OE Christmas Rugby
Over 50 Old Edmundians braved the cold December weather and returned to the College for a Touch Rugby Tournament

Double Wimbledon Champion
OE Henryk Kloceklearnt to play bridge at St Edmund’s and now he’s a double champion.
100 Years Ago
Pencil sketches by Jospeh Pike
Gribbin Family Tree Planting
We welcomed back Sue and Aiden Gribben to plant a baby Oak tree grown from acorn collected whilst walking in the College grounds
The latest news from our OEs

A message from our Headmaster
I love this time of year. I suspect those in the middle of A Levels and GCSEs would not share my feelings, but for those of us fortunate enough to be able to wander around the site from time to time it is a magical season. Hymns from Ascension Day are going round and round in my mind; the grounds are looking spectacular; there is a thud of leather on willow coming from the Chapel Pitch and the thwack of tennis balls from the playing fields. The CCF are parading, the Schola are singing their hearts out; the actors are recovering from the biggest and most spectacular production we have ever staged (Legally Blonde); the artists are putting the finishing touches on their exam portfolios and exhibition items and, yes, there is some teaching and learning going on too.
This is a moment in the year when I try to set aside time to sit in on as many lessons as I can, and what a pleasure it is. This week I have learned about supply and demand in Business Studies; forces in Physics; CAD designing of Logos in DT; the future tense in Spanish and contrasting views on Haig’s leadership in the Battle of Passchendaele. St Edmund’s is as busy and as lively as ever.
Our heartfelt thanks to Nikki King: this is her final edition, and we wish her every happiness as she moves on to pastures new.
Do come and visit any time, but, as always, you would be especially welcome on St Edmund’s Sunday, 19th November for a trip down memory lane.
Spanish Reunion
OE Victor Tarruella recently hosted a reunion at his country house in Toledo, Spain. The property features an 'elephant entrance' similar to the one at the College and even comes complete with the St Edmund’s College crest. The group enjoyed a fantastic time sharing memories and taking in the views of the surrounding countryside.

OE’s that attended are as follows:

Jeronimo Ybarra (Douglass 79-84)
Antonio Carballo (Griffiths 78-80)
Paul Sandford (Junior House and Griffiths 77-84)

Habib Sayegh (Junior House and Douglass 76-83)
Victor Tarruella, Count of Campo Rey (Junior House and Challoner 77-83)
Laith Bazzoui (Stapleton 80-84)
Edward Gonsalves (Junior House and Douglass 76-83)
Ava representing Great Britain in Golf...

A big congratulations to Golfer and Challoner House student Ava who has been selected to represent Great Britain this summer.
Ava recently won the IMG British Junior Golf Tour Championship tournament which took place at The Cambridge Country Club and as a result will be representing Great Britain in the girls 11-12 years category.

The event will take place in San Diego, California, signing in for the parade from the 8th July, with the competition commencing on the 11th July.

Welcome to my second and final edition of Avita Pro Fide!

As ever life at St Edmund’s continues to move along at pace and it has been a delight to welcome and tour so many of our Alumni who have come back to visit so they can see first hand all that is going on.
The final term of every academic year is a poignant one where we say goodbye to Rhetoric II students as they cross into becoming our latest Old Edmundians. They have all worked so hard through this examination period and we wish them well with the next step in their lives and look forward to welcoming them to future Alumni events as Old Edmundians.
The daily inspirational teaching is of course our priority, but it is the experiences that surround this that enrich our students lives. It is wonderful to see our alumni supporting the school through their involvement in our annual careers fair, talks and mentoring that bring this to life and for that we are grateful to all who get involved and support us.
You can support in other ways by joining the Edmundian Association who are currently looking for new members. Melanie Burke, Director of Admission and Marketing leaves the school after 13 years’ service and has been part of the association for nearly 10 years. We wish her well as she leaves us to take up a new position in Dorset. Eleanor Hudson (St Hughs &
Challoner 1998-2011) steps down and we thank both for all they have done to support the alumni of St Edmund’s. Annika Haslett-Symonds (Junior House & Stapleton 19881993) steps down as Chair of the Association after 8 years in post and we thank her all she has done to lead the Edumundian Association so brilliantly. Michael Mason (Talbot 1966-1970) and current committee member has been elected as the new Chair at our AGM and we wish him every success over his tenureship.

I, myself am also leaving the College after serving as Alumni Officer for one year but having worked at the College for 7 years to go back to my passion of music at a new school. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many of our wonderful alumni over the last year and it has been a delight to hear all your stories and memories over this time. I will keep in contact and look forward to coming back to St Edmund’s Sunday as part of the alumni.
OE gives Computer Science lessons

Old Edmundian Jonathan Fry (2006-2020) recently came into College and taught lesson to both Poetry and Rhetoric 1 computer science students. Following his Dad into the world of technology (Karl is our Director of ICT, Computing and e-learning) Jonathan is currently in his 2nd year of his Computer Science degree at UEA.
Following on from a live online video chat Jonathan gave last year to the A level computer science students, this time he took a double face to face lesson giving an introduction to ‘object-oriented coding’ using Java and Python programming languages. The session was a perfect opportunity for current Rhetoric students and those Poetry students looking to study Computer Science at A level and beyond. The lesson included a practical live coding demonstration, group work involving drawing class diagrams and a short practical python exercise and finished with a Q&A session. Thank you to Jonathan for giving up his time and coming along to inspire the students.

Double Wimbledon Champion!
Congratulations to OE Henryk Klocek (196070) now the Bridge Champion of Wimbledon, winning at Wimbledon Bridge Club in the Pairs Event and the Teams Event. Henryk also played for Surrey last year in the Metropolitan Cup and also in the Home Counties League.

Henryk learnt to play bridge at St Edmund's College with the guidance of John Wood (staff).

keeping you up-to-date with the latest
OE News
Old Edmundian Jeremy Janion (St Hugh’s/ Challoner 1957-1964) recently hosted a small gathering at one of the oldest yacht clubs in the world, the Royal Thames Yacht Club – a great afternoon was had by all.

Attendees included:-
Jeremy Janion (St Hugh’s/Challoner 1957-1964)
Old Edmundian Eliot Barden (Challoner 20022013) has been announced as AIPH Young International Grower of the Year 2023.

Eliot is Production and Education Manager for Majestic Trees, UK, received the Young International Grower of the Year Award at an International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) awards ceremony held on Tuesday 24 January 2023 in Essen, Germany. This award is part of the AIPH International Grower of the Year (IGOTY) Awards 2023, which celebrates the best of the best ornamentals production. The Young IGOTY category recognises vibrant individuals, aged 25-40, who will lead the industry into the future.
Eliot Barden had an interest in horticulture from an early age and began his education in the subject whilst at St Edmund’s College, via a Royal Horticultural Society evening class at the age of 15. He subsequently studied at the Kew Royal Botanic Gardens before joining Majestic Trees in 2018.
Eliot commented: “It means a lot. Thanks to Jungle Talks I’ve seen a lot of production in Holland, in various different sectors, and winning the award is the cherry on the cake. The award is a great recognition.”
Eliot, presented his ideas to an international jury of horticultural professionals, who said “There are two reasons why we have chosen Eliot Barden the Young IGOTY winner. Firstly, he demonstrated accurate technical and professional expertise. Secondly, Eliot continuously invests in the growth and development of his skills in order to reach his highest potential.
“We believe that ‘improving more and more’ is the best solution to be excellent at work as well as in life. We hope that this award will bring Eliot great value and a richly deserved international visibility. Good luck Eliot!”
Old Edmundian Father Paul Browne OSB (‘Martin’ Browne, Talbot 1966-1970) accompanied by his sister Anne-Marie returned to the College in May. Father Paul resides at Ampleforth Abbey where he has lived since the 1980’s and was keen to return to St Edmund’s, particularly to show Anne-Marie the special place he had lived and studied before travelling to Spain to take the next step in his religious life.
A wonderful couple of hours was spent touring the Chapel and College grounds followed by tea & Cake in the Douay Museum, sharing memories and stories of his time at the College.

Michael Brockie (Allen Hall/Challoner 1954-1967)
Tony Convery (Talbot 1958-1965)
John Murphy (Douglass 1958-1965)
Jeremy Gillham (Junior House/Talbot 1963-1969)
Adrian Walsh (Douglass 1958-1964)
Victoria Hawthorn

Marie-ange Humphreys
Andy Barker
Melanie Burke, Director of Admissions & Marketing
Nikki King, Alumin Officer
If you have some exciting news, whether it be a wedding or birth announcement, an exciting career move or even an impromptu get together with other OEs we would love to hear about it, please send details to: Alumni Officer
St Edmund's College, Old Hall Green, Ware, Herts SG11 1DS
Telephone: 01920 824283
Email: alumni@stedmundscollege.org
Spoken Word
Last month Ogorchukwu Ozor (Douglass House, 2015-2022) had the pleasure of speaking at the Cambridge Africa Together Conference.

She said “As someone new to spoken word, it was an honour to perform in front of guests such as Chido Munyati and NJ Ayuk JD, MBA. My piece titled ‘The Romance of Africa: an ode to the Diaspora’ sought to capture the vibrant tapestry of cultures, histories, and traditions that shape our shared heritage”. Her performance was not just about celebrating the past; it was a call to action, a plea for unity and progress. We can all be change-makers, but those with lived experience must define the change that needs to be made.

The event brought together visionaries, leaders, and change-makers from across the continent, fostering a powerful sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. Often such conferences demonstrate articulation without agency, but the Cambridge Africa Together Conference sought to overcome this!

Pull on your boots for our OE football match

Saturday 1st July 2023, 11.00amkick off
We would like to invite Old Edmundians to pull on their boots and join us for an OE football match on the Memorial Field. This will be a wonderful opportunity to get together with your fellow OE’s for a kick about at the College.
We have already had a good response from OE’s wanting to come along and play in what will be a fantastic hour or two of football.
If you can’t make this event don’t worry, you will still have the opportunity to bring out your inner Ronaldo as we will be having another OE football match in the Autumn
If you would like to play and haven't yet signed up then please contact Nikki King as soon as possible at alumni@stedmundscollege.org
It was an absolute delight to see so many OE’s at our Careers Fair back in March. We are extremely grateful to all the alumni, and employers that gave up their time to share their expertise with our students, travelling from as far away as Lancaster, Stirling and Strathclyde. The day started with a series of talks on careers including the military, financial services, STEM and NHS careers, and the diverse range of courses available at university. The students made the most of the opportunity to attend talks and to visit the Careers Fair in the afternoon, and the exhibitors were full of praise for the mature and enthusiastic way the students conducted themselves throughout the day.
We look forward to hosting an even bigger event next year, and once again we will be calling out to our Old Edmundians to get in touch and get involved, so if you are willing to give up your afternoon to help, or know of someone else that is, please get in contact with the Alumni Officer, alumni@stedmundscollege.org

Name: David Wight (Cayman Islands)

College... after the Life
When were you at St Edmund’s: 1970-1976 (Challoner House)
What are your lasting memories of your time at St Edmund’s?
I remember the friends that I made and being able to experience a totally different lifestyle than I was used to at home. One lasting memory from the College and a family favourite, is one that is told best by my eldest brother Brian, also an OE.

“My father Derek Wight, an Old Edmundian, was from British Guyana. In his days of being at the College, the only way of travelling was by ship, taking approximately 2 weeks. Unfortunately, whilst a student at St Edmund’s, he contracted Pneumonia. They tried to treat it, but it worsened daily. The Doctors informed the College that there was no hope for him and they were told to inform my Grandparents that they needed to travel immediately, or they may never see their son alive. They immediately set off for England.
As a last blessing and in addition to the Last Rites, my father was blessed with the Relic of St Edmund. There followed a miraculous turnaround which could not be explained by the Doctors, who all agreed it was a miracle. By the time my grandparents arrived at the College my father was cured. We have been told it is in the St Edmunds records as a miracle attributed to the Relic of St Edmund.
What is your favourite and least favourite memory from the College?
A lasting memory and a place I hold dear is that of the College Chapel and I have visited it with family members on many occasions. I have been fortunate to have been welcomed back and taken on another tour while
visiting the UK recently.
I loved St Edmund’s Day and all that the day entailed.
Particularly playing in the cricket match against the Old Edmundians and especially the lunch we were served during the match which was a real treat! Playing cricket for the College was always a highlight at all levels

but especially the 1st XI. The Inter-house Sports Day and bonfire nights were always events I looked forward to. My least favourite memories of the College would of course be having to leave my country, the Cayman Islands and my familythe cold weather was always a shock that never got easier. And... the memory of receiving the dreaded cane on a few occasions is never a pleasant one!
What do you know now that you wish you knew during your time at St Edmund’s?
I know that computers and smart phones were not around in my College days and that is something that I wish had been available to me then. Thinking back now, I wish I had taken advantage of being in the UK and should have explored more. England is still my favourite place to visit on vacations, not least because I can visit the Emirates Stadium to watch Arsenal, the team we have supported all our lives, all the way back to when our Father attended St Edmund’s in the 1940’s! We are Gooners through and through!
Are you still in contact with anyone from your years at the College?
I have remained in contact with a few Old Edmundians since leaving the College, especially through Facebook and Instagram. In fact, we have an OE living and working in Cayman who we know well through cricket, Mark Everett and we meet up often. Recently, Mark was a guest of mine at the Governors Residence for a reception to meet the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Edward, where Mark was able to talk with the prince.
Did you have a favourite subject or Teacher?
My favourite subjects were Maths, Art, English and PE. Favourite Teachers were Father Bernard Lagrue (who became a close family friend) and Mr Laurie D’Arcy who taught me PE. He was also the cricket coach and therefore very important during my time at St Ed’s!

What has been your proudest achievement to date?
It is always difficult to pinpoint one particular achievement in life but mine are often centred around cricket! Each time I was selected to represent the Cayman National Team at international level was particularly special for me, especially playing in the Red Stripe Bowl, which at the time was the top 50 over tournament in The Caribbean and being able to play against top players from the Caribbean & West Indies. Along with my twin Brother Christopher, I also represented Melbourne CC in the Senior Cup which is the highest level in Jamaica before being selected to represent Jamaica. We did that for a few years in the 1990’s.
Cricket aside, I think I’d have to say that my election to represent my country as a Member of Parliament has to be my greatest and proudest achievement. Being part of a group accompanying our political leader and former Premier, Sir Alden McLaughlin when he was recently Knighted by King Charles III was a very proud moment.
Did anything at St Ed’s inspire you or help get you started in your chosen career?
The educational opportunity and the discipline were very important, but the different personalities, lifestyles and nationalities of students at St Edmund’s definitely inspired me to take these experiences, good and bad, back to Cayman with me.
Can you tell us about your life after the College and your Career?
My career is mainly made up of working in a variety of our family businesses, which I did from leaving St Edmund’s. Running alongside this, I have always been directly involved in local politics, usually working with and campaigning for the political party I supported. After many years resisting the calls, I was persuaded by a retiring minister and members of my party to put myself forward for election. I was extremely grateful to have been elected on my first attempt and having been re-elected, I am now sitting as a Member of Parliament for my second term.
You live in the beautiful Cayman Islands – how do you like to spend your free time?
I have always loved sports and participated in a variety of sports over here in Cayman. I enjoy boating and swimming and swim with the Stingrays whenever I get the chance. But being an elected MP is a full-time occupation and does not have set hours so it can be extremely busy! However, I have always enjoyed being politically active so enjoy most of what that brings.
What is the best and worst part of the day for you?
The best part of my day is waking up to another wonderful day in paradise! It never goes unappreciated. The worst part? Actually, getting out of bed and going to work!
Do you have any advice for current Edmundians?
My advice for current Edmundians? Make the most of your time there! Although it might not seem like it at the time, it passes very quickly. Work hard when you must and play hard when you can!
Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral
We were delighted to be invited to spend a special Sunday afternoon and evening at St Paul's Cathedral, London visiting Old Edmundian & Organ Scholar Michael Stephens-Jones. We were very lucky to be sat in the Quire for Evensong and our own College Organist, Chris Benham was delighted to be shown the organ loft (it’s who you know!). The Advent Service was beautiful and the St Paul’s Choir sounded amazing.
Michael Stephens-Jones – Exeter Cathedral, Assistant Director of Music

Michael will be moving on from St Paul’s in September into an exciting new role as Assistant Director of Music at Exeter Cathedral. On being appointed to the role at Exeter Cathedral, Michael said:
I am thrilled to have been given this opportunity to join the really excellent team of musicians at Exeter. Visiting, I was struck by the great beauty and history of the cathedral, and heartened by the warm welcome I received. Although I will greatly miss my wonderful colleagues at St Paul’s Cathedral, I’m looking forward to starting this exciting new chapter in Devon.”
Exeter Cathedral’s Director of Music, Timothy Noon, shared Michaels enthusiasm:

The interview panel was unanimous in concluding that Michael will be a great fit for Exeter, and vice versa. His musicianship, experience, and warm personality shone through in the audition process, and we are greatly looking forward to welcoming him to the team in September.”
Everyone at St Edmund’s wishes Michael all the very best of luck in this next stage of his music career.
Deputy Head & Director of the Prep School Fiona McLaughlin taught Michael at the Prep School, so it was particularly enjoyable for her to also attend the service and we are all extremely proud of Michael to be working and playing at such an iconic and special building.
Michael was able to take a break before the evening service and we managed a little bit of R&R and catching up over dinner.
2023-2024 Edmundian Association Committee
President Michael Mason
President Emeritus and Archivist David Kay
Treasurer Peter Amtram
Alumni Officer TBC
College Liason Officer Jeanette Ariano
Representative Tim Fuller
Representative Henryk Klocek
Headmaster Matthew Mostyn
Prep Headmaster
Steven Cartwright
Head Boy Oliver Welsby
Head Girl Whitney Udigwe
We would welcome more representatives, so if you are interested in joining the committee please email alumni@stedmundscollege.org
Keep in contact
All of our events and reunions are dependent on us having up to date contact details for our members.
Please remember to keep us informed of any contact changes, so we can keep our records up to date and ensure you continue to hear from us! If any of your details have changed please email alumni@stedmundscollege.org

Meet our brilliant Grounds Team The Lodge, Old Hall Green

As Custodians of our beautiful College grounds and following in the footsteps of Head Gardeners and Groundsman past, the St Edmund’s College Grounds Team (Kevin Gallagher, Glen Harler, Rob Marshall, Shaun Dare and Gary Owen) continue to look after approximately 130 acres of stunning gardens, sports pitches, beds, maintaining the amazing environment we are so lucky to have surrounding us.
Visitors to the College continue to be impressed by our special setting but it does not stop there. In addition to the grounds, the team are integral to the smooth running of events such as Sports Day, Exhibition Day, Firework night and even the Annual Dog Show! Some days can be totally different, from erecting new cricket nets and gazebo’s to repairing and maintaining machines.
Dedicated to maintaining the high standards required for the Cricket, Rugby and Football pitches, Kevin says the best part of the job “is when you finish a pitch, outfield or lawn and can look back and see nice straight lines. Everything is cut even & it’s so rewarding –that’s the best time to take a photo!”

Busy all year round, when asked what his favourite time of year is, Kevin says “you would think the cold months would be the worst for us, but it tends to be a good time to plan and get yourself ahead – if you’ve had good preparation in the Autumn for the following year, Winter is a great time to tackle all those jobs you wanted to do months before but were too busy to do and it’s always handy to get ahead before the Spring when everything starts to burst into life and the grounds start to look so pretty. However, whilst pretty, once the grass starts growing
and you start the job again that you’ve just finished, you do wonder why you ever decided to put all that fertilizer down!”
St Edmund’s has always been proud of its strong links with the local Farmers and Farmer Trevor Prior cuts our hedgerows in the Autumn each year, once the nesting birds have finished, and our relationship with Rob, a local Farmer, provides us with the wonderful sheep and lambs enjoyed by students, staff, and parents. Even if they do escape from time to time!
The team have plans in place to install polytunnels in the grounds where they intend growing annual bedding plants, hoping to encourage students to get involved in planting seeds that will eventually be planted in the beds around the College and Prep site, working alongside the Eco-Club as part of their Period 7 activities. Weeds are always a challenge and team members Shaun and Gary have been working hard to revamp the bedding areas and gardens recently to create areas for perennial plants and ground coverage including the Father Pinot’s Memorial Garden, and Refectory Quad. We are lucky to have Gary’s previous experience working on award winning schemes. Another tree survey will be conducted over the summer holidays and additional trees will be planted around the site.
When asked about funny moments, apart from escaping sheep and the teams reputation for their love of cheese toasties on a Friday, these moments are probably too numerous to mention, but now that Mr Kimsey has left the team and moved on to his new position with Summer School, the department has become a lot more serious –they miss you Neil!
We have recently acquired and re-colourised this historic image of The Lodge at the end of the front drive at the College, which was depicted on an old postcard.

The land on which it stands was part of the Old Hall Green Farm estate which was bought by the College in 1826. The Lodge was built in 1829, being located next to the main London to Cambridge road.
In the grounds was the well that supplied the College with water. Its pump was operated by horses, and The Lodge was occupied by the College servant who looked after the well. The well was deepened from 94ft (29m) to 120ft (37m) in 1896 in order to cope with the additional demands of the new College swimming pool.
A telegraph office was opened at The Lodge in 1896, with limited opening times. As was often the case in those days, telegraph offices were located in private dwellings. Later a small Sub-Post Office was set up in the front room.
The Berry family came to St Edmund’s in 1924 and some time later took up residence in The Lodge. Mrs Madeline Berry ran the Post Office until her death in 1950, and her husband Ernest then ran it until his own death in 1959. Their daughter Mrs Theresa Sole took over in 1960 and ran it from two of the rooms. Mrs Sole lived elsewhere in Old Hall Green with her husband at Appletree Cottage, and the residential accommodation at The Lodge remained empty until 1975.
In 1975 a music teacher at the College, Mr John Pitts, who was also the organist at the local parish church and a talented jazz musician, moved into The Lodge, occupying the rooms not used by the Post Office. He departed from the College in 1980 and since then the house has remained unoccupied. The Post Office closed upon Theresa Sole’s retirement in October 1992. Mr Pitts died in November 1983 and Mrs Sole died in February 2000.
The iron gates shown in the image date from 1906, and it is believed that the photograph was taken just after that time.
St Edmund’s Sunday 2022

On Sunday 20th November the Chapel was full as our Edmundian community came together once more for our annual celebration of our Patron Saint, St Edmund. During Mass, the Schola Cantorum gave a beautiful rendition of Psalm 23 by Colin Mawby. Always a sociable occasion allowing old friends, past and present staff, and current students to catch up with one another, we mingled afterwards over a drink in the Ambulacrum and listened to a speech by Headmaster Matthew Mostyn who thanked everyone for coming and
gave a well-received update on the school. A wonderful hot & cold buffet was served in the Refectory washed down with some delicious wine – a chance for conversation, laughter and the sharing of stories and memories of time spent at the College. Tours of the College followed lunch giving an opportunity for the OEs to see firsthand some of the changes in the school but also revisit some of the special places in the school and grounds that they remember most fondly.

Please do save the date for this year’s celebration which is being held on Sunday 19th November. Tickets will be on sale at the start of the Michaelmas term.

Gribbin Family Tree Planting...
On a beautiful sunny day we were delighted to welcome back Old Edmundians Sue and Aiden Gribbin to the College.

The Gribbin family lived on-site at St Edmund's with Bill a member of staff from 1968 to 1991 both as an English Teacher and Housemaster (Griffiths 1972-1984). He also produced the school plays during that time. Sue was the College Librarian (photographed left, with current Librarian Julie Tyne) and all nine of their children, including Aiden, attended the College. Sue and Aiden brought with them a baby Oak tree, grown from an acorn collected by Bill whilst walking in the grounds of the College. Bill sadly passed away

on 29th December 2022. The tree has been planted in the grounds of the College and we will think of Bill as we watch it grow.

Whilst they were here, Sue and Aiden also had the opportunity to see the tree that had been planted by Aiden in either 1973 or 1974 (there was some deliberation as to which year!) which sits proudly opposite the Elephant entrance.

OE Christmas Touch Rugby Tournament

On a very cold and frosty morning in December, over 50 Old Edmundians returned to the College for a Touch Rugby Tournament. Braving the conditions, the players were assigned into teams to play in a round Robin tournament. St Edmund's College staff, as well as the current 1st XI side were also taking part.
The matches were full of positivity, entertainment, good humour and varying fitness levels! With Christmas just around the corner it was a fabulous opportunity to see old friends united at the College once again and the lunch afterwards the perfect time for post-match analysis and leg pulling. The cold did not dappen spirits one bit.
We look forward to seeing everyone again next time and if you wish to take part, please look out for the advertisement later this year.
Talbot Centenary Dinner

100 years of claret and gold

Talbot House was founded in 1922 as one of the three original houses at the College (alongside Challoner and Douglass).

Named after Bishop James Talbot, it was initially located in the area currently occupied by the staff common room and ground floor IT room, and had its own common room, dining room and boarding accommodation. Whilst the location within the school has changed, it has always been at the very heart of College Life and has seen over 2,500 students embracing the claret and gold, winning the Grand House Challenge 22 times along the way.
The House Dinner this term was a focal point for celebrations and following a wonderful dinner, parents joined for postdinner entertainment with music from Raiden Z, Gonzalo T and another rendition of the House Song and speeches from the Elements tutor group and House Captain, Joshua C reflecting on his experiences of all things Talbot.

In the last week of term, we have also seen the first of the centenary daffodils and tulips that students planted behind the crucifix start to flower, which will leave a longer lasting reminder of our first 100 years.

100 Years Ago

Pencil Sketches by Joseph Pike
In 1923 the College commissioned the artist Joseph Pike (1883-1956) to create contemporary drawings of the buildings. Pike specialised in pencil views of British landmarks, street scenes and architecture.

Illustrations were commissioned by authors, architects and publishers, and reproduced in books and on postcards, sold as prints and exhibited on the walls of the Royal Academy.

A devout Catholic, Pike is likely to have been invited to St Edmund’s at the suggestion of his friend Mgr Ronald Knox, who was teaching in the College at that time. After spending some months at the school, he succeeded in providing sixteen large framed drawings, and these were reproduced in a book entitled “Pencil Sketches by Joseph Pike”.

The book has long since sold out, but occasionally copies come up for sale online. One of the last remaining unsold copies was presented to Saint John Paul II on the occasion of the College pilgrimage to Rome to mark the Beatification of 85 English martyrs in October 1987.
The original Pike drawings still hang in President’s Gallery at the College, where they have been admired by generations of Edmundians.

Thirty years ago the Edmundian Association repeated the exercise and commissioned a new set of pencil studies, this time by art teacher Jim Odell (1935-2013). The framed originals now hang in the Coffee Shop. A book containing these is also available to purchase from the College.

News from the College
House Music
In February the College held its annual House Music event, with the theme 'Locations'. Each House was encouraged to be as creative as possible in their interpretation of the theme, with different groups taking on different styles and genres.
The competition was fierce, but it was Poynter House who won the competition, performing a medley of 'Around the World'.

College Production of Legally Blonde

From 27th to 29th March the Douay Hall was transformed into a theatre for the College production of Legally Blonde

This was not the school version,this was the same show as seen on Broadway and the West End. Brought to life by the College’s live band, directed by the inspiring Musical Director Nick who gave the cast a level of confidence like never seen before.
It was the first time in 30 years that Poynter House had won the competition, and the students were ecstatic to receive the trophy. The event was a great success, with students from all Houses taking part and showing their appreciation for each other's work. It was a great demonstration of the talent and creativity of the students at St Edmund's College.
The choreography by our very own Josie McMeechan was incredible to highlight one number specifically “Whipped Into Shape”, lead by the amazingly talented Qmarlah was quite literally breathtaking. No changes were made to make this easier, “Whipped” was high intensity live skipping and singing. The level of fitness required to pull this off is incredible. The show was enjoyed by all who watched it, huge congratulations to all the students and staff.
Next cohort of Old Edmundians
Following the stress and dedication they have shown in their studies and examinations, we say goodbye to our wonderful Rhetoric II students as they leave the College to become the latest cohort of Old Edmundians.
They have all worked so hard through this examination period and we wish them well with the next step in their lives. We look forward to welcoming them to future Alumni events!

Return of The Star Tavern...
On Thursday 15th June, we hosted the first post-pandemic dinner at The Star Tavern in Belgravia for those that attended the College in the 1940’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Despite the heat (new air conditioning & a bar in the upstairs dining room helped!) and with the number being a little smaller than in previous years, there were first-timers present & others who had attended several times. We even had an OE who had been every year since leaving the College (“probably!”). All who came along experienced an enjoyable and convivial evening filled with warmth and laughter, catching up with people they hadn’t seen or spoken to for more than 50 years in some cases.
We began the evening with drinks downstairs in the bar before sitting down to a wonderful three course meal which followed a short speech from Mr Mostyn thanking everyone for coming and for their continued support.
We will continue to meet in The Star Tavern in Belgravia for as long as the Old Edmundians enjoy attending and we hope to see many of you again next year.
Attended are as follows:
Alan Parkinson
Talbot 1962-1967
Nikki King
Alumni Officer
David Bett
St Hugh’s & Talbot 1951-1961
Melanie Burke
Director of Admissions & Marketing
Matthew Mostyn
Martin Gratte
St Hugh’s & Douglass 1957-1960
Lorna Fitzjohn Guest
Alan Fitzjohn
Talbot 1961-1966
Linda Cadier Guest

Paul Cadier
St Hugh’s & Douglass 1959-1968
Ken Allen
Challoner 1951-1956
Peter Antram
St Hugh’s & Douglass 1963-1972
Tony Conway
St Hugh’s & Talbot 1942-1949
Andrew Keenan
St Hugh’s & Talbot 1952-1960
Henryk Klocek
St Hugh’s & Douglass 1960-1970
Michael Mason
Talbot 1966-1970
Stephen O'Connor
Douglass 1962-1969
Peter Ward
St Hugh’s & Talbot 1953-1961
Hiran Weereratne
Douglass 1968-1975
Nicholas Lloyd
Junior House & Douglass 1968-1975
In Memoriam
We have learned of the deaths of the following Edmundians:
Charles Carey (St Hugh’s & Douglass 1946-55; Governor 1982-90)
died on 5 November 2022 aged 85
Fr Peter Chappell (Douglass 1953-58)
died on 31 December 2022 aged 83
Christopher Gillham (Talbot 1958-64)
died on 15 May 2022 aged 76
Bill Gribbin (Academic Staff 1968-91)
died on 29 December 2022 aged 79
David Metcalfe (Douglass 1948-50)
died on 29 April 2022 aged 90
Tim O’Regan (St Hugh’s & Talbot 1957-66)
died on 31 December 2022 aged 74
Guy Scammell (St Hugh’s & Talbot 1950-61)
died on 29 November 2022 aged 79
Dr Mervyn Shipsey (Challoner 1941-44)
died on 21 March 2022 aged 95
Nick Tucker (Junior House & Challoner 1974-79)
died on 16 February 2023 aged 59
Fr Henry Young (Allen Hall 1951-57)
died on 22 March 2023 aged 90
John Moncreiff Wilkie (Talbot1960-65)
died on 3 May 2023 aged 77
May they rest in peace.
Dates for your Diary
Sunday 19th November 2023
St Edmund’s Sunday - All welcome!

Date to be confirmed in March 2024 College Careers Fair - All welcome!
Save the date!
There will be various other reunions and gatherings throughout the year so please do keep an eye out for emails, the Alumni website and various social media platforms for further information.

All Edmundians are welcome to attend any of these events; it is important to book your place so please contact the Alumni Office for reservations or more details.
Alumni Officer - St Edmund's College, Old Hall Green, Herts SG111DS

Telephone: 01920 824283 Email: alumni@stedmundscollege.org
Charles Carey
Charles Carey came into St Hugh’s in 1946 and transferred to Douglass in 1948. His younger brothers Patrick and Peter also attended the College.
While at St Edmund’s, Charles became a Prefect, Captain of the 2nd XV rugby team and Captain of Badminton. He was Chess Club Treasurer and Archaeological Society Secretary, and received his House half colours.
In 1955 he proceeded to study Law at Trinity College, Cambridge, and later qualified as a barrister. He was on the committee of The Edmundian Association between 1966 and 1972, and a College governor from 1982 until 1990.
In 2001, to mark the Millennium, the three Carey brothers donated the stone monument that stands in the Front Field. It forms the gnomon to an imagined sundial.
In more recent years he was a government lawyer in the Cabinet Office, working long past the normal retirement age.
Charles was a staunch supporter of Old Edmundian events, whether they be religious retreats, London Dinners or St Edmund’s Sundays. He will be greatly missed.

He died on 5 November 2022 at the age of 85. May he rest in peace.
Avita ProFide
If you have some exciting news you would published in the next edition of Avita Pro Fide, please send details through to:
Alumni Officer
St Edmund's College, Old Hall Green, Herts SG111DS
Tel: 01920 824283 alumni@stedmundscollege.org