23rd - 27th January Lent Term Newsletter Issue 3
Headmaster's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Religious Theme
Having worked at St Edmund’s for a little over a decade, I have never known a power outage of more than one or two minutes. Monday was an unusual blip on the ‘smooth-running’ radar and our thanks to maintenance for their work on bringing our back-up systems back online, whilst the main operating system is repaired over the next week or so The cold weather has quite a lot to answer for and I therefore use this opportunity to reassure you that in school, we have been strict with outdoor lesson timings and breaktimes as well as reminding children to wear appropriate clothing for the weather It is forecast to warm up but in case it doesn’t, please can you stress to your children, that on sports days, full tracksuits must be worn and in addition, skins/underclothes are more than welcome
During the midst of figuring out how we might teach without access to a computer (shock horror!) and whilst teachers ran for their poetry books and revised lesson plans, the children had an impromptu assembly to help warm up after the morning breaktime. Following a story, and as part of the assembly, Miss McLauchlan invited the children to perform a short piece of music or demonstrate a talent There were two brilliant moments when firstly, a student in Form Six volunteered to play a melodic piece on the piano (The Swing) and then following that, the most delightful child in Form Three offered that, if the boy should play again, she might perform a ballet piece she had just imagined Let me tell you: spontaneous moments like this – and there are more, too many to count, make me so enormously proud of St Edmund’s, of all that it strives to achieve and most importantly its amazing children
Have a great weekend with your family in all that you do and thank you for your continued support in raising these talented, hard-working, considered and considerate young people.
Avita Pro Fide, Mr S Cartwright Headmaster, St Edmund’s Prep

Open Day
The Prep looks forward to an Open Day & Easter Egg Hunt on Friday 10th March. Don’t be afraid to invite any and all you might know!
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today Have you used one to say 'thank you?
William Arthur WardMr Cartwright's quiz
Q: Who built the first roads in Britain?
A: In next week's Newsletter
Last Week's answer
Q: Which chess piece can only move diagonally?
A: The Bishop
Head's Commendations
Alastair Currie - For his creative story idea
Tayo Alawiye - For his creative story writing ideas
Barnaby Purves - Improving his handwriting
Jack Dodds - Fantastic writing in descriptive writing in English
Oliver Hollingsworth - Gee - For hard work and focus in Maths
Ellie McGee - Ellie performed her RE sketch with enthusiasm and good leadership skills
Tilly Shipton - For participating in all areas and for her dedication to her spelling lessons and presentation
George Stainer - For showing careful thought and care in creative writing
Heidi Barnard - Creativity
Sophie Brennan - Effort with Homework
Florence Forbes - Creativity
Laurens Scott - Creativity
Louie Baron - Excellent progress in Maths
Gisele Izzet - Excellent progress in Maths
Dexter Wright - Excellent effort with his homework
Fletcher Airey - Excellent reflection in RE
Alannah Cartwright - Excellent effort displayed in all subjects
Alex McGrath - Double - Outstanding work in RE and English
Upcoming dates - January
Tuesday 31st
Wednesday 1st
Thursday 2nd
Friday 3rd
2pm - 3 30pm - Prep Musical Concert - Prep Hall
U11 Rugby v Manor Lodge - Away
U11 Netball v Bishops Stortford College - Away
2pm - 3 30pm - Prep Musical Concert - Prep Hall
U11 & U10 Rugby v Heath Mount - Away
Temporary Swimming Pool Closure

An issue has arisen with a component for the swimming pool heating system, necessary to its running, which is going to take 4-6 weeks to replace The school continues to do everything it can to expedite the repair, but we are sorry to let you know that there will be no swimming lessons taking place during this time. Instead, the children will undertake curriculum work in their classrooms. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
As part of Google Families, Google have a hub of resources that you can use, including conversation starters with links to additional tools and advice and information about parental controls Google also provide you with resources to help your children build healthier habits and stay safe online There is also a selection of ideas on how to use technology as a family in a fun and engaging manner such as exploring the world and learning how to code You can access the hub here: https://families google/intl/en uk/
Bake that!
There has been overwhelming support for our Star Student, featured on television this week Pictured here, we are tremendously proud of him and everyone of his supportive friends, teachers and family members Can you imagine his kitchen?!

week in the Prep...
Descriptive poem written by Form 3
The Whoosh of the Wave 3 Godfrey Class Stack
Scatter, crash! The murky, merciless waves hammered fiercely against the helpless, battered boulder
Crash! The brutal waves swirled powerfully against the sedimentary rocks

Bang, boom! The blue, inky waves crashed against the restless, crumbling cliff
Splash! The clear, uncontrollable water splashed against the large rocks
Crash! Miniscule waves are thundered against the giant rocks
Bang! The sea unexpectedly hammered rapidly against the cracked coast.
Swish! The crow-like rock stood there oblivious to the powerful waves. Boom, bang!!
Crash! The turquoise ocean smashed into pieces as it hit the helpless rock
Swoosh! The violent, merciless waves, burrowed trenches, the size of two double decker buses, into the gleaming sand
Marvellous Maps
This half term Form 5 have been learning about the compass, maps and grid references. The children were set a task to complete an example of a section of a map based on the Ordance Survey ones They worked hard with their maps to ensure they were to scale, correct symbols were used and they were appropriate colours The pupils then asked each other directions to different places on their maps using the compass and coordinates Their maps are currently on display in Form 5 Bourne classroom

This week in the Prep...

Paddington's Umbrella
In Nursery we have been talking about our emotions This week the children have been using our registering house to show how they are feeling as they come into class in the morning

We have also been thinking of ways to help us feel better if we are feeling cross or upset The children have been using our special balls to help calm down and do breathing

Chef of the Week

Performing Arts
Prep Concerts - Tues 31st Jan and Thurs 2nd Feb
Messages for parents of Form 3 to 6 performers
First, thank you to all who have replied that they are planning to attend their child’s concert. If you have not yet replied, there is still time and if you have not been able to access the reply form emailed recently, please could you email Miss McLauchlan (fmclauchlan@stedmundscollege org), copying in Miss Flowerdew (lflowerdew@stedmundscollege org)
There will be short rehearsals for each concert on Tuesday and Thursday mornings Please could you remind your child to bring in their instruments and music, including any piano accompaniments and backing tracks, on the day of their concert
On the day
Parents and grandparents attending the concerts will be welcomed through the Swan’s Nest doors from 1:45pm Visitors are kindly asked to sign in and will be issued with a lanyard and seated in the Prep Hall from 1:50pm Please sign out at the Swan’s Nest before exiting the Prep building
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday or Thursday afternoon
Mary Poppins – Auditions Announcement for Form 6

We are all very excited about the forthcoming Form 6 summer production, which this year is going to be the much-loved classic Mary Poppins
The Form 6 auditions are taking place on the afternoon of Tuesday 7th February If any children are absent on the day, we are going to arrange an alternative time for them.
We encourage all children in Form 6 to audition for speaking and singing parts However, if children prefer, they may choose to audition for speaking roles only As usual for a show, casting decisions are based solely on the auditions and not on other factors
This week the Form 6 children have been given their scripts for the auditions The girls have been asked to practise the roles of Mary Poppins and Jane and the boys have been asked to practise the roles of George and Michael Everyone should also practise the part of Bert (the chimney sweep) using their best cockney accents! They can learn these off by heart if they wish Please note that irrespective of the roles they have been asked to perform for the auditions all children will be auditioning for all of the roles.
The children have also been given the lyrics for the chorus and first verse of two songs, ‘A Spoonful of Sugar’ and ‘Chim Chim Cher-ee’ We have rehearsed these together in class If they would like to be considered for a singing role, children can learn one or both of these, off by heart if they wish With parental supervision, the songs can be found on YouTube by typing in the name of the song plus ‘Disney sing-along’
We will also be explaining the format for the auditions to the children If any children have questions, they are welcome to speak to Mrs Fox or Miss McLauchlan during the next few days
St Edmund’s Prep Young Photographer of the Year 2022/2023