certificate in Education at York, doing the History with Social Sciences course. When he died, he was Head of Economics at Christ's College, Finchley. A performance of Benjamin Britten's 'St Nicholas' on 20 December 1977 at the Parish Church of St Jude on the Hill, Hampstead Garden Suburb was dedicated to his memory. David Valdon (Val) Jones, commoner 1959- 63, died from a heart attack on 22 January 1978, aged 40 . He read Modern Languages, 36

obtaining a Distinction in Spoken French. He was also a first-rate sportsman, playing Rugby and Soccer for First teams and winning his Greyhound cap. Apart from the Hall, his life was spent at Monmouth School, which he entered at the age of 10, at which he became head boy, and to which he returned after leaving Oxford to teach for thirteen years. As a schoolmaster he produced numerous successful under-13 Rugby sides, and made a remarkable impression at Monmouth, where he was respected and loved by all with whom he came into contact. Ivan Brian Perrott, M.A., commoner and then honorary exhibitioner 1937-40, died suddenly from a heart attack on 1 December 1976, aged 57. He obtained a First in Hon. Mathematical Moderations, and after being awarded a Second in Finals stayed on to work for the D.Phil. but was prevented from compl etin g it because of the outbreak of war. He served as a Major in the Royal Corps of Signals (Special Branch), and was twice mentioned in despatches. On demobilisation he lectured for two years at Leicester College of Technology, and then joined the staff of the University of Leeds as Lecturer in Pure Mathematics. From 1960 until his death he was Director of Undergraduate Studies and ViceChairman of the School of Mathematics at Leeds. It was a great joy to him that his elder son followed him to the Hall, was awarded a First in Mathematics, and went on to obtain the D.Phil. as a senior scholar of St John's. Professor Lionel Hugh Christopher Thomas, M.A., commoner 194042 and 1946- 48, died on 17 February 1978, aged 56. After five terms at the Hall he was commissioned into the Royal Welch Fusiliers in 1942 and served with them until 1946, attached to the Intelligence Corps in East Africa, Ceylon and Somalia. On demobilisation he returned to Oxford and obtained a First in German and Russian. After a time as Lecturer at Leeds University he moved to Trinity College, Dublin, where he spent twelve years as Reader in German and then as Professorial Fellow. Finally he returned to the North of England to be foundation professor of German at the University of Hull. He was a specialist in 19th century German literature, and his many publications read like a recital of the great names of the period. His services to the study of German literature were recognized by the award of the Federal Republic's Cross of Merit (First Class) in 1971. One of his sons followed him to the Hall and obtained a First in Music. The Revd Richard Fowler Yates, M .A., commoner 1924-27, died on 25 May 1978 . After training at Ely Theological College, he was ordained in the Derby diocese and served curacies at Ilkeston and Chesterfield. He moved to South Africa in 1934 and spent the rest of his active ministerial life there. He was centred in the diocese of Johhanesburg, and from 1934 t o 1959 was in the main responsible for native missions as priest-in-cha rge or rector. From 1959 to 1969 he was archdeacon successively of Germiston , Heidelberg and S. E. Transvaal, and was then attached to St Mary the Virgin cathedral, Johannesburg, until 1972. In that year he took up residence in Oxford, where he died at the age of 73.


CLUBS AND SOCIETIES THE ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB League and Cuppers Captain: D. P. WALTERS Hon. Secretary:: K. R. SCOTT BY THE HALL'S high footballing standards this season was one of some disappointment. Although the lst XI was placed 4th in the league, the 2nd and 3rd Xls in their respective divisions could not match the heights of last season. This was even more so in Cuppers, for in contrast to last year's achievement of both teams representing the Hall in the 2nd XI final, the two teams inexplicably lost their matches at the lst round stage. After a good run of group matches, the lst XI Cuppers side was knocked out by the eventual winners, Queen's, in the quarter-final. This confrontation was renewed in the semi-final of the Varsity Games 6-a-side tournament at the Crystal Palace, but unfortunately the Hall once more came a close second. So, although the season was not without some bright spots (which included an Aularian game, revived hopefully for posterity), we must hope for a promising footballing intake for next season, in order to help restore tlie Hall's soccer prowess. K.R.S. THE ATHLETICS CLUB Captain: K. P. CHEONG UNFORTUNATELY, the Athletics team failed to reach the finals of Cuppers for the first time in many years. Notable performances were achieved by John Moreland, who went on to gain a deserved half-blue. Mention should be given to John Taylor for his loyal services over four years. It is hoped that this year is seen as a passing interlude, and that the club receives the support it deserves in the ¡ future. K.P.C. THE BADMINTON CLUB Captain: J. CHRISTOPHER Secretary:: M. WILLIAMS AS EXPECTED, the league side (handicapped by the ineligibility of blues A. Jack and J. Taylor) was unable to mount a successful bid for the title . However, the Cuppers team is to be congratulated on winning their competition. Congratulations are also due to A. Jack and J. Taylor on gaining further blues, and to J. Christopher for his captaincy of the Woodpeckers. M.W. THE BOAT CLUB Captain: P. L. SMITH Vice-Captain: J. ROBERTSON Secretary: s. J. SHEPHERD THE HALL has had a mixed season this year. Torpids proved to be disastrous owing to the lack of freshmen with rowing experience and to the fact that four members of the Hall were rowing for the University. 38

Six crews participated in Eights week. The lst VIII achieved two bumps over Balliol and Christ Church, thereby gaining third place on the river, despite the age of our lst VIII boat compared with those of rival colleges. The 2nd VIII also gained two bumps, while the other crews had an enjoyable if not quite so successful week. S.J.S. THE CRICKET CLUB Team Secretary: S. G. CATCHPOLE Fixture Secretary: R. A. H. FINCH THE SEASON got off to a poor start owing to the fact that the first seven games were rained off. To the annoyance of many forecasters, our opening Cuppers game, against St John's was won quite comfortably. In the quarter-finals we came up against the favourites, Worcester, and despite a half-century from W. Hollington, a combination of our average bo wling and their good batting ensured our defeat. In the friendly matches, unfortunately, we could not combine our bowling strengths with batting of equal ability with the exception of R. Ruvigny, who comfortably topped the batting averages. Against Oxford Polytechnic, on a 'lively' wicket there were perhaps some excuses, but on a good wicket such as New College, our best batting side should not have succumbed to the Optimists to the tune of seven ducks! This season an Aularian Game was inaugurated: any past Hall cricketers interested in playing in this next year should contact J. Shortridge on Shrewsbury 56986 . S.G.C.



THE CROSS-COUNTRY CLUB Captain: J. TAYLOR Secretary.: c. G. PROUDFOOT ALTHOUGH THE SEASON started off well (with the help of enthusiastic fresh ers), we once again found difficulty in getting out all our runners. After winning the first league race we finished fourth overall, while in Cuppers we achieved the same position- however, a fully fit team might have won it. The St Edmund Hall Road Relay took place with a large number of teams entering, and was won by Surrey University. The dub wishes tQ thank John Taylor for his contribution while at the Hall. C.G.P. THE HOCKEY CLUB Secretary: T. R. ASTIN Captain: A. M. GoREING THE HOCKEY CLUB cannot report much success from the 1977- 78 season. In fact we departed ft om Cuppers in the lst round (again!), losing to the eventual runners-up Keble; and have been relegated from the lst Division of the League. However we have played enjoyable, and from time to time fairly good hockey, with the help of some keen and capable freshers and the occasional demonstration of really expert play from Jerome Watson, our potential England cap. Next season we hope, will see ns promoted to the lst Division. A.M.S . 39

THE LAWN TENNIS CLUB Captain : C. ROACH Secretary,: A. JACK AFTER A RAINY START, we beat St Catz in Cuppers and then lost to a New College team consisting of Blues and Penguins. The league team did not win a match having been promoted to the first division last season. Many players have represented the Hall this season-most notably Clive Roach- and friendly fixtures have been played against all ladies colleges bar one. A.J.

THE REAL TENNIS CLUB Captain: w. A. HOLLINGTON Secretary!: T. E. 0. BURY THE HALL PAIR for the Cuppers competition consisted of the two officials above and was eliminated at a very early stage, the cause being our captain's stomach! Bill Hollington also captained the successful blues side against Cambridge, as well as the team which won the National Club Knockout competition at Lords. T.B. THE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Cuppers Captain: R. A. WILSON League Captain: S. H. JOHNSON Secretaries: S. GALLAGHER and A. LUNDIE LAST SEASON'S League team started with good wins, showing much enthusiasm under the able captaincy of Steve Johnson. With injuries and the demands of university teams, the second half of the term was disappointing, although the title was in sight until the last game. The 2nd XV also showed well against lst XVs of other colleges, even though they only narrowly avoided relegation. The Cuppers team, lacking two of five blues started well, comfortably defeating Jesus College. The presence of England international Charles Kent in the Worcester side did not prevent the onward march, and the semi-final against Wadham showed the whole team knit together by Rob Wilson, working well as a unit. Unfortunately the performance in the final could not match that of the semi-final, and despite excellent support, the Hall lost to Keble 13- 6. However, the large proportion of freshmen in the Cuppers side augurs well for the future. S.G. THE SQUASH CLUB Captain: W. A. HOLLINGTON Secretary: T. E. 0. BURY THE TEAM was never able completely to recover from a very poor start to the League season and was relegated to division two. However, we reached the semi-final of Cuppers where we were defeated by the eventual winners. Nigel Preston is to be consoled on being one place away from a blue for the second successive year. T.E.O.B.


THE SWIMMING CLUB Captain!,: CRISPIN ELEY ALTHOUGH unfortunately unable to retain the Cuppers title won last year, the swimming team once again put on a fine performance finishing as runners-up by the narrowest of margins. The Hall's strength in depth was demonstrated by victory in the closely fought freestyle relay event. C.E. THE TABLE TENNIS CLUB Captain and Secretary: R. G. THOMSON DESPITE a lack of coherent organisation, this year has been one of our best to date, even though both lst and 2nd teams were relegated, as well as being knocked out in the first round of Cuppers. Many thanks for the dedication of those who turned out again, and again, and lost. R.G.T. Congratulations IN ADDITION to the sporting achievements mentioned above, the following are to be congratulated for their performances against Cambridge: Crispin Eley (captain of swimming and water polo); Jerry Charles (water polo); Dave Heaver and Stuart Reynolds (Boxing); Bill Cogar (volleyball); and Nick Henshaw (lacrosse). Also Mike Power for keeping a clean sheet at Wembley in O.U.A.F.C.'s 4-0 win, and Tim Bryan (captain), Tony Watkinson, Roy Hoolahan, Ken Hopkins, and Byron Light for playing for O.U.R.F.C. in their victory over Cambridge. Tony Watkinson has been selected as next year's O.U.R.F.C. captain. THE ART COMMITTEE Secretarie'S!: A. BING and J. HOWE AS IN PREVIOUS YEARS, the Art Committee won as many as it lost unde.r the loan scheme. The increasing number of supporters indicated that it might be helpful to inform freshmen of the main purpose of the Committee: i.e. to collect a small termly contribution from each J.C.R. member so as to finance the purchase of original 'works of art', which are then on display and on loan to all undergraduates resident in Hall once a term. Almost everyone on the payroll had an outing. Ed Dorn's dribbling skills in 'The Loser' were again popular. But it may be that Keating's attacking flair would be seen to better advantage in a new environment. A.C.B. THE BRIDGE CLUB Captain and Secretary: A. PHILLIPS THE HALL entered four teams in Cuppers this year and although three of the teams were knocked out in the first round, the team of Howard Jennings, Ian Doherty, Olly Storm and Raj Shah reached the quater final stage. Rob Birch and Alan Phillips were members of a team of four which won the university open event, beating some notable opposition. A.P. 41

THE CHESS CLUB Captain: T. ASTIN THE CHESS TEAM played only two matches this year, drawing with Keble and losing narrowly to Christ Church. Sadly, the college league competition folded so that no further matches were played. It is hoped that next year the organisation in the university will be improved. T.A. THE CHRISTIAN UNION Representatives.: A. M. GOERING, J. VERNON THE c.u. has continued to provide opportunities for fellowship in the shape of prayer-meetings and bible study, between Christians in the college; also in Michaelmas term we had a concert from the Christian singer-songwriter, Graham Kendrick, in the Old Dining Hall, and in Hilary term put on a minor mission to members of the Hall. Next year we look forward to closer links with the Chapel and bearing more effective witness to the truth of Christ in the college. A.M.G. THE DARTS CLUB Captain: P. INCE (Trinity Term): A. STOCKMAN AS FIRST DIVISION NEWCOMERS, despite the core of the team being the same as last year, we only just avoided relegation, assuring our lst division status in the last game of the last match. In Trinity term we unfortunately failed to progress beyond the first round of Cuppers. A.S. THE FILM SOCIETY Organisers.: MICK MILL, SIMON STAITE . THERE WERE no films shown for the first two terms owing to the absence of the organisers, who had gone on film-seeking trips to Hollywood, Montreaux and Cannes. They returned having snatched distributing rights for 'Last Tango in Paris' and 'Love and Death' from The Rank Organisation. More films will be shown in Michaelmas Term. S.S. THE HEARNE SOCIETY President.: J. SPURR Secretary: P. CAMPBELL IN AN attenuated programme, the society was addressed by Dr. Maurice Keen, of Balliol, who spoke on the English presence in fifteenth century Normandy. He was followed by Dr Penry Williams, of New College, speaking on aspects of Elizabethan Oxford. The Society's dinner in the tercentenary year of Thomas Hearne's birth was addressed by the Revd Professor John McManners, who entertained us in his usual witty style. P.C.




THE JOHN OLDHAM SOCIETY emerged from this year with as much identity and as little cash as most university dramatic societies-its role was that of a financial backer to various productions, and it has spent its meagre funds quite well and adventurously. The Cuppers play it supported was written, acted and directed by John Vernon, and as a new drama it deserved a more enthusiastic reception. More lightheartedly, the college helped back the highly successful revue, 'Once Bitten'-so successful in fact that it is destined for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Our two other productions, both student plays, were: 'Coming Down' -an Oxford romance, written, directed and acted by our very own Paul Gent, which was a great success; and James Harpur's 'New Oracle', in which Rob Jones played the lead role in what was, again, a very successful production. J.H. THE MUSIC CLUB President:

s. w.


Although generally the club's activities continued to be attended by a relatively small number of people, this did not apply to our highly successful concert trips and the Christmas 'Face the Music' quiz. Among the more memorable of the Club's meetings were the excellent talks given by Dr Segar and Dr Olleson. S.W.H.

THE MUSIC SOCIETY President: A. B. WATHEY Vice-President: R. M. OsTERLEY Secretary,: L. ST. L. LAWSON Treasurer: p. K. ROSSITER A BROADENING OF SCOPE has been perhaps the most noticeable feature of the society's activities in this, one of its best years. In Michaelmas term, Kerry Camden, the well known soloist, directed works by Dvorak, Mozart and Strauss, as well as a bassoon master class-both events being very successful. In Trinity term two large and successful concerts were staged : the first, directed by Bernard Trafford, comprised the Faure pavane, the Haydn Trumpet Concerto, and Beethoven's Third Symphony (the 'Eroica'). The second concert was staged at the Town Hall, where under the baton of Michael Smedley a chorus and orchestra of 250, together with some notable soloists performed Carl Orff's 'Carmina Birana'. Following this great success, plans are afoot to produce another concert of similar scale next Hilary term. A.B.W. 43

A correction should be made to one of the items in last year's Aularian Bookshelf: the title of J. S. Reynolds's book which he kindly gave to the library, should read: 'Evangelicals at Oxford, 1735-1905, 2nd ed.'. We have received many other welcowe gifts of books, or money to buy books, for the library; we would especially like to thank C. D. Miller for his termly gifts of money since he came up in 1975; also Dr. L. Scholl (1970) for a large number of books for the Early English section. And many thanks to the following for their generous gifts : The Principal; J. Adams; R. E. Alton (Fellow); R. W. Avery; Banking Information Service; Barclay's Bank, Oxford; Dr. J. Boss; City Capital Market Committee; Prof. F. Deloffre; A. R. Ellis; Dr. A. B. Emden (Hon. Fellow); English Speaking Union in New York; Dr. R. Fargher (Fellow); Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge; Florida State University Summer School in Law; Prof. P. F. Ganz (Fellow); J. C. B. Gosling (Fellow); G. Hesketh; P. H. Hirsch; Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford; R. Jacobs; Rev. W. A. W. Jarvis; Mrs. V. Jones (J. Research Fellow); W. J. H. Liversidge; Dr. L. C. Loveday; A. I. Marsh (Fellow); E. G. Midgley (Fellow); Princeton Univ. Industrial Relations Section; Dom D. Rees; V. Ridler (Fellow); R. Rivington; Dr. K. Segar (Fellow); S.E.H. Music Society; D. G. Phillips; C. B. Sunter; T. J. Shanahan; A. B. Wathey; Mrs. S. Wernberg-M0ller; D. Watson; M. P. Wilkins; J. Wisdom; Dr. A. B. Worden (Fellow). SASHA WERNBERG-M0LLER


THE SCHOOLS TRINITY TERM 1978 Honour School of N atural Science: Physics: Class I : A. W. Robertson, A. M. Stansfield. Class II.: C. R. Hockey, B. D. Hudson, W. H. Kingsbury, P. J. McKenna, S. I. Reynolds, C. A. Roach. Chemistry: Part I (Unclassified Honours) : I. J. Colquhoun, G. W. Ketley, R. A. Maciver, R. E. Nowak. Part II: Class II: K. R. Albans, S. H. Johnson, P . M. Matthews, D. Newhaus, J. W. Taylor, J. D. Wharne. Engineering Science: Class I: G. A. Gibbs, C. G. Proudfoot, J. C. Senogles, N. C. Smith. Class II : R. D. Bishop, C. J. Jarvis. Class Ill: G. E. F. Read, A. J. Senior. M etallurgy: Part I (Unclassified Honours): M. C. Askins, T. J. Barker, D. G. Goodall. Part II: Class I: D. G. McCartney. Class II: P . R. Franklin, G. M. Preston. Class Ill: P. H. Tudor. Physiological Sciences: Class II: J. R. W. Gove, F. R. Howell, J. G. Mackinnon. Geology: Class I : R. F. M. Adair. Class II: K. G .. Davies, A. R. Ellis, D. N. Pratt, J. C. Wright. Biochemistry.: Part I (Unclassified Honours): R. J. Pease. Zoology: Class II : D. P. Wade . Honour School of Geography: Class I: J. M. Hughes. Class II: P . J. Asquith, T. A. Bryan, P. H. Hirsch, P. H. Ince, N. A. Malcolm. Class Ill: D. G. V. Heaver, J. H. McManners. Honour School of furisprudencei: Class I: E. G. Gray, M. S. Reed. Class II : A. H. C. Cordell, M . A. Fabian, R. W. Gaffey, J. G. Hamilton, R. M. C. Hoolahan, J. Samuel, P . M. Watson. Class Ill: C. P . J. Kerrison. Honour School of Modern History: Class I: J. Spurr, D. D. H. Way. Class II: R. A. Burger, M. Cvetkovic, R. S. Friend, R. J. Ledsome, M. R. Smith, T. L. Spafford, C. B. Sunter. Class Ill: T . W . Richmond. Honour School of History and Modern Languages: Class II: F. L. Barber, D. G. Begg, A. C. Bing, D. D. Hegarty. Honour School of Modern Languageis: Class I: M. J. Hooton, D. S. Watson. Class II.: A. Dale, P. A. Eggleston, C. E. Evans, D. A. Evans, M. Handsley, M. J. Howard, A. J. Lomas, G. Vanes. Class Ill: H. M. Papworth, G. B. K. Rocks. Honour School of English Language and Literature: Class I: A. J. Baldwin, J. M. Bilton, M . Garrett. Class II : N. J. H. Bromley, D. J. Farrow, L. S. Greig, W. E. D. Morrison-Bell, C. J. Smith, T. R. Sykes. Honour School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Class I: K. P. Cheong, P. R. Kane. Class II: J. D. Charles, G. J. Hurst, M. C. Jeffery, A. C. Kerr, J. T. Lowenstein, I. C. Mcisaac, R. Peskett, J. L. Trimingham, M. P. Wilkins. Class Ill: A. M. L. Elliott, S. R. Oxenbridge. . Honour School of Experimental Psychology : Class II: E. I. Briffa, D. A. Gillam. Honour School of Mathematics: Class I: D. R. Hartley, A. I. Johnston. Class II: M. R. Devereux, M. A. Jones. Honour School of Human Sciences: Class I: P. T. Clipson. Honour School of Theology: Class II: R. A. Jupp. Honour School of Oriental Studies: Class II: J-C. Muller.


MATRICULATIONS 1977 Scholars.:

Hedley, Stephen William (City of London School) Henderson, Jeremy Robert (Prior Pursglove Sixth Form College) Jennings, Howard Charles (Dul wich College) Marchant, Simon Barrie (St Edward's School) Pickover, Robin Clive (Chesterfield School) Robson, Gareth David (Solihull School) Rossiter, Philip Kenneth (Worcester Royal G. S.) (Organ Scholar) Sasada, Martin Paul (The Skinners' School) Commoners :

Advani, Suresh Sunder (King's College School, Wimbledon) Alexander, John Randle (Oundle) Al Suwaidi, Humaid (Abu Dhabi Secondary School) Anscombe, Jonathan Christopher (Reading School) Au, Alan Kam Tim (Columbia University) Barker, Robert Paul (Northgate G.S., Ipswich) Beaufour, Philippe Henri Claude (Ecole Secondaire Saint-Jean-dePassy) Berry, Andrew John (St Theodore's High School, Burnley) Bianchi, Michael John (Brunel University) Blakey, David Charles (Kirkham Grammar School) Blount, Charles John (Harrow) Bolbol, Saad Zaki (Cairo High Polytechnical Institute) Bowcock, Philip James (Bolton School) Brett, Paul Victor (Sevenoaks School) Brown, Andrew Ashleigh (The King's School, Chester) Bubb, Stephen Cooper (Marling School, Stroud) Buczak, Janusz Mieczyslaw Jerry (St Catharine's College, Cambridge) Bury, Thomas Edmund Oswell (Charterhouse) Casterton, Peter Roy (Sexey's School, Bruton) Clackett, Patrick John (Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School) Clark, Stephen Austen (Portsmouth Grammar School) Clingman, Stephen Roy (Witwatersrand University) Cooper, David Justin (Clifton College) Cotman, John Edmund (Rep ton) Crawshaw, Donald Michael (Radley) Dalby, Richard Alistair Burkitt (Haywards Heath College) Debattista, Charles (University of Malta) Denehy, Simon Patrick Bruce (Bradfield College) Diamond, Kevin Donald (Selwyn College, Cambridge) Doherty, Ian John Victor (Reading School) Durrans, Ian Willcox (Sedbergh School) Edwards, Neil Andrew (Warwick School) Elliott, Thomas Philip (Bristol University) Eyre, Nicholas Andrew (Keswick School) Foster, Colin Robert (Harrogate Grammar School) Foster, Peter Thomas (St John's College, Southsea) Fowler, Richard Charles (Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne)


Geddes, Philip (Barrow-in-Furness Grammar School) Gilbert, Simon Adrian (Bancroft's School) Graham, John Alastair Francis (Magdalen College School) Grundy, Oliver Wilson (Birkenhead School) Guyer, Grant Penney (Williams College, U.S.A.) Hales, Trevor Francis (London University) Hamilton, Nicholas David (Gravesend School) Haniff, Sheik Marcellene (St Benedict's School, Ealing) Harding, David Charles Robert (Rugby) Haxby, Adrian John (Southwell Minster School) Herbison, David Ivan Currie (Queen's University, Belfast) Heslop, Christopher John (King's College School, Wimbledon) Holford, Miles Anthony (Haileybury) Hope, David John (Christ's Hospital) Hopkins, Kenneth Michael (University College of Swansea) Horner, Christopher Simon (City of Leicester School) Hutchings, Timothy William (Brentwood School) Johnson, Alan (The King's School, Tynemouth) Kay, Nicholas Peter (Abingdon School) Keeley, Roger (Manchester Grammar School) Kirk, Ian Michael (St Mary's College, Crosby) Kodama, Kazuo (Tokyo University) Lamar, Clifford Lanier III (Pennsylvania University) Lawson, Leigh St Levan (Winchester) Lewis, Daniel Julius (The Latymer School, Edmonton) Lewis, Peter John (King Edward VI School, Southampton) Light, Byron (University College, Swansea) Lim, Patrick Daniel Manson (De La Salle College, Hong Kong) Lloyd, Stephen John (Queen Elizabeth's School, Wimborne Minster) Lovick, Martin Charles (Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood) McDermott, Mark Charles (Preston Catholic College) McDonald, Paul Anthony (Liverpool Institute High School) Mack, Andrew Walter (Burnley Grammar School) McKenna, David Frederick (St Paul's) McLeen, Gregory David (Palmer's Sixth Form College) Maghsoodi, Yoosef (University College of Cardiff) Maidment, Iain Nicholas (Christ's Hospital) Malik, Naresh Kumar (Bishopshalt School) Matthews, Paul Bernard (University College, London) Molina, Federico Antonio (University of Georgia) Moreland, John Robert (Huddersfield New College) Moriarty, Nicholas Shane (King's College School, Wimbledon) Muckersie, David Andrew (Warwick School) Mukherjee, Rudrangshu (Nehru University, New Delhi) Myatt, Peter Damian (Sheffield University) Nesbitt, Gavin Paul (Winchester) Newey, James Marshall (King's College School, Wimbledon) Old, Simon (Portsmouth Grammar School) O'Sullivan, Michael (Latymer Upper School) Page, Lindsay Dennis (Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School) 49

Parrish, Colin James (The Latymer School, Edmonton) Pickering, John Brian (Mesnes High School, Wigan) Plater, Nicholas Michael (Aylesbury Grammar School) Posgate, Richard Anthony Judd (Downside) Potter, Jeffrey Philip (Varndean Sixth Form College) Price, Robert (Handsworth Grammar School) Richardson, Nigel John (Maidstone Grammar School) Robinson, Adam (Pennsylvania University) Rogers, Mark Frazer (Rossall) Rogers, Peter John (Wulfric Comprehensive School, Burton-on-Trent) Rothwell, Bryan Peter (Bolton School) Round, John Kelsey (Bancroft's School) Russell, Charles Phillips (New York University) Ruvigny, Rupert Francis James Henry (Downside) Samuel, Christopher John Loraine (Marlborough) Schneider, Mark David (Swarthmore College, U.S.A.) Schweitzer, George Manfred (Williams College, U .S.A.) Shah, Rajeev Kishor (Mill Hill School) Shooter, Huw Leslie (Poole Grammar School) Shukla, Parveen Kumar (Bilborough College) Shusterman, Ronald Stephen (Colorado University) Smith, Kevin (Long Eaton School) - Snowdon, Andrew Mark (Ratcliffe College) Sochacki, Frank (Glyn Grammar School, Ewell) Southgate, Paul Robert (The Skinners' School) Steffensen, Hans-Joachim (Freiburg University) Stimson, Mark William (Bournemouth School) Stovin, Oliver John (The Perse School) Tate, John James (Liverpool Institute High School) Terelak, Christopher (Tiffin Boys School) Thomas, Gwilym Lumley (Royal Grammar School, Newcastle on Tyne) Thompson, Paul Michael (Chesterfield School) Thurston, John Saville (Hove and Sussex Grammar School) Tucker, Nigel Christopher (H urstpierpoint College) Tullett, Jeremy Donald (Tonbridge School) Ullyott, John Stewart (Batley Grammar School) van Roijen, David Montrose (University of Virginia) Vaughan, Philip Douglas (Haverfordwest Grammar School) Vernon, John Norman (St Lawrence College, South Africa) Vivian, Stephen (Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood) Walker, Paul Anthony (Valley Comprehensive School, Worksop) Wallace, Stephen Dale (Bristol University) Ward, Michael John (Haywards Heath School) Watkinson, Anthony Francis (Sheffield University) Wefelmeyer, Fritz (Frankfurt University) Weir, Alan John (Edinburgh University) Wheeler, Jonathan Pearce (Thetford Fulmerston School) Wildman, Paul Michael (Lancaster Royal Grammar School) Wisdom, Timothy Marius Finbarr (Forest School, Snaresbrook)


DEGREES B.A.: 8 October 1977 *C. R. Brown, A. G. Deakin, R. Gaster, *K. B. Geeslin, *R. A. Hufton, P. McM. Matthews, J. A. Ormiston, •s. K. Osborne; 29 October 1977 R. Breakwell-Bos, A. M. R. Stone, *J. J. Wisdom; 12 November 1977 W. Baston, P. Desmond, R. W. Harper, E. G. Maddocks, A. D. F. Rogers, T. R. West; 26 November 1977 K. H. Auckland, T. M. Crossley, C. A. Penwarden, *G. J. Shaw, R. A. H. Surtees, K. Swain; 14 January 1978 D. Anderson, P. T. Ballinger, G. P. Clark, *C. B. Garner, D. A. Swain; 4 March 1978 *J. R. Ashton, *P. B. Buckle, A . G. Crosby, S. P. Edrich, R. A. Fryer, R. D. Gillingwater, B. R. Green, P. G. Hill, *P. W. Jennings , I. H. Macleod, S. J. McNulty, D. Neuhaus, T. F. Phillips, R. M . Samson, T. J. T. Walker; 27 April 1978 *M. C. Mulford, S. P. Tarran; 3 June 1978 A. R. F. Banks, A. G. Berry, J. H. Bodkin, P. S. H . Budden, A. J. Carter, R. E. Cawthorne, R. A. Chadwick, J. R. Drew, G. M. Dunford, P. Gent, A. T. Gosling, S. A. Hancock, C. W. Hind, S. M. Hutchinson, D. G. James, D. H . Jennings, N. R. Johnson, S. H. Johnson, L. N. Kaye, D. J. Kelsey, H. A. Kirby, J. E. Lawson, A. F. G. McGuinness, I. F. C. Murray, A. C. Patterson, P. Phillips, *M. E. Rudman, C. R. Russell, T. Ryder, J. W. Taylor, C. W. Thomas, I. L. Timmis, B. St. J. Trafford, E. G. Wareing, M. I. Wood, S. J. Yiend; 29 June 1978 S. M. Coldicott, P. R. Franklin, D. S. Jarvis, R. J. Lane, P. J. Lockley, D. G. McCartney, D. N. Powell, *R. M. Thomas, P. H. Tudor, R. D. Warren; 15 July 1978 *W. H. Kingsbury, *J-C. Muller, *R. Simmonds, *A. M. Stansfield; 29 July 1978 K. R. Albans, F. A. Brown, M. R. Chaplin, R. Gaster, A-P. Hardy, M. W. Hardy, C. R. Hockey, B. D. Hudson, C. J. Jarvis, A. J. Lomas, A. N. McGilvray, P. J. McKenna, G. E. F. Read, S. I. Reynolds, C. A. Roach, *T. L. Spafford, D. S. Watson, J. D. Wharne. M.A.: 8 October 1977 *H. D. R. Browner, *J. H . Fryer, P. H . C. Harris, *S. K. Osborne, *A. T. Sherlock; 29 October 1977 *F. G. Hansom, *D. T. Kiernan; 26 November 1977 *M. R. Lobb, *T. P. Nicholson; 14 January 1978 *C. B. Garner, P. F. Sadler, *C. Waddington; 4 March 1978 *J. R. Rennison; 27 April 1978 *J. L. Cooke, A. St. G. Gribbon, *A. K. C. Jones, *R. D. Lees, *C. R. Lloyd, *A. Shorthose, B. G. Streather, A. J. Terry; 3 June 1978 M. A. S. Blackburn, R. 1J. Brewer, *I. Brimecome, N. A. Field-Johnson, *N. G. Johnson, L. N. Kaye, J. E. Lawson, P. M. A. Rose, *M. E. Rudman, *R. M. Sibly, *P. D. Smith, R. G. Tait; 29 June 1978 *A. B. Holdsworth, R. Miller, *S. Shield, *R. M. Thomas, D. C. Wilson; 15 July 1978 *J. F. Clarkson , *J. Gormally, *G. Roberts, *R. Simmonds; 29 July 1978 M. R. Chaplin, A. N. McGilvray, D. R. Preston, R. R. Speed. B.Litt.: 29 October 1977 *J. R. Isbister; 4 March 1978 *P. C. Burns, P. R. Rodgers. D.Phil.: 8 October 1977 A. R. Bingham; 26 November 1977 J. C. Rao; 3 June 1978 R. G. Tait ; 29 June 1978 *D. R. Altmann, *R. M. Thomas, D. C. Wilson.


B.Phil.: 8 October 1977 *F. A. Newsum; 26 November 1977 *T. Ueno; 29 July 1978 B. Wilson. B.M. & B.Ch.: 15July1978 *S. P. Frostick. M.Sc.: 29 October 1977 *T. Riebroicharoen; 26 November 1977 S. Cheung; 3 June 1978 *P . D. Smith, M. R. Wheatley; 29 June 1978 *R. M. Thomas, *J. Wood; 15 July 1978 *K. N. Reed; 29 July 1978 R. C. Armstrong.

* In absence




In vestments at Cost: Cheltenham and Gloucester Society Premium Savings Bonds ...

Building 2,800 100

3,500 100

Bank Balance

3,600 159

2,900 99



REPRESENTED BY Accumulated Funds : General Fund at 31 July 1976 Surplus from Income and Expenditure Account




561 2,099


Directory Fund at 31 July 1976 Appropriation during year

900 300

600 300 1,200




B. M. FORREST (Honorary Treasurer) have examined the books and vouchers of the Association for the year ended 31 July 1977. In my opinion the above Balance Sheet and annexed Income and Expenditure Account give respectively a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association at 31 July, 1977, and of the excess of Income over Expenditure for the year ended on that date. JOHN R. PAUL (Honorary Auditor) 12 October 1977

ST EDMUND HALL ASSOCIATION Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 July 1977 1976


INCOME Membership Subscriptions Building Society Interest Donations

1,705 136 10

1,735 165


1,900 EXPENDITURE Grants to: Scholarship . Fund Graham Hamilton Travel Fund Old Library Fund St Edmund of Abingdon Memorial Trust Friends of the Music (in memory of Dr N. J. Williams Appropriation to Di rectory Fund Magazine Postage Stationery Secretarial

Surplus of carried to Sheet

Income General

over Fund

100 100 50

200 80 50

50 10 300 375 307 75 72

300 286 345 9 30 1,439




Expenditure on Balance

12 October 1977


The Holywell Press Ltd., Alfred Street, Oxford.


Slmpson's-ln-the-Stra rid


7.30 p .m. Tues da y 9th J a nu a ry 1979 ( Oar o pens when A.G.M. en ds at a bo ut· 7.00 p .m.)


Lo un ge Suits


Th e Princi pa l


£ 7. 45 p

Pl ea se not e that this wl 11 be the last Lon do n Dinner tha.t Dr. Kelly wt 1 l att e nd as Principal o f the Co ll e ge. I hop e th e r e wt 11 be a r e c o rd numb e r o f Aularlans p r e sent. To be sure of a p I ace yo u· shou I d send yo ur rep I I e s t o me a s s oon as possible, an d In any c a s e by Thurs day 4th January. J .D. SH ORT RI DGE, 6 Ebn a I Ro a d ,

Shrewsbury, Bal op SY2 6 PW. (Shre wsbury ( 0 743) 569 86) P.S.


Last summe r I r a is ed an Aul a rt an crick e t team which was co nvinclngly beat e n by th e Hal I lst XI. Th e re ls an op portunity t o aven ge thf s defe a t In a return fixture that Is bein g arran ged f o r next s e as on. The most pr ob able date f o r this match Is Sun da y 20 th Ma y. Any o ne wh o wo ul d. like t o p l a y sh o ul d c o nt a ct me (prefer ab ly by pho ne) by the en d o f Febru a ry _. If there s e ems t o be sufficient Interest I shall a ls o expl o re the po sslblllty of a rran g in g a sec o nd (m o r e s o ci a l) game t o be p lay ed o n the same da y.


J.D. Sh o rtri dge , 6 Ebna I Roa d, Shre wsbury, Sal op SY2 6PW.

I matriculate d

In 19

shal I be c omin g t o th e Lo nd o n Dfnn e r o n 9th J a nuary 1979 , and encl ose my ch eq ue f o r £7.45 p pa yable t o th e St. Edmund Ha l I Ass o cl a tton Dinner Fund. NAME ....•........•...................... COlock l e tters p lease) ADORE SS •••••••••.••••.•••••••••••.••.••.•..•••.•••.••.•••••.•••.••••

I sh o uld lik e t o sit with

............................. .• ............ .

(Wher e no request Is ma de I try t o s e at pe op l e by year o f matriculation)



NOTICE IS HEREOY PIVEN that the next Annual General Meeting of the Assocfatto 'n 'w-111 be held on' Tuesday 9 January 1979 at Simpson's-In-the-Strand, London W C 2, at 6.15 p.m. It wt I I be fol lowed there at 7.30 p.m. by the London , Dfnne-r, detal Is of which are given ove~leaf. · ·




Minutes of the last Moettng held on 10 J~nuary 1978. (Coples wlll be available at the Meeting, a Report havl ·ng been .published In the 1977-8 Magazine.) '




Matters Arising.


President's Report.


Hon. Treasurer's Report and Adoption of the Accounts for the ffnancfal year ended - 31 July 1978. · · -:.


EI ectl on of ,Hon. Tre9surer 1979. (0.M. Forr-os.t .. Is ellgfb,le for . r~--electlon)


EI ectl on· ·of Hon'. Secretary 1979. · (H.A.F. Radley Is ellglble for re-electfon)


Election of members of t .he ,Ex. ecutlve Committee. (Of the matrlculatlon periods shown, four members represent up to 1934 and three each subsequent ten years, a 11 on a staggered basis) •

' '




The vacancies to be fl I led are as fol lows: Up to 1934:

1935-44: 1945-54: 1955-64:

1965-74: 8.

for re-e·lectfon I • by rotation - J . [3. Allan eltgtble 11 11 n L.D.A. Daron " ;i I' !I ' , H ll R.J .L. Dreese · " l, ' 11 " ii - R • A • Farr an d I ' va ea n.C:Y :st I r.. I ·u·n f I I 1·e'd. ,I ' -


Re,-appolntment of 1-!o.n • . Audit.or.

9 ~ ' · Any Other 'Dus J ness '. · Nominations for the above vacancies must reach me by 26 Decemb~r 1978, duly proposed and seconded, consent of the nominee having been obtained. Dy order of the Executive Committee,

15 November 1978

ARTHUR FARRAND RADLEY, Hon. Secretary, 157 Ho I land Park Avenue, London WI I 4UX. (Tel: 01-603 6062)

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