Chehalis River Salmonid Enhancement Projects (Phase 1)

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Prepared for Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority Lewis County Board of County Commissioners 315 NW North Street, Room 209 Chehalis, Washington 98532

Prepared by Anchor QEA, LLC 720 Olive Way, Suite 1900 Seattle, Washington 98101

February 2012


INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1


Study Area ........................................................................................................................1

DATA SOURCES AND EVALUATION............................................................................... 3 2.1

Identification of Potential Projects .................................................................................4


DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................ 8


REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 10

List of Tables Table 1

Overview of Limiting Factor Concerns in the Upper Chehalis River Watershed (RM 33 to 118)

Table 2

Salmonid Use in the Upper Chehalis Watershed

Table 3

Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in the Upper Chehalis Watershed

Table 4

Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Table 5

LCCD Culverts Surveyed and Ranked for Replacement

List of Figures Figure 1

PRISM Projects within Management Units

Figure 2

Black Management Unit

Figure 3

Boistfort Management Unit

Figure 4

Lincoln Management Unit

Figure 5

Newaukum Management Unit

Figure 6

Skookumchuck Management Unit

Figure 7

Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 1 of 5

Figure 8

Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 2 of 5

Figure 9

Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 3 of 5

Figure 10

Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 4 of 5

Figure 11

Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 5 of 5

Figure 12

Skookumchuck Management Area Relative Elevation

Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


February 2012 100705-01.02

Table of Contents

List of Appendices Appendix A

Workshop Summary

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


February 2012 100705-01.02


Department of Natural Resources


geographic information system


Lewis County Conservation District


Light Detection and Ranging


Mason Conservation District


river mile


U.S. Department of Agriculture


Watershed Administrative Unit


Water Resource Inventory Area

Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


February 2012 100705-01.02

1 INTRODUCTION As the second largest river system in the State of Washington outside the Columbia River basin, the Chehalis River supports numerous species and runs of salmonids. Current conditions in the watershed limit fisheries production. Limiting factors for salmonids include fish passage blockages (e.g., impassable culverts), floodplain conditions (e.g., incised channels or drainage and filling of wetlands), streambed substrate (e.g., mass wasting or low large woody debris levels), riparian conditions (e.g., tree canopy loss), water quality (e.g., high water temperature or low dissolved oxygen), and water quantity (e.g., low summer base flows) in the Chehalis River basin (Smith and Wegner 2001). In order to support salmonid enhancement planning in the Chehalis River basin, the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority (Flood Authority) contracted with Anchor QEA, LLC, to develop a Comprehensive Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan that identifies potential opportunities to improve habitat conditions. This work is being completed in two steps: 1. Development of a comprehensive list of opportunities based on compilation from

other sources and the identification of additional opportunities, particularly side channels. 2. Prioritization of identified opportunities to help inform which opportunities provide

the greatest benefits to meet the habitat needs of the watershed. This report describes the step 1 identification of enhancement opportunities. The objective of this report is to list and summarize enhancement opportunities including existing and potential offchannel habitat along the upper mainstem Chehalis River (river miles [RMs] 33 to 118) and associated tributaries (Water Resource Inventory Area [WRIA] 23).


Study Area

The Chehalis River basin encompasses 2,520 square miles and drains 2,660 square miles flowing through the Cascade, Puget Lowland, and Coast Range ecoregions and emptying into Grays Harbor near Aberdeen (Omernik 1987). It is divided into the Lower Chehalis Basin (WRIA 22) and the Upper Chehalis Basin (WRIA 23); this assessment is focused on WRIA 23. Within WRIA 23, the watershed was divided into six management units (subbasins) representing the major watersheds (Figure 1):

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• • • •

Black Management Unit (includes Black River and Porter Creek subbasins) Boistfort Management Unit (Upper Chehalis, South Fork Chehalis, Stillman Creek, and Lake Creek) Chehalis Mainstem Management Unit Lincoln Management Unit (Lincoln Creek, Independence Creek, Garrard Creek, Gaddis Creek, Rock/Williams Creek, Bunker Creek, Scammon Creek, Mill Creek, and Stearns Creek) Newaukum Management Unit (Newaukum mainstem, North Fork Newaukum, Middle Fork Newaukum, Salzer Creek, Coal Creek, Dillenbaugh Creek, Berwick Creek, and China Creek) Skookumchuck Management Unit (Skookumchuck River and Scatter Creek)

Management units were delineated based on Watershed Administrative Units (WAUs) from the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR). These WAUs did not match exactly with the watershed boundaries in the Work Plan; however, they looked more accurate, so these more recent WAUs were used in this analysis. With this decision, the DNR WAUs were grouped into management units that closely approximate those described in the Work Plan.

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


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2 DATA SOURCES AND EVALUATION Three methods were used to identify salmonid habitat enhancement opportunities in the Chehalis River watershed: 1. Review existing reports and databases 2. Conduct interviews and workshops 3. Analyze Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data and aerial photography

Reports and websites were reviewed and included:

Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Limiting Factors; Chehalis Basin and Nearby Drainages WRIAs 22 and 23 (Smith and Wegner 2001) • Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Work Plan for WRIA 22 and 23 (Work Plan; Grays Harbor Lead Entity Habitat Work Group 2011)

• • • • • • •

Lewis County Conservation District (LCCD) Culvert Survey Reports (LCCD 2006, 2007, and 2009) Chehalis Basin Fish Passage Barrier Ranking and Project Development (Mason Conservation District 2010) Chehalis Basin Watershed Assessment (Washington Department of Ecology, Stanley et al. 2010) Flood Protection and Ecosystem Services in the Chehalis River Basin (Earth Economics 2010) Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan (Flood Authority 2010) Washington Recreation and Conservation Office PRISM database Habitat Work Schedule

Phone interviews and meetings also were conducted with local planners and biologists to obtain the most recent list of potential projects throughout WRIA 23. A workshop was convened on October 19, 2011, to bring together Chehalis River Basin biologists and planners to discuss potential enhancement projects and prioritization methods. Approximately 20 people representing various entities within the watershed participated and offered insight into potential projects and identified projects already completed or in progress (Attachment A). The projects listed in this report reflect the input from this workshop.

Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


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Data Sources and Evaluation

LIDAR and aerial photography were used to identify areas with potential for restoration in the mainstem Chehalis, South Fork Chehalis River, and Skookumchuck River. No LIDAR data are available for the Newaukum River. Existing geographic information system (GIS) layers of fish habitat and limiting factors, including existing culverts, were used to make maps of project locations. The side channel GIS layer was created based on this assessment. Data sources for the layers included: • • •


LiDAR – Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium, 2002 Aerial – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agriculture Imagery Program, 2009 WAUs – DNR, 2006

Identification of Potential Projects

Potential projects were identified based on an assessment of the common limiting factors within WRIA 23. Seven limiting factors have been identified that have impacts on both physical processes within the watershed and salmonids (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity Habitat Work Group 2011): •

• •

Fish Passage Conditions: Poor fish passage conditions typically result from improperly sized water crossing structures and result in loss of access to spawning and rearing habitat. Floodplain Conditions: Degraded floodplain conditions typically result from floodplain filling, dike and levee construction, and streambank armoring and result in loss of backwater and side channels used for spawning, rearing, and refugia during high flows. Riparian Conditions: Poor riparian conditions typically result from intentional removal of vegetation, usually associated with land use conversion or timber harvest, and results in limiting shade, nutrients, and large woody debris availability. Large Woody Debris: Lack of large woody debris usually results from poor riparian conditions and removal of woody debris from the channel. Water Quality: Poor water quality typically is associated with water temperature, suspended solids, and chemical composition usually resulting from poor riparian conditions and stormwater runoff problems. Water Quantity: Low summer flows typically result from altered hydrology (landscape changes that allows rapid surface runoff).

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


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Data Sources and Evaluation


Streambed Sediment: High contributions of sediment typically are associated with land use management practices including logging roads, landscapes without vegetation, and areas of excessive streambank erosion resulting in filling in of pools and spawning gravels.

Consideration was given for enhancement projects that would be the most beneficial in terms of response time, probability of success, and duration of the action. Reconnection of isolated habitats has been suggested as a first priority (Roni et al. 2002). In addition, the Habitat Work Group has indicated that replacing culverts to improve fish passage and access to additional habitat, riparian revegetation, and restoring floodplain functions are a priority (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011). However, riparian conditions and large woody debris also are of concern within WRIA 23, and projects necessary to enhance these factors were identified as well. The other three limiting factors also may be addressed as part of enhancements in any of the first four. For example, improvement in riparian conditions will also reduce the amount of sediment that can be deposited into streams within the watershed and will provide additional vegetative cover, thereby improving water quality by reducing stream temperatures. Based on this, the primary focus for assessment was on four limiting factors: floodplain conditions, riparian conditions, large woody debris, and fish passage conditions. The WRIA 22-23 Habitat Work Group has developed a prioritization strategy based on the general features of each subbasin, type and status of anadromous fish stocks, land use activities, and limiting factor analysis. This strategy prioritized the degree of impact created by each limiting factor on the fitness and survival of targeted stocks by assigning a ranking into three tiers. Tier 1 concerns represent the most pressing limiting factors impacting the targeted stocks and projects targeting these areas will likely provide the greatest benefit to fish. The subbasins with a Tier 1 concern for any of these limiting factors were identified to develop a master list of potential projects. Projects that also addressed other limiting factors were included in the assessment if information was readily available. A summary of the tiered concerns for each limiting factor separated by management unit was compiled to begin development of the potential project list (Table 1). Tier 1 concerns for floodplain conditions, riparian conditions, and fish passage conditions were used to identify subbasins for targeted projects. In addition, fish use within each subbasin was summarized for integration into the prioritization process (Table 2). Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


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Data Sources and Evaluation

A master list of potential projects was developed for WRIA 23 (Table 3). Projects are listed by management unit and the major tributary identified. The type of enhancement and limiting factor addressed are provided, with multiple limiting factors addressed for some projects. In addition, a general description of the project and potential area of upstream habitat available are provided. For each potential project identified as part of this task, each limiting factor that may be addressed was identified (see Table 3). Projects previously identified by others are included if they have not been completed yet. Eighty-nine potential programs or specific projects have been identified within WRIA 23 with 6 identified to enhance floodplain conditions, 27 for fish passage conditions, 7 for riparian conditions, 48 addressing multiple limiting factors, and 1 unidentified (Table 3). Barriers within the basin were identified based on several efforts. The Mason Conservation District (MCD) identified 2,677 barriers within the Chehalis basin (MCD 2010; yellow, orange, and red dots on Figures 2 through 6). Sites were identified based on the inventory data available to date; no additional field surveys were conducted. As part of that effort, the sites were ranked according to the number of species that may utilize upstream habitat, the amount of habitat upstream of the barrier, and the percent passability of the barrier. The rankings were then converted to percentiles to assign barriers to three tiers, the top 25 percent of sites were included in Tier 1 (top priority), sites in the 50th to 74th percentile were included in Tier 2, and the remaining sites (0 to 49th percentile) were assigned to Tier 3. The sites in Tier 1 represent sites with the most available upstream habitat and species utilization. A minimum of 10 projects composed of 23 barriers were identified from the list for further assessment and development. Of these, 6 have been corrected, 4 were targeted for correction in 2011, 5 are awaiting approval, and the remaining 8 are awaiting identification of a funding source (MCD 2010). Table 4 provides a complete list of barriers that were ranked as Tier 1 in WRIA 23 and are still in need of funding for removal. LCCD has updated the MCD barrier database with numerous additional barriers where habitat data were physically collected from each barrier (LCCD 2006 and 2007; included on Figures 2 through 6 as purple circles). The top 99 culverts identified by LCCD are included in Table 5 (30 of these are also found in the MCD data table).

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


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Data Sources and Evaluation

Specific floodplain and riparian project locations are located on relative elevation maps (Figures 7 through 12). Several of these projects came from the Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations Appendix A (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2011). These projects have detailed plans associated with them. Based on the relative elevation maps and analysis of aerial photographs, additional areas in the mainstem Chehalis, Skookumchuck, and South Fork Chehalis have been identified for potential restoration of floodplain, off channel, and side channel habitats. Additional information is needed to understand current land uses and ownership within these areas to determine if restoration of these habitats is feasible.

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


February 2012 100705-01.02

3 DISCUSSION This assessment identified potential restoration projects within WRIA 23 that would provide additional habitat for the various salmonid species found within the watershed. Projects primarily focused on those that addressed four of seven limiting factors identified as limiting salmonid production, fish passage conditions, floodplain conditions, riparian conditions, and large woody debris. Salmonids rely on habitats, many located above barriers that may be passable, partially passable, or impassable, as well as areas of refuge typically located within the floodplain. Based on the Tier 1 ranked culverts, approximately 2,400 miles of habitat is inaccessible or has limited accessibility for salmonids due to barriers. The majority of projects identified focused on fish passage due to the intensive culvert surveys that have been conducted by both the Chehalis County Conservation District and MCD and several projects were identified that related to other limiting factors as indicated on Table 3; future projects may need to consider other limiting factors, as well as those that are the focus of this report. During the workshop, several attendees identified the need for preservation of areas that already contain suitable habitat and support the various salmonid species. This is an important consideration since preserving existing habitats may be more cost effective than restoring degraded areas. The documents reviewed during this assessment did not explicitly identify areas in need of preservation, but following a similar methodology of assessing the limiting factors and identifying areas most likely to contain these features would be a first step to identify areas to protect. One example discussed during the workshop was the coldwater areas within the Black River that currently provide summer refuge for salmonids. It was suggested that these, and similar areas, be preserved. Additional areas may be identified by evaluating areas of groundwater upwelling based on the Department of Ecology report on hydrology in the Chehalis basin (Stanley et al. 2010). The integration of limiting factors, fish use, and habitat availability is important for assessing subbasins or reaches within the watershed that would provide the greatest gain for cost. Since funding availability will limit the number and timing of projects that can be completed, it is important to identify and then rank projects properly. A recent study was conducted to help the Flood Authority evaluate future flood protection investments (Earth Economics 2010). As part of that study, the annual value of ecosystem services within the basin was estimated between $1.3 and $11.6 billion. Recommendations in the study Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


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identified a combination of natural capital (e.g., floodplains), selective built capital (e.g., dams and levees), and social capital (e.g., early warning systems and training) as the best investments to achieve flood protection (Earth Economics 2010). Development of a strategy for conservation, restoration, and development can be accomplished following the framework of the Chehalis Basin Watershed Assessment (Stanley et al. 2010). Utilizing information in that document also may help in developing the prioritization of projects identified in this report. Both impairments and level of importance for several water processes (groundwater recharge, groundwater discharge, and surface water delivery) were identified within subbasins in the Chehalis basin. The incorporation of the assessments was used to establish an overall management framework of areas that would benefit most from protection or restoration. Evaluation of these areas may allow for identification of areas most important for preservation. The focus on the next phase of this effort is to rank the projects identified in this report. Part of this process will include combining the MCD and LCCD culverts list into one comprehensive database and reassessing the tier assignments based on this larger dataset following the methods of MCD (MCD 2010).

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan


February 2012 100705-01.02

4 REFERENCES Earth Economics, 2010. Flood Protection and Ecosystem Services in the Chehalis River

Basin. Prepared for the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority. May 2010. Flood Authority (Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority), 2010. Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010. Grays Harbor County Lead Entity Habitat Work Group, 2011. The Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for WRIA 22 and 23. Updated June 30, 2011. LCCD (Lewis County Conservation District), 2006. Priority Indices Chehalis Basin. Water

Resource Inventory Area 23. Lewis County Conservation District. December 2006. LCCD, 2007. Priority Indices Chehalis Basin. Phase II Amendment 5. Water Resource Inventory Area 23. Lewis County Conservation District. December 2007. LCCD, 2009. Chehalis Resurvey Culvert Assessment. Water Resource Inventory Area 23. Lewis County Conservation District. June 2009. MCD (Mason Conservation District), 2010. Chehalis Basin, Water Resource Inventory Area

22 and 23; Fish Passage Barrier Ranking and Project Development, Final Report. December 2010. Omernik, J.M., 1987. Ecoregions of the conterminous United States. Map (scale 1:7,500,000). Annals of the Association of American Geographers 77(1):118-125. Roni, P., T.J. Beechie, R.E. Bilby, R.E. Leonetti, M.M. Pollock, and G.R. Pess, 2002. A review

of stream restoration techniques and a hierarchical strategy for prioritizing restoration in Pacific Northwest watersheds. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1-20. Smith, C.J., and M. Wenger, 2001. Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Limiting Factors. Chehalis

Basin and Nearby Drainages Water Resource Inventory Areas 22 and 23. Washington State Conservation Commission Final Report. May 2001. Stanley, S., S. Grigsby, T. Hruby, and P. Olson, 2010. Chehalis Basin Watershed Assessment: Description of Methods, Models, and Analysis for Water Flow Processes. Washington State Department of Ecology. Draft. Version 1. Ecology Publication #10-06-006. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2011. Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation

Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Prepared by Tetratech. March 2011.

Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Plan 10

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Table 1 Overview of Limiting Factor Concerns in the Upper Chehalis River Watershed (River Miles 33 to 118) Tier 1, 2, 3 Concerns Fish Floodplain Passage Riparian Water Conditions Conditions Conditions LWD Quality

Water Quantity

Streambed Sediment

































Management Unit*

Major Tributary

River Mile

Chehalis Mainstem

Not applicable

SF downstream to RM 33





Black River





Porter Creek




Lincoln Creek



Independence Creek


Garrard Creek



Gaddis Creek








Rock/Williams Creek















Lincoln 39.3

Bunker Creek



Comments on Floodplain RM 57 to 79 (Grand Mound – Stearns Creek) the mainstem appears to be incised and disconnected from floodplain and off-channel habitat. More data needed on channel incision from RM 57 to 79 (Smith and Wenger 2001).

Comments on Fish Passage Problems

Numerous road crossings are undersized (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Numerous road crossings are undersized (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Numerous road crossings are undersized (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) fish passage barrier status not fully known (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Rock, Williams, and Gaddis creeks have incised channels (L. Crumley, LWC Consulting, personal communication). These streams are rated "poor" for floodplain conditions; further assessment of this impact is necessary (Smith and Wenger 2001). Rock, Williams, and Gaddis creeks have incised channels (L. Crumley, LWC Consulting, personal communication). These streams are rated "poor" for floodplain conditions; further assessment of this impact is necessary (Smith and Wenger 2001). Floodplain conditions in the Bunker Creek subbasin are in fair condition with most of the floodplain connectivity impacts occurring in Deep Creek and lower Bunker Creek.

Fish passage barrier status is unknown (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Fish passage barrier status is unknown; current awareness of at least two existing blockages (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Numerous road crossings are undersized (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

Scammon, Mill, and Stearns Creeks

65.9, 77.85, 78.1








Skookumchuck River









Scatter Creek Newaukum River Mainstem

55.2 75.2

3 2

2 2

1 1

1 3

1 1

3 1

2 3

North Fork









Middle Fork

Tributary of NF








Salzer Creek









Coal Creek

Tributary of Salzer















Undersized stream crossing structures restricts fish passage and natural processes (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Undersized stream crossing structures restricts fish passage and natural processes (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

Dillenbaugh Creek

Berwick Creek

Tributary of Dillenbaugh








China Creek









Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

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Numerous road crossings are undersized (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Loss of floodplain function (74 of 185 miles) in Skookumchuck subbasin.

Skookumchuck Dam blocks 3.6 miles of chinook and 8 miles of coho habitat; small barriers, such as culverts, exist throughout system (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

Many culverts at road crossings on tributaries are undersized (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) Many culverts at road crossings on tributaries are undersized (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011) High percentage forestland and logging roads with undersized culverts and road crossings (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

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Table 1 Overview of Limiting Factor Concerns in the Upper Chehalis River Watershed (River Miles 33 to 118)

Management Unit*

Major Tributary Upper Chehalis River


River Mile Upstream of SF confluence to RM 118.9

South Fork Chehalis River Lake Creek Stillman Creek

88.3 SF Tributary RM 1.4 SF Tributary RM 5.1

Tier 1, 2, 3 Concerns Fish Floodplain Passage Riparian Water Conditions Conditions Conditions LWD Quality

Water Quantity

Streambed Sediment

Comments on Floodplain

Comments on Fish Passage Problems








43 of 72 assessed culverts had barriers (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)








21 of 42 assessed culverts on tributaries were barriers (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)















17 of 40 assessed culverts on tributaries were barriers (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

Notes: *Management units in the Enhancement Plan study area. Information taken from Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011. NF = North Fork RM = River Mile SF = South Fork References: Grays Harbor County Lead Entity, 2011. The Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for WRIA 22 and 23. Prepared by Grays Harbor County Lead Entity Habitat Work Group. Updated June 30, 2011. Smith, C.J. and M. Wenger, 2001. Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Limiting Factors Washington State Conservation Commission Final Report. 2001.

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

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Table 2 Salmonid Use in the Upper Chehalis Watershed Management Unit*

Major Tributary

River Mile

Chehalis Mainstem

Not Applicable

SF downstream to RM 33

Black River Porter Creek Lincoln Creek Independence Creek Garrard Creek Gaddis Creek Rock/Williams Creek Bunker Creek Scammon, Mill, and Stearns Creeks Skookumchuck River Scatter Creek Newaukum River Mainstem North Fork Middle Fork Salzer Creek Coal Creek Dillenbaugh Creek Berwick Creek China Creek

47 38.5 61.9 51.5 45.5





Upper Chehalis River Boistfort

South Fork Chehalis River Lake Creek Stillman Creek


Spring Summer Fall Winter Summer Chinook Chinook Chinook Coho Chum Steelhead Steelhead Cutthroat X













65.9, 77.85, 78.1 67.3 55.2 75.2 10.8 Tributary of NF 69.4 Tributary of Salzer Tributary of Dillenbaugh 67.3 Upstream of SF confluence to RM 118.9 88.3 SF Tributary RM 1.4 SF Tributary RM 5.1















Bull Trout














Notes: *Management units in the Enhancement Plan study area. Information taken from The Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Work Plan for WRIA 22 and 23 updated 2011. NF = North Fork RM = River Mile SF = South Fork

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Table 3 Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in Upper Chehalis Watershed Project Identifier



Limiting Factor Addressed

Description of Project

Potential Available Habitat Upstream of Project


Black Management Unit (includes Black River, Porter Creek subbasins) Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Source: Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011). There are 65 barrier culverts in this mangement unit . Five culverts in this management unit have a Priority Porter Creek Index and are dicussed in more detail below (Lewis County Conservation District (LCCD; 2006, 2007, and 2009).


Management Unit-Wide

Correct barrier culverts

Fish Passage Conditions


Albert-Dempsey Creek Tributary R7

Correct barrier culvert

Fish Passage Conditions

The Albert fish barrier is on a tributary to Dempsey Creek; Black River; Chehalis River. There are no known barriers up or downstream.

Correction of this barrier would open about 0.15 miles of habitat for coho, cutthroat and possibly PRISM - proposed projects steelhead.


Baker-Goliath Creek R9

Correct barrier culvert

Fish Passage Conditions

This 33% passable culvert is on a tributary to Mima Creek which flows into the Black River in Thurston County. There is one private total barrier on an upstream tributary and two partial barriers and one total barrier upstream on DNR land.

Correction of this fish barrier would improve access to 3.91 miles of fish habitat. No downstream barriers.


Bailey Fish Barrier

Correct barrier culvert

Fish Passage Conditions

This barrier culvert is on a tributary to Porter Creek which flows into the Chehalis River near Porter. There are no downstream barriers and two partial barriers upstream on DNR land. To correct a fish barrier culvert on an unnamed tributary to Cedar Creek on Cedar Creek Road. This correction replaces a 4 ft. wide, 68 ft. long steel culvert that has a 3 ft. outfall drop, in a 10 ft. wide stream. The replacement is a 16 ft. wide, 8 ft. high, 68 ft. long, steel bottomless arch culvert.


Cedar Creek Road

Correct barrier culvert

Fish Passage Conditions


Tilley Road

Culvert replacement

Fish Passage Conditions

No other information provided

Correct barrier culverts, enhance habitat

Fish Passage Conditions, Floodplain Conditions, Water Quantity, Riparian Conditions

This project will restore fish passage, improve habitat and reconnect the stream with its natural floodplain by replacing the existing culvert with a larger one and by creating approximately 300 feet of new meandering stream channel that will be enhanced with spawning gravels and riparian plantings.


Dunnagan Creek

General Actions in Strategy

PRISM - proposed projects

Correction of the Bailey fish barrier would improve access to 2.20 miles of habitat for coho, PRISM - proposed projects steelhead and searun cutthroat trout. Project will open 2 miles of excellent spawning and rearing habitat for coho and cutthroat trout, PRISM - proposed projects as well as juvenile rearing habitat for Chinook and steelhead Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.

Conceptual project hws database

Boistfort Management Unit (Upper Chehalis, South Fork Chehalis, Stillman Creek, Lake Creek) BF-1

Upper Chehalis River

Correct barrier culverts; improve fish passage


South Fork Chehalis

Correct barrier culverts


Stillman Creek

Correct barrier culverts


South Fork Chehalis

Riparian Restoration


South Fork Chehalis Confluence

Floodplain, Riparian Restoration, Install LWD


River Miles 66 to 81

Riparian Restoration


Galvin Road area; Oxbow reconnection downstream Grand Mound

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011); improve passage at fishways, add fishways where needed

General Actions in Strategy

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Riparian Conditions, Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench or 3:1 slope and removing Floodplain Conditions invasive/planting a native understory. Floodplain Conditions, Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench or 3:1 slope and removing Riparian Conditions, invasive/planting a native understory. Also includes excavation along South Fork to create LWD wetland bench and install LWD clusters on bank. Chehalis Mainstem Management Unit

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011. Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Riparian Conditions, Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench or 3:1 slope and removing Floodplain Conditions invasives/planting a native understory.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Floodplain Conditions Many oxbows downstream of Grand Mound

Personal communication with Merri Martz of TetraTech Inc. Authors of Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project.

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Table 3 Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in Upper Chehalis Watershed Project Identifier



Limiting Factor Addressed

Description of Project

Potential Available Habitat Upstream of Project



Oakville backwater

Oxbow reconnection

Floodplain Conditions Chehalis Tribe project there and may be opportunity to add to it

Personal communication with Merri Martz of TetraTech Inc. Authors of Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project.


Porter area

Oxbow reconnection

Floodplain Conditions Just upstream are the black hills tributaries and old oxbows; also oxbows at Porter Creek


River Miles 20 to 79

Reconnect and restore offchannel habitat

Personal communication with Merri Martz of TetraTech Inc. Authors of Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project.

Floodplain Conditions

State Route 6 oxbow

Oxbow reconnection, Riparian restoration, Install LWD

City of Chehalis owns two-thirds of the property (130 acres). City of Chehalis owns Poplar farm Floodplain Conditions, on the north side of SR-6 that may be available for restoration. Landowner in the SR-6 Oxbow Riparian Conditions, site may be interested in conservation. This oxbow is currently connected to the Chehalis at LWD approximately a 1.2-year flow.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Oxbow Lake Reconnection

Oxbow reconnection, Riparian restoration, Install LWD

Approximately 75 acres; 2 landowners. Improve connection to main channel窶馬ot currently a Floodplain Conditions, connection but when floodwaters exceed the bank elevation (something above a 2-year flow, Riparian Conditions, maybe 5-year flow), then it may briefly connect. Will require about 12 feet of excavation to LWD create a channel connection to Chehalis River for winter rearing (i.e., November to May).

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

WDFW Pheasant Farm

High flow side channel restoration, Wetland restoration, Riparian restoration

Floodplain Conditions, Riparian Conditions, Water Quality, Water Quantity

200 acres (combined Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife [WDFW] and private landowner just downstream). WDFW owns a pheasant farm and may be open to conservation. Good floodplain area with potential excavation and enhancement. The area closest to the river already has a number of higher flow side channels and good riparian cover; existing good quality. There are a few fields that are hayed that could be excavated for wetlands and side channels and also revegetated.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.


Scheuber Ditch

Floodplain, Riparian restoration, Install LWD

Floodplain Conditions, Riparian Conditions, LWD, Water Quality, Water Quantity

Connect Scheuber Ditch to State Route 6 Oxbow at upstream end and excavate new meandering stream with benches on the inside. Also create and enhance emergent wetlands along newly excavated stream. Install engineered log jam at confluence of newly excavated stream and Chehalis River. Landowners to the north along Scheuber Ditch are less amenable to restoration.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.


Near Gaddis Creek Confluence RM 34

Side channel/floodplain enhancement

Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.


Near RM 36

Oxbow Reconnection, Side channel/floodplain enhancement

Reconnect oxbow with mainstem Chehalis. Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.


Near RM 42

Floodplain Enhancement

Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.


Near RM 43

Oxbow Reconnection, Side channel/floodplain

Reconnect oxbow with mainstem Chehalis. Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.


Near Garrard Creek Side channel/floodplain Confluence Chehalis RM 46 enhancement

Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.


Near RM 50

Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.




Side channel/floodplain enhancement

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions

Reconnect and restore off-channel habitat identifed in (USACE 2001) and Ralph and Peterson (1994)

2 of 6

General Actions in Strategy

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 3 Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in Upper Chehalis Watershed Project Identifier



Limiting Factor Addressed Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions

Description of Project

Potential Available Habitat Upstream of Project


Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Reconnect oxbow with mainstem Chehalis. Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Reconnect oxbow with mainstem Chehalis. Enhance low elevation areas, side channels, and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Floodplain enhancement

Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD. Conditions

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Floodplain enhancement

Floodplain Conditions, Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD. LWD, Riparian Conditions

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.


Near Chehalis Village Chehalis RM 54

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 56-58

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Dry Creeek confluence Chehalis RM 60

Floodplain enhancement


Near RM 62

Floodplain enhancement


Near RM 68


Near RM 78


Near RM 79

Floodplain enhancement


Near RM 82

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 83


Near RM 85

Oxbow Reconnection, Side channel/floodplain enhancement Oxbow Reconnection, Side channel/floodplain

Lincoln Management Unit (Lincoln Creek, Independence Creek, Garrard Creek, Gaddis Creek, Rock/Williams Creek, Bunker Creek, Scammon Creek, Mill Creek, Stearns Creek) LI-1

Lincoln Creek

Correct barrier culverts


Independence Creek

Correct barrier culverts


Harris Creek

Correct Barrier culverts


Garrard Creek (county and private properties)

Correct barrier culverts


Gaddis Creek

Correct barrier culverts


Rock/Williams Creek

Correct barrier culverts


Bunker Creek

Correct barrier culverts


Scammon, Mill, and Stearns Correct barrier culverts Creeks

Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions


Wolf-Davis Creek R6

Correct barrier culverts

Fish Passage Conditions


Independence Road bank protection

Bank protection

Riparian Conditions

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Sickman-Ford Bridge culvert

Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy

This culvert is on Davis Creek, a tributary to the Chehalis River. The downstream third of the culvert slopes upward severely which likely caused the invert to rust out. The road partially washed out 5 or 6 yrs ago. At higher flows some flow goes through culvert, and some flow goes over road. At low flow, all flow goes through severely undersized culvert. No other information provided

over 11 miles of fish habitat upstream for chum, PRISM coho, steelhead and cutthroat trout Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.

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February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 3 Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in Upper Chehalis Watershed Project Identifier




Harris Creek Fish Enhancement


Gaddis Creek floodplain Near Chehalis RM 34


Rock/Williams Creek floodplain Near Chehalis RM Floodplain enhancement 40


Bunker Creek floodplain Near Chehalis RM 85

Limiting Factor Addressed

Description of Project

Potential Available Habitat Upstream of Project

Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.

No other information provided

Floodplain enhancement

Floodplain enhancement


Floodplain Conditions, Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD. LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD. Conditions Floodplain Conditions, Enhance low elevation areas and floodplain habitat with vegetated benches and LWD. LWD, Riparian Conditions

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Newaukum Management Unit (Newaukum Mainstem, North Fork, Middle Fork, Salzer Creek, Coal Creek, Dillenbaugh Creek, Berwick Creek, China Creek)


North Fork Newaukum

Correct barrier culverts; improve fish passage

Fish Passage Conditions

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011); improve passage at fishways, add fishways where needed

General Actions in Strategy


Middle Fork Newaukum

Correct barrier culverts

Fish Passage Conditions

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy


Salzer Creek

Correct barrier culverts

Fish Passage Conditions

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy


Dillenbaugh Creek

Correct barrier culverts

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy


Berwick Creek

Correct barrier culverts

Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011)

General Actions in Strategy


Lucas Creek

Replace culvert


Lucas Creek

Replace culvert

Fish Passage Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions

access will be restored to 1.73 miles of healthy spawning and rearing habitat annual access to 2588 sq meters spawning habitat; 1299 sq meters rearing habitat

Conceptual project on Habitat Work Schedule Conceptual project on Habitat Work Schedule

Conceptual project hws database - Lucas Creek MP 4.3 Barrier Removal Project Conceptual project hws database - Lucas Creek MP 4.2 Barrier Removal Project


Dillenbaugh Creek

Oxbow reconnection

Near Dillenbaugh Creek; demolish old sewage treatment plant. Look at route of Dillenbaugh Fish Passage Creek (lower 2 miles or so) that traverses the Chehalis River floodplain. Could either reroute Conditions, Floodplain Dillenbaugh Creek into the Newaukum at Stan Hedwall Park, or could improve its existing course Conditions and send towards old sewage treatment plant. Bob Burkle has been a fan of rerouting it into Newaukum.


Newaukum River

Riparian Restoration

Riparian Conditions, Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench or 3:1 slope and removing Floodplain Conditions invasives/planting a native understory.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.


Salzer Creek Lower Mile Oxbow Reconnection and Riparian Restoration

Oxbow Reconnection, Riparian Restoration, Install LWD, Wetland Creation and Restoration

Floodplain Conditions, Connect Salzer Creek to old Chehalis River oxbow. Includes revegetating and regrading banks of Riparian Conditions, Salzer Creek to 2:1 slopes with a bench or 3:1 slopes and removing invasives/planting a native LWD, Water Quality, understory. Also includes wetland creation, enhancement, and installation of LWD. Water Quantity

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.


Salzer Creek I-5 to BNRR Riparian and In-Channel Restoration

Stream and Riparian Restoration

Floodplain Conditions, Realign stream and install LWD between I-5 and the BNRR railroad. Revegetate with native trees Riparian Conditions, and shrubs. LWD

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

4 of 6

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 3 Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in Upper Chehalis Watershed Project Identifier



Limiting Factor Addressed

Description of Project

Potential Available Habitat Upstream of Project


Floodplain Conditions, Riparian Conditions, Remove exisiting levee and realign Salzer and Coal Creeks to create sinuosity and improved Water Quality, Water instream habitat. Also includes wetland creation, enhancement, and riparian revegetation. Quantity

Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.

Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Create approximately 2,000 feet of sinuous stream and install LWD log clusters. Revegetate with Conditions, Water native trees and shrubs. Excavate emergent wetland and revegetate with wetland plants. Quality, Water Quantity

Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.


Relocate Levee, Stream and Salzer-Coal Creek Riparian Restoration, Fairgrounds Floodplain and Wetland Creation and Channel Restoration Restoration


Salzer Creek at Centralia Alpha Road Floodplain Storage and Riparian Restoration


Salzer Creek at Proffitt Road Riparian Restoration, Install Riparian Restoration LWD

Riparian Conditions, LWD

Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench or 3:1 and removing invasives/planting a native understory. Also includes installation of LWD.

Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.


Newaukum River/Newaukum Valley Golf Course

Riparian and Floodplain

Golf course landowner is interested in enhancements. Potential for riparian and in-channel enhancements – area of channel migration.

Personal communication with Merri Martz of TetraTech Inc. Authors of Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project.

Stream and Riparian Restoration, Install LWD, Wetland Creation and Restoration

In-channel Enhancements

Riparian and Floodplain


North Fork Newaukum


Newaukum Confluence

Riparian Restoration, Install LWD


Stan Hedwall Park Floodplain Reconnenction

Floodplain, Riparian Restoration, Install LWD


Rice Road Floodplain/Side Channel Restoration

Floodplain, Riparian Restoration, Install LWD

NE-18 NE-19 NE-20

North Fork/South Fork Riparian Restoration Newaukum Confluence Riparian Restoration North Fork Newaukum River Riparian Restoration, Install LWD at Tauscher Road Riparian Preservation and Middle Fork Newaukum Restoration

Riparian Conditions, LWD Floodplain Conditions, Riparian Conditions, LWD Floodplain Conditions, Riparian Conditions, LWD

From Tauscher Road downstream to confluence is potential for riparian and floodplain restoration. A couple of interested landowners (e.g., owner of a trout pond). Would then connect to Washington State Department of Transportation's mitigation bank at lower end of Middle Fork Newaukum. Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench and removing invasives/planting a native understory. Also includes installation of LWD.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011. Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Includes reconnecting existing side-channels, four engineered log jams, and riparian revegetation over 40 acres.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Includes reconnecting existing side-channels, one engineered log jam, and riparian revegetation over 14 acres.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Riparian Conditions, LWD

Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench and removing invasives/planting a native understory. Also includes installation of LWD.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Riparian Conditions, LWD

Includes revegetating and regrading banks to 2:1 slopes with a bench and removing invasives/planting a native understory. Also includes installation of LWD.

Riparian Conditions

Preserve 4 acres of riparian forest along Middle Fork Newaukum River and restore 16 acres.

Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011. Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Skookumchuck Management Unit (Skookumchuck River, Scatter Creek) Use guidelines in Section 4 of Strategy (Grays Harbor County Lead Entity 2011); improve passage at fishways, add fishways where needed

Correct barrier culverts, improve fish passage Twin culverts under Main St. at 11th

Fish Passage Conditions Fish Passage Conditions

River is against one wall of the valley with the rest of the valley open for potential enhancement. Floodplain Conditions River has been rerouted to edge of floodplain (hillslopes) and there are remnant wetlands and side channels and large floodplain area.


Skookumchuck River


Skookumchuck River


Upstream of River Mile 10

Potential floodplain enhancement


Lower watershed

Reconnect, enhance, restore Floodplain Conditions 36 miles in lower watershed (Skookumchuck, Coffee Creek, Salmon Creek, Johnson Creek) off-channel, floodplain, wetlands


Scatter Creek

Sampson Wetland Enhancement Ph. 1

Floodplain Conditions, 30% design project; part of larger conceptual plan to develop wetland complex/refugia; larger Riparian Conditions, project approx. 10+ acres submerged wetland LWD, Water Quality

Conceptual Project HWS database


Skookumchuck River

Streambank stabilization

Riparian Conditions

Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

General Actions in Strategy Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010.

No additional description provided

Streambank stabilization in Bucoda

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Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011. General Actions in Strategy

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 3 Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in Upper Chehalis Watershed Project Identifier SK-7

Location Skookumchuck River River Mile 12

Enhancement Riparian Restoration


Near RM 7

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 8

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 9

Floodplain enhancement


Near RM 11

Floodplain enhancement


Near RM 12

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 14

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 15

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 16

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 17

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 19

Side channel/floodplain enhancement


Near RM 20

Floodplain enhancement


Near RM 21

Side channel/floodplain enhancement

Limiting Factor Addressed

Description of Project

Potential Available Habitat Upstream of Project

Comments Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Dated March 2011.

Riparian Conditions

Includes removing invasives/planting native forest trees and understory.

Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions

Off-Channel Area (old meander), Left Bank Off Channel Floodplain Area, Meander Cutoff by Railroad, Off-Channel Refuge, Open Space Area with Trees, Limited to no infrastructure present along both side channel banks.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Off-Channel Area (old meander), Open Space with some riparian cover, Excavate perennial offchannel connection, Limited to no infrastructure (houses) present

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Right Bank Low Lying Area (potential floodplain), Confined along left bank by RR, Limited by structures on left bank

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Off-Channel Area (old meander), Confined along left bank by RR, Excavate off-channel connection, Infrastructure present (houses, road, structures)

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Floodplain Conditions, Right Bank Side Channel, Right Bank Low Lying Area (potential floodplain), Left Bank and Right Bank: Low lying floodplain areas Adjacent, Improve Riparian Cover (as necessary), Excavate OffLWD, Riparian Channel/Floodplain, Connect to Off-channel Floodplain areas Habitat Area Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions Floodplain Conditions, LWD, Riparian Conditions

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Left Bank Side Channel (verify), Left Bank Low Lying Area (potential floodplain)(open field area), Improve Side Channel Connection As Necessary, Excavation, Little Riparian Vegetation Presentimprove riparian cover Right Bank Low Lying Area (potential/enhance floodplain), Left Bank Low Lying Area (potential/enhance floodplain), Potential Off Channel Habitat Area, Some riparian vegetation present. Right Bank Side Channel, Left Bank Side Channel, Floodplain areas right and left bank, Offchannel habitat potential (right bank), Riparian vegetation present, Infrastructure persent outside of boundaries.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Flow Split Around Island, Floodplain (potential/enhance floodplain), bridge crossing present, and a gravel pit on right bank.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Right Bank Low Lying Area (potential/enhance Floodplain), Right Bank Off-Channel Area (side channel).

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Left Bank Low Lying Area (potential/enhance floodplain). Right Bank Low Lying Area (potential/enhance floodplain). Verify if Functioning. Enhancement needed? Roadway adjacent to right bank along most of site.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Just Below Dam. Right Bank Low Lying Area (potential/enhance floodplain). Right Bank Side Channel. Verify if functioning. Enhancement needed?

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

Geomorphic analysis from aereal photos and elevation maps.

References: Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority. 2010. Chehalis River Basin Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. June 2010. Grays Harbor County Lead Entity, 2011. The Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for WRIA 22 and 23. Prepared by Grays Harbor County Lead Entity Habitat Work Group. Updated June 30, 2011. Lewis County Conservation District 2006. Priority Indeces Chehalis Basin. Water Resource Inventory Area 23. December 2006 Lewis County Conservation District 2007. Priority Indeces Chehalis Basin. Water Resource Inventory Area 23. December 2007. Lewis County Conservation District 2009. Chehalis Resurvey Culvert Assessment. Water Resource Inventory Area 23. June 2009. Ralph, S.C., N.P. Peterson, and C.C. Mendoza, 1994. An inventory of off-channel habitat of the lower Chehalis River with applications of remote sensing. Natural Resources Consultants, Inc. for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lacey, Washington. US Army Corp of Engineers. 2011. Draft Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project, Mitigation Site Evaluations. Appendix A. Prepared by Tetratech. Dated March 2011. Seattle District. US Army Corp of Engineers. 2001. Chehalis River Flood Control Project Habitat Evaluation Using Aerial Photo Analysis. Seattle District.

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

6 of 6

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID



Salmon Species Present

1703W25A 1703W22E 341513 1602W09A 990040 343629 990365 1703W15A 1604W33C 1604W33A 1703W10A 1703W22B 23.0691 0.53 341711 990962 343206 1601W07C 1603W38A 990963 1703W15C 1603W14A 1703W22A 23.0543 A 0.10 991536 1603W40A 340958 1703W17A 342722

46.93439 46.95286 46.94588 46.88775 46.92623 46.88348 46.93969 46.96618 46.82332 46.83216 46.97475 46.94440 46.96599 46.85074 46.92044 46.96459 46.89251 46.84621 46.93643 46.95825 46.86992 46.94304 46.96238 46.90922 46.86964 46.86207 46.95821 46.95390

-122.99788 -123.03912 -122.96075 -122.93589 -122.94542 -122.93690 -122.94150 -123.04752 -123.19172 -123.18271 -123.02595 -123.03941 -123.04732 -123.04435 -122.90794 -123.03942 -122.85807 -123.11689 -122.90787 -123.03985 -123.02349 -123.04484 -123.27895 -123.29531 -123.07948 -123.08919 -123.08300 -123.07627

2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3

0.00 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.33

12.34 3.78 9.89 7.70 7.35 7.39 7.09 2.21 3.17 2.00 1.98 1.96 2.02 2.76 5.37 2.55 5.21 4.94 4.02 1.64 0.98 1.48 4.90 1.25 9.92 4.49 3.96 2.91

021(92004)(08538) 021(92004)(05661) 021(92004)(03836) 021(92004)(03525) 021(92004)(02984) 1203W31B 1104W34A 021(92004)(07238)

46.48839 46.45210 46.42566 46.42111 46.41326 46.48662 46.39508 46.47070

-123.10246 -123.08353 -123.08350 -123.08345 -123.08328 -123.11517 -123.15273 -123.09876

3 2 1 2 2 4 3 3

0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67

7.31 17.77 12.48 12.09 10.30 2.41 4.71 4.63

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Percent Passable

Upstream Habitat (miles)

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT Black River Management Unit 125.4 13 99.50% 39.8 143 94.60% 33.3 179 93.30% 26.1 249 90.60% 25.2 270 89.90% 25.0 272 89.80% 24.1 285 89.30% 24.1 285 89.30% 23.2 293 89.00% 22.0 314 88.20% 21.8 316 88.10% 21.6 319 88.00% 21.2 329 87.60% 20.5 346 87.10% 18.7 380 85.80% 18.4 386 85.50% 17.9 404 84.70% 17.0 427 83.80% 13.9 515 80.60% 12.3 601 77.30% 11.8 623 76.50% 11.3 650 75.40% 16.8 433 83.70% 15.5 460 82.60% 33.4 177 93.30% 31.4 196 92.60% 28.5 227 91.50% 21.5 322 87.80% Boistfort Management Unit 76.1 44 98.30% 59.3 69 97.40% 41.5 128 95.20% 40.6 136 94.80% 34.7 162 93.90% 18.8 378 85.80% 16.5 438 83.50% 16.3 447 83.20%

1 of 9

WAU-Name Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Black River Porter Creek Porter Creek Waddel Creek Waddel Creek Waddel Creek Waddel Creek Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF

Coho Salmon + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Chinook Salmon

Steelhead Trout



+ +

+ +

+ + + + +

+ +


+ + + + +

Chum Salmon

+ +


+ + +

Cutthroat Trout + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID 021(92004)(07883) 1203W30A 1204W36A 021(92004)(07013) 021(24017)(08876) 021(27000)(02426) 021(27501)(02750) 021(27651)(00273) 021(27820)(02631) 021(24017)(11680) 1204W03B 1203W05B 021(24017)(12280) 1203W10A 1304W35A 1304W13C 021(27000)(02202) 021(24036)(00519) 1304W03A 990764 1304W13B 021(27820)(02365) 1203W05A 990760 991221 1304W23A 125 1303W05A 021(28051)(00450) 990423 1304W36B 991542 021(24017)(10900) 1304W17A 021(23650)(02800) 021(24017)(09046) 990758 1305W17A 1305W18B

Latitude 46.47993 46.48895 46.48604 46.46745 46.53741 46.64588 46.63439 46.63846 46.63773 46.56999 46.55559 46.55653 46.57455 46.53999 46.57398 46.61288 46.64591 46.58377 46.63507 46.60041 46.61032 46.63648 46.55600 46.59588 46.61274 46.59648 46.55635 46.59663 46.63197 46.56755 46.63028 46.56020 46.61419 46.59310 46.54250 46.63041 46.61320 46.61696

Longitude -123.09673 -123.11102 -123.12346 -123.09771 -123.07027 -123.28514 -123.23717 -123.24675 -123.17453 -123.09639 -123.10154 -123.08617 -123.10426 -123.05498 -123.15390 -123.13216 -123.28044 -123.10220 -123.16772 -123.12880 -123.13338 -123.16571 -123.08875 -123.15223 -123.11216 -123.15163 -123.08741 -123.15199 -123.19923 -123.12621 -123.23126 -123.08954 -123.20596 -123.10513 -123.07817 -123.21776 -123.34313 -123.35686

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Salmon Species Present 3 4 2 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3

Percent Passable 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.33

Upstream Habitat (miles) 2.04 4.02 1.92 3.21 11.42 6.60 15.71 12.24 12.04 3.17 3.88 3.95 7.65 2.23 6.07 1.76 5.71 5.34 5.13 4.92 2.26 4.17 4.00 3.78 0.96 3.75 3.87 3.76 1.01 1.65 1.57 3.55 1.44 3.36 3.22 0.92 1.69 2.31

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 15.7 456 82.90% 14.6 482 81.90% 14.2 501 81.10% 11.9 618 76.70% 77.9 41 98.40% 69.0 52 98.00% 52.8 86 96.80% 41.1 130 95.10% 40.7 134 94.90% 33.7 174 93.40% 28.0 229 91.40% 27.8 232 91.30% 25.9 255 90.20% 25.3 267 89.90% 21.0 333 87.40% 20.6 343 87.10% 19.5 358 86.40% 18.3 388 85.50% 17.9 404 84.70% 17.6 413 84.40% 17.2 424 84.10% 14.4 491 81.40% 13.9 515 80.60% 13.8 519 80.40% 13.6 529 80.10% 13.4 538 79.70% 13.4 538 79.70% 13.4 538 79.70% 13.1 554 79.00% 13.1 554 79.00% 12.5 583 77.90% 12.4 591 77.60% 11.7 629 76.30% 11.7 629 76.30% 11.3 650 75.40% 11.2 659 75.10% 19.9 352 86.80% 17.5 418 84.40%

2 of 9

WAU-Name Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Chehalis, SF Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Elk Creek Elk Creek

Coho Salmon

Chinook Salmon

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout

Cutthroat Trout

+ + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + +

+ + +


+ +

+ + +

+ + + + +

+ + +

+ + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID 1305W18C 1305W17B 1205W05A 021(26661)(00060) 1080120 1305W25B 1305W25A 021(26390)(00612) 990473 1305W23A 1305W23D 021(24019)(02040) 1303W31A 021(24019)(02402) 1205W05B 1205W05C 021(25510)(00106) 021(25401)(01657) 021(25570)(00024) 021(25401)(03620) 1204W05C 021(25510)(00722) 021(24019)(04778) 021(25401)(03773) 1204W33A 021(24019)(04966)

Latitude 46.61531 46.61236 46.56051 46.59524 46.55730 46.59049 46.58081 46.57760 46.56365 46.60443 46.59253 46.56868 46.56857 46.56547 46.54946 46.55803 46.56178 46.54929 46.56372 46.56320 46.56263 46.57028 46.54935 46.56260 46.49900 46.54688

Longitude -123.35740 -123.34859 -123.33348 -123.27837 -123.36099 -123.26218 -123.24256 -123.30452 -123.31011 -123.27932 -123.26402 -123.25687 -123.34934 -123.25096 -123.33145 -123.32987 -123.18351 -123.16430 -123.19499 -123.19600 -123.21796 -123.18202 -123.21307 -123.19918 -123.16700 -123.21158

Salmon Species Present 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2

1404W15A 021(24034)(05678) 021(28001)(05816) 021(24034)(02386) 021(24024)(03932) 1403W32B 1403W07A 1303W06A 1303W07A 021(24034)(08899) 1403W32C

46.70090 46.67026 46.62637 46.64661 46.70309 46.65430 46.69143 46.63712 46.63242 46.70459 46.64820

-123.16716 -123.14844 -123.11168 -123.09566 -123.11952 -123.09785 -123.11896 -123.11925 -123.11585 -123.18445 -123.09785

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Percent Passable 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67

Upstream Habitat (miles) 1.72 1.44 22.22 24.42 22.07 9.54 4.79 12.11 12.01 3.07 9.69 9.17 4.01 6.28 0.87 0.84 17.78 4.91 7.55 7.52 1.79 5.43 5.04 4.84 3.36 3.29

0.67 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67

55.28 18.38 11.71 11.57 31.98 10.27 20.57 15.04 14.71 4.56 11.48

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 12.9 566 78.80% 11.7 629 76.30% 226.2 1 100.00% 81.6 38 98.60% 73.5 46 98.30% 64.6 59 97.80% 48.9 98 96.30% 41.0 132 95.00% 40.6 136 94.80% 33.7 174 93.40% 32.3 187 93.00% 31.3 198 92.60% 28.9 221 91.70% 21.7 318 88.10% 11.7 629 76.30% 11.4 646 75.70% 59.7 68 97.40% 52.1 88 96.70% 25.9 255 90.20% 25.8 262 90.20% 20.9 337 87.30% 18.2 390 85.30% 17.6 413 84.40% 17.0 427 83.80% 12.1 609 77.00% 11.5 639 75.90% Lincoln Management Unit 183.1 5 99.80% 124.5 14 99.50% 119.1 15 99.40% 117.7 17 99.40% 106.2 24 99.10% 70.1 51 98.10% 68.5 53 98.00% 50.3 92 96.50% 49.2 96 96.40% 47.6 104 96.10% 38.5 150 94.30%

3 of 9

WAU-Name Elk Creek Elk Creek Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Rock-Jones Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Stillman Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek

Coho Salmon + + +

Chinook Salmon


Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout

Cutthroat Trout

+ + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + +

+ + +

+ + +


+ + + + + +

+ + + + + +

+ + + +

+ + +

+ + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID 1403W32A 1304W12A 1403W30A 021(24034)(00730) 1303W04D 1303W04C 1404W24A 021(24024)(01701) 1403W29B 1303W04A 1404W20B 1304W01A L1404W23A 1404W23A 021(28001)(06343) 1504W06A 1504W06B 1505W04A 1505W11B 1505W16A 1505W08A 1505W10A 1505W02D 1505W02G 1505W11C 1505W21A 021(10026)(02100) 1504W15A 021(10019)(13700) 021(10000)(00271) 1403W03A 1504W21A 1503W17A 021(10004)(01019) 021(91015)(00761) 021(91009)(01364) 1503W31B 1503W31A

Latitude 46.65680 46.62323 46.66880 46.63543 46.64442 46.64570 46.68862 46.67149 46.66751 46.64700 46.69062 46.63830 46.69133 46.69133 46.63263 46.81348 46.81172 46.80952 46.80173 46.78431 46.80048 46.80728 46.81392 46.80998 46.80188 46.77472 46.73405 46.78969 46.71410 46.79349 46.72768 46.77515 46.79031 46.76552 46.73938 46.76302 46.74895 46.74663

Longitude -123.09765 -123.12555 -123.09985 -123.06920 -123.07445 -123.07425 -123.13095 -123.11983 -123.08385 -123.07514 -123.21106 -123.13605 -123.15660 -123.15660 -123.11676 -123.23703 -123.23635 -123.31327 -123.28777 -123.31321 -123.34740 -123.29647 -123.28062 -123.27668 -123.27207 -123.31215 -123.19333 -123.17566 -123.24532 -123.17684 -123.05048 -123.18919 -123.09767 -123.19020 -123.04228 -123.24799 -123.10987 -123.10732

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Salmon Species Present 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

Percent Passable 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67

Upstream Habitat (miles) 3.45 8.62 2.05 5.77 2.64 1.60 1.56 2.40 1.43 1.36 1.27 4.13 3.43 3.43 1.57 14.04 13.94 2.39 6.55 4.63 1.22 4.07 1.17 3.65 3.56 0.95 45.00 14.36 10.64 13.79 19.95 6.13 5.87 5.73 17.38 14.69 13.32 12.95

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 36.5 158 94.10% 29.1 219 91.80% 22.5 303 88.60% 19.7 355 86.70% 19.0 372 85.90% 18.0 400 84.90% 17.6 413 84.40% 17.4 419 84.30% 16.3 447 83.20% 15.6 458 82.80% 14.7 479 82.00% 14.3 499 81.30% 12.0 615 76.90% 12.0 615 76.90% 11.9 618 76.70% 47.0 109 95.90% 46.7 110 95.80% 25.9 255 90.20% 22.3 308 88.40% 15.9 452 83.00% 14.2 501 81.10% 14.1 507 80.90% 13.7 526 80.30% 12.7 572 78.50% 12.4 591 77.60% 11.5 639 75.90% 149.5 7 99.70% 145.6 8 99.70% 109.4 22 99.20% 93.7 28 98.90% 66.5 56 97.90% 63.3 62 97.70% 60.7 66 97.50% 59.3 69 97.40% 58.3 72 97.30% 49.1 97 96.40% 44.6 116 95.70% 43.4 119 95.50%

4 of 9

WAU-Name Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Bunker Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Garrard Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek

Coho Salmon + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Chinook Salmon

Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout

+ +


Cutthroat Trout + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID 1503W12A 1403W04C 021(10000)(00064) 1504W28A 021(91009)(02925) 1503W07A 1504W29A 1503W31D 021(10000)(01485) 021(10004)(01536) 1503W17B 1503W31C 341972 021(10004)(00716) 1505W12AA 021(10004)(01168) 1504W26A 021(10024)(00877) 021(91015)(06963) 021(91009)(02604) 1504W21C 021(10004)(00013) 1504W14A 1504W33A 021(24002)(01505) 021(91025)(01010) 1403W34A 1403W10C 021(24005)(01131) 021(91017)(00973) 1302W29B 021(14001)(01340) 021(24002)(01242) 021(14004)(00698) 021(31013)(02557) 991757 991544 1303W16A

Latitude 46.80210 46.72497 46.79064 46.77544 46.76254 46.79370 46.75388 46.74949 46.79349 46.75904 46.78848 46.74916 46.78844 46.76989 46.71626 46.76341 46.75360 46.77081 46.75656 46.76243 46.77079 46.77901 46.78785 46.74016 46.66281 46.70634 46.64984 46.71566 46.63638 46.71379 46.57872 46.70315 46.66134 46.70730 46.57457 46.62713 46.62693 46.60670

Longitude -123.12707 -123.06548 -123.17564 -123.18670 -123.28009 -123.10979 -123.21622 -123.09991 -123.19065 -123.19338 -123.09743 -123.10095 -123.09725 -123.19078 -123.25685 -123.18986 -123.15009 -123.21133 -123.14685 -123.27343 -123.21121 -123.18743 -123.14979 -123.19077 -123.05823 -122.99589 -123.04925 -123.03306 -123.03660 -122.99442 -122.95824 -123.00045 -123.05397 -123.01594 -122.96343 -123.06340 -123.06495 -123.06525

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Salmon Species Present 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

Percent Passable 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33

Upstream Habitat (miles) 11.79 10.03 9.74 2.91 2.59 8.16 2.36 7.29 7.17 2.15 2.05 6.55 2.05 6.13 1.74 5.55 5.44 5.27 2.34 1.16 1.82 3.76 3.74 1.46 18.71 27.69 26.14 11.38 32.03 27.12 11.94 21.73 20.07 19.28 15.95 15.85 15.81 6.55

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 39.6 145 94.50% 33.8 173 93.50% 32.8 183 93.10% 31.1 200 92.50% 27.9 230 91.40% 27.6 236 91.10% 25.6 263 90.20% 24.7 276 89.60% 24.3 281 89.40% 23.5 290 89.20% 22.5 303 88.60% 22.3 308 88.40% 21.5 322 87.80% 20.9 337 87.30% 19.4 365 86.30% 19.0 372 85.90% 18.6 381 85.60% 18.1 395 85.10% 17.0 427 83.80% 13.6 529 80.10% 13.5 532 79.90% 13.1 554 79.00% 13.0 562 78.90% 11.8 623 76.50% 189.1 3 99.90% 186.9 4 99.80% 176.5 6 99.80% 115.8 20 99.20% 106.4 23 99.10% 90.5 31 98.80% 82.0 37 98.60% 72.4 49 98.20% 66.9 55 97.90% 64.3 61 97.70% 53.6 78 97.00% 53.3 80 97.00% 53.2 81 97.00% 45.9 112 95.80%

5 of 9

WAU-Name Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Lincoln Creek Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns

Coho Salmon

Chinook Salmon

Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ +

+ + + +

Cutthroat Trout + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID 021(31013)(02326) 021(24038)(07422) 1303W23A 021(30100)(02179) 021(22850)(02861) 1303W10A 021(22901)(00022) 021(22850)(03138) 021(22850)(03024) 1302W19A 1302W32B 1302W28B 1303W17A 1303W14A 1403W25A 021(30100)(04686) 021(31013)(00854) 1303W15A 1303W24C 021(44002)(00595) 1303W24E 021(24021)(02297) 021(23000)(02686) 1302W31B 1302W31A

Latitude 46.57638 46.61441 46.59858 46.56178 46.57998 46.62117 46.57714 46.57597 46.57762 46.59985 46.56151 46.58001 46.61843 46.61989 46.67175 46.58959 46.57627 46.61261 46.60347 46.62285 46.60347 46.61972 46.59803 46.56489 46.57633

Longitude -122.96104 -123.03030 -123.04313 -122.96480 -123.03401 -123.04515 -123.03367 -123.03405 -123.03403 -122.99014 -122.96477 -122.94594 -123.08275 -123.02015 -123.00485 -122.99100 -122.93076 -123.04225 -123.00944 -122.99611 -123.00634 -123.04509 -123.06097 -122.97814 -122.98354

Salmon Species Present 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3

021(94006)(01315) 021(15051)(03086) 021(40028)(02366) 021(40077)(01126) 021(40051)(01242) 994286 1301W04A 021(40046)(00032) 1402W28A 021(40051)(01588) 021(15082)(00259) 021(40077)(00103)

46.59290 46.69174 46.59983 46.63028 46.64167 46.61929 46.64130 46.61954 46.66368 46.64478 46.69555 46.62156

-122.90814 -122.89708 -122.91280 -122.87500 -122.89238 -122.92414 -122.81546 -122.91858 -122.93494 -122.88749 -122.89247 -122.89197

3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Percent Passable 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67

Upstream Habitat (miles) 12.64 5.33 3.16 2.87 9.32 3.95 7.68 7.66 7.52 2.17 2.88 6.08 2.82 5.87 5.59 4.86 4.74 1.35 2.05 4.08 1.90 3.86 3.78 1.58 3.30

0.00 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67

13.65 23.06 16.57 7.30 14.37 13.58 3.91 12.40 12.28 12.01 12.02 11.07

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 42.7 122 95.40% 37.1 157 94.10% 34.6 164 93.90% 31.7 193 92.80% 31.1 200 92.50% 27.8 232 91.30% 26.0 253 90.50% 25.9 255 90.20% 25.5 264 90.10% 24.7 276 89.60% 21.3 327 87.70% 21.1 332 87.60% 20.9 337 87.30% 20.4 347 87.00% 19.1 370 86.10% 17.0 427 83.80% 16.6 436 83.70% 15.5 460 82.60% 15.1 472 82.30% 14.5 485 81.70% 14.1 507 80.90% 13.7 526 80.30% 13.5 532 79.90% 12.6 577 78.20% 11.9 618 76.70% Newaukum Management Unit 139.5 9 99.70% 76.8 43 98.40% 55.7 75 97.20% 50.3 92 96.50% 48.1 102 96.20% 45.5 114 95.70% 42.1 124 95.40% 41.6 125 95.20% 41.2 129 95.20% 40.3 140 94.70% 40.3 140 94.70% 37.2 156 94.20%

6 of 9

WAU-Name Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Scammon-Stearns Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF

Coho Salmon + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Chinook Salmon

Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout

Cutthroat Trout

+ + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID 1302W12E 1302W26A 021(15080)(00490) 995539 021(17121)(00400) 125 1302W23A 021(40017)(02135) 021(15051)(04407) 1302W12A 021(15080)(01316) 021(91005)(02938) 021(15051)(04436) 021(40031)(00620) 125 1301W04A 1302W12C 021(15051)(01999) 1302W12B 125 1402W34B 021(15781)(00325) 1301W23D 125 1301W23D 021(45011)(07070) 1301W22B 1301E18A 1301E18A 1301E34A 125 1301E34A 021(94001)(15790) 021(40106)(00918) 021(40106)(00558) 125 1301W22B 1301E15B 1301E15C 125 1301E18A 021(96001)(16720) 125 1301W23A 1301E14A 125 1301W26A

Latitude 46.62456 46.58353 46.68660 46.59235 46.70610 46.59131 46.59101 46.70588 46.63018 46.68462 46.65570 46.70630 46.63407 46.64130 46.63018 46.69631 46.62996 46.65756 46.69876 46.60000 46.60000 46.60172 46.59308 46.61002 46.61002 46.57267 46.57267 46.61550 46.58892 46.58374 46.59710 46.61480 46.61904 46.61002 46.61550 46.59322 46.61798 46.58277

Longitude -122.88436 -122.89857 -122.88737 -122.89660 -122.87954 -122.89240 -122.87669 -122.88726 -122.87399 -122.87570 -122.91839 -122.88726 -122.82576 -122.81546 -122.87354 -122.91766 -122.87020 -122.91133 -122.94856 -122.76470 -122.76470 -122.70787 -122.78631 -122.72991 -122.72991 -122.66224 -122.66224 -122.67557 -122.71953 -122.71957 -122.79313 -122.65919 -122.66791 -122.72991 -122.65610 -122.77338 -122.64972 -122.77139

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Salmon Species Present 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3

Percent Passable 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.00

Upstream Habitat (miles) 9.85 2.67 8.18 7.57 3.67 7.31 6.49 5.69 1.64 5.33 1.59 5.14 4.69 3.96 1.08 1.28 1.61 3.47 1.60 17.19 13.96 12.95 4.92 4.11 4.11 7.79 7.76 7.47 6.21 5.93 5.45 1.98 2.01 4.17 1.95 3.83 1.77 0.94

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 33.2 180 93.30% 29.7 213 92.00% 27.7 234 91.20% 26.0 253 90.50% 25.9 255 90.20% 25.1 271 89.90% 22.4 306 88.50% 19.4 365 86.30% 18.4 386 85.50% 18.2 390 85.30% 17.9 404 84.70% 17.6 413 84.40% 16.5 438 83.50% 14.1 507 80.90% 12.8 568 78.60% 12.8 568 78.60% 12.1 609 77.00% 12.1 609 77.00% 12.1 609 77.00% 116.5 19 99.30% 46.7 110 95.80% 43.4 119 95.50% 34.3 168 93.70% 28.9 221 91.70% 28.9 221 91.70% 26.7 242 90.90% 26.6 243 90.90% 25.3 267 89.90% 21.5 322 87.80% 20.6 343 87.10% 18.6 381 85.60% 15.3 468 82.40% 14.8 478 82.10% 14.4 491 81.40% 14.4 491 81.40% 13.3 545 79.40% 13.2 552 79.30% 12.4 591 77.60%

7 of 9

WAU-Name Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, Lower NF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF Newaukum, MF

Coho Salmon + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Chinook Salmon

Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout + + + +

+ +

+ + + + +


Cutthroat Trout + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID 1301E10B 021(46005)(05173) 021(46005)(04386) 021(46005)(04239) 021(46004)(00077) 1301W10A 021(46005)(03006) 021(40031)(01647) 021(64022)(00529) 021(66430)(00541) 1302E18B

Latitude 46.61926 46.64256 46.64951 46.65110 46.62712 46.62947 46.65290 46.61706 46.62334 46.60354 46.61178

Longitude -122.66210 -122.69925 -122.70440 -122.70418 -122.77160 -122.78406 -122.72800 -122.82411 -122.63240 -122.58374 -122.59940

Salmon Species Present 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 2 2

1501W27D 1501W33A 1501W33C 1401W03A 021(91019)(05513) 1501W26A 1402W08A 994301 1401W10A 1501W27B 1501W33B 1401W16A 021(16990)(00052) 1402W01A 021(17151)(05946) 021(17151)(07992) 021(16990)(00016) 1401W03B 1502W26A 021(17151)(08005) 021(17190)(01308) 021(91019)(06725) 1502W27A 1401W17A 021(17151)(07924) 1502W27B

46.75111 46.74563 46.73680 46.73218 46.75447 46.75598 46.71525 46.71298 46.73215 46.75643 46.75762 46.69969 46.72715 46.72403 46.70669 46.70140 46.72765 46.73271 46.75500 46.70157 46.69594 46.76356 46.75449 46.69615 46.70066 46.75630

-122.78328 -122.81370 -122.73680 -122.78056 -122.83447 -122.77081 -122.96779 -122.97524 -122.83523 -122.79426 -122.83120 -122.82092 -122.92657 -122.86633 -122.85077 -122.82127 -122.92655 -122.79326 -122.90000 -122.82115 -122.84384 -122.81833 -122.92189 -122.84735 -122.82165 -122.92210

2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Percent Passable 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.33

Upstream Habitat (miles) 3.37 14.57 4.42 4.24 1.48 2.25 4.76 3.40 11.41 8.95 1.78

0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00

12.54 16.57 14.78 14.04 22.01 9.85 18.94 18.76 5.87 16.30 16.07 3.55 9.51 2.89 3.49 3.35 6.65 6.50 1.62 4.37 2.00 1.25 1.06 1.06 3.50 0.94

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 11.8 623 76.50% 49.4 95 96.40% 31.6 194 92.70% 30.4 207 92.30% 18.8 378 85.80% 17.8 409 84.60% 16.4 443 83.30% 12.5 583 77.90% 117.1 18 99.30% 30.2 208 92.20% 13.3 545 79.40% Skookumchuck Management Unit 127.4 12 99.50% 113.0 21 99.20% 101.0 25 99.10% 95.4 26 99.00% 73.3 47 98.20% 67.3 54 98.00% 63.2 63 97.60% 62.6 64 97.60% 61.7 65 97.60% 54.4 76 97.10% 54.0 77 97.10% 38.5 150 94.30% 32.0 189 92.90% 31.9 190 92.90% 25.4 265 90.00% 24.5 279 89.60% 22.6 302 88.70% 22.1 312 88.30% 18.2 390 85.30% 15.4 465 82.50% 14.7 479 82.00% 14.5 485 81.70% 12.6 577 78.20% 12.6 577 78.20% 12.5 583 77.90% 12.4 591 77.60%

8 of 9

WAU-Name Newaukum, MF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Newaukum, Upper NF Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford Hanaford

Coho Salmon + + + + + + + + +

Chinook Salmon +

+ + +

Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ +

+ + + + + +


+ +

Cutthroat Trout + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 4 Tier 1 Ranked Barrier Sites within WRIA 23

Site ID Latitude Longitude 1503W15A 46.79197 -123.03214 1503W12B 46.80183 -122.99496 1601W16D 46.87243 -122.81327 1601W38C 46.86380 -122.84612 1601W38B 46.86547 -122.84574 1601W16A 46.86750 -122.80243 23.0720 0.25 46.85726 -122.82613 1601W04A 46.89426 -122.80941 981727 46.84512 -122.99046 1502W08A 46.80553 -122.96345 340868 46.77829 -122.92208 343112 46.77324 -122.92366 021(91011)(00487) 46.73536 -122.96404 1502W21B 46.77367 -122.94614 996468 46.80759 -122.86276 1502W15C 46.78782 -122.91873 340733 46.78005 -122.96112 1501W06C 46.81923 -122.86811 1502W02A 46.82049 -122.87696 1502W11B 46.79513 -122.89709 343717 46.81968 -122.85196 1502W32B 46.74962 -122.95944 996469 46.81477 -122.86254 991040 46.77357 -122.99814 341468 46.82860 -122.72858 1501W05B 46.81036 -122.82517 Data from Mason Conservation District (2010) Latitude and Longitude provided in NAD 83

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Salmon Species Present 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 3

Percent Passable 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.67 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33

Upstream Habitat (miles) 25.16 10.33 13.09 6.01 5.94 2.81 1.18 3.97 3.83 3.75 12.57 13.23 25.02 15.10 13.96 11.65 4.70 6.51 6.05 2.45 5.22 1.41 4.62 4.49 4.57 1.65

Salmonid Presence Raw Score RANK PERCENT 84.0 34 98.70% 70.6 50 98.10% 43.9 118 95.60% 41.6 125 95.20% 41.1 130 95.10% 30.1 209 92.10% 13.8 519 80.40% 13.8 519 80.40% 13.3 545 79.40% 13.0 562 78.90% 128.7 11 99.60% 90.7 30 98.90% 83.6 35 98.70% 50.8 91 96.60% 47.1 108 96.00% 39.8 143 94.60% 33.5 176 93.40% 22.5 303 88.60% 21.0 333 87.40% 19.1 370 86.10% 18.2 390 85.30% 17.1 426 84.10% 16.2 449 83.20% 15.8 455 83.00% 15.7 456 82.90% 13.1 554 79.00%

9 of 9

WAU-Name Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Scatter Creek Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower Skookumchuck, Lower

Coho Salmon

Chinook Salmon

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




Chum Salmon

Steelhead Trout

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Cutthroat Trout + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 5 LCCD Culverts Surveyed and Ranked for Replacement Culvert Identifier 125 1703W25A 125 1703W17A 341513 125 1703W17G 125 1703W17H 125 1205W05A 125 1303W31A 125 1304W03A 021(24019)(04778) 021(27000)(02203) 125 1304W35A 021(25510)(00106) 021(27000)(02426) 021(25401)(03773) 021(27501)(02750) 1203W31B 125 1203W30A 021(24019)(04032) 1405W34A 125 1305W25B 021(24019)(02040) 1305W23D 125 1404W15A 125 1403W34A 021(31013)(02557) 021(24002)(01505) 125 1303W06A 021(24024)(03932) 125 1505W11A 021(24034)(02386) 021(28001)(05816) 125 1403W32B 1403W32D 1503W27A 125 1505W11B 125 1503W12A 1404W17A 125 1503W17A 125 1403W32A 125 1504W21A 021(10019)(13700) 021(10000)(00271) 1303W06B

Species Present* Data Source Priority Index Stream Name Black River Management Unit Salmon Creek WDFW 23.88 Unnamed WDFW 15.47 Salmon Cr Coho Salmon WDFW 12.24 Unnamed WDFW 7.71 Unnamed WDFW 6.35 Boistfort Management Unit McCormick Cr Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon WDFW 25.6 Unnamed WDFW 24.37 Nicholson Cr Coho Salmon WDFW 16.8 Halfway Cr Coho Salmon WDFW 12.87 Absher Creek Coho Salmon LCCD 12.84 Beaver Cr Steelhead Trout WDFW 12.11 Lost Cr Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon WDFW 11.68 Taylor Cr WDFW 10.67 Lost Cr WDFW 10.19 Marcuson Creek Coho Salmon WDFW 10.18 Root House Creek Coho Salmon LCCD 8.76 Root House Cr Coho Salmon WDFW 8.54 Halfway Cr Coho Salmon WDFW 7.42 Capps Creek LCCD 5.68 Katula Cr WDFW 3.68 Jones Cr WDFW 3.64 LCCD 3.26 Lincoln Management Unit Bunker Cr Coho Salmon WDFW 33.83 Mill Cr WDFW 25.93 Ripple Creek Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon WDFW 23.88 Mill Cr WDFW 20.74 Unnamed Coho Salmon WDFW 20.46 Tapp Cr Coho Salmon WDFW 20.31 WDFW 19.04 Van Ornum Creek Coho Salmon WDFW 18.47 unknown WDFW 18.16 Van Ornum Cr WDFW 17.99 Van Orum Creek Coho Salmon LCCD 17.99 LCCD 17.83 WDFW 17.14 Unnamed WDFW 16.95 Bunker Creek Coho Salmon LCCD 16.81 Unnamed WDFW 16.8 Unnamed WDFW 16.56 Coho Salmon WDFW 16.45 Wildcat Creek Coho Salmon LCCD 15.87 Unnamed Coho Salmon WDFW 15.69 LCCD 15.57

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

1 of 3

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 5 LCCD Culverts Surveyed and Ranked for Replacement Culvert Identifier

Data Source Priority Index Stream Name

125 1303W07A 125 1403W32C 1303W07D 1303W07C 021(23000)(00460) 125 1504W15A 125 1403W30A 125 1503W07A 125 1503W31C 125 1304W12A 125 1503W31A 021(10004)(01019) 125 1504W28A 125 1304W01A 125 1302W28B 125 1503W31B 1503W07C 021(24038)(07422) 341973 021(24034)(08899) 1503W18C 125 1303W04C 125 1302W31A 021(10004)(00716) 125 1403W29B 125 1503W17B 125 1303W04D 125 1303W04A 1503W17F 021(10004)(01168) 1504W28C 021(24034)(00730) 1503W07E 125 1405W24A 021(10004)(01536) 1503W07D 1504W28D


15.41 15.38 15.3 15.27 14.87 14.84 14.64 14.63 14.48 14.32 14.07 13.74 13.65 13.47 13.4 13.12 13.05 13.04 12.96 12.89 11.75 11.56 11.48 10.97 10.67 10.63 10.57 10.51 10.26 9.92 8.73 8.48 7.92 7.1 6.59 5.75 5.21

021(94006)(01315) 125 1301W23D 125 1301E34A 125 1302W12E 021(40077)(00103) 021(45011)(07070) 125 1301E23A 021(94001)(15790)


18.47 18 17.6 17.53 16.22 15 13 12

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Unnamed Van Ornum Cr

Species Present* Coho Salmon

Coho Salmon Unnamed Van Ornum Cr Unnamed Sponenbergh Cr Unnamed Sponenbergh Cr Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Ripple Cr Unnamed

Coho Salmon

Coho Salmon

Stearns Cr

Coho Salmon

Coho Salmon Coho Salmon

Bunker Cr Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed

Coho Salmon Coho Salmon

Unnamed unknown Unnamed Unnamed

Newaukum Management Unit Allen Creek Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon MF Newaukum River Coho Salmon Lost Cr Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon Berwick Cr Berwick Cr Coho Salmon MF Newaukum River Coho Salmon Steelhead Trout, Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon MF Newaukum River Coho Salmon

2 of 3

February 2012 100705-01.02

Table 5 LCCD Culverts Surveyed and Ranked for Replacement Culvert Identifier 125 1301E10B 1302W26C 125 1301E23B 125 1402W24A 125 1402W24B 021(15080)(01316)

Data Source Priority Index Stream Name WDFW LCCD WDFW WDFW WDFW WDFW

125 1402W01A WDFW 021(91019)(05513) WDFW 125 1707W14A WDFW 125 1707W13A WDFW MF = Middle Fork *Fish distribution from WDFW database

10 9.59 8.26 7.18 7.09 6.19 13 11.43 19.93 10.27

Draft Phase 1 Report Chehalis River Basin Enhancement Opportunities

Species Present*

MF Newaukum River Lost Cr Coho Salmon Unnamed Coho Salmon Unnamed Coho Salmon Skookumchuck Management Unit Unnamed Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon Packwood Cr Steelhead Trout, Coho Salmon Unnamed Unnamed

3 of 3

February 2012 100705-01.02


( ! ( ! ! ( ( !

( ! Chehalis River

Sto n

( !

( !

yC ree

( !

( ! k


! Seattle


Grays Harbor Co.

ar Ced

( !

ek Cre

( ! ( !( !

( !





r ee nC col Lin

( !





( !

( !

Grand Mound

( !


( !


( !



( !

Fords Prairie ( !


( !! (

( !

Wildcat Creek

Sa lze r

( !

( ! Bunker


( !

( !

( Chehalis !


Chehalis River


(Mill Creek !

( !

( !

Cr ee


( !

( !

a Ste

( !

ick rw Be

ee Cr


( ! NF

u wa Ne

m ku

ve Ri



MF Newaukum Riv


( !

k ee Cr

Pe Ell


( !

( !

( !

( ! er

( ! SF Newau kum River

( ! Boistfort ( !

( !

Boistfort (! ! (


Ch e

ha l


Ri ve


lis heha WF C iver R

is al eh Ch iver EF R

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\PRISM_data.mxd epipkin 1/6/2012 12:00:40 PM


( !

( !

Elk Creek

M cC Cr orm ee ic k k

Lewis Co.


( !! (


Thurston Co.

Scatter Creek

Cr ee

is R

( !



Ch eha l

ce en nd k e ep ee ! ( Ind Cr

! ( ( !


Pacific Co.

! ( ( !


( !

! ( k (rrard Cree !

( !


( !

!! ( (


( !


Co ffe

Williams Creek Davis

( ! ! (

Beaver Creek


( !

( ! Bla ck Ri ve

Sh e


Cre e


( !


Completed Projects

Management Units

( !

Proposed Projects

Chehalis River

( !

In Progress Projects

Rivers and Streams



Miles 5




Figure 1 PRISM Projects within Management Units Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Lewis County Flood Authority

BL-1 (Management Unit Wide)

# ! ( # BL-2 " )

CH-5 (Beginning at RM 20)


BL-4 " )

Ch eh ali sR ive

# , % # , % ! (

! (! # , % (


# ! (




# ! ( # ! (


# ! (

R.M. 35

R.M. 20

k ee Cr ell


R.M. 36

# , % Sal ! mo( n

R.M. 21

d ad W

R.M. 34

" )

# ! ( # ! ( ! # ( ! ( # ! ( # ! ( ## ! ( # ( #! ! (

# ! (

Cre# ( ek !

! ( ! ( ! ( ##

, % ! (

R.M. 19

n Alle

R.M. 37

k Cree #

! (


R.M. 18


# # ! # (

# #

# Mill C re

R.M. 38

# BL-5 " )

# # BL-3 " ! ( ) # ! ( # ! (

R.M. 42

r Cre



# ! ( R.M. 41 # # # ! ( # # ! (

Bea ve


# # ! ( ! (

R.M. 16



ek r Cre a d e C

R.M. 15


BL-6 ) #"

# ! ( # ! (


# ! (

# ! (


R.M. 40

# ! (

R.M. 17

Mi m

R.M. 39


R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Black_Mgt_Area_11x17.mxd epipkin 1/11/2012 11:47:58 AM

R.M. 43

# ! ( " )


R.M. 6


R.M. 44

R.M. 2 R.M.47 0 R.M. R.M. 1 R.M. 45

# ! (

R.M. 5

R.M. 8 R.M. 9 R.M. 10

a Bl

R.M. 4


# ! (

# #

# ! (



# ! (

R.M. 13

er iv R



R.M. 3


R.M. 46


Rochester R.M. 48


R.M. 14

R.M. 11

R.M. 7

# ! ( # ! (


R.M. 12


# ! (

, Culvert Prioritized by LCCD %

R.M. 49 R.M. 50 R.M. 53 R.M. 51

R.M. 54 R.M. 55

R.M. 52

Che ha

NOTES: 1. Conceptual project compiled from multiple sources, locations shown are approximate. 2. Prioritized culvert data provided by Lewis County Conservation District. 3. Ranked culverts provided by Mason Conservation District, 2010. 4. Barrier culvert data and fish distribution acquired from WDFW. 5. River miles acquired from USGS. 6. Stream data acquired from WDNR. 7. Base map provided by ESRI.

R.M. 56

lis R iver


R.M. 57

Miles 1

R.M. 58


MCD Ranked Culverts Potential Project # WDFW Barrier Culvert ! ( Tier 1 " ) Habitat Work Schedule R.M. 12 ! ( Tier 2 ) PRISM WDFW Salmonid Fish Distribution " R.M. 13 R.M. 15 R.M. 14 Chehalis River Basin Draft ! ( Tier 3 " ) R.M. 16 Management Unit R.M. 17 Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan R.M. 18 R.M. 11 Bucoda^ Flood Reduction Project " R.M. 59 ) Twin Cities R.M. 10 Mitigation Site Evaluations Grand Mound ^ R.M. 19


Figure 2 Black Management Unit Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Lewis County Flood Authority

Elk Creek


k El e Cr ek

, % # * ! ( # * # * ! ( ! (

, % #% * ! ( # ! * , ! ( # * (

R.M. 100

# * ! (

# * ! ( # * ! ( # #! * * ( ( #! * ! (

# *

R.M. 99



R.M. 101

#! * ! ( # * #* # ( #* * ! (

#* # , % #* * ! ( # Chehalis * ! ( # River * #* * ! ( #! #! * # * ( # ! * ! ( # * ( ( #! * # * ! ( ( # * # * ! ( # * # ! * ( ( , % #! # * * ! ( ! ( # * # * ! ( R.M. 97

R.M. 102

, % # * ! ( # # * * ! ( ! ( # * ! ( # (* # * * ( #! #! #* * ! (

# * ! (

R.M. 107

# *

R.M. 108

# *

, % # * ! ( # * ! (

# * ! (

R.M. 86

R.M. 82



R.M. 79

R.M. 81

# * ( ! (! # *

R.M. 87

R.M. 80

" ) BF-5

R.M. R.M.88 0

R.M.R.M. 90 89

# * ! (

# * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( R.M. 3 # ! * #! * # * ! ( ( ( #! * ( # * ! ( R.M. 4 # * ! ( # ! * ! ( # * ( R.M. #5 * ! ( # * ! ( # ( * ! ( # * # * ! ( ! ( ! # * ! ( R.M. ! ( # * #6 * ! ( ! ( R.M. 2

# * ! ( , % # * ! (

# * ! ( # * ( # ! * ! ( , % # * #! * ( ! ( , % # * ! ( ek Cre

, % # * ! ( # * ! (

Ha l fw ay Cre e

R.M. 112

R.M. 114

# * ! (

R.M. 1

R.M. 110 R.M. 111

r ive R s ali R.M. 113 eh h C

R.M. 91

, % # * ! (

st Lo

R.M. 109

! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( ## * ! ( * ! ! ( ! ( # * ( #* * ! ( #

# * ! (

R.M. 106

R.M. 83

R.M. 92

# * ! (


^ # * ! (

# * ! (

! (

! (

BF-3 (Stillman Creek)

R.M. 115

# * ! (

! (

R.M. 8

# * ! (

, % # * ! ( ! (

BF-2 & BF-4 (South Fork Chehalis River)

R.M. 10

Cr e

R.M. 11

ma n

R.M. 117

# * ! (

R.M. 7

R.M. 9

! (

R.M. 116

# *



## * ! ( * ! ( ! ( # * # * # * #! * ! ( ! ( # * # ! * # * ! ( ( ( #! * R # ! o ( # * c k Creek * ( # *

# * # ! # ! * * ! ( ( ( # * ! ( # *Ell Pe! ( # ! * ( # * ( ^ !

R.M. 84

R.M. 85

R.M. 93

! ( , % ! ( , % # #! * * ( ! ( # ! * (

R.M. 105



R.M. 94

# * # * ! (

# * ( #! * ! ( # * ! ( # * ( #! * # * ! ( R.M. 104# * ! ( # * ! ( R.M. 103

, % # * ! (

R.M. 95

R.M. 96

# * ! (

BF-1 (Upper Chehalis River within Boistfort Management Area)

# * ! (

R.M. 98

SF Ch e Riv halis er

# * # *

# *

, % # ! * ( ! (! ,! % # * ( %( ,

Lake Creek

St ill

R.M. 12

# * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! (

R.M. 118

R.M. 13

R.M. 119

R.M. 14

R.M. 120 R.M. 15

WF C heh Cree alis k

R.M. 121 R.M. 122

! (

R.M. 123

lis ha R.M. 125 e Ch eek EF Cr R.M. 126

R.M. 17 R.M. 124

R.M. 18 R.M. 19

R.M. 127

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Boistfort_Mgt_Area._11x17.mxd epipkin 1/11/2012 11:51:26 AM

R.M. 20

! (


R.M. 21

s ali eh h C er SF Riv

, Culvert Prioritized by LCCD % # WDFW Barrier Culvert * WDFW Salmonid Fish Distribution Management Unit Potential Project " ) Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project Mitigation Site Evaluations

# * ! ( # * ! ( #! * ! ( # * (

R.M. 23 R.M. 23.700001

R.M. 22

NOTES: 1. Conceptual project compiled from multiple sources, locations shown are approximate. 2. Prioritized culvert data provided by Lewis County Conservation District. 3. Barrier culvert data and fish distribution acquired from WDFW. 4. Ranked culverts provided by Mason Conservation District, 2010. 5. River miles acquired from USGS. 6. Stream data acquired from WDNR. 7. Base map provided by ESRI.

MCD Ranked Culverts ! ( Tier 1 ! ( Tier 2 ! ( Tier 3


# * ! (

R.M. 16

Miles 1



Figure 3 Boistfort Management Unit Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Lewis County Flood Authority


LI-5 (Gaddis Creek)

# * ! (

R.M. 34

re e is C d d Ga

k R.M. 35 ! # * (

# #* * ! ( # * ( #! * ! ( # * # ! * ! # ( * ( # * # * ! ( ! ( # * ! ( # ! * # * ! ( (

R.M. 36

alis Cheh

R.M. 37

Cr ee k

# *

r Rive

Ro ck

R.M. 38

LI-6 (Rock/Williams Creek)

R.M. 39

Willi ams Cree k

R.M. 21

# * ! ( # * ! (

R.M. 20

R.M. 19

R.M. 40

R.M. 18

R.M. 41

R.M. 17

CH-3 (Oakville # # * * ! ( R.M. #42 * Backwater) # *

# *

# * # #* * LI-9 * # # * * " ) # # R.M. 44 * LI-4 (Garrard Creek) Garrard Creek # * ! ( ! (

# * ! (

# * ( #! * ! (

) LI-3 ^ "

# reek * * # Harris C R.M.47 0 R.M. R.M. 1

R.M. 45

# * ! ( # * ! (

R.M. 46

, ,% % ! ( # * ! (

R.M. 48

# * ! ( # * ! (

#! * ! ( #! * ( # * (


# * ! (

, #% *

# * ! ( # * , % ! (

# * ! (

Bun ke

# *

r Cre


# * , % ! ( # * # * , % ! (

# * , % ! (

# * # * , % ( ,! % #! * (

R.M. 54

# * , % ! (


R.M. 55 % Cheh (11.75) % ,, ali s RR.M. 56 #% * , % # * ! ( ! ( # * ,% ive ,! # * , % ( r # * ,! % , % (

# * # * ! ( # * # * ! (

# *

# * ( #! * ! (

# * ( #! * ( #! * ! (

re e k oln C c n i L

# * , % ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! (

R.M. 99

R.M. 97

R.M. 95

96 ChehaR.M. lis River

# WDFW Barrier Culvert * R.M. 103 WDFW Salmonid Fish Distribution Management Unit R.M. 104 DNR Watershed Administrative Unit R.M. 105

# * ! (

# * # * # * ! ! ( ( ! ( # * ! ( # * ! (

R.M. 63 R.M. 64 R.M. 4

Fords Prairie


R.M. 3 R.M. 2

R.M. 87

#! * # * (

R.M. 1 R.M. 66

# * ! ( # ! * # * ( ! ( # * ! ( #! * ! ( # * ( # * ! ( #! * ! # ( * (

R.M. 0 R.M. 67


^ R.M. 68

R.M. 69 R.M. 70 R.M. 71

#! * , % ! ( # * (

#! * ! ( #! * , % ( # * ( # *

# * # * , % ! ( ( #! * , % ! ( # * , % ( #! * ! ( # *

R.M. 82

# , % * ( #! * (* ! ( #!


R.M. 72

R.M. 73

# * , % ! ( # * ( # ! * ! ( # * ! (

# * , % ! ( R.M. #^81 # * * ! ! ( ( # * # * ! (

# * ! (

# * ! (

R.M. 74



R.M. 76 R.M. 75 R.M. 0

( #! * ! (

R.M. 77 R.M. 78

# * ! (

R.M. 79 R.M. 80

R.M. 1

# * ! ( # * Newaukum ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( ^ # * # #! * , % # ! * * # ( ! ( ! ( ( # * # * ! (* ! ( ! ( # * ! ( # * # * # * ! ( # * ! ( ! ( # * ! ( # #* * ! ( ! ( # * # * # * ! ( ! ( # * # * ! ( # ! *! ( # * # ! * ( ( # * # * ! ( #! * # # ! * * er ! ! # ! ( ( ( * ( # * ( iv # * ! ( R # * is al # ! * # * ( h #* # * * # * # ! * ! ( ( ! ( ( #! * # he ! ( # * C ! ( # * # * ! F ( ! ( # * ! ( S # * ! ( LI-8 , % ! ( # ! * ! ( # * , % ( #! * ( (Scammon, Mill, and Stearns Creeks) # * #! * , % ! ( ( # * ! ( # * ! # * ! ( Napavine # ( * ! ( # * ! ( #^ * ! ( Boistfort # * , % ! ( # * # * ! ( ! ( ,% % , ^ #! * ! ( # * # * ( ! ( # * # * ! # ( * # * # * ! ( ! ( # * #! * ( ! ( #! * ! ( # * ( R.M. 2

R.M. R.M.88 0

R.M.R.M. 90 89

R.M. 3

R.M. 4

R.M. 1

R.M. 5

R.M. 2

r Stea

R.M. 3

reek ns C

R.M. 112

NOTES: 1. Conceptual project compiled from multiple sources, locations R.M. 113 shown are approximate. 2. Prioritized culvert data provided by Lewis County Conservation District. R.M. 114 3. Barrier culvert data and fish distribution acquired from WDFW. 4. Ranked culverts provided by Mason Conservation District, 2010. 5. River miles acquired from USGS. R.M. 115

R.M. 62

# * ! ( # * ! (

# * , % ! (

R.M. 86

R.M. 91

Potential Project R.M. 106 " ) PRISM ^ Pe Ell River Basin Draft " ) Chehalis R.M. 107 Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan " ) Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project Mitigation Site Evaluations R.M. 108 MCD Ranked Culverts ! ( Tier 1 R.M. 109 ! ( Tier 2 ! ( Tier 3 R.M. 110R.M. 111

R.M. 61

( # ! * ! ( ! (

R.M. 83

R.M. 92

, %

! (

R.M. 85

# * ! (

R.M. 60

# * , % ! ( # * ! (

R.M. 84

R.M. 93

Grand Mound


R.M. 65

# * , % ! ( # * , % ! ( , % Bunker % # * , ! ( # * , % ! ( ^ # * , % ! ( , % ! (% # * , # * # * , % ! ( , % , % # * , % ! ( # * , % ! (

R.M. 94

R.M. 58

#! # * * # ! * ! ( ( ( #! * # * # * # ! * ! ( #! * ! ( ( ! ( # ( * ( # * ! ( # * # * ! ! ( ( # * ! ( # * ! ( # ! * , % ! ( # * # * , % ! ( ( # * ! ( # * , ! % ! ( # * ( # * ! (

# * ! (

R.M. 98

R.M. 57 R.M. 59

# * ! (

# * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! (

102 , Culvert Prioritized byR.M. % LCCD

, % " )

R.M. 53

R.M. 52



R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Lincoln_Mgt_Area_11x17.mxd epipkin 1/11/2012 11:52:00 AM

R.M. 10


LI-1 (Lincoln Creek)

# * ! (


R.M. 8 R.M. 9

R.M. 49 R.M. 50

* ! ( # #! * # * ( # * ! ( # * ( # * #! * ! ( # * ( # ! * ! (

# *

R.M. 13

LI-10 (Garrard Creek)

R.M. 3

# * ! ( ! ( ! ( , % # * , % ! ( # * , % ! ( , % ! ( # * , #% * , % ! ( # * , % ! (

! (

# * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! ( # * ! (

LI-7 (Bunker Creek)

R.M. 101

R.M. 11 R.M. 7

R.M. 4

R.M. 2

# * ( # ! *

# * ! (

# ! # * * ( ( ende ! nce C * #k ( re! e

# *


R.M. 14 R.M. 6

R.M. 5

R.M. 51

LI-2 (Independence Creek)

R.M. 15

R.M. 12

# * ! (

# * ! (

R.M. 100




Cre ek

# * ( #! *

" )

! (

R.M. 43

R.M. 16

Dee p

# * ! (

LI-11 (Harris Creek)

R.M. 4

R.M. 5

R.M. 6

R.M. 8

R.M. 7

R.M. 9

R.M. 6

R.M. 7

R.M. 8

R.M. 9

R.M. 10 R.M. 116


Miles 1



Figure 4 Lincoln Management Unit Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Lewis County Flood Authority

ha Che

R.M. 64

iver lis R

R.M. 65


Fords Prairie


, Culvert Prioritized by LCCD %

R.M. 32 Potential Project MCD Ranked Culverts # WDFW Barrier Culvert * ! ( Tier 1 " ) Habitat Work Schedule R.M. 33 R.M. 34 Chehalis River Basin Draft ! ( Tier 2 ) WDFW Salmonid Fish Distribution " R.M. 35 Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan ! ( Tier 3 Management Unit " ) Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project Mitigation Site Evaluations

R.M. 2

NE-12 (Salzer Creek)

R.M. 1

R.M. 0 R.M. 67

NE-3 (Salzer Creek) # * ! ( # * # * R.M. 68 ! # ( * # * # * # # ! * * ! ( ( # * # * # * # * # * NE-10a/b # * # * # * ! ( #! * # * # ! * # * ( ! ( #* * # #" * * )(*# ! R.M. 69 ! ( # * ! ( # ( # * # * ! ( ( CH-7 " ) NE-10d NE-10e ! " ) R.M. 70 # * # * # * ( * # R.M. 71 * (" ! ( #! * )! " ) NE-11 ! ( # # * ! ( # * # * # * ! ( # * (Salzer Creek) # , * # * #! * , % # #% , % * * ! ( ( ( ! ( #! * # * # * # * # * ! #! ( * ! ! ( ( # * ( # R.M. 72 * R.M. 9 NE-10c ! ( # * ! ( k e Cre # * # * #! * zer # * l ( a # # * * # #S * * R.M. 73 " ) CH-9 # * ! ! ( ( R.M. 8 #! * #* * #* CH-6 ( # * # * " ) # # * R.M. 74 ! ( Chehalis # * ! ( # * # * # * # * " ) # * ( # * ! (! # * # * * ! ( #* R.M. 33 * # * * ! ( # NE-8 ^ # #* #! # * * #* #! #* * #* #* # * # # * * # #7 * ( ( # * # * * ! ( ! ( # * ! ( R.M. ! ( # * # ! ( ! ( # R.M.! 75 # * * R.M. 76 ( NE-4 R.M. 0 R.M. 32 NE-6 NE-15 " # * ) D # * ! ( # * , % (Dillenbaugh Creek) # * # * ! # * ( * ille ! ( ! ( # # * * # # # ! * * ( ! ( ! ( # * # * nb * ! ( R.M. 6 ! ( # * #* * # * ( # * ! ( R.M. 77 R.M. 1 NE-7 ! ( Lucas Creek " ) # a#u ! * # # * ! ( # * # * ! ( R.M. 31 ! ( # * # * g # * # * # * # #* * , % * ! R.M. 78 ( ! ! ( ( # * # * # * # * # * ! ! # ( ( * ! ( # # * NE-16 " ! ( ) ! (* # * # * ! ( # * # * #! * # R.M. 2 ! ( ( # * ! ( # * R.M. 79 ! ( # #* * # * # * # * # * ! ( R.M. 30 # * ! ( er Newaukum R.M. 5 # * #! * Riv # ! * ( NE-17 ! ( r # ( * R.M. 80 s # * i e k # iv #! * * ^ R.M. 3 " # NE-1 * # * al ! ( ( ! ( R.M. 29 re e ! eh #* # # * * # * * # mR* , % ( ( #! kC * ( ! ( # ) # * # * #! # * * #* c #* i (NF Newaukum) Ch w r # * e B R.M. 4 # * ! # ( * u # , % * ! ( # * ! ( #* # * # " * k (! # * # * #! * # R.M. 4 ( * ) NE-8 ! ( NE-5 au # # * * ! ( ! ( #! * # #* * * # * w ! ( R.M. 5 # * ( # * e # ! ( # * # , % #! * * # * (Berwick Creek) # * # * ( N ! ( ! ( # ! * # * ( ! ( ! # ( * ! ( ! R.M. 3 ( F # * # * # NE-13 * ! ( #* * % , #* # # N * * ! ( # R.M. 6 * ! ( #! ( * # ! ( " ) NE-14 ! ( # ! * # # * #! * # * * # * #R.M. 10NE-18 * ! * ( ! ( ( ! ( R.M. 2 ( # * ) ! ( # #* # * * R.M. 8 " # * #! # # # * #* * * * # * ! ( ! ( ( # * # * ! ( # R.M. 0 ! ( # # * ** R.M. " )11 R.M. 1 # NE-19 * # ! ( MF Newaukum River R.M. 7 R.M. 9 # * #* * #! * # #! * * # # ! * * ( #* ! # * ( ( ( # ! # * # * ! ( ( ( #! # # ! * * ( # * # * * ! # ( * # * # * , % # * ! ( ! ! ( ( # * # * , % # * ! ( # * ! ( ! ( # * # * # * # * ! ! (# ( NE-2 # * , % # * * ! ( # R.M. 12 * #( * * # * ! ! ( ( ( ( # * # ! # * * * #* # #! * #! # * # * ! ( # * ! ( # ! * ( ! ( ( NE-20 # # * * , % , ! % # * ! ! ( ( # * # , % * # * ! ( ! ( # * # * # * ( #! * #( # * ! * ( # * ! ( (MF Newaukum) ! ( # * # ! * ! ( ! ( R.M. 13 # # * * * # * # * ! ( ! ( ! ( # # ! * #! * ! ( #* * ( ( # * # * # ! ( ! ( # * # * ! ( # * * # * # * Napavine # # * #! * #! # * #! # * * * * ! # #* ! (! * * ( # R.M. 14* #R.M. * # ! ( # ( * ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( # # * ! # ( * # * ! ( 16 ( # * ! ( # * # * ( # * ^ ( ! ( R.M. 15 # R.M. 17! # * * # * # # * # * * # * ! ! ( ( # * # * #* * # # # * ! ( ( #* * SF Newauk R.M. 18 ! # * # * , % ! ( # * * # um River # * # * # * ! ( ! ( # * ! ( # #! * * # * ! ( ( # * ! ( R.M. 66




k ee Cr

um uk wa Ne

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Newaukum_Mgt_Area_11x17.mxd epipkin 1/11/2012 11:56:21 AM

r ve Ri

NOTES: 1. Conceptual project compiled from multiple sources, locations shown are approximate. 2. Prioritized culvert data provided by Lewis County Conservation District. 3. Barrier culvert data and fish distribution acquired from WDFW. 4. Ranked culverts provided by Mason Conservation District, 2010. 5. River miles acquired from USGS. 6. Stream data acquired from WDNR. 7. Base map provided by ESRI.


Miles 1



Figure 5 Newaukum Management Unit Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Lewis County Flood Authority

R.M. 17

# *


#* # * * ! ( #

, Culvert Prioritized by LCCD %

R.M. 16

# *

R.M. 15


^ R.M. 12

r ive R k acR.M. 14 Bl

# * # * ! (

# * ! (

! ( # * ! (

R.M. 11


! (

# * ! (

Potential Project MCD Ranked Culverts ! ( Tier 1 " ) Habitat Work Schedule Twin Cities Flood Reduction Project ! ( Tier 2 " ) Mitigation Site Evaluations ! ( Tier 3 " ) Chehalis River Basin Draft Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan

# * ! (


R.M. 13

# WDFW Barrier Culvert * WDFW Salmonid Fish Distribution Management Unit

SK-5 " )

! (

R.M. 10




^ R.M. 55

Che ha

56 lisR.M. Riv er


reek atter C

SK-4 (Lower Watershed, 36 miles Skookumchuck River, Coffee Creek, Salmon Creek, and Johnson Creek) # * # * ! ( R.M. 57

R.M. 58

# * ! (


! ( ! (

R.M. 60

# #* * ! (

# * ! (

! ( # * ! (

# * ! (

# * ! (

k uc ch um ok o Sk

! ( # * ! (

R.M. 61

Cr e

# * R.M. 62


# * ! (

# * ! (

R.M. 63

! (* #! # * ! ( (

Fords Prairie


# * ( # ! * ! (

Chehalis River

CH-1 " )R.M. 66" ) CH-8

# * ! ( ( ! (!

SK-2" )

! ( # * ! ( #! * # * ! ( (

R.M. 13

R.M. 14

R.M. 15 R.M. 16

^ ) SK-6 " )" SK-3


R.M. 17 R.M. 18

R.M. 11

R.M. 10


SK-1 # * ! ( # * (Skookumchuck River) Hanaford


# * ! (

# * ! ( # * ! ( ! ( #* * , % ! ( #



! (

# * ! (

# * ! (

# * ! (

# * * ! ( # ( #! * , % ! (

R. mchuck Skooku

# * ! ( # * ! (

! ( # * ! ( # #! #* * * ! # ! ( * ( ( # * # * ! ( ! ( #* * #* #! # * (

# * # *

R.M. 19

# *

# *

R.M. 3

R.M. 1

R.M. R.M. 067

#* # # * ! ( # * * ! ( ! ( R.M. 4

R.M. 2

R.M. 65

# * ! (

R.M. 12

# *

CH-2 " )

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Skookumchuck_Mgt_Area_11x17.mxd epipkin 1/11/2012 11:56:08 AM

! ( # * ! (

R.M. 64


! ( SK-7 " ) ! (

Grand Mound

R.M. 59

Li nc ol n

# * * ! ( # ! (

! (

# * * ! ( # ! (

# * ! (

! (

! (

R.M. 32 R.M. 33 R.M. 34 R.M. 35


#! * ! ( # * ( # * ! ( # * # * ! ( # * # * # * #! (* * (! ! (! ( # ! # * (

R.M. 68

R.M. 69

R.M. 70

R.M. 71

R.M. 72

R.M. 9

R.M. 73 R.M. 8 R.M. 74



R.M. 33 R.M. 7

R.M. 76 R.M. 75 R.M. 0

R.M. 32

R.M. 84 R.M. 77 R.M. 83

R.M. 6

R.M. 1

R.M. 31 R.M. 78

NOTES: 1. Conceptual project compiled from multiple sources, locations shown are approximate. 2. Prioritized culvert data provided by Lewis County Conservation District. 3. Barrier culvert data and fish distribution acquired from WDFW. 4. Ranked culverts provided by Mason Conservation District, 2010. 5. River miles acquired from USGS. 6. Stream data acquired from WDNR. 7. Base map provided by ESRI.


Miles 1



Figure 6 Skookumchuck Management Unit Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Lewis County Flood Authority

R.M. 26

rte Po

R.M. 27


rea rA

1 SR

R.M. 28

ckw Ba ate

R.M. 29


R.M. 30 R.M. 31

R.M. 32

R.M. 33

CH-10 LI-12

R.M. 34 R.M. 35

d Ga

ee r C s i d


CH-11 R.M. 36

R.M. 37

Gibson Creek

Ro ck

Cre e

ek e r nC o t rs Thu

R.M. 38


lto n

Cr ee k

R.M. 39

Wi llia

Sh e

LI-13 R.M. 40

2 SR 1

ms Cre ek

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Mainstem_Relative_Elevation_1_11x17.mxd epipkin 2/6/2012 4:53:33 PM


R.M. 41

Elevation Relative to Chehalis River Thalweg >-12 to ≤-6 ft >-6 to ≤-2 ft >-2 to ≤0 ft >0 to ≤2 ft >2 to ≤4 ft >4 to ≤6 ft >6 to ≤8 ft >8 to ≤10 ft >10 to ≤15 ft >15 to ≤20 ft

Potential Side-Channel/Off-Channel Enhancement Potential Floodplain Enhancement

d Ce

ek e r ar C


R.M. 42

Oa k




R.M. 43

Davis Creek

Ba c

ri r Ha

kw a


NOTES: 1. Relative elevation mapping completed using elevation data compiled from multiple sources. 2. Aerial image is National Agriculture Imagery Program, 2011.

ek e r C s

te rs

R.M. 44


Miles 0.5



Figure 7 Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 1 of 5 Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities R.M. 2 Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority R.M. 45

R.M.47 0 R.M.

R.M. 46

R.M. 1

O Ba akvi ckw lle ate rs

R.M. 43

R ou C nd re tre ek e

r e v i R k c a Bl


R.M. 13 R.M. 11

Oakville R.M. 6

R.M. 7

iver R k c Bla

R.M. 5

R.M. 8

R.M. 10

R.M. 9

R.M. 4 R.M. 2


SR 12 R.M. 3

R.M. 47 R.M. 1 R.M. 45

R.M. 46

CH-16 CH-14

R.M. 48

R.M. 49

R.M. 50

R.M. 54


R.M. 53

t Sca

R.M. 55

R.M. 51

eek r C te r

Grand Mound

R.M. 52

Grays Harbor Co

Che ha


SR 12 lis R iver

i Pra R.M. 56

ce n de n pe eek e r Ind C

Elevation Relative to Chehalis River Thalweg >-12 to ≤-6 ft >-6 to ≤-2 ft >-2 to ≤0 ft >0 to ≤2 ft >2 to ≤4 ft >4 to ≤6 ft >6 to ≤8 ft >8 to ≤10 ft >10 to ≤15 ft >15 to ≤20 ft

R.M. 58 R.M. 59


R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Mainstem_Relative_Elevation_2_11x17.mxd epipkin 2/6/2012 4:48:36 PM

R.M. 57


reek C rie


R.M. 60

CH-18 Thurston County

Dry Creek

Lewis County

Lin c

Potential Side-Channel/Off-Channel Enhancement Potential Floodplain Enhancement

NOTES: 1. Relative elevation mapping completed using elevation data compiled from multiple sources. 2. Aerial image is National Agriculture Imagery Program, 2011.


Miles 0.5




Cr ee

R.M. 61


Figure 8 Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 2 of 5 Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority

R.M. 60

Thurston County Lewis County R.M. 61

Li nc ol n

Cr e

R.M. 62



R.M. 4

R.M. 63


R.M. 64 R.M. 3

R.M. 2

ck u h mc u k o r Sko Rive R.M. 1

Eagle Creek R.M. 65

Fords Prairie Pheasant Farm R.M. 66

CH-8 Sc am

m on

Cr e

R.M. 0 R.M. 67



07 5 SR



R.M. 68

Horseshoe Lake


R.M. 69

Salz e

NE-10a NE-10c

r Cre


R.M. 70 R.M. 71

NE-10b Coal Cre

ek R.M. 72

Chehalis R.M. 73

R.M. 74

Coa l Cr eek R.M. 76

R.M. 0

6 SR

Di lle

R.M. 77

ek Mill Cre

R.M. 78

R.M. 1



R.M. 79

LEGEND nb au gh

Elevation Relative to Chehalis River Thalweg >-12 to ≤-6 ft Cr ee >-6 to ≤-2 ft k >-2 to ≤0 ft >0 to ≤2 ft >2 to ≤4 ft >4 to ≤6 ft R.M. 2 >6 to ≤8 ft >8 to ≤10 ft >10 to ≤15 ft >15 to ≤20 ft Potential Side-Channel/Off-Channel Enhancement R.M. 3 Potential Floodplain Enhancement I-5

r ve Ri

R.M. 80

Stearns Creek

CH-22 R.M. 81


um uk wa Ne

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Mainstem_Relative_Elevation_3_11x17.mxd epipkin 2/13/2012 10:27:12 AM


R.M. 75

R.M. 4

NOTES: 1. Relative elevation mapping completed using elevation data compiled from multiple sources. 2. Aerial image is National Agriculture Imagery Program, 2011. R.M. 5


Miles 0.5



Figure 9 Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 3 of 5 Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority


k Cre e


Ga rre t

Marc us

on C r

k ree ll C De

R.M. 76

R.M. 95

Nic h Cr olson ee k

R.M. 84

R.M. 94

R.M. 77


R.M. 96

R.M. 83

R.M. 85

R.M. 98 R.M. 97

CH-24 R.M. 78


SR 6


R.M. 82 R.M. 93

SR 6

R.M. 81

R.M. 86

s ali h e Ch

er v i R

R.M. 80


Stearns Creek

Hope Cree k

R.M. 79

R.M. 87 R.M. 92

R.M. R.M.88 0

R.M. 91

R.M. 90


R.M. 89

R.M. 1



Cre e


Potential Side-Channel/Off-Channel Enhancement Potential Floodplain Enhancement

R.M. 4


NOTES: 1. Relative elevation mapping completed using elevation data compiled from multiple sources. 2. Aerial image is National Agriculture Imagery Program, 2011.

R.M. 3

Ch eh al

Be ave r

Ri ve r

R.M. 2


Elevation Relative to Chehalis River Thalweg >-4 to ≤-2 ft >-2 to ≤0 ft >0 to ≤2 ft >2 to ≤4 ft >4 to ≤6 ft >6 to ≤8 ft >8 to ≤10 ft >10 to ≤15 ft >15 to ≤20 ft

ee Cr ke La

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Mainstem_Relative_Elevation_4_11x17.mxd epipkin 2/14/2012 12:16:27 PM



Miles 0.5



Figure 10 Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 4 of 5 Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority

R.M. 99

reek C k l E

R.M. 95

Nic h Cr olson ee k

Ma rcu Cre son ek

R.M. 100

R.M. 94

R.M. 98

SR 6

R.M. 97

R.M. 93

Ch eha


Riv e


Hope Cree k

R.M. 101

R.M. 96

R.M. 102

Fronia Creek

l ha he C

Robinson Creek

R.M. 92

R.M. 103


Ca nn on

er iv R

Sh iel ds

Cr ee

R.M. 91

k R.M. 104

ba ll

Cr ee

k Katula Cree


ree ill C term Wa k

R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Mainstem_Relative_Elevation_5_11x17.mxd epipkin 2/6/2012 5:05:37 PM

R.M. 105

Jon es R.M. 106

Cre ek

Pe Ell

M cC or


Elevation Relative to Chehalis River Thalweg >-4 to ≤-2 ft >-2 to ≤0 ft >0 to ≤2 ft >2 to ≤4 ft >4 to ≤6 ft >6 to ≤8 ft >8 to ≤10 ft >10 to ≤15 ft >15 to ≤20 ft

m ick

Cr e

Be ave r

Sto we Cre ek

ek R.M. 107

R.M. 108

NOTES: 1. Relative elevation mapping completed using elevation data compiled from multiple sources. 2. Aerial image is National Agriculture Imagery Program, 2011.


Miles 0.5



Figure 11 Mainstem Chehalis River Relative Elevation Map 5 of 5 Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Lewis County Flood Authority

Cre e

tt Sca

ee r C er


Sa lm on

SK-12 SK-7

Flo od

R.M. 12 R.M. 13

Bucoda R.M. 11


R.M. 16

SK-14 SK-13



R.M. 15

R.M. 14

SK-11 SK-10

pla in A

Cr e

R.M. 17


R.M. 18

R.M. 9

SK-9 Cr ee k


mc u k oo

R. k c hu

R.M. 10

SK-19 R.M. 19

Co ffe e

R.M. 8




R:\Jobs\100705-01_Chehalis_Fish_Study\Maps\2012_01\Enhancement SOW\Skookumchuck_Mgt_Area_Relative_Elevation_11x17.mxd epipkin 3/12/2012 4:15:17 PM

R.M. 7

R.M. 6

North Ha na

Th om ps on Cr ee

ford Cre ek


Elevation Relative to Skookumchuck River Thalweg >-6 to ≤-4 ft >-4 to ≤-2 ft >-2 to ≤0 ft >0 to ≤2 ft >2 to ≤4 ft >4 to ≤6 ft >6 to ≤8 ft >8 to ≤10 ft >10 to ≤15 ft >15 to ≤20 ft

Thurston County

Hanafor d Creek


Lewis County

R.M. 5

R.M. 4


Potential Side-Channel/Off-Channel Enhancement Potential Floodplain Enhancement

R.M. 3

NOTES: 1. Relative elevation mapping completed using elevation data compiled from multiple sources. 2. Aerial image is National Agriculture Imagery Program, 2011. 3. Skookumchuck river miles 5-9 are approximate.


Miles 0.5



Figure 12 Skookumchuck River Relative Elevation Map Chehalis River WRIA 23 Enhancement Opportunities Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority


720 Olive Way, Suite 1900 Seattle, Washington 98101 Phone 206.287.9130 Fax 206.287.9131


October 19, 2011 Time:


Chehalis River Comprehensive Salmon Enhancement Plan Workshop Summary

1:00 – 4:00

Location: Prepared by:

Veterans Museum, Chehalis, Washington Jim Shannon, Margaret Murphy, Bob Montgomery

Attendees Attendee


Mark Mobbs Travis Nelson Mike Barber Bob Amrine Lonnie Crumley Janel Spaulding Paul McFadden Dan Kay Greg Hueckel Chanelle Shaw Kelly Verd Ron Averill Paul Pickett Bruce Treichler Laurence Reeves Julie Balmelli-Powe Miranda Plumb Mike Kohn Katherine Moore Jim Shannon Robert Montgomery Margaret Murphy

Quinalt Indian Nation Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington Department of Transportation Lewis County Conservation District Streamworks Grays Harbor College City of Centralia Lewis County Public Utility District SBGH-Partners Heernet Environmental Foundation Lewis County Conservation District Lewis County Washington Department of Ecology Lewis County Capitol Land Trust City of Chehalis United States Fish and Wildlife Service Lewis County Public Utility District Washington Recreation and Conservation Office Anchor QEA Anchor QEA Anchor QEA

Workshop Summary Anchor QEA led the workshop and covered Introductions, Workshop Purpose and Approach, and Methods. Greg Hueckel was invited as a moderator to help keep the workshop on task and on time. Greg is also working with the Flood Authority to develop a list of flood relief projects, and the Authority wants to ensure that the enhancement projects will be complementary to the flood relief projects.

Chehalis River Comprehensive Salmon Enhancement Plan Workshop November 2, 20111 Page 2

Below is a summary of the workshop, discussions, and highlighted action items from those discussions. Action items are called out, except those to be conducted by Anchor QEA during the continued development of the project. Workshop highlights: • Jim Shannon of Anchor QEA led the workshop. This included introductions, project background, project purpose, and workshop purpose and methods. • The Chehalis River Comprehensive Salmon Enhancement Plan came about through the Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2020. This bill states that the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority (CRBFA) shall “address the potential for flood mitigation through upstream water retention facilities, including benefits and impacts to fish and potential mitigation of impacts.” • The CRBFA contracted with Anchor QEA to develop the Chehalis River Comprehensive Salmon Enhancement Plan to identify and prioritize salmon enhancement projects in Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 23. • The Anchor QEA scope contains two tasks: 1) to identify salmon habitat enhancement projects using existing literature and geographic information in WRIA 23; and 2) to prioritize identified enhancement projects and complete the Comprehensive Salmon Habitat Enhancement Plan. • The purpose of the workshop was to bring Chehalis River Basin biologists and planners together to discuss potential enhancement projects and prioritization methods. • Anchor QEA presented a list of potential projects (Table 1) for discussion. These projects were identified from existing data sources including culvert databases and lead entity restoration plans. Some suggested changes included adding a column to reflect the owner of proposed projects. • These projects also were displayed on topographic maps at three stations throughout the room. These maps were separated by management units (MU) defined in the Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Work Plan for WRIAs 22 and 23 (2011). Topographic maps displayed projects from culvert databases, the WRIA 22/23 Limiting Factors analysis (Smith and Wegner 2001), the Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Work Plan for WRIAs 22 and 23 (2011), PRisM database, the conceptual habitat database, and other sources. • Anchor QEA also developed and presented relative elevation maps (also separated by MU) of floodplain areas to identify side-channel and off-channel areas that may have enhancement potential. • Questions about the reasons/motive for the Chehalis River Comprehensive Salmon Enhancement Plan were discussed. It was explained that the CRBFA Projects Subcommittee is developing a list of flood relief (i.e., infrastructure) projects that are likely to take place in the Chehalis basin. The CRBFA is interested in developing a list of enhancement projects that could mitigate for these upcoming flood relief projects. Flood relief projects include levees, dikes, bank stabilization, and road infrastructure improvements. • Bob Montgomery of Anchor QEA introduced the next stage of the workshop, which included individual and group discussions focused around the relative elevation maps and topographic maps. Workshop participants were invited to view each set of maps and identify projects that may have been completed or in progress and any additional projects not included on the maps. • Jim Shannon of Anchor QEA led the discussion for the Black and Lincoln MUs and the mainstem Chehalis in those areas. Several culvert projects in the Black MU were already complete

Chehalis River Comprehensive Salmon Enhancement Plan Workshop November 2, 20111 Page 3

including Bailey and Cedar Creek culverts. Wolf-Davis is complete and all of Davis Creek is passable now. The Porter/Oakville area was discussed as having the potential to improve offchannel rearing habitat. The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation are currently doing restoration in this area. Comments on maps included the need to label projects on the maps and include land ownership/parcel data if possible (e.g., DNR ownership layer). Jim Shannon also received recommendations to contact Janel Spaulding (Coordinator of the Chehalis Basin Partnership), Lee Napier (WRIA 22/23 Lead Entity), and Scott Brummer and Bob Burkle of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) for additional project information. **Action Items: Update project list and maps with suggestions and contact local biologists/planners. Margaret Murphy of Anchor QEA led the discussion for the Boistfort MU and the mainstem Chehalis in those areas. There was a question regarding Elk Creek and why no projects were identified in this area as it is a significant stream. We are not aware of any projects here, but this may be an area to assess for preservation of salmon habitat. The area downstream of Pe Ell tends to get quite warm during the summer and precludes salmon use; a few participants wondered if instream or riparian projects could be conducted to reduce temperatures and create more nursery habitat. Someone also alerted the group to a riparian planting project partially funded by an Ecology 319 grant in the area between Doty and Pe Ell. **Action Items: Update project list and maps with suggestions and contact local biologists/planners. Bob Montgomery of Anchor QEA led the discussion for the Skookumchuck and Newaukum MUs and the mainstem Chehalis in those areas. Several culvert replacement projects in the Skookumchuck MU are proposed or complete. This includes the downstream most barrier of China Creek and two culverts replaced with bridges on Scatter Creek near Tenino. **Action Items: Update project list and maps with suggestions and contact local biologists/planners The final part of the workshop focused on discussion about prioritization of projects. Questions and statements about prioritization included: 1. Who is going to fund this list of projects? Right now there is no funding for this list of projects. It is just a list to be used in future planning. 2. Should land ownership be factored into pritoritization? The likelihood of completing a project based on ownership could be a factor. 3. Is cost of the project a consideration? Not at this stage of the process. 4. Different project types should be prioritized with more or less weight such as fish passage versus floodplain improvement. 5. Sponsors are worried about ranking projects. If a project in a jurisdiction gets a low ranking for this exercise, then it may not get funding from other sources. 6. Will projects be categorized by subbasin or by project type? 7. Why are we prioritizing this list of projects? It is hard to separate the list and prioritization from what the projects are mitigating for. What is the project list for? 8. One suggestion was to prioritize by project type or by function; then one type of project is not valued against a project of a different type.

Chehalis River Comprehensive Salmon Enhancement Plan Workshop November 2, 20111 Page 4


Conclusions and next steps were discussed. There are a wide range and number of opportunities in the basin to enhance salmon habitat. Our next step is to incorporate workshop suggestions and comments into a memorandum that will list potential enhancement projects in the basin. We ask that any further comments on the project list or prioritization methods be submitted by November 14, 2011. We will continue to work on a ranking/prioritization system to be included in the final report.

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