Washington National Cathedral AR 2008

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- Sights to Behold WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL Annual Stewardship Report 2008

- Undaunted Courage “ of courage undaunted, possessing a firmness and perseverance of purpose which nothing but impossibilities could divert from its direction….” President Thomas Jefferson used these words to describe Meriwether Lewis, who led the trek across the vast continent of North America that came to be called the Lewis and Clark Expedition. That phrase rang in my ears throughout Washington National Cathedral’s unforgettable Centennial year. We are filled with gratitude and awe at the undaunted courage of our founders and all the dreamers and builders who followed. No one embodied this vision more than Washington’s first bishop, Henry Yates Satterlee, who guided the earliest years of planning. Although he seemingly exhausted his life in the effort, he lived to see only the foundation stone placed. What sustained him and the many who continued his work was the hope that future generations would fulfill his vision of a spiritual home for the nation. Those whose memories we honored and whose company we sought in our Centennial year—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Madeleine Albright, and Sister Joan Chittister, to name just a few—demonstrated the same invincible spirit in their life’s work. Blessed with courage and vision, they made life better in tangible ways for people across the world. Our Cathedral served as a sacred platform as they spoke out for justice, an end to poverty, and world peace. We are pleased by the overwhelming success of this year’s Sunday Forums, our weekly dialogues in the nave that explore issues at the intersection of faith and public life. Those lively conversations, coupled with the energy of a growing worship community, strengthen our spiritual life and connect us to the complex realities of our world. As we look to the future, we are mindful that today’s challenges are as daunting as those our predecessors faced and will require the same full measure of courage. We face a world urgently in need of reconciliation, and we at the Cathedral cannot predict the ways we will be called upon to serve. But we are confident that, with your help, we will find the people, the resources, and the strength to be as faithful in our second century as our founders and builders were in our first. This report shares the sights and stories of our Centennial year. We thank the thousands of volunteers and supporters—from our docents and ushers to our donors and National Cathedral Association members—who were a vital part of the Cathedral’s first century. May God bless this Cathedral in all its dimensions and give us the wisdom and fortitude to continue to make our voice heard in this new century. -

The Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III, Dean

- The Centennial Weekend celebration SEPTEMBER 28–30, 2007


ON SEPTEMBER 29, 1907, under the enthusiastic eye of President Theodore Roosevelt and set to the music of the United States Marine Band, the foundation stone of the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul was set in place by Bishop Henry Yates Satterlee. Exactly 100 years later, the church that we have come to know as Washington National Cathedral kicked off its Centennial celebration with a festive weekend that included reunions, Cathedral Day, and a Festival Worship Celebration.


On Cathedral Day, visitors took a journey back in time to September 1907 as they watched a reenactment of the laying of the foundation stone at noon, complete with remarks by President Theodore Roosevelt. BIRTHDAY CAKE

No birthday party is complete without a cake. Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III, Henry Yates Satterlee III, and Bishop John Bryson Chane cut into the Cathedral-shaped confection and, later, shared slices with the crowd. GATHERING CROWD

An estimated crowd of 4,000 guests attended Cathedral Day, enjoying music, demonstrations, food, children’s activities, special guests, and a vibrant evening worship service.


Coming from near and far to join the festivities were members of the National Cathedral Association, a strong national network of friends and volunteers who serve as Cathedral ambassadors to the nation. Pictured from left: Current NCA President Craig M. McKee; former presidents David Acheson, Robert S. Smith, Nancy Ignatius, Eileen Yago, Richard Snowdon, John Shenefield, and Bruce Sanford.


Looking topdown from the nave, the camera captures a dramatic view of the assembled choir preparing to celebrate the Sunday Festival Worship Celebration. A LIVING STONE

Mason foreman Joe Alonso, who helped place the Cathedral’s final stone on September 29, 1990, participates in the Festival Worship Celebration.


Sean Callahan, Cathedral stone mason, and a young visitor enjoy a lesson in making art from stone, one of the many Cathedral arts demonstrated as part of the celebration. A COLORFUL BLESSING

Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III (right) accepts a piece of colored glass from Dieter Goldkuhle, fabricator of the west rose window, at the September 30 Festival Worship Celebration that marked the Cathedral's first century.

“Godspeed the work begun this noon.” President Theodore Roosevelt, September 29, 1907



















- Highlights the Centennial Year


THROUGHOUT the Centennial year, the Cathedral was filled with sights to behold. Events, lectures, concerts, celebrations, and worship all embraced the major themes of interfaith outreach, social justice, reconciliation, and service.



October 2, 2007: In Creativity: Confidence of the Heart, author and PEN/Faulkner Award recipient Ann Patchett discussed the process of creativity and its effects on the reader and society.

October 21, 2007: Virginia Day featured acolytes representing the 16 parishes across the Commonwealth who came to the Cathedral to celebrate the Centennial as well as the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. As part of the Cathedral’s national ministry, we honor each state in the union every year.


October 16, 2007: Prominent interfaith and political leaders joined rock legends (from left): Graham Nash, David Crosby, and Jackson Browne for Pray for Peace, an extraordinary night of prayer and music that expressed a collective desire for global peace. Keb’ Mo’, Emily Saliers, Krishna Das, John Hall, and other performers shared the stage with religious leaders including: Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III, Bishop John Bryson Chane, Chief Stephen Adkins, Sheikh Ahmad Bahraini, the Rev. Dr. Bernice Powell Jackson, and Rabbi David Saperstein.


October 16–18, 2007: The Cathedral helped participants in Interfaith Peace Prayer Practices cultivate capacity for inner and outer peace through diverse spiritual offerings that highlighted practices across sectarian lines. During the opening ceremony, monks from Namgyal, the Dalai Lama’s personal monastery in Dharamsala, India, demonstrated the sacred art of painting sand mandalas.



January 16–March 9, 2008: The Cathedral was proud to display the Keiskamma Altarpiece, a vibrant and beautiful work of art created by 130 South Africans to honor the hope and suffering of AIDS victims. The Altarpiece was named for the Keiskamma River Valley, one of South Africa’s poorest and most AIDS-afflicted regions.

May 20, 2008: Sustainable South Bronx founder and MacArthur genius grant recipient Majora Carter visited the Cathedral for One Sky: Solving Climate Change Together, where she presented a powerful “green for all” vision that highlighted the scientific, economic, and legislative aspects of creating a more livable planet for the future.


April 28, 2008: Rabbi David Rosen, chairman of the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations, discussed common issues of concern among Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the capital region during Religion and Peacemaking in the Holy Land.


The Cathedral College sponsored many of the featured programs during our Centennial Year. The educational ministry of the Cathedral College is one of the ways the Cathedral extends its voice in service to others. The rich offerings of the College include programs in spirituality, theological initiatives, preaching, global justice and reconciliation, and Christian formation.

“At the beginning of our second century, a group of people went to work to build the Cathedral of living stones in the midst of the great Cathedral of limestone. In these early years, we are laying a different kind of foundation stone for a new Cathedral of the spirit.” Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III


- The Sunday Forum SUNDAY MORNINGS, 10 AM


“The first Reformation was about creeds. I think the second Reformation needs to be about deeds.... If Christians of all stripes... would just practice what we know Jesus taught, the world would be an incredibly different place.” Rick Warren, pastor, Saddleback Church, Sunday Forum guest, January 27, 2008




CAN FAITH AND SCIENCE be reconciled? How do we empower women to end poverty? What makes a saint? Do Americans have common values? Can we forgive our enemies? Would Christ recognize the church that has grown from his ministry? Provocative questions rarely have easy answers. Many viewpoints exist in the public square, and their holders sometimes express them with heightened stridency. The right prerequisites to living in harmony with our neighbors are the ability to listen well and respect others’ opinions, even when we disagree. Civil discourse is becoming a scarce commodity in an increasingly polarized world. Creating a safe space to explore complex subjects is the premise behind The Sunday Forum: Critical Issues in the Light of Faith, a Cathedral College program launched in the Centennial year to discuss issues pertaining to faith and contemporary

FORUM GUESTS 2007–2008

Francis Collins - Sally Quinn and Jon Meacham - Don Saliers and Emily Saliers - Michel Martin - Robert Ellsberg - Desmond Tutu - Richard Cizik - James A. Forbes, Jr. Michael Duffy and Nancy Gibbs - William Willimon - Samuel Kobia - Michael Gerson - Tony Hall - Rick Warren - Krista Tippet - Maria Finitzo and Cynthia B. Cohen - Brian McLaren - Jim Wallis - Denyce Graves James Carroll - John Lewis - Dana Gioia - Thoraya Ahmed Obaid - Walter Isaacson - Diane Rehm - Peter J. Gomes - William Raspberry - Charles Marsh - Thomas Long - Lee H. Hamilton - Joan Chittister -


life. Universally well-received by an ever-growing audience, the Forum is held in the nave and hosted by Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III preceding the 11:15 am worship service. Guests have ranged from Nobel prize winners to opera divas; the famous and not-yet famous appear to offer ofttimes controversial views on serious subjects. After Dean Lloyd and his guests review the issue of the day, questions are drawn from the in-person audience and those watching online. All forums are archived and available on the Cathedral’s Web site. “I think the forums have been one of the essential symbols of the Cathedral’s new century. To place these conversations in the middle of our morning worship is to act out the role we see the Cathedral playing in public life.” cathedral dean samuel t. lloyd iii


“In our African culture, there is something which is very difficult to put into English...ubuntu. Ubuntu speaks about the essence of being human. We say that a person is a person through other persons...that it is impossible to be human as a solitary individual.... We are created for interdependence, and my humanity is caught up in your humanity. I need you to be all you can be in order for me to become all I can be.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Washington National Cathedral, November 11, 2008






FOR FIVE DAYS in November, the Cathedral of us has a part. Archbishop Tutu returned to his hosted a series of signature events centered around theme during his final appearance at a Cathedral the visit of the Most Reverend Desmond M. Tutu. A College lecture on the spirituality of reconciliation, Nobel Peace Laureate, author, and spiritual leader, elaborating on how faith allows one to understand Archbishop Tutu is widely regarded as the primary forgiveness as an instrument of peace. Archbishop architect of post-apartheid South Africa. He came to Tutu’s lecture and his Sunday Forum are available on the Cathedral to accept its inaugural Prize for the Cathedral’s Web site. Advancement in Religious Understanding. Archbishop Tutu received the award at the “The Centennial Gala gave the Cathedral community much more Centennial Gala on Friday evening, November 9. than a beautiful, candlelit dinner for 1,000. The memorable The nave was transformed into a candlelit room for evening celebrated Archbishop Tutu’s achievements and the the festivities, led by Gala Chairs Bruce and Marilou Cathedral as our national treasure. Thanks to the generosity of our Sanford with a special performance by Grammy- 300 Gala committee members and family of Cathedral supporters, winning vocalist Aaron Neville with hundreds of the the event raised $1.4 million to support the Cathedral’s national region’s philanthropic, social, civic, and political and global work in reconciliation, education, and cultural programs, leaders in attendance. in addition to its urban ministry in the District of Columbia.” Over the following four days, Archbishop Tutu bruce and marilou sanford shared his message of reconciliation with various centennial gala chairs Cathedral audiences. At a Sunday Forum entitled Can We Forgive Our Enemies?, he spoke of reconciliation not as a single act but as a process in which each one

- Centennial Gala The Cathedral prize NOVEMBER 9–13, 2007




“He would tell us to take care of the poor, to provide for the homeless, to provide food for those that need a decent meal, to clothe the naked, to visit those in prison...and to study war no more.” Hon. John Lewis, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington National Cathedral, March 31, 2008




ON MARCH 31, 1968, four days before his assassination, Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., preached his last Sunday sermon from the Cathedral’s Canterbury Pulpit. The Cathedral commemorated the fortieth anniversary of his death —and honored his life and work—with a week of activities around themes of racial reconciliation, nonviolence, and justice. Civil rights leader, the Honorable John Lewis, U.S. Representative from Georgia’s fifth district, opened the week as a guest at the Cathedral’s Sunday Forum, then served as guest preacher at the service that followed. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Taylor Branch gave a public lecture on King’s legacy, and Katrina Brown screened her 2008 film Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North, which chronicles her own family’s story as the largest slave traders in New England. Eight gifted preachers took the pulpit throughout the week and preached in the style of Dr.


King, and the tribute ended with Dean Lloyd’s sermon challenging those assembled to continue to push relationships across color and cultural lines. Earlier in the year, to celebrate the Martin Luther King national holiday, the Cathedral hosted a celebration of non-violence aimed at youth, which featured recording artist Bomani Armah and the Urban Nation H.I.P.-H.O.P. Choir. Youth from The Education for Excellence Program and the Cathedral Scholars participated and honored Dr. King’s legacy. “This year’s Martin Luther King Day observances were a thrilling experience for all of the youth and staff involved in bringing it to life. From the video workshop where teenagers imagined and then produced a campaign commercial from Dr. King, to the thrilling spoken word, hip-hop and singing, it was a fun-filled day.” bomani armah


“We must work together in a twenty-first–century way to tackle poverty by focusing on empowering girls and women. Breakthrough was an unprecedented event, which called three key and often divided sectors—the faith, women’s, and development communities—to act together.” Mary Robinson, former president of the Republic of Ireland, Breakthrough co-chair




IN EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE, women former President of the Republic of Ireland Mary INFORMATIONAL. die every day from diseases that are 100 percent Robinson; former Prime Minister of Canada Kim INSPIRATIONAL. TRANSFORMATIONAL. preventable and curable. Mothers who can neither Campell; and Sheikh Shaban Mubaje, Grand Mufti read nor write raise and support families, but they of Uganda. Attendees met in prayerful deliberation own no assets, have no credit, and receive no income. and emerged with an agenda accompanied by a They sustain entire villages yet are absent from portfolio of multinational investment commitments politics and government. They are the repositories of that totaled more than $1.4 billion. The WFDA was founded in 2006 by tradition and culture, but their voices are silent. In April, Christians and Muslims, Buddhists and Washington National Cathedral, Women Thrive Jews, gathered at Washington National Cathedral to Worldwide, InterAction, and Religions for Peace. address a deplorable situation and its root causes. The Cathedral served as common ground to unite Breakthrough: The Women, Faith, and Development Summit to disparate voices with similar interests around a single End Global Poverty, presented by the Cathedral’s Center cause and move them to joint action. for Global Justice and Reconciliation in conjunction with the Women, Faith, and Development Alliance “We are global. We are united. We are doers. And we are here (WFDA), was attended by more than 2,200 leaders to stay.” in the religious, corporate, government, foundation, madeleine k. albright and social agency communities. Co-chairs included former u.s. secretary of state, former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright; breakthrough keynote address 12

- Breakthrough the women, faith, and development summit to end global poverty april 13, 2008


- Lighting to Unite lighting the nation, uniting the world may 9–11, 2008



The Cathedral closed its Centennial year in a dazzling burst of sight and sound with Lighting to Unite, a weekend of spectacle and music capped by the imagery of Swiss artist Gerry Hofstetter, who lit the Cathedral from all sides using vibrant visuals that reinforced the messages of reconciliation, healing, and interfaith outreach. The three-day event, which attracted nearly 13,000 spectators to the Close, included a multicultural Saturday night concert with music from Baile’s African Drum Works, Humayun Kahn’s mystical Sufi music, Urban Nation H.I.P.-H.O.P. Choir, the Howard University Gospel Choir, and the St. Catherine Labouré School Multicultural Children’s Choir. The illumination was a gift from the artist and was made possible in part by the support of Canon and Mrs. Joe L. Allbritton, PNC Bank, the Embassy of Switzerland, WAMU 88.5 FM, HBP Inc., and other generous donors.



“From the beginning, the beautiful stones and stained glass were only part of this Cathedral’s story. Because inside, wind and fire have been quietly stirring people here to serve the city and the nation, to reach out to the poor, to do the work of reconciliation.” Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III, Pentecost Sermon





Among the many groups assembled at the EVERY PENTECOST, the Church commemorates the gift of the Holy Spirit that transformed Pentecost service was the Cathedral Congregation, Christianity from a small group of disciples to a the nascent and growing worship community at the religion that spans the globe. It is, in a sense, the heart of the church. Regular participants in worship birthday of the Church, celebrated with infectious services, the Congregation has, in its first year, enthusiasm. How fitting then, that the Cathedral embraced programs of Christian formation and Centennial year ended on Pentecost weekend. The engaged in social justice and urban ministries that Sunday service was the spiritual highlight of a three- connect the Cathedral to its neighbors. A new energy day celebration that showcased the Cathedral as a is attracting a cohort of young people to the Cathedral, an exciting trend that will invigorate the beacon of light and an interfaith gathering place. The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, future. View Sunday services live or on demand and 26th presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, access sermons at the Cathedral’s Web site. recommissioned the staff and volunteer groups who will do the Cathedral’s work in the next century and presided over the Eucharist with Bishop John Bryson “The Pentecost service was joyous from start to finish. The Chane as concelebrant. Dean Lloyd preached a entire weekend communicated who we are—a place of generous message of renewal and hope in a service that was a spirit, inclusive and welcoming, with engaging ideas and a coherent agenda for action. This is the lens through which we vibrant blend of worship, music, drama, and dance. express our Christian faith.” cathedral vicar stephen huber 17

extending our reach


WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL is a church for national purposes in a nation where church and state are separate. We are an Episcopal cathedral that generously welcomes people of all faiths and none. We offer solace to each individual seeker looking for a deeper faith, while hosting hundreds of thousands of visitors who simply want to take in the grandeur of this national treasure. The Cathedral’s life is the sum of its manifold missions and ministries. We celebrate hundreds of public worship services. We reach out to our local community and provide needed services to the District. We offer to worshiper and visitor alike glorious music ranging from pure Anglican chant to vast choral passions and oratorios. We educate the nation’s clergy and others interested in Christian formation. We minister to the needs of our own congregation. And all the while, we are responsible for preserving this great Gothic structure in all its magnificence. The Cathedral plays a vital role on the national and international stages alike. We are the setting for great services of thanksgiving and remembrance that make the spirit soar. We sponsor conversation that facilitates interfaith understanding and fosters

mutual respect. We convene assemblies of leaders and thinkers to address issues of global import to find and develop common ground. The Centennial year has offered a small taste of what the Cathedral can do. We have an enormous opportunity to build on this work and extend our reach using all the tools of modern technology. But we cannot be a force in the nation’s life without resources. The Cathedral remains wholly dependent on our own funding sources. We are a church for national purposes, but we are not supported by the federal government. We are an Episcopal cathedral, but we are not funded by the Diocese or the national Church. We are a popular destination site, but we do not charge admission. It is your generosity, finally, that makes this work possible. Nearly two-thirds of our annual budget comes from benefactors like you. Private philanthropy has made possible everything that came before this Centennial year and will sustain us in all our endeavors to come. We deeply appreciate your gifts, and we hope you will remain a part of the Cathedral community. Together, we can extend our ministry throughout the city, nation, and world, and reach for the promise of the future.

John H. Shenefield Chair, Washington National Cathedral Chapter


financial highlights

= 2007–2008 Washington National Cathedral’s leadership is committed to financial transparency as a part of our effort to be careful stewards of the resources provided by our generous benefactors. If you are interested in learning more about the Cathedral’s financial position, highlights of our financial statements will be available for your review at www.nationalcathedral.org in December 2008.

looking ahead: 2008–2009 These charts provide a snapshot of anticipated sources of revenue and planned expenditures for fiscal year 2009 (July 1, 2008–June 30, 2009). To achieve this critical balanced budget, we continue to rely on the generosity of our many donors and friends who provide close to two-thirds of our revenue through contributions. We receive no federal or national church support. Important ministry and program expenses account for more than 60 percent of our annual budget.



= $100,000 +

$50,000 – $99,999

$25,000 – $49,999

Anonymous (3)

Anonymous (2)

Anonymous (1)

Canon and Mrs. Joe L. Allbritton Houston, TX

Carnegie Corporation of New York New York, NY

Paul Leavitt and Elizabeth Ballantine McLean, VA

The Allbritton Foundation Houston, TX

ExxonMobil Corporation Fairfax, VA

Mrs. Rosina Corton Washington, DC

The Clark-Winchole Foundation Bethesda, MD

INTERACTION American Council for Voluntary International Action Washington, DC

Mr. Dennis Cotter Rockville, MD

The F.I.S.H. Foundation Plainsboro, NJ The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Washington, DC Jacqueline B. Mars The Plains, VA Virginia Cretella Mars McLean, VA Mr. Edward W. Scott Merritt Island, FL Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon III Washington, DC Edward W. Snowdon Charitable Lead Trust Washington, DC Mrs. Stephen A. Trentman Greenville, DE United Nations Foundation Washington, DC

Mr. Stephen J. Luczo Scotts Valley, CA Roger and Vicki Sant Washington, DC Trinity Institute New York, NY

The Honorable and Mrs. John H. Dalton Washington, DC Mr. Jim Davis Rockville, MD James G. Davis Construction Corp. Rockville, MD Ronald and Nancy Fletcher Washington, DC John and Chara Haas Villanova, PA The Phoebe W. Haas Charitable Trust Philadelphia, PA Mr. Nicholas Haddad Marana, AZ The William Randolph Hearst Foundation New York, NY Heifer International Little Rock, AR Helen Lee Henderson Washington, DC Conrad Hilton Foundation Reno, NV The Hunter-Ruffin Family Lake Forest, IL

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kenney McLean, VA Mr. Irving L. Kidwell Annapolis, MD

$10,000 – $24,999 Anonymous (7)

Mrs. John A. Manfuso Chevy Chase, MD

Academy for Educational Development Washington, DC

Mr. C. Raymond Marvin McLean, VA

Mrs. Robert Amory, Jr. Exeter, NH

Mr. Bill Moyer Rockville, MD

Dr. Richard and Janet Andre Bethesda, MD

Alex and Carol Netchvolodoff Washington, DC

Baker and Hostetler Washington, DC

Mrs. Hope B. Preminger New York, NY

Baltimore Community Foundation Baltimore, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Cameron H. Sanders, Jr. Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barker Washington, DC

The Summit Fund of Washington Washington, DC

Colonel and Mrs. George C. Berger Alexandria, VA

Tibotec Yardley, PA

Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Blanchard New York, NY

Drs. Charles S. and M. Elizabeth Tidball Washington, DC

Count and Countess Peder Bonde Washington, DC

The Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation Inc. Easton, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Carter Cafritz Washington, DC

United Way of America Alexandria, VA

Carter Cafritz Development, LLC Washington, DC

World Vision Federal Way, WA

Catholic Relief Services Washington, DC Clark Wamberg, LLC North Barrington, IL Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Memphis, TN Mr. David Aufhauser and Ms. Jane T. Dana Washington, DC De Beers Washington, DC


The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Inc. White Plains, NY Mr. J. LeMoyne Ellicott and Ms. Beatrice B. Meyerson Washington, DC Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Washington, DC The Fletcher Family Foundation Edina, MN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Fulmer, Jr. Memphis, TN Global Fund for Women San Francisco, CA Pam and Tom Green Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Anderson G. Grennan Washington, DC

The McClatchy Company Washington, DC Mrs. Kenneth McIlraith Hilton Head, SC

Summerfield Baldwin Foundation Baltimore, MD

Mr. and Mrs. William Moss Winnsboro, TX

Mrs. Lloyd Symington Bethesda, MD

Roger G. and Frances H. Kennedy Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kies McLean, VA Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lee Bethesda, MD The Very Reverend and Mrs. Samuel T. Lloyd III Washington, DC The Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation Inc. Washington, DC Susan and John B. Magee Washington, DC Peter and Jacqueline Matthews Great Falls, VA

Mrs. Eugene E. Anderson Silver Spring, MD

NCA Committee Maryland

Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thomas Washington, DC

The Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation Menlo Park, CA

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Van Wagoner McLean, VA

The Reverend Canon and Mrs. William H. Barnwell Washington, DC

Vital Voices Washington, DC

Mr. Alan G. R. Bell and Ms. Kyle Z. Bell Alexandria, VA

Mr. and Mrs. C. O. North Potomac, MD Pact Inc. Washington, DC Pathfinder International Watertown, MA Ms. Barbara L. Plummer Chevy Chase, MD

Polytex Corporation Palo Alto, CA

The Kellogg Collection Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Alsbrooks Fairfax, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Taggart Reston, VA

Mr. and Mrs. John O. Hedden Washington, DC

Mrs. Frank C. Jones Washington, DC

Nancy Maes Aherne and Marko Zlatich Washington, DC

Dr. and Mrs. W. Angus Muir Fredericksburg, VA

PNC Bank Washington, DC

The Jebediah Foundation Portland, ME

$5,000 – $9,999

Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Norman S. Portenoy Washington, DC Mr. Richard Rader and Ms. Barbara O. York Arlington, VA Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rhodes Mechanicsburg, PA Mr. and Mrs. S. Ford Rowan Annapolis, MD

Dr. and Mrs. S. Ward Casscells III Washington, DC

Anonymous (5) Sheila and Peter Strand McLean, VA

Midwest Conference for Infectious Disease, Paul W. Stiffler, Ph.D. Highland Park, IL

Franklin L. Haney Company, LLC Chattanooga, TN

Mrs. Vernon W. Holleman, Jr. Chevy Chase, MD

Judith A. and William M. Steul Brookline, MA

Mary Frances Wagley Cockeysville, MD Virginia L. White Houston, TX Ms. Caroline C. Willis Washington, DC Mr. William C. Wilson Memphis, TN Women Thrive Worldwide Washington, DC Women’s Funding Network San Francisco, CA The Herbert A. & Adrian W. Woods Foundation Saint Louis, MO

Llewellyn W. and James A. Bensfield Washington, DC The Reverend April Berends Washington, DC Margaret and Andrew Davis Arlington, VA Mr. J. Truman Bidwell, Jr. New York, NY Ruth M. Bird Bethesda, MD Robert and Sylvia Blake Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bou Chevy Chase, MD

Joan Challinor Washington, DC The Right Reverend and Mrs. John Bryson Chane Washington, DC Columbus Jewish Foundation Columbus, OH The Reverend Jan Naylor Cope and Dr. John R. Cope Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cunningham Washington, DC Dallas Baptist University Dallas, TX Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Denlinger Bethesda, MD Episcopal Relief and Development New York, NY Mr. Chas Fagan Charlotte, NC Elinor K. Farquhar Washington, DC Felucca Fund Jenkintown, PA John D. Firestone Washington, DC Harmes C. Fishback Foundation Englewood, CO

Bou Family Foundation Washington, DC

Nancy M. Folger and Sidney L. Werkman Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. W. Walter Braham, Jr. Pittsburgh, PA

Colonel and Mrs. James L. Fowler, USMC Alexandria, VA

Ms. Hilda O. Brillembourg Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. William Ginder Easton, MD

The Sister Fund New York, NY

Dr. Ann Carol Brown and Mr. Richard T. Pascale Washington, DC

Mr. Christopher D. Gladstone and Ms. Elise Rabekoff Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Spire Easton, MD

Mrs. Sherry C. Brown Monument, CO

Mr. David M. Glaser Arlington, VA

Mrs. Lawrence E. Stahl Delray Beach, FL

Mrs. Ruth H. Buchanan Washington, DC

Mrs. Ellen B. Godsall London, England

Mr. Randolph J. Stayin and Ms. Sharon Greenfield Woodbridge, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Cady Keswick, VA

Diana and Stephen Goldberg Washington, DC

The Reverend Elizabeth Carl Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gustafson Arlington, VA

Mrs. Jane S. Rowan Annapolis, MD Bruce and Marilou Sanford Washington, DC The Honorable and Mrs. John H. Shenefield Great Falls, VA

The Steuart Foundation, Inc. Chevy Chase, MD

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Yago, Jr. Bethesda, MD John H. and Diana D. Zentay Washington, DC


Mr. and Mrs. Newman T. Halvorson, Jr. Washington, DC

Mrs. William C. Dulin (Deceased) Chevy Chase, MD

Dr. J. Phillip London Arlington, VA

Ms. Sally Slater Rockville, MD

$2,500 – $4,999

Stephen M. Lott Washington, DC

Joy and Jeff Spragens Washington, DC

Anonymous (16)

Lutheran World Relief Baltimore, MD

Mr. Donald R. Stanton Boston, MA

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Agnew Arlington, VA

Mr. Larry D. Maloney Washington, DC

Mrs. Benjamin F. Stapleton Englewood, CO

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Avery Chevy Chase, MD

Marcia V. Mayo Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. E. Tillman Stirling Chevy Chase, MD

The Bailey Family Bethesda, MD

The Honorable and Mrs. Frederick P. Hitz Charlottesville, VA

Mr. Stephen E. McGregor Washington, DC

The Hattie M. Strong Foundation Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barrows Washington, DC

Mrs. H. Earl Hoover Glencoe, IL

Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. McKee Terre Haute, IN

Ms. Gretchen Theobald Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. William Beckford Horne Marietta, GA

The George Mead, Jr. Foundation Easton, MD

Mr. Lewis M. Baylor and Mrs. Mary Wright Baylor Springfield, VA

Steve Prestegard and Tom Van Alen Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Becker Washington, DC

Ms. Pamela Howard and Mr. Wynn Laffey New York, NY

John E. Moyer, AIA La Plata, MD

Robert Vandemark McLean, VA

Mr. Robert O. F. Bixby Arlington, VA

Mr. Harry G. Glenos, Jr. and Mrs. Gay Wilhite Glenos Alexandria, VA

Elmira E. Vogtmann Arlington, VA

Mrs. James A. Blaser Pittsford, NY

Mr. Everett Glover Healdsburg, CA

Mrs. George F. Warner Alexandria, VA

The Reverend Steven C. Bonsey and Ms. Elisabeth W. Keller Cambridge, MA

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley Washington, DC

Ms. Susan Stone Hayes Rancho Santa Fe, CA Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hendricks Washington, DC Mr. William H. Herrman New York, NY

The Reverend Canon Stephen Huber Washington, DC Nancy and Paul Ignatius Washington, DC Indiana State University Foundation Terre Haute, IN International Relief and Development Arlington, VA The Right Reverend Carolyn Tanner Irish Salt Lake City, UT Mr. Norman Kempster and The Reverend Jane L. Kempster Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Klauck Arlington, VA Mr. Mark Kurtz and Mrs. Amy Hustad Silver Spring, MD Dr. and Mrs. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr. Washington, DC Limited Brands, Inc. Columbus, OH Jocelyn and Gordon Linke Bethesda, MD The Gordon F. Linke and Jocelyn B. Linke Foundation Bethesda, MD

Pax World Management Corp. Portsmouth, NH Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance Company Harrisburg, PA Mr. Charles B. Plummer Brooklyn, NY Ms. Amy Plummer Huntingtown, MD Population Action International Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Prince Reston, VA Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Roady Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Rossotti Washington, DC Dr. Craig A. Ryder and The Reverend Barbara H. Ryder Decatur, GA Ms. Patricia B. Sagon Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Sargent Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schoenfeld Bethesda MD Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Scott New York, NY Ms. Cheryl Scott Arlington, VA

Drs. Richard and Elisabeth Waugaman Potomac, MD Angela Caveness Weisskopf Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wilbur Washington, DC Ken and Dottie Woodcock Washington, DC ZC Sterling Insurance Agency Atlanta, GA

Rosemary and David Bowes Keedysville, MD Ms. Sarah H. Brau Washington, DC Kathyrn and Barlow Burke Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. David Busby Washington, DC Mrs. John W. Chancellor Spring Lake, NJ Brigadier General and Mrs. Geoffrey Cheadle, USAF Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Eaton Washington, DC Mary Ellen Edwards Coraopolis, PA Mr. Benjamin P. Fisher Piedmont, CA Anona C. and A. Wayne Fowler Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fox McLean, VA FBB Capital Partners Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gaske Herndon, VA

Frances L. Hardison Columbia, MD Mr. James K. White and Ms. J. Catherine Hirsch Washington, DC Holland & Knight LLP Washington, DC Mrs. Arven Howard Saunders, II San Antonio, TX Sally A. Johnson and Kay E. Kramer Minneapolis, MN Ms. Anne B. Keiser and Douglas M. Lapp Washington, DC

Marguerite G. Cooley Foundation Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Eben Kent Columbus, OH

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coughlin Bethesda, MD

The Reverend Richard G. Kukowski and Ms. Elaine Klein Silver Spring, MD

Dr. and Mrs. Martin G. Dillard Bethesda, MD

Mr. Tommy W. Lee Alexandria, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Dorsey Bethesda, MD

Jim and Susan Lenz Chicago, IL

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Douglas Santa Fe, NM

Clayton W. Lewis and Joan M. Biskupic Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lyons Washington, DC


JoAnn and Angus Macbeth Washington, DC

Mary and Lawrence Starnes Fairfax Station, VA

$1,000 – $2,499

Mr. Dan Belknap Redding, CA

The Rev. Anne C. Brower, M.D. Norfolk, VA

Mr. Barry H. Maguire Falls Church, VA

Judge and Mrs. Samuel B. Sterrett Chevy Chase, MD

Anonymous (26)

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Belt Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. David N. Brown Bethesda, MD

Barbara H. Achilles Vienna, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Juan A.B. Belt Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Brown Washington, DC

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Webster Adams Martinsville, VA

David R. Bender, Ph.D. Washington, DC

Mr. Kevin P. Browne Springfield, VA

Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett Brookline, MA

The Reverend and Mrs. Jonathan R. Bryan Alexandria, VA

Terry M. and Marie J. McGann Sacramento, CA Lisa McNelis Chevy Chase, MD Allen W. Mead, M.D. New York, NY The Reverend Canon Charles Minifie Hilton Head, SC Donald and Ellen Myer Washington, DC Ms. Rebecca S. Myers Silver Spring, MD

Mr. Thomas Bolle and Ms. Anne D. Stubbs Silver Spring, MD The Reverend Canon Mary C. Sulerud and Mr. Peder Sulerud Silver Spring, MD Muriel M. Thorne Washington, DC The Honorable and Mrs. Russell E. Train Washington, DC Marian W. Trotter Charlottesville, VA

The Alban Institute Herndon, VA Senator and Mrs. Lamar Alexander Washington, DC Mrs. W. Cottingham Allen Gulf Stream, FL Dr. and Mrs. Ali Amin Reading, PA

NCA Committee Colorado Monument, CO

Mr. John Vanderstar and Mrs. Elizabeth Culbreth Waynesville, NC

Mr. Evan P. Anderson Washington, DC

NCA Committee Delaware Montchanin, DE

Mrs. I. Scott Walker Savoy, IL

Androustours, Inc. Alexandria, VA

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Nelson Burke, VA Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Omosa Washington, DC Mr. William Page Jamaica, NY Kirsten and John L. Peterson Washington, DC

Mrs. Eric Weinmann Washington, DC Willis and Heijia Wheeler Bethesda, MD Ms. Bonnie P. Willette Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Wesley S. Williams, Jr. Washington, DC

Mr. Wesley G. Pippert Arlington, VA

Dr. and Mrs. James P. Wind Reston, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Whayne S. Quin Washington, DC

Mr. James C. Word Washington, DC

Dori Selene Rockefeller Charlottesville, VA

Joanna and Otis Wragg Key Biscayne, FL

Mr. and Mrs. James McKinley Rose, Jr. Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Zients Washington, DC

Martha and Philip Sagon Family Foundation Washington, DC Helen and Paul Schmitz Bethesda, MD Bob Simmons Charlotte, NC Mr. Roy McLean Skipper Washington, DC Ms. Ellen I. Spencer Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Bryce A. Arrowood Potomac, MD As Kindred Spirits Seva Enterprises, Inc. Rockville, MD Mr. Jonathan M. Aukeman Washington, DC Ms. Marcile Backs Chevy Chase, MD Ms. Joanne S. Barker Washington, DC Mrs. Ruth B. Barriere Alexandria, VA Mrs. Robert R. Barrow Milwaukee, WI Mrs. William L. Bartholomew Delray Beach, FL In Memory of Susan Battin Newport Beach, CA Mr. Thomas R. Bay Washington, DC Mrs. Patricia Beal Chevy Chase, MD Mr. Steve Beam Washington, DC

Ms. Susanne Bennett Bethesda, MD Ms. Victoria Bennett Delray Beach, FL Rosalie Clare Berk Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Beveridge III Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Birney Washington, DC Mrs. George P. Bissell, Jr. Greenville, DE The Rev. and Mrs. Donald Bitsberger Bethesda, MD Mrs. William D. Blair Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Block Washington, DC The Walter A. Bloedorn Foundation Washington, DC Mrs. Clarence J. Boldt, Jr. Bloomfield, MI Mr. and Mrs. Gene P. Bond Chevy Chase, MD Dr. Herman F. Bostick Forestville, MD Walter and Jane Brandt Montgomery Village, MD Dr. and Mrs. David M. Brett-Major Silver Spring, MD Briar Mountain Coal & Coke Company Charleston, WV Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden Springfield, IL

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Beatty Arlington, VA

Mrs. Anne Brooke Miami, FL

Mr. and Mrs. David Booth Beers Washington, DC

Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Brooks Evanston, IL

Mr. Bruce H. Burnside Rockville, MD Lucy Calautti and Senator Kent Conrad Washington, DC Deborah Winston Callard Baltimore, MD Mr. Arch M. Campbell and the Reverend Gina Campbell Chevy Chase, MD Ron Carlee and Emily Cross Arlington, VA Mrs. Sarah R. Carmalt Newtown, PA Mr. Russell H. Carpenter Washington, DC The Reverend Phillip C. Cato, Ph.D. Potomac, MD CDS Logistics Management, Inc. Baltimore, MD Margaret Jennings Chanin Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. G. David Cheek Washington, DC Dr. and Mrs. Wallace K. L. Ching Silver Spring, MD Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Chuknyisky Chevy Chase, MD Mr. and Mrs. Shelton D. Clark Nashville, TN Dr. and Mrs. George R. Clarke Arlington, VA Liz and Todd Clist Hilton Head, SC CMGRP, Inc. Minneapolis, MN


The Reverend and Mrs. Milo G. Coerper Chevy Chase, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Arnaud de Borchgrave Washington, DC

Sarah and Paul Cole Houston, TX

Mrs. Howard de Franceaux Washington, DC

Ms. Julie A. Collins Rockville, MD

David and Kathleen Deal Falls Church, VA

The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham Birmingham, AL Lucinda and Bruce Conger Bethesda, MD Ms. Jacquelyn Spence Conn Washington, DC Llewella Catlin Connolly Leesburg, VA Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Cook Alexandria, VA

Destination DC Washington, DC Ms. Margaret M. Detwiler Santa Fe, NM Ms. Ketty G. Devieux Washington, DC Dr. William C. Devries Rockville, MD Ms. Cynthia C. Diane Washington, DC

Family Care International, Inc. New York, NY

Mrs. Charles Guggenheim Washington, DC

Jeanne H. Faulkner Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Hale Atlanta, GA

Dr. and Mrs. Roy Fernando Newark, DE

David and Lizabeth Halsted Hastings, NE

Mrs. James F. Fort Arlington, VA

Mrs. George E. Hamilton III Chevy Chase, MD

Nanna-Lea Fox Pleasant Hill, CA

Jane and Richard Hamlin Winnetka, IL

Freedom Forum Arlington, VA

Mrs. A. Ray Hammond Atlanta, GA

Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Frost Mission Hills, KS

John Belat Harlan Alexandria, VA

Dennis L. Fruitt and Brian E. Foss Miami Shores, FL

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harris Boston, MA

Mr. David W. Cook Arlington, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Ditmeyer Alexandria, VA

The Honorable and Mrs. David H. Gambrell Atlanta, GA

Julie and Tom Cooke Washington, DC

Mr. Donald L. Dittberner Potomac, MD

The Honorable Samuel R. Gammon Charlottesville, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cooper Washington, DC

Jan S. Donaldson McLean, VA

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Coston Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Rob Couch Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cowden Newton, MA Ms. Kathleen Cox and Dr. Alan C. Egge McLean, VA Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Crawford Alexandria, VA

Ms. SaraBeth Donovan Vienna, VA Dr. Nancy E. Dowding Brecksville, OH Ms. Erica Druke Vienna, VA Wm. Craig Dubishar Herndon, VA Mrs. Catherine W. Dukehart Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Eggers Colorado Springs, CO Maggie Brady and Jim Ellis Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cromwell Rockville, MD The Rev. Dr. Roy J. Enquist and Dr. Mia I. Enquist Walter E. and Washington, DC Suzanne M. Dalch Alexandria, VA Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Los Angeles, CA Thomas M. Daley Cohasset, MA Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Richmond, VA Sophie F. Danforth Providence, RI Kathleen Westover and Roger Erickson Mr. John L. Davies Vienna, VA Washington, DC Eileen and Anthony Essaye Mrs. Frances J. Davis Washington, DC Mesa, AZ Mr. Isaac Evans Washington, DC


Mrs. Mary Garner Washington, DC Gavi Fund Washington, DC Mr. Peter Gentieu Franconia, VA Lawrence L. German Columbus, OH Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gleysteen Weston, MA James D. Golden Alexandria, VA Elizabeth Mayhall Goodwin Greenville, MS Silvia Gosnell Cambridge, MA

Mr. and Mrs. John Hathaway Windsor, VA Mr. Orland G. Heath and Margaret M. Heath Wheaton, MD Mr. Robert M. Hedrick Alexandria, VA Mrs. Robert Heidt Cincinnati, OH Paul and Deborah Helmke Arlington, VA Mr. Stephen J. Hendrickson Boston, MA Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hershey Winchester, VA Michael E. Hill and Michael W. Bigley Washington, DC The Henry Hillman Foundation Pittsburgh, PA The Reverend Dr. Lucy L. Hogan and Dr. Kevin P. Hogan Silver Spring, MD

Ms. Ann A. Graham Silver Spring, MD

Dr. Sharon Malone and Mr. Eric Holder Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Graham Washington, DC

Mrs. Robert B. Hollister Cincinnati, OH

Constance F. Gray Washington, DC

Nancy and George Holmes Washington, DC

Guinevere L. Griest Washington, DC

Mrs. George B. Hotchkiss Bowie, MD

Jeanne Griest Washington, DC

Mr. Douglas E. Houston Chevy Chase, MD

Ms. MaryAnn Griffin Washington, DC

Howard University Hospital Washington, DC

Peter and Holly LeCraw Howe and Family Newton Center, MA Deborah Howell and Peter Magrath Glen Echo, MD Ms. Helen M. Hubbard Washington, DC Ms. Kathryn F. Hubbard Indianapolis, IN Sidney and Carol Hurlburt Reston, VA Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ignatius Washington, DC International Medical Corp Santa Monica, CA Intervest, LTD Chevy Chase, MD Mr. John Peters Irelan Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Isan Bowling Green, KY Islamic Relief Buena Park, CA Mr. John M. Jacobson Severna Park, MD Mr. and Mrs. William S. Janes Middleburg, VA Dr. Charlene Drew Jarvis Washington, DC Mrs. R. Floyd Jennings, Jr. Chevy Chase, MD Mr. Ryan Jerke and Ms. Elizabeth Ransom Arlington, VA Mr. Carleton S. Jones Chevy Chase, MD Mr. James C. Jones, Jr. Greenbelt, MD Mr. and Ms. Mark B. Jones Bethesda, MD Ms. Sarah E. Jones Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Jordan Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Joutras Northfield, IL William A. Kachadorian Olney, MD Mr. Gabriel G. Kajeckas Reston, VA


The Many Facets of the Cathedral Washington, D.C. newcomers Peter and Anne Thomas were looking for an intimate local congregation similar to the one they left behind in Chappaqua, New York, but once they experienced Washington National Cathedral—and Dean Lloyd’s intelligent and uplifting sermons—the Thomases felt moved to make the Cathedral their spiritual home. “We’ve found an incredible richness of offerings here both in liturgy and outreach, and we wanted to contribute,” says Peter. The couple regularly participates in events such as the Sunday Forum series, and Anne volunteers weekly as a greeter at the Cathedral’s information desk. “It’s very gratifying to help visitors discover all that the Cathedral has to offer,” says Anne. “For me, the Cathedral is my parish congregation, as well as a guide for learning about national and international issues of importance. It is also a place of tremendous peace and spirituality.” The Thomases also support the Cathedral through gifts to the Cathedral Fund. “We wanted to give back in any way we could to a place that has given so much to us,” says Peter.

Ms. Michelle Kannan Washington, DC

Mr. William D. Knight, Jr. Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence Houston, TX

Mr. James R. Lowe, Jr. Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. J. David Martin Annandale, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Tauno Kaukolin Springville, UT

William and Phyllis Koons York, PA

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Lawrence Chevy Chase, MD

Luis Palau Association Portland, OR

Alma H. Mattison Bethesda, MD

Dr. Peggy Kay Washington, DC

Mr. Fritz-Alan Korth Washington, DC

Helen Elizabeth Luke North Andover, MA

Ms. Jane Matz Washington, DC

Martin and Judith Kehe Columbia, MD

Mr. Joseph C. Krainak Vienna, VA

Ella Schulz Lynn Boca Raton, FL

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Maynard Rockville, MD

Carter Keithley New York, NY

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Krause Springfield, VA

Chan H. Kim, M.D. Whittier, CA

Mr. and Mrs. Nevin E. Kuhl Washington, DC

Mr. James V. Kimsey Washington, DC

Ms. Sally M. Kuisel Washington, DC

Mr. Robert K. Kinsey Atlanta, GA

Mr & Mrs. Alex K. Kummant Washington, DC

Alan G. Kirk II McLean, VA

Suzanne Kuser Washington, DC

Madeleine and Roger Kirk Washington, DC

Mr. Terry LaCasse Green Cove Springs, FL

Ms. Elsie E. Kirton Clinton, MD

Mrs. David P. Lambert Washington, DC

Mrs. Junior K. Knee Fairfax, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Largent Damascus, MD

Mr. Gregory G. Lebel Takoma Park, MD Mr. John G. Leckie, Jr. Palm Coast, FL Mr. and Mrs. Didier Leconte McLean, VA

Mr. and Mrs. William A. MacBain Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Lansing B. Lee III Chevy Chase, MD

Mrs. Ray W. Macdonald Stuart, FL

L. Cass Leigh, Jr. Washington, DC

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Mackey Newton, MA

Lemon Foundation Washington, DC Margaret and Terry Lenzner Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lewin Washington, DC Arthur S. Lord Chevy Chase, MD

Emilie and Robert MacNaughton Urbandale, IA Mrs. David Mahoney Palm Beach, FL Mr. Mike P. Maloney, Jr. Washington, DC

Ms. Ellyn A. McColgan Boston, MA Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. McCormick Boston, MA Kathe and Bill McDaniels Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Ellice McDonald Wilmington, DE Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. McFarland New York, NY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McLarty III Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Martin Annapolis, MD


Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean III McLean, VA

Samuel Neel Foundation Croton on Hudson, NY

Mr. and Mrs. Lars Peterson Washington, DC

Ms. Catherine A. Rodgers Alexandria, VA

Professor George P. Smith II Washington, DC

Christina Dykstra Mead Washington, DC

Mr. Arnold Hayward Neis and Hilda Frost Neis New York, NY

The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas Petri Washington, DC

Ms. Ruth C. Rodgers Cambridge, MD

Ms. Jamie L. Smith and Ms. M. Leigh Conner Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Meredith Fredericksburg, VA

Mrs. Sally Nevius-Gehman Washington, DC

Mrs. Patricia Pickard Bethesda, MD

Richard Merriman Washington, DC

Ms. Dane Nichols Westerly, RI

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pickering Alexandria, VA

Ms. Marilyn Meyers Washington, DC

Ms. Lea Nicholson Alexandria, VA

Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Michael Houston, TX

The Reverend Dr. Barbara H. Nielsen Boston, MA

Michael G. Michaelson, M.D., J.D. Annapolis, MD Ms. Harriet E. Miers Dallas, TX Mrs. G. William Miller Washington, DC Mr. Larry J. Miller Arlington, VA Ms. Nancy Monyangi Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. David S. O’Bryon Bethesda, MD Justice Sandra D. O’Connor and Mr. John J. O’Connor Washington, DC The Reverend Canon Christie Olsen Washington, DC Linda Latwaitis Olson Dumfries, VA

Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Pierce Wellesley, MA The Reverend and Mrs. David H. Poist Charlottesville, VA Mrs. Edward J. Pope Middleburg, VA Lieutenant Colonel Norman A. Pugh-Newby Jeffersonton, VA The Reverend Doctor Eugene F. Quinn Salt Lake City, UT Mr. James F. Rabenhorst Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Morgan Sterling, VA

Mr. Grant D. Aldonas and Ms. Pamela F. Olson Arlington, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rafshoon Washington, DC

Phyllis Anina Moriarty Chestnut Hill, MA

Mr. Mark S. Ordan Bethesda, MD

Mr. Edward Rawson McLean, VA

Dr. Kenute Myrie Washington, DC

Ambassador Mary M. Ourisman Washington, DC

F. Carl Reinhardt Washington, DC

Mr. Walter Nagel and Dr. Karen Kaucic McLean, VA Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eynon Nathan Arlington, VA National Association of Social Workers Washington, DC NCA Committee Eastern Georgia St. Simons Island, GA NCA Committee Eastern Kansas West Missouri Lawrence, KS NCA of Central NY Camillus, NY NCA Region of Eastern MA Chestnut Hill, MA Mrs. Samuel E. Neel New Vineyard, ME


Lynne and Archie Palmer Glen Ridge, NJ Tom D. Patterson Dallas, TX Apphia J. Pearson Manchester, NH Lieutenant Colonel John E. Pearson, Jr. Grand Junction, CO Pearson & Associates Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. William Peel Chevy Chase, MD H. O. Peet Foundation Washington, DC

MaryRuth Reis Silver Spring, MD Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Rensler Odenton, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roeckelein Washington, DC

Jeffrey H. and Claudia C. Smith Reston, VA

Dr. Fred B. Rogers Trenton, NJ

Miss Sonia V. Smith Reston, VA

James R. Rogers Washington, DC

Mr. Frederick W. Smolen Rockville, MD

Dr. and Mrs. Barry K. Rogstad Potomac, MD

James L. Snyder, M.D. Clifton Forge, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Rose Rydal, PA

Donald and Nancy Sontag Media, PA

Ms. Ann I. Rothschild Towson, MD

Ms. Linda W. Sorkin Washington, DC

Mr. James H. Rowe and Mrs. Lisa Adams Washington, DC

Ms. Cameron J. Soulis Washington, DC

Charles and Suzanne Rowins Baltimore, MD Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sabonis, Jr. Silver Spring, MD Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Sayre-McCord Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Scharpf Washington, DC Arnold and Marie Schwartz Fund New York, NY Ms. Mary Sealander Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Rhodes Camp Hill, PA

Dr. Elizabeth M. Short Pasadena, CA

Mr. Robert C. Richardson Ithaca, NY

John and Nancy Showers New Berlin, PA

Major General Stephen T. Rippe and Ms. Kate Rice Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Colin R. Silvester Lake Forest, IL

Mrs. Alice L. Ritcheson Washington, DC The Reverends David G. and Constance W. Robinson Rock Hall, MD

The Honorable and Mrs. Charles H. Percy Bowie, MD

Ms. Sara L. Robinson Bethesda, MD

Mr. Terry L. Perry Washington, DC

Ms. Deanna Rockefeller Arlington, VA

Ms. Adelle Simmons Rockville, MD Leslie B. and Betty J. Sims Chevy Chase, MD Mr. and Mrs. Shaye S. Sims Chevy Chase, MD Laura Lee J. Slayton Lynchburg, VA Mr. Daniel Smith Washington, DC

Jack B. St. Clair Houston, TX Mr. Edward A. St. John and Ms. Katherine Wood Washington, DC Florence Stanley Washington, DC Joseph W. Stanley Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Crofton, MD Ms. Arville I. Stephen Chestnut Hill, MA Mr. Thomas W. Stern Bend, OR Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Stevens Potomac, MD Gary and Sharon Stevenson Alexandria, VA Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stevenson Bowmansdale, PA Miss Karen Sue Stiner Washington, DC Ms. Nancy S. Stockbridge Kensington, MD George and Lisa Strait Rockville, MD Mr. Kurt R. Streib Fairfax, VA Malan Strong Washington, DC

Mrs. Lessie G. Sutherland Falls Church, VA

Cynthia and Garret Walker Cincinnati, OH

Nancy Ann Wright Raleigh, NC

$500 – $999

Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Betz Centreville, VA

Robert and Johanna Swart Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wallace Washington, DC

Mrs. Sue D. Wright Washington, DC

Anonymous (26)

Ms. Mary Etta Boesl Chevy Chase, MD

M. Elizabeth Swope Arlington, VA Ann and John Syverson West Palm Beach, FL Ms. Mary Szpanka Reston, VA Paul and Chandler Tagliabue Washington, DC Ms. Sheila B. Tate Washington, DC Dr. Estelle W. Taylor Washington, DC Michael R. and Christine L. Taylor Kensington, MD Dora H. Thomas Washington, DC D. Dodge Thompson in memory of Sylvia Howe Thompson Washington, DC Ms. Valorie J. Thompson Washington, DC Anne G. Tinker Bethesda, MD Mr. David R. Torrealba Washington, DC John and Pat Townsend Orlando, FL Mr. Jon Townsend Stockton, CA Mr. Jack Tozier Oakton, VA Melesse W. and Robert C. Traylor La Jolla, CA Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Twigg Hyattsville, MD Barbara and Peter Van Allen Washington, DC

David and Barbara Warner Silver Spring, MD Washington Management Corporation Foundation Washington, DC Ms. Cathy Washington Carmichael, CA The Right Reverend Catherine E. Waynick and Mr. Larry Waynick Indianapolis, IN Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weaver, Jr. Washington, DC Mrs. Charles Swan Weber Chevy Chase, MD Ms. Eileen Shields-West Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wiegand Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wilder Washington, DC Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wilkinson Washington, DC Henry A. Willard III Shepherdstown, WV Mrs. Demaris J. Williams Washington, DC Mr. Andrew W. Wilson New York, NY Jesse L. Wilson Bowie, MD Mr. and Mrs. David L. Winstead Bethesda, MD Roger and Karen Winston Bethesda, MD WMY Fund Birmingham, MI

Mr. and Mrs. Dirk H. van der Sluijs Arlington, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Wood Middleburg, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Verveer Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. S. Roy Woodall Washington, DC Paul and Lucia Woodruff Austin, TX

Dr. Mark Young Washington, DC Stephen Younger and Maryellen Mahler Las Vegas, NV

Mrs. Bebe G. Adams Pittsburgh, PA Mr. Leroy Adams Collierville, TN Mr. and Mrs. William E. Adams Keswick, VA The Honorable Madeleine Albright Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Aldridge Laurel, MD Ms. Debbie Alex Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Allen Chevy Chase, MD Dr. Amin and Family Washington, DC Mrs. Louise P. Andersen-Janitschke Olympia, WA Howard and Linda Anderson Washington, DC Ms. Deborah Androus Alexandria, VA Androus Foundation Alexandria, VA Ms. Angela J. Arnett Rockville, MD Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Bachman Minneapolis, MN Ms. Teresa C. Barger and Travis Brown Washington, DC Ms. Kimberly Barron Ellis Alexandria, VA Mrs. Helen F. Baxter Gainesville, VA Ms. Katherine A. Baylor Alexandria, VA Mr. Stuart Becker Grand Haven, MI Mrs. Joyce Bernstein Washington, DC Ms. Lisa S. Beske Bethesda, MD Bethesda-by-the-Sea Church Palm Beach, FL

Ms. Gwendolyn F. Bole Washington, DC Ms. Carole J. Borggren Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Boylston Davidson, NC Ms. Martha Brack Salina, KS The Reverend and Mrs. Henry Brinton Fairfax, VA Ms. Carolyn S. Brody Washington, DC Anna Brophy Export, PA Elizabeth Brown and Robert Ramsey Washington, DC Dr. Hyacinth M. J. Brown Bethesda, MD Wayne A. and Mary S. Brown Granville, OH Joan and Lorin Brunsvold Oskaloosa, KS Terry B. Bryant Alexandria, VA Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bush Washington, DC Ms. Camille M. Caesar Washington, DC Calvary Episcopal Church Rochester, MN Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Cameron Washington, DC Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Campbell, Jr. Lutherville, MD Ms. Margaret Campbell Pasadena, CA Mr. Michael Carnahan Lawrence, KS Stephen Case and Margaret Ayres Bethesda, MD Center for Urban Ministry Inc. and Doug and Carolyn Bailey Winston Salem, NC



A Family Affair As parents and grandparents of St. Albans and National Cathedral School graduates, Paul and Nancy Ignatius have supported Washington National Cathedral’s educational, social, and spiritual mission since 1962. “I think of the Cathedral as a learning center for the soul,” says Nancy, who is a former National Cathedral Association president. “The Cathedral Close provides countless opportunities to feed the human need to explore the connections that bind all of us together, despite our differences.” Nancy and Paul have helped shape the Cathedral’s continued growth and evolution through years of service on numerous boards and leadership committees. “We decided to become more involved after witnessing the incredibly fine education that our children were receiving,” says Nancy. “Now those grown children are helping to sustain the Cathedral.” As long-time annual contributors, the Ignatiuses proudly support the Cathedral’s regional and national outreach. “The Cathedral stands as a place where issues of social and political import can be illuminated by faith,” says Paul. “I cannot think of a more worthy institution to support financially.”

The Honorable and Mrs. John E. Chapoton Chevy Chase, MD Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Dulaney Fund Charlottesville, VA Christ Episcopal Church Alexandria, VA

Joan Cox Danzansky Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dohr Ashburn, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Davidson Annapolis, MD

Dr. Uhl and Nancy Donovan Silver City, SD

Dr. William E. Davis Anchorage, AK

Mrs. Dorothea Doughty Bethesda, MD

Ms. Lucile de Soto Castro Valley, CA

Mr. Ron N. Dreben and Ms. Alison J. Richards Washington, DC

The Reverend Canon and Mrs. Domenic K. Ciannella Great River, NY

Mary Evelyn Dean McLean, VA

Katharine Michie Dulaney Ivy, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Colbert Torrance, CA

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Deatrick Washington, DC

The Reverend Barbara T. Duncan Glen Allen, VA

The Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley, Inc. Wheeling, WV

Ms. Amanda Deaver Washington, DC

Mr. E. Christopher Cone Madison, NJ Wade Gordon Cooper North Cape May, NJ Ms. Susan N. Crudgington Washington, DC Ms. Katherine Cudlipp Washington, DC


Ms. Carolyn P. Dent Greenbelt, MD Stephanie and David Deutsch Washington, DC Ms. Kathy Devine Washington, DC Diocese of Northern Michigan Marquette, MI

Mr. and Mrs. Weaver W. Dunnan Bethesda, MD Mr. Brewster J. Durkee Jacksonville, FL Ms. Christina P. Dutton McLean, VA Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Eagle Rose Valley, PA

Bishop and Mrs. A. Theodore Eastman Falls Church, VA Margaret B. Eastman Chevy Chase, MD Bill and Trish Eccles Terre Haute, IN Lynda and Bill Ellis Glenelg, MD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Ellis, Jr. Del Mar, CA Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Ennis III Sterling, VA Mr. Perry Epes and the Reverend Gail A. Epes Alexandria, VA Episcopal Churchwomen, Diocese of Connecticut Orange, CT Esalen Institute Big Sur, CA Mr. Raymond H. Ethier Mobile, AL

Fancywork Finishing Easton, MD Victoria S. Ferenbach New York, NY Mr. Shahroukh Firouz Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fitzsimons Laurel, MD Elisabeth Claudy Fleischman Chevy Chase, MD Ms. Monita W. Fontaine Washington, DC Mr. Stefan P. Ford New York, NY Ms. Sherry S. Freeman Fredericksburg, TX Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Frye Falls Church, VA Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Galbraith Washington, DC The Alan and Sarah Galbraith Fund Southeastern, PA

Dr. H. Richard Gaumer and the Reverend Susan Gaumer New Orleans, LA A. Findlay Geddes and Mildred K. Geddes Lakewood, NJ Ms. Janice L. Genevro Bethesda, MD

Mr. John A. Harnagel Mount Pleasant, IA Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Harris Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Harris Chevy Chase, MD

Ms. Elizabeth A. Glendinning Essex, CT

Mr. and Mrs. Roderick J. Harrison Reston, VA

Mr. Virgil D. Gligor Chevy Chase, MD

Ann Snyder Harrod Keswick, VA

Ms. Elizabeth Gober Springfield, VA Mrs. Martha Taft Golden Cranleigh, England Mrs. Robert M. Goodchild McLean, VA Ms. Mary Goodridge Manassas, VA Mr. John E. Gorecki Mount Arlington, NJ

Dr. Raymond K. Hart Sandy Springs, GA Mr. George H. Hauser Oceano, CA Ms. Doris L. Hausser Arlington, VA Thomas A. and Donna S. Hawk Columbia, MD Peter and Elizabeth Hedrick Ithaca, NY

The Reverend and Mrs. Alanson Houghton Pawleys Island, SC Jas Murray Howe Charitable Gift Fund Boston, MA Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell A. Howell Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Hubbard Berwyn, PA Ken and Bev Hulme Wallingford, CT Mr. Mark Humphrey Ashburn, VA Christine and Addison Hunt Kensington, MD Ms. Meehee Hwang and Mr. Richard Gluck Chevy Chase, MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hykes Burlington, NC

Beatrice M. Kappes Merritt Island, FL

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford A. Lewis Kissimmee, FL

Mrs. Sarah H. Kauka Honolulu, HI

Carol A. Lewis Rockville, MD

Mr. Shawn Keeley II Arlington, VA

Mrs. Emma Mitchell Lewis Washington, DC

Ms. Becky D. Kendrick Scottsdale, AZ

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lewis McLean, VA

Ms. Bobbi J. Kennedy Columbia, SC

Dr. Philip G. Lewis Yardley, PA

Dr. and Mrs. Kent E. Kester Silver Spring, MD

Mrs. Sheila B. Lindveit Bethesda, MD

John Paul and Joyce A.B. Ketels Washington, DC

Ms. Susan K. Linna Germantown, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Klawiter Falls Church, VA

Bill and Betty Livingston Alexandria, VA

Ms. Angela M. Kline Washington, DC Mr. Reid M. Knight Montgomery Village, MD Mrs. Julia P. R. Knox-Hudson Augusta, GA

Gregory S. and Kristin B. Lloyd Arlington, VA Ms. Mary A. Lowery Morenci, AZ Mr. Daniel W. Luchsinger Washington, DC

The Reverend Elizabeth W. Grant Chapel Hill, NC

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heid Ft. Washington, MD

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jenkins III McLean, VA

Jan Day Gravel McLean, VA

Ms. Dorothy-Anne Held Washington, DC

Peg and Doug Jerger Arlington, VA

David and Ann Gray Arlington, VA

Ms. Kathryn E. Helmke Arlington, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jobusch Rockville, MD

Ms. Bonnie M. Green Saint Inigoes, MD

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hennigan Washington, DC

The Right Reverend and Mrs. Don E. Johnson Memphis, TN

The Reverend Linda L. Grenz and Mr. Delbert C. Glover Haydenville, MA

Austin H. Henry and Dr. Sara H. Henry Bowie, MD

Ms. Patricia R. Johnson Washington, DC

Ms. Martha Griffin Muskogee, OK

Ms. Georgia H. Herbert The Plains, VA

Mr. Theodore R. Johnson Chicago, IL

Mr. William G. Grimes Terre Haute, IN

Mr. and Ms. Dennis W. Hirsch Annapolis, MD

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Washington, DC

Ms. Barbara Langford Falls Church, VA

Mr. and Mrs. St. Julien R. Marshall Alexandria, VA

Mrs. Grace D. Guthrie Falls Church, VA

Ms. Marcia Hissong Saline, MI

Mr. Bruce Jolly Arlington, VA

William and Janice Latham Modesto, CA

Mrs. Clarence J. Martin Alexandria, VA

Mrs. Elizabeth H. Hadley Chevy Chase, MD

Mr. Charles K. Hoffman III Huntingtown, MD

Mrs. Bruce O. Jolly, Sr. Alexandria, VA

Ms. Anne S. Leamon McLean, VA

Ms. Michelle M. Martin Centreville, VA

The Reverend Elizabeth A. Hague and Dr. Ralph W. Wadeson Chevy Chase, MD

Ms. Emily H. Hoffman Huntingtown, MD

Boisfeuillet and Barbara Jones Washington, DC

Ms. Jennifer Lee Washington, DC

Mr. Donald M. Matthews Lewes, DE

Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Holder (Deceased, Mr. Holder) Athens, GA

Mr. and Mrs. Carroll G. Jones Annandale, VA

Ms. Rebecca Leet Arlington, VA

Joan and David Maxwell Washington, DC

Ms. Winifred Hoppert Windom, MN

Mrs. Erika R. Joyce Falls Church, VA

Miss M. E. Legge Arlington, VA

Ms. Paula B. Mays Alexandria, VA

Miss Louise R. Horn Memphis, TN

Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Kahn Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. William Minifie Levy Baltimore, MD

Ms. Constance R. McAdam Arlington, VA

Mrs. Gloria Shaw Hamilton Rockville, MD Mona and Bill Hanford Bethesda, MD Mr. Daniel L. Harmon Bladensburg, MD

Mrs. John Sumner Koch Washington, DC Mr. Robert J. Korff Saint Clair Shores, MI Ms. Mary E. Kostel and Mr. Gregory D. DiMeglio Arlington, VA Mr. Eric Kuhne Springfield, NJ Mr. Gregory Kurdian Fort Lauderdale, FL Carolyn Langfitt Bryn Mawr, PA

Ms. Julia C. Mack Washington, DC Ms. Mildred Madsen Palm Springs, CA Mrs. L. S. Mallory Delray Beach, FL Ms. Jane N. Mangrum Paris, IL Market Street Trust Company Corning, NY Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Mars, Jr. Big Horn, WY

Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Kahn Bethesda, MD


Lane W. McBride Arlington, VA

Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan Sandy, UT

Ms. Leslie W. Peart Washington, DC

Miss Louise A. Robinson Richmond, VA

Mr. Robert L. Steiger Belle Mead, NJ

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McClure Cincinnati, OH

Roy H. Morita, D.D.S. Modesto, CA

Ms. Melissa N. Peoples Austin, TX

The Honorable and Mrs. Frederick B. Rooney Washington, DC

David L. Stewart, M.D. Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Motley III McLean, VA

Malinee Peris-de Silva Washington, DC

Dr. and Mrs. John C. Munson Adamstown, MD

Henry R. Peschel Locust Valley, NY

The Reverend Drs. Dean and Jim McDonald Washington, DC

Ms. Joan H. Murdock Las Vegas, NV

The Reverend Albert F. Peters Seaford, DE

Mrs. Leonard Rowley (Deceased) Wheeling, WV

Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Strunk Pascagoula, MS

Mrs. George C. McFarland Haverford, PA

Mrs. Daniel E. Murphy Alexandria, VA

Mrs. Lee M. Petty Bethesda, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Bert T. Rude Ellicott City, MD

Ms. Sherry Sundick Potomac, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. McKeighan Williamsburg, VA

Ms. Michele A. Murphy and Mr. Rex J. Pace Arlington, VA

Ms. Catherine Pierce Washington, DC

Thomas L. and Jane D. Russell Raleigh, NC

Ms. Robin M. Taylor McLean, VA

Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin Silver Spring, MD

Ms. Sharon D. Murphy Silver Spring, MD

Ann and Walter Pincus Washington, DC

Ms. Joi Rutherford Alexandria, VA

Mr. Stuart E. Teach Vienna, VA

Mr. and Mrs. William L. McLean III Wynnewood, PA

Mrs. Beatrice W. Myers through the Myers Donor Advised Fund Charlotte, NC

Mrs. Jean M. Pinder Montgomery Village, MD

Mrs. J. Ruthven Ryan Concord, MA

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Teter, Jr. Washington, DC

Ms. Amelia M. Plummer Brooklyn, NY

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Schiff New York, NY

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Thomas Aylett, VA

Mr. and Mrs. William McCollam, Jr. New Orleans, LA

The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Rowe Saint Petersburg, FL

Mr. Reb McMichael and Mr. T. Jackson Lyons Jackson, MS

Miss Eiko Narita Washington, DC

Mr. Parker C. Plummer Brooklyn, NY

Dr. Jane G. Schubert Washington, DC

Mr. Robert McQuie Alexandria, VA

Mr. Ronald S. Nau Sterling, VA

Mrs. Martha Q. Polk Henderson, KY

Professor Charlotte H. Scott Charlottesville, VA

Dorothy and Bill McSweeny Washington, DC

Mrs. Alice T. Neel San Antonio, TX

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Prather Tupelo, MS

Canon Margot S. Semler Washington, DC

Beverly Merrill Woodside, CA

Drs. Phillip and Karin Nelson Bethesda, MD

Ms. Bess J. Michael Washington, DC

Mr. David C. Nichols Round Hill, VA

Elaine and Wyatt Mick Mishawaka, IN Ms. Linda L. Milark Washington, DC

Ms. Michel Nicrosi Daphne, AL Miss Alice Jo Nobles Little Rock, AR

Ms. Tracy Millar McLean, VA

Mr. Robert Nylund Wantagh, NY

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Miller Alexandria, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Obregon Gold Canyon, AZ

Mobil Retiree Matching Gift Program Princeton, NJ

The Reverend Robert G. Oliver Atlanta, GA

Mr. Frank M. Montgomery Salisbury, NC Ms. Robin Montgomery Washington, DC Ms. Bernice L. Moore Chevy Chase, MD Ann K. Morales Bethesda, MD Monte and Harriette Morgan Adamstown, MD

Col. (Ret.) Lee Outlaw Vienna, VA Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Owens Fairfax, VA Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Padilla Washington, DC Mr. Jack J. Pannell, Jr. Washington, DC

Mrs. Thomas B. Pringle (Deceased) Reston, VA Mr. Jeffrey K. Pullen Bethesda, MD The Honorable Molly Raiser Washington, DC

Mr. William J. Shadle, Jr. Springfield, VA Mrs. Dorothy M. Shaull Winchester, VA

Mr. J. Stephen Ramey Alexandria, VA

Mrs. Audrey and Dr. Walter Shropshire, Jr. Rockville, MD

Mr. and Mrs. William Raver Washington, DC

Mr. Alan P. Slack West Chester, PA

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Rea Arlington, VA

Ms. Melanie Sletten McLean, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Read Washington, DC

Ms. Victoria Solsberry Arlington, VA

Ms. Jo Ann Reams New Smyrna, FL

Ms. Anna L. Spencer Washington, DC

Colonel and Mrs. Jean D. Reed, USA Arlington, VA

Mr. Joshua Spencer Potomac, MD

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rehm Washington, DC Mary W. Reid, Ed. D. Philadelphia, PA Ms. Michelle Ricci Vienna, VA


The Reverend Deacon Marlyne J. Seymour Elkhorn, WI

Ms. Martha H. Sprecher Canton, MI St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Ladue Saint Louis, MO

Ms. Margaret P. Stewart Portland, ME Ms. Mary C. Strickland Abbeville, AL

Mrs. Benjamin W. Thoron (Deceased) Washington, DC Mr. John B. Timmer Ashburn, VA Ms. Margaret L. Tomlinson Washington, DC Robert Traylor Family Fund Cincinnati, OH Mr. David M. Trebing Washington, DC Mrs. William G. Tumbridge Fayetteville, NY Mrs. Charles W. Turner Tappan, NY The Honorable Joseph D. Tydings Washington, DC G. Stanley Utterback, Jr. Alexandria, VA Mrs. Herbert A. Vance Lake Forest, IL Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. A. Vandaele Washington, DC Mrs. May Lee Vanden Broeck Hawthorne, NJ Ms. Toni G. Verstandig Washington, DC Ms. Meghan E. Vesel Richmond, VA

Mr. and Mrs. G. Duane Vieth Bethesda, MD

Dr. and Mrs. John T. Wold Turlock, CA

Mr. Alfred M. Waddell III Chattanooga, TN

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Woodbury Washington, DC

Mr. J. Kirk Wade Chestertown, MD Ms. Katrina Wahl Springfield, VA Mr. and Mrs. William E. Walch Charlestown, MA Mrs. Avonelle S. Walker Douglaston, NY Mrs. Stephen Wallace Houston, TX Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Walsh Dulles, VA Washington Cathedral Ushers Washington, DC Mr. David L. Webb and Mr. Walter McLaughlin Fort Lauderdale, FL Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weinberg Springfield, VA Mr. Richard M. Weinberg Washington, DC Dr. Elizabeth K. Weisburger Rockville, MD Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Whartnaby Ridley Park, PA

World Health Organization Washington, DC Ms. Virginia K. Worthington Bethesda, MD Pandit F. Wright Washington, DC Ms. Lois Godfrey Wye Washington, DC



Marilynn C. Yates Atlanta, GA

Anonymous (1)

Miss Nancy L. Young Deale, MD

Frances L. Alexander Kennett Square, PA

Ms. Lisa M. Zaina Washington, DC

John and Ruth Allen Clearwater, FL

Mr. Eric A. Zeliff Grand Canyon, AZ Ms. Noreen D. Ziegler Green Lane, PA

June R. Bagnall Denison, IA Victor E. Barton Springfield, VA

Mr. Francis L. Zingone Bath, PA

Christopher W. Canino West Chester, PA

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Zinn Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

Elsie M. Carper Huntingtown, MD Elizabeth Clagett Clark Bowie, MD Evelyn D. Clark Leesburg, VA

The Reverend John B. Wheeler Annapolis, MD

Ann Roane Clary Washington, DC

Mr. Robert L. Wickard Phoenix, AZ

Canon Richard Wayne Dirksen Washington, DC

Mrs. Nancy H. Wiecking Bethesda, MD

Frederick Putnam Fennell Cleveland, OH

Mrs. Carolyn C. Williams Mount Juliet, TN

David G. Geikler, Jr. Willow Grove, PA

Mr. Robert Willis Ventura, CA Ms. Jane T. Wilner Washington, DC

Georgia G. Gelabert Scottsdale, AZ

Mary Emily Tuttle Riga, MI

Edelgard Gertrud Helene Heidenreich Bethesda, MD

Elisabeth L. Vetter Washington, DC

Dr. Earl E. Huyck Redding, CA Aileen Boswell Carlson Lowry Annapolis, MD Jane Noel Marshall Gaithersburg, MD

Christine K. West Bethesda, MD Helen Patton Wright Chevy Chase, MD Mary Emily Ford Yates Washington, DC

Phyllis T. McMahon Washington, DC Mrs. Carrington S. Oppenheim Washington, DC Leroy W. Owens Washington, DC Dorothy E. Richards Rolling Hills, CA William G. Robertson, Jr. Annapolis, MD Janet J. Schug Williamsport, PA James P. Seymour Adamstown, MD Nancy M. Shirley Miami, FL Sharon Siegener La Jolla, CA

Ms. Genevieve Wimsatt Gaithersburg, MD Mr. and Mrs. Thom R. Winkler Arlington, VA Colonel and Mrs. David L. Wittle USMC (Ret.) Virginia Beach, VA As always, we strive to provide a list that is 100% accurate; however, should you find an error please accept our apology and contact Patricia Stinneford at pstinneford@cathedral.org or (202) 537-5520 with corrections.


cathedral founders’ society

= THE CATHEDRAL FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY IS AN HONORARY SOCIETY THAT RECOGNIZES THOSE WHO HAVE CHOSEN TO SUPPORT WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL THROUGH BEQUEST INTENTIONS, TRUSTS, OR OTHER DEFERRED GIFT ARRANGEMENTS. MEMBERS MAY ALSO JOIN ANONYMOUSLY. THE SOCIETY HIGHLIGHTS THE CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE OF PLANNED GIFTS TO THE CATHEDRAL’S LONG-TERM MINISTRY. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CATHEDRAL FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY OR HOW TO MAKE A PLANNED GIFT TO THE CATHEDRAL, PLEASE CONTACT MICHAEL W. HOWARD AT (202) 537-5768 OR MHOWARD@CATHEDRAL.ORG. Anonymous (28) Robert G. Adam Washington, DC Canon Hugh Trumbull Adams New York, NY William and Linda Alford Canton, OH Mrs. Robert Amory, Jr. Exeter, NH Thomas F. Anderson San Diego, CA Colonel Mrs. Bruce Babcock Alexandria, VA Ms. Marcile Backs Chevy Chase, MD Mr. Harry F. Baird Ormond Beach, FL Vern and Leslie Barber Prescott, WI Dr. G. Douglas Barnett Clarksburg, WV Mrs. Patricia A. Barton Springfield, VA Mrs. Marian E. Bateman Westminster, MD The Right Reverend and Mrs. Nathan D. Baxter Harrisburg, PA Ms. Angela M. Beckman Potomac, MD David R. Bender, Ph.D. Washington, DC Llewellyn W. and James A. Bensfield Washington, DC

William G. Blackburn Arlington, VA

Mrs. Edward L. Corton Washington, DC

Marjorie J. Friedrich Santa Rosa, CA

Mr. Maurice K. Heartfield, Jr. Bethesda, MD

Dennis H. Block Somerset, NJ

Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cortright Pompano Beach, FL

Mrs. Kenneth Frisbie Bethesda, MD

Mr. Robert M. Hedrick Alexandria, VA

Dr. and Mrs. James C. A. Fuchs Lutherville-Timonium, MD

Helen Lee Henderson Washington, DC

Mr. David H. Gaither Milltown, NJ

Miss Sheila M. Henderson Arlington, VA

Mr. Russell R. Geiger Ballwin, MO

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hershey Winchester, VA

Mrs. William G. Germain Fairfax, VA

Canon Richard Hewlett Bethesda, MD

Lawrence L. German Columbus, OH

Mr. Richard Hines Arlington, VA

Ms. Rose Goude West Covina, CA

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodges Williamsburg, VA

The Reverend Lee Graham, Jr. Tallahassee, FL

Mr. Vernon W. Holleman III Washington, DC

John and Georgiana Greely Alexandria, VA

Mrs. Vernon W. Holleman, Jr. Chevy Chase, MD

Guinevere L. Griest Washington, DC

Mrs. Robert B. Hollister Cincinnati, OH

Jeanne Griest Washington, DC

Dr. Robert and Linda Holsinger Grayson, GA

Ms. Martha Griffin Muskogee, OK

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hood Newtown Square, PA

Miss Felicity Anne Hallanan Pierrepont Manor, NY

Mrs. Margaret G. Hotchkiss Reading, PA

The Reverend Canon Michael P. Hamilton Washington, DC

Mary Bentley Huddle McLean, VA

Dr. and Mrs. George P. Bogumill Arlington, VA

Mr. Paul B. Cromelin III Chevy Chase, MD

Blair and Nancy Bower Arlington, VA

Mr. William D. Crooks III Bethesda, MD

Mr. J. Laing Bowles, Jr. Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Daley Cohasset, MA

Kathryn B. Brooke Gaithersburg, MD

Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Donald A. Dalrymple Williamsburg, VA

Anna Brophy Export, PA Helen L. Brownson Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. David Busby Washington, DC Miss Elizabeth L. Bushell Rockville, MD Grace Carter Washington, DC Mr. John C. Chapin Manchester, VT

Mrs. Brooks M. Davis Goleta, CA Ruth Lockhart Davis Reading, PA Mrs. Miriam G. Day Alexandria, VA Mrs. Howard de Franceaux Washington, DC Louise Patricia Deegan Pineville, LA Juliet M. DeLaricheliere Las Cruces, NM

Mrs. Nancy B. Chappelear-Weldon Williamsburg, VA

The Reverend John Denham Claremont, CA

Mrs. Frances B. Chase Falls Church, VA

Mr. David L. Dodson Durham, NC

Drs. Thomas and Mary Clark Northville, MI

Wm. Craig Dubishar Herndon, VA

Milo and Wendy Coerper Chevy Chase, MD

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Eaton Washington, DC

Mr. David H. Cohn New York, NY

The Reverend Eleanor L. Ellsworth and the Honorable Robert F. Ellsworth Del Mar, CA

Colonel and Mrs. George H.C. Berger Alexandria, VA

Bruce and Lucinda Conger Bethesda, MD

Helen R. Betenbaugh Providence Village, TX

Edward W. Conklin Southern Pines, NC

The Rev. Dr. Roy J. Enquist and Dr. Mia I. Enquist Washington, DC

Ms. Ruth M. Bird Bethesda, MD

Mr. David Willard Cook Arlington, VA

Miss Constance M. Ewy Silver Spring, MD

Dr. and Mrs. James Coppridge Durham, NC

David Shawn Fitzmaurice Little Silver, NJ


Ms. Elizabeth T. Hancock Dunwoody, GA John and Lorraine Hannon McLean, VA Joe W. Hatcher Oklahoma City, OK Mr. and Mrs. W. Alston Hayne Saint Helena, CA Mrs. Elise W. Heald Fenton, MO Roderick S. Heard and Ann C. Heard Lexington, KY

Jared B. Hughes and Nadia M. B. Hughes Takoma Park, MD Mr. and Mrs. Derrick A. Humphries Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter IV Lake Forest, IL Mr. John Peters Irelan Washington, DC Blair F. Jones Bethesda, MD Mr. and Mrs. Arthur David Jones Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

Mrs. Frank C. Jones Washington, DC

David J. Mason Cincinnati, OH

Mrs. Courtney P. Paddock Evanston, IL

Ms. Karen Sprecher Keating Washington, DC

The Reverend E. G. Matijasic Sandusky, OH

William Page Jamaica, NY

Jane B. and Kenneth Kolson Alexandria, VA

Donald M. Matthews Lewes, DE

Mr. Stanley R. Parent Lancaster, PA

Michelle R. Koroghlanian Franklin, WI

Mr. Donald R. Maxwell Ashland, KY

Mrs. Ilene A. Parke Akron, OH

Mr. George F. Krafthofer Silver Spring, MD The Reverend Richard G. Kukowski and Ms. Elaine Klein Silver Spring, MD Mrs. Ann Z. Kulp Annandale, VA Miss Suzanne Kuser Washington, DC Mrs. Karen Miller Lamb Arlington, VA Miss Ruth Daisy Lamon North Adams, MA Commander Bernard S. K. Lau, USN, Ret. Vista, CA Mrs. Evelyn G. Leaf Myrtle Beach, SC Mr. Richard C. Lee Bethesda, MD Miss Marion Leech Chevy Chase, MD Dr. and Mrs. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr. Washington, DC Mrs. Isabel J. Lehto Wilmington, NC

Evert R. and Carmen McDowell Burtonsville, MD Terry M. and Marie McGann Sacramento, CA Mrs. Dorothy M. McIlraith Hilton Head, SC Mrs. Helen W. McKagen Fairfax, VA Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. McKee Terre Haute, IN Raymond A. and Alice A. McKeighan Williamsburg, VA Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean III McLean, VA Robert K. McRae Clifton, VA Mrs. Henry Meigs Louisville, KY Mr. Larry J. Miller Arlington, VA Ms. Sue P. Minahan Olympia, WA Ms. Suzanne Mink Washington, DC

Mr. Tom D. Patterson Dallas, TX Lieutenant Colonel John E. Pearson, Jr. Grand Junction, CO Ms. Elizabeth Pennington Washington, DC The Very Reverend and Mrs. Charles A. Perry Charlottesville, VA The Reverend Albert F. Peters Seaford, DE Mrs. Patricia Pickard Bethesda, MD Dr. Frederick W. Plugge IV Washington, DC Sydney Jansen Ponturo Annapolis, MD Thomas and Lois Prather Tupelo, MS Mr. Thomas N. Pyke, Jr. Arlington, VA G. Robina Quale-Leach, Ph.D. Albion, MI William C. Ragland Pittsboro, NC

Mr. Harold M. Leich Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. William F. K. Monks Longmeadow, MA

Mrs. Brenda Rawlings Washington, DC

Mr. L. Cass Leigh, Jr. Washington, DC

Mrs. G. Marshall Moriarty Chestnut Hill, MA

Mr. Edward Rawson McLean, VA

Mr. Kendall Lewis and the Reverend Elizabeth C. Lewis Scarborough, ME

Patricia Morrow Rockville, MD

Dr. Mark Reed, Esq. College Park, MD

Carol Mott Morse Poplar Bluff, MO

Mrs. George W. Reitwiesner Gaithersburg, MD

Dr. and Mrs. John C. Munson Adamstown, MD

Lynn Laun Lindert Cedar Grove, WI The Very Reverend and Mrs. Samuel T. Lloyd, III Washington, DC Mr. R. Grady Luttmann Mobile, AL Mrs. Miriam F. MacCarthy White Stone, VA Captain Janet L. Maguire, USN, Ret. Falls Church, VA Mr. Mike P. Maloney, Jr. Washington, DC Virginia Cretella Mars McLean, VA

Mrs. Teresa Rhodes Rosenberger Concord, NH The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Rowe Saint Petersburg, FL Ms. Donna Valley Russell New Market, MD Mrs. James A. Saltsman, Jr. Chevy Chase, MD

Paul A. and Joan K. Taylor Sacramento, CA Mrs. Robert M. Thomas Phoenix, MD Caroline L. and Frederic C. Thompson Las Cruces, NM Mr. Rich Thompson Luray, VA

Mrs. Virginia D. Sanden Chesterfield, MO

Drs. Charles S. and M. Elizabeth Tidball Washington, DC

Anne Coates Sangree Kennet Square, PA

Ms. Sheila M. Tiedemann Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Scharpf Washington, DC

Justin Mansfield Trewolla Paducah, KY

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schoenfeld Bethesda, MD Ms. Mary C. Schreiber Washington, DC Mrs. Stanley D. Scott New York, NY Mr. James Warren Searcy Louisville, KY Canon Margot S. Semler Washington, DC Colin R. Silvester Lake Forest, IL Susan H. Sims Munds Park, AZ Mrs. Peter J. Skoufis Washington, DC The Honorable Robert S. Smith McLean, VA

Mr. John D. Van Wagoner McLean, VA Robert Vandemark McLean, VA Miss Elmira E. Vogtmann Arlington, VA Cynthia Ray Walker Cincinnati, OH Joyce Bogardus Walker Arlington, MA Gary M. Walton New Castle, DE Jean D. Whalen Warminster, PA Ms. Sharon D. Whittle Washington, DC Henry A. Willard III Shepherdstown, WV Mr. and Mrs. Wesley S. Williams, Jr. Washington, DC

The Reverend Canon Elton O. Smith, Jr. Washington, DC

Mrs. Richard H. Wilmer, Jr. Pittsburgh, PA

Mr. Richard W. Snowdon III Washington, DC

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Wilson Middletown, MD

Mrs. Beulah Sommer Adamstown, MD

Mr. Jesse L. Wilson Bowie, MD

William G. Rhines, Sr. and Mrs. Joanne N. Rhines Wells, ME

Henry H. and Linda J. Spire Easton, MD

Jean F. Wine, M.D. Bridgewater, VA

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rhodes Mechanicsburg, PA

William and Pauline Spofford Portland, OR

Mrs. H. Holton Wood Westwood, MA

Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Rice Roanoke, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Spragens Washington, DC

The Reverend Gwynne A. Wright Bartlett, IL

Ms. Eileen C. Robier Nottingham, MD

Mr. Leonard P. Steuart II Chevy Chase, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander V. Netchvolodoff Washington, DC

Mr. George E. Rook Stuttgart, AR

Mr. and Mrs. E. Tillman Stirling Chevy Chase, MD

Ms. Elizabeth A. Olson Falls Church, VA

Ms. Carla L. Rosati Arlington, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Strohl Greensboro, NC

Ruth and Spencer Overholser Reading, PA

The Reverend and Mrs. John K. Rose Cincinnati, OH

Mrs. Lloyd Symington Bethesda, MD

Rebecca S. Myers Silver Spring, MD Mrs. Arthur C. Nagle Chevy Chase, MD Ms. Adrienne Nelson Bethesda, MD

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Yago, Jr. Bethesda, MD Miss Nancy Lee Young Deale, MD John H. and Diana D. Zentay Washington, DC






The Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III Dean

The Rev. Canon Stephen Huber Vicar

John H. Shenefield Chair

Kathleen A. Cox Chief Operating Officer

John T. Kenney Vice Chair

Andrew J. Hullinger Associate Dean for Administration & Finance

Alexander Netchvolodoff Secretary

Michael E. Hill Executive Director for External Relations

John D. Barker

Shelagh Casey Brown Associate Warden, Cathedral College

Dr. Ann Carol Brown Donald H. Cady

TC Benson Director of Philanthropy

The Right Rev. John Bryson Chane Bishop of Washington

Kim E. Carlson Director of Budget & Finance

John H. Dalton

Julie Cooke Director of Visitor Programs

Nancy Fletcher The Rev. Dr. Anne-Marie Jeffery

Michael McCarthy Director of Music

Mary Jo Kirk Craig M. McKee President, National Cathedral Association Eric L. Motley Bruce W. Sanford

The Rev. Canon John L. Peterson Canon for Global Justice & Reconciliation The Rev. John Ander Runkle, R.A. Cathedral Conservator Marty Stiffler Director of National & Volunteer Advancement

Richard W. Snowdon III Eileen M. Yago

The Rev. Canon Carol L. Wade Canon Precentor Marc A. Yesberger Director of Cathedral Services


Washington National Cathedral is a church for national purposes called to embody God’s love and to welcome people of all faiths and none. A unique blend of the spiritual and the civic, this Episcopal cathedral is a voice for generous-spirited Christianity and a catalyst for reconciliation and interfaith dialogue to promote respect and understanding. We invite all people to share in our commitment to create a more hopeful and just world. Washington National Cathedral’s 2008 Annual Stewardship Report, Sights to Behold, is available online at www.nationalcathedral.org. Photography Tony Brown, Edward Graham, Lisa Helfert, Dave Kasamatsu, Donovan Marks, Chris Smith

Project Director Richard M. Weinberg Concept, Writing, and Design Steege/Thomson Communications Editing Michael E. Hill

Printed September 2008 on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC©) certified paper. FSC certification ensures that paper in this publication contains fiber from well-managed and responsibly harvested forests that meet strict environmental and socioeconomic standards. For more information, visit www.fsc.org.

Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, NW Washington, DC 20016-5098 Telephone (202) 537-6200 www.nationalcathedral.org

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