Now in its second year as a subject offering, Screen and Media gives students a chance to immerse themselves into film making. The current Year 11 class have completed a safety video, a documentary, a feature story and are currently working on a personal interest project. Year 12 Screen and Media have been working hard to keep SECTV running whilst completing their senior studies. Their final assessment focused on a live production of a ‘Morning Talk Show’. This has involved the students working in groups to prepare and film a talk show. The studio was the College green screen room and some segments were filmed “on location”. A highlight this year was a combined Year 11 and 12 incursion with Jason van Genderen from Treehouse Creative on mastering the iPhone as a device to make feature films. Thankfully our students were agile as we headed into home based learning again, having our Term Three lessons via Microsoft Teams and Canvas. I would like to thank the students for their continued ability to develop their creative, critical thinking and collaboration skills whilst in an online environment. I want to acknowledge their perseverance and sense of humour during this time. A big ‘thank you’ to Mrs Emmett for her work within the department and on St Edward’s College Television (SECTV). Mrs Emmett was key in driving SECTV this year. The College student leaders and students of Entertainment and Screen and Media, worked together to produce a live to air TV production with students presenting, operating cameras, vision switching and managing the floor. It continues to be a huge success with highlights being the ‘Weekend Weather Watch’. We hope that SECTV stays a part of the College community for many years to come.
Control Box - Theatre
Drama Class
Control Box - ERC
Where young men achieve
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