Located on top of a hill on the outskirts of Li massol, this couple of neighboring houses re flects the love of the client for the classic while at the same time incorporating a modern spatial layout meeting all the needs of modern living.
Construction: Concrete Structure Status: Under Construction
Right in the heart of Limassol old town, at the site of a previous parking lot, a new mixed use development is proposed. Making the religious monument the focal point of the proposed pla za, the intervention aims to become a liminal entity bridging the waterfront with the old town.
Construction: Hybrid Structure Status: On Hold
Designed to be the vacation home of an ever traveling client, this high end villa takes full advantage of the breathtaking views from the mountainous area that is located. This ‘home away from home’ takes the notion of transparency into new levels as the elevation overlooking the views is almost fully glazed.
Construction: Concrete Structure Status: On Hold
Refurbishing an old Georgian apartment at the heart of London is by no means an easy task! Thus, attention to detail is given to the maximum in a way that the iden tity of the apartment stays unaltered while the space takes on a fresh aura as it prepares to accommodate a family of four.
Construction: Masonry Structure
Intended to be a habitat for both humans and animals, this ranch in Abu Dhabi is designed in such a way that makes cohabitation of man and horse a unique experience. The purity of form, the clarity of the architectural language and the simplicity of the spatial layout were the key components coming together to create this el egant yet ‘down-to-earth’ piece of architecture.
Construction: Concrete Structure Status: Under Construction
Although small and compact, this house for two contains all the elements needed to pro vide a comfortable abode for a single moth er and her child. Designed in a way that re sponds to the mountainous context of the rural area that is located, the proposed res idence becomes a homey shelter from the vastness of the Cypriot ‘great outdoors’.
Structure Status: On Hold
Right where the waves meet the sandy shore of the well known Lady’s Mile beach on the southern end of Akrotiri Bay, one can find this multi purpose beach venue. Using the steel frame of an existing beach venue as a ba sis, this hybrid structure combines the luxuri ous vibe of a high end bar / restaurant with the rustic aesthetic of an industrial design.
Construction: Hybrid Structure Status: Completed