6th - 10th March Lent Term Newsletter Issue 8
Headmaster's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Religious Theme
Lent: Fasting
On Wednesday afternoon, we celebrated (along with International Women’s Day, of course) the first of our HPL Hero Lunches. As Headmaster, I was fortunate to be joined by eight children from Forms Three to Six who were simply effervescent In their view, our whole school (Prep and College) HPL initiative is really just the best thing ever When I asked their view as to why it was so good, the children were unanimous in agreement on one point in particular: ambition They really felt that since the launch at the beginning of the year, children are now even more motivated to achieve in a given area, be it creativity, meta-thinking, linking, realising, empathy, agility, hard-work or analysing, your children reflect that they are doing their best They were full of ideas and enthusiasm for moving HPL forwards and it was a privilege to be in their company and hear their ideas
In other matters, please don’t hesitate to offer any level of time that you might be able to with respect to the Friends PTA. Please also keep getting your tables sorted out for the summer ball Finally, expressions of interest for an Easter Tiger Club (as well as a summer facility) were high and there is a link in your parentmail to confirm any booking you may wish to make You will appreciate that we are still very much in an exploratory period, with last summer’s Tiger Club having been so successful, and your commitment to this is needed in order that staffing and resources can be arranged Thank you
In closing With this near perpetual winter, summer might seem so far away Our Lenten focus is on the importance of fasting this week, and so I enclose the words of Pope Francis which I hope will provide you with some spiritual food for thought and prayer.
With every best wish,
Mr S Cartwright Headmaster, St Edmund’s Prep

Get your mind right, get your spirit right, and get your body right And keep it there That requires working out; that requires fasting, eating well, prayer, and getting to know who you are And not bending
Do You Want To Fast This Lent?
(In the Words of Pope Francis )
Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope
Fast from worries and have trust in God
Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity
Fast from pressures and be prayerful
Fast from bitterness and fill your hearts with joy
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words and be silent so you can listen
Mr Cartwright's quiz
Q: What number house does the British Prime Minister live in?
A: In next week's Newsletter
Last Week's answer
Q: Incisors and molars are types of what?
A: Teeth
HamperPlease remember to send in your contribution to your class Easter Hamper
Head's Commendations
Lilly Elliott
Camille Woodhall
Ariana Curran
Ellis Elsom-White
AJ Fynn
George Stainer
Ralph Heppell
Wesley Cooper
Emilia-Jane Noble
Her enthusiasm for learning and in lessons
Working hard to improve her writing
Using wonderful vocabulary and detail in a setting description
Using wonderful vocabulary and sentence structures in a setting description
Working hard on his handwriting
Using wonderful vocabulary to build tension in a setting description
Creating, drawing and describing his own original book character
Upcoming dates - March
Monday 13th
Tuesday 14th
Wednesday 15th
LAMDA (Drama) Exams
3 45pm - U11 Girls' Football v Duncombe - Home
U10 Rugby v St Aubyn's Tournament - Away
ABRSM (Music)Exams
Reception Trip to Ware High Street
3 45pm U11 Rugby v St Joseph's In The Park - Home
3 45pm U11 Hockey v St Joseph's In The Park - Home
Thursday 16th
Friday 17th
ABRSM (Music) Exams

Form 2 Trip Reveley Lodge
U9 Girls' Football v Manor Lodge - Away
U9 Rugby v Heath Mount - Away
3pm U11 & U11 Rugby v St Aubyn's - Home
U11 & U10 Girls' Football v St Aubyn's - Away
Tuesday 28th
2pm-3pm - Easter Story - College Chapel
Grade Card Release
This week has been assessment week and the children have been working hard to demonstrate their understanding of the curriculum in the areas of English, maths, science and R E The results from these assessments, combined with the teachers’ judgements will inform the attainment levels on the Grade Cards released through the Pupil Portal next Friday Tutors in the other subjects areas will provide effort grades
Please note, topics in maths vary throughout the year, therefore, there may be a differential between last term's attainment level and this term’s level Please be aware that children need to demonstrate almost 100% effort at all times, in order to obtain a grade 1 Wishing you and your family a restful weekend
This week in the Prep...

Chapel Visit
Mr Duddy shared some of his knowledge about our Chapel with us We looked at the pictures on the stained glass windows which told us stories about Jesus We recognised a picture of Mary holding Jesus when he was a baby We spotted a statue of them too The children were fascinated to hear about a piece of St Edmund’s leg bone that was kept in a special bottle and couldn't believe we had it at school We climbed a spiral staircase and looked over the balcony It was a long way down! We finished in our very own Chapel in the Prep School. Thank you, Mr Duddy.

Bug Hunting
Form 2 had a great time in Forest School this week We enjoyed using the tools to create patterns and went on a bug hunt We were amazed by how many bugs we could see hiding underneath the trees

Science Week 10th-19th March- Grow the tallest beanstalk competition.

Next week we will be launching a competition as part of British Science Week Your child will be bringing home a pot, cotton wool, bean seed and instruction note Over the next few weeks, we would like to see who can grow the TALLEST beanstalk in the school, with a winner from each class Please help your son or daughter to plant their bean, foster and care for their plant, and watch it grow! We will be asking children to bring in their bean plant the week we return back to school, after the Easter holidays- week commencing 18th April. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Christodoulou
World Maths Day

This week was World Maths Day and the children had the opportunity to take part in a Times Tables Rock Stars inter class competition Due to assessment week, we will be celebrating in true St Edmund’s style next term Watch this space
Photo of the week

Well done to Form 6 musicians Emilia-Jane Noble (cello) and Wesley Cooper (bassoon) who participated in the College Concert on Wednesday evening, playing in the Orchestra
Forthcoming events:
LAMDA (drama) exams - Monday 13th March

The LAMDA exams are taking place in the Prep Performing Arts Studio
Children will be called for 15 minutes ahead of their exam and Mrs Fox will be outside the Performing Arts Studio ensuring that children are ready
Exams for the different year groups have been timetabled by LAMDA as follows:
-Form 3 – 8:45 for 9:00 until 9:30
-Form 4 – 9:30 until 10:45
-Form 5 – 10:45 until 11:20

-Form 6 – 11:20 until 12:20 & 1:20 until 1:35
Children are asked to wear school uniform (not PE kit) for their exams Therefore, please could children in Forms 6 and 3-4 come dressed in uniform and bring their PE kit for their PE lessons at 1:00 and 2:15pm
Good luck to all children with their final weekend of preparation for their exams. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Fox (
Thank you
ABRSM (music) exams - Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th March
The ABRSM exams are taking place in the College Music School. Children will be called for at least 15 minutes ahead of their exams and escorted to and from the College
Good luck to all children with their final few days of preparation for their exams
If you have any queries, please contact Miss McLauchlan (fmclauchlan@stedmundscollege org)
Thank you
Easter Story – Tuesday 28th March at 2:00pm in the College Chapel
All children in Forms 1-6 are going to be involved in this retelling of the events of Holy Week in drama, song and prayer As we are casting and starting to rehearse now, please could you contact your child’s Form Tutor if you know that your child is not going to be in school on 28th March, two days before the end of term.
Thank you