COLLEGE LIFE The Newsletter of St Edmund's College April 2022
Headmaster's Welcome Welcome to the latest addition of College Life!
Please click on me for a more personal introduction, and then browse to your heart’s content! e Click her to watch
Headmaster's Book Each week, selected students are invited to sign the Headmaster's Book to commemorate their outstanding work and contributions to life at the College. We are delighted to have awarded a record number of Headmaster's Book Signings this half term, and we want to congratulate the following students for their achievements!
Uzo Ezumas Frederico Gomez Marcus Knoules Edmund Chick Zain Kazmi Gala Cooper Eva Olaiya Jessica Bowley Megan Stringer Erin Goodwin Megan Crook James Brookman Lara Yagudaev Amber Blake Amber Bonnett-Powell Mae Wiggins Gianluca Raggio Charlotte Ward Richie Nomikos Alessandro Ciraolo
Claudio Norton Rosie Woolfe Nkechi Ezuma Francis Davis Amber Davies Sonny Perring Ahana Matharu Pippa Webster Anabel Turley Tife Ibronke Helen Zhou Jake Hood Aidan Cosgrove Jasper Delaney Jude Pratt Felix Ironside-Sadler Ava Halliday Harry Horgreaves Trigunathmika Barla
Well Done Everyone!
Charity Week One of the most exciting weeks of the academic year at St Edmund's is Charity Week. This year we raised money for a charity close to many of our hearts here at the College, Keech Hospice who cared for William Lang. The charity provides care and support for individuals with life-limiting and terminal illnesses and their families. The week began with a presentation from Keech Hospice, followed by the charity week prayer written by Head Boy, Alexander Simpson and Head Girl Ogorchukwu Ozor.
Throughout the week, the College saw the return of charity car washes, pizza stalls, bake sales and staff football and hockey matches and even fundraised head shaves! Other notable highlights included 'Soak the Teacher', the annual Talent Show and the highly anticipated Colour Run, organised by Mrs Pitman.
Charity Week We want to thank all the students, staff and parents for their contributions and support and we are thrilled to have raised an astounding sum of money for such a special charity.
We raised an incredible
For the first time in 8 years, the College hosted our School production on campus. This years production was Russell and Krieger's, 'Sideshow', directed by Tom Veasey, who recounts his experience directing the show. We want to thank everyone involved, and congratulate Tom and all the students who created a spectacular performance. As I sit and reflect, I do not think I will ever be able to fully articulate the impact Side Show had on myself and all those involved. I want to begin by highlighting the importance of the ‘ensemble’. As mentioned in my Director’s note, the ensemble provided the foundations for the production. I had considered the potential impact of the pandemic on the logistical aspects of the show, however, I hadn’t anticipated the repercussions that COVID had on the relationships between students. It was only when the cast first came together, I realised many students had never met with their peers in other year groups. I was not worried, St Edmund’s is synonymous with community, and by the end of the first rehearsal, the ‘ensemble’ had formed, and I knew, every member of Side Show, on stage and off, were about to embark on a very special journey. Side Show provided students with a creative outlet in an academic environment, something which we have not seen since before the pandemic. As you can imagine, rehearsals are not exactly a strict environment, I wanted the cast to have freedom and most importantly, fun, having been restricted by COVID. Despite this, there was a collective desire for success which in turn, led to a disciplined and motivated atmosphere. I was astounded by the professionalism of the cast, which made rehearsals both enjoyable and rewarding. By the time, the ‘Big Top’ arrived, I knew we had a show which was ready to go. Speaking of the ‘Big Top’, I vividly remember sitting in Father Pinot’s Memorial Garden, in the sunshine, waiting for the arrival of the enormous tent in the form of a circus convoy. Josh had joined me by the time the three vans had arrived and asked the question, “Where’s the rest?”, to which I replied, “Perhaps they will bring the BIG bit later…”. To our surprise, and only an hour later, we had a huge purple tent in the middle of the quad at St Edmund’s.
We resisted venturing into the tent on that final weekend of rehearsals and instead held a run of the show in the familiarity of the Douay Hall, however, this time, the cast were accompanied by the band. The band call brought the show to life, the synergy between the cast and the live music was magic, and I would like to thank Mr Woodhall for guiding us through what is a very difficult music score. Finally, show week was upon on. The cast and crew were filled with excitement and anticipation for what was to come. As we ventured into the ‘Big Top’, everyone’s faces lit up (and not just with the purple hue of the tent!) and determination ran through the cast. JL Lighting arrived along with the sound crew and by the end of the rehearsal, all cast were microphoned, in costume with spotlights casting over them. Despite rehearsing the show in the layout we had designed for the tent, I was amazed at how seamlessly the cast were able to transition what we had nailed in the Douay Hall, to the ‘Big Top’. The cast remained professional throughout the day, and worked collaboratively with the sound and lighting crew, to ensure the matinee performance would run as smoothly as possible. The cast (and crew), left the College on Monday feeling elated and prepared for the weeks events. Finally, the audience arrived and what started as the skeletal form of a relatively obscure show, had become Side Show, a production oozing talent and enjoyment. The buzz circulating the tent was infectious, as was the sub-zero temperatures… prior to the performance, the idea of ‘What if?’ filled the cast. What if I don’t actually know my lines? What if I trip? What if my voice breaks? NOT…..What if it reaches minus one and I’m only wearing a flapper dress?! Despite the weather, the show was incredible and the interaction between the cast and the audience brought the production to life. However, it was apparent that the weather was proving problematic for both the cast, crew and audience, leading the employment of heaters ahead of the second night! The audience were also invited to enjoy a festive mulled wine or hot chocolate, served by our brilliant marketing team led by Melanie Burke. I want to thank Melanie, Jen, Andi and Freya for all their help!
The final performance evoked a range of emotions. Pride, excitement, joy and sadness filled the cast, Sideshow was coming to an end. As the cast filled the sides of the stage to perform the opening number choreographed by the fantastic Ms McMeechan, a sense of pride overwhelmed me. We had achieved something indescribable. The pandemic has tainted all our memories over the past two years, yet Sideshow felt ‘normal’. It was normal to see people enjoying themselves, wholeheartedly, without being restricted. It was normal to have the community return to St Edmund’s. Lastly, it was normal for students to be celebrated for their talent and commitment, which had a profound effect on me and all those who involved in the production. As I said in the beginning, the impact of Side Show is indescribable, and I want to congratulate and thank every single member of what was an incredible production. Thank you for reigniting the theatrical spark within all our hearts!
Well done to all those who were involved in the production, both on stage and behind the scenes!
Drama Department Rhetoric II and Poetry Our examination classes have been busily preparing for a series of Drama coursework assessments. Sadly, due to covid restrictions, this year there is no visiting examiner for the course. This meant that our pupils have been rehearsing monologues and group performances. In lieu of a 'real' audience, the students performed to their peers and at home. In spite of such challenging circumstances they have managed to put together some incredible designs and performances! Rhetoric I Our A Level Drama group visited one of our Syntax GCSE classes where they took the opportunity to showcase their incredible set designs for the play 'Chimerica'. Always one of the favourite tasks of the A Level Drama, this year our Rhetoric I class took their designs to a new level using spray paint, a myriad of different materials begged and borrowed from around the school, and even a mini ipad to bring the design to life! Our GCSE class enjoyed asking all about Drama A Level and thinking about their own set design task that is coming up.
Stage Makeup and Design This period 7 club, bursting at the seams, is an opportunity to explore different makeup techniques. This term we have so far focused upon designing fantasy animals and explored how to use creative techniques to transform humans to animals! A lot of glitter is used in the process....This is all in preparation for designing the animals for the forthcoming Junior Drama 'Wind in the Willows' performance at the end of the Trinity term! Junior Drama - 'Wind in the Willows' Completing St Edmund's College triad of performances, the Junior Drama production will take place at the end of the Trinity term. Please cross your fingers for good weather as this will be an outdoor performance! We are very excited to see the production coming together, with pupils working collaboratively to produce speech and movement bringing the world of the willows to life.
Music Department The Schola Cantorum were proud to perform the Vigil Mass at Westminster Cathedral in January. The choir sang a beautiful rendition of James MacMillan’s St Anne’s Mass Setting, followed by Philip Stopford’s Jubilate and Ave Marie. A huge thank you to all the parents who were able to attend and support the choir.
The Jazz Band continues to thrive under the direction of Mr McNiff and Mr Webster, who are keen for the band to grow. If there any are any wind or brass players in the College who wish to join, please contact Mr McNiff. For those interested in joining The Rock Band, Orchestra, Choir or any other of our ensembles please contact Mr Woodhall. A Level Student, Gabriel is a brilliant Marimba player and we are delighted to be able to support our music students. The Music School are now owners of a marimba and a harp. If you are interested in learning either of these instruments, or any others, please speak to a member of the Music School who will help you! Our Senior Schola members performed Evensong at Waltham Abbey alongside the Southend High School for Girls chamber choir. Thomas Tallis was the Organist and Choirmaster at the Abbey during the 1540s, therefore our performance of his setting of the Preces and Responses were fitting. Our Senior Choir also performed an Anthem by Leighton and Mr Woodhall’s setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis.
Music Department
This half term saw the return of our wonderful Lent Concert, where we celebrated the breadth of musical talent within Edmundia. The evening opened with an excellent performance by our Jazz Band. The Junior Schola performed a beautiful rendition of Bob Chilcot’s ‘Can You Hear Me?’, conducted by Mrs Colligan and accompanied by Mrs Noble. Not only did the choir sound beautiful, their intricate demonstration of the sign language created a powerful and moving atmosphere. Our Senior Choir performed a wonderful close harmony arrangement of ‘Vincent’ and ‘And So It Goes’, which was followed by the College Orchestra’s performance of ‘Star Wars’, ‘Chariots of Fire’ and finally ‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’. Amongst the ensemble performances, the evening celebrated our individual performers, featuring Rhetoric music students and Music Scholars.
Religious Life Lent A small group of staff and students gathered each Friday breaktime to pray the stations of the cross, providing an opportunity to reflect on Jesus' sacrifice. Sessions were led by Ellis and Bethany as part of their Faith in Action Gold Award. We began the season of Lent with Mass on Ash Wednesday. In addition, students were offered purple ribbons to wear during Lent, as purple is the liturgical colour representing sorrow.
Graffiti Prayer Wall During lunch break, students were invited to contribute to the new graffiti prayer wall which will be placed in the Chaplaincy. The wall provided students with the opportunity to write short messages and prayers.
Fairtrade Fortnight For Fairtrade Fortnight, we focused on the impact of climate change on the lives of those producing Fairtrade goods. The Bronze Faith in Action group created a display in the Ambulacrum and, dressed as bananas, encouraged students to take part in a quiz; the answers could be found by a careful reading of the display. Winning students were awarded a selection of Fairtrade items.
Careers Fair It was fantastic to see so many exhibitors at our Careers Fair on the 11th March. We are extremely grateful to the parents, Old Edmundian's, universities, and employers that were able to share their expertise with our students, travelling from as far away as Bath, Stirling, Strathclyde, and even Prague! The day started with a series of talks on a range of careers including the arts, police, software industry, psychological research, BT and GSK apprenticeships, and marketing. Our students were keen to engage in the afternoon's events, making the most of the opportunities to attend talks network. The exhibitors were full of praise for the mature and enthusiastic way our students conducted themselves throughout the day. We look forward to hosting an even bigger event next year!
Alice Hopkin Chat
Alice Hopkin OE: Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Alice Hopkin (OE, 2015) has enjoyed considerable success since leaving St Edmund’s. A degree in Geography, along with a MSc in Politics and Communication has led to her current role as Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. Alice came back to visit St Edmund’s and spoke to our GCSE and A Level geographers about the importance of the subject and its relevance in today’s world. "I found Alice’s talk really inspiring as I had never thought about how many subjects link to geography and all of the various career paths you can go down. I was really interesting to learn how far geography can take you in life and I loved hearing all about her day to day life and all the roles and responsibilities she has."
Netball In the blink of an eye we have come to the end of our first netball season in two years. It has been a great term where we have witnessed the students grow and develop on the netball court.
Mrs Robinson, Head of Girls' Games and Pole house master
The U12A team have been particularly impressive this season having won all their matches. The whole squad has been an absolute credit to themselves and worked tirelessly in every fixture to challenge their ability. The shooters have scored an impressive 163 goals, with the defensive only conceding 54; this is an excellent stat.
A dominant result was the team's 36-7 win over Brentwood, which was an extremely closely contested game until the last quarter. The U12B team continued to learn and develop after every game, to improve their tactical awareness. This culminated in a final game of the season against Chigwell and a welldeserved 22-11 victory for the team. An excellent positive result to finish the season. The U13A and B teams had some exceptionally close games, where all teams battled to the final whistle and never gave up. The A team experienced a great game against Queenswood where they dominated play, winning 29-8. The U13B demonstrated cohesion and versatility as each week the players adapted for the team’s needs. The U14s have developed their spatial awareness throughout the season and finished the year with an end-toend battle against Mill Hill. Unfortunately, we got pipped to the post and lost 17-18 but what a game to finish on. The U14B perservered throughout the season and finished their last game scoring the greatest number of goals they had in any game this season - well done! The U15s have demonstrated a sense of unity and purpose this season. They have worked exceptionally well to support each other on court and to develop their tactical awareness. The U15s had their strongest fixture against Forest, where they implemented numerous set plays effectively in their respective teams, which lead to a 24-7 win for the A team. The first and second teams have been a great bunch of girls to work with this season, brining fun and character to each session, and willingness to learn. The 1st team had an extremely competitive fixture against Forest which lead to a 2727 draw. With the 2nd team fighting during every fixture for every ball.
Football It has been an outstanding term for all year groups in Boys' Sport. With countless fixtures for all abilities, it has been a joy to witness the development of all sides. The football being played has been progressive, direct and creative. Students have excelled in the competition with other schools as well as their own Interhouse competitions.
Mr Cunnah, Head of Boys' Games and Challoner House Master
The Elements teams have recorded some excellent victories against Latymer School, Bishop Stortford High School and Forest School. Furthermore, they were unfortunate to get knocked out of the County Cup in the Semi Final after some excellent victories.
The Rudiments team brought home silverware as they won their final against Richard Hale School. An excellent day in the sun saw the team win the final 3-2 after extra time at Hertford FC. An excellent season from all players. Grammar recorded some brilliant performances against Bishop Stortford High School and Forest School, and played some outstanding football this season. Unfortunately they got knocked out of the Cup in the Semi Final stages, but should be proud of their efforts. Syntax battled well in all fixtures this term, defensively improving and consistently pressurising opposition with well-structured attacking football. They put in excellent performances against Forest School, Simon Balle and Brook House. The Senior sides were the first to play on the new Chapel pitch. The pitch has a wonderful backdrop and a lovely spot to watch the matches. The teams competed very well in their fixtures and recorded an excellent victory against Brooke House School. Well done to all the teams, and thanks for all of your support.
High Achievers VR Circuit Rhetorician, Alessandro Ciraolo created a Virtual Reality Circuit Building app. This innovative idea is beginning to emerge in the IT market and not many people have designed such an app. Alessandro worked hard on this project, creating the application in a very short space of time. Well done Alessandro! e Click her to watch
Philosothon At the start of March we hosted a Philosothon Regional Heat. Teams from Aylesbury Grammar School, Felsted School, New Hall School, Bishop’s Stortford College and Stephen Perse all engaged in discussing and pondering the hidden philosophical meanings behind everything; from Jack and the Beanstalk to Descartes. We want to congratulate Francis Arlwado for achieving an award for the highest scoring Year 12 in the competition!
Industrial Cadets Our Rudiments and Grammar Industrial Cadets have dedicated their lunchtimes to focus on specific projects, from redesigning classrooms to developing sustainable islands. Cadets had the opportunity to discuss their tasks with mentors from GSK and have made great progress. The students have gained great skills from time management and planning and we wish them luck completing their projects over the Easter Holidays.
Arkwright Scholarship Congratulations to Ming Song who has been shortlisted for an interview for the prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. Ming has designed and built his own prototype of the famous Dr Octopus arm from Spiderman. Best of luck with the interview, Ming!
Elements Trip to Silverstone As part of the STEM activities rotation, Elements visited Silverstone in March. Getting to handle some of the key components which go into making an F1 car travel so fast, understanding the vast array of people and professions involved in the F1 industry, getting to walk on the Silverstone circuit, as well as experiencing a close to real life simulation of driving an F1 car. A day jam-packed with excellent activities was enjoyed by all.
Building on the normal Period 7 training sessions, it was fantastic to see so many senior cadets from both St Edmund's and Goffs taking part in the leadership training weekend on 5th March and putting their skills into action a few weekends later, on Exercise Spring Forward. Over the 3-day exercise, Cadets developed their fieldcraft skills, patrolling in both rural and urban settings, carrying out section attacks, dealing with casualty scenarios and braving some fairly chilly night time temperatures! Well done to all who took part, and congratulations to those who have subsequently achieved welldeserved promotions.
Boarding Life
A few photos from some of the fun activities our boarders are getting up to in their free time over the last half term.
Rhetoric Common Room Refurbishments It was great to unveil to the Rhetoric and Boarding students the refurbished common room, with new seating areas, study pods and a 75" television. The students have been so appreciative which is wonderful to see!