1.INDEX:INTRODUCTION - Year Out 2022 Page. 1 2. Lafayette Hair Salon Page. 2 3. Eye of Africa - Patchappen Res Page. 5 4. Zoom Fibre Office Building Page.15 5. Knotts Malone Residence Page. 25 6. Masinamela Residence Page. 32 7. Employer Reference Letter Page. 35 Figure 1: Patchappen Residence Figure 3: KnottsMalone Residence Figure 5: Masinamela Residence Figure 2: Lafayette Style House Figure 4: Zoom Fibre

1. INTRODUCTION - Year Out 2022 PG 1
My statement of purpose for this Honours application, is to further my studies in the field of architecture and to climb the ladder of the architectural profession. During 2022, I have further explored the field of architecture in the working environment. Gaining valuable work experience. Although, there were some tough moments and weeks that have gone by. I can reassure myself that I am passionate about this profession. Working for an architectural firm, opened my eyes to how the real world works and how to collaborate with my employer, contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers. I must admit, it was different from what I expected, in a way every project or questions that stood before me where of practical nature, however a conceptual idea will always drive the design forward. The technical side to the work experience was extremely enjoyable, how things are made, and comparing the finished product to the drawing was always fascinating.
My end goal is to complete my honours degree and subsequent master’s degree in the near future, to pursue the title of Professional architect. This was my goal since first year, when I started my architectural journey in 2019 at Wits. I want to create spaces that function in a sustainable way, I am a problem solver, someone who thinks hard about situations and try and figure out a way to resolve them. For me, the main concept of architecture is to create solutions for how people move and how people use spaces. My hope is that the postgraduate studies at Wits will aid me for my goals that I want to achieve in the coming years. I think, having some experience of Wits during my undergraduate degree does come with its advantages. The undergraduate degree at Wits does test your creativity, and there where undoubtably hard moments, but still Theenjoyable.projects within my portfolio showcases skills that have been developed in my undergraduate degree put into practice. The degree has helped to make me office ready for the future. I have learned so much during this year, and I hope I can further climb the architectural ladder. The portfolio is a collection of working drawings, annotations, conceptual drawings, site photos, shop fitting drawings and interior design for hospitality work.
My goal at the end of third year was to join a big architectural firm, however this is not how it turned out. I joined a small firm, and I felt that I had the opportunity to learn more responsibility and skills from the head architect. Seeing how a small business works, was very valuable to me and is something I will carry with me for the years to come. Working on a range of projects and not one single project throughout the year was also eye opening. The portfolio is a carfully selected collection of work and does not display all work completed during the year. My responsibilities where outlined underneath every drawing, in the captions below.
PROJECT 1 - Lafayette Hair Station Furniture PG 2 The Lafayette Hair salon is located in Kemption park, The initial design concepts where finalized at the end of 2021. My duties within this project was to annotate the working drawings. These working drawings where sent to the shopfitters, who built the furniture pieces. See the images of the final built furniture items within their context. The projects was mainly an interior design project consisting of a renovtion of an existing building. Figure 6: Lafayette reception desk. Figure 7: Product shelves, hair and nail stations. Figure 8: Hair station with shopfitted desk. Figure 7: In Vein Reception desk and curtain partitions.

Issue ProjectDate:Number:ProjectClient:Address:Name:Check:Revisions: Date: By:DrawnIssueStatus: NOTES: Signature:Owner's A 01/052022 BdRQuote 2022/01/0501_289 t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e i s A r c h t e c t u r e I n t e r i o r s F u r n t u r e La Fayette Salon Kempton LaFayetteParkPTY LTDDescription Front Elevation - Reception Desk 1 & Desk 2 Scale 1:10 Plan Section - Reception Desk 1 Scale 1:10 Side Elevation - Reception Desk 1 & Desk 2 Scale 1:10 Section D-D - Reception Desk 1 & Desk 2 Scale 1:10 Callout Detail - Reception Desk 1 Scale 1:5 SF06 Desk Face SF06 Curved CornerSF06 Curved Corner 32mmSF08 formica top SF02 Countertop SF02 Countertop Plywood formed to create curve, plywood covered with fabric. 20mm x 20mm SHS Ø25mm steel tube Tube fixed to aluminium square tube SF02 Countertop SF02 Countertop 12 x Aluminium16 Angle 12 x 16 Aluminium Angle 12 x 16 Aluminium Angle SF06 Side D SF05 Formica top above Countertop above 12 x 16 Aluminium Angle SF05 SF06 Side SF05 Shell SF05 Back Panel SF05 SF06 Figure 8: Reception desk working drawings, I was mainly resposible for the annotations and dimensioning. Ensuring that the drawings can be used by a shopfitter to build the furniture. Aswell as sending the drawings to the shopfitter for quoteing and manufacturing purposes. Aditionally liasing with sub contractors to ensure the renovation was successful. PG 3 Completed Reception Desk for In Vein
Issue ProjectDate:Number:ProjectClient:Address:Name:Check:Revisions: Date: By:DrawnIssueStatus: NOTES: Signature:Owner's A 01/052022 BdRQuote 2022/01/0501_289 t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r . e . i . s A r c h t e c t u r e I n t e r o r s F u r n i t u La Fayette Salon Kempton LaFayetteParkPTY LTDDescription Plan section through Cabinet Scale 1:10 Front Elevation - Retail Shelve Scale 1:20 Cabinet Front Face Cabinet Back Section through shelf (Section A-A) Scale 1:10 Side Elevation of shelf Scale 1:10 Material Composition: Ø19 steel tubes Welded to galvanized steel Plumbing components 3 4 inch fitting All steel sprayed brass colour Galve flangeplate Tee AdjustableplumbingfittingSF04shelfSenoshelfonMDFsubstrate 3 4 ElbowSF01plumbingfittingShelf SF02 CabinetDoor SF01 Counter Top SF03SF01CabinetDoorShelf SF02 Side Panel SF04 Back Panel Ø19mm steel tubes, Welded to galvanized steel Plumbing components 3 4 inch fittings All steel sprayed brass colour Quantity = 5 Units SF03 CabinetDoor SF01 Shelf SF01 Counter Top SF03 Side Panel SF01 Counter Top SF02 CabinetDivider SF05 Back Panel Ø19 steel tube Ø15 steel tube SF03 CabinetBase SF01 Shelf Ø19 steel tube Cabinet SF01 Shelf SF01 Shelf SF04 Figure 9: Retail shelf working drawings, I was mainly resposible for the annotations and dimensioning. Ensuring that the drawings can be used by a shopfitter to build the furniture. See attached photographs showing the finished products. PG 4 Completed retail shelve front view Completed retail shelve back view

PROJECT 2 - Patchappen Residence
The first resedential project that I was involved in, is a house located in the Eye of Africa Gholf estate. This is a 2 storey house designed on a very steap slope. For submission of this project, the estate required drawings for 2 stages. Stage 1 consited of conceptual drawings, with renders of the overall from and aesthetic. Stage 2 required council submission drawings, the estate have to approve the drawings first before the drawings can be sent to council for approval. The estates have their own rules and architectural guidelines that need to be followed to ensure approval. The goal for the council drawings where to provide the council with enough information and at the same time send the drawings out for a formal tender process. My roles where to prepare conceptural renders and council drawings.
PG 5
Figure 10: North elevation. My responsibility was to render the building using lumion. Placing people, landscaping, trees and rocks.

TECHNICALPLAN DRAWINGS HOUSE1460PATCHAPPEN:EyeofAfrica Figure 11: Eye of Africa Home Owners Association submission for stage 1. Colored Conceptual floor plans using photoshop. Submitting the plans online to the Home owners association.

Figure 12: Typical zoom meeting with the engineer, to discuss the structural capabilities of the design.

Gas Note: All gas installation to be carried out by registered & certified gas plumber all works to comply with SANS 10087 Regulations Materials Note: All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment. All exterior finishes/colours to be approved by the Eye of Africa Home Owners Association and/or Architectural Review Commitee and to adhere to the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines.
150mm underground stormwater pipe, to exit and discharge into cluster of rocks at ground level.
Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Client:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Issue Status: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: 01_287 Revision Description2022-05-0301_287 Q/C/Rdd-mm XXXX Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. 1460 Eye of MrPATCHAPPENAfrica&MsPatchappenRESIDENCEFor:Approval 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e A r c h e u e n o u e Aluminum Frame Side Hung Window Frosted Glass DoubleW1Glazing Aluminum Frame Top hung window, with fixed panels Frosted Glass DoubleW2Glazing Aluminum Frame Top Hung Window, with fixed panels Low E Glass DoubleW3Glazing Aluminum Frame Fixed window Low E Glass DoubleW4Glazing Aluminum Frame Top Hung Window, with fixed panel Low E Glass DoubleW5Glazing Aluminum Frame Top Hung Window, with fixed panel Low Glass DoubleW6Glazing Aluminum Frame Top Hung Window, with fixed panel Low E Glass DoubleW7Glazing Aluminum Frame Top hung window, with 1 fixed panel Low Glass Double Glazing W8 Aluminum Frame Fixed Window Low E Glass Double Glazing W9 Aluminum Frame Pocket Door Low E Glass DoubleD05bGlazing Aluminum Frame Top hung window with fixed panel Low Glass Double Glazing W11 Aluminum Frame Pocket Door Low E Glass Double Glazing D06 Aluminum Frame Top Hung Window, with fixed panels Low Glass DoubleW3aGlazing Aluminum Frame Sliding Door Low E Glass Double Glazing D08 Aluminum Frame Sliding Door Low E Glass Double Glazing D09 Aluminum Frame Glass door Low Glass Double Glazing D11 Aluminum Frame Sliding Door Low E Glass DoubleD12Glazing Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: 1 Quantity: Quantity: 1 Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: 1 Quantity: 1 Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: 4 Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: FENESTRATION LevelCALCULATIONS_Lower FENESTRATION LevelCALCULATIONS_Upper 26.58m23.39mPlanters36.06m 35.00m Aluminum Frame Sliding Door Low Glass Double Glazing Quantity:D13 T.O.C-0.085Yard +2.890T.O.C +2.890T.O.C +3.740T.O.C +2.720T.O.C +2.550T.O.C+3.485T.O.C Timber Deck Timber Steps 400L Geyser located in room below 200L Geyser located room below +2.550T.O.CSlabOverhang OverhangSlab Sunset Boulevard Quantity:D14 1 Aluminum Frame Glass Door Low Glass Double Glazing RWDPRWDPRWDPRWDP RWDPRWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O Discharge Pipe, discharges water off site, see section detail (Callout A) Assemble cluster of rocks, discharge pipe to exit @ cluster of rocks 12m Building Line 12m Building Line 2m Building Line 2mBuildingLine LineBuilding2m LineBuilding2m 2mBuildingLine 2m Building Line RWDP RWDP RWDP Stand 1459 Stand 1461 Existing boundaryneighbourwall IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IEREIERERE RERE RERE RE RE IE IE OVP OVP BRICK PARAPET BRICK PARAPET Solid MDF TimberD01Door Solid MDF TimberD03DoorFrame Semi Solid Internal Door, plain MDF, Painted, refer to plan D02 BalauD04DoorTimber Quantity: Quantity: 12 Quantity: Quantity: Stained Oak Balau Timber Garage Door Quantity:D10 1 Roof RoofYard PIPEVENT PIPEVENT Stormwater channel Stormwater channel SUMP Paving FIXED Aluminum Frame Silding Door Low E Glass DoubleQuantity:D05aGlazing2 SUMP SUMP Quantity:D15 2 Steel Frame, Fire rated transformer door with vent and fixed glass panel. Type D Level: L00 Lower Level Level:L00-Lower Level Level: L00 Lower Level Level: L01 Upper Level Level: L00 Lower Level Level: L00 Lower LevelLevel: L00 Lower LevelLevel: L00 Lower Level Level: L00 Lower Level Level: L01 Upper Level Level: L01 Upper Level Level: L01 Upper Level Level:L01-Upper Level Level: L01 Upper Level Level: L01 Upper LevelLevel: L01 Upper LevelLevel: L01 Upper LevelLevel: L01 Upper LevelLevel: L01 Upper LevelLevel: L01 Upper Level Level:L00 -Lower Level Level:L00-Lower Level Level: L01 Upper Level Level: Basement Aluminum Frame Top Hung Window Low Frosted Glass Double Glazing Quantity:W10 Level: L00 Lower Level 3Page1PagePage2 5Page4PagePage6 IE IEIERE F.B.O F.B.O Figure13: Eye of Africa Council Submission, preperation of site plans, roof plans and fenestration schedules, additionally setting up SANS 10400 XA Edition 1 calculations for council approval and Eye of Africa stage 2 approval.
NOTES: All dimensions be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects to be notified of any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans to be read conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site report discrepancies to architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site protect these from damage throughout the duration of works. To be responsible for correct setting out of works with particular reference boundaries, building lines, servitudes & onto existing structures with particular reference to special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and to report discrepancies to architect before commencing work. ALL materials & finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
ROOF NOTES: RF003 Max 95mm screed fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets on 170mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Torch-on bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with 25mm layer of small, rounded pebbles on Bidum Geotextile Membrane
ROOF NOTES: RF001 Max 95mm screed to fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets on 170mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Roof insulated with 135mm Mineral Wool Insulation, placed inside 175mm ceiling void. Torch-on Bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with Silver roof paint.
ROOF NOTES: RF002 Max 60mm screed fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets on 125mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Torch-on bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with 25mm layer of small, rounded pebbles on Bidum Geotextile Membrane
SOLAR GEYSER PANEL Solar geyser panels on aluminium frame. Panels @ max 10° pitch No fixings to pierce waterproofing on slab. All fixing points/anchors be installed before waterproofing applied.
FLOOR NOTES: F001 Minimum 30mm cement screed on 340mm reinforced concrete slab engineer's details specifications on 250 micron USB Green DPM lapped up against side walls with joins lapped over 150mm and fixed with tape, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene insulation termite poisoned soil compacted in layers 100mm engineer's specifications.
External Lighting Note: Only low, downward directed lighting to be used on the external façade of the building. All external lighting to adhere the Eye Africa Architectural Guidelines and be approved by the Architectural Review Committee before installation.
DRIVEWAY NOTE Paved driveway, 100 100mm (50mm thick) concrete layercobbles,works to be designed by engineer
Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours must be in mute earth tones. All exterior finishes/colours to be approved by the Eye of Africa HOA and/or Architectural Review Commitee before application of final finishes on site. All external finishes to be accordance with the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines.
ROOF NOTES: RF002 Max 60mm screed to fall (min 30mm) to full-bore outlets 125mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Torch-on bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with 25mm layer small, rounded pebbles on Bidum Geotextile Membrane
ROOFROOFINGNOTES:RF001 Max 95mm screed fall (min 30mm) to full-bore outlets on 170mm reinforced concrete slab engineer's specification. Roof insulated with 135mm Mineral Wool Insulation, placed inside 175mm ceiling void. Torch-on Bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with Silver roof paint.
Manhole ManholeManhole Lightpole ElectricLightpolebox North S Manhole S E W North S ROOF NOTES: RF001 Max 95mm screed to fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets 170mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Roof insulated with 135mm Mineral Wool Insulation, placed inside 175mm ceiling void. Torch-on Bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with Silver roof paint.
DRIVEWAY NOTE Paved driveway, 100 x 100mm (50mm thick) concrete layercobbles,works to be designed by engineer
FLOORS WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections to engineer's specifications. Surfaces to be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane on compacted hardcore or earth with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections changes in floor levels. FOUNDATIONS BRICKWORK ALL foundations to be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level in strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecificationsproofmembrane below all floors to lap up against walls all vertical changes in level. Damp proof course below all window sills. DPC brick walls all base roof slabs and floor slabs prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) to be installed in all new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs.
STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, to exit and discharge into cluster of rocks at ground level.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, municipal sewer connection Landscaping Note: Landscaping to be designed and installed by landscaping specialist. All plants trees to be indigenous species. All landscaping be approved by the Eye of Africa Home Owners Association Review Committee and adhere the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines before any external plants, trees and landscaping works commences.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, municipal sewer connection
All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks. HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed to wall @ 1050mm height from centre stair nosing. ROOF PLAN SITE PLAN PLAN Roof & Stowmwater Plan Scale 1:100 @A0 SITE PLAN Scale 1:200 @A0 Site boundary walls and fences are transparent and do not exceed 1800mm AREAUPPERLOWERSCHEDULE:FLOORLEVELFLOORLEVELHouse 255sqm Garage (permissable) 36sqm House 329sqm Double volume (at Covered Patio) 32sqm Actual Coverage 37% Permissable Coverage 40% Actual FAR 0.58 Permissable FAR 0.6 Gross Floor Area 584sqm Gross Floor Area (Deductions) 516sqm SITE AREA 886sqm Skylighttounderside of outside patio VolumeDoubleF.B.OBelowBalconyGardenOpentoSky F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O F.B.OF.B.OF.B.O F.B.OF.B.O F.B.O SOLAR PV PANELS SOLAR PV PANELS SOLAR PANELSGEYSER SOLAR PANELSGEYSER SOLAR PV PANELS SOLAR PV PANELS SOLAR PANELSGEYSER SOLAR PANELSGEYSER SKYLIGHTTounderside of exterior patio BRICK PARAPET BRICK PARAPET BRICK PARAPETBRICK PARAPET F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O BRICK PARAPET Building Edge of tar road Edge of tar road Deductions F.B.O F.B.O to manage stormwater on roof, stormwater will be dispatched towards the outside the building, followingslopethe Ø100mm stormwater drainage pipe, to be specified by engineer Solar Geyser locatedwithin the house, refer to section C-C Swimming Pool Agricultural Drain Planter underneathAssembledeck cluster of rocks, discharge pipe to exit @ cluster rocks
PLUMBING/DRAINAGE/SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber accordance with SANS10400-P codes Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping to be insulated with R value All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes to be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings be encased 100mm concrete all around & protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's to ALL bends junctions of ALL soil waste pipes Provide R.E.'s at every change of direction & gradient with SABS approved marked covers at Ground Level ALL waste fittings & bends have reseal traps & be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician in accordance with relevant SANS codes & Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate of Compliance must be issued for all new existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. be SABS approved. GEYSER: Geyser comply with SABS 10254 FIRE NOTES All work comply with SANS 10-400 Part
PV SOLAR PANEL NOTE Solar PV panels on aluminium frame 10 degree max pitch. No fixings to pierce waterproofing on slab. All fixing points/anchors be installed before waterproofing applied.
STAIRS STEPS ALL work comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans take preference FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames to comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing to be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing in strict accordance with SANS10400-N 10400-O and SANS10400XA codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing revolving doors.

HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall @ 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL top of glass. 12 mm clear toughened glass fixed to edge slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and to comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings.
INTERNAL STAIRS: ST03 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm soil pipe passing under floor slab concrete all around engineer's specification.
be encased 110mm
ROOF NOTES: RF002 Max 60mm screed to fall (min 30mm) to full-bore outlets on 125mm reinforced concrete slab engineer's specification. Torch-on bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with 25mm layer small, rounded pebbles on Bidum Geotextile Membrane
DRIVEWAY NOTE Paved driveway, 100 100mm (50mm thick) concrete layercobbles,works to be designed by engineer
FOUNDATIONFLOORINGNOTES: All foundations to structural engineer's details and specifications. Refer engineer's foundation plans for details. All foundations to be 700x250mm minimum All foundations to be minimum 340mm below natural ground level. For tender purposes, assume reinforcing to all foundations refer to engineer's details.
Gas Note: All gas installation be carried out by registered certified gas plumber all works comply with SANS 10087 Regulations Materials Note: All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured in mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment. All exterior finishes/colours be approved the Eye Africa Home Owners Association and/or Architectural Review Commitee and to adhere the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines. External Lighting Note: Only low, downward directed lighting be used on the external façade the building. All external lighting adhere to the Eye Africa Architectural Guidelines and to be approved by the Architectural Review Committee before installation.
ROOFROOFINGNOTES:RF001 Max 95mm screed to fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets 170mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Roof insulated with 135mm Mineral Wool Insulation, placed inside 175mm ceiling void. Torch-on Bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with Silver roof paint.
STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, exit and discharge into cluster of rocks ground level. SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, to municipal sewer connection
FOUNDATIONS BRICKWORK ALL foundations to be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level in strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecificationsproofmembrane below all floors to lap up against walls all vertical changes in level. Damp proof course below all window sills. DPC brick walls all base roof slabs and floor slabs prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) to be installed in all new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster.
FreezeFridgeOven LoungeLevel:-2.890 T.O.C 30.7m² WMTD Swimming Pool 24m² Up UpUpUp Up Up Up Up DW Up Level:Entrance0.255T.O.C22.4m² Up Up Scullery & LaundryLevel:-2.8908.6m²KitchenLevel:-2.890 OutdoorCovered Patio Level: -2.975 T.O.C 59.7m²DoubleOutdoorVolumeDouble VolumeBalcony Above Dining Room Level: -2.890 T.O.C 26.2m² Pool Deck Level: -2.975 T.O.D 40.2m² Guest Suite Level: -2.890 T.O.C 14.0m² 12m Building Line2m Building Line LineBuilding2m 2mBuildingLine Up Garage Above Home Office Above Guest Loo Butler's Entrance Skylight Above E W North S BinBinBinBin Guest Suite Bathroom Level: -2.890 T.O.C 11m² IE Cocktail Bar Level: -2.890 T.O.C 27.7m² REIE REIEIE Up Up 1 121110134256789 13 1 1342567 10 141312111098 1 65 10954 56 14569 1 21 19181716 1413121176 Up 2 wc Sh whb whb wc Gas hob s s OVP OVP RERE IE IE Balcony Above IE RE IE IE RE 74 IE RE REIE IE IE IE 10 15 IE B.I.C B.I.C 3 15 10 11 11 Landscaping Note: Landscaping to be designed and installed by landscaping specialist. All plants trees to be indigenous species. All landscaping to be approved by the Eye Africa Home Owners Association Review Committee and to adhere to the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines before any external plants, trees and landscaping works commences.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL top of glass. 12 clear toughened glass fixed to edge slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and to comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings. Handrail
GEYSER: Geyser comply with SABS 10254 FIRE NOTES All work to comply with SANS
STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, to exit and discharge into cluster of rocks at ground level.
Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours must be mute earth tones. All exterior finishes/colours be approved by the Eye of Africa HOA and/or Architectural Review Commitee before application final finishes on site. All external finishes to be accordance with the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, to municipal sewer connection
STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, exit and discharge into cluster of rocks ground level.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed to wall @ 1050mm height from centre stair nosing.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, to municipal sewer connection
F002 Minimum 30mm cement screed smooth finish (steel floated), on minimum 85mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specifications, on 250 micron USB Green DPM lapped up against side walls with joins lapped 150mm and fixed with tape, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene insulation on termite poisoned soil compacted layers of 100mm engineer's specifications.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, to exit and discharge into cluster rocks at ground level.
FLOORS WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections to engineer's specifications. Surfaces to be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane on compacted hardcore or earth with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections changes in floor levels.
NOTES Strip Foundation Note: 700 250 Reinforced concrete foundations to engineer's details & specifications
SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, to municipal sewer connection
STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, exit and discharge into cluster of rocks ground level.
Plan: Lower Level PLAN - Lower Level Scale 1:50 @A0 Gross Floor Area: 255sq.m Existing Neigbour Boundary walls 900mm planting strip between side boundariesdrivewayand Existing Neigbour Boundary walls Waste bins to be hidden by screen Screen D01 D02 D02 D02 D04 W01 W02 D05a D06W11D05b D05a W04 W03 D03 D1A
FLOOR NOTES: F001 Minimum 30mm cement screed on 340mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's details specifications on 250 micron USB Green DPM lapped up against side walls with joins lapped 150mm and fixed with tape, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene insulation on termite poisoned soil compacted layers of 100mm engineer's specifications.
STAIRS STEPS ALL work comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans take preference FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames to comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing to be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing in strict accordance with SANS10400-N 10400-O and SANS10400XA codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing revolving doors. PLUMBING/DRAINAGE/SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber accordance with SANS10400-P codes Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping to be insulated with value All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes to be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings be encased 100mm concrete all around & protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's to ALL bends junctions of ALL soil waste pipes Provide R.E.'s at every change of direction & gradient with SABS approved marked covers at Ground Level ALL waste fittings & bends have reseal traps be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician in accordance with relevant SANS codes Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate of Compliance must be issued for all new existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. be SABS approved.
NOTES: All dimensions be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects to be notified of any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans to be read conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site report discrepancies to architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site protect these from damage throughout the duration of works. To be responsible for correct setting out of works with particular reference boundaries, building lines, servitudes onto existing structures with particular reference to special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and to report all discrepancies to architect before commencing work. ALL materials finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall @ 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
10-400 Part Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Client:Address:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Issue Status: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: 01_287 Revision Description2022-05-0301_287 Q/C/Rdd-mmyy XXXX Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. 1460 Eye of MrPATCHAPPENAfrica&MsPatchappenRESIDENCEFor:Approval t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e A r c h e u e n o u e 1200 600 1600h gas bottle, BAF C G D E B C D EF G I H Line of slab above Line slab above aboveslabofLine LandingLandingLandingLandingLanding Planter H+CH+C H+C H+C H+CH+CH+C H+C H+C Gas Bottles an enclosed and ventilated gas cage, all gas works done by specialist and to adhere to SANS regulations 1.2m height wall Line of slab above Line of slab above Line of slab above Line of slab above Line of slab above RWDPRWDP RWDP RWDP RWDPRWDPRWDP RWDPRWDP Pipe Access Panel through ceiling above IE Line of slab above 1.2m height gate, Vertical steel bars @ 12mmspaces maximum 100mm Childproofc/c latch lock self closing mechanism 1.2m height gate, Vertical steel bars @ 12mm spaces maximum 100mm c/c Childproof latch lock self closing mechanism D1A Planter Box 9mm Fibre removeablecementaccess panel painted to match wall colour F.B.OF.B.OTensile cable support for vertical creeper, plants by specialist Panter box. Bitumen torch-on. Waterproofing by specialist W11 Figure 14: Eye of Africa Council Submission, preperation of Lower level floor plan, annotations, dimensioning and ensuring plan complies with council submission.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed to wall @ 1050mm height from centre stair nosing.
Strip Foundation Note: 1050 350 Reinforced concrete foundations engineer's details & specifications
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall @ 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
and schedules. General Notes: All trades
Max 95mm screed fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets on 170mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Roof insulated with 135mm Mineral Wool Insulation, placed inside 175mm ceiling void. Torch-on Bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with Silver roof paint.
Plan: Upper Level PLAN - Upper Level Scale 1:50 @A0 Gross Floor Area: 329sq.m Existing Site boundary walls Enclosed Golf cart storage within garage Horizontal slated timber garage DrainagedoorsChannel Screed to fall to floor drain channelStormwater Low retaining wall to engineers specification Low retaining wall to engineer spec Planter Box with timber cladding Hedge planter box as privacy screening No equipment be visible the courtyard area Laundy line be hidden behind planted hedge D02 D02aD02aD02 D02 D02 W07D02D02 D13W06D13 D04 D10 W05 W04 W03a W04 D08 D08 D09 D12 D08 W09 D1 W10 W04 D11 W08W08
FLOORS WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections to engineer's specifications. Surfaces to be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane on compacted hardcore or earth with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections changes in floor levels.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL to top of glass. 12 mm clear toughened glass fixed edge of slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings.
FOUNDATIONFLOORINGNOTES: All foundations to structural engineer's details and specifications. Refer engineer's foundation plans for details. All foundations be 700x250mm minimum All foundations be minimum 340mm below natural ground level. For tender purposes, assume reinforcing all foundations & refer to engineer's details.
Strip Foundation Note: 1050 350 Reinforced concrete foundations to engineer's details specifications
GENERAL NOTES Strip Foundation Note: 700 250 Reinforced concrete foundations to engineer's details specifications
Bedroom 2 Level: +0.510 T.O.C 18m² Bedroom 1 Level: +0.510 T.O.C En-suite18m²5m² En-suite5m² Master Bedroom Level: 0.510 T.O.C 18.7m² Master En-suite Level: 0.510 T.O.C 15.7m² Sh Geyser Room 1 Walk In Closet Level: + 0.510 T.O.C 15.3m² Bedroom 3 17.2m² PJ 17.2m²Level:Lounge+0.510T.O.C RoomGeyser2 Up Up Double Volume 11.1m² UpHome Office Level: 0.000 T.O.C 11.8m² Up Up Double Garage Level: 0.000 T.O.C 48m² ArcLength:12mFall1:8Paved Driveway Lowest Level: 46m² LobbySecureUp Courtyard Garden 11.5m²Level: En-suite5m²Level:Entrance+0.255T.O.C30.4m²12mBuilding Line2m Building Line LineBuilding2m 2mBuildingLine E W North S Up UpUpUpUp Up Up Up Up Up 11 12 13 14 19181716 6 7 1 121110134256789 132 1 75346 10 141312111098 1 65 10954 56 1 21 12 wcwhbwhb wcwcSh whb Sh whb wc Sh whb IEIEOVPIEIE 74 UpUp Up 10 15 20 Balcony 2 Balcony 1 Balcony 3 151011 11 B.I.C B.I.C B.I.C B.I.C B.I.C B.I.C B.I.C OVP STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, to exit and discharge into cluster rocks at ground level. STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, to exit and discharge into cluster rocks at ground level.
BALCONY NOTE 170mm Cantilevered reinforced concrete slab, engineer's details specification STORM WATER PIPE NOTE 150mm underground stormwater pipe, to exit and discharge into cluster rocks at ground level.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL top of glass. 12 mm clear toughened glass fixed to edge slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and to comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings.
INTERNAL STAIRS: ST03 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
ROOF NOTES: RF002 Max 60mm screed to fall (min 30mm) to full-bore outlets on 125mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specification. Torch-on bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with 25mm layer small, rounded pebbles on Bidum Geotextile Membrane
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed to wall @ 1050mm height from centre stair nosing.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
Architects to
DRIVEWAY NOTE Paved driveway, 100 100mm (50mm thick) concrete layercobbles,works be designed by engineer ROOF NOTES: RF003 Max 95mm screed fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets 170mm reinforced concrete slab engineer's specification. Torch-on bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with 25mm layer of small, rounded pebbles on Bidum Geotextile Membrane
scale from plans.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL top glass. 12 clear toughened glass fixed to edge slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and to comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings. Handrail
with sections,
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL to top of glass. 12 mm clear toughened glass fixed edge of slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed to wall @ 1050mm height from centre stair nosing.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed to wall @ 1050mm height from centre stair nosing.BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL to top glass. 12 mm clear toughened glass fixed edge of slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and to comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings.
External Lighting Note: Only low, downward directed lighting to be used on the external façade the building. All external lighting to adhere to the Eye of Africa Architectural Guidelines and be approved by the Architectural Review Committee before installation.
FLOOR NOTES: F002 Minimum 30mm cement screed smooth finish (steel floated), on minimum 85mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specifications, 250 micron USB Green DPM lapped up against side walls with joins lapped over 150mm and fixed with tape, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene insulation on termite poisoned soil compacted layers of 100mm to engineer's specifications.
DRIVEWAY NOTE Paved driveway, 100 100mm (50mm thick) concrete layercobbles,works be designed by engineer
F001 Minimum 30mm cement screed on 340mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's details specifications on 250 micron USB Green DPM lapped up against side walls with joins lapped over 150mm and fixed with tape, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene insulation on termite poisoned soil compacted layers 100mm to engineer's specifications.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall @ 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
Landscaping Note: Landscaping be designed and installed by landscaping specialist. All plants trees be indigenous species. All landscaping to be approved by the Eye Africa Home Owners Association Review Committee and to adhere to the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines before any external plants, trees and landscaping works commences.
of any discrepancies. Do
BALCONY NOTE 170mm Cantilevered reinforced concrete slab, engineer's details & specification
NOTES: All dimensions be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. be notified not Request dimensions architects where dimensions are not shown. plans be read conjunction details comply SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA codes and must comply with Municipal Main Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site report discrepancies to architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site protect these from damage throughout the duration of works. To be responsible for correct setting out of works with particular reference boundaries, building lines, servitudes & onto existing structures with particular reference to special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and to report discrepancies to architect before commencing work. ALL materials & finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours must be mute earth tones. All exterior finishes/colours be approved by the Eye Africa HOA and/or Architectural Review Commitee before application final finishes on site. All external finishes be in accordance with the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines.
Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Client:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Issue Status: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: 01_287 Revision Description2022-05-0301_287 Q/C/Rdd-mmyy XXXX Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. 1460 Eye of MrPATCHAPPENAfrica&MsPatchappenRESIDENCEFor:Approval 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e A r c h e u e n o u e BA C G D E I H 1.2m height gate, Vertical steel bars12mm@ spaces maximum 100mm c/c Childproof latch lock self closing mechanism 1.2m height gate, Vertical steel bars @ 12mm spaces maximum 100mm c/c Childproof latch lock & self closing mechanism Overflow Screed to fall to floor Overflowdrain H+C H+CH+C H+C H+C H+CH+C H+C H+C H+CC CC RWDPRWDP RWDPRWDPRWDP RWDP RWDP RWDPRWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP Landing Landing Landing Landing F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O F.B.O OVP 9mm Fibre removeablecementaccess panel painted to match wall colour No equipment be visible the courtyard area 300mm 300mm sump 300mm 300mm sump 300mm 300mm sump Planter Box Safety Glass Panel H+C F.B.O F.B.OF.B.O 300mm x 300mmsump Tensile cable support for vertical creeper, plants by specialist Panter box. Bitumen torch-on. Waterproofing by specialist Safety GlassPanel Safety GlassPanel VentGeyser400Lstack Geyser400L Figure 15: Eye of Africa Council Submission, preperation of Upper level floor plan, annotations, dimensioning and ensuring plan complies with council submission. Plumbing pipes, and sections cut annotations.
Gas Note: All gas installation to be carried out by registered certified gas plumber & all works comply with SANS 10087 Regulations Materials Note: All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured in mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment. All exterior finishes/colours to be approved by the Eye Africa Home Owners Association and/or Architectural Review Commitee and adhere the Eye Of Africa Architectural Guidelines.
FOUNDATIONS BRICKWORK ALL foundations to be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level in strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecificationsproofmembrane below all floors to lap up against walls all vertical changes in level. Damp proof course below all window sills. DPC brick walls all base roof slabs and floor slabs prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) to be installed in all new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster. STAIRS STEPS ALL work comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans take preference FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames to comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing to be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing in strict accordance with SANS10400-N 10400-O and SANS10400XA codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing revolving doors. PLUMBING/DRAINAGE/SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber accordance with SANS10400-P codes Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping to be insulated with R value All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes to be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings be encased 100mm concrete all around & protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's to ALL bends junctions of ALL soil waste pipes Provide R.E.'s every change of direction gradient with SABS approved marked covers at Ground Level ALL waste fittings & bends have reseal traps & be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician in accordance with relevant SANS codes & Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate of Compliance must be issued for all new existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. be SABS approved. Geyser comply with SABS 10254 FIRE NOTES All work comply with SANS 10-400 Part
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall @ 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL top glass. 12 clear toughened glass fixed to edge slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and to comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings. Handrail
ROOF NOTES: RF001 Max 95mm screed fall (min 30mm) full-bore outlets 170mm reinforced concrete slab engineer's specification. Roof insulated with 135mm Mineral Wool Insulation, placed inside 175mm ceiling void. Torch-on Bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with Silver roof paint. ROOF NOTES: RF002 Max 60mm screed to fall (min 30mm) to full-bore outlets on 125mm reinforced concrete slab engineer's specification. Torch-on bitumen waterproofing by Derbigum approved specialist applicator. Finished with 25mm layer small, rounded pebbles on Bidum Geotextile Membrane FLOOR NOTES: F001 Minimum 30mm cement screed on 340mm reinforced concrete slab engineer's details specifications on 250 micron USB Green DPM lapped up against side walls with joins lapped over 150mm and fixed with tape, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene insulation termite poisoned soil compacted layers of 100mm engineer's specifications.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
SWIMMING POOL NOTE 250mm Reinforced concrete swimming pool engineers specification and detail
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall @ 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
Strip Foundation Note: 700 250 Reinforced concrete foundations engineer's details specifications
Strip Foundation Note: 1050 260 Reinforced concrete foundations to engineer's details specifications
SF02: 95 x 22 Balau Timber Cladding. Balau timber with dark brown sealer fixed to CCA treated Pine substructure with stainless steel screws. SF03: 12mm Clear toughened safety glass. SF04: Aluminium Window + Door Frames, `Powdercoated Matt Black.SF05SF03SF02SF04 SF05: Concrete soffit, plastered & painted. Paint colour SF01A SF06 SF06: Solid Oak stained dark Brown to match Balau. SF07 SF07: Stained Oak garage doors stained dark brown, to match Balau
Strip Foundation Note: 1050 260 Reinforced concrete foundations to engineer's details specifications
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL top of glass. 12 mm clear toughened glass fixed to edge slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and to comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings.
FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames to comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing to be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing in strict accordance with SANS10400-N 10400-O and SANS10400XA codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing revolving doors. PLUMBING/DRAINAGE/SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber accordance with SANS10400-P codes Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping to be insulated with R value All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes to be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings be encased 100mm concrete all around & protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's to ALL bends junctions of ALL soil waste pipes Provide R.E.'s at every change of direction & gradient with SABS approved marked covers at Ground Level ALL waste fittings & bends have reseal traps & be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician in accordance with relevant SANS codes Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate of Compliance must be issued for all new existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. be SABS approved. Geyser comply with SABS 10254 FIRE NOTES All work comply with SANS 10-400 Part Dwg.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL to top of glass. 12 mm clear toughened glass fixed edge of slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings.
Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Client:Address:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: 01_287 Revision Description2022-05-0301_287 Q/C/Rdd-mmyy XXXX Date: Architect's signature: Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. 1460 Eye of MrPATCHAPPENAfrica&MsPatchappenRESIDENCEFor:Approval 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e A r c h e u e n o u e SECTION H-H South Elevation Scale 1:100 SECTION@A0 I-I North Elevation Scale 1:100 @A0 SECTION - E-E East Elevation Scale 1:100 @A0 SECTION F-F West Elevation Scale 1:100 @A0 Brick Parapet Brick Parapet Brick Parapet Brick Parapet Pool 40sq.mDeck Pool 40sq.mDeck Brick Parapet Site boundary walls are permeable and do not exceed Max1800mmslope for batters will be in 3. BoundarySite BoundarySite BoundarySite BoundarySite BoundarySite NGL NGLNGL NGL NGL Clear VU fence Concrete Coping Site boundary walls are permeable and do not exceed 1800mmMax slope for batters will be in 3. Brick Parapet BrickBrickParapetParapet BoundarySite BoundarySite LineBuilding12m LineBuilding2mLineBuilding2m LineBuilding2m LineBuilding12m LineBuilding2m PlanterboxCascading +3.740 T.O.C. + 510 T.O.C. -2.975 T.O.C. +2.890 T.O.C -5.865 T.O.C. +3.400 U/S Soffit +2.975 U/S Lintel -3.655 U/S Lintel +0.000 U/S Beam 425 U/S Lintel -4.870 T.O.D. +3.740 T.O.C. +2.465 U/S Lintel +2.890 T.O.C. Landscaping Hedge Screen for Privacy NGL NGL Landscaping Hedge Screen for Privacy Stormwater recycle tanks, 2 5000L +3.910 T.O.C 510 -2.975T.O.CT.O.C +2.890 T.O.C. +2.975 U/S Lintel Timber Cladding Timber Cladding Swimming Pool 24sq.m Pool PumpStrip foundation Timber framed and timber clad staircase Cascading planterboxes Landscaping Hedge Screen for Privacy Street Street Planter box 0.000 T.O.C0.000 T.O.C. 0.000 T.O.C. Frameless glass balustrade 3m Height Restriction 3m Height Restriction Void Timber Stair 3m Height Restriction 3m Height Restriction Frosted glass window for privacy and daylight Tensile cable support for vertical creeper, plants by specialist Landscaping Hedge Screen for Privacy, to hide laundry line Frosted glass window for privacy and daylight Frosted glass window for privacy and daylight Landscaping Hedge Screen for Privacy Landscaping Hedge Screen for Privacy Landscaping Hedge Screen for Privacy SF01 SF02 SF03 SF04 SF01 SF01 SF01 SF01SF01SF01 SF01SF01 SF01 SF02 SF03 SF04 SF04SF01ASF04 SF01B SF04 SF01A SF01 SF06 SF05 SF04 SF01A SF01ASF01ASF01A SF01B SF01A SF01A SF01A Screen Hide waste bind D01W01 W02 W08 W08 D04 W06 D08 D05a D05b D08 D08 D09 D05a W03aW03 W10 1400h Gas Bottles Strip foundation LockableBoundarySite Gate 1.2m height gate with self closing mechanism 1.2m height gate with self closing mechanism +3.910 T.O.C + 510 -2.975T.O.CT.O.C+2.975U/SLintel IE IE IE IEIE OVP RE shwhb wcwc IE IE IE IEIE Manhole RE OVP whb wc wc whb whb Manhole Compacted fill Compacted fill Compacted fill Compacted fill Compacted fill Compacted fill Compacted fill Compacted fill VoidVoid Landing Landing Landing Landing Landing ROOF and FLOOR NOTES IE IE NGL OVP SF02 SF02 Plaster and Paint Plaster and Paint Plaster and Paint SF01 SF01A Plaster and Paint IE Plaster and Paint Reinforced concrete swimming pool to engineers specification and detail Cavity Behind D15 D15 Plaster and Paint Plaster and Paint W11 Existing Neighbour wall Figure 17: Eye of Africa Council Submission, preperation of all Elevations, annotations, dimensioning and ensuring plan complies with council submission, ensuring that all levels for construction are correct and uses a 85mm brick scale. Attached conceptual renders showing important elements of the dwelling. Entrance ThresholdInterior/Exterior East elevation
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles on 85mm concrete topping over bricks. EXTERNAL STAIRS: ST01 All risers 170mm height brick stairs. All treads 300mm. All stairs finished with Porcelain tiles, R11 grade, anti-slip tiles 85mm concrete topping over bricks.
HANDRAIL NOTES Ø50 steel handrail fixed wall @ 1050mm height from centre of stair nosing.
SF01 Surface Finish: SF01: Smooth plaster render applied to brickwork. Walls to be finished with plaster primer and paint as per detailed paint specification.
BALUSTRADE NOTE: BL01 1100mm height from FFL to top of glass. 12 clear toughened glass fixed edge of slab with stainless steel stud components. Balustrade by specialist and comply with relevant SANS regulations for safety glass and glass balustrade fixings. Handrail
STAIRS STEPS ALL work comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans take preference
FLOOR NOTES: F002 Minimum 30mm cement screed smooth finish (steel floated), on minimum 85mm reinforced concrete slab to engineer's specifications, on 250 micron USB Green DPM lapped up against side walls with joins lapped 150mm and fixed with tape, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene insulation on termite poisoned soil compacted in layers 100mm to engineer's specifications.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, to municipal sewer connection
Strip Foundation Note: 700 250 Reinforced concrete foundations engineer's details specifications
Strip Foundation Note: 700 250 Reinforced concrete foundations to engineer's details & specifications
Strip Foundation Note: 700 250 Reinforced concrete foundations engineer's details specifications
Samples of all of the above surface finishes to be produced and approved by ARC and the project architect.
Owner's signature:
FLOORS WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections to engineer's specifications. Surfaces to be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane on compacted hardcore or earth with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections changes in floor levels.
Strip Foundation Note: 700 250 Reinforced concrete foundations engineer's details specifications
SF01BSF01A Paint PlasconColor=Aluminium Snow 45. Paint PlasconColor=Tribecca Corner 48.
FOUNDATIONS BRICKWORK ALL foundations to be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level in strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecificationsproofmembrane below all floors to lap up against walls all vertical changes in level. Damp proof course below all window sills. DPC brick walls all base roof slabs and floor slabs prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) to be installed in all new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: PL01 110mm soil pipe at 1:40 fall, to municipal sewer connection
NOTES: All dimensions be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects to be notified of any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans to be read conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site report discrepancies to architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site protect these from damage throughout the duration of works. To be responsible for correct setting out of works with particular reference boundaries, building lines, servitudes & onto existing structures with particular reference to special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and to report discrepancies to architect before commencing work. ALL materials & finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.

Figure 18: Visual conceptual render of the Zoom Fibre office. View from entrance of the property. I was responsible for the rendering within Lumion. Modelling the context in sketchup and placing landscape to give context to the visual.
PROJECT 3 - Zoom Fibre Office
This small office for Zoom Fibre is situated in a resendential area, in Northcliff, Gauteng. The brief was to design a building for 40 office workers. The building will share a site with an existing house. The challenge was to fit in the office on a small area of the site, as seen in the Site development plan. My responisibilites was to survey the exsiting site, and to draw up the building on Autocad and Sketchup. The sketchup model served as the base to add textures and import into Lumion for rendering.

Figure 19: Site Development plan, submitted for approval, this was to rezone the resedential site into a commercial site. My responsibility was to survey the existing site and to draw the SDP Plan. Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Client:Address:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Issue Status: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: 01_000 Revision Description2022-02-1101_000 Q/C/Rdd-mmyy XXXX NOTES: Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. 2880, Northcliff 34 Suzanne ClientZOOMCrescentFIBREName t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e i s A r c h t e c t u e I n e o r s F u r n t u e OFFICE For: SDP Approval Site Development Plan ScaleLocality1:200PlanScale1:750 64,04228,03047,229 33,58062,980 27,400ServitudeStormwaterSUZANNECRESCENT 2mBuildingLine 2mBuildingLine ERFERF1917STAND 2880 ERF 16 ERF 15 STAND 2881 6mBuildingLine VALERIEDENETOWNSHIP [Existing]SECTIONAL EAST ELEVATION C-C Scale [Existing]EAST[Existing]1:200ELEVATIONScale1:200SECTIONALWEST ELEVATION D-D Scale NORTH[Existing][Existing]1:200SOUTHELEVATIONScale1:200ELEVATIONScale1:200 STAND 2881 ERF 16 ERF 15 ERF 17ERF 19 STAND 2881 STAND 2522 STAND 2871 STAND 2518 Existing House1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.11. DeliveryArea AREA SCHEDULE Area of Stand 2064 sqm Coverage (Permissable) 50% Total Existing House 327 sqm Existing Coverage 16% New Additions [Proposed]: Office Building Bulk Office area, storage area) 291 sq.m Ground Floor 142 sq.m First Floor 149 sq.m Coverage 14 % Total Area (NEW) 476 sq.m Total Coverage (NEW) 23% Far (Permissable): 1.2 Far (Proposed): 0.3 Zoning Information: Use Zone: Commercial Height Zone: 3m (3 storey permissible) Coverage: 50% Density: 1 Dwelling per ERF Building lines: 3m as per COJ Land Use Scheme guidelines Servitudes: One 2440mm stormwater servitude Parking: 2 disabled parking bays, 17 x staff and visitors parking bays PARKING REQUIREMENT Office (COJ JHB Land Use Scheme 2018) 2 Bays per 100 sq.m Bulk Floor Area = 617sq.m Minimum Parking bays required = 12 Disabled Parking bays required = 1 Disabled Parking bays provided = 2 Paving Entry Existing House Existing Boundary wall ExistingBoundarywallwallExistingBoundary ExistingBoundarywall ExistingGazebo SuzanneCrescent SuzanneCrescent Existing House Existing House Existing House Existing House Existing House Existing House ExistingHouse ExistingHouse Existing House PROPOSED NEW1642mOFFICE 1643m 1641m 1639m1640m A [Proposed] Section A-A Scale 1:200 STAND 2881 Existing House PROPOSED NEWSTANDOFFICE2880 B PROPOSED NEW OFFICE STAND 2880 Erf 16 [Proposed] Section B-B Scale[Proposed]1:200 South Elevation Scale 1:200 [Proposed] West Elevation Scale 1:200 STAND 2880 STAND 2880 STAND 2881 EXISTING HOUSE PROPOSED NEW OFFICE PROPOSED NEW OFFICE Erf 16 EXISTING POOL ExistingPool Clerestory Frosted glass windows for ventilation @ high level Clerestory Frosted glass windows for ventilation @ high level OFFICE STORAGE/OFFICEAREA AREA STORAGE/OFFICE AREA OFFICE AREA EXISTING POOL Plaster and paint Plaster and paint Plaster and paint Plaster and paint Garage door Vertical Louvers for shading & privacy Vertical Louvers for shading & privacy Satellite Image Scale 1:750

Storage Area 40sqm GF 51sqmOffice Lounge/ Tea station29sqmPrint Room Delivery Area EntranceOverhangAbove Existing House Kitchen Counter AboveOverhang Ground Floor Plan Scale 1:50 Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Client:Address:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Issue Status: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: 01_293 Revision Description2022-07-2101_293 Q/C/Rdd-mmyy XXXX Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. 2880, Northcliff 34 Suzanne MohammadZOOMCrescentFIBREManjra t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e i . s A r c h t e c t u r e I n t e r o r s F u r n t u r e OFFICE For: Approval A B B CC Existing Generator Existing Pool D D E PG15 Figure 20: With detailed surveyed information, I was able to draw the floor plan, workshopping the space planning with the head architect and with the client. Approach

First Floor Plan Scale 1:50 t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e i s A r c h t e c t u r e I n t e r o r s F u r n t u r e 17sqmLanding Open Plan Office59sqm Bathrooms9sqm Existing House Telesales31sqm Support26sqm A B B CC D D A E PG16 Figure 21: First floor, accompanied with renders, and the plan indicating ablustions, and large sub divided office areas. Accompanied with renders, indicating important building elements. Pause area Shading louvers/privacy louvers

SECTION A-A Scale -0.085ScaleSECTION1:50B-B1:50T.0.C +0.000 T.O.C +1.700 T.O.C +3.060 TOC +6.120 TOC +6.460 T/O Parapet +2.100 U/S Lintel +5.160 U/S Lintel Ground Floor Office Open Plan Office Landing Tea Coffee Station Entrance +0.000 T.O.C +1.700 T.O.C +3.060 TOC +6.120 TOC +6.460 T/O Parapet +2.100 U/S Lintel +5.160 U/S Lintel +7.055 T/O Parapet Screen wall for Aircon Units LineBuildingBoundarySite Store Storage Area Telesales 17sqmLanding DeliveryCovered Area Concrete StaircaseBay Window Existing House Existing House Owner's signature: Date: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: NOTES: Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e i s A r c h t e c t u r e I n t e r o r s F u r n t u r e NGL NGL NGL NGL LouversAluminium Glass Partition wall PG17Figure 22: Sections of the double storey buidling, I was responsible for drawing the building in context and annotations. Entrance to storage area Interior office area

SECTION C-C Scale ScaleSECTION1:50D-D1:50 +0.000 T.O.C +1.700 T.O.C +3.060 TOC +6.120 TOC +6.460 T/O Parapet +2.100 U/S Lintel +5.160 U/S Lintel Ground Floor Office Open Plan Office Landing Entrance LandingEntranceBathroom +2.635 U/S Ceiling +5.665 U/S Ceiling Existing House Existing HouseExisting House Tea Station Bay Window Bay window seat Owner's signature: Date: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: NOTES: Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2021-05-21 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e i s A r c h t e c t u r e I n t e r o r s F u r n t u r e Bay window seat Concrete FramelessstaircaseglassbalustradeGlass Partition wall High Level window for privacy Screen wall for AC units Low parapet wall LineBuildingBoundarySiteNGLNGL NGL Low Parapet Wall SECTION E-E Scale 1:50 -0.085 +6.460+6.120+3.060T.O.CTOCTOCT/OParapetSupportStorageAreaBoundarySite +5.665 U/S CeilingHigh Level window for privacy. Frosted Glass NGL NGL LineBuilding LouversAluminium Neigbour Pool PG18 Figure 23: Sections of the double storey buidling, I was responsible for drawing the building in context and annotations. Pause area exterior (Window Seat) Freehand sketch, exploring the window seat in section.

Figure Example of on site survey drawings. To aid in correct scale and sizing of the context surrounding the building. Ensuring that our new door openings dont clash with the existing roof overhangs.

18 February 2022 - Trenches and Concrete Pouring
Figure 26: The building is orientated to face the Eastern View, This foto was taken in early 2021, and it shows why the clients chose to orientate the building in this manner.
23walls.April 2022 - Short Wall Heights
Figure 28: Site Plan Drawing, indicating site conditions and the proposed electrical fence position.
Figure 25: Conceptual Rendering before construction.
KnottsMalone residence is located in Magaliesburg, Northwest. Excavation of the site started on the 11th of January, which was my first day at Refined Existance In Space. My tasks during the building of the project, was to inspect the site and to photograph the building process. This helps document proof of the building works for the client, which led to the issue of monthly payment certificates. The timeline below shows the start up until the ongoing construction process. To provide the building contractor with detailed working drawings, to construct elements on site.
Figure 27: Foundation walls built ontop of casted concrete
11 March 2021 - Site Inspection
Figure 30: Trenches filled with concrete, accompanied with foundation reinforcement.
24 March 2022 - Foundation Walls
Figure 28: Shoulder wall heights built ontop of foundation
PROJECT 6 - Knotts Malone Residence

PROJECT 6 - KnottsMalone Residence Figure 31: 2465mm Lintel heights, giving a sense of scale and height. 6 May 2022 - Lintel Heights Figure 32: Installation of timber rafters and steel c channels, brush plastedred exterior walls 2 June 2022 - Rafter installation Figure 33: Double glazing, aluminium framed window & Saflok 700 roof sheeting installation 4 July 2022 - Roof sheeting Installation & Window installation PG21

Figure 33: Installation of double glazed aluminium framing, completed rafter installation. Applying waterproof coating to cladded stone walls.
Figure 34: Saflok 700 roof sheeting installation
4 July 2022 - Installation of Window/Door frames
Figure 35: Applying final floor finish, screed look. Casting concrete roof over passage and installing plywood ceiling board.
PROJECT 6 - KnottsMalone Residence
Figure 36: Exterior of house almost completed, all roof sheeting installed, windows, Veld fire revealing some key features of the site. Building construction as of now will be completed closer to the end of the year.
4 July 2022 - Roof sheeting Installation
20 August 2022 - Applying floor screed + Ply ceiling board = Installation of solar panel racking system.

PG23 Knotts-Malone Res - 40 Acres Farm Knotts-Malone Residence - 40 Accres, Steenkoppie Farm, Magaliesburg 2022/07/11 Summary: Security Quotes from Insight Security # Importance Description Placement Location (refer to plan) Quote Reference Price for installation (Total Including VAT) 1 Top Priority Electrical Fence and mesh fencing Outer Perimiter of Building - as per site plan Q22062901 R 106 456.80 2 Top Priority 2 Zone energizer for electric fence + keypad for gate Outer Perimiter of Building Q66062902 R 10 530.10 3 Top Priority Sliding Gate Outer Perimiter of Building Q22062903 R 12 476.90 4 Medium PriorityOptional Swing Gate Outer Perimiter of Building Q22063002 R 4 286.91 5 Top Priority Alarm System Outer Perimiter of Building & Connection to electric fence. Q22062901 R 10 926.52 6 Medium PriorityOptional. To be revised once fence is installed Infra Red Beams Outer Perimiter of Building Q22063003 R 18 798.97 7 Top Priority No Cameras , Data (Quote includes wiring of Data cables for TVs, repeaters and outdoor cameras) Outer Perimiter of Building & Data Cables Interior & Exterior Q22070501 R 14 611.62 Total R 178 087.82 Allowances in PC Lists Juan (JS AllowanceConstruction)inPCList Low, farm-style fence as per initial specification. (Incl. VAT) R 34 592.00 Shedule of Provisional Costs Alarm & CCTV (incl. VAT) R 34 500.00 Shedule of Provisional Costs Network & Data Cables (incl. VAT) R 23 000.00 Total allowances incl. VAT R 92 092.00 Difference between allowance and upgraded fence/alarm specification R 85 995.82 2022/07/11 1 of 1 www.reis.co.za Figure 37: Schedule seperating security installation for Knotts Malone, arranging the items by Priority and their costs. The schedule was prepared for the clients, using excel. Knotts-Malone Residence - 40 Acres Farm 2022/06/03 Lighting Schedule: Switch Sockets Excludes general/decorative lighting & pendants. Refer to Décor Schedule for feature pendants # Qty Image Description Configuration Room Placement Location (refer to plan) 1 1 Veti 3 Dual Data Sockets (RJ45 – Cat6) - Graphite 2 RJ45 ethernet input sockets In Lounge for TV/DSTV Circuit C4 = 1 way fan isolator Circuit C5 = 1 way switch Circuit C6 = 1 way switch Circuit C1 = 2 way dimmer Circuit C2 = 1 way dimmer Circuit C3 = 1 Way dimmer Circuit C1 = 2 way dimmer Circuit C8 = 1 way dimmer Circuit C7 = Fan isolator Circuit C10 = 1 way switch C18 = 3 way switch (Intermediate Switching) C20 = 1 way switch C18 = 3 way switch (Intermediate Switching) C19 = 2 way switch C18 = 3 way switch (Intermediate Switching) C17 = 2 way switch Main Passage for main passage/guest wing passage surface mounted lights 8 1 Veti 3 Two Lever SwitchGraphite Main Passage for main passage/master bedroom passage surface mounted lights 176 1 Veti 3 Two Lever SwitchGraphite dining room for dining fans and exterior courtyard lights. In Lounge for Lounge pendants and kitchen/dining tracklights. Circuit C9 = 1 way dimmer Veti 3 One Lever SwitchGraphite Entrance hall for exterior front door light & main passage surface mounted lights. 4 1 Veti 3 Three Lever Bell Press Switch - Graphite 5 1 Veti 3 Two Lever SwitchGraphite 12 Veti 3 Three Lever Bell Press Switch One way - Graphite In Scullery for patio lights, Fans and garden lights 13 Veti 3 Three Lever Bell Press Switch Two way/One WayGraphite In Scullery for kitchen track lights & patio pedants. LOUNGE - DINING ROOM - KITCHEN - MAIN PASSAGE Figure 38: This schedule indicates wall plus quantities, linking up with the electrical plan, and locates where the plug sockets need to be placed on site.

GEYSER: Geyser comply with SABS 10254 FIRE NOTES All work to comply with SANS 10-400 Part GAS NOTES: All work to comply with relevant SANS regulations. All gas pipe and tank installations be carried out by certified gas plumber.gasinstallation C.O.C. be issued upon completion works. Any gas pipes under slabs to be 50mm PVC sleeve and encased in 100mm concrete all around.
FOUNDATIONS & BRICKWORK ALL foundations be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level & in strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecificationsproofmembrane below floors lap up against walls to all vertical changes level. Damp proof course to below all window sills. DPC in brick walls at all base of all roof slabs and floor slabs to prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs to be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) be installed new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings to be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster.
FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing strict accordance with SANS10400-N 10400-O and SANS10400XA codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing revolving doors.
Fire Place Fire Place abovewindowlevelHigh Timber Sliding Doors Geyser400L Terraced Landscaping Slope Embankment Slope Embankment Generator5kW Braai Future Swimming Pool 2.5m x 8m Future Paved Pool Deck AboveOutlineRoof AboveOutlineRoof AboveOutlineRoof AboveOutlineRoofRoof Outline Above Roof Outline Above Roof Outline Above Roof Outline Above Roof Outline Above Timber Sliding Doors 12V Pool 12 84 12VM/D12VPoolSh 10 70 20 1401421214242 N/A N/A 35 49 N/A N/A Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Client:Address:Number: Page No: Project Name: Dwg. Description: Issue Status: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number: 01_276 NOTES: Date: Architect's signature: Date: 2022-01-04 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. ERF :153, 40:67 REM STEENEKOPPIE FARM,ProposedMAGALIESBURGnewresidence on Steenekoppie Farm KNOTTS MALONE Guest Bathroom 350mm longer For: CONSTRUCTION2022-06-20 t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e s A h t e c u e n e F u r n u ___of 10 All dimensions be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects be notified any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans be read in conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights & dimensions on site report discrepancies architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site to protect these from damage throughout the duration works. To be responsible for correct setting out works with particular reference to boundaries, building lines, servitudes onto existing structures with particular reference special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and report all discrepancies architect before commencing work. ALL materials finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
ELECTRICAL PLAN Flood light on motion sensor Flood light on motion sensorFlood light on motion sensor Flood light on motion sensor Flood light on motion sensor Flood light on motion sensor Bedroom 3Bedroom 2 Bedroom 1 UPS,Inverter,BatteryStorage Guest Bathroom Guest Wing PassagePassageWingGuest Entrance Hall Main Lounge-Dining-KitchenPassageCoveredPatio Scullery Master Bedroom Master Bathroom Walk-in-Closet PassageBedMaster LandscapedCourtyardOutside Shower Shower Guest Toilet Open Patio Bedroom Patio Master Bedroom Patio WMTD DW Fridge On digital timer-Future Flood light on motion sensor Sub DB Solar only. No electrical backup to geyser Submersable pump Electrical connection & isolater for pump MW 1800 height for wall-mounted TV Gas oven andSinkHob Sub DB for all living areas patio circuits Router & modem position etc.lightspump,DB,subpoolforconduitØ25mmofprovisionfutureforExitConduit Motion sensor Day night sensor 1800 height wall-mountedforTV Future Sub-DB @ pool pump 05 Flood light on motion sensor Euro @ 1100 Euro @ 1100 USBUSB EURO EURO EURO EURODOUBLE EURO EURO EUROEURO DOUBLEEURO 2x EURO EURO DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE EURO EURO DOUBLE EURO C1 WAY DIMMER C2 WAY DIMMER C3 WAY DIMMER C1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C4 FAN ISOLATOR C5 GARDEN LIGHTS C6 WAY SWITCH C7 C8 C9 C10 C10 C10 DOUBLE C7 FAN isolator C10 1 WAY SWITCH LEVER 1 WAY SOCKET C1 WAY DIMMER C8 WAY DIMMER C9 WAY DIMMER LEVER BELL PRESS LEVER BELL PRESS 3 LEVER ONE WAY SOCKET C11 C11 C13 C15 C14 C11 C14 C12 C12 C11 WAY DIMMER C13 WAY DIMMER C14 WAY DIMMER LEVER BELL PRESS C15 FAN ISOLATOR C12 WAY DIMMER LEVER SWITCH C16 C11 WAY DIMMER C16 WAY SWITCH C17 WAY Switch LEVER SWITCH C17 C18 C18 C17 WAY SWITCH LEVER SWITCH C18 WAY SWITCH C18 3 WAY SWITCH LEVER SWITCH C19 2 WAY SWITCH C19C19 C18 WAY SWITCH LEVER SWITCH C20 WAY SWITCH C20 C21 C21 C21 WAY SWITCH LEVER SWITCH C21 WAY SWITCH LEVER SWITCH C22 C23 C24 C26 C25 C27 C27 WAY DIMMER LEVER SWITCH ELECTRICAL PLAN ScaleMASTER1:50 BATHROOM Scale 1:50 GUEST BATHROOM 1 Scale 1:50 EURO EURO EURO EURO EURO EURO EURO EURO Figure 39: Preperation of electrical drawing for the contractor, also wiring the circuits and lights to assigned wall switches. My duties where to count and setup an excel schedule for the suppliers as seen above.
PLUMBING/DRAINAGE/SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber in accordance with SANS10400-P codes Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed underground hot water pipes be insulated with foam lagging an value All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes be 100mm dia. with min. fall of 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings to be encased in 100mm concrete all around & protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents to be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's to ALL bends junctions ALL soil waste pipes Provide R.E.'s at every change direction gradient with SABS approved marked covers Ground Level ALL waste fittings bends to have reseal traps be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician accordance with relevant SANS codes Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate Compliance must be issued for all new existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. to be SABS Requestapproved.dimensions for plug sockets before chasing or installation of plug boxes. When in doubt, request dimensions for close or overlapping electrical/lighting symbols.
STAIRS STEPS ALL work to comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 190mm and treads minimum 270mm. Stair notes on plans to take preference.
FLOORS & WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections engineer's specifications. Surfaces be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane, on compacted hardcore or earth fill with rigid polystyrene insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs to be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs to be installed where shown on sections at changes floor levels.
PG25 Knotts-Malone Res 40 Acres Farm Lighting Schedule: General Knotts-Malone Residence - 40 Accres, Steenkoppie Farm, Magaliesburg Ironmongery Schedule # Qty Image Description Room Placement Location (refer to plan) Supplier Purchased on site 1 25 QS4415 Black (100x76x3) European CE rated and stamped (Code = QS4415BL) All Internal doors Qs 2 9 Black cylinder escutcheons 52x6mm, per pair (Code: QS4403) All Internal doors Qs 3 8 Black stainless steel lever handle on rose with escutcheon, per pair (Code: Pello BL) All internal doors leading to rooms Qs 4 1 Stainless steel rectangular flush pull, 102 x 51mm, MATT BLACK, each QS4419BL Cupboard door Qs 5 3 QS1108 Matt Black 66mm knob cylinder, QS1108BL)(Code: Internal Bathroom Doors Qs 6 3 QS4410 Stainless steel coin release WC thumbturn Internal Bathroom Doors Qs 7 6 QS1104-QS1104_black_web.pngBlacksatinnickel66mmcylinder,each Internal Doors leading to bedrooms Qs 8 9 Stainless steel cylinder latch and deadbolt, 55mm backset, 60mm centre QS6055/1 All internal doors leading to rooms Qs 9 3 Stainless steel wall mounted door stop with hook, each (Code, QS4423) Master Bedroom, bedroom 2, Bedroom 3, Qs 10 5 Zinc alloy hooded door stop, MATT BLACK, (Code:QS4422BL)each Master Loo, Bathroom 1, Guest Wing Passage, Master Bedroom Qs 2022/06/28 2022/06/28 1 of 1 www.reis.co.za Figure 40: Schedule prepared to show the quantities of ironmongery components that are required for internal doors. Knotts-Malone Res - 40 Acres Farm Lighting Schedule: General Knotts-Malone Residence - 40 Acres Farm Lighting Schedule: General Lighting. # Qty Image Description Room Placement Location (refer to plan) Supplier Purchased on site 1 15 Saturn 12W_2275.12.30.TRIMSlim (Trim ring SAND BLACK), 3000K Guest wing passage, Entrance Hall, Main Passage, Master Bed Passage, Scullery, Guest Loo Dark Room 2 15 Lone_246605.2.30 = Track Mounted (3000K / 10W /Gu10) Black Kitchen, Walk In closet, Dining 3xTrack adapters for dining room, Tracks: 4 x 2m: Dining Room & Walk-in Closet 4 x 3m: Kitchen/Lounge Dark Room 3 14 2223WhiteDownlights_2223.31,=CeilingMounted(10W/Gu10) Guest Bathroom 1, Master Bathroom, Master Bedroom, Guest Wing Passage Dark Room 4 1 Downlight_2201/31_White2303 = Ceiling MountedIP65(10w/GU10), Guest Bathroom 1, inside shower Dark Room 5 2 Recessed_E.1008.31(CeilingPIRMounted),White Scullery, guest loo, Dark Room 6 3 Recessed_E.1006.31(CeilingPIRMounted)White Guest bathroom 1, guest loo Dark Room 7 7 Mite Medium_2524.08.31 = (3000K) Wall mounted, Black, All on switches, 8w 950 LUM Bedroom Patio, landscaped courtyard, front door, outside shower, Dark Room 8 3 OZO Square Plain, 2.97W/LED, 4487.3.31, Black Inside Master shower Dark Room 9 1 MountedPlain_2A1.000.000.WYE27,Francyontosteelrafter,LightBulb:9WLEDwarmwhite(3000K) Exterior above generator Dark Room 10 10 KTM 20w Flood Light 4647.30.40.31 = (4000K) Wall and/or truss/rafter mounted Exterior Dark Room 11 11 PIR Wall MountedSensor_E.1005.31Mounted=WallSensorforFloodLights Exterior Dark Room 2022/06/20 2022/06/22 1 of 2 www.reis.co.za Figure 41: This shcedule was set up to outline the general lighting of the residence, and to provide the suppliers with a base to quote from and to order each item + their location of placement..

Issue ProjectDate:Number: Page ProjectClient:No:Name:Check:Revisions: Date: By:DrawnIssueStatus: NOTES: Signature:Owner's A 05/212021 C 2022/08/0201_276 t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e i s A r c h i t e c u r e I n t e r o r s F u r n t u r e Knotts Malone KNOTTS/MALONEResDescription FOR QUOTE ONLY NOT FOR MANUFACTURING CHECK ALL DIMENSIONS ON SITE FRONT ELEVATION Scale 1:20 PLANScale 1:20 Callout ACallout C CALLOUT A Scale 1:2 CALLOUT C Scale 1:2 38mm x 2mm steel flat bar, fixed to wall 38mm x 38mm square tube 38mm x 38mm square tube CNC Punched steel door 2mm lasercut & bent steel handle fixed to 38mm x 38mm steel squareCNCtube Punched steel door 38mm x 38mm square tube CNC Punched steel door CNC Punched steel door 38mm x 38mm square tube frame CALLOUT B /Scale 1:2 Callout B 2mm steel escutcheonplate2mm steel cut and bent handle, fixed punched door and 38mm x 38mm square tube Euro lock QS8525/3cylinderNarrowstylelock Punched steel door_UPS/Geyser Room QUOTE ONLY DO NOT CUT 38mm x 2mm steel flat bar, 38mm x 38mm square tube QS8525/3 Narrow style 38mmlockx38mm square tube Figure 42: Working drawings to construct a lasr cut steel door, to secure the UPS room/geyser room that can only be accessed from the outside.. My duties were to draw the door, sections, annotate the drawing and send the drawing to a sheet metal company to manufacture the door.
PROJECT - Masinamela Residence
PG27 Figure 43: Conceptual massing drawing.
Figure 41: The Masinamela Residence located in monoghan farm gave me the oppertunity to work through the design process with the head architect and the client. The submission to the Monoghan aesthetics committee is broken down into 6 stages, all buildings within monoghan farm have to be approved by the MAC. My roles where to create visual renderings within lumion, sketchup 3D modelling of the site, and to work on the council submission plans, that also had to be submitted to the Monoghan Aesthetics Committee. As explained for the Eye of Africa drawings, the council drawings are very detailed, to ensure that council wont miss any information and to make the tender process occur in a quicker timeframe. Monoghan farm has a particular aesthetic that is required for approval.

Figure 44: Early conceptual sketches of the building form, expressed in elevation and section. PG28

Figure 47: Outside shower. Cladded in natural stone, also approved by the Monoghan Aesthetics Commitee.
Figure 45: Early conceptual sketches of the building form, the clients required that the building faced the southern view, on the north large trees blocked the building from efficient northern light.
Figure 46: Landscaping around the entrance and Carport, these elements make the entrance space very inviting.

Ø150 Stormwater main pipe to underground water storage tank
Landscaping Note: Landscaping by specialist: All plants trees be indigenous All landscaping be approved the Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and to adhere to the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, before any actual landscaping commencement. Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours mute earth tones must be approved on site by the Monaghan Farm HOA prior to construction and application thereof. Gas Note: All gas to be installed by specialist. To adhere relevant SANS regulations. Materials Note: All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured in mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment to be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and to adhere the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, all before any actual landscaping commencement. External Lighting Note: Only low lighted downward directed lighting be used on the external face the building Architectural Review Committee; and adhere the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any fitting. Paving Note: Grass frame paving elements and brown crushed stone or cobbles(as pathways) to be used to be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee (asthetics committee); and to adhere to the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any paving commences.
WATERPROOFING: FLAT SURFACES 20mm crushed stone Interdek seperation layer on one layer of Derbigum SP4 waterproofing membrane, with 75mm sidelaps and 100mm end laps, sealed primed surface falls crossfalls by 'torch-fusion'.Waterproofing be installed by Approved Derbigum Contractor under 10 year guarantee
Ø150 Over-flow pipe divert over-flow water cluster loose rock (2m diameter) at lowest point garden/landscape within centre of the property's building line
250mm width stormwater grill over concrete stormwater channel across width forecourt. Mild steel grill painted black. Surface stormwater to be diverted grill/channel, discharging to dia. 150 stormwater pipe exit at cluster of rocks (1m diamter cluster of loose rocks) lowest point of landscape within building line the property.
Ø150 Stormwater pipe diverting surface water to exit at cluster of rocks (1m diamter cluster loose rocks) at lowest point of landscape within building line of the property. 250mm width stormwater grill over concrete stormwater channel across width forecourt. Mild steel grill painted black. Surface stormwater be diverted grill/channel, discharging dia. 150 stormwater pipe exit at cluster of rocks (1m diamter cluster of loose rocks) lowest point of landscape within building line of the property.
Ø150 Stormwater pipe diverting surface water exit at cluster of rocks (2m diamter cluster of loose rocks) at lowest point of landscape within building line the property.
Gas Note: All gas to be installed by specialist. To adhere all relevant SANS regulations.
Ø150 Stormwater main pipe to underground water storage tank
Concrete Paver Blocks 600x600x50mmwith50mmgaps filled with natural stone gravel SWALECROSSING Swimming Pool: Salt Chlorinated Tank:WaterStorm Underground Fire Pit Pool Pump BG Grass 500x300x100mmBlock thick (interlocking concrete blocks from Vanstone Precast) 'Jeep-Track' Concrete Strips. 100mm thick, 450mm wide, reinforced concrete cast in-situ 1m and m sections. Natural Veld Grass between concrete tracks. Eskom Elec. Curb BermType1:Maximum1.2mheight.Max30degreeslopeNaturalVeldGrassLandscapingonbermbyspecialistLandscapertoMACApprovalBermType2:Maximum700mmheight.Max30degreeslopeNaturalVeldGrassLandscapingonbermbyspecialistLandscapertoMACApprovalBermType3:Maximum700mmheight.Max30degreeslopeNaturalVeldGrassLandscapingonbermbyspecialistLandscapertoMACApproval OVPOVP OVPOVP OVP OVP RE RE RE RE RERE RE RERE RE RE RE RE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IEIEIE IE FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBOFBOFBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBOFBO FBO FBOFBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBOFBOFBO FBOFBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO FBO RWDPRWDP RWDP RWDPRWDPRWDPRWDPRWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDPRWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMPSUMP SUMPSUMPSUMPSUMP SUMP SUMPSUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP FBOFBO FBO FBO Municipal Water Meter RF006 Cast Situ Slab ROOF NOTE: RF005 20mm crushed stone gravel ballast, on Geotextile water permeable filter fabric, on torch-on bitumen waterproofing system, on minimum 30mm ordinary cement screed laid @ min 1:80 falls FBO. On min 150mm Voidcon permanent shutter to Engineers Specifications details. Flush plastered 9.5mm gypsum ceiling
Swimming Pool Backwash pipe discharge into stormwater overflow pipe discharge into cluster of loose rocks
Bedroom 1 + Fire pit Lawn and veld seperated
Plumber to
Ø150 Stormwater pipe diverting floor surface water
Ø150 Stormwater main pipe to underground water storage tank
NOTES: All dimensions to be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects to be notified of any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans to be read in conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades to comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site & report discrepancies architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site & to protect these from damage throughout the duration works. To be responsible for correct setting out works with particular reference to boundaries, building lines, servitudes onto existing structures with particular reference to special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and to report all discrepancies architect before commencing work. ALL materials finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
All fire safety installation work to comply with SANS 10-400 Part T.
Materials Note: All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and adhere the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, before any actual landscaping commencement.
GULLEY SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe to municipal connection, at minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks to all IE's and RE's.
ceiling void.
Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Address:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's signature: Pr.Eng. Number:Page __ 06 Revision Description2022-05-3001_288 Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2022-05-30 B.F. Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. 40, Ms designed supervised be completed as inspected/approved by a technical representative Geberit. undergo provided by Geberit be approved be system. All Rain Water Down Pipes be concealed within brick walls. No exposed visible RWDPs on building facade and no surface mounted pipes, bends, outlets or junctions.
used for Geberitinstallationtoinspect the works, before and during the installation process. Development Pocket: Covered Area of House: 695.0 sqm Driveway + Carport: 170.0 sqm Deck & Fire Pit: 102.0 sqm Landscaping: 816.0 sqm Total: 1,783.0 sqm Area of Stand: 3,812.0 sqm Total Development Pocket: 47% Permissable: 50% AREA SCHEDULE Area of Stand 812 sqm Total Existing Area sqm 0% Internal Habitable Areas: Main Bedroom Wing- excluding outdoor circulation 155.0 sqm Living Area (Kitchen, Living, Dining) excl. covered patio 145.026.0sqmsqm Staff Accommodation excluding outdoor circulation 49.0 sqm Total Internal Floor Area (Habitable space) 375.0 sqm Total Internal Floor Area (Internal Walls Included) 391.0 sqm Bulk Footprint Area of Building: Total Bulk Area of House (Incl walls) 527.0 sqm Covered Outdoor Patios (under roof) 30.0 sqm Garage & Store Rooms Staff Accomodation 138.0 sqm Total Covered Area (Gross Floor Area) 695.0sqm18% Residential 1 (1 storey permissible) 50% (Single storey) 1 Dwelling per erf Building lines: 3m as per Monaghan EMP guidelines Servitudes: One 3m servitude excluding road-facing boundary Parking: As per approved building plans providing for 3 cars in carport Rainwater Storage: 40,000 litres Full Bore Notes: All FBO's to be Geberit Pluvia to drain into 63mm RWDP into ceiling void and into wall. Down pipes deposit water into stormwater collections
SG40MasinamelaMonaghan Farm For: Municipal Approval t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg e s A I n t e o s u n u e SITE PLAN Scale 1:200 SITE STORMPLANWATER RETICULATION PLAN North facing solar collectors (1800x900) for geysers dedicated water store-room on ground floor below. Refer to plan. Solar PV panels connected inverter battery pack stored in garage store-room BG Grass Block 500x300x100mm thick (interlocking concrete blocks from Vanstone Precast) laid with the length the blocks across the expected direction of water-flow on 20mm riversand sub-layer on well compacted earth. Stake every third block with 12mm steel re-bar for stability on sloped paving. Gas bottles an enclosed and ventilated steel gas cage with size of 1100mm (w) 550mm (d) 1610mm (h). All gas works done by certified gas installation specialist and to adhere to relevant bylaws SANS 10400 regulations Ø150 Stormwater main pipe underground water storage tank Stand 40 Total Area of Stand = 3813m² Natural landscape Total Development Pocket 1783m² GEBERIT PLUVIA and HDPE Roof Drainage System To be
RF001 Lipped Channel Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF005 150mm Concrete Voidcon Roof RF002 RoofVoidconConcrete150mm Solar PV panels connected to inverter battery pack stored garage store-room Solar PV panels connected inverter battery pack stored in garage store-room North facing solar collectors (1800x900) for 300L geysers in dedicated water store-room on ground floor below. Refer plan. ROOF NOTES: RF001 20mm crushed stone ballast, on Geotextile on torch-on bitumen waterproofing system, on minimum 30mm ordinary cement screed laid @ min 1:80 falls FBO. On 15mm fibre cement boards fixed to 200x75x3.5mm lipped channels @ 600mm c/c Engineer's specification details. Minimum 135mm fibre glass insulation in ceiling void. Flush plastered
Manhole Manhole Manhole Mh 99 Ex Mh Depth: 1.2m Cover 1282.7 Invert Level = 1279.2 1283 Manhole 1285 1286 1286 1285 128312841283 Stand 41 35Stand Stand101,4439 48,19 74,39 W 3m Building Line 3mBuildingLine BOUNDARY LINE BOUNDARYLINE 3m Building Line Max30degSlope New SewerManholeConnection 3m Building Line 3m Building Line BOUNDARY3mBuildingLineLINE 3m Building3mLineBuilding Line 1285 1283 34Stand 101,44 46,00 74,39 Berm: Max 1.2m height Max30degSlope Connection
Primed Painted ROOF NOTE: RF002 20mm
1.2m high gate, vertical Ø12 mm steel bars @ maximum 100mm c/c childproof latch lock & self closing mechanism. 1.2m high fence, Ø12 mm vertical steel bars maximum 100mm c/c be approved by MAC. Brickwork retaining wall refer engineer detail ,to be waterproofed with vertical DPM.
Paving Note: Grass frame paving elements and brown crushed stone or cobbles(as pathways) be used be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee (asthetics committee); and adhere the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any paving commences. 9.5mm gypsum ceiling board fixed to galvanised steel grid 600x600 c/c spacing. crushed stone Geotextile torch-on bitumen minimum 30mm ordinary cement laid @ min 1:80 falls min 135mm fibre glass insulation Flush plastered 9.5mm gypsum ceiling board fixed to galvanised steel grid 600x600 c/c spacing. Primed Painted
water permeable filter fabric, on
FOUNDATIONS BRICKWORK ALL foundations be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecifications.proofmembrane below all floors lap up against walls to all vertical changes level. Damp proof course below all window sills. DPC in brick walls at all base all roof slabs and floor slabs to prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) be installed in all new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings to be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster. STAIRS & STEPS ALL work to comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans take preference FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing to be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing strict accordance with SANS10400-N & 10400-O and SANS10400XA Edition codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing or revolving doors. PLUMBING, DRAINAGE, SEWER Installation must be by a registered/licensed plumber accordance with SANS10400-P codes Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping to be insulated with value of 1. All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings to be encased in 100mm concrete all around protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents to be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's ALL bends junctions of ALL soil waste pipes Provide R.E.'s every change of direction gradient with SABS approved marked covers Ground Level ALL waste fittings bends to have reseal traps be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by a registered/licensed electrician accordance with relevant SANS codes Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate Compliance must be issued for all new & existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. be SABS approved.
Landscaping Note: Landscaping by specialist: All plants trees be indigenous All landscaping to be approved by the Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and adhere to the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, all before any actual landscaping commencement.
150mm Voidcon permanent shutter to Engineers Specifications details. Minimum
GEYSER: Geyser to comply with SABS 10254 HOT WATER SUPPLY NOTES: Solar Geyser: Solar water heaters shall comply with the requirements SANS 1307 and shall be installed in accordance with SANS 10106. Geyser/s be Class B and comply with SANS0151 in terms of insulation and heat loss performance. Instantaneous gas water heater: Instantaneous gas water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1808-24 and SANS 1539 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 10252-1 and SANS 10087-1. Minimum R-value pipe insulation: All exposed pipes indoor or outdoor air, conveying hot water to and from the hot water cylinders and heating systems, shall be insulated with pipe insulation material with an R-value accordance with table 11 of SANS10400-XA Edition 2. Heat Pump: Hot water heat pump/s must comply with the requirements of SANS 1687 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 1352.
Ø150 Stormwater main pipe underground water storage tank
Swimming Pool Backwash pipe discharge into stormwater overflow pipe to discharge into cluster of loose rocks. Refer to storm-water reticulation plan.
External Lighting Note: Only low lighted downward directed lighting be used on the external face of the building Architectural Review Committee; and adhere to the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any fitting.
ROOF NOTE: RF003 20mm crushed stone gravel ballast, on Geotextile water permeable filter fabric, on torch-on bitumen waterproofing system, on minimum 40mm prooftherm lightweight insulating screed laid @ min 1:80 falls FBO. On min 150mm Voidcon permanent shutter Engineers Specifications & details. Minimum 85mm fibre glass insulation ceiling void. Flush plastered 9.5mm gypsum ceiling board fixed to galvanised steel grid 600x600 c/c spacing. Primed Painted
ROOF NOTE: RF004 Chromadek Corrugated Metal pitched roof @ 7.5° Pitch, approved Monaghan colour (Charcoal Grey) 76x38mm timber purlins fixed to SA pine trusses 1200mm c/c, to engineer's specifications with min 135mm pink aerolite insulation in ceiling void. Flush plastered 9.5mm ceiling boards on galvanised steel grid 600x600 c/c spacing
Water Tank Note: 30 000L Water Storage Tank below NGL TANK CONNECTED TO IRRIGATION SYSTEM StormwaterONLY from stormwater downpipe system to collect Manhole before being discharged into storage tank. One submerged pump inside tank. Tank be fitted with overflow pipe be discharged into garden. Removable access hatch tank NGL.
by Geberit SA. Tel: 011 444 Geberitsales.za@geberit.com5070HDPEandPLUVIA installation to
Water Tank Note: 40 000 litre water storage tank below NGL. TANK CONNECTED TO IRRIGATION SYSTEM ONLY Submerged concrete tank to engineer's specifications. Internal Size: 5m 2.9m 2.9m deep. Water volume to be 40,000 litres, 5m 2.9m 2.9m. Concrete roof over to engineer's specifications. Soil and landscaping cover concrete roof-top of tanks. Water entry 2.8m level, overflow pipe at 2.7m level. Balance of internal space for over-flow. One submerged pump inside tank. Tank to be fitted with an over-flow pipe to discharge into garden. Removable cast iron 800x800mm access hatch/manhole cover finished flush with concrete surface for maintanance access.
Hot-Water storage vessel (400L) and Heat Pump for hydronicheatingunderfloorsystem. noVehicleentranceobstruction
Ø150 Stormwater main pipe to underground water storage tank
Ø150 Over-flow pipe divert over-flow water cluster loose rock (2m diameter) lowest point garden/landscape within centre of the property's building line
RF004 8° Chromadek Pitch Roof
Tank:WaterStorm capacity40,000LUnderground, structuralandplansitetoRefer details.fordrawingsengineer's
Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours of mute earth tones must be approved on site by the Monaghan Farm HOA prior construction and application thereof.
waterproofing system,
Monaghan Farm TyphoonMasinamelaStreet Residence Mr &
Figure 48: Masinamela Residence Council Submission, preperation of the site plan and roof plan. Annotations and dimensioning. Ensuring that the design does not exceed the required coverage and development pocket. Careful placement of notes, ensuring the plans can be read and approved.
per Geberit HDPE Application Technique and
WATERPROOFING: FLAT SURFACES 20mm crushed stone Interdek seperation layer on one layer of Derbigum SP4 waterproofing membrane, with 75mm sidelaps and 100mm end laps, sealed primed surface falls crossfalls by 'torch-fusion'.Waterproofing be installed by Approved Derbigum Contractor under 10 year guarantee Street 2m dia. Cluster loose rocks stormwater discharge point. 2m dia. Cluster loose dischargestormwaterrockspoint. 2m dia. Cluster loose rock at stormwater discharge point. board fixed to galvanised steel grid at 600x600 c/c spacing. Primed Painted ROOF NOTE: RF006 20mm crushed stone gravel ballast, on Geotextile water permeable filter fabric, on torch-on bitumen waterproofing system, minimum 30mm ordinary cement screed laid @ min 1:80 falls FBO. On min 170mm Voidcon permanent shutter Engineers Specifications details. Flush plastered 9.5mm gypsum ceiling board fixed galvanised steel grid 600x600 c/c spacing. Primed Painted
FLOORS WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections engineer's specifications. Surfaces be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane, on compacted hardcore or earth fill with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs to be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections at changes floor levels.
gravel ballast, on
to install they system. The installation and jointing methods to adhere to Geberit standards and appropriate and Geberit approved tooling to

Water Tank Note: 30 000L Water Storage Tank below NGL TANK CONNECTED TO IRRIGATION SYSTEM StormwaterONLY from stormwater downpipe system to collect Manhole before being discharged into storage tank. One submerged pump inside tank. Tank be fitted with overflow pipe be discharged into garden. Removable access hatch tank NGL. OVP OVP
FLOORS WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections engineer's specifications. Surfaces be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane, on compacted hardcore or earth fill with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs to be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections at changes floor levels.
consist of 170mm risers 300mm treads All interior stairs to be 170mm risers 300mm treads 3x risers
Landscaping Note: Landscaping by specialist: All plants trees be indigenous All landscaping be approved the Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and to adhere to the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, before any actual landscaping commencement. Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours mute earth tones must be approved on site by the Monaghan Farm HOA prior to construction and application thereof. Gas Note: All gas to be installed by specialist. To adhere all relevant SANS regulations. Materials Note: All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured in mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment to be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and to adhere the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, all before any actual landscaping commencement.
3m Building Line 3m Building Line ClosetBuilt-In ClosetBuilt-In En-suite 1 7m²Tiles Fire Pit LineWash 5xBinsRe-cycle&Waste Rim-Flow Infinity Edge Catchment Pool Planter Box Gas Fire Place En-suite 2 5m²Tiles Open-air Shower Screen Brick2125mmWallHeight.wallcladwith natural rock Central drawer unit counter Lady's Desk Stool Variety closet display storage solutions Basin Shower Door byDoorspecialisttooutdoorshower Sliding DoorSliding Door Freezer60cm Fridge60cm Walk-in Pantry DishW DBElecUtility Data Prep Counter WashMTDryer Freezer60cm MopsBroom TroughWash IroningSpace Hob/Oven Sliding Doors Sliding Door PlaceFireGas Sliding Doors FeatureWallPointFocal&PlaceFireGas Cascading steps to lower level pool deck DoorsBarn Cab.Cab. Bins Storage below sink Shelves above Storage below Storage below Cabinets above Counter Storage below Counter ClosetBuilt-In Sliding Door Mild Steel Window Surround framing aluminium fenestration SlidingMeditationDoor Courtyard Cascading steps to entrance Restroom Courtyard TV Gas Fire Place steps down Sliding Doors Sliding Doors Sliding Door 40,000L StormwaterUndergroundTankbelowswimmingpooldecktostructuralengineer'sspecifications.Refertosectionsandsiteplanfordetails. 3m Building Line
Ø50mm uPVC waste pipe
GEYSER: Geyser to comply with SABS 10254 HOT WATER SUPPLY NOTES: Solar Geyser: Solar water heaters shall comply with the requirements SANS 1307 and shall be installed in accordance with SANS 10106. Geyser/s be Class B and comply with SANS0151 in terms of insulation and heat loss performance. Instantaneous gas water heater: Instantaneous gas water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1808-24 and SANS 1539 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 10252-1 and SANS 10087-1. Minimum R-value pipe insulation: All exposed pipes indoor or outdoor air, conveying hot water to and from the hot water cylinders and heating systems, shall be insulated with pipe insulation material with an R-value accordance with table 11 of SANS10400-XA Edition 2. Heat Pump: Hot water heat pump/s must comply with the requirements of SANS 1687 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 1352. FIRE NOTES All fire safety installation work to comply with SANS 10-400 Part T.
RWDP RWDP Planter Box Ø50mm OVP Ø50mm OVP S/S TimberSolid DoorSliding Ø50mm OVP
T.O.C. +0.000 (1285.000) T.O.C. -0.085 (1284.915) T.O.C. +0.000 (1285.000) T.O.C. -0.510 (1284.490) T.O.C. -1.020 (1283.980) T.O.C. -1.020 (1283.980) T.O.C. -1.105 (1283.895) T.O.C. -0.510 (1284.490) T.O.C. -0.595 (1284.405) T.O.C. -0.085 (1284.915) Concrete Paver Blocks 600x600x50mmwith50mmgaps filled withnatural stone gravel steps Up AboveRoof D01 D02 D02 D02 D21 D21D21D02 D02 D02 D02 D02 D03 D03 D03 D04 D05 D05 D06 D08D09W13aW13a W14 D10 D11 D11 D18 D12 D13 D14 D14D16D15D16D17 W01 W02 W02 W03 W04W04 W05 W05 W05 W06 W07W08 W09 W09 D19 W04W12W11 W04 W11 W14 W09 W15 D14 W16 W17 W17 W16 W18bW18a W10 D06 D07 D20D20RE RE RE RE RERERE RE RERE RE RE REIE S/SIE IEIEIE IEIE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IEIEIEIEIEIE IE IEIE RE RE RE RE REIE IE IES/SIE wc wc wc whb whb whb whbwhb whb whbwhb wcwhb wc wcbath sh sh sh s whb sh IE IE Low Wall, max 2125 height Low Wall, max 2125 height Low Wall, max 2125 height W13bW13b W19 Roof Outline Above Roof Outline Above Roof Outline Above Roof Outline Above Ø50mm OVP 50mm OVP OVPØ50mm RWDP RWDP Gulley Gulley Gulley RWDP RWDP RWDPRWDPRWDP RWDP RWDPRWDP RWDP RWDPRWDPRWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP RWDP B.I.C B.I.C B.I.C B.I.C Gas bottles in an enclosed and ventilated gas cage, all gas works done by specialist and to adhere to SANS regulations. s 340mm 340mm RC concrete column to engineers specification 340mm x 340mm RC concrete column to engineers specification D22 1.2m high gate, vertical Ø12 mm steel bars @ maximum 100mm c/c childproof latch lock & self closing mechanism. 1.2m high fence, Ø12 mm vertical steel bars @ maximum 100mm c/c to be approved by MAC. D20 SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe municipal connection, at minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks IE's and RE's. SOLAR GEYSER VESSEL
GAS GEYSER NOTE: Instantaneous gas water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1804-24 and SANS 1539 and be installed in accordance with SANS 10252-1 to @ & 600mm interior stairs to be 170mm risers
BG (1285.000) NOTE: 600L geyser vessel for solar hot water storage, 300L storage vessels according to specialist detail.
Ø50mm uPVC waste pipe Ø50mm uPVC waste pipeencased 100mm concrete all around To engineer's specifications Ø110mm uPVC soil pipe to be protected and encased in 100mm concrete all around under floor slab to structural engineer's specifications and details.
1.2m high gate, vertical Ø12 mm steel bars @ maximum 100mm c/c childproof latch lock & self closing mechanism.
FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing to be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing strict accordance with SANS10400-N & 10400-O and SANS10400XA Edition codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing or revolving doors. PLUMBING, DRAINAGE, SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber accordance with SANS10400-P codes & Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping to be insulated with R value of 1. All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings to be encased in 100mm concrete all around protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents to be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's ALL bends junctions of ALL soil & waste pipes Provide R.E.'s every change of direction gradient with SABS approved marked covers at Ground Level ALL waste fittings bends to have reseal traps be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician accordance with relevant SANS codes Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate Compliance must be issued for all new & existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. be SABS approved.
Grass Block 500x300x100mm thick (interlocking concrete blocks from Vanstone Precast) laid with the length ofthe blocks across the expected directionof water-flow on 20mm riversand sub-layer on well compacted earth. Stake every third block with 12mm steelre-bar for stability on sloped paving. Refer to site plan for swale crossing extents. T.O.C. +0.510 (1285.510) T.O.C. -0.425 (1284.575) T.O.C. +0.000
FOUNDATIONS BRICKWORK ALL foundations be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecifications.proofmembrane below all floors lap up against walls to all vertical changes level. Damp proof course below all window sills. DPC in brick walls at all base all roof slabs and floor slabs to prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) be installed in all new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings to be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster. STAIRS & STEPS ALL work to comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans take preference
300mm treads
signature: Pr.Eng. Number:Page __ of
Vertical adjustable timber shading device
Paving Note: Grass frame paving elements and brown crushed stone or cobbles(as pathways) to be used to be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee (asthetics committee); and to adhere to the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any paving commences.
Shower Door by specialist SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe to municipal connection, minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks to all IE's and RE's. Drains To be encased in 100mm concrete under floor. Ø50mm uPVC waste pipe Ø50mm uPVC waste pipe
SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe to municipal connection, minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks all IE's and RE's.
Vertical adjustable timber shading device
Ø50mm uPVC waste pipe to be protected and encased 100mm concrete all around under floor slab engineer's specifications
Drawing in the plumbing lines for the house and staff accomodation.
Horizontal adjustable timber shading device
Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date:ProjectRevisions:Address:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Date: IssueStatus: By:Drawn Check: Engineer's 06
NOTES: All dimensions to be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects to be notified of any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans to be read in conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades to comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site report discrepancies architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site & to protect these from damage throughout the duration works. To be responsible for correct setting out works with particular reference to boundaries, building lines, servitudes onto existing structures with particular reference to special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and to report all discrepancies architect before commencing work. ALL materials finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
Horizontal adjustable timber shading device
Chimney flue to be built out of non-combustible material, to project no less than 600mm above the roof, according to SANS 10400 Part V.
and SANS 10087-1 UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP 1 2 3 1 2 1 23 26 1 2 4 All exterior stairs
treads All
SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe municipal connection, minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks all IE's and ChimneyRE's. flue to be built out of non-combustible material, to project no less than 600mm above the roof, according to SANS 10400 Part V.
Revision Description2022-05-3001_288 Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2022-05-30 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. Stand 40, Monaghan Farm TyphoonMasinamelaStreet Residence Mr & Ms SG40MasinamelaMonaghan Farm For: Municipal Approval t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg e s A I n e o s u n u e Fridge Microwave IronClothing Plt Hob Cabinets above Fridge60cm Pool Pump ClosetBuilt-InClosetBuilt-In Zen Garden Seat forAlcove bookshelf doorsslidingconcealtowallPocket doorsslidingconcealtowallPocket GROUND FLOOR PLAN Planter Box Sliding Door GasPumpHeatheatingUnderfloorHotWaterVessel Herb Garden (planter box)Herb Garden planter box Chlorinated Water Thermal Mass Wall 230mm clay brick cavitywall with 80mm natural stone cladding both sides Mild Steel Window Surround framing aluminium fenestration steps down steps down Bedroom 2 Porcelain Tiles 18m² Master En-suite Porcelain Tiles 18m² Walk In Closet Porcelain Tiles 16m² Home Office 14m² Service & Utility Yard Swimming Pool 28m² Master Bedroom Porcelain Tiles 24m² Bedroom 1 Porcelain Tiles 20m² Pool PorcelainDeckTiles21m²Covered Outdoor Patio Double Volume Porcelain Tiles 30m² Laundry & Scullery Porcelain Tiles 16m² Formal Lounge Porcelain Tiles 25m² Dining PorcelainRoomTiles26m² KitchenPorcelainTiles25m² PorcelainEntranceTiles12m² PorticoCovered TilesPorcelain 14m² 3-car Carport 55m² Sunken TV Lounge Porcelain Tiles 23m² Bedroom 3 Porcelain TilesEn-suite15m² 3 6m²Tiles Passage11m² PassagePorcelainTiles17m² PassagePorcelainTiles26m² Tool Shed 3m² UPS Shed 2m² Golf CarSports6m² Equipment 5m² PorcelainWC Tiles 3m² Guest PorcelainBathroomTiles4m² DeckPorcelain Tiles Prayer RoomRmGeyser3m²LinenCloset GROUND FLOOR PLAN Scale 1:50 4m² DeckPorcelain Tiles Covered Walkway m² Covered Walkway m² Staff Bedroom 1 Porcelain Tiles 12m² Staff Bedroom 2 Porcelain Tiles Staff12m²BathroomTiles5m² Staff Living Area Porcelain Tiles 20m² Fire14m²Pit Roof Above AboveRoof BG Grass Block 500x300x100mm thick (interlocking concrete blocks fromVanstone Precast) laid with the length the blocks across the expected direction of water-flow on 20mm riversand sub-layer onwell compacted earth.Stake every third block with 12mm steel re-bar for stability on sloped paving.
External Lighting Note: Only low lighted downward directed lighting be used on the external face the building Architectural Review Committee; and adhere the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any fitting.
Figure Masinamela Residence Council Submission, preperation of the floor plan. Annotations and dimensioning.
SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe municipal connection, at minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks to all IE's and RE's.
Issue Status: By:
Landscaping Note: Landscaping by specialist: All plants trees be indigenous All landscaping be approved the Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and to adhere to the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, before any actual landscaping commencement. Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours mute earth tones must be approved on site by the Monaghan Farm HOA prior to construction and application thereof. Gas Note: All gas to be installed by specialist. To adhere all relevant SANS regulations. All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured in mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment to be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and to adhere the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, all before any actual landscaping commencement.
1284 Staff Bath Room Sports Equip Store BinShed Utility Yard Staff Living Area Car Port
FLOORS WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections engineer's specifications. Surfaces be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane, on compacted hardcore or earth fill with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs to be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections at changes floor levels.
to engineer's specifications with min 135mm pink aerolite insulation ceiling void. Flush plastered 9.5mm ceiling boards on galvanised steel grid 600x600 c/c spacing -1.020 +2.380T.O.C.Topof Parapet +3.230 Top of Wall +2.040 Top of Parapet D01 W09 W04W04 W06 W07 D03W08 D04 D14W09 D03 W10 W05 W05 W05 D19W11 W14 W02 W09 D15W15 W13 W11 D14D14 D09D07D08 W13 W01 D10 D11 D11 D20 W17 W16 W18 W18 D20 W17W16 D12 D18 W03 W02 W04W04 D20 D10 D12 IEGULLEY IE IE RE IE IE IEIE IE IE IE IE IEIEGulley IEStub Stack WC FLOOR NOTES: F002 Porcelain tiles minimum 30mm screed, minimum 85mm RC slab engineer's specifications, on 250 micron USB DPM lapped up onto sidewalls with 100mm taped up over laps, on termite poisoned soil compacted in layers of 150mm. Brickwork retaining wall with vertical DPM and weep-holes. Refer to engineer's detail & specifications. Open 50% Matt Vinyl safety marking on all sliding doors @ 1200 Height 50% Matt Vinyl safety marking on all sliding doors @ 1200 Height 50% Matt Vinyl safety marking on all sliding doors @ 1200 Height 50% Matt Vinyl safety marking on all sliding doors @ 1200 Height IE IEIEIEIEIE RE Concrete stormwater channel with steel grate Concrete stormwater channel with steel grate Plaster & Paint Brickwork retaining wall refer to engineer detail ,to be waterproofed with verticalDPM. D23 Solid timber sliding door WCWHB RE SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe to municipal connection, minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks all IE's and RE's. SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe to municipal connection, minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks to all IE's and RE's. SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe municipal connection, minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks all IE's and RE's. whb IE IE IEIERE GULLEY SOIL PIPE NOTE: 110mm uPVC soil pipe to municipal connection, minimum 1:40 fall. 200 200 concrete marker blocks all IE's and RE's. 3x risers @ 170h & 600 treads 3x risers @ 170h & 300 treads 3x risers @ 170h & 300 treadsExternal stairs @ 170 risers & 1200 treads External stairs @ 170h risers 300 treads External stairs @ 170h risers 300 treads External stairs @ 170h risers 300 treads External stairs @ 170h risers 300 treads
NOTES: All dimensions to be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects to be notified of any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans to be read in conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades to comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site report discrepancies architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site & to protect these from damage throughout the duration works. To be responsible for correct setting out works with particular reference to boundaries, building lines, servitudes onto existing structures with particular reference to special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and to report all discrepancies architect before commencing work. ALL materials finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
ROOF NOTE: CARPORT STORE ROOMS: 20mm crushed stone gravel ballast, on Geotextile water permeable filter fabric, on torch-on bitumen waterproofing system, on minimum 30mm ordinary cement screed laid min 1:80 falls to FBO. On min 150mm Voidcon permanent shutter to Engineers Specifications & details. Flush plastered 9.5mm gypsum ceiling board fixed to galvanised steel grid 600x600 c/c spacing. Primed Painted
FOUNDATIONS BRICKWORK ALL foundations be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecifications.proofmembrane below all floors lap up against walls to all vertical changes level. Damp proof course below all window sills. DPC in brick walls at all base all roof slabs and floor slabs to prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) be installed in all new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings to be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster. STAIRS & STEPS ALL work to comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans take preference FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing to be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing strict accordance with SANS10400-N & 10400-O and SANS10400XA Edition codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing 5L/s/m swing or revolving doors. PLUMBING, DRAINAGE, SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber accordance with SANS10400-P codes & Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping to be insulated with R value of 1. All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings to be encased in 100mm concrete all around protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents to be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's ALL bends junctions of ALL soil & waste pipes Provide R.E.'s every change of direction gradient with SABS ALL waste fittings bends to have reseal traps be fully accessible Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician accordance with relevant SANS codes Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate Compliance must be issued for all new & existing All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. be SABS Solar water heaters shall comply with the requirements SANS 1307 and shall be installed in accordance with SANS 10106. Geyser/s be Class B and comply with SANS0151 in terms of Instantaneous gas water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1808-24 and SANS 1539 and shall be installed accordance All exposed pipes indoor or outdoor air, conveying hot water to and from the hot water cylinders and heating systems, shall be insulated with pipe insulation material with an R-value accordance with table Hot water heat pump/s must comply with the requirements of SANS 1687 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 1352. All fire safety installation work to comply with SANS 10-400 Part T. Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date: ProjectClient:Address:Number: Dwg. Project Name: Description: Engineer's 06
Chimney flue to be built out of non-combustible material, to project no less than 600mm above the roof, according to SANS 10400 Part V.
FLOOR NOTES: F001 Porcelain tiles minimum 30mm screed, minimum 85mm RC slab engineer's specifications, on 250 micron USB DPM lapped up onto sidewalls with 100mm taped up over laps, on 40mm rigid expanded polystyrene boards with shiplap jointing, on termite poisoned soil compacted in layers of 150mm.
Revision Description2022-05-3001_288 Q/C/Rdd-mm XXXX Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2022-05-30 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. Stand 40, Monaghan Farm TyphoonMasinamelaStreet Residence Mr & Ms SG40MasinamelaMonaghan Farm For: Municipal Approval t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg e s A I n e o s u n u e SECTION M-M Scale 1:100 NORTH ELEVATION Scale ScaleSOUTH1:100ELEVATION1:100 WEST ELEVATION Scale 1:100 EAST ELEVATION Scale 1:100 SECTION J-J Scale 1:100 SECTION K-K Scale 1:100 SECTION L-L Scale 1:100 SECTION N-N Scale 1:100 0.000 +2.040-0.510+3.230+2.380+1.785-1.020+4.760+3.740+2.890T.O.C.U/SSoffitTopofParapetTopofStoneWallT.O.C.U/SSoffitTopofParapetTopofWallT.O.C.TopofParapet 5.5mN.G.L.Height5.5mN.G.L.RestrictionHeightRestriction 5.5mN.G.L.Height Restriction 5.5mN.G.L.Height Restriction 5.5mN.G.L.Height Restriction +2.890 U/S Soffit +3.740 Top of Parapet +4.760 Top of Stone Wall N.G.L. 5.5m Height Restriction N.G.L.5.5mHeight RestrictionN.G.L. N.G.L. ELEVATIONS: N, S, W, E SECTIONS: J, K, L, M, N Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Natural Stone to MAC approval Plaster & Paint Plaster & Paint Plaster & Paint Plaster Paint Plaster Paint Plaster Paint Plaster & Paint Plaster PaintPlaster & PaintPlaster & Paint Plaster PaintPlaster Paint Plaster & Paint Natural Stone to MAC approval Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Natural Stone MAC approval Plaster & Paint Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Wire Trellis evergreenscreencreeper Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration Natural Stone to MAC approval Plaster & Paint Plaster Paint Matt AluminiumCharcoalFramed Fenestration
ROOF NOTE: RF004 Chromadek Corrugated Metal pitched roof @ 7.5° Pitch, approved Monaghan colour (Charcoal Grey) on 76x38mm timber purlins fixed to SA pine trusses @ 1200mm c/c,
Chimney flue to be built out of non-combustible material, to project no less than 600mm above the roof, according to SANS 10400 Part V. Chimney flue to be built out of non-combustible material, to project no less than 600mm above the roof, according to SANS 10400 Part V.
LineBoundary LineBoundary LineBoundaryN.G.L. N.G.L. N.G.L. N.G.L. 04 DPC DPC DPC DPC DPC DPC Horizontal adjustable timber shading devices Vertical adjustable timber shading device Vertical adjustable timber shadingdevice Vertical adjustable timber shading device Figure 51: Masinamela Residence Council Submission, preperation of sections, site sections showing the natural ground level and how the building relates to it. The elevations and sections show levels, that will be used for the construction process. Figure 52: Conceptual Section. Entrance Foyer + 3 carport to the left Prayer room + Staff Accomodation
Chimney flue to be built out non-combustible material, to project no less than 600mm above the roof, according to SANS 10400 Part V. Chimney flue to be built out of non-combustible material, to project no less than 600mm above the roof, according to SANS 10400 Part V.
External Lighting Note: Only low lighted downward directed lighting be used on the external face the building Architectural Review Committee; and adhere the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, Grass frame paving elements and brown crushed stone or cobbles(as pathways) to be used to be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee (asthetics committee); and to adhere to the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, Water Tank Note: 30 000L Water Storage Tank below NGL TANK CONNECTED TO IRRIGATION SYSTEM StormwaterONLY from stormwater downpipe system to collect Manhole before being discharged into storage tank. One submerged pump inside tank. Tank be fitted with overflow pipe be discharged into garden. Removable access hatch tank NGL.
signature: Pr.Eng. Number:Page __ of
ROOF NOTE: RF004 Chromadek Corrugated Metal pitched roof @ 7.5° Pitch, approved Monaghan colour (Charcoal Grey) on 76x38mm timber purlins fixed SA pine trusses @ 1200mm c/c, engineer's specifications with min 135mm pink aerolite insulation in ceiling void. Flush plastered 9.5mm ceiling boards on galvanised steel grid at 600x600 c/c spacing

FLOORS & WATERPROOFING FLOOR SLAB: As shown on sections engineer's specifications. Surfaces be perfectly level. Min. 150 Above Natural Ground Level on 250micron damp proof membrane, on compacted hardcore or earth fill with insulation boards where shown. All soil below ground floor slabs to be treated with termite poisoning. Vertical insulation below floor slabs to be installed as shown on sections at changes floor levels.
HEAT PUMP Hot water heat pump/s must comply with the requirements of SANS 1687 and shall be installed in accordance with SANS 1352.
Internal doors, Timber solid doors and Decorative Doors
Landscaping Note: Landscaping by specialist: All plants trees be indigenous All landscaping to be approved by the Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and to adhere to the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, all before any actual landscaping commencement. Finishes Note: All external materials, finishes and colours mute earth tones must be approved on site by the Monaghan Farm HOA prior construction and application thereof. Gas Note: All gas to be installed by specialist. To adhere all relevant SANS regulations. Materials Note: All structures (external materials, finishes and colours) must be coloured mute earth tones that blend with the natural environment be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee; and adhere the Monaghan Farm Architectural Guidelines, before any actual landscaping commencement.
STAIRS STEPS ALL work to comply with SANS10400-M Risers maximum 180mm and treads minimum 270mm. Notes on plans to take preference FENESTRATION GLAZING All frames comply with SANS 613 and all glazing installation work, frames, and glazing be carried out by AAAMSA registered sub-contractor and supplier/s. All glazing strict accordance with SANS10400-N & 10400-O and SANS10400XA Edition codes. Air leakage shall not exceed 2L/s/m fenestration area; 0.306L/s/m fixed glazing & 5L/s/m swing or revolving doors. PLUMBING, DRAINAGE, SEWER Installation must be by registered/licensed plumber in accordance with SANS10400-P codes Municipal/Council by-laws. All exposed hot water piping be insulated with value of 1. All materials, fixtures, pipes, valves etc. must be SABS approved. All soil pipes be 100mm dia. with min. fall 1:40 max. 1:10 Soil pipes under buildings to be encased in 100mm concrete all around protected against load damage. Stub Stack vents to be fitted with SABS approved vent valves Provide ie's to ALL bends junctions ALL soil waste pipes Provide R.E.'s at every change direction gradient with SABS approved marked covers Ground Level ALL waste fittings bends to have reseal traps be fully accessible ELECTRICAL Installation must be by registered/licensed electrician accordance with relevant SANS codes Municipal/Council by-laws. Certificate Compliance must be issued for all new existing electrical work. All conduits, switches, cables, fixtures, circuit breakers etc. to be SABS approved.
External Lighting Note: Only low lighted downward directed lighting be used on the external face of the building Architectural Review Committee; and adhere the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any fitting.
FOUNDATIONS & BRICKWORK ALL foundations be minimum 340mm depth below natural ground level & in strict accordance with Structural Engineer's details Dampspecifications.proofmembrane below floors lap up against walls to all vertical changes level. Damp proof course to below all window sills. DPC in brick walls at all base of all roof slabs and floor slabs to prevent falling and rising damp. Vertical insulation below floor slabs to be installed as shown on sections. CEILINGS Insulation (135mm Aerolite) be installed new ceiling voids. All ceiling boards minimum 9.5mm plasterboard. All suspended plasterboard ceilings to be skimmed with Rhinolite plaster.
Water Tank Note: 30 000L Water Storage Tank below NGL TANK CONNECTED TO IRRIGATION SYSTEM StormwaterONLY from stormwater downpipe system to collect Manhole before being discharged into storage tank. One submerged pump inside tank. Tank be fitted with overflow pipe be discharged into garden. Removable access hatch to tank at NGL.
SOLAR GEYSER NOTE: Solar water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1307 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 10106. Geyser/s to be Class B and comply with SANS0151 in terms of insulation and heat loss performance.
Pr.Eng. Number:Page __ of 06 Revision Description2022-05-3001_288 Q/C/Rdd-mm XXXX Date: Architect's signature: SACAP Number: ST0256 Date: 2022-05-30 B.F. dos Reis Pr. S. Arch. T. Stand 40, Monaghan Farm TyphoonMasinamelaStreet Residence Mr & Ms SG40MasinamelaMonaghan Farm For: Municipal Approval t: 011 325 5353 www.reis.co.za e: info@reis.co.za Studio 101, 67 Seventh Street, Linden, Johannesburg r e s A h t e c u e n e r o s F u r n u e Top Hung Window with fixed panel W1 W2 Fixed Window,W3 Fixed window with fixed panel With timberadjustablehorizontalshadingdeviceW5 Top Hung Window, with fixed panel W6 Top Hung Window, with fixed panel W7 Top Hung Window, with fixed panel W8 Top hung window, with fixed panel W9 Fixed Window with 1 fixed panel W10 Top Hung Clere Storey Window With 5 fixed W13apanels Side HungW16window2 Fixed window Panels W14 Top Hung Window, with fixed panel with adjustable timber vertical shading device W4 Quantity: Quantity: 2 Quantity: 1 Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: 1 Quantity: Quantity: 2 Quantity: Quantity: 2 Quantity: Quantity: 2 FIXED Fixed Level:Quantity:W12WindowGroundFloor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground FloorLevel: Ground FloorLevel: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Fixed Level:Quantity:W11WindowGroundFloor FIXED Top hung window with fixed Level:Quantity:W17panelGroundFloor Top hung window with fixed panel Level:Quantity:W18aGroundFloor Top hung window with fixed panel Quantity:W18b 1 Level: Ground Floor Fixed Level:Quantity:W15WindowGroundFloor Home Office Home Office Entrance Master En-Suite, Guest Bath WC, Closet, Pasage Sunken TV Lounge Kitchen Laundry & Scullery Passage, Prayer room Passage Master EN Suite Master En-Suite Dining Room, Covered Outdoor Patio, Formal Lounge PassageDining Room, Covered Out- Patio Staff Living Area, WC Staff Bedroom 1Staff Living Area Staff Bedroom Glass Pivot Door D01 GlassD04door GlassD07Door Quantity: 1 Quantity: Quantity: SlidingQuantity:D08Door1 Semi Solid Internal Door, plain MDF, with cross Painted,louverventilationrefertoplanD02 Solid MDF TimberD11DoorFrame Semi Solid Internal Door, plain MDF, Painted, refer plan D06 Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: Solid Timber Sliding Barn Doors Steel Frame, Door fixed to Hilladam Sliding Gear & rail Quantity:D12 1 FIXED TimberQuantity:D18SlidingPocketDoor Level: Ground FloorLevel: Ground FloorLevel: Ground FloorLevel: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground Floor Level: Ground FloorLevel: GroundFloorLevel: Ground Floor Quantity:D20 Laundry Yard Gate, Steel Frame Door fixed to Hillaldam Sliding gear rail. Level: Ground Floor Sliding Glass door Level:Quantity:D05Ground Floor SlidingQuantity:D09Door Level: Ground Floor GlassQuantity:D10Door Level: Ground Floor SlidingQuantity:D13Door1 Level: Ground Floor Sliding Door,2 fixed panels Level:Quantity:D14Ground Floor Glass Sliding Door, with fixed panels Quantity:D15 1 Level: Ground Floor Glass Door, with fixed panels Level:Quantity:D19GroundFloor TimberDoorSlidingD16Quantity: Level: Ground Floor Timber Level:PocketSlidingDoorD17Quantity:1GroundFloor Glass Door with fanlight Level:Quantity:D21GroundFloor Entrance Passage Covered outdoor Patio Covered outdoor Patio Formal Lounge Dining Room Staff living area Master Bedroom Bedroom 1, 2,3 Bedroom 1, 2 & Master Bedroom Master En-suite Internal Door Passage UPS Shed/Tool Garage Garage Service Utility Yard Master bed room Master bed room ALUMINIUM FRAMED FENESTRATION Colour: Matt Charcoal / Metal Framing with Coated Double Glazing Window Area: 4.7m Window Direction: SSE W1 W2bW2aWindow Area: 3.1m Window Direction:WSW Window Area: 3.1m Window Direction:NNW W3 Window Area: 11.5m Window Direction:WSW W4a Window Area: 2.9m Window Direction:NNWW4b Window Area: 2.9m Window Direction:NNWW4c Window Area: 2.9m Window Direction:ENEW4d Window Area: 2.9m Window Direction:ENE W5 Window Area: 1.6m Window Direction:NNW W6 Window Area: 1.8m Window Direction:NNW W7 Window Area: 3.3m Window Direction:NNW W8 Window Area: 2.3m Window Direction:NNW W9a Window Area: 3.3m Window Direction:SSEW9b Window Area: 3.3m Window Direction:NNWWindow Area: 0.9m Window Direction:NNWW10 Window Area: 1.9m Window Direction:NNWW11a Window Area: 1.9m Window Direction:SSEW11b WindowW13aArea: 7.5m Window Direction:SSE W12 Window Area: 7m Window Direction:SSE WindowW13bArea: 7.5m Window Direction:NNW WindowW14aArea: 1.7m Window WindowWindowW14bDirection:WSWArea:1.7mDirection:WSW W15 Window Area: 3.4m Window Direction:SSE WindowW16aArea: 0.7m Window WindowWindowW16bDirection:SSEArea:0.7mDirection:WSW WindowW17aArea: 1.5m Window WindowWindowW17aDirection:SSEArea:1.5mDirection:WSW D14 Door Area: 6.4m Door Direction:SSED14 Door Area: 6.4m Door Direction:SSED14 Door Area: 6.4m Door Direction:NNW D15 Door Area: 18.6m Door Direction:SSE D19 Door Area: 5m Door Direction:NNW D01 Door Area: 6.5m Door Direction:NNW D04 Door Area: 3m Door Direction:NNW D05 Door Area: 10m Door Direction:ENE D07 Door Area: 17.4m Door Direction:SSE D08 Door Area: 16m Door Direction:SSE D09 Door Area: 12m Door Direction:SSE D10 Door Area: 4.2m Door Direction:SSE D13 Door Area: 4.3m Door Direction:WSW D17 Door Area: 2.2m Door Direction:SSE D05 Door Area: 10m Door Direction:WSW WindowW18aArea: 2.5m Window Direction:NNW WindowW18bArea: 2.5m Window Direction:NNW W5 Window Area: 1.6m Window Direction:NNW Solid ExternalTimberDoorD03Quantity: 3 Level: Ground Passage,Laundry,PrayerFloor GlassQuantity:D10Door1 Level: Ground Floor Staff living area Top Hung Clere Storey Window With fixed panels Quantity:W13b Level: Ground Floor FIXED Dining Room, Covered Outdoor Patio, Formal Lounge WindowW13aArea: 7.5m Window WindowWindowW13bDirection:SSEArea:7.5mDirection:NNW WARM WATER RETICULATION LAYOUT HOT AND COLD WATER CONNECTION POINTS Scale 1:100H+CMIXERH+C HBath WHBC HWHB+C MIXERC Sink H + MIXERC HSink+CHSink+C CC WC CWC WC CWCWHBC WHB WHB H + MIXERC CWCSinkHC W5 Window Area: 1.6m Window Direction:NNW Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Fixed WindowWindowLevel:Quantity:W19WindowGroundFloorPassageD10Area:0.6mDirection:SSE Page 7 CALCULATIONSFENESTRATION FloorGround TimberQuantity:D22Doorsliding Level: Ground PassageFloor HWHBWHBC+C SOLAR GEYSER VESSEL NOTE: 600L geyser vessel for solar hot water storage, 300L storage vessels according to specialist detail. TimberQuantity:D23Doorsliding Level: Ground EntranceFloor
PIPE NOTE: All exposed pipes to indoor or outdoor air, conveying hot water to and from the hot water cylinders and heating systems, shall be insulated with pipe insulation material with an R-value in accordance with table 11 of SANS10400-XA Edition
Paving Note: Grass frame paving elements and brown crushed stone or cobbles(as pathways) to be used to be approved by Monaghan Farm Architectural Review Committee (asthetics committee); and to adhere the Monaghan Farm architectural Guidelines, before any paving commences.
GAS Instantaneous the 1804-24 SANS 10252-1 and SANS 10087-1
Figure 53: Masinamela Residence Council Submission, preperation of window/door schedules, SANS 10400 XA Edition 2 calculations. Applying the new statutory rules, to ensure the building complies with council requirements. This was completed using MS Excel.
requirements of SANS
NOTES: All dimensions be checked and verified on site. Alignments must be respected. Architects be notified any discrepancies. Do not scale from plans. Request dimensions from architects where dimensions are not shown. All plans be read in conjunction with sections, details and schedules. General Notes: All trades comply with SANS 10400 and SANS10400XA building codes and must comply with Municipal regulations. Main Contractor/Specialist Installers/Carpenters/Electrician/Plumber: To check and verify ALL levels, heights dimensions on site report discrepancies architect before commencing any work. To locate and identify ALL existing services on site & to protect these from damage throughout the duration works. To be responsible for correct setting out works with particular reference to boundaries, building lines, servitudes onto existing structures with particular reference special requirements necessitated by local authorities and site conditions and report all discrepancies architect before commencing work. ALL materials finishes must be SABS approved and must comply with relevant SANS Codes.
Owner's signature: Date: Dwg. Issue Date: ProjectClient:Address:Number: Dwg. File Project Name: Dwg. Description: Issue Status: By: Engineer's signature:
gas water heaters shall comply with
Heat Pump: Hot water heat pump/s must comply with the requirements SANS 1687 and shall be installed in accordance with SANS 1352. FIRE NOTES All fire safety installation work comply with SANS 10-400 Part T.
and SANS 1539 and shall be installed in accordance with
GEYSER: Geyser comply with SABS 10254 HOT WATER SUPPLY NOTES: Solar Geyser: Solar water heaters shall comply with the requirements SANS 1307 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 10106. Geyser/s be Class and comply with SANS0151 in terms of insulation and heat loss performance. Instantaneous gas water heater: Instantaneous gas water heaters shall comply with the requirements of SANS 1808-24 and SANS 1539 and shall be installed accordance with SANS 10252-1 and SANS 10087-1. Minimum R-value of pipe insulation: All exposed pipes to indoor outdoor air, conveying hot water to and from the hot water cylinders and heating systems, shall be insulated with pipe insulation material with an R-value in accordance with table 11 SANS10400-XA Edition 2.
Page 5 Top Hung Window, with fixed panel with adjustable timber vertical shading device

Figure 54: The above form serves as proof that Ben Dos Reis, appointed me to work at Refined Existance In Space, and served as a mentor.
Figure 55: The letter above was written by Ben Dos Reis, to prove that ongoing working experience is being undertaken at REIS.