Stage 4-6 English and or HSIE/RE Teacher Position Description

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Position Description


St Edward’s College aspires to provide students with a liberating education that empowers them to build a better world for all.

St Edward’s College is a faith-filled community. We are committed to growth and strive for equity and excellence.

St Edward’s College promotes a safe and inclusive learning community, committed to fostering right relationships and the well-being of students and staff.

St Edward’s College inspires students to be compassionate, curious, respectful and autonomous learners.

St Edward’s College students demonstrate resilience, discipline and perseverance on their learning journey.


A Classroom Teacher at St Edward’s College plays a significant role in fostering the College values that underpin the College Aspiration Statement. In partnership with parents’, teachers are willing to contribute to the faith formation of students through the promotion of the four Touchstones: Gospel Spirituality, Liberating Education, Justice and Solidarity and Inclusive Community.

A Classroom Teacher as a professional will perform their role and responsibilities to a high level of competence in a way that meets the benchmarks set by AITSL for a teacher to be considered a competent professional.

St Edward’s College maintains a strong commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of staff and students and promotes a culture where all members of the community feel safe and cared for. In keeping with this expectation all members of staff must maintain a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) and teacher accreditation.

Teachers employed to work at St Edward’s must have the capacity and commitment to being supportive to the mission, teachings and ethos of the Catholic Church’s work in schools by:

• Demonstrating support for the philosophy and values of the College

• Fostering the charism of Edmund Rice and the promotion of the EREA Charter and its Touchstones

• Modelling high professional standards, which accords with the EREA Code of Conduct

• Actively supporting leadership and the implementation of the College Aspiration Statement, the College Values, Learner Profile and Classroom Teacher Position Description

• Contributing actively to College life and extracurricular programs

• Supporting, promoting and engaging in the social justice initiatives of the College

• Supporting College policies and programs

• Demonstrating loyalty to professional colleagues

• Participating in the EREA Formation programs.


Be respectful and committed to upholding high professional standards in accordance with the EREA Code of Conduct by:

Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

• Be respectful and committed to establishing strong relationships with staff and students to promote the wellbeing of each individual

• Promoting and modeling respectful relationships with staff, students and members of the College community

• Supporting and valuing the uniqueness, potential and dignity of each member of the College community

• Encouraging the growth of each student’s selfesteem

• Identifying students in need and taking appropriate and timely action which may include; seeking advice from, working cooperatively with, referring students to specialist staff and meeting mandatory reporting requirements where appropriate

• Implementing the procedures outlined in the College Pastoral Care Policy.


Participating in the normal duties of Teachers including playground supervisions, sports supervisions, and usual co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in alignment with the NSW Catholic Independent Schools Enterprise Agreement.

Being present and actively involved at all:

• Mandatory College events as advised by the Principal

• Mandatory professional development activities

• Formal student-led conference interviews

• Designated playground supervisions, Friday afternoon activities, assemblies, excursions, selfallocated committees and camps.

WHS and Compliance

• Being familiar with the provisions of legislation relevant and applicable to designated responsibilities

• Maintaining the integrity of information accessed in the course of employment for appropriate College purposes

• Complying with all College workplace policies, including, but not limited to, any Code of Conduct for School employees or similar policies, as well as policies such as Bullying and Harassment policies and internet, email and social media policies

• Using College resources economically and appropriately

• Retaining current NESA Teacher Registration and a current Working with Children check (WWCC).

Teaching and Learning

Be respectful and committed to performing their role and responsibilities to a high level of competence in a way that meets the benchmarks set by AITSL for a teacher to be considered a competent professional, such as:

• Maintaining a strong, critical understanding of current content, processes, and skills through the implementation of NESA-approved syllabus and support materials

• Knowing students and how they learn, and using this to inform teaching by planning, preparing and delivering lessons that are inclusive to all students in the class

• Ensuring that all lesson content is recorded in the COMPASS student management system by 8.30am each morning

• Maintaining effective communication with the Diverse Learning team as well as Pastoral Care to adjust their teaching and assessment according to the educational needs and abilities of individual students within their class

• Keeping up to date and accurate teaching records such as programs and registers and mark books or Learning Tasks

• Working with the Leader of Learning to plan, design and implement effective learning programs that support faculty and College priorities that are consistent with NESA requirements

• Effectively implementing emerging digital technologies into their teaching and learning

• Supporting and encouraging students to aspire to the College Values and Learner Profile

• Implementing behaviour management strategies and classroom practices consistent with the College Pastoral Care Policies

• Being aware of the emergency procedures for student safety and specific safety procedures relating to the subject or activities taught

• Ensuring class rolls and attendance are strictly monitored and updated, each lesson in Compass, whilst maintaining student confidentiality.

Assessment and Feedback

Be respectful and committed to providing assessment for, and of learning by:

• Publishing to the student portal assessment tasks and exam notifications at least two weeks prior to the due date

• Working with the Leader of Learning to plan, design and implement a range of effective assessment tasks that are explicit, concise with consistent marking guidelines and the college assessment policies

• Explaining task guidelines and criteria of assessment to students

• Providing clear written and/or oral feedback on students’ strengths and areas to be developed within two weeks of the assessment task being handed in

• Proactively communicating with parents and students through email, portal, written reports, parent teacher interviews and responding to parental enquiries within a reasonable timeframe

• Keeping accurate records of students’ progress on Compass mark book

• Proof reading report comments prior to submission to the Leader of Learning for final proofing

• Preserving confidentiality in all assessment matters, such as not displaying marks and rankings to a class as a whole, not discussing ranks and marks of individual students with other students and seeking permission from the student to scan and use their assessments as exemplars for other students.

Professional Practice

• Creating a positive College environment, including accepting responsibility in building and maintaining an atmosphere of mutual respect among students, teachers and parents / carers

• Dressing in a manner that is appropriate and that reflects the high standard of our profession

• Being organised with administrative duties such as regularly checking Compass and maintaining accurate teaching registers

• Communicating effectively and efficiently with colleagues such as responding to emails with a written response within two working days, during school terms. This excludes staff on leave

• St Edward’s College staff are required to adhere to the Fair Work act and the Right to Disconnect legislation. All work-related communications are required to be confined to the hours of 7.00am and 5.00pm. (Unless communication is required due to serious concerns regarding a student’s health and wellbeing)

• Meet marking and reporting deadlines set by the Leaders of Learning

• Supporting the Leader of Learning by contributing to the preparation of resources, teaching programmes and assessments

• Reading, understanding and complying with the policies, procedures and information contained in the staff policies found in Policy Connect

• By arriving and being prepared to start work by 8.30am unless otherwise negotiated with the College Principal.

Professional Learning

• Identifying their own professional learning needs, planning for professional development and managing their requirements for teacher accreditation as outlined by NESA. Please refer to NSW Teacher Accreditation Manual | NSW Government

• Sharing knowledge, ideas and resources, through professional learning partnerships within and across faculties

• Working continually to improve classroom practice, through critical self-reflection and lesson observations, and being open and receptive to feedback with the aim of improving the quality of teaching and learning


• Being involved in the co-curricular activities offered to students at the College. This could include activities such as coaching and/or managing a sporting team, assisting with student portfolios, school musicals etc

• Attaining and maintaining currency of cocurricular qualifications, where necessary.

Reporting Structure

Ultimately the Classroom Teacher is responsible to the Principal, who may vary the above duties from time to time or may ask the Classroom Teacher to take on other duties or become involved in across curriculum initiatives.


The College was founded by the Christian Brothers and has been educating boys on the Central Coast since 1953, and is governed by EREA NSW Colleges Limited. The College provides a wonderfully rich education which is authentic to the values which underpin the touchstones for schools conducted in the traditions of Blessed Edmund Rice the founder of Christian Brothers schools worldwide. These touchstones being: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity.

St Edward’s first and foremost is a Catholic School which provides students with relevant and engaging opportunities to deepen their faith and spirituality. Students are encouraged to look beyond themselves

putting their faith into action. Through involvement in our social justice program students are challenged to become socially conscious, counter-cultural in their thinking and empowered to contribute positively to society through the promotion of inclusivity, justice and solidarity.

Our Aspiration Statement articulates the type and quality of educational experiences that we offer our students. We aim to provide students with opportunities to develop skills of critical and creative thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration, in a safe learning environment in which they are challenged, nurtured and inspired to be the best that they can be.

“A learning community in which young people are challenged, nurtured and inspired to be the best that they can be.”

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