Stefanos Stefou porfolio

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Stefanos Stefou Portfolio 2015


Jรถnkรถping University MSc in Industrial Design


10 07


Karatheodori 21 Thessaloniki 54250

Greece +30 6973 824 776


Greek native English fluent German basic Swedish basic

Kozani Technical Institute BSc in Industrial Design & Engineering



2012 2014

Jรถnkรถping University Sweden MSc in Industrial Design

2005 2012

Kozani Technical Institute Greece BSc Industrial Design & Engineering

2015 Present

Milkplan Greece Design Engineer

2015 4mnths

My Glass Studio Greece Industrial Designer

2011 6mnths

KLEEMAN Greece Industrial Design Engineer internship


Autodesk Alias SolidWorks Creo Adobe Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Keyshot Autodesk Sketchbook Hand & digital Sketching Marker & digital rendering Clay, foam & paper modeling

Solving Misfueling And Giving A New Experience In Refueling

MASTER THESIS The aim of this project was to prevent the misfueling incident which occurs during vehicle refuelling. Especially the incident of fuelling diesel tanks with gasoline fuel instead of diesel, causing often fatal damage to the engine.

in collaboration with

THE PROBLEM The research conducted was within the Swedish market, due to the initial collaboration of the project with Statoil AB. Currently in Sweden during the refuelling process, there is no personnel aiding the customer, bringing up the decision making and the whole procedure to the customer himself. This is a source of many problems, including one major one, the incident of misfueling. So, misfueling is the action of fuelling a vehicle with non - compatible fuel, causing damage to the mechanical parts of the vehicle.

Gasoline or


Gasoline E95 E98

Ethanol 85


The user all” w e h t n “eye o

USER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH Initially the research was conducted at the local Statoil gas stations in the city of Jönköping , in order to get a better understanding of the whole procedure and the behaviour of the average user. At first the method “fly on the wall” was used followed by the method “try it yourself ”.

50% were female

50% were male

nity u t r o p p et o


mark semantics


car depended

car independent

no semantics

After the research to the market a decision had to be taken about what path the project should follow and what are the opportunities in the market. The opportunity spaces graph below indicates where the current solutions are situated, considering the amount of semantics they have and how independent they are from the car. The red circle in the graph indicates the aiming market are of the future design. The “car independent� area was chosen as the current market solutions have to be attached on the car. Plus the customer has to purchase the equipment and attach it on the car. This costs money and time and as this thesis is conducted in collaboration with Statoil, a more customer care policy was selected.


Keeping always in mind the current market solutions a new intention was formed through the project. A pure intention to provide a solution to the user originated purely from the company perspective, giving “free hands� to the user and relieving him from any additional actions in order to prevent the incident of misfueling. Within this approach, another underlying intention exists, the will to create a feeling that the company actually cares for the user/ customer, willing to provide a better and more advanced experience in order to avoid any incidents and make the hole experience easier, better and more pleasant.

Designed & developed for the

Solution Scenario

SWEDISH MARKET The solution chosen was developed and design according to the Swedish standards, market, infrastructures and average user. Taken in mind was that Sweden is a technologically advanced country with the majority of the users being familiar with modern technology being able to cope well. Additionally, some important details is that Swedish gas stations are a “self service” procedure, meaning that the customer conducts the refuelling process. Secondly the plate internet database is open to everyone, through the Swedish Transport Agency website (TRANSPORT STYRENLSEN), where every technical information is available, including vehicle’s fuel type.

2. Plate number is sent via internet to the Swedish Transport Agency, receiving back the fuel type, according to the plate number


Plate number is scanned with a simple infrared camera, located in the gas station.


1. Vehicle enters gas station.

3. After signal is sent back to the gas station, according to the correct fuel, the respective light blinks over the correct gas hose.

product environment


Top is connected with the rest of the structure for a uniformed shape


Black list and quantity panel with high contrast for clearer view


New shaped bunker, providing current market’s fuel options


Ring shaped notification lights, helping to pick the correct fuel nozzle


Bigger interaction area, clearer semantics


Bigger main pump baker surface, giving more space for branding

Elevate your brand Elevate your customers The general form of the design directs to a “forward direction” by driving the company forward and raising the brand value. Generally the design was simplified and the semantics became more clear in order to ease the user and customer. Basic functions were preserved but augmenting them such as the user interface. Construction-wise materials were kept simple and the assembly despite the new design is simple yet enough functional.

The 24h project

Daniel Hegestrand

Christian Heljeved

salad dryer


Tien Nguyen

Stefanos Stefou


Tozzler was born in the Nordic Plastics Fair competition for schools in Malmö, Sweden. The competition took place during the fair and the design process was held live, in front of the visitors. The brief was taken from the exhibition’s subject, ordering to design a product related with the preparation of food but made of plastic, within the time limit of 24 hours. Having in mind to create something functional yet fun we decided to design something playful within kitchen boundaries. Tozzler is a simple structure which uses it’s double shell to dry the content with the help of centrifugal force. Furthermore a new intention that came up through the brainstorm session, was to introduce children to food preparation and aiding their parents through fun and play.

USER SCENARIO Food preparation


At the table

“Introduce children to food preparation through playing and having fun”

the 24h project

salad dryer


Moulded silicon surface Prevents scratches

Inner shell A shell which divides the water and the salad in order to deliver a ready dry result

Silicon rubber heads Delivering a more “bouncy“ and playful effect

The Challenge

Daniel Hegestrand Project Leader

The Team

General managment of the project and projects’ group leaders

Andrea Laguna Valer Group Leader

Hight adjustment and rotation handles

PROJECT TEAMS STRUCTURE In total KLIPPO redesign project was conducted by the whole master’s program, consisted of 14 persons, divided in 3 groups of 4 to 5 persons each.

Stefanos Stefou

Hampus Morberg

User interaction surface and control levers

Grassbag redesign and attachment

Group Leader

Group Leader

DIFFERENT STAGES/GROUPS This was the final stage of the project as in the way there were different groups, consisted of different number of people aiming to promote co-operation and project managment between different circumstances and tasks.



During the research stage a number of tests was conducted through different methods and ways. Some of the IDEO design research methods were conducted such “time lapse video”, “fly on the wall” and “try it yourself ”. During the first stage we, the own students of the program were the test subjects, trying to identify the product, its functions and the way it should be handled. At the second stage some of the university students and stuff were invited to test the product. This amount of people were divided in 2 groups, the 1st group being familiar with the functions and use of a grass cutting maching while the second group had no previous experience with the specific subject. The findings where various and helped us by configuring the key issues of the current product that had to be solved.



During the research stage a number of tests was conducted through different methods and ways. Some of the IDEO design research methods were conducted such “time lapse video”, “fly on the wall” and “try it yourself ”. During the first stage we, the own students of the program were the test subjects, trying to identify the product, its functions and the way it should be handled. At the second stage some of the university students and stuff were invited to test the product. This amount of people were divided in 2 groups, the 1st group being familiar with the functions and use of a grass cutting maching while the second group had no previous experience with the specific subject. The findings where various and helped us by configuring the key issues of the current product that had to be solved.


Final Product

TOTAL TRANSFORMATION In the end, and after many stages of research, ideation, redesign, CAD ideation, meetings and modifications, the Klippo redesign project came to an end. The result was the complete redesign of the lawnmower, of every part except the machine. As visible the main Klippo design language was maintained and used in order to provide a fresh look but still robust and durable.

Final Product


The grassbag after many stages and different groups got its final look fiitng to the Klippo brand while maintaining a robust look


New, more “naked” look, according to brand identity, keepping ergonomy and aesthetics

Final Product

NEW FORM - SAME FUNCTIONS In the controls group where I was group manager, we tried to design forms following the functions of the controls, thinking about semantics and concidering the intuitive thinking of the user. In this way use becomes faster and effortless



Final Product

Aim the user, aiding the use, from unstorage, safe use and back to storage, the new KLIPPO lawnmawrer is easy to use, able to adjust in every situation and for every user while being able to store taking the less needed space.



Final Product




Mock up model

PRESENTATION MOCK UP MODEL At the end of the programe a full 1:1 scale model was constructed in order to provide a clearer image of the final product. The model was exhibited at the university’s library.


concept designed for

Adapt to your sector XM Reality develops high-tech IT solutions based on mixed reality and Augmented reality. The aim with the project is to solve a design assignment with specific focus on ergonomic aspects. The assignment is to design a head mounted display for the food industry, redesign the XMExpert so that it fits to the food industry. Is there any specific criteria’s for equipment used in food industry? Where can the equipment be used in food industries? The work that is presented in this design is restricted to industries where it´s very important with hygiene, where it has to be very clean, like food industry and pharmaceuticals.

Light and Versatile Headphones where used in the design for use in noise producing environments. The helmet of the initial module was removed because it was not of use in the food industry and because of the use of hair net, issues that would cause conflict if used together.

Be direct, with ease The final product features a side led light, so the user may operate the product even in dark places without any difficulty. The product features a side camera and a revolving mechanism so the screenpanel can flip upwards when the user needs to use direct visual contact with the environment.

assisting led light

anti-bacterial agent polymer

side camera

extend-able mic



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