Welcome to St Edmund's College and Prep School
Many congratulations on your appointment!
Contents Page
1 2 4 5 6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 31 32
A brief history of the College Important Contacts Staff and the College Daily Routine Tutors The layout of the College and Prep SEC Dictionary IT Support and HR Resources Educare IT/ Estates - Who to Contact? Staff Benefits Health Centre First Aid Kits Stationery and Reprographics Staff testimonials Local Community Essential Local Services Local Churches and Mass times Things to do with kids Places to visit Transport links Welfare
A brief history of the College Founded in 1568, St Edmund’s College is the oldest Catholic school in England, offering an all-round co-education for students from 3 to 18. Our community values both academic excellence and the achievement of one’s personal best, right through from our Prep School to Sixth Form and beyond. We are proud of our academic achievements at GCSE and A-Level. Originally located in Douai, France, as a seminary to train priests, the College also became a Catholic school for boys. During the French Revolution, it transferred to England and found its present home on the beautiful site of Old Hall Green in 1793. In 1874, the junior boys were separated from the rest of the College into St Hugh’s Preparatory School, which became St Edmund’s Prep in 2010, and in 1974 girls from the adjacent Poles Convent were admitted to Rhetoric as the first stage towards co-education, which was accomplished by the closure of Poles in 1986.
Important Contacts Safeguarding & Child Protection Gareth West
Assistant Head (Pastoral) St Edmund’s College, DSL gwest@stedmundscollege.org
01920 824312 01920 824332
Lucy Dunhill
Assistant Head (Community Life) St Edmund’s College, Deputy DSL ldunhill@stedmundscollege.org
01920 824263
Fiona McLauchlan
Deputy Head St Edmund’s Prep School, DSL fmclauchlan@stedmundscollege.org
01920 824349
Vicky Penfold
Head of EYFS/Nursery Teacher St Edmund’s Prep School, Deputy DSL & EYFS vpenfold@stedmundscollege.org
01920 824284
Matthew Mostyn
Headmaster, St Edmund’s College Designated Senior Manager (DSM)
01920 824204
Paul Raynes
Chair of Governors chair@stedmundscollege.org
01920 824203
Jane Ranzetta
Governor in charge of Child Protection cpgovernor@stedmundscollege.org
01920 824203
Hertfordshire Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
LADO.Referral@hertfordshire.gov.uk Tony Purvis Tony.Purvis@hertfordshire.gov.uk Marrie Moat marrie.moat@hertfordshire.gov.uk Andrea Garcia- Sangil andrea.garcia-sangil@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Hertfordshire Senior Child Protection School (Generic & Non Urgent advice)
Kassiane Papageorgiou
01992 556979 01992 555420 01992 556372
01992 588168
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (M.A.S.H) (Specific Cases Advice)
0300 123 4043
Essex Children’s Services
0345 6037627
Joint Child Protection Investigation Team Hertfordshire
01707 354000
Non-emergency Police Number
Buntingford Police Station (Local Police)
01992 533 330
DfE dedicated telephone helpline and mailbox for non-emergency advice for staff & governors
Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Team
The Children’s Rights Director for England
01992 588757
0800 1111
NSPCC Helpline Disclosure and Barring Service
0207 340 7264
0808 8005000 PO Box 181, Darlington, DL1 9FA
01325 953795
Roger Morgan
0800 528 0731
Staff It can be very daunting starting a new workplace. As well as trying to remember where to go, the names and faces of the students you will also have to remember the names and faces of the staff. The following is a link to our website, which will give you a full list of staff and their roles at the College: https://www.stedmundscollege.org/information/who-we-are/staffing/ Most staff members will also have their image attached to emails they send, so you can see who is who.
College Daily Routine Period
Reg 1 2 3 4 5a Reg 5b 6 7
8.40 9.00 9.50 11.00 11.50 12.40 13:30 13.40 14.30 15.20
9.00 9.50 10.40 11.50 12.40 13.30 13:40 14.30 15.20 16.30
Tutors 2022/2023
Staff attached to Houses/Rhetoric: Challoner: J Hayes Douglass: J Woodhall and Z Walker Pole: N Eliasson Poynter: A Robinson Talbot: A-M Healy, N Harding and B Snell Rhetoric: A Smerdon
The Layout St Edmund’s Prep Ground Floor
St Edmund’s Prep First Floor
The Layout Old Hall Green Classrooms—First Floor (Left Hand Side of Building Only)
Science Centre
The Layout St Edmund's College Ground Floor
St Edmund's College First Floor
The Layout St Edmund's College Second Floor
Visit www.stedmundscollege.org/about for a virtual, interactive map.
The Layout Staff Accommodation - Boarding
The Layout
SEC Dictionary At St Edmund's, we use some unique terminology! To help navigate your first few days at the College, we have an SEC dictionary listed below.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Rhetoric (I and II)
Sixth Form (Y12 and 13)
Year 7-9
First Division
Year 10-13
Dining Hall
Douay Hall
Assembly Hall
Main School Corridor
Butler Hall
Indoor Sports Hall
Elephant Entrance
Entrance via Boarding
Clock Quad
The grounds separating Science and the Main Building
The Robes fgdgdg
The red chairs on the Headmaster's Corridor
IT Support Information ISAMS and Firefly training can be found by clicking on the below links: https://stedmunds.fireflycloud.net/training-materials/isams https://helpcentre.fireflylearning.com/teachers-staff IT support is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 until 17:30. To contact Jason and Jamie, the helpdesk telephone number is 01920 824249 and the email is helpdesk@stedmundscollege.org
Human Resources We welcome you to St Edmund’s College and hope that you settle in quickly, however, should you need any help or guidance please do not hesitate to contact us in the HR Department. It is HR’s responsibility to inform you of the College’s procedures, in particular, the following: Whistleblowing Policy Code of Conduct for Staff Safeguarding CP Policy Disciplinary Policy Equal opportunities Policy Grievance Policy Procedures for sick leave and reporting as outlined in the Sickness Absence Policy. Smoke-Free Policy Staff ICT Acceptable Use Policy Information for all the above can be found in the staff handbook, which can be found in the shared drive: Teams: General/Staff Handbook:. Hard copies can also be found in the College Common Room and Prep Staff Room.
EDUCARE All staff have access to online courses via Educare. You will receive your unique log in information in due course. You can complete as many of the courses as you like. (Please note that the Safeguarding and Child Protection training will be sent using a different platform, therefore there is no requirement for you to complete the Educare version). We ask that all staff, when possible, please complete the ‘Equality and Diversity’ module. https://www.myeducare.com/login/index.php
IT/ Estates - Who to Contact? Building Maintenance Ivan Tranter ext 4340
Domestic Services Sandra Chadwick ext 4259
Grounds Dan Walker ext 4213
IT/ Technical Services Jason Harknett ext 4249
Staff Benefits There are many advantages enjoyed by most independent schools and their staff: a disciplined environment, the opportunity for teachers to express their passion for their subjects, good resources, smaller class sizes and greater professional freedom for all members of our staff community. Relationships between students and staff, both teaching and non-teaching, are extremely strong. We hold professional development to be of the utmost importance and have a generous training budget for that purpose and an established appraisal system. The College offers the following benefits: • Excellent catering facilities including school lunches during term time when the kitchens are open, cakes and biscuits during break times in the staff common room and hot drinks machines. • Use of the College sports facilities when not in use by students, including the gym. • Free parking. • Cycle to Work Scheme. • Access to free counselling and health advice helplines. • The College has its own pay scale, above national averages. • Membership of TPS for teaching staff. • Help towards the cost of an eye test. • Death in Service benefit for support staff For children of staff: • Discretionary discount on College Fees, subject to successful completion of the admissions process and meeting the entry criteria. • After school club and breakfast club charged at cost. • Parties for children of staff, including at Easter and Christmas.
Health Centre Someone is on duty in the health centre 24/7 during term time. Our phone number is 01920 824234, mobile 07850273103, email healthcentre@stedmundscollege.org If there is no answer at the door, ring the mobile as the nurse may be elsewhere on site. Please do not allow students out of lessons to come to the health centre unless it is an emergency. Students should come at break, lunch or after school.
Defibrillators There are 3 on site. One in the health centre, one in the college in a wooden, wall mounted box opposite room 501 by the fire panel area and one in the prep, outside the main office.
AAI’s (Adrenaline auto-injector pens for severe allergic reactions) There are 5 stationed around the college. In the health centre, on the wall next to the office in the refectory, the staff common room, in the college food tech room and in the prep. The health centre also hold spare ones. Students who are diagnosed with a severe allergy and are prescribed an AAI should carry it with them at all times. They should not be allowed to go on trips if they do not have their AAI with them. Please take some time to refresh your memory about what to do in the event of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) by going over this training module https://www.sparepensinschools.uk/e-training/ If you have any questions or would like to have a practice with our dummy AAI’s, please pop in and see us in the health centre. First aid kits There is a list of first aid kits that are stationed around the college on teams – SEC – Health centre. Please bring them to the health centre to be replenished if they need anything, and if you notice they have anything that has expired please let us know. They will be checked on a termly basis by the health centre. If you need a first aid kit, or medication pack for a trip, please email and request one with at least 24 hours notice if possible and we will get it ready for you to collect. Please do not forget to return them afterwards.
First Aid Kits
Stationery Should you require any stationery please email your requirements to stationery@stedmundscollege.org
Reprographics If you have any Reprographics requests, please complete the form below (printed copies can be found outside the reprographics office) and send to: reprographics@stedmundscollege.org
Staff Testimonials
I have absolutely loved working at St Edmund’s this year and it has been such an amazing opportunity to explore my hopefully future career in teaching. I came straight out of university to this job but have gained so much confidence since September and am so grateful to St Ed’s for that. The staff have been so welcoming, from the very first email over the summer.
St Edmund's College and Prep has a strong community. Everyone is welcoming and kind and you are made to feel at home right away! There is so much to be learned from the many talented staff here - whether that's brushing up on your music skills or looking to join the CCF.
There's no place quite like St Edmund's! You are immediately welcomed into a wonderful community where each person is valued and respected. There's a real work-life balance, and the St Edmund's leadership team understand the importance of prioritising your mental wellbeing. There is always someone you can talk to (and laugh with!)
Local Community If you are relocating to work with us, especially from long-distance or overseas, we appreciate that it may be a little daunting and it can take time to find your feet in a new location. We have produced this document in an attempt to make the transition easier for you and your family.
You will most likely have visited the school at the interview and will therefore know about our beautiful rural setting. We are blessed with our grounds and the surrounding countryside, but we are equally fortunate to live in close proximity to major towns and cities, with an abundance of things to do and places to eat and drink.
Essential Local Services Doctor If you are moving to live on-site or in the immediate area, your local surgery is Standon and Puckeridge Surgery, a 6-minute drive from school. It is a small and friendly surgery with the option of signing up to Online Services for easy booking of appointments and ordering repeat prescriptions. The surgery has a free car park immediately outside. The nearest pharmacy is just up the road in Puckeridge and is called Ridge House. Website: https://www.buntingfordandpuckeridgepractice.co.uk Tel: 01920 82380
Dentist There are many NHS dentists in the area, and, at the time of writing, they are accepting new NHS patients. There are also several independent dentists. A few contact details are below, but this list is not exhaustive: Much Hadham Dental Care Much Hadham
01279 842567
Damira Dental Practice
Bishop’s Stortford
01279 215945
The Dentist
01763 271 695
Ware Dental Care
01920 462208
Essential Local Services Hospital There are many hospitals locally, some of which share staff in specialist medical departments. If you have a medical condition that requires regular appointments, it is likely that you will be given a choice of hospitals to attend as an outpatient. Some of our local hospitals are as follows: Hertford County Hospital, Hertford Herts & Essex Community Hospital, Bishop’s Stortford Lister Hospital, Stevenage The Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Welwyn Garden City Saffron Walden Community Hospital, Saffron Walden
A&E The nearest hospitals with Accident and Emergency Departments are The Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow (8.9 miles) and Lister Hospital, Stevenage (9.1 miles).
Essential Local Services Food Shopping All online food retailers deliver in this area. Popular delivery slots can get booked up, so be organised and book early! Asda
Ware Harlow
6.9 miles 16 miles
5.5 miles
Welwyn Garden City St Alban’s
14 miles 21 miles
Bishop’s Stortford
9.4 miles
Sainsbury’s Local
5.5 miles
Ware Hertford Bishop’s Stortford Harlow
5.5 miles 8.3 miles 8.9 miles 8.7 miles
Tesco Extra
Brookfield Centre, Waltham Cross
15 miles
Bishop’s Stortford Welwyn Garden City
9.6 miles 13.9 miles
Essential Local Services Local Shops There is a small convenience store in Standon for those last-minute items you may have forgotten (5-minute drive). Days Bakery is a few doors down from Standon Convenience. There is a popular butcher’s shop in Buntingford called Piggotts Family Butchers. Pearce’s Farmshop is a very popular independent shop and café, only 2 miles from the school. A foodie utopia! Well worth a visit.
Retail Parks In addition to high street shopping in the nearby towns of Stevenage, Bishop’s Stortford and Hertford, and the cities of Cambridge and Chelmsford, there are a large number of retail parks in the area: Jackson Square (1) Westgate Shopping Centre (2) Brookfield Shopping Park (3) The Water Gardens (4) Queensgate Centre (5) The Howard Centre (6) The Galleria (7) Braintree Village (8)
Bishop’s Stortford Stevenage Waltham Cross Harlow Harlow Welwyn Garden City Hatfield Braintree
8 miles 12 miles 16 miles 16 miles 16 miles 16 miles 18 miles 29 miles
www.jacksonsquareshopping.co.uk www.westgateshopping.co.uk www.brookfieldshoppingpark.co.uk www.thewatergardensharlow.com www.queensgatecentre.com www.howardcentre.co.uk www.thegalleria.co.uk www.braintree-village.com
Essential Local Services Life in and around Old Hall Green
Some local pubs The Feathers Inn The Crown and Falcon The White Hart The Bell The Star The Fox Fox & Duck The Sword Inn Hand The King’s Mead
Nr Ware Puckeridge Puckeridge Standon Standon Aspenden, Nr Buntingford Buntingford Westmill, Nr Buntingford Chadwell Spring, Ware
www.greenekinginns.co.uk/hotels/feathers-inn www.crown-falcon.demon.co.uk www.thewhitehartpuckeridge.co.uk www.facebook.com/thebellstandon www.starstandon.com www.thefoxaspenden.co.uk www.thefoxandduck.co.uk www.theswordinnhand.co.uk www.destinationinns.co.uk/pubs/thekingsmead
Essential Local Services Options to Eat In and Eat Out In addition to the pubs listed above, some further options for eating out are: Pearce’s Farm Shop Hanbury Manor Hotel and Country Club The Sea Tree Ware Casa Lua The Star China Garden The Viceroy Indian
Nr Buntingford Ware Ware Ware Standon Standon Buntingford
www.pearcesfarmshop.com www.marriott.co.uk/hotels/travel/stngs-hanburymanor-marriott-hotel-and-country-club www.facebook.com/theseatreeware www.casalua.co.uk www.starstandon.com 01920 821236 www.theviceroy-buntingford.co.uk
There are numerous takeaway options, some of which deliver to Old Hall Green. Others will require collection. Here are some of our local takeaway options: Chinese
Taste of Oriental, Ware China Garden, Standon (delivery to College)
01920 486786 01920 821236
Number 1 Thai Café, Ware
The Viceroy Ware Tandoori Bombay Spice, Ware
www.theviceroy-buntingford.co.uk 01920 468983 www.bombayspice-ware.co.uk
Domino’s Pizza, Ware Papa John’s, Ware
www.dominos.co.uk/ware www.papajohns.co.uk/stores/ware/pizzas
Fish and Chips
The Sea Tree Ware Franca’s Fish and Chips, Ware
01920 463418 01920 462713
Mass times at local Catholic Churches During term time Sunday Mass takes place in the College Chapel at 11:00 am. Occasionally this is replaced with a Mass on Saturday evening. All colleagues and their families are more than welcome to join the boarding community for this. During the holidays, Fr Peter says Mass whenever he is here and lets us know in advance when this will be. Other Masses are available locally as follows: Church of St Edmund and the English Martyrs, Old Hall Green (behind the College) Sunday 11:30 am Church of St Thomas of Canterbury, Puckeridge Saturday 6:00 pm Church of St Richard of Chichester, Buntingford Sunday 9:15 am Church of St Joseph and the English Martyrs, Bishop’s Stortford Saturday 6:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 6:00 pm. Church of the Immaculate Conception and St Joseph, Hertford Saturday 6:00 pm; Sunday 8:30 am, 10:30 am and 6:00 pm.
Things To Do With Kids Stevenage Leisure Park www.stevenageleisurepark.co.uk There is a huge amount of free parking and a number of chain restaurants at Stevenage Leisure Park. Activities here include: • Mr Mulligan’s Lost World Golf • Cineworld (16-screen cinema with IMAX and 4D showings) • Airspace Trampoline Park • Hollywood Bowl • 360 Soft Play • David Lloyd Health and Fitness Club Paradise Wildlife Park, Broxbourne www.pwpark.com Venture Wildlife Park, Ware www.venturawildlife.co.uk/zoogardens Woody’s Playbarn www.woodysplaybarn.co.uk Artshed Arts, Ware www.artshedarts.co.uk
Places To Visit • Rye Meads Nature Reserve • Amwell Nature Reserve • National Trust Hatfield Forest • Scott’s Grotto, Ware • River Lea • Place Hall House • Ware Museum • St Alban’s Museum and Gallery • Knebworth House • Hatfield House • Mountfichet Castle and Norman Village
Transport Links Road Old Hall Green is situated just off the A10, between Ware and Buntingford, which allows easy access to London and the M25 to the South, and Cambridge to the North. Heading East, the A120 is a direct road into Bishop’s Stortford. To the West, Stevenage can be accessed by either a lovely, scenic drive via Dane End or via the A602 from Ware. Train Our nearest train station is Ware. From here, you can get into London Liverpool Street (or, occasionally, London Stratford) via Tottenham Hale, which links to the Tube. Off-peak, there are typically two trains per hour, and during peak hours, there are typically three trains per hour. There are more frequent services from Bishop’s Stortford station. This line also goes to London Liverpool Street via Tottenham Hale. From Hertford North Station, you can get into Blackfriars, changing at Finsbury Park, there are typically two trains per hour. Airports The closest international airport is London Stansted, conveniently only 14 miles away, straight off the A120. London Luton is 21 miles to the West. Although not that much further, it’s worth mentioning that the fastest route to Luton is on rural roads, which means lower speed limits and longer travel times.! A scenic drive, though! Taxis Ware Taxis Ltd 01920 465465 PR Taxis Ware 01920 213000 A M Taxis 01920 485280 A2B Taxis 01992 633355 Uber is also operational in the area.
Transport Links Buses Bus route 331 runs between Hertford and Buntingford via the old A10 road (bus stop outside the College), normally available 6.30am to 6.50pm on weekdays, running every hour. The service is less frequent on a Saturday but unfortunately not available on a Sunday. Please click on the following link for the full timetable: https://bustimes.org/services/331-hertford-buntingford
Welfare Everyone faces their own difficulties from time to time, and the College’s Employee Assistance Programme is available for support (details attached). The following members of staff are also members of the well-being team here at St Edmund’s College: Gareth West (Mental Health First Aider) Paula Peirce (Mental Health First Aider) Helen Duffy (Mental Health First Aider) David Steer (Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling - QCF) In addition, there are several well-being modules within the Educare training scheme, including ‘Dealing with Bereavement and Loss Awareness'.