College Life - October 2022

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Click here to watch Headmaster's Welcome COLLEGE LIFE ThenewsletterofStEdmund'sCollege|October2022 Welcome to the October edition of College Life. Please click on me for a more personal introduction, and then browse to your heart’s content! Digital

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Left to right Front Row: Barney O Deputy Head Boy

Mayura P Deputy Head Girl Oliver W Head Boy Whitney U Head Girl Oliver E Deputy Head Boy Brooke J Deputy Head Girl

Left to right Third Row: Emma L Talbot Head of House Gabriel L Community Life Prefect

Joshua J Pole Head of House Mayode I Douglass Head of House

Joshua C Talbot Head of House

Left to right Second Row: Joseph R Douglass Head of House Honeysuckle P Pole Head of House

Trang Bui N Head of Girls' Boarding Shyanne A - Community Life Prefect Isabella U Challoner Head of House Sophie N Community Life Prefect

Left to right Fourth Row: Sarah B Poynter Head of House Sam T Head of Boys' Boarding Joseph B Poynter Head of House Charlie K Challoner Head of House Joseph Y Community Life Prefect

Challoner House Centenary Dinner

This year, three Houses Challoner, Talbot and Douglass celebrate their100th Anniversary and we are marking these specials events through the Houses dinners Challoner House was the first to celebrate with the students enjoying a wonderful three course meal with fun games and speeches by the House Captains Students and staff were then joined by parents for drinks as Housemaster, Mr Cunnah gave a talk on the origins and history of Challoner House

The celebrations will continue throughout the year as Talbot and Douglass plan their own 100th anniversary dinners which will be held next term. Events are also in the pipeline for our Old Edmundians to join in the Centenary celebrations with a dinner and dance early next year

The College has (so far) been blessed with fine weather, and the enjoyment of Saturday sport returning

Despite disruption at the start of the term, the College has participated in several County Football Fixtures, National Cup Rugby fixtures and Saturday block fixtures The students in Elements have played several fixtures and performed very well For many students, Rugby is a brand new sport and they have been inspired in the matches so far

Excellent wins against New Hall and Kings Ely have been the highlights Outstanding team tries, and excellent attacking have been a joy to watch for all involved Rudiments have also had excellent wins against New Hall and Kings Ely Resolute defence as well as powerful running have allowed players to get some early tries in the season Grammar and Syntax have also had fixtures against New Hall, Kings Ely and St George's School.

Despite putting in motivated performances, they have found themselves against some strong opposition, but continue to work well in training sessions The Senior side have had a busy start to the term with fixtures against Hitchin, Bishop Stortford College, Langley School and Culford School The Seniors have played outstanding, and improve every week in performances

The football competitions have also meant that sides in Elements, Rudiments, Grammar, Syntax and the Seniors have progressed to the next round of the Regional Cup After the Half term break, there are fixtures to look forward to against Wellingborough, Bishop Stortford High School and Hitchin Furthermore, the Elements Rugby Festival on 3rd December is one to look forward to

Thank you as always, for your continued support

Sadly, with the passing of the Queen, the tough decision was made to cancel our first two weekends of sport following the guidelines from HMC Nevertheless, this half term has still been action packed, as alongside our fixture programme the girls’ have represented the College in six different cup competitions, which has been great to see

These fixtures allow our teams to experience different opposition to our fixture programme thus developing the sporting experience of all involved. It is safe to say that regardless of the result our students represent the College with zeal

In our College fixture programme we have seen the U13A hockey team secure a convincing 6 1 win over Forest, with a hattrick from Marni C.

The U14A team also saw a great victory against Forest in their first 11 a side match for the College with a 4 2 win The U12A team have suffered two narrow defeats, losing 4 5 to Belmont and 1 2 to Forest School in what were both end to end games of hockey. The U12B team securing a draw in a competitive first match for the College against Forest

Mr Cunnah, Head of Boys' Games and Challoner Housemaster Mrs Robinson, Head of Girls' Games and Pole Housemistress

We look forward to see all our teams in actions after the half term break, where we look forward to playing our home fixtures on our brand new surface In the independent school hockey cup, the U13s had a thrilling first round draw against St Benedict’s School, in a fixture that could have gone either way. St Edmund’s kept exploiting the space on the pitch to create several chances at goal, which led to a 3 2 victory. The next round of the competition sees the team face James Allens Girls School on the first Monday after half term, where we hope the winning streak continues Both the U15s and 1st XI are in the plate section of the competition after experiencing first round losses to Bedford Girls’ School and Queenswood School and we wish you every success in your next games of the competition

The U13s have represented the College at the Hertfordshire Schools Hockey Championship in the county round, with fierce competition from schools across the county In an action packed afternoon of hockey at Queenswood School, the team gave it their all but were unfortunate not to progress to the final stages of the competition

In netball, it was a winning start for the first team in the independent school netball cup against Stamford school Where a new team, with many combinations on court, where dominant over the opposition to secure a 32 17 victory Unfortunately, the U13s and the U15s were unsuccessful in round 1 of the competition and we are awaiting to see who our opponents will be in the plate section of the competition In the netball county cup the U13s are yet to play their first game, and we wish them every success against Herts and Essex High School after half term For both the 1st team and the U15s it was first round losses having being drawn against tough opposition. They battled with determination and pride in both fixtures, that we are confident they will do well in the plate section of the competition

The Anne Miles Netball Tournament took place on Saturday 15th October, which is the county round to the netball school nationals Both the U13s and U16s have worked tirelessly during the period 7 training sessions in preparation for the tournament. Both teams faced 6 group games to determination the next stage of the competition

The U14s had impressive victories over Broxbourne, Aldenham and Beaumont where there calm and composed netball allowed them to move the ball with ease down the court providing the shooters with as many chances as possible. Marni C was a strong force to be reckoned with in the centre of the court alongside Amber S and Isla R

Amelia R, Myla K, Erin G, Emma P, Jessica B and Maia Fall played their part in the defensive end of the court, where their communication with each other stopped the oppositions attack and allowed for several turnovers Amber BP and Gala Cheld their nerve all morning to keep slotting goals from all around the D Zara Ferns was influential in her support for the team, despite being injured, she was with the team every step of the way encouraging from the side line The U16s, led impressively by Lois Lawrence at centre, had an outstanding 12 1 victory over Rickmansworth School The game saw several well timed turnovers from defensive trio of Daisy C, Chloe H and Madison C which kept the oppositions attack at bay Jemima U was a great asset to the team throughout the morning, as having been training and developing as a GK she effortlessly took on the role as GS on the morning of the competition.

The U14s progressed to the shield section of the competition, where they finished third and it was to be the plate section of the competition for the U16s where they also finished third It was a long, tiring day of netball for all involved However, a great experience where all girls played with passion which was excellent to witness.

In the football County Cup the U16s have their first round draw against Robert Barclay Academy after half term and we are excited to see the performance put out by this team The U14 side had an exceptionally tough first round draw against Parmiter’s School but we know you will all bounce back from this loss.


Ensembles are booming and the College Orchestra and Jazz Band are sounding great. They look forward to playing for you at the Michaelmas Concert on Tuesday 22nd November at St Mary’s Church, Standon The Jazz band played on Open Morning and will also be playing at the Fireworks evening on November 5th.

The rich choral tradition of St Edmund’s continues. You may have recently seen a post featuring a recording of the chapel choir from 1937 The current students stand where they stood and sing for special services and the boarders choir sings every Sunday for Mass. Cantores, our chamber choir joined the boarders for Sunday Mass on 25th September and over half term will be going on tour to Jersey!

Several new P7 Activities started in September including Studio Production with Mr Smith, Folk Club with Mr Fenrych Fahy and three new rock bands! We look forward to hearing their music soon!


To celebrate the end of a busy but exciting first half term of the year we had the first ‘Boarder’s Band Night’ and I am sure these will happen each half term from now on Led by Gabriel in Rhet II, a number of students sang or played, backed by a ‘house band’ of staff Particular highlights included Issabelle Lai playing ‘Bang Bang’ and Gabriel singing several Bruno Mars songs It was great to hear the whole boarding community singing along and having great fun.

We also had the first of our celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the birth of Ralph Vaughn Williams In the music department, we have a signed copy of his ‘Songs of Travel’ and Mr Woodhall sang the first of these songs at the start of the concert. Vaughn Williams’ magnificent ‘Let all the World in Every Corner Sing’ will be sung on St Edmund’s Day and St Edmund’s Sunday by the Schola Cantorum.

Exercise First Step (7/8th October)

Exercise First Step aims to introduce new cadets to in field training and give them an opportunity to complete a number of the CCF Basic syllabus modules in Fieldcraft during their overnight expedition. For Army cadets in Syntax and above it is an opportunity to develop advanced fieldcraft skills and for leadership development

This year we were delighted to have a fantastic turnout with over fifty cadets taking on the challenge. Despite several downpours on Friday, all survived the night hunkered down in their shelters and took part in some excellent training during the Saturday. Activities included learning how to cook (and survive!) on a ration pack, patrolling techniques, how to react to enemy fire, and basic marksmanship principles using air rifles and paintball guns. Morale was high throughout, and all who took part set a wonderful platform for the rest of the year.


Elements Induction Camp

Not long after our new cohort of Elements joined us in September did they set off on an adventure trip to Phasels Wood. They had so much fun taking part in activities such as climbing, water sports and garden games ending the day with hymns and songs around the camp fire before snuggling down in their sleeping bags The camp is a great team and friendship building opportunity for the new starters and a wonderful way to get to know their teachers in a fun environment.

GCSE Geography Field Trip

Poetry students completing their GCSE field work - one day completing beach studies and the next looking at urban regeneration in Norwich.

Fantastic weather on the beachlots of fun had by all including us teachers Mrs York, Mrs Pitman, Mr Upton and Mr Mandiza!

Arkwright Engineering

Our Syntax High Achievers enjoyed a presentation from Head of Design and Technology, Miss Healy to talk about the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship This is a prestigious scholarship opportunity to support pupils to become the Country's future leaders in an engineering profession

Students from across the UK are able to apply for this award which supports successful applicants through their A Levels

Just last year Sam W was successful in winning an Arkwright Scholarship and we hope that one of this years cohort may go on and follow in his and other Edmundians footsteps

Woman in Black Trip

Grammarians have recently studied Susan Hill's gothic novel, The Woman in Black as part of their English curriculum, and to support this they travelled into London to see the production It is staged in the Fortune Theatre, a small theatre which created an intimate atmosphere. It is a very tense production and to avoid any destraction and for silence in the auditorium cups are issued at the door so that sweets can be unwrapped ahead of curtain up, avoiding the rustle of wrappers.

The small cast were able to recreate the experience of the innocent Arthur Kipps who journeyed to Eel Marsh House where he found himself caught up in the events of the past brilliantly. All the pupils experienced spine tingling, nerve wracking moments but, more importantly, experienced the magic of theatre and thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Thorpe Park

Congratulations to pupils from Rudiments, Grammar, Syntax and Poetry who were awarded with a trip to Thorpe Park for demonstrating High Performance Learning (HPL) qualities throughout the last year. They had an excellent day and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Well done to you all!

Religious Life

Welcome Mass

As part of the Elements induction day students and their parents attended Mass and were able to reflect on becoming members of our far reaching Edmundian community At the end of Mass all new students were offered a crucifix to place in their lockers as a reminder to dedicate all they do to God.

Commissioning P efects

The Prefects Commission nts to commit themselves to the service of God and whom attended Prefects were invited forward to s is a reminder of all the students that have held t des of servant leadership

During the Scholars Serv heir God given gifts to fulfil their potential and enhance the lives of those around them. They were given a special certificate as a reminder of the day


Once again parents and students have donated a huge amount of goods to the Food Bank in Hertford. The volunteers who came to collect the donations were speechless and just about managed to fit everything into their van They were very grateful and it was an opportunity for us to help the hungry in the local community.

Cafod on 7th October we held our annual CAFOD Fast Day. Students paid to wear their own clothes and all students were offered the chance to share in a simple lunch The money saved from the normal lunch was also donated to CAFOD to support its work overseas.


In September we welcomed the Diocesan Youth Ministry Team to lead our Rhetoric retreats on the theme of forgiveness. It was an enjoyable day consisting of team building exercises, discussions and times of prayer. We were also very fortunate to have Mrs Mizen from the Mizen Foundation who spoke to the students about her son Jimmy Jimmy was 16 when he was murdered in a bakery in London She spoke about the experience and the need to let go of anger and hatred. Students were then given the opportunity to ask questions and were able to reflect on the family’s response to Jimmy’s death and how it has informed the way the parents live, including spending time in schools and young offenders institutions telling Jimmy’s story and the need to forgive others.


On 1st October eighteen students and two staff walked a virtual pilgrimage together. The route we followed was the Camino de Santiago which is 480 miles The day started with prayer and a reflection on being a pilgrim people. We walked through our beautiful grounds each person aiming to walk 25 miles in order to reach our total During the day we stopped for prayer and refreshments managing completing the pilgrimage in around 8 hrs. We were pretty tired, but it was a very special day.

Our new furry friends

Named after Cardinal 'William' Allen, whose coat of arms had three black conies (rabbits) on a silver shield. Until the 18th century, rabbits were called conies, based on the French conil, shortened from the Latin cuniculus.

Rabbit first referred to the young of conies until eventually, the word took over in popularity We, therefore, felt it was a fitting tribute to Cardinal Allen to name William after him.

a St Edmund's College t shirt, William would love a home

can purchase William for


popular demand, we hereby introduce 'William' the St Edmund's College Bunny.

Open Day 2022

Despite having to reschedule our Open day we we’re delighted that the sun shone which helped make the day a huge success! Thank you to everyone who helped with this, and to everyone who attended! It was great to meet you and we hope to see you again.

St Edmund's College Fireworks Evening! When? Saturday 5th November from 5-7pm Where? St Edmund's College What? Bonfire, fireworks, food, drinks and music! Please contact the for ticket information. Tickets available on the door may be limited!

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