Explanatory note
The Edmundian Association was founded in 1853 and since then the way it is governed has been documented in a formal written Constitution. Its wording has undertaken many revisions over the years, to reflect the changing role of the Association and the way it is organised.
The most recent version of the Association’s Constitution was published in 2019, though this was only a superficial revision of a more radical update in 2010, when the income model changed from subscriptions to capitations based on school fees.
In 2024, changes are proposed to sections 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9 only.
The name of the Association shall be The Edmundian Association, herein referred to as ‘the Association’.
2 Aims of the Association
The aims of the Association (the “Aims”) are to:
i. unite and associate all past and present pupils, staff and friends of St Edmund’s College & Prep School (formerly known as St Hugh’s) and help to keep them in contact with the College and its affairs. Together, St Edmund’s College & Prep School are referred to herein as the “College”,
ii. to provide a framework for the promotion of social and other events for its members,
iii. to collect and preserve records and memorabilia of persons and events connected with the history of the College, and
iv. to support its members and the College.
3 Powers
In support of its Aims, the Association may exercise, by itself or through any responsible body, the following Powers:
i. The power to raise money by personal written appeals, public meetings or otherwise.
ii. The power to invest no more than 15 per cent of the money of the Association in a bank account or in accordance with any investment byelaws promulgated in accordance with section 3(iv) below.
iii. The power to do any such thing that is necessary to achieve the Aims.
iv. The Association may from time to time make such reasonable and proper byelaws as they deem necessary or expedient for the proper conduct and management of the Association. Such byelaws must not be inconsistent with any provision of this constitution and may only be adopted by a simple majority at a duly convened meeting.
There will be three types of membership:
Full membership
All former pupils of the school who have attended for at least one academic year and who have paid the relevant subscription as determined by the Committee from time to time
Associate membership
i. The parents or guardians of current pupils in the school;
ii. All current full time members of staff;
iii. All past members of staff;
iv. The parents of Full Members of the Association; and
v. Friends of St Edmund’s who share the aims of the Association
Honorary membership
i. Persons from time to time invited by the Committee to be Patrons of the Association;
ii. Past members of staff of the College at the discretion of the Committee; and
iii. Past officers of the Committee at the discretion of the Committee.
There will be three types of membership:
Full membership
All former pupils of the school who have attended for at least one academic year
Associate membership
i. The parents or guardians of current pupils in the school;
ii. All current full time members of staff;
iii. Friends of St Edmund’s who share the aims of the Association
Removal of reference to subscriptions in light of current income model for full membership
Honorary membership
i. Persons from time to time invited by the Committee to be Patrons of the Association;
ii. Past members of staff of the College at the discretion of the Committee; and
iii. Past officers of the Committee at the discretion of the Committee.
Removal of parents being associate members as never introduced a mechanism for this to happen
Past members of staff and parents of Full members may apply to be Associate Members and will be designated as Friends of St Edmund’s
All memberships are for life unless otherwise determined at the discretion of the Committee.
Associate Membership will include, for the avoidance of doubt, the:
i. Association William Allen in Douai; ii St Cuthbert’s Society (Ushaw); and iii. Rector of Allen Hall.
5 Subscriptions (to be renamed Income)
All memberships are for life unless otherwise determined at the discretion of the Committee.
Current Proposed
a. Subscriptions will be payable for Full Membership and will be collected through termly school fees as set out in the Subscription Model agreed between the Committee and the College (and which shall constitute a duly approved byelaw of the Association).
b. Full Membership is automatically granted to all past pupils.
c. Associate and Honorary membership will be without charge.
d. The Committee shall review and determine subscription rates as appropriate from time to time
a. Income for the Association will be collected through termly school fees as set out in the Subscription Model agreed between the Committee and the College (and which shall constitute a duly approved byelaw of the Association).
b. Full Membership is automatically granted to all past pupils.
c. Associate and Honorary membership will be without charge.
d. The Committee and the College shall review and determine income rates as appropriate from time to time
Removal of associate membership for Association William Allen, Ushaw and Allen Hall, as this was never implemented and there are no reciprocal arrangements in place
Alteration of wording to reflect income model
This section should now be renamed “Income”
6 Suspension or Termination of Membership
a. The Committee shall have the power, at its discretion, to suspend or terminate the membership of any Member who may bring the Association or College into disrepute.
7 The Committee of the Association
Current Proposed
a. The affairs of the Association shall be run by a Committee of Voting Officers and shall consist of:
i. President/Chairman
ii. Treasurer
iii. Secretary
iv. Events and Communications Officer
v. College Liaison Officer
vi. Headmaster/Headmistress
vii. No more than eight Officers of the Committee
viii. President Emeritus
b. The non-voting members of the Committee shall consist of:
i. The current Head Boy and Head Girl of the College.
a. The affairs of the Association shall be run by a Committee of Voting Officers and shall consist of:
Elected members
- President/Chairman
- Treasurer
- Representatives (up to eight in total)
Ex-officio members
- Headmaster/Headmistress of College
- Headmaster/Headmistress of Prep
- Director of External Communications
- Alumni Relations Officer (acting as Secretary)
- President Emeritus
Substantial revision to reflect the split between elected and ex-officio members
Removal of Head Boy/Girl from committee as it is not practical for them to be present at committee meetings
c. The Committee may, at its discretion, invite non-committee members to attend Committee meetings from time to time (“Invitees”). Invitees will have no voting rights at the Committee meetings they attend.
a. Save for the positions of Headmaster, Head Boy and Head Girl, and College Liaison Officer, which shall subsist so long as the relevant person holds the position concerned, Officers shall be Members elected at an Annual General Meeting for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-election for further periods of three years thereafter.
a. The positions of ex-officio members shall subsist so long as the relevant person holds the position concerned. Other Officers shall be Members elected at an Annual General Meeting for a period of three years and shall be eligible for reelection for further periods of three years thereafter.
Revision of wording to reflect changes in clause 7 above
b. At least one month before the date of each Annual General Meeting the Secretary shall inform the Members of, and invite nominations for, all elections or re-elections that are to take place at the meeting. All candidates must be nominated by at least two other Members and must signify their acceptance of such nomination. Candidates shall be elected by a majority of those present at the Annual General Meeting, either by a show of hands or by a ballot.
c. The Committee may fill vacancies arising between Annual General Meetings for Officers and Representative Members, such appointments to be subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting. The terms of office of persons so appointed shall run from the Annual Meeting at which their appointments are ratified. The Committee may also co-opt additional members on a temporary basis for periods of up to one year at a time provided that no additional member may serve more than one year without being elected in accordance with this clause.
9 Removal of Committee Officers
a. A Committee Officer may be removed from the Committee in the following circumstances:
i. If his or her membership of the Association is terminated in accordance with clause 6 above; or
ii. With good and sufficient reason, to be given to the Officer in writing, by a three quarters vote of the Committee at a Committee meeting
b. The Committee shall have the power, at its discretion, to suspend or terminate a Committee member who acts in a way which may bring the Association or College into disrepute.
c. For the avoidance of doubt, a Committee member who has been terminated under this clause 7 shall remain a member of the Association.
c. For the avoidance of doubt, a Committee member who has been terminated under this clause 6 shall remain a member of the Association.
President Emeritus
Minor amendment to referenced clause number
a. The honorary ex-officio title, President Emeritus, may be awarded from time to time by the Committee in recognition of special services to the Association and shall be held by the individual concerned for so long as they remain a Member of the Association.
b. The position of President Emeritus shall entitle the holder to attend and be notified of any and all meetings of the Committee.
11 Representatives
a. The Committee will be supported by regional, sporting and year group representatives who may be appointed by the Committee from time to time to help with the coordination of Association activities for the benefit of its members.
12 Financial Powers
a. The funds of the Association, both as to capital and income, shall be administered at the discretion of the Committee;
b. The banking account(s) shall be in the name of the Association. The signatories on the accounts shall be any two signatories as authorised from time to time by the Committee. Investments shall be held in the name of the Association wherever possible but where they are required to be in the name of an individual, they shall be held in the name of the Treasurer for the time being, as nominee of the Association;
c. Notwithstanding rule 12b the Treasurer may effect payments arising in the ordinary course of business otherwise than by cheque, provided that the request for each such payment is brought to the attention of, and approved by, one other authorised signatory.
13 Committee Meetings
a. The Committee shall meet at least twice a year. Three members of the Committee will form a quorum.
b. There shall be at least one General Meeting of the Association annually, to be held on at least one month’s notice as the Annual General Meeting in London or at the College or at some other place accessible to the majority of the membership. A quorum of three must be present for the meeting to proceed to business.
c. An Annual Report and a Statement of Accounts shall be prepared by the Chairman and Treasurer respectively and sent to all Members one month before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
d. Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman, who may also be required to call such meetings on the written demand of three members of the Committee or ten Members of the Association.
14 General
a. Notices of death of Members shall be published in The Edmundian, and the names of Members known to have died during the previous twelve months will be read out at the St Edmund’s Sunday Mass, when all deceased Members will be remembered. A Mass shall be said for certain Members on their death at the discretion of the Committee.
b. Latest copies of The Edmundian shall be sent at the expense of the Association to Honorary members of the Association.
c. In this Constitution, the masculine includes the feminine and vice versa.
d. Copies of the following documents shall be made available on the Association’s website and to any Member upon request:
i. the Constitution of the Association;
ii. any such byelaws currently in force;
iii. the Association’s annual accounts and accompanying notes for at least the last 5 financial years.
a. The foregoing rules may not be revoked, added to, altered or amended except by a majority vote of those present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting. A full month’s written notice shall be given to all Members of any proposed revocation, addition, alteration or amendment.
6 June 2024