Lent Term Issue 5

Page 4


Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Religious Theme

Other Faith: Judaism

Before embarking on the week’s review, three notes of interest Firstly, the school is grateful to have received a small number of enquiries for support with the Friends PTA as the current leadership and membership slims down at the end of the academic year Your school really still needs you though, if you can commit in any way. Many hands will make light work and we really really (note the doubling up here!) could use with one or two more offers of support to re-establish a manageable, collegiate and shared model of leadership. Without the Friends PTA, our Welcome Back Fete, Fireworks Night, Christmas Fayre, Easter Hamper Tombola, annual raffle and Summer Ball – plus more besides - could become things of the past The contribution is significant in both community and fundraising terms so please do email scartwright@stedmundscollege org or mmostyn@stedmundscollege org if you are in any way interested You might be reassured to hear that the Chair has a handbook complete with step-by-step guidance for all the current events, including contacts and advisories on perils and pitfalls and this planning should serve to underpin future success A broad and sweeping thanks to interest already received and a push for the Summer Ball of course if you want to challenge me to that dance-off you’ve been thinking about – book your ticket!! Thank you Friends

Next then, Tiger Club and holiday provision. Our mini-summer school was a resounding success and we would like to repeat it, should the interest be out there Attached to this parentmail, you will find a flyer advertising the potential for a club to run (we hope) over four weeks of summer and (let’s see ) a week of the Easter vacation If interested in either, please can you refer to the flyer to register interest To get cracking for the Easter holiday facility, we need to set a closing date for expressions of interest to be received by Monday 6th March Please note, the club is for children aged 5 and over Let the school hear you roar!

Penultimately, an alteration to an aspect of administrative procedure For registrations and interest pertaining to the daily Prep School Breakfast and Tea Timers, rather than emailing the office, please could you email wraparoundcare@stedmundscollege.org. If you find it easier to send a tester email in order that this address is then recallable from your Outlook (or other similar) address book, please write to say hello. I am sure that both Mrs Habergham and Mrs Simson will be grateful recipients of a holiday howdy doody

Finally! No more get-ups and half-term is here Well, for the children at least In school, our grounds department has been hard at work expanding the perimeter of Bounds Field, creating further space for summer play and exploration, and the end is in sight for the completion of an organic project which has been ongoing for some years now As the bulbs rise on the outside, the staff and I can see the children growing up on the inside and making such great strides in various ways Through a week where we have been focusing on ‘reaching out’, I hope that you find the parental anti-bullying quick reference guide useful. The children continue to be our greatest light in school and on behalf of the staff and Governors, I wish you a terrific half-term break ahead and hope that you and your children get sufficient rest to go again, in nine sleeps time.


“Is the spring coming?" he said "What is it like?"

"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...”

Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Mr Cartwright's quiz

Q: Which country has the biggest population in the world?

A: In next week's Newsletter

Last Week's answer

Q: What is the largest known living land animal?

A: African elephant

PREP NEWSLETTER 6th - 10th February Lent Term Newsletter Issue

Head's Commendations

Tayo Alawiye

Minty Forbes

Ariana Curran

Bella Ewing

AJ Fynn

Edith Heppell

Rosie Cochrane

Connie Plant

Eme Udom

Alex McGrath

Jessica Northen

Henry Skitt

For a great description of 'Super-tato'

For trying her best on her comic strip

For a wonderful setting description

For hard work in English

For a fantastic piece of creative writing about the Iron Man

For her wonderful setting description

Excellent independent writing

For writing a very convincing argument as Varjak Paw

Excellent work on designing and making her own parachute in Science

Outstanding maths homework

Outstanding maths homework

Outstanding maths homework

Upcoming dates - February

Monday 20th

Tuesday 21st

Wednesday 22nd

Thursday 23rd

Friday 24th

School returns

Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Race

2.30pm - 3.30pm Ash Wednesday Mass followed by refreshments

Book Fair, Prep meeting Room - until 1st March

U9 Girls' Football v Bancrofts - Away

U9 & U8 Rugby v St Nicholas - Away

8:45am - 9:45am - Parents Coffee Morning - Coffee Shop

2 30pm - U11 Rugby v Loyola - Home

Mayne Charity Event Launch

Thursday 2nd March

Friday 10th March

World Book Day - Dress as your favourite book character

Prep Open Morning - please tell your friends!

Please have a good look over half term for library books which have been taken home and not returned to school After we return to school any outstanding books will be highlighted to the borrower Many thanks for your help and support in keeping our library well stocked

Chess Club

Chess is becoming a popular game within school Mr Cartwright is in high demand at break and lunchtimes being challenged by the children at a game of chess in his office Brush up those chess skills over half term to keep Mr Cartwright guessing your next move Well done to George in Form 6 though who is currently 1 - 0 up

https://www chess com/join/chess-online-for-kids

** All app use should be monitored closely by parents and guardians for age appropriate use**

This week in the Prep...

Air Resistance

Form 5 Vaughan have been looking at air resistance in science and came up with a way to test this with various parachutes dropped at different heights. They recorded which material and which size would offer the best air resistance for parachutes.

We also looked at how land use has changed over a period of 150 years and thought of reasons land use may change over the years and the pros and cons of making various changes Maybe Elon Musk could use some of our technical expertise!

The Evil Pea

We had some distressing news in the Form 1 classroom on Monday The Evil Pea had captured some vegetables and left us clues to his mischief! Form 1 created some Wanted Posters to warn the other pupils Thankfully, Supertato jumped into action the Evil Pea was used in our lunches today!

This week in the Prep...

Games lesson in sunshine

Form 1 and 2 had a fantastic Games lesson in the sunshine. We all took part in tag rugby where we learnt how to get away from the opposition and pass the ball carefully. Lots of tries were scored and we had a fun lesson.

World Book Day

World Book Day (Thursday 2nd March) will be fast approaching after half term and you can celebrate by dressing as your favourite book character, so don’t forget to plan your outfit for the day. There will also be a number of competitions running that week, but one that you might like to get a head start on over the half term is the ‘Book scene challenge’ Can you create a book scene in a shoe box? Be as creative as you like but please use the base of the box as the backdrop to your scene, here are a few ideas to get you started

Mary Poppins – auditions and cast announcement

Congratulations to Form 6 on their show auditions, which took place on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Fox, Mrs Crick, Mrs Sayer and Miss McLauchlan greatly enjoyed the performances and were impressed by the effort which children had put into preparation. As explained to the children, the cast is to be announced during the week after half term.

Forms 3 to 6: Swimming, Forest School and Study Skills

Please note the following changes to the timetable for these year groups after half term

Form 3: Forest School (not swimming) on Wednesday afternoons – waterproofs and wellies required

Form 4: Swimming (not Forest School) on Wednesday afternoons – as soon as the pool reopens

Form 5: Study Skills (not swimming) on Thursday afternoons

Form 6: Swimming on Thursday afternoons – as soon as the pool reopens

Children’s Mental Health Week: 6th – 12th February

There is a wealth of helpful resources for parents and teachers on the BBC, for example, the new ‘Family Moodboosters’– videos to get the whole household moving and feeling good

Famous faces from across the BBC and beyond lead videos to inspire everyone at home to boost their mood, feel good, and use movement to help them understand their emotions and manage feelings together as a family There are 10 ‘Family Moodboosters’ videos to use at home as a family:https://www bbc co uk/teach/moodboosters/family-moodboosters/z6cxnk7

U11A Netball @ Heath Mount Hi-5’s Festival, Wednesday

8th February 2023

Our U11 Netball A and B teams travelled to Heath Mount to play in a Hi-5 Netball Festival The results weren’t formally recorded in order to give out final positions, but our results were as follows:

Stormont ‘B’


Heath Mount B



Heath Mount ‘C’


Heath Mount ‘A’ Drew 1-1 v Stormont

U11A: U11B: Won
2-0 v Bancrofts
Stormont ‘C’ Won 2-0

Photo of the week

Chef of the Week

Anything Goes Photography Project - Emily Welberry

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