Prep Newsletter Lent Term Issue 2

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16th - 20th January Lent Term Newsletter Issue 2

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Religious Theme

Edmundian Virtues: Inclusive

At the end of last week, most of us were on our knees having broken out of the Radio Times routine over Christmas (some luck!). At the conclusion of this one, the children and staff – and I hope yourselves – have more or less settled into a new rhythm and, for those of you with New Years resolutions, I hope that you have not yet skipped a beat and congratulate you on breaking into new ground

The children though continue to amaze and inspire Numerous Head’s Commendations continue to be awarded and through our week of inclusion, we have seen direct examples of our students learning to be mindful of how they approach certain situations, encouraging them always to look for the best in others and to do what they must to reflect God’s love for each one of us, towards others The endeavour in the classrooms is reflected in school work and a very special mention must go to the children of Form 6 – and their parents – for their commitment to 11+ preparations which they will sit this Saturday.

I am sorry to write this week though, with the news that Mrs Helen Crook, Chairperson of the Friends, PTA, has tendered her resignation following 10 years of service to the parent community Personal matters have become a slightly earlier than expected priority but Helen leaves a legacy of having created joyful memories for children, parents, grandparents and all in the community through so many events and these memories will be cherished by us all for so many years to come Helen and the Friends are also proud to have raised nearly half a million pounds for the children over their tenure all of which has gone towards enriching and improving our children’s experience of school life Although there will be a later time to more formally thank and congratulate Mrs Crook, who thankfully continues until the end of the year, on behalf of us all and from the rooftops I express our combined thanks to her for her child and community centred approach along with considered and collegiate judgement in directing funding to the various departments that she and Friends have done

In terms of next steps, we begin the ideas forming stage and invite comments and offers of potential voluntary support Mr Mostyn, The Friends and I will be poring over the Constitution over the coming weeks and considering how best to serve the children of the school over the next few years Should you, in any way, partly or fully, be already considering how you might like and be prepared to commit to this hugely worthwhile and fulfilling charitable endeavour, please make a bee-line for either Matthew or myself, or of course Helen

In closing, a note of Health and Safety, please take a moment to read the short article below entitled, 'Nitty Gritty'.

With best wishes for the weekend ahead,

Nitty Gritty

This cold weather has reminded us that the roads beyond the bounds of the College are the responsibility of the County Council and that the College is prohibited from interfering with the road surface in any way This is true of the un named road onto which we (mostly) turn right at the end of the drive, at the College Headmaster’s Lodge Please take care in these icy conditions. The road is not on the Council's planned and regular gritting route and so potentially even more dangerous given the volume of traffic through the day A small petition then, should you be prepared to: please could you consider emailing CSCHighways@hertfordshire gov uk requesting that strong consideration be given to including the lane around the College on their gritting route in order that further accidents be avoided This road is to be referred to as C95 from Stockalls Lane to A10 Puckeridge Bypass when submitting a request We place our hope and faith in the democratic process and of course, continue to email the Council as an organisation

Mr Cartwright's quiz

Q: Which chess piece can only move diagonally?

A: In next week's Newsletter

Last Week's answer

Q: What colour is a sapphire?

A: A sapphire is blue


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others

Mahatma Gandhi

Head's Commendations

Lochlan Barr - Reading

Barnaby Purves - Handwriting

Joshua Odewole - Positive attitude to learning

Noah Pillai - Hardworking

Noah Brown - For very impressive independent writing

Daniel Osinibi - Excellent maths homework - representing remainders in different ways

Eme Udom - Fantastic understanding of short division and displaying remainders in various ways

Catherine Adegbite - Outstanding RE assessment.

Wesley Cooper - Superb RE assessment

Phoebe Wild - Excellent RE assessment

Upcoming dates - January

Wednesday 25th

Thursday 26th

Friday 27th

3.45pm U11 Boys Hockey v Howe Green - Home

3.45pm U11 Girls Hockey v Howe Green - Home

2pm - U9 Mixed Hockey v Woodford Green Prep - Away

3 45pm U11 Boys Hockey v Woodford Green Prep- Home

3 45pm U11 Girls Hockey v Woodford Green Prep- Home

Please ensure that you have booked your child/ren's place at Breakfast and Tea Time Club This is to be booked through the Prep Office by phone or email request sent to fwright@stedmundscollege org


Tablets/Smart phones

When setting up parental controls on your child's devices, remember to check any apps they would like on their tablet or smart phone Is it suitable for their age? Review all settings and privacy options for each app For the devices themselves use the available settings to prevent purchases, restrict content viewed and adjust privacy settings.

Follow the links below to find out more:

iPhones/iPads: https://support apple com/en-gb/HT201304

Google Play: https://support google com/googleplay/answer/1075738

Sports News

How to check on our sports teams' fixtures and results:

By clicking on the following link you'll be able to see an overview of the St Edmund's Prep and College fixture programme in a calendar view: https://www stedmundscollegesport org/default asp?Id=397

By clicking on the following link you will be able to see each individual team's fixture list and results: https://www stedmundscollegesport org/Fixtures Teams asp?Id=397

By clicking on the following link, you will be able to view the St Edmund's Prep sports section of the website This includes fixture lists, results, athletics records, achievements and newsletters: https://www stedmundscollege org/prep/

This week in the Prep...

Pictured are Prep pupil Marcus and former pupils Ronnie and Ava who, before Christmas, won the Hertfordshire Schools Golf Association Team Championship which was played at Essendon GC. On the day, they were competing against more than 26 other schools who's teams included some players on the verge of representing England and a St Edmund's 'A' team which had two more former Prep pupils Marcus, the youngest player in the field, also had the best individual score on the day! The team will now go forward to represent Hertfordshire Schools in the National Final in July against the other county winners, at Woodhall Spa GC, the National Golf Centre and home of England Golf

The Dragon Machine

Form 2 have been reading The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward We went on a dragon hunt and spotted lots of scaly, green dragons We designed our own dragon machine, described it using lots of adjectives, and we are excited to build our machines next week!

This week in the Prep...

The Lunar New Year

The EYFS classes have been getting ready to celebrate The Lunar New Year We have talked about the different countries that celebrate this occasion We have shared traditional stories and discovered the 12 animals that the years are named after The children have been busy making lanterns to welcome the new year with good fortune and lucky money wallets for good wishes for the year ahead.

The children enjoyed trying to eat rice, noodles and crackers with chop sticks while listening to traditional music We wish you all a Happy New Year of the Rabbit


The children in Form 6 have been working with shapes to identify common properties of regular and irregular shapes and sort the data accordingly They have been analysing and linking their knowledge of polygons and angles and using Venn and Carroll diagrams to demonstrate their outcomes

Performing Arts


Towards the end of this half of term, we are looking forward to two concerts for individual singers and instrumentalists in Forms 3 to 6 These are to take place on Tuesday 31st January and Thursday 2nd February at 2 00pm in the Prep Hall The Visiting Music Teachers are currently being asked to recommend which of their pupils will be ready to perform a piece If your child is having singing or instrumental tuition outside school and you would like them to take part, please contact Miss McLauchlan by Monday 23rd January Thank you to everyone who has already replied.


During their class music lesson this morning, Form 2 were treated to a live performance by our new Visiting Music Teacher on the cello, Mrs Hall She played beautifully, the graceful ‘Swan’ from the Carnival of the Animals (by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns) followed by an energetic Scottish reel which encouraged the children to their feet!

If anyone, in any year group, is interested in playing this wonderful instrument, please contact Miss McLauchlan


We are pleased to appoint 12 pupil Arts Ambassadors for the next two terms to assist our Prep visual and performing arts staff in promoting the arts (art, music, drama and dance) at the Prep. In addition to being enthusiastic participants in arts activities, both inside and outside of the classroom, the role requires the children to ask others for their ideas about the arts provision here and to present these to Prep staff, and also to help with the organisation of some of our arts events

Well done to Theadora and Oliver (Form 3), Ruby, Laurens and Felicity (Form 4), Florence, Eme and Edward H (Form 5) and Tristan, Etta, Emilia-Jane and Alannah (Form 6)

Photographer of the week

Aperture (depth of field) Photography Project - Charlie Clowes

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