Spirit of Wild Salmon Gala - Sponsor package

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The Spirit of Wild Salmon Gala Fundraising Dinner

EDDIE GARDNER, of the Chilliwack Chapter of the National Salmon Feedlot Boycott, in partnership with Salmon are Sacred, is hosting The Spirit of Wild Salmon Gala Fundraising Dinner on Saturday, June 1st, 2013, at Ch’iyaqtel Community Hall, 45855 Promontory Rd, Chilliwack. The proceeds will go towards supporting the Boycott and creating greater awareness of the danger of wild salmon extinction due to pollution, sea lice amplification and deadly European viruses, all stemming from open net feedlots. All food retailers are encouraged to remove Atlantic farmed fish from their shelves and menus. Consumer power makes a difference: Choose wild salmon; support sustainable wild fisheries for the benefit of your health and that of marine and river ecosystems. We all have a sacred trust to save Fraser River wild salmon from vanishing. Your sponsorship would be most meaningful and would make a valuable contribution towards preventing this from happening.

Sponsorship Levels Event Partner - $5,000; only one available 

Opportunity for opening remarks at the event; stage signage; exhibit space; twelve (12) complimentary tickets; full page add in event program; full acknowledgement in publicity of event, including thank-you ads post Gala Dinner

Gold Sponsor - $3,000 (Two (2) Gold Sponsorships available)  Stage signage; exhibit space; complimentary tickets for five (5)  Gold sponsor acknowledgement in promotional materials (tickets, posters, press releases, flyers and thank-you ad post Gala Dinner)  Half page ad in the event program

Silver Sponsor - $1,500 (Four (4) Silver Sponsorships available)  Listing on event sponsor signage ; complimentary tickets for three (3)  Acknowledgement as a silver sponsor in promotional materials (posters, press releases, flyers thank-you ads post Gala dinner)  Quarter page ad in the event program

Bronze Sponsor (No limit) $500  Listing on event sponsor signage ; one (1) complimentary ticket  Acknowledgement as a bronze sponsor in promotional materials (posters, press releases, flyers thank you ads post Gala Dinner)  Acknowledgement in the event program Supporter $250 

Announced as supporter at the event; included in post thank-you ads

For further information, contact Eddie Gardner at 604-792-0867 or by email at singingbear@shaw.ca. If you wish to be a sponsor, please complete the following sponsorship form and email it to singingbear@shaw.ca Page 2 of 3

SPONSORSHIP FORM The Spirit of Wild Salmon | Gala Fundraising Dinner Saturday, June 1st 2013 Yes, we would like to be a part of the The Spirit of Wild Salmon Gala Fundraising Dinner! Our level of sponsorship is: ☐ Partner

$5,000 (Exclusive, one only)

☐ Gold Sponsor

$3000 (Four available)

☐ Silver Sponsor

$1500 (Two available)

☐ Bronze Sponsor

$500 (No limits)

☐ Supporter

$250 (No limits)

Name of the Sponsoring Company: _________________________________________________ Name of the Individual (s) Representing the Company:_________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Representative’s Phone Number: __________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________ Representative’s Signature:___________________________


Sponsors: Please email us your logos in the EPS and JPEG format before Friday, April 5th, 2013 for them to appear in event program, on the signage, flyers and the posters. The same printing deadline applies to the Partner, gold sponsor in order to appear on our tickets. Press releases and ads will be running on an ongoing basis. Please make your cheque payable to… Pacific Coast Wild Salmon Society Page 3 of 3

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