Useful Information for Agents
St Edmund's has been successfully welcoming students from overseas for many years and looks forward to welcoming more for the years to come. We have worked with agents for many years and value the expertise offered in overseas education. We work with agents from across the globe who place children with us for their education from Year 7 to 13.
StEdmund'soffersanexceptionaleducationwherestudentsthriveinanatmosphereof positivity,cheerfulnessandquiet,purposefulenergy. Ourvibranthistorygivesusa platformfromwhichtobeabletoofferaforwardthinkingschoolwithaleadingteaching andlearningoffering.
UnderpinningeverythingwedoisourCatholicheritageandethos.Manyofourstudents arenotCatholicandeveryoneismorethanwelcomeatStEdmund’s,whatevertheir religiousvieworbeliefs,aslongastheyappreciatetheCatholicvalueswhichare importanttous.Thesevaluesareinanycaseuniversal,andsharedbymembersofallof themajorreligionsandindeedthosewithnofaith.Catholicismisanapproachto lifewhichweproposebutneverimpose.
Thisshortdocumentaimstobringinformationtogethertomaketheadmissionprocess simplerforyouandansweranyquestionsyoumayhave. Ofcourse,ifyoudohaveany furtherquestionspleasedonothesitatetocontactBarbaraTucker,International RegistrarorMelanieBurke,DirectorofAdmissionsandMarketing. Email: Tel: +441920824331 Tel:+441920824224
Where is St Edmund's College
St Edmund's College is ideally located 2 miles north of London and 20 miles sou of Cambridge. Located on a beautiful r safe campus, access to airports and tra stations with direct trains to Central Lon is quick and easy as we are just only mintues from a main access road.
London Heathrow is 1 hour away (50 miles)
London Stansted only 20 minutes (12 miles)
Central London is only 25 miles from the College and trains every 30 minutes from local towns
Student Visas
St Edmund's College
We have been welcoming overseas students for many years and are experienced in supporting the student visa application process. We use a third party agency Newland Chase to provide this service. They are on hand to support the parents through, what can be a complex process. There is a £350 charge for this service.
When students arrive in the UK we can organise transport, often our own private cars or minibuses, to meet them and drive them to the College safely.
London Heathrow Airport
London Stansted Airport London Luton Airport
Admission Process
There are four easy steps in the admission process.
1) The pupil’s details and documents are to be sent to the International Registrar, Barbara Tucker.
2) Registration: complete the online registration form and pay the non refundable payment of £100 also online.
3) Entry Testing: the student will then be tested in English and Maths for Yr7 to 11. We use Password to test students' English levels and our 1 hr Maths paper. A Level students will be tested in the subjects they hope to study.
4) Interview by Zoom or Skype will be organised if a visit is not possible.
Our tests can be taken remotely at the pupil’s current school, a British Council office or your office as an agent.
Once the student has registered with us we will send the examination papers to you, the agent, to conduct with the student under the correct conditions.
Please note that the 2021-22 academic year this is likely to change to online assessments. More information will follow.
The interview is an important aspect of our selection process. We want to know about the student before we offer a place. We are looking for students who would embrace all that we offer through our academic, co-curricular and boarding programmes.
We use the interview to assess the level of English, both their spoken levels as well as their understanding. This is important as it will allow us to have in place EAL support when the student joins.
School Structure and Boarding Provision
The school has five day Houses and all students, day or boarding, are a member of one of those Houses. Each has a House Master or Mistress that tracks academic progress as well as supporting the students pastorally during their working day. This structure encourages full integration into the school community ensuring students are educated alongside English speaking students for the majority of their day.
When the day students leave at 4.30pm, the boarders then return to the boarding houses (one boys’ house and one girls’ house) and enjoy their boarders’ break time snack before Chapel, prep, dinner and recreational time.
This structure allows the boarding community to remain a strong and cohesive unit. They are integrated throughout the year groups and, most importantly, they are protected from the sort of weekend exodus of students that takes place at some other schools, where a small cohort of boarders remain, separated across multiple boarding houses. The boarders are together, under one roof, as a family. Boarders in Year 7-11 occupy twin rooms and are always paired with a student from a different nationality. Sixth Form students all have single occupancy study bedrooms. There are no dormitories in St Edmund’s College.
Exeat weekends and Saturdays
We do not have Exeat weekends at St Edmund’s College. We have a busy and vibrant working week from Monday to Friday with sports fixtures, for those competing, on Saturday morning. We feel that the logistics of Exeat weekends are often a burden to families with travel and, at times, host families being required.
There are no lessons on Saturdays. The weekends, once sport is finished, are occupied by a range of activities that are organised by the boarding team.
Any student whose parents live overseas must have a responsible guardian in the UK who is an Accredited Guardian or a family friend who agrees to the full duties of our Guardian policy.
A guardian must be over the age of 23 and must have UK residency. The guardian arrangement must be in place before the pupil arrives in the UK and before a CAS for a visa will be issued. For further information please refer to the Guardian policy in the Information and Policies section of the website.
EAL Support
The goal of EAL (English as an Additional Language) is to help students reach a level of English proficiency where they can successfully access their mainstream studies alongside their peers.
All lessons at St Edmund’s College (with the exception of language lessons) are taught through the medium of English. In order to succeed at school, to learn and enjoy learning, and to participate actively in school life, students must be able to use and communicate in English at a level suitable for study at that age.
The programme is run by two specialist teachers, to support the students to be able to access the mainstream classroom once they become more proficient in English. The EAL programme is taught in small groups in a dedicated classroom and is tailored to the needs of
Financial Matters
The fee structure includes lunches, textbooks and some stationery items. The fees are inclusive of the College-wide accident and personal effects insurance schemes. Full boarders can also be covered by the College AXA PPP health insurance scheme (on application). Tuition fees are payable in advance before the commencement of the College and Prep term to which they relate. All other items, but not limited to public examination fees, educational trips and weekend or evening boarding trips are charged in arrears at the end of the term to which they relate. All extras will be detailed on the termly invoice you receive.
Elements (Year 7)
Rudiments (Year 8) Grammar to Rhetoric 2
Short term placements and One year A Level Pathway
Payment of fees
11+ 12+ 13+ to 17+
11+ to 17+
£10,255 (Full boarding) £10,255 (Full boarding) £11,762(Full boarding)
£11,762 (Full boarding)
Fees should be paid termly or monthly in advance. Fees must be paid by one of the following methods: by direct debit, termly on the 1st September, 1st January and 1st May; by direct debit with our ten month installment scheme, commencing in August; by agreement with the College if the student joins during the course of the academic year.
The College will try to give a full term’s notice of a change of fees, but this may not always be possible.
We ask that all students pay the £100 non refundable registration fee at the beginning of the Admissions process.
If a place is offered we require a £750 Acceptance Deposit and one term's fee deposit which will be held on account for the duration the student is at the College. Students requiring a Tier 4 visa deposit differ slightly and will be discussed during the admissions process.
We pay agents who have entered a signed agreement with us 10% commission each term that the student is studying at the College. For further details please contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have Exeat weekends? No. We have never had Exeat weekends and this has always suited our families well.
Do you have dormitories? No. All students share a room with another student the same age, but different nationality from years 7 11. Sixth Form students (Year 12 and 13) have single occupancy rooms.
What qualifications do students study? At St Edmund's College all students study GCSE's and/or A Levels. We also offer a Year 11, one year A Level Pathway programme.
Do you have Saturday school? No. Whilst there is no formal teaching on Saturdays we do have a number of sporting fixtures on Saturday mornings.
Do you accept short term boarders: Yes. We accept students for one term. Michaelmas or Lent term are preferable.
Each summer we run our own successful English Language Summer Programme. For more information visit
Where do boarding students come from? How many students are in the College? The table to the right shows the current nationalities of our boarding students.
St Edmund's College and
+44 1920
Prep, Old Hall Green, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG11 1DS