Iron steel production jan march 2015 vs 2014 (1)

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MONTHLY IRON PRODUCTION thousand tonnes Blast Furnace Iron: Austria Belgium Czech Republic France Germany Hungary Italy Netherlands Poland Slovakia Spain United Kingdom Other E.U. (28) (e) European Union (28) Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Turkey Other Europe Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine C.I.S. Canada Mexico United States North America Argentina Brazil (1) Chile Colombia Paraguay South America South Africa Iran China India Japan South Korea Taiwan, China Asia Australia New Zealand (2) Oceania Total 38 countries (3)

Jan 519 377 370 882 2,445 96 467 506 425 352 388 879 662 8,366 80 64 753 897 227 4,464 1,720 6,411 532 413 2,383 3,328 238 2,482 57 14 2 2,793 340 233 62,370 4,946 7,014 4,011 1,308 79,649 313 63 376 102,392

Direct Reduced Iron: Canada Mexico Trinidad and Tobago

127 526 117

119 475 e 132

138 525 e 145 e

384 1,526 393

Argentina Peru Venezuela

145 8 129

93 7 173

63 8 e 190 e

301 23 492

Egypt Libya South Africa

223 37 140 e

221 14 125 e

225 15 e 140 e

670 66 405

1,273 232 460 e 259

4,007 674 1,359 696

Iran Qatar Saudi Arabia (4) United Arab Emirates

1,284 233 487 201

e e

e e

Feb 484 346 318 879 2,195 101 423 462 384 312 331 765 629 7,628 70 64 694 828 203 4,089 1,434 5,726 480 375 1,983 2,838 218 2,155 54 1 5 2,434 310 216 56,330 4,552 6,382 3,646 1,200 72,110 282 55 337 92,428

1,449 209 413 236

e e

e e

e e

Mar 508 404 349 963 2,426 115 361 535 425 351 365 885 706 8,394 80 80 836 996 310 4,240 1,569 6,119 530 415 2,075 3,020 230 2,260 60 2 6 2,558 345 183 60,248 5,040 7,145 4,040 1,330 77,803 240 50 290 99,706





2015 21 Apr 15 Aug

e e

e e e e

e e e e e

e e e e e e e e e

India 1,623 1,546 1,710 e Total D.R.I. (5) 5,281 5,211 5,384 (1) - steel industry only. (2) - electric pig iron. e - estimated (3) - the 38 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world blast furnace iron production in 2013. (4) - HADEED only. (5) - the 13 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 89% of total world direct reduced iron production in 2013. Annual totals are based on the monthly data, but may include revised data not available on a monthly basis.





Total 1,511 1,127 1,037 2,724 7,065 312 1,251 1,503 1,233 1,015 1,084 2,529 1,997 24,388 230 208 2,283 2,721 740 12,793 4,723 18,256 1,542 1,203 6,440 9,186 686 6,897 171 17 13 7,784 995 632 176,543 14,538 20,541 11,697 3,839 227,158 835 168 1,003 292,122

4,879 15,877

MONTHLY IRON PRODUCTION thousand tonnes Blast Furnace Iron: Austria Belgium Czech Republic France Germany Hungary Italy Netherlands Poland Slovakia Spain United Kingdom Other E.U. (28) (e) European Union (28) Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Turkey Other Europe Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine C.I.S. Canada Mexico United States North America Argentina Brazil (1) Chile Colombia Paraguay South America South Africa Iran China India Japan South Korea Taiwan, China Asia Australia New Zealand (2) Oceania Total 38 countries (3)

Jan 520 394 360 953 2,430 53 635 524 404 318 309 867 601 e 8,369 78 51 863 993 255 4,384 2,338 6,977 536 450 2,431 3,417 238 2,098 48 15 2 2,400 412 221 62,380 4,619 7,224 3,941 1,037 79,200 218 60 278 102,267

Feb Mar 485 538 335 328 330 367 754 930 2,260 2,518 48 53 562 606 450 522 364 393 285 306 328 340 831 861 563 e 638 e 7,595 8,398 65 75 47 56 806 668 917 800 218 252 3,926 4,278 2,200 2,503 6,344 7,033 508 489 407 461 2,449 2,489 3,364 3,439 207 228 1,949 2,243 42 50 1 27 5 5 2,204 2,554 391 399 221 217 56,340 61,738 4,179 4,678 6,223 7,066 3,577 3,983 1,058 1,091 71,377 78,556 280 300 53 59 334 359 92,747 101,755

Apr May 518 510 360 382 358 359 909 935 2,340 2,453 52 50 524 558 473 469 356 389 328 354 340 368 775 754 590 e 484 e 7,921 8,064 73 74 52 5 608 779 733 858 247 282 4,114 4,131 2,372 2,593 6,733 7,007 489 568 399 433 2,119 2,382 3,006 3,382 225 238 2,082 2,167 48 50 30 29 5 6 2,390 2,490 767 368 258 255 60,175 61,518 4,543 4,627 6,609 7,212 3,831 3,864 1,077 1,149 76,236 78,370 282 265 54 45 336 310 98,379 101,104

Jun 475 323 340 910 2,212 51 525 463 375 298 368 798 608 e 7,747 74 0 803 877 260 4,228 2,352 6,839 579 440 2,500 3,519 225 2,198 42 24 6 2,496 325 199 60,008 4,465 6,848 3,916 1,290 76,527 278 58 335 98,865

2014 21 Apr 15

Jul Aug 476 518 385 406 354 358 949 936 2,148 2,082 47 65 423 479 483 529 396 421 328 285 348 349 791 899 594 e 599 e 7,722 7,926 73 74 49 56 832 789 954 919 284 300 4,378 4,436 2,245 1,503 6,907 6,240 641 607 399 437 2,625 2,604 3,666 3,647 237 239 2,342 2,424 51 53 32 14 6 7 2,669 2,736 336 321 229 228 59,748 60,327 4,695 4,807 7,217 7,349 3,968 4,049 1,250 1,293 76,878 77,826 305 231 58 63 364 294 99,723 100,137

Sep 472 338 296 892 2,125 103 504 439 378 285 320 829 601 e 7,581 55 56 774 885 300 4,309 1,533 6,142 611 454 2,553 3,618 226 2,413 46 14 7 2,706 307 258 58,890 4,740 7,059 3,922 1,270 75,881 296 56 352 97,730

Oct 548 384 324 922 2,195 102 550 513 420 358 358 779 648 e 8,101 57 57 807 921 310 4,378 1,738 6,426 613 447 2,337 3,397 235 2,408 54 15 7 2,719 334 243 57,013 4,525 7,172 3,989 1,314 74,013 306 52 358 96,510

Nov 502 345 344 918 2,275 95 524 492 376 336 308 799 638 e 7,952 81 56 808 945 300 4,431 1,636 6,367 505 373 2,397 3,275 229 2,152 46 16 8 2,450 328 e 224 53,235 4,531 6,945 3,857 1,314 69,882 207 60 267 91,690

Dec 467 409 362 859 2,341 81 480 510 366 356 223 758 621 e 7,835 81 64 827 973 260 4,480 1,774 6,515 582 417 2,490 3,489 239 2,438 53 17 8 2,754 403 e 230 56,852 4,788 6,944 4,012 1,296 73,892 314 62 376 96,466

Total 6,029 4,388 4,152 10,866 27,379 801 6,371 5,868 4,637 3,838 3,958 9,705 7,184 95,176 860 550 9,364 10,774 3,268 51,474 24,787 79,528 6,728 5,116 29,374 41,219 2,766 26,913 584 234 71 30,568 4,690 2,782 711,600 55,197 83,870 46,909 14,440 912,016 3,282 680 3,962 1,180,715

Direct Reduced Iron: Canada Mexico Trinidad and Tobago

140 554 166

129 489 167

122 539 189

130 489 131

142 487 140

120 501 82

137 469 116

135 524 151

108 522 122

119 491 128

128 431 124

140 481 128

1,550 5,976 1,633

Argentina Peru Venezuela

155 9 165

147 7 106

169 9 79

163 8 136

158 8 89

121 6 109

101 6 75

101 7 81

99 8 148

132 6 140

157 7 148

158 7 127

1,663 88 1,402

Egypt Libya South Africa

269 87 75 e

233 93 126 e

265 105 127 e

262 123 144 e

272 157 147 e

255 102 123 e

247 83 e 133 e

210 61 131 e

138 55 e 129 e

234 52 140 e

271 58 146 e

226 65 115 e

2,882 998 1,533

Iran Qatar Saudi Arabia (4) United Arab Emirates

801 233 421 156

1,066 212 403 207

1,287 238 476 191

1,363 211 329 303

1,272 236 474 320

1,240 203 466 232

1,131 223 481 98

1,260 228 469 48

India 1,580 1,567 1,644 1,703 1,770 1,744 1,004 1,735 Total D.R.I. (5) 4,810 4,951 5,439 5,495 5,672 5,302 4,304 5,141 (1) - steel industry only. (2) - electric pig iron. e - estimated (3) - the 38 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 99% of total world blast furnace iron production in 2013. (4) - HADEED only. (5) - the 13 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 89% of total world direct reduced iron production in 2013. Annual totals are based on the monthly data, but may include revised data not available on a monthly basis.

1,335 201 474 148

1,351 192 494 242

1,248 148 500 263

1,200 224 523 201

14,551 2,549 6,770 2,409

1,708 5,195

1,668 5,390

1,642 5,270

1,656 5,251

19,421 63,426

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