How to Apply

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How to Apply

For students joining in September 2024

Welcome to St Edmund’s

The Admissions department are your first point of contact, and our helpful team are ready to guide and support you through the application process.

We understand that joining a new school can be a daunting time for all parents and children so we have a team member dedicated to each entry point you may be considering for your child, whether it be Nursery and Prep or College and Sixth Form for either a day or boarding place. This prospectus will provide all the information you will require to make your application, but the team are always on hand to help if needed. We always recommend attending one of our open events and encourage you to make an appointment to visit. We very much look forward to welcoming you to St Edmund’s College and Prep in the near future.

Yours sincerely

If you require any additional information, please contact our Admissions Office:

Prep School

Tracey Dickinson, Prep Admissions

Tel: 01920 824363


College or Sixth Form Admissions

Amy Warner, Admissions Officer

Tel: 01920 824247


International Admissions

Barbara Tucker, International Registrar

Tel: +44 (0)1920 824331


Admissions Overview

Main entry points:Admissions Process Timeline

Prep School

Nursery Age 3+

Reception Age 4+

Form 3Age 7+

(Scholarships available)


Year 7 Age 11+

(Scholarships & bursaries available)

Year 9Age 13+

(Scholarships available)

Year 12Age 16+

(Scholarships & bursaries available)

Although these are the main entry points, applications may be considered in other years.

If you have any further queries, please contact our Admissions Office who will be happy to help you.

No matter what year you are applying for, our entry process consists of the following stages:

Come for a visit to the Prep, College or Sixth Form

Submission of online registration form and non-refundable registration fee

Submission of scholarship or bursary application form(s)ifapplicable


Assessment Day

Acceptance of a place at the Prep, College or Sixth Form

Offer of a place, if the entry criteria have been met


Admission to our Prep School

The best way to discover what makes our Prep School so special is to visit us. To make an appointment, please contact Tracey Dickinson, Prep Admissions on 01920 824363 or email:

Entry to St Edmund’s Prep is based on an interview plus a familiarisation day. Consideration is given to references from any previous school.

When you have decided that you would like to register your child, or children, with us you will need to register online for each child and pay the registration fee. Children in the EYFS are exempt from any registration fee.

After registration we will invite you to meet with the Head of the Prep, Mr Steven Cartwright. Your child will be invited to an assessment day where they will undertake age appropriate activities, spend the day within the class environment and be assessed.

Following the assessment day a place at the school may be offered. On acceptance of this

place a £750 acceptance deposit should be paid. This will be refunded at the end of the child’s time at the Prep or College. In the term that full fees become payable for children in EYFS the Advance Fee Deposit would be required.

Prospective pupils and their families are welcome to make an appointment to tour the school, to meet staff and students on a normal school day.

St Edmund’s Prep School, Old Hall Green, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 1DS Tel: 01920 824363

Prep School Scholarships

Prep School (Form 3) Junior 7+ Scholarships, September 2023 entry.

Applications to be received by: Friday 12th January 2024

Scholarship Examination dates: Wednesday 17th January 2024

Scholarships are available for children moving into Year 3. They are decided by a test and interview with the Head of the Prep School. These scholarships are not automatically transferred on the child’s entry into the College.

For pupils not currently at St Edmund’s Prep, a registration and a scholarship application form must be completed online, including payment of the £100 non-refundable registration fee.


St Edmund’s Prep School

Old Hall Green

Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 1DS

Tel: 01920 824363


Tracey Dickinson Prep

Entry to St Edmund’s College

We mainly admit students into Year 7 (age11+) and Year 9 (age13+).

Applications for other years are welcome if places are available. To register your child or children for a place at the College you will need to complete the online registration form and pay the nonrefundable registration fee of £100 for each child. This is available in the How to Apply section of our website

An interview with the Headmaster or Senior member of the academic staff will be conducted prior to an entrance examination.

Candidates will sit a computer based test developed to allow students to demonstrate their academic potential, ensuring a fair admissions process. The test is one hour in duration and will measure verbal, non verbal and mathematical skills. The assessments support developed abilities in reading and maths that rely on genuine understanding rather than learning through repetition.

Following a successful assessment, a place will be offered. On acceptance of this place a £750 acceptance deposit should be paid. This will be refunded at the end of the child’s time at the Prep or College.

For further details please contact our Admissions Officer, Amy Warner

Tel: 01920 824247


All registrations for places in 2024/25 must be received by Friday 8th December 2023.

Scholarships are available at the key entry points to the school, Years 3, 7 and Sixth Form. Further information is included in this brochure.

College Scholarships and Bursaries

St Edmund’s College aims to be as accessible as possible to students who would benefit from all that we offer from our academic, cultural and sporting provision.


Each year the Governors set aside a fixed sum to be used for scholarships and their granting is delegated by the Governors to the Awards Committee. The number and size of the awards is at the discretion of the Awards Committee but will be no greater than 20% of the day fees.

Applications for scholarships should be made as soon as possible using the scholarship application forms for sport, art, music and All Rounder.

Academic scholarships are awarded to the top students in their performance of the entrance examination and no additional scholarship application form needs to be completed.

Bursary Programme – College only

Bursaries are available to external candidates at our main entry point at Year 7 who meet our academic entry requirements and whose parents could not afford to send their child to the College without financial assistance. The bursary fund is very limited and applications must be supported by a full, written, verified statement of financial circumstance.

Parents or guardians who wish their child to be considered for a bursary should make an application by completing the Statement of Financial Circumstance which is available from the Admissions Officer, Amy Warner.

Bursaries and scholarships can be applied for in conjunction with each other.

All applicants for either scholarships or bursaries must have registered online and paid the non-refundable £100 registration fee. All applications must be received by the 1st December 2023 at the latest.

Year 7 (Elements)11+ Scholarships, September 2024.

Applications to be received by:

Friday 1st December 2023

Entrance Examination dates:

Saturday 20th January and Monday 22nd January 2024

Art Scholarship assessment date: Week beginning 8th January 2024

Sport Scholarship assessment date:

Tuesday 9th January 2024 (boys and girls)

Music Scholarship assessment date: Thursday 11th January 2024

Douay Academic Scholarships

These are awarded on the basis of performance in the entrance examination. Scholars are required to make a significant contribution to the artistic life of the College.

Old Hall Academic Scholarships

These are aimed at Catholic students who are currently in a Catholic school (and have been there for the last two years). This award is based on performance in the entrance examination. Scholars are required to make a significant contribution to the artistic life of the College.

Art Scholarships

These are decided by examination of a portfolio and a test. Scholars are required to make a significant contribution to the artistic life of the College.

Sport Scholarships

These are decided by open competition and references from sport clubs or teachers where the child is already involved in sport at a very high level. Scholars will be expected to play a full and sustained role in the sporting life of the College.

All Rounder Scholarships

For this award, the child should perform well in the entrance examination and also be able to make a substantial contribution to other areas of life at St Edmund’s such as drama, technology, the Catholic life of the College, specialised sports or outdoor pursuits. Students applying for this award must provide evidence of their participation in these areas.

Music Scholarships

These are decided by audition and include the provision of free tuition in two instruments at the College. Scholars will be required to play two instruments (voice counts as one instrument). Students must be Grade 5 standard in at least one instrument.

Music Exhibitions

These may also be awarded and give free tuition in either one or two instruments at the College. Those in receipt of Music Scholarships and Music Exhibition Scholarships are required to make a significant and sustained contribution to the musical life of the College.

Entry to St Edmund’s Sixth Form

We are happy to arrange tailor made ‘Taster Days’ to allow you to sample life in our Sixth Form; please contact our Admissions Office.

Entry to the Sixth Form, will normally be conditional on achieving at least grade 6 at GCSE in each of the subjects you wish to study atA Level.

Students studying A Level Mathematics require a grade 7 or above in GCSE Mathematics and a grade 8 or above to study Further Mathematics.

Students wishing to study any A Level Science require two grade 6 or above in GCSE Sciences or the international equivalent.

Those that want to study four A Levels must attain grade 7 or above in all GCSEs to be considered. All students who take three A Level subjects will be expected to follow an enrichment course to supplement their A Levels.

Students will also be invited to attend an interview with the Headmaster or senior member of the academic staff and references from their current school will be requested.

Not sure we still need this graphic???

Registration can be done online by visiting: Should students achieve marginally lower grades, admission to Sixth Form will be considered by senior academic staff.

The Forest School programme runs from Nursery (aged 3+) through to Form Two (aged 6+) and is a permanent feature of the timetable.

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U A* A B C D E F G U 4 = C and above and above New GCSE Grading Previous GCSE Grading

Sixth Form Scholarships

St Edmund’s College Sixth Form (Rhetoric) Entry to 16+, September 2024.

Applications to be received by: Date to be confirmed

Scholarship Examination date: Date to be confirmed

Cardinal Allen Academic Scholarships 16+ These are decided by open competition using the results of specially set scholarship examinations, interview and previous school reports.

Music, Sport and Art scholarships may also be offered through competitive testing.

Rhetoric Scholarship Assessment dates:

Art - Date to be confirmed

Music - Date to be confirmed

Sport - Date to be confirmed

All scholarship applications should be made as soon as possible using a scholarship application form, which can be downloaded from the How to Apply section of the website.

St Edmund’s College & Prep School

Old Hall Green

Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 1DS

01920 824247

International Students

We have proudly been educating students from overseas for over 25 years.

St Edmund’s College promotes the success of students within the College whose first language is not English or who have come from overseas.

The preferred ages of entry are at 11+, 14+ and 16+. Admission is selective and by individual assessment, which includes an interview and entry test. Students must have a sound educational background and demonstrate a good communicative level of English.

Students will need to supply transcripts of their school reports, awards, certificates and a school reference.

Students whose parents live outside the UK are required to have a responsible adult living in the UK to act as guardian.

Registration and a payment of the £100 non-refundable registration fee can be made online in the How to Apply section of the website.

For further details, or to make an application, please contact International Admissions:

Barbara Tucker, International Registrar

Tel: +44 (0)1920 824301 or Email:

International students are integrated into every aspect of life at St Edmund’s - they follow a full curriculum and take advantage of free English language teaching, IELTS preparation and support as required.

Exam results

We are proud to present our A Level and GCSE results

A Level results 2022

A Level results 2021

A Level results 2020

This year our Rhetoric students secured places at top universities including Brunel University London, University of Exeter, Kings College London, Loughborough University, Nottingham University and Warwick University.

GCSE results 2022

GCSE results

2021 Grade 9 – 8 44% Grade 9 – 763% Grade 9 – 6 82% Grade 9 – 5 92% Grade 9 – 4 97%
Grade 9 – 8 26% Grade 9 – 7 45% Grade 9 – 6 70% Grade 9 – 587% Grade 9 –
Grades A* to A 36% Grades A* to B 74% Grades A* to C 88% Overall Pass Rate A* to E 100%
Grades A* to A 60% Grades A* to B 87% Grades A* to C 98% Overall Pass Rate A* to E 100%
Grades A* to A 49% Grades A* to B 78% Grades A* to C 95% Overall Pass Rate A* to E 100%

University Destinations 2022

Bath Spa University

Brunel University London

City, University of London

Durham University

King's College London

Kingston University

Lancaster University

Loughborough University

Newcastle University

Nottingham Trent University

Queen Mary University of London

Royal Holloway, University of London

The University of Edinburgh

University for the Creative Arts

University of Arts, Bournemouth

University of Bath

University of Birmingham

University of Derby

University of East Anglia UEA

University of Essex

University of Exeter

University of Hull

University of Kent

University of Leicester

University of Lincoln

University of Liverpool

University of Manchester

University of Nottingham

University of Plymouth

University of Portsmouth

University of Reading

University of Southampton

University of the Arts London

University of Westminster

Warwick University

Business and Management (Entrepreneurship) - Professional Placement Year

Physiotherapy • Accountancy with Placement • Business and Management with Placement

Music, Sound and Technology • Business Management

Psychology • Law

Global Health and Social Medicine • Mathematics with Statistics

Business Management

Film and Theatre

Mechanical Engineering with a Foundation Year

Biology • Chemistry

Law with Criminology • Real Estate • Business Management and Accounting & Finance

• Economics • Law • International Relations • Food Science and Technology • Marketing

History and Politics

Psychology • Physical Geography • Law with Criminology

Economics and Statistics

Fine Art (Farnham)


Business with Placement

Biological Sciences with International Year • Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science

Business Accounting & Finance with Foundation Year

Chemistry • Business Management • Accounting and Management • International Relations

Business Management (Including Placement Year)

Computer Science

History and Politics


Economics and Accounting

Games Computing


Environmental Science with Industrial Experience

Politics and International Relations

Architecture • Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology

Business and Management • Computer Networks

Business and Management with Placement Year • Philosophy

Nursing (Child) • Biomedical Engineering (Electronics)

Interior Design

Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience • Fashion Marketing and Promotion

Computer Science (Degree Apprenticeship Programme)

St Edmund’s is an independent, Catholic co-educational day and boarding school for pupils aged 3- 18

St Edmund’s College & Prep School

Old Hall Green

Ware, Hertfordshire

SG11 1DS

Tel: 01920 824247


The information in this brochure is correct at the time of publication. However changes may be made in due course for educational or other reasons. Published March 2023. Registered Charity No: 311073

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