Stefano Banfi - portfolio

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Stefano Banfi was born in Gallarate. He lives between the Olona Valley, Milan and Molise. He began his studies on architecture at Politecnico di Milano and throughout the years he had the opportunity to work with Filippo Taidelli architetto and GSMM architetti taking part in architectural competitions and design projects. He graduated with honors at Politecnico di Milano in 2013 with a thesis project focused on the relation between infrastructure and architecture. After graduating he got the license to practice and worked together with Morpurgo de Curtis architetti in Milan. At the same time he took up his freelance career by participating in architectural competitions with other young architects and collaborating with the artist Velasco Vitali. In 2015 he had started a collaboration with IB Studio based in Milan working on the rehabilitation of country homes, mountain chalets, urban apartments and the project of a winery in Tuscany. Passionate about analog and digital photography, he deals with various photographic projects. From 2013 he has been working as a tutor at Politecnico di Milano, while looking for a new position as an architect.


STEFANO BANFI born on 30.03.1988 in Gallarate, Varese, Italy a: via Cavour 13, 21055 Gorla Minore, Varese, Italy t: +39 340.91.77.886 e: w:

EDUCATION 2010 ∙ 2013

Architecture Master’s Degree, grade 110/110 with honors Politecnico di Milano ∙ Scuola di Architettura e Società Architettura degli spazi interlusi: progetto lungo l’asta del Sempione

2007 ∙ 2010

Architecture Bachelor’s Degree Politecnico di Milano ∙ Scuola di Architettura e Società Interpretare l’eredità del maestro: il Kimbell Art Museum

2001 ∙ 2007

Scientific High School Diploma Liceo Statale Scientifico e Classico Galileo Galilei, Legnano, Italy

EXPERIENCES 2013.12 ∙ >>

Freelance architect ∙ Stefano Banfi architetto via Cavour 13, Gorla Minore ∙ Architectural competition ∙ Bivacco f.lli Fanton ∙ Auronzo di Cadore ∙ Italy Architectural competition ∙ The keeper’s house ∙ Bologna. Italy Architectural competition ∙ Horizon tower ∙ Leverano. Italy ∙ Second prize Architectural competition ∙ Extension of Mercy Cementery ∙ Campi Bisenzio. Italy

2015.02 ∙ >>

Architect ∙ collaboration ∙ IB Studio piazzale Baiamonti 1, Milano ∙ Rehabilitation of country homes, mountain chalets, and urban apartments. Project of a winery.

2014.07 ∙ 11

Architect ∙ collaboration ∙ Morpurgo de Curtis architetti via Melzo 16, Milano ∙ Restricted competition ∙ Atelier Castello ∙ Milano. Italy

2013.02 ∙ 06

Collaboration ∙ GSMM architetti via Cadore 32, Milano ∙ International competition ∙ Public parking ∙ Moena. Italy International competition ∙ Public library ∙ Setùbal. Portugal ∙ Third prize

2010.03 ∙ 12

University collaboration ∙ Politecnico di Milano Reception and assistant for italian and foreign students

2010.04 ∙ 09

Internship ∙ Filippo Taidelli architetto via Ascanio Sforza 81, Milano ∙ Landscape quality and environmental sustainability awards 2010 ∙ Second prize

TEACHING a.y. 2014 2015

Teaching assistant ∙ Politecnico di Milano architectural design studio I ∙ bachelor’s degree ∙ prof. Ilaria Valente

a.y. 2013 2014

Teaching assistant ∙ Politecnico di Milano architectural design studio I ∙ bachelor’s degree ∙ prof. Marco Bovati

a.y. 2013 2014

Teaching assistant ∙ Politecnico di Milano architectural design studio II ∙ master’s degree ∙ prof. Ilaria Valente

EXHIBITIONS 2014.11 ∙ 12

Atelier Castello Triennale di Milano ∙ with Morpurgo de Curtis architetti

2012.08 ∙ 11

40.000 hours Biennale di Venezia 2012 ∙ Common Ground


University reserch project published in “Paesaggi della Mobilità”, Suoli e infrastrutture: un percorso di ricerca by Ilaria Valente and Andrea Oldani


Architectural restoration project published in “Il cuore dell’antico Ospedale Maggiore di Milano” by Mariangela Carlessi, Alessandra Kluzer

WORKSHOP 2012.09

Workshop of temporary architecture “Milano, nuovi spazi per il riuso temporaneo” Temporiuso, Architetti Senza Frontiere, Politecnico di Milano


Licence to practice Ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Varese, n° 3006

PRIZES 2014.07

Architectural competition second prize ∙ Horizon Tower, Leverano, Italy City hall of Leverano, Archistart

LANGUAGES Italian: mother tongue English: C1 [toeic 2010] French: B1 Spanish: B1

COMPUTER SKILLS General: Windows, OS X, Microsoft Office suite Graphic design and layout: Autocad, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Google Sketch-up, Rhinoceros, V-ray, SU Podium, Artlantis

INTERESTS Digital and analogical photography, music and arts.

HOBBIES Running and playing piano.

ABILITIES AND COMPETENCES Predisposition to teamwork Attitude to work towards targets Excellent organizational skills Good communication skills High flexibility High experience in scale architectural modeling


This selection of projects is organized in sections. The first part concerns the activity of independent architect conducted together with other young architects participating in architectural competitions. The second part is about collaboration with one of the architectural firms in Milan I worked with. The last section shows two photographic projects carried out during the last few years.

01 FREELANCE WORKS 0104 Bivacco f.lli Fanton 0103 The keeper’s house 0102 Horizon tower 0101 Extension of Mercy Cementery

02 COLLABORATION 0202 Public library 0201 Public parking

03 PHOTOGRAPHY 0302 Tiny sensations 0301 Visions


0104 Bivacco f.lli Fanton Auronzo di Cadore, Belluno. Italy

Dove il pendio cambia inclinazione, dove è più visibile e meno soggetto alle spinte delle nevi sulle pendici della montagna, il bivacco si appoggia delicatamente al suolo, guardando ai sentieri che lo raggiungono, costituendone punto di riferimento orientativo, presenza sicura, meta desiderata. Esternamente il volume è compatto, a una sola falda orientata parallela al terreno e rivolta a valle in modo da permettere alla neve di scivolare verso il basso e avere un lato rivolto al sole su cui alloggiare i pannelli solari. Il volume, compatto e regolare, come la storia delle edificazioni in questo tipo di contesto suggerisce di fare, segue il suolo in sezione e si sviluppa come un prisma inclinato che si appoggia su piccoli elementi in calcestruzzo prefabbricati che, come spine infisse nella roccia, lo mantengono sollevato e, dolcemente ma quasi drammaticamente, proteso verso il pendio come fosse un’architettura di Carlo Mollino. Si configura come un guscio nero, altero, astratto nella sua materialità, evidente e riconoscibile sia d’estate sia d’inverno. Il volume ha al suo interno una sorta di cavità che si manifesta all’esterno con due aperture e che attraversa in sezione l’intero manufatto: la forma di questa cavità è quella archetipica della capanna col suo potere evocativo e la sua appartenenza al patrimonio memoriale collettivo dell’abitare. All’esterno così affiora in negativo, come scavata, l’apparizione dell’archetipo della capanna: da lontano appare dunque come una presenza enigmatica, attraente, indecifrabile ma allo stesso tempo accogliente, semplice, immediata. L’interno del bivacco è costruito intorno a questa forma evocativa: il profilo a capanna costituisce uno spazio centrale vuoto e nello spazio tra la sagoma prismatica esterna e la forma archetipica centrale si sviluppa un intervallo denso che alloggia i dodici giacigli. Nello scarto tra le due forme quindi trova spazio la funzione primaria del bivacco, quella di dare l’ospitalità notturna ad alpinisti ed escursionisti mentre, nello spazio delimitato dalla forma a capanna, vi è un luogo di ritrovo, illuminato dalla luce naturale, protratto verso il paesaggio, raccolto intorno ad un tavolo.

Project team: Stefano Banfi, Mauro Marinelli, Simone Marmori Type: National competition Site: Auronzo di Cadore, Belluno. Italy Date: 2015.01 Client: CAI - Auronzo di Cadore

0103 The keeper’s house Bologna. Italy







servant spaces served spaces








general plan








The project was born from a plain idea. The archetype of the primitive hut is duplicated, superimposed and aligned with the slope of the ground in order to get a new configuration. The volume is compact with a double pitched roof, one pitch twice than the other, and divided transversely in three parts of equal size. The alignment to the slope of the land allows to create two different levels in communication with the context, a main one and rear one for service, in connection with the existing driveways inside the estate. The long pitched roof allows to insert a third level for the master bedroom, thus limiting the overall height of the volume in order to fit harmoniously in the natural environment. The plan of the project is divided longitudinally by a narrow band of servant spaces on the northeast side and a band of served spaces on the southwest one. Between these spaces there’s a passage for domestic distribution; at the edges are the two entrances to the house. Transversely the project is divided into three equal parts that are three large rooms. These planimetric rules also generate the structural grid of the building. The tripartite division, both in plan and section, splits the living area, the sleeping area and the storeroom. The building is covered with grey bricks that can freely grow old and gain new shadings and colors in harmony with nature. With this aim a coating system made of brick was also thought on coverage in order to make the building look like a stone among trees, a stone that changes with the passage of time.

Project team: Stefano Banfi, Leonardo Chironi, Giacomo Panico Type: National competition Site: Bologna, Italy Date: 2014.12 Client: Isabella SerĂ gnoli, Casabella

0102 Horizon tower Leverano. Italy Second prize














The project includes 16 towers placed at 1 km from each other on an imaginary circle between the town of Leverano and the coast, crossing and touching existing street axis. This disposition allows to value a greater portion of the area and outline a circular sign in the landscape, which is visible from both the ancient and the new towers. The disposition also adds a “new horizon” to the landscape. In addition to the above mentioned, this design – thank to its extension – permits the use of ground floors as local products shops along with bike repair places and rest stops. The tower with squared base respects the dimensional restrictions on the ground floor and it expands on the upper floors. The squared plan revokes the ancient towers and allows to avoid the definition of a direction or a main front in order to make the tower a repeatable object which can be inserted into different contexts. With this aim, the shape of the ground and the first floors is an invitation to the tower from any direction, thanks to projections and bend fronts. Inside the tower the distribution system develops on a double perimetral wall throughout the height and connects five floors with variable levels depending on the function. The circular way to the observatory allows the addition of supplemental stairs that lead from two touristic shelters to their own restrooms. Fronts are drawn by three different types of windows - loggias for the shelters, cut breaches on corners in correspondence with stairs ending and small windows on landings. All these openings reveal in advance small landscape portions throughout the way before getting to the solarium and the observatory that allows a 360° visual on the outlook.

Project team: Stefano Banfi, Leonardo Chironi, Giacomo Panico Type: International competition Result: Second prize Site: Leverano, Italy Date: 2014.07 Client: City hall of Leverano and Archistart

0101 Extension of Mercy Cementery Campi Bisenzio. Italy with Velasco Vitali



The project for the expansion of the cemetery is placed next to the existing graveyard, fills the most oriental portion of the allotment and allows the definition of a wide open space between the two cemeteries. The new project is organized and oriented following the alignments of the consolidated city, which differ from the ones of the existing graveyard, aligned to the agricultural weaves of fields. Therefore, the plan describes the broad spaces as an element which binds the two different existing orientations. The complete project was conceived on a modular knit and it is defined by a border wall that establishes the limits of the intervention and plays the role of base in the fronts settlement for the whole plan. The modular building is placed inside this enclosure and from the outside it looks like a sequence of hanging volumes on the border wall. A green belt with high-trunk trees develops along the oriental side of the fence, while each overlapping volume empties embracing the trees foliage. The project is extremely reserved and externally it has a strong and suggestive visual impact, with the aim of representing the expressive and reflexive ability of architectural language. The building volumes look like hanging chests along the border wall. The result is a place with a plain identity, awareness and monumental nature. At the same time, the project creates a new urbanity, thanks to the addition of the wide connective open space that produces relations with the city. Thanks to the contribution of Velasco Vitali an effort of harmonization among different elements (space, water, aromatic essences) was made in order to take the visitor through a sensorial path. The natural elements such as  trees and water are enhanced inside the court yard. The east side is completely covered by trees and aromatic essences to provide the cemetery  with a relaxing and natural panorama.

Project team: Stefano Banfi, Leonardo Chironi, Giacomo Panico Artist: Velasco Vitali Type: Architectural competition Site: Campi Bisenzio, Italy Date: 2014.05 Client: Mercy Confraternity of Campi Bisenzio


0202 Public library Set첫bal. Portugal Third prize with GSMM architetti and Stefano Farina









The library is a suspended place and an active site, a latent space and a space full of practical activities. Two inseparable aspects of the same gesture that eludes the typical passivity of the information age. The project is translated into a space positioned as an extension of the garden and invites those who have never been there to enter the library. At the same time, it doesn’t deny a strong and recognizable modern image able to cause a fluid continuity with the square, with its green spaces and the public life, assuming the part of reference element for the rehabilitation and characterization of the site. This way, the library is like a big roof that defines the southern boundary of the square, establishing a new horizon line and emphasizing the transition between two specific moments of the city. A system of lamellar wood beams, defined by a reticular grid, dictates the rules of the roof and at the same time establishes the modularity of the internal spaces of the library. In its development the roof finds some pre-existing trees that surround through patios which become notable elements that characterize the interiors of the reading rooms, creating a strong relationship between architecture and landscape. The reading rooms are defined as transparent and modular big open spaces, where parts with specific functions are included inside volumes of reinforced concrete that mark the facade and configures the big space. The roof is also a transformation tool and controls natural light and thanks to its proportions, both in width and height, allows a permanent protection and directs illumination control during all day. The functions that require autonomy, such as the bar and multipurpose room, have direct relation with the exterior through the atrium, which is used as foyer during the extra time events in the library.

Project team: GSMM architetti, Stefano Farina Collaborator: Stefano Banfi Type: International competition Result: Third prize Site: SetĂšbal, Portugal Date: 2013.04 Client: City hall of SetĂšbal

0201 Public parking Moena. Italy with GSMM architetti

The propose for the new car parking in Longea is inevitably connected to the existing natural and built context. The landscape is rich with elements and imposes unusual but suitable choices for a significant intervention. As for the position of the two big infrastructures – a multilevel car parking and a bridge/ tunnel - the project follows the “Concept Moena 2010-2025�, but some formal and structural revisions have been made. While positioning the bridge and the car parking, this two elements have been considered part of the same strategy. For this reason the two infrastructures have similar forms and are made of similar materials. It is really important to think about the strategy as a unique project and not as a combination of different solutions. This place is created by the river Avisio and the steep slopes surrounding it. For this reason it is necessary to make an homogeneous choice easy to understand and to reinterpret in a symbolic way. The infrastructures become elements for a visual conclusion for those who arrive to Longea and for the inhabitants. The bridge and the car parking giving access to Longea are a real door which defines the limits of the built city. The bridge and the parking are orthogonal one to the other, exactly like the elements composing them. The infrastructures and their forms highlight the extraordinary variations in mountains and landscape. For this project, clear and simple rules have been followed in order to create a balance between formal and economical aspects. At the same time, easy and plain solutions have been chosen without giving up on a refined project.

Project team: GSMM architetti Collaborators: Stefano Banfi, Stefano Farina Type: Architectural competition Site: Moena, Italy Date: 2013.05 Client: City hall of Moena


0302 Tiny sensations

“Tiny sensations” is a photographic project that aims to document environments characterized by a certain atmosphere. There’s not an underlying geographic theme, for research purposes it doesn’t matter where the photos were taken. These series of photos are linked by the possible human sensations evoked by the places photographed. The use of analog photography in black and white is due to the need to exasperate the conditions of the place in order to give back all the shades. It is also an introspective project because these photos support the continuous research of the nostalgic feeling of belonging to a place. “We are born, so to speak, provisionally, it doesn’t matter where. It is only gradually that we compose within ourselves our true place of origin so that we may be born there retrospectively and each day more definitely.” Rainer Maria Rilke, Lettere milanesi. Author: Stefano Banfi Camera: Canon eos 50 Lens: 50 fixed, 28 fixed Film: ILFORD HP5 PLUS, iso 400 Develop: Fahrenheit fine-art, Milan Website:

0301 Visions

“Visions” is a photographic project that aims to document landscapes and views emphasizing the perception of geometries, shapes, colors and lights. In this project the compositional aspect is dominant in making images. Vision, according to dictionary and also to this project is: ∙ the ability to see ∙ the ability to imagine ∙ an idea or mental image of something ∙ an experience in which you see things that do not exist physically

Author: Stefano Banfi Camera: Canon eos 500d Lens: 50 fixed, 18-55, 55-250

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