St Edmund's College Lent 2021 Calendar

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St Edmund's College

Lent Term 2021 Calendar Old Hall Green, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG11 1DS 01920 821504

MISSION STATEMENT Rooted in Christ and Catholic tradition and under the guidance of its patron, St Edmund’s aims to realise the God-given potential, in body mind and spirit, of all members of its community through service and leadership. Avita Pro Fide! St Edmund’s is committed to ensuring the welfare and protection of children in their care and this commitment is a fundamental part of the role of every employee. St Edmund’s strives to: provide an education for the whole person in the intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual areas of life; reflect the scholarship of St Edmund by offering a balanced and challenging curriculum for each individual; show concern for all within the St Edmund’s community, demonstrating its commitment to be truly Christ-centred in all that it does, ensuring that the students’ experience of relationships within St Edmund’s reflects the Gospel maxim, “love thy neighbour as thy self”; use its enriching Catholic heritage to make prayer, worship and liturgy a central part of the lives of all in its community; create a meaningful and effective interaction between St Edmund’s and home and the wider community to prepare children to make their way in the world but also to make a difference to the world. Today, St Edmund’s offers not simply an education for Catholics but a Catholic education, welcoming people of all faiths ready to embrace the values that have made it and its predecessors such a successful seat of learning for over 400 years.

REPORTING, INFORMATION AND PARENTS’ EVENINGS SCHEDULE GS - Grade Sheet GSE – Grade Sheet with Examination Grades FR - Full Report E – Examination Grades PT - Parent Teacher Evening







Elements Rudiments Grammar Syntax Poetry Rhetoric I Rhetoric II

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


LOCATION ABBREVIATIONS BH................................................................................Butler Hall BR.................................................................................Bourne Room CC.................................................................................College Chapel DH.................................................................................Douay Hall GR.................................................................................Griffiths Room KR..................................................................................King Room MR.................................................................................Myers Room MS.................................................................................Music School Ref.................................................................................Refectory PR..................................................................................Parlour



TERM DATES LENT TERM 2021 Begins on Tuesday 5 January (Boarders return Monday 4 January) Ends on Friday 26 March** Staff Inset Day: Monday 4 January (Half-term: Friday 12 February*– Sunday 21 February) TRINITY TERM 2021 Begins on Thursday 15 April (Boarders return Wednesday 14 April) Ends Thursday 8 July** Staff Inset: Wednesday 14 April Public Bank Holiday and College Holiday- Monday 3 May (Half-term: Friday 28 May* – Sunday 6 June) MICHAELMAS TERM 2021 Begins on Monday 6 September (Elements Induction Day on Friday 3 September and Boarders return Sunday 5 September) Ends on Friday 10 December** Staff Inset Days: Wednesday 1, Thursday 2, Friday 3 September (Half-term: Wednesday 20 October* – Sunday 31 October)

HEADS OF SCHOOL AND HOUSE CAPTAINS Head Boy: Pub Songsri Deputy Head Boys: Edward Marshall and Francis Butterworth Head Girl: Lucy Edmunds Deputy Head Girls: Soraya Omotosho and Ayla Huseyin Boarding House Captains: Martin Cheung (Allen Hall) and Mina Medic (Garvey’s) Challoner House Captains: Jasper Mattison and Chloe Shaw Douglass House Captains: Nana Adjei and Maggie Taylor Pole House Captains: Caspian Plummer and Abbie Jones Poynter House Captains: Ethan MacKenzie-Yapa and Emily Thomas Talbot House Captains: Rory Chick and Sophia Price Ross

INFIRMARY TIMES Monday – Friday Morning 8:00am – 9:00am and 10:40am – 11:00am Midday 12:30pm – 1:30pm Evening 4:30pm – 9:00pm Saturday and Sunday Open surgery from 8:00am - 9:00am • Only emergencies will be dealt with outside infirmary hours • Boarders wishing to go to the Infirmary after 7pm must report to House staff first • After 9pm a phone call should be made to the Infirmary before sending a student




Schola Cantorum for Poetry Schola Cantorum for Rudiments

Mr Woodhall (GCSE Classroom) Mrs Colligan (Recital Room)


Music activity for Elements

Mr Woodhall (Recital Room)


Rhetoric Production Rehearsal Grammar/Syntax (when not in Games)


Rhetoric Production Rehearsal Grammar/Syntax (when not in Games)

) 7 d oi r e P ( 0 3 . 6 1 - 0 3 . 5 1

GCSE Music Composition Clinic Wednesday Elements Music and Drama Activity


Mr Woodhall (GCSE Classroom) Mrs Colligan and Mrs Wylie (DH) Mr Woodhall and Mrs Schiff (Music School) Mrs Noble/ Mrs Colligan (GCSE Classroom) Mr Woodhall and Mrs Schiff (DH) Mrs Noble (Recital Room)

For all examination information, please refer to individual student examination timetables.

JANUARY WEEK 1 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: The Epiphany Monday 4 Staff INSET Boarders return to the College Tuesday 5

Wednesday 6 09:00 11:00 Thursday 7 08:30 - 10:00 12:40 Friday 8 Saturday 9 09:00 09:00 Sunday 10

Term begins College bus service begins Week 1 - Timetable B Religious Theme: The Epiphany Week 1 - Timetable B Feast of the Epiphany Bounds Mass First Division Mass Week 1 - Timetable B Poetry Mock Examinations begin - DH, MR, BR, GR Prep Parents coffee morning (virtual) Confessions - CC Week 1 - Timetable B U13A&B, U14A, U15A Football v St Columba's Netball training morning U12 Football training morning Baptism of the Lord

JANUARY WEEK 2 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: Living out our baptismal promises Monday 11 Week 2 - Timetable A Rhetoric II Mock Examinations begin - Galilee Chapel, GR Religious Theme: Living out our baptismal promises Tuesday 12 09:00 - 13:00 18:30 - 21:00 Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 12:40 Friday 15 Saturday 16

Sunday 17

Week 2 - Timetable A Prep Form 6 Mock 11+ Examination Rudiments Parent Teacher Evening Week 2 - Timetable A Week 2 - Timetable A Rhetoric I Art trip to Tate Britain & Saatchi Gallery Confessions - CC Week 2 - Timetable A 1st & 2nd Netball tournament at Chigwell U12A&B, U14A&B, U15A Netball v Dame Alice Owens U12A Football v Richard Hale/St Columba's U13A, U14A, U15A Football v Richard Hale 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

JANUARY WEEK 3 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: The Homeless Monday 18 Week 3 - Timetable B Religious Theme: The Homeless U13A&B Football v Brooke House Tuesday 19 13:05

Week 3 - Timetable B Bounds Student Council

Wednesday 20 09:00 - 13:00 13:10 15:30 - 16:30

Week 3 - Timetable B Prep Form 2 7+ examination Chaplaincy Committee Meeting - Chaplaincy Pre-Prep Nursery - Form 2 Parent Rep Meeting (virtual)

Thursday 21 09:00 12:40 15:30 - 16:30 18:30 - 21:00

Week 3 - Timetable B U14A&B Netball v Chigwell Parents' Prayer Group Confessions - CC Prep Form 3 - Form 6 Parent Rep Meeting (virtual) Grammar Parent Teacher Evening

Friday 22

08:45 - 09:30 13:05

Week 3 - Timetable B Poetry & Rhetoric II Mock Examinations end Annual College sleep out in aid of the homeless Prep Holocaust Memorial Assembly (virtual) First Division Student Council

JANUARY WEEK 3 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: The Homeless Saturday 23 U13A&B Netball tournament at Chigwell U14A&B, U15A&B, 1st Netball v Mill Hill U12A&B, U13A&B, U14A, U15A&B Football v University College School U16 & U18 Football v Brooke House 18:00 Mass WEEK 4 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: Conversion Monday 25 Week 4 - Timetable A Religious Theme: Conversion Conversion of St Paul U12A&B&C&D Netball v Belmont Prep Form 6 11+ examination 09:00 - 13:00 Inter-House Prose - MR 15:30 Tuesday 26 16:40 Wednesday 27

15:30 Thursday 28


Week 4 - Timetable A Heads of Department Meeting - GR Week 4 - Timetable A Holocaust Memorial Day 1st & 2nd Netball v SWCHS Inter-House Prose - MR Week 4 - Timetable A Feast of St Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church Prep Form 3 - Form 6 Show Announcement (virtual) U15A&B Netball v Chigwell Confessions - CC

JANUARY WEEK 4 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: Conversion Friday 29 Week 4 - Timetable A Poetry Retreat 09:00 - 15:30 Saturday 30

Sunday 31

U12A&B. U13A&B, U14A&B, U15A&B Netball v Queenswood U12A, U13A, U14A, U15A, U16A, 1stXI, 2ndXI Football v Wellingborough 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

FEBRUARY WEEK 5 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: Jesus the light of the world Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3 15:30

Week 5 - Timetable B Religious Theme: Jesus the light of the world Presentation of Jesus Prep Form 1 - Form 6 Concert Week (filmed) U12A&B&C Netball v SWCHS Week 5 - Timetable B Syntax Art trip to Tate Britain/Tate Modern Mock Results Day for GCSE and A Level for Poetry and Rhetoric students Week 5 - Timetable B 1st & 2nd Netball v Forest Intermediate Inter-House Prose

FEBRUARY WEEK 5 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: Jesus the light of the world Thursday 4 Week 5 - Timetable B GCSE PE written coursework day U15A&B Football v Brooke House 12:40 Confessions - CC 13:30 - 16:30 Rhetoric I & II Retreat Friday 5 15:30 Saturday 6

Sunday 7

Week 5 - Timetable B Intermediate Inter-House Netball U12A&B&C Netball tournament at Chigwell U12A, U13A, U14A, U15A, 1stXI, 2ndXI Football v Forest 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

WEEK 6 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: Care for the Sick (Our Lady of Lourdes) Monday 8 Week 6 - Timetable A Religious Theme: Care for the Sick (Our Lady of Lourdes) U12A&B&C Football v Latymer 18:30 - 21:00 Rhetoric I Parent Teacher Evening Tuesday 9 08:45 - 09:30 Wednesday 10 18:30 - 21:00

Week 6 - Timetable A Prep Safer Internet Day Assembly (virtual) Week 6 - Timetable A Poetry Art trip to Tate Britain/Modern Rhetoric II Parent Teacher Evening

FEBRUARY WEEK 6 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: Care for the Sick (Our Lady of Lourdes) Thursday 11 Week 6 - Timetable A GCSE PE written coursework day Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Poetry GCSE Music Performance Recordings - MS U14A&B Football v Brooke House 09:00 - 15:30 Syntax Retreat 12:40 Confessions - CC 13:00 - 15:00 Prep Inter-House quiz (virtual) Friday 12 16:25 Sunday 14

Week 6 - Timetable A Half term begins 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

WEEK 7 - HALF TERM Monday 15 Tuesday 16 Wednesday 17 Thursday 18 Friday 19 Sunday 21

Half term Half term Half term Ash Wednesday - a day of fasting and abstinence Half term Half term 1st Sunday of Lent

FEBRUARY WEEK 8 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: What is Lent? Monday 22 Week 8 - Timetable B Religious Theme: What is Lent? Chair of St Peter Fairtrade Fortnight 08:45 - 09:30 Prep Anti-Bullying Assembly (virtual) 09:00 - 15:30 Grammar Retreat Tuesday 23 13:00 - 15:00 Wednesday 24 Thursday 25

12:40 18:30 - 21:00 Friday 26 13:20 Saturday 27

Sunday 28

Week 8 - Timetable B Prep Form 3 - Form 6 Pancake Race Week 8 - Timetable B Week 8 - Timetable B GCSE PE Mock Moderation Day U14A&B Netball v SWCHS Confessions Poetry Parent Teacher Evening Week 8 - Timetable B GCSE PE Mock Moderation Day Stations of the Cross - CC U12A&B, U13A&B, U14A&B, U15A&B Netball v Forest Elements Football Tournament 2nd Sunday of Lent

MARCH WEEK 9 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: What is true charity? Monday 1 Week 9 - Timetable A Religious Theme: What is true charity? Prep Form 5 Tudor Day U12A&B&C, U13A&B Football v Belmont 08:40 First Division Charity Week Assembly 09:00 Bounds Charity Week Assembly 15:30 Junior Inter-House Netball Tuesday 2 09:00 - 15:30 16:30 - 20:30 Wednesday 3

13:10 Thursday 4

12:40 14:30 16:30 - 20:30 Friday 5 13:20

Week 9 - Timetable A Rudiments Retreat Prep Parent Consultations (virtual) Week 9 - Timetable A Poetry GCSE Art Portfolio Day 1st & 2nd Netball v Chigwell Chaplaincy Committee Meeting - Chaplaincy Week 9 - Timetable A Poetry GCSE Art Portfolio Day Prep World Book Day with themed lunch U15A&B Netball v SWCHS Confessions - CC Academic Sub-Committee Meeting - BR, MR Prep Parent Consultations (virtual) Week 9 - Timetable A Stations of the Cross- CC

MARCH WEEK 9 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: What is true charity? Saturday 6 U12A&B, U13A&B, U14A&B, U15A&B Netball v Brentwood U12A&B, U13, U14, U15, 1stXI Football v Dame Alice Owen's Sunday 7

3rd Sunday in Lent

WEEK 10 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: Pray/Fast/Share Monday 8 Week 10 - Timetable B Religious Theme: Pray/Fast/Share Charity Week Rhetoric II A Level Art Portfolio Day U13A&B&C Netball v SWCHS PR & Marketing Sub-Committee Meeting - BR, MR 09:30 Tuesday 9 16:40 Wednesday 10

15:30 Thursday 11 12:40

Week 10 - Timetable B Rhetoric II A Level Art Portfolio Day Heads of Department Meeting - GR Week 10 - Timetable B Rhetoric II A Level Art Portfolio Day Prep Form 6 Evacuee Day 1stXI Football v Roundwood Park Senior Inter-House Netball Week 10 - Timetable B Confessions - CC

MARCH WEEK 10 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: Pray/Fast/Share Friday 12 Week 10 - Timetable B Own Clothes Day 09:30 Finance Sub-Committee Meeting - BR, MR 13:20 Stations of the Cross - CC 14:30 Prep School Sub-Committee Meeting - BR, MR 15:30 Talent Show Saturday 13

Sunday 14

U12A&B&C, U13A&B&C Netball v Chigwell U12A, U13A, U14A, U15A Football v Sir John Lawes Belmont Football tournament 4th Sunday in Lent

WEEK 11 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: Repentance Monday 15 Week 11 - Timetable A Religious Theme: Repentance Lenten Penitential Services this week Inter-House Football Grammar DTP/MenACWY vaccination - DH 09:00 - 13:00 Tuesday 16 12:30 Wednesday 17 12:30 13:05 18:30 - 21:00

Week 11 - Timetable A Elements & Grammar individual school photographs - BR/MR Week 11 - Timetable A Inter-House Football Poetry & Rhetoric II individual school photographs - BR/MR Bounds Student Council Syntax Parent Teacher Evening

MARCH WEEK 11 - TIMETABLE A - Religious Theme: Repentance Thursday 18 Week 11 - Timetable A Inter-House Football Parents' Prayer Group 09:00 Confessions - CC 12:40 Friday 19

09:30 12:40 13:05 Saturday 20

Sunday 21 18:00

Week 11 - Timetable A Feast of St Joseph, husband of the blessed Virgin Mary Inter-House Football Full Governing Board Meeting - BR, MR Stations of the Cross - CC First Division Student Council U12A&B&C, U13A&B&C, U14A&B, U15A, 1st & 2nd Netball v Chigwell U12A&B, U13A, U14A, U15A Football v Enfield Grammar 5th Sunday in Lent Mass

WEEK 12 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: Holy Week Monday 22

09:00 11:00 13:45

Week 12 - Timetable B Religious Theme: Holy Week LCM Music Theatre Examinations - MS U12A&B Football v Roundwood Park Syntax - Elevate, Study Skills Seminar – Time Management - DH Rhetoric II - Elevate, Study Skills Seminar – Finishing Line - DH Poetry - Elevate, Study Skills Seminar – Ace Your Exams - DH

MARCH WEEK 12 - TIMETABLE B - Religious Theme: Holy Week Tuesday 23 Week 12 - Timetable B LCM Music Theatre Examinations - MS Wednesday 24

Thursday 25

12:40 19:00 - 21:00 Friday 26 09:00 11:00 12:40 14:30 14:30

Week 12 - Timetable B ABRSM Practical Music Examinations - MS 1stXI & 2ndXI Football v St Columba's Week 12 - Timetable B Feast of the Annunciation ABRSM Practical Music Exams - MS Confessions - CC Spring Concert (online) Week 12 - Timetable B Bounds Lenten Service First Division Lenten Service Stations of the Cross - CC Term finishes Buses leave

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY (e.g. severe weather)

Information Only tel: 01920 824295 Challoner House............................. Douglass House.............................. Pole House....................................... Poynter House................................ Talbot House.................................. Head of Elements.......................... Co-Directors of Sixth Form.......... St Edmund's Prep........................... Infirmary.......................................... Mrs Peirce........................................

01920 824326 01920 824272 01920 824356 01920 824274 01920 824229 01920 824219 01920 824290 01920 824239 01920 824234 01920 824328

Allen Hall (Boys' Boarding) Telephone........................................ 01920 824300 Mobile................................................ 07845485401 Garvey's (Girls' Boarding) Telephone......................................... 01920 824205 Mobile................................................ 07590440633

Old Hall Green, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG11 1DS 01920 821504

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