Year 7 | 2025 Assessment Handbook
Year 7 | 2025 Assessment Handbook
* NOTE: Scheduling of tasks in this handbook may change due to unforeseen circumstances. In this event, students will be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice of a change in due date.
Assessment is the broad name for the collection and evaluation of evidence of a student's learning. It is integral to teaching and learning and has multiple purposes. Assessment can enhance student engagement and motivation, particularly when it incorporates interaction with teachers, other students and a range of resources
This booklet provides details of the formal Assessment tasks that will be administered in the various subjects and of the procedures that teachers and students will be asked to follow in the administration of these Assessment tasks.
Prior to commencement of Assessment in any given term, Assessment tasks will be published to the parent/student portal at least two weeks prior to when each task is due.
Prior to the assessment task the teacher will give students further details, e.g., scope and type of the task, proposed timing and duration, and weighting.
It is the responsibility of any student who is absent from school when assessment information is given out, to obtain the appropriate details from their teacher upon their return to school.
• Tasks must be submitted by the due date and time on the assessment notification.
• Students who are completing assessment tasks using technology, are encouraged to make regular backup copies of their work. Problems with technology will not be accepted as an excuse for non-submission, sub-standard or incomplete work. If there is a problem with technology, students must be able to show evidence of their progress on a task.
• A student who has been suspended from school for disciplinary reasons will still be required to submit the task to the class teacher on the due date. If the task is an examination the student will be required to attend the college in school uniform only for the duration of the exam. It is also the responsibility of a student who has been suspended to ensure that he finds out any information about an assessment task that may have been set while the student is suspended from school. The student will also be required to complete the task by the due date.
Students can request an extension from their classroom teacher. The teacher will discuss this with the relevant Leader of Learning and the outcome will be communicated to the student.
• If a student is aware that they will be away the date of the task for a justified reason (including representing the school, state or country), they should make their teacher aware of this. An alternate date for the task will be organized by them in consultation with the Leader of Learning.
• If a student is absent on the date of a task, parents are required to email the class teacher advising them of the reason. An alternate date will be set for the task in consultation with the class teacher and Leader of Learning. In circumstances where the task cannot be completed at another time, an estimate may be given by the Leader of Learning.
Planned Absence
Students who are aware that they will be absent for an extended period of time eg. for more than two weeks are responsible for notifying their teacher and must complete the Extended leave application form.
• If students are missing classwork that will be relevant to later assessment the student is responsible for obtaining the work that they have missed out on in order to prepare to complete the assessment on their return.
• If a student is absent for a whole unit of work the teacher may if appropriate set an alternate task upon the student’s return to provide evidence of learning.
• Strategies will be put into place by the College to ensure that there is clarity about the expectations of any work to be completed while the student is absent.
For all leave during a school term, students must complete the ‘Student contract for extended leave’ form located This form must be completed and signed by all teachers and/or Leaders of Learning at least five school days prior to going on leave.
If a student is travelling during the term, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for the task to be submitted on time, or prior to the due date. Students must ensure that they have made these arrangements with the relevant teachers and/or Leaders of Learning when they have their leave form signed, at least five school days prior to going on leave.
For assessments submitted late due to unjustified leave, the penalty is a deduction of 10% for Years 7-9, of the initially available marks, per day. If a student is absent due to unjustified leave for an exam, they will be required to complete the exam in an academic assistance afternoon as soon as possible on their return. In a situation where the exam is
unable to be caught up (e.g., A practical exam) or completed within a reasonable time frame, the student will receive an estimate.
Students who do not fulfil their responsibility to liaise with their teacher with regard to an exam or assessment that falls within the period of unjustified leave, will receive 0 for the assessment.
Students who are absent due for an extended period of time should ensure that they address the issue of any missed assessment tasks upon their return to school.
• The Leader of Learning and the class teacher will then decide as to whether it is appropriate for the student to complete the task, complete an alternate task or receive an estimate. This decision will be made according to the learning and pastoral needs of individual students and should involve consultation with the student’s Pastoral Leader.
Late submissions
• In years 7-9, late submissions will incur a penalty of 10% of the initially available marks every school day, with a maximum penalty of 50%.
Non submission of assessment tasks
• Students who fail to submit after 7 days of the due date, will complete the task in an academic assistance afternoon.
• Parents and the Pastoral Leader will be notified of the non-submission of the task.
Malpractice is any activity that allows students to gain an unfair advantage over other students. It includes, but is not limited to:
• copying or providing someone else’s work in part or in whole, and presenting it as their own
• using material directly from books or the internet without reference to the source
• building on the ideas of another person without reference to the source
• generating answers or other parts of a task using artificial intelligence (e.g. ChatGTP) which is not acknowledged and referenced as a source
• buying, stealing or borrowing another person’s work and presenting it as their own
• submitting work to which another person, such as a parent, coach or subject expert, has contributed substantially
• using words, ideas, designs or the workmanship of others in practical and performance tasks without appropriate acknowledgement
• paying someone to write or prepare material
• breaching school examination rules
• using non-approved aids during an assessment task
• assisting another student to engage in malpractice.
Acknowledgment of plagiarism and malpractice
• When a teacher suspects that a student has plagiarised or has engaged in malpractice they will discuss their concerns with the student.
• Parents will be informed of the plagiarism and/or malpractice and of the penalty to be imposed.
• If appropriate, students may be required to attend Thursday afternoon academic detention to complete the task or relevant section of the task.
NOTE: Scheduling of tasks in this handbook may change due to unforeseen circumstances. In this event, students will be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice of a change in due date.
* TYPE: I = In-class task; H = hand in assignment; E = examination
Task # and Name Type Term/Week Description
AT1: Belonging Reflection I T2/W2 AT1 Belonging to place analytical paragraph. Live write with evidence sheet.
AT2: First Peoples Extended Response I T3/W4 AT2- Extended response analysis of text/s studied. Live write with evidence sheet.
AT3: Epic Quests and the Hero’s Journey H T4/W4 AT3- ‘Moment in Time’ creative writing piece.
Task # and Name Type Term/Week Description
AT1: Planter Box Portfolio I T1/W6 or T3/W6 In class - Planter Box Portfolio
AT2: Planter Box Project I T2/W2 or T4/W2 In class - Practical Project
AT3: Healthy Eating and Food Preparation I T2/W6 or T4/W6 In class - Practical and Research Task
Task # and Name
AT1 GEO: Landscapes & Landforms Infographic H T1/W9
AT2 GEO: Places & Liveability Summative Task E T2/W6
AT1 HIS: Ancient World Source Task H/I
AT2 HIS: The Mediterranean World – GREECE OR CHINA Summative Task E T4/W5
Task # and Name
Create an info graphic that represents your knowledge on a key issue
An exam that assesses your knowledge of the unit
Complete a source analysis presentation and write a TEEL paragraph
In class task on your knowledge of Ancient Greece and/or China
AT1: Formative Class Mark H T1/W4,7,10 Three formative Quizzes completed every few weeks
AT2: In -class Task I T2/W5 In-class test
AT3: In -class Task I T3/W7 In-class test
AT4: Online Quiz I T4/W5 Online Quiz
Task # and Name
AT1: Listening Skills Task I T2/W4 & T4/W4
AT2: Final Performance or Composition Task I/H T2/W6 & T4/W6
Students demonstrate musical literacy/ terminology and simple rhythmic dictation through an Aural task.
Students choose to submit either a Composition task or Performance pieces as their elected work.
Task # and Name
AT1: ‘How to Cope With….’ Resource I T1/W7
AT2: Balance and Bounce Participation and Performance CriteriaGymnastics I T1/W9-10
AT3: Run, Jump and Throw Participation and Performance CriteriaAthletics I T2/W4-8
AT4: Safe and Sound Research and Presentation I/H
AT1 ‘How to Cope With….’ Development & Presentation of a supportive resource
AT2 Balance and Bounce Participation and Performance CriteriaGymnastics
AT 3 Run, Jump and Throw Participation and Performance CriteriaAthletics
T3/W8-9 AT 4 Safe and Sound Collaborative research and presentation
AT5: Safe and Sound Performance Criteria – Water Safety I T4/W4-6 AT 5 Safe and Sound Performance Criteria – Water Safety
AT6: T3 & 4 Practical Participation I T4/W7 AT 6 T3 & 4 Practical Participation
Task # and Name
AT1: What it means to Belong to a Catholic Community I/H
AT2: Bible Skills E
AT3: Action Project I/H
Students will be given work on and in class over a three to fourweek period. Students work will be based on the content and skills developed in class. This task will be given out in Wk7 of Term1.
Students will complete a bible skills exam in class. This task is based on the content and skills students have developed on the Catholic Bible.
Students will work through an Oracy Action project based on the content studied in class Students will start to develop oracy skills and knowledge from Wk7 term 3 to present in Wk2 T4.
Task # and Name
AT1: Practical Skills I/H T1/W9 In class practical skills task.
AT2: Depth Study H T2/W5 Students will be planning, designing and constructing a Rube Goldberg Machine focussing on forces, simple machines, energy transfer and problem-solving skills.
AT3: Practical Workbook I T3/W5 Submission of practical workbook.
AT4: Semester Two Examination E T4/W4 Knowledge, process and skills in class examination.
Task # and Name
AT1: Sensor Research Task and online quiz I T1/W5 or T3/W4 In class - Research Task and Online Quiz
AT2: Minecraft BLOG I T2/W3 or T4/W3 In class - Reflective Minecraft Blog
AT3: Poster Research Task I T2/W6 or T4/W6 In class - Research Task - Poster
Task # and Name Type Term/Week Description
A Case Study Canvas Quiz based on artists and artworks we have studied in class
Submission of all work completed in your Visual Arts Folder
Submission of all practical tasks completed in class.