Year 11 | 2025 Assessment Handbook

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Year 11 | 2025 Assessment Handbook

Year 11 | 2025 Assessment Handbook

Assessment Schedule | Year 11

7 Business Studies AT1

VET Entertainment AT1

Investigating Science AT1

Mathematics Standard AT1

Maths in Trade AT1

Society & Culture AT1

English Extension 1 AT1

VET Financial Services AT1 Ind Tech AT1

Business Studies AT2

Chemistry AT2

Maths in Trade AT2

Mathematics Ext AT2

Studies of Religion AT2

English Extension 1 AT2 HMS AT2 VET Man & Eng AT1


VET Construction AT3

VET Financial Services AT3

VET Hospitality AT3

VET Outdoor Rec AT9

Visual Arts AT2 8 Biology AT1

Economics AT1

VET Outdoor Rec AT2 St of Catholic Thought AT1 SLR AT1 History Ancient AT1

English Studies AT2

Food Technology AT2

VET Hospitality AT2

Mathematics Adv AT2

Music 1 AT2

VET Financial Services AT2

Engineering Studies AT2

Ind Tech AT2

VET Man & Eng AT2

9 Drama AT1

Food Technology AT1

History Modern AT1

VET Hospitality AT1

Studies of Religion AT1


Earth & Environ AT1

Mathematics Adv AT1

VET Outdoor Rec AT3

10 Chemistry AT1

VET Construction AT1

English Studies AT1

Physics AT1


Music 1 AT1

English Standard AT1

English Advanced AT1

Legal Studies AT1

Mathematics Ext AT1

VET Outdoor Rec AT4,5,6,7

Drama AT2

English Standard AT2

English Advanced AT2

History Ancient AT2

History Modern AT2

Society & Culture AT2

VET Construction AT2


Biology AT2

Investigating Science AT2

Preliminary Exams

Preliminary Exams

* NOTE: Scheduling of tasks in this handbook may change due to unforeseen circumstances. In this event, students will be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice of a change in due date.

Assessment Policy

Overview of Assessment

During the school year teachers will give students feedback on their progress in the courses that are being studied. This feedback will take many forms, for example, a comment in class, a written comment on a piece of work corrected by the teacher, the result of a topic test, a mark or grade given for a piece of work, a discussion about a practical task. This type of assessment and its results help students form an impression about how they are progressing in each course.

However, at various times during Years 10-12 teachers are required by NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) to formalise their assessment of students’ progress. To do this, teachers administer what are referred to as ‘Assessment tasks’. Performance on these Assessment tasks is one of the factors that determine whether a student satisfactorily completes the requirements for the ROSA or HSC courses. The results of the Assessment tasks administered during the HSC course are reported on the Higher School Certificate with the HSC exam mark

This booklet provides details of the formal Assessment tasks that will be administered in the various subjects and of the procedures that teachers and students will be asked to follow in the administration of these Assessment tasks. The Assessment tasks are based on the guidelines issued to schools by NESA. Each school must follow the components contained in the guidelines, although schools will differ in how they assess the components.

Why use Assessments?

Assessment tasks assist teachers in measuring student achievement in a course. Many tasks assess aspects of the course that cannot be measured in a formal examination, for example, practical skills oral skills, and performance on fieldwork.

A variety of assessment tasks lessen the pressure of examinations and increase the accuracy of the final ROSA or HSC result by reporting on a number of outcomes of the course. Students who do not always do well in examinations have other means of demonstrating success and may acquire more confidence in their ability to achieve outcomes.

To cope with Assessment tasks, students are encouraged to be organised in their study routine and to work consistently throughout the year.

When does Assessment begin and end?

Year 10 and Year 11 Assessment begins in Term 1. HSC course Assessment begins during Term Four of Year 11 and ends towards the end of Term 3 of Year 12. HSC course Assessment will only commence if the Preliminary course has been completed.

How often will Assessment occur?

NESA says that schools are to set sufficient Assessment tasks to obtain a reliable indication of the relative achievement of each student. They ask that schools do not over-asses and thereby overwhelm students with Assessment tasks.

Stage 6 assessment requirements

From Term 4, 2018, schools started teaching the new school-based assessment requirements for all Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12) Board Developed Courses (excluding VET, Life Skills and Content Endorsed Courses).

Part of the Stronger HSC Standards reforms, the changes to each course include:

 mandatory components and weightings for both Year 11 and Year 12 courses

 capping the maximum number of formal assessment tasks to three in Year 11 and four in Year 12

 capping the number of formal written examination tasks that mimic the HSC examination to one per course, with a maximum weighting of 30% for the Year 12 course

Assessment does not :

1. measure attitude or values,

2. take conduct into account.

Note, however, that students must apply themselves with diligence and sustained effort for satisfactory completion of the HSC courses.

What should students be told about Assessment?

Students should be aware of the assessment requirements in each course that they undertake. Students are not told the assessment mark that is submitted to NESA by the College at the end of year 12. However, details of the position a student has obtained in a course (the rank order) are available at the time of the HSC.

Each school has a responsibility to tell the student the following information about each course:

1. the components and weighting as specified by the NESA,

2. the general nature of each Assessment task,

3. a schedule of when Assessment tasks are planned to take place,

4. the importance or weight of each task (Stage 6 only)

5. details of administrative arrangements associated with each task (e.g. absence, late submission),

6. details of the school’s policy on malpractice,

7. details of the procedure to be implemented if tasks produce invalid or unreliable results, and

8. details of the procedures for dealing with student appeals arising from Assessment tasks.

The information that follows outlines the College’s policies and procedures in relation to Assessment in Years 10-12. It is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the detail of these procedures. Ignorance is no excuse for not correctly following these procedures.

Assessment Policies and Procedures

Timing of Assessment

Prior to commencement of Assessment in any given term, Assessment tasks will be published to Canvas at least two weeks prior to when each task is due.

Prior to the assessment task, the class teacher will go through the notice of assessment with their class. It is the responsibility of any student who is absent from school when assessment information is given out to check the portal information for the class they missed and to obtain the appropriate details from their teacher upon their return to school.

Tasks Completed Outside the Classroom

Tasks such as major works, research projects, and assignments are to be entirely the student’s own work, or students will be considered guilty of malpractice and will probably be given a mark of zero (see later in this booklet for details of malpractice).

Submission of Tasks

Tasks are to be submitted per the instructions given on the Assessment task notification. Students who are completing assessment tasks using technology, are encouraged to make regular backup copies of their work. Problems with technology will not be accepted as an excuse for non-submission, substandard or incomplete work. If there is a problem with technology, students must be able to show evidence of their progress on a task.

If a teacher is absent on the day an Assessment task is due and the task is a hardcopy hand-in, students will be expected to submit their work either by arrangement with the teacher beforehand or via the Leader of Learning for that subject. Assessment tasks are not to be given to clerical or ancillary staff or to visiting teachers. If a student is on an excursion on the day an Assessment task is due, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for the task to be submitted on time, or prior to the due date.

All students studying VET courses are to ensure that they meet with the class teacher to make arrangements for the submission of a task that is due while the student is on work placement. It is also the responsibility of VET students to ensure that they find out any information about an assessment task that may have been set while the student is on work placement.

A student who has been suspended from school for disciplinary reasons will still be required to submit the task on the due date. If the task is an examination, the student will be required to attend the College in school uniform only for the duration of the exam. It is also the responsibility of a student who has been suspended to ensure that he finds out any information about an assessment task that may have been set while the student is suspended from school.

Non-completion of Assessment Tasks

Where there is no valid reason to explain why a student was unable to complete an examination or performance, on or by the due date, a zero will be awarded for that task. Where there is no valid reason to explain why a student was unable to hand in an assessment task on or by the due date, a zero will be awarded for that task, unless there is a late submission, in which case the provisions in the next section apply.

If a student fails to sit an examination or submit an Assessment task, parents of the student will be informed in writing, overseen by the Director of Curriculum, pointing out the possible consequences, (for example, a ‘N’ determination).

Students undertaking subjects which require the physical submission of a task (eg. TAS, Art) are required to submit their work by the due date. Failure to submit HSC major works by the due date will mean that students do not meet the course requirements and therefore will not qualify for the HSC in that subject.

Unjustified leave

If a student takes unjustified leave during the term, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for the task to be submitted on time, or prior to the due date. For assessments submitted late due to unjustified leave, the penalty is a deduction of 20% of the initially available marks per day. If a student is absent due to unjustified leave during an exam period, the student will receive a 0 for this assessment.

Late Submission of Assessment Tasks

Assessment tasks must be submitted by the due date and time on the assessment notification. If an Assessment task is submitted late, a penalty of a deduction of 20% of the initially available marks per day, will be applied. Weekends count as two days. If a task ultimately scores zero because of late submission, parents and students are informed in writing by the Director of Curriculum that the task has not been completed, and of the possible consequences of this. Students are still required to submit a genuine attempt at the task in order to satisfactorily meet the course requirements.

If a student hands in, or sits for an Assessment task on a given day but has not attended a class or classes in other subjects on that day, the task will be regarded as being handed in one day late and the appropriate penalty will apply.


Illness means any sickness or medical condition for which there is valid evidence. Claiming to have a cold without a doctor’s certificate is not valid grounds for illness.

Misadventure refers to any event, outside of the control of the student that prevents them from completing or sitting a task, for which there is valid evidence. Waking up late and missing a bus is not valid grounds for misadventure. A car accident with police report and/or photos would be considered valid evidence.

Sporting commitments

Students who will miss a task due to sport organised by St Edward’s are required to submit an illness/misadventure form which will be approved. If a student misses a task due to representative sport organised outside of the College, an application for illness/misadventure will only be approved in the event that the student is selected to represent the state or the nation. Supporting evidence from the sporting body must be submitted with the illness/misadventure form.


If a student is unable to sit, submit or complete an Assessment task for any reason, the following procedures will apply:

1. The student must outline the circumstances on the Illness/Misadventure form provided for this purpose (The form can be found on the College Website). It is the student’s responsibility to submit this form.

2. In the event of illness, a medical certificate must be attached to the form. This should cover the impact of the illness on the student’s ability to complete the task on the due date. If the absence or late submission does not result from illness, other evidence documenting the reasons for absence or late submission must be provided when submitting the form (e.g., police report in the event of a car accident).

3. In consultation with the class teacher, the Leader of Learning and relevant Pastoral Leader, the Director of Curriculum will determine the validity of the illness/misadventure application. If it is determined that the inability to submit the task or absence was not for a legitimate reason, a zero mark will be awarded for the task.

4. For a valid absence or valid non-submission, the Leader of Learning will, in most circumstances, select an alternative task measuring similar objectives to the task for which the student was absent. In exceptional circumstances, e.g., where the completion of a substitute task is not feasible or reasonable, or where the missed task is difficult to duplicate, the Principal may authorise the use of an estimate based on other appropriate evidence.

Appropriate documentation must be a legitimate original or an authentic copy satisfying the following:

1. Medical certificates must contain the specific dates for which the illness applied as well as the how the illness prevents the student from sitting the assessment task.

2. Medical certificates cannot cover a broad period of time in general terms. For example, "X is unfit for schoolwork during Term 2" or "X is unfit to sit examinations" are not adequate.

3. Medical certificates during the HSC Trial examination period can only cover the day of the missed examination. Certificates covering multiple examinations over multiple days will not be accepted.

4. Medical certificates will not cover an assessment task held outside the dates to which it refers.

5. Medical certificates must be written by a qualified medical practitioner and will not be accepted if written by medical practitioners who are family members of the student.

6. A student who becomes unwell during an examination in the HSC Year must ensure that they notify the Examination supervisor and the Director of Curriculum. They should follow this up, on the day, with an illness/misadventure form and medical certificate.

7. An appropriate agent's report (e.g. police report) must include the reason for inability to sit the assessment task as well as the date, time and location of any incident that caused the student to miss the assessment task.

Note that for Stage 6, NESA instructs schools that the final school Assessment mark is not able to be used to compensate for factors such as extended illness, misadventure or domestic difficulties which may have affected a student’s overall achievement in the course.

Non-serious and non-attempts

NESA defines a non-serious attempt as including frivolous or objectionable material in an answer.

NESA defines a non-attempt in an HSC exam as including only completing multiple-choice questions.

Teachers/markers who consider a student’s answer in an assessment task to be either a non-serious or non-attempt should consult with their Leader of Learning. The Leader of Learning may then refer the issue to the Director of Curriculum.

Students must make a genuine attempt at all Assessment tasks that, taken together, contribute in excess of 50 per cent of the available Assessment marks for the HSC course. If an attempt at a particular task in the HSC scores zero, it is a matter for the teacher’s professional judgement whether the attempt is a genuine one.

Students who do not comply with the Assessment requirements in any HSC course will have neither a moderated Assessment mark nor an Examination mark awarded for that course. In the case of extension courses, students who fail to meet the Assessment requirements for the common part of the course will not receive a result in the course at all.

Malpractice in Tasks

Malpractice/misconduct may include (but is not restricted to):

1. carrying notes or other unauthorised material (e.g., mobile phone or other technology not permitted in an exam) into a task, whether used or not

2. assisting someone in the task by passing notes or communicating with them in some way

3. having someone else sit the task

4. including frivolous or objectionable material in the task

5. soliciting or leaking inside information regarding the task with the view to gaining an unfair advantage for oneself or another student

6. plagiarism

7. generating answers or other parts of a task using artificial intelligence (e.g. ChatGTP) which are not acknowledged and referenced

The usual penalty for malpractice in Assessment tasks will be a mark of zero for that section of the task. This also applies to students who assist others in any way whatsoever to engage in malpractice. With the increase in use of the internet as a source of information in the completion of Assessment tasks, students must ensure that any work that they submit has been adequately referenced. Plagiarism will be deemed as malpractice and students who plagiarise another person’s work may receive a mark of zero for that section of the task.

Referencing of AI tools in assessment tasks

Students should note that the College does not regard any work produced by AI as belonging to the student (as in “All My Own Work”). As such, any text produced by AI must be acknowledged clearly (see below). That is, the use of AI should be acknowledged within your response, and it should be referenced in the bibliography. As with other forms of academic malpractice, a response which is predominantly based on text generated by AI will be subject to penalty (including the possibility of a zero mark being recorded). Use quotation marks to show work directly taken from AI, and acknowledge borrowed ideas as well as words used.

Students should speak to their class teacher about how best to acknowledge any ideas or text borrowed from AI, as different subjects may use different referencing systems.

Example for a bibliography:

Form that an AI bibliography entry should take: “Title of source” prompt. Name of AI Tool, version, Company, Date content was generated, General web address of tool.

Example of a bibliography entry for AI: “Describe the symbolism of the green light in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 June.

Note: Mandatory reporting of student malpractice in the HSC year is required by NESA

Provisions for Assessments

Students requiring provisions for Assessment tasks are documented by Diverse Learning. Provisions should be registered with the Diverse Learning team in conjunction with relevant Leaders of Learning and teachers. Students and parents have a responsibility to ensure that any changes to provisions are communicated to the Diverse Learning team at least one week prior to assessment tasks.

For formal exams, students will be sent an email regarding provisions prior to the exam date. Students have a responsibility to check the provisions listed on the email and to consult with the Diverse Learning team if there are any concerns.

For in-class assessment tasks, students with provisions have a responsibility to check the portal to ensure that a change of room has been listed at least one day prior to the task. Students should see their teacher or the Diverse Learning team if they have any concerns.

Tasks that Produce Invalid or Unreliable Results.

When designing Assessment tasks every effort will be made to ensure they produce valid and reliable results. However, if a task is not valid (for example, it does not give a broad enough range of marks) an additional task or questions will be set and combined with the original marks in such a way as to improve the validity of the original task.

Transfer between Courses

Students will only be able to change courses in Year 10 and 11 in consultation with the Director of Curriculum. Students will only be allowed to change courses in the HSC year if they are able to:

1. demonstrate that they have satisfactorily completed the relevant Preliminary course prior to transferring to a HSC course, 2. complete all HSC course requirements, including Assessment.

Students who transfer into the school after the commencement of the HSC Assessment program will

1. sit for the remaining Assessment tasks with the school group, 2. have their position in the group determined by comparison with the school group on these common tasks,

3. be given a mark in the assessment task(s) that they missed consistent with their ranking for the completed common tasks

Reporting Progress to Students

Results of Assessment tasks are to be given to students as a mark or grade. The rank in the class for that task is also to be given to the student in Years 11 and 12. At formal report times Year 11 and 12 parents and students will be given their current cumulative rank based on performance in Assessment tasks in each course.

In VET courses, students will be informed of their progress in achieving units of competency by the system, 'competent' or 'not yet competent'. The student's logbook will be completed when competencies are achieved. An estimated mark will be submitted to NESA at the completion of the course. This mark will be obtained from students’ performance in the Trial HSC examination. This mark will only be used in the event of illness or misadventure on the day of the HSC exam.

“N” Determination Procedures

If it appears that a student is at risk of not meeting the assessment requirements of a course, a warning must be given. This warning will be given by the Director of Curriculum and involves advising the student and parent in writing and alerting them to the possible consequences of an 'N' determination. In Years 11 and 12, if a student is to be given an 'N' determination because of failure to complete Assessment tasks totalling more than 50 per cent of the final course Assessment marks, the Principal must advise the student of the determination, its consequences, and the student’s right to a school review and subsequent appeal to NESA.

Note that an “N” determination may be made in a course for reasons other than not meeting assessment requirements, e.g., students who do not attend work placement at the scheduled time, and students who do not apply themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the teacher. A warning letter will be issued in these cases.

Procedure for appealing an assessment mark

“The teacher must assess the student’s actual performance, not potential performance. Assessment marks must not be modified to take into account possible effects of illness or domestic situations.”

(ACE Manual,

Once a student sits a task, an appeal cannot be made on the basis of illness or other similar issues as outlined in the quote above.

Students may only appeal the result awarded in an assessment task within three (3) school days of the task being returned. Students may not appeal the results of multiple-choice or short answer questions once the assessment task has been returned to the student permanently (e.g. taken home).

Level 1 Appeal

The student immediately informs the class teacher, who consults with the marker or marking team. They may make an adjustment if necessary, based on the specific criteria of the assessment task.

Level 2 Appeal

Should the student not be satisfied with the result of the Level 1 Appeal then they may appeal, but within three (3) school days of the decision of the Level 1 Appeal, to the Leader of Learning of that subject.

Level 3 Appeal

Should the student not be satisfied with the ruling made by the Leader of Learning then they can appeal to the Director of Curriculum. Such appeals must be made within three (3) school days of the delivery of the Leader of Learning’s decision. The Director of Curriculum will only check that due process has been followed and will not be concerned with specific aspects of content or specialised subject information. The Director of Curriculum will not question a teacher’s judgement of the student's performance

School Review Procedures for rankings

Students can request from the College, after their last timetabled HSC exam, their Assessment rank order in each subject (i.e., position in each course). NESA provides this. If students consider their position in the school’s order of merit for a particular course is not consistent with the feedback from their performance during the Assessment tasks throughout the course, they are entitled, within two weeks after the last HSC exam, to seek a review.

NESA specifically states that a teacher’s judgement of the worth of individual assessment tasks, as reflected in the mark awarded, will not be subject to review as part of this process.

This review checks that:

1. the school has complied with the weighting specified by NESA for each subject, 2. weighting for each component, as specified in the subject programs, have been adhered to, 3. clerical and computational errors have not been made.

If the review discovers an error, it will be corrected, and the student will be informed. If it finds no error the student will also be informed. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the review the student may appeal to NESA which will check to ensure that the school review was carried out correctly.

Assessment Details by Subject

NOTE: Scheduling of tasks in this handbook may change due to unforeseen circumstances. In this event, students will be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice of a change in due date.

Type: I = In-class task; H = hand in assignment; E = examination

Biology | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Model & Report

AT2: Depth Study

AT3: Preliminary Examination

Business Studies | 2 Unit

Task # and Name


AT2: Business Plan

AT3: Preliminary Examination

Chemistry | 2 Unit


Model and report on structure and function of the cell membrane.

Plan, design and conduct an experiment to investigate factors affecting enzymes

Examination on Modules 1-4

In-class task reviewing the topic

Construction of a detailed business plan

Examination that reviews the topics studied

AT1: Research Task H T1/W10 20 Research Task on Module 1

AT2: Depth Study I/H T2/W7 40 Firsthand Investigation and Scientific Report

AT3: Preliminary Examination

T3/W9 & 10 40 Formal Examination on Modules 1-4

Construction | VET

Task # and Name

AT1: Toolbox

AT2: Oilstone I T2/W10 N/A

AT3: Timber Floor & Framing I T3/W7 N/A

Drama | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1:Group Performance

AT2: Element of Production 1/H

AT3: Performance and Written Exam

Economics | 2 Unit


and Name

AT1: In -class task

Part A – OnGuard Safety

Part B – Workplace Safety

Part C - Toolbox

Part A – Plan & Organise

Part B – Tools & Equipment

Part C - Oilstone

Part A – Workplace scenario

Part B – Workplace documentation

Part C – Construct timber floor and wall frame

Part A - Performance 20%

Part B - Written reflection 10%

Part A - Individual Element of Production 20%

Part B – Essay 10%

Part A – Performance Presentation 20%

Part B – Written Exam 20%

and essay response AT2: Research task

Researched task and in-class extended response – nature, role & operation of the labour market in the Australian economy


Engineering Studies | 2 Unit


and Name

AT1: Electricity Engineers Report

Examination that reviews the topics studied

task - Engineering Report AT2: Brakes Engineers Report

AT3: Preliminary Examination

research task - Engineering Report

Preliminary Examination

English Standard | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Imaginative Response + Justification

AT2: Multimodal Presentation

AT3: Preliminary Examination

English Advanced | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Imaginative Response + Justification

AT2: Multimodal Speech H T2/W9 30%

AT3: Preliminary Examination


TEEL paragraph and Imaginative Response

Speech and visual representation about the module ‘Contemporary Possibilities’

Yearly Examination: Reading Paper

Extended Response- Close study of Texts Discursive Response

Part A Imaginative Response & Justification ‘Reading to Write’

Speech and visual representation on ‘Narratives that Shape Our World’

Examination: Reading Paper

Extended Response- Critical Study of Literature Discursive Response

English Extension 1

Task # and Name

AT1: Extended Response: Texts, Culture and Value

AT2: Independent Research Project

AT3: Preliminary Examination

& 10

English Studies | 2 Unit


and Name

AT1: Workplace Task

AT2: Digital Brochure

AT3: Preliminary Examination

T3/W9 & 10 40%

Comparative essay which demonstrates an understanding of the texts and ideas studied in ‘Texts, Culture and Value’

Independent Research Project, which can be presented in a variety of formats.

Examination will assess students’ knowledge and skills in: -Imaginative Writing -Discursive Writing -Literary Theory

Workplace task: resume and letter writing

Digital travel brochure and itinerary

Portfolio writing task. This will include an extended response and various writing tasks from throughout the term.

Entertainment | VET

Task # and Name

AT1: Industry research task H T1/W7 N/A

AT2: Radio program & PA set up I/H T2/W6 N/A

AT3: Staging simulation I/H T3/W5 N/A

Financial Services | VET

Task # and Name

AT1: Working effectively with others & contribute to the health and safety of self and others I/H T2/W4 NA

AT2: Perform financial calculations I/H T2/W8 NA

AT3: Process financial transactions and extract interim reports I/H T3/W7 NA

Part A - Competency based research task on the Entertainment Industry practices.

Part B - Competency based written & practical task: Applying WH&S

Competency based task with scripting and live show delivery, including set up of PA and audio mixing.

Competency based including practical staging task

Students will complete short answer questions, Case Study, Workplace Simulation - Policy and Procedure Induction.

Students will complete short answer questions and structured tasks such as financial calculations and spreadsheets.

Students will answer research questions, complete basic accounting applications along with creating reports.

Preliminary Examination E T3W/9 & 10 80% Formal examination on topics studied.

Food Technology | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Nutrition Task I, H T1/W9 30

AT2: Food Quality Task I, H T2/W8 30

AT3: Preliminary Examination E T3/W9 & 10 40

Nutrition Research Task and Meal Design Practical dates TBA

Written Task and Food Styling Practical Practical dates TBA

Formal Examination on Topics studied

Health and Movement Science (HMS) | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Depth Study - The body and mind in motion

AT2: Collaborative Investigation Presentation

AT3: Preliminary Examination

multiple choice & extended response

History Ancient | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Source Analysis Task

AT2: Historical Investigation

AT3: Preliminary Examination

History Modern | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Constructing History Project

AT2: Historical Investigation

AT3: Preliminary Examination

Hospitality – Cookery | VET

Task # and Name

Preliminary Exam

HMS AT1 Depth study – The Body and Mind in Motion

HMS AT2 Collaborative investigation Presentation –Health for Individuals & Communities OR The Body & Mind in Motion

HMS AT3 Preliminary examination – multiple choice & extended response

Source based in-class task

Research project on an aspect of Ancient History

Examination on the topics studied

Online Discussion Forum – historiographical debate

Historical Investigation Project

Examination on the topics studied

Competency Based Task – Hygiene and Safe Food Handling Equipment

Competency Based Task – Work Health and Safety and Food Preparation

Competency Based Task – Simple Dishes and Clean Kitchen Premises

Preliminary Examination

Industrial Technology – Timber, Multimedia and Metal | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Industry Study

AT2: Preliminary Project & Folio

AT3: Preliminary Examination

Investigating Science | 2 Unit


and Name

AT1: Firsthand investigation

AT2: Depth Study

AT3: Preliminary Examination

Legal Studies | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Case Study Media File

AT2: Research Task

AT3: Examination

Excursion and Report Based on Focus Area Business

Practical Project and Folio

Preliminary Examination

Firsthand investigation on Module 1

Planning, conducting, and analysing a first-hand investigation

T3/W9 & 10 30% Formal Examination on Modules 1-4

Respond and review perspectives on Case Study Media File

Research project on the responsibilities of the individual and the law

Examination on the topics studied

Manufacturing and Engineering | VET

Task # and Name

AT1: Bench Vice

T3/W4 N/A Theory, Fabrication and Machining

AT2: Toolbox I T3/W8 N/A Theory, Fabrication and Machining

Mathematics Advanced | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: In class exam

AT2: In class exam

AT3: Preliminary Examination

& 10

Mathematics Standard | 2 Unit


AT1: Hand-in Assignment

In -class Task

Preliminary Examination

Maths in Trades | 2 Unit


Mathematics Extension 1

Task # and Name

Music Course 1 | 2 Unit


and Name

AT1 Viva Voce & Aural analysis

AT2 Composition Task

AT3 Performance & Viva Preliminary Examination

Owning a car assignment

Viva voce including Aural response analysis task

Composition including process diary and aural task

Performance of piece representative of one Topic studied with accompanying Viva Voce based on performance piece.

Outdoor Recreation | VET

Task # and Name

AT1: Work placement Year 7 Camp I T1/W4

AT1: Work placement Year 9 Camp I T1/W6

AT2: Paddle a craft

AT3: First Aid practical assessment

AT4: Camp

AT5: Surfing I T1/W10

AT6: Bike riding I T1/W10

AT7: Abseiling I T1/W10

AT8: Bushwalking I T2/W5

AT9: Student workbook due I T3/W7

Physics | 2 Unit


and Name

AT1: Review of T1 HWK Sheets

AT1 Work placement Year 7 Camp

AT1 Work placement Year 9 Camp

AT2 Paddle a craft

AT3 First Aid practical assessment

AT5 Surfing

AT6 Bike riding

AT7 Abseiling fundamental skills

AT8 Bushwalking

AT9 Student workbook due

T1/W10 20 Review of Homework Sheets completed during Term 1

AT2: Depth Study I/H T3/W2 40 Firsthand Investigation and Scientific Report

AT3: Preliminary Examination E T3/W9 & 10 40 Preliminary Examination on Modules 1-4

Software Engineering | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Programming portfolio & Research Task

AT2: Mechatronic Programming Task


A portfolio of OOP tasks completed.

Hand in Project. Mechatronic object and programming component

AT3: Preliminary Examination E T3/W9 & 10 30 End of Year Examination

Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR) | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

AT1: Sport coaching & training task I T1/W8 30%

AT2: Athletics presentation & practical participation

AT3: Online netball/hockey quiz & practical participation

Studies of Religion | 1 Unit


and Name

AT1: Research Task

AT2: Extended response/quotes

AT3: Preliminary Examination

T3/W9 & 10 30%

Studies of Catholic Thought | 1 Unit


and Name

AT1: Written response

AT2: Project I/H T3/W1 40%

AT1 Sport coaching & training task

AT2 Athletics presentation & practical participation

AT3 Online netball/hockey quiz & practical participation

Research Task on the Nature and Beliefs of religion and Aboriginal Spirituality

Extended Response: on Judaism

Preliminary Exam; based on all course modules throughout their preliminary year.

Written task: on the Human Person. Students will use their skills and knowledge to develop a written response on the module The Human Person.

Project: students will develop a report on their knowledge and skills from the module The trinitarian God and the Human Person and their experiences from their retreat.

AT3: In class ext. response I/E T3/W6 30% In class ext. Response on all modules studied throughout the preliminary year.

Visual Arts | 2 Unit


AT1: Extended Response & BOW

AT2: BOW/VAPD I T3/W7 35%

AT3: Preliminary Exam E T3/W9 & 10 30%

Submission of Body of Work completed in class

Extended Response on two artists from Case Study

Submission of Body of Work and VAPD completed in class

Extended Essay style responses based on case studies of art and artists

AT1: Case Study I T1/W9 15%

AT2: Portfolio & Journal I T1/W10 35%

AT3: Portfolio & Journal I T2/W10 35%

AT4: Case Study I T3/W6 15%

Case Study on Political/Historical/Social/Street Photographers

Submission of Portfolio practical tasks completed in class

Submission of Portfolio practical tasks completed in class

Case Study on Environmental Photographers

St Joseph College Subjects Assessment Details

Chemistry | 2 Unit

Task # and Name

Firsthand investigation (Unit 1)

AT2: Depth Study (Unit 1 and 2)

AT3: End of Preliminary Course Examination

Earth and Environmental | 2 Unit


and Name

In class practical task

Geography | 2 Unit


and Name

In class task

AT2: Geographical Investigation

AT3: End of Preliminary Course Examination

Society & Culture | 2 Unit


and Name

AT1: Social and Cultural World: Personal reflection/ secondary research and in class task

AT2: Personal and Social Identity: Primary research task and in class task

AT3: End of Preliminary Course examination

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