Steiermark 101
Simply turn the

Simply turn the
There’s lots that we could tell you about Steiermark. So much that we could easily fill the pages of several books. While this would be interesting, it would perhaps be too great a challenge when we’re simply aiming to provide an initial impression. And so, we’ve opted for a 101. This figure is used internationally to convey the idea of an ‘introduction’, in our case the basics about Steiermark. As such, we’ve created this booklet to provide an overview of what makes Austria’s ‘Green Heart’ (cf. text box on the right) so endearing. We tell you about sport and leisure, innovation and health, work and quality of life… all the things that make this state what it is and that are important to the people who live here. Because all of these go hand in hand and come together like a circle to form a harmonious whole. This is also reflected by the cover image. The basis for this is the 101 that we’ve brought to life for you. Welcome to Steiermark – this booklet is all about the Green Heart of Austria.
Steiermark is also known as the ‘Grüne Herz’ (literally meaning the ‘Green Heart’) of Austria – and even Europe. The name initially reflected the state’s broad expanses of forest but now also represents its environmental awareness and many innovations.
Whether glaciers or wine, mountain summits at almost 3,000 metres high or mineral springs 2,843 metres below the Earth’s surface, you’ll find them all in Steiermark. The natural world of the Green Heart is as diverse as the people who live here. Spectacular lakes, snowcapped mountains and lush alpine meadows are as much a part of the scenery as the Mediterranean rolling hills, the endless forests and the vibrant city nestled in the heart of Steiermark. Over 1.27 million people already call Steiermark their home and this figure is expected to rise to about 1.36 million by 2100. With around 300,000 primary residences, the state capital of Graz is the second largest city in Austria. The second largest city in Steiermark is Leoben, which has a population of around 25,000.
16,399 square kilometres: the area of Steiermark. 62 percent: the amount of Steiermark carpeted in forest.
591 football fields: the size of the Grundlsee lake in Ausseerland, making it Steiermark’s largest lake.
2,995 metres: the height of the Dachstein, Steiermark’s highest mountain. In total, there are 788 mountains that measure over 2,000 metres above sea level.
Grimming Altausseer lake Schladming & Dachstein glacier Holzwelt Murau (Murau World of Wood) 2,995 m Dachstein286 the number of municipalities in Steiermark.
944 kilometres: the length of Steiermark’s border – including the national border with Slovenia.
300.6 kilometres: the length of the Mur river.
25 degrees in summer and – 4 degrees in winter reflect Steiermark’s diverse nature from a climate perspective too.
Mariazell Gesäuse national park Montanuniversität Leoben (University of Leoben) Erzberg Red Bull Ring Admont Abbey library Thermenland (spa country) Riegersburg Schloss Stainz (Stainz castle) Koralm Airport Südsteirische Weinstraße (South Styrian wine route) Lipizzaner Stud Farm PiberSteiermark is the most popular staycation destination for Austrians. Its spectacular and varied scenery together with its high quality of life make it particularly enticing. We reveal eight reasons why you too should choose the Green Heart.
Whether you rent or purchase your home, Steiermark is the cheapest place in Austria to live. The lowest average prices can be found in the districts of Murau, Murtal and Voitsberg. Furthermore, since July 2023, renters have no longer been liable for the brokerage fee.
Steiermark is one of the safest places in the world. The Global Peace Index regularly ranks Austria in the top five of the world’s safest, most stable and most peaceful countries.
Austria supports people in financially challenging situations. Whether illness, unemployment, pregnancy or retirement, Styrians are supported in all of the situations that life can throw at us. They can also apply for other financial support, such as family allowances or housing benefits.
Styrians are internationally renowned for their warmth and exceptional hospitality.
Steiermark is characterised by the outstanding quality of its water, which has been ranked as the second highest in Europe. In fact, around 97 percent of Austrian watercourses and bathing lakes have excellent water quality, which is also reflected in the state’s many mineral and thermal springs.
The use of renewable energy sources such as hydropower, wind energy and solar energy has already significantly reduced CO₂ emissions in Steiermark. The green roofs and house facades in Graz improve the air quality and offer habitats for fauna and flora. In addition to being the greenest and most densely forest-carpeted state in Austria, Steiermark is also extremely sustainable when it comes to energy production. For example, ‘SteirerStrom’ supplies 100 percent regionally produced green electricity.
Those who want to volunteer their free time to help associations or institutions can find plenty of opportunities to do so in Steiermark. This volunteering culture plays a major role within the state: from the volunteer fire brigade (with over 50,000 members) through neighbourhood help groups to assistance for sports clubs or cultural institutions.
The wide range of childcare facilities and support services available in Steiermark make it easy to establish a good balance between work and family. Parents can choose from over 1,120 facilities with around 7,600 educators.
“Graz old town is at the very top of my list –together with the Red Bull Ring as an international event centre of course.” Helmut Marko, head of Red Bull’s driver development programme and entrepreneur
“The first places I take friends who come to visit are the Raabklamm, Schöckl, Südsteirische Weinstraße (South Styrian wine route), Grüner See (Green lake) and Leopoldsteiner See (Leopoldsteiner lake).”
Conny Hütter, skier– a classic mix of local delicacies. And essential to this: pumpkin seed oil. Turn the page to find out more.
The Brettljause –a wooden plate used to serve sliced meat, the finest sausage, hearty bacon and fullflavoured cheese, often garnished with chili peppers, gherkins and egg.
Whether breaded chicken, scarlet runner bean salad, squash dumplings or apple strudel, Steiermark is valued for its traditional cuisine.
Over 4,300 Styrian organic farms supply regional direct sellers such as the Kaiser Josef market in Graz with fresh and seasonal produce from all parts of our state. This is transformed into the finest specialities in our culinary production facilities. Steiermark can even sate the appetite of those with a sweet tooth: at Zotter, you can not only try exquisite chocolate creations but also experience their production first hand. What’s more, haute cuisine is equally at home here as international restaurants, bars, pubs and rustic wine taverns.
Top tip:
Try the delicious range of food offered by the around 160 KULINARIUM STEIERMARK companies!
5 ways to tantalise the taste buds in Steiermark Looks delicious? Scan the QR code to immerse yourself in Steiermark’s culinary world
With around 6,000 hectares of orchards, Steiermark is Austria’s largest apple growing region. Some 1,100 companies harvest up to 200,000 tonnes of apples here every year.
These are a culinary speciality that is practically exclusive to Steiermark as 95 percent of Austria’s scarlet runner beans are grown here.
Steiermark has its own special word for horseradish: Kren. The spicy root vegetable grows particularly well here due to the climate conditions and is an essential part of any ‘Brettljause’.
Styrian wine, especially Sauvignon Blanc and Schilcher, enjoys a great international reputation. It is produced by over 2,100 companies in three wine-growing regions and can be tasted along the state’s eight wine routes. The ‘Buschenschanken’ or traditional Styrian wine taverns are not to be missed.
Every year, over three million litres of pumpkin seed oil are produced from the toasted seeds of the Styrian oil pumpkin.
Julia Zotter is the daughter of chocolate pioneer Josef Zotter. She shares his passion for new, wild creations – including roast seaweed and fish soup. Anyone who wants to see how chocolate is made should visit the Zotter family in Riegersburg. Josef Zotter established the chocolate factory in 1999 and shares his passion for crazy ideas with his daughter Julia. “For me, the coolest moment is when I throw an idea into the room and everyone asks: who’s going to eat that?
For instance, that’s what happened with our seaweed chocolate. We ultimately soaked the red dulse seaweed in a sugar solution to enhance its natural nutty taste. Then we roasted it. The result was our seaweed caramel. We also added pineapple to provide a little contrasting sweetness and give the chocolate a lightness and acidity.”
A small farm that no-one could earn a living from: Manfred Hohensinner’s financial situation was far from rosy and he spent eleven years earning additional money as a lorry driver. During this time, the Frutura founder gradually matured an ingenious idea: “We live in one of the most beautiful thermal regions in Austria, so why we don’t use the water to heat our vegetables?” And his plan worked. Today, tomatoes, radishes and co. enjoy spa-like conditions – without any thermal water being lost: “We return the water, and Mother Earth heats it up again. It’s a perfect circular economy.”
Young prawns are sensitive creatures. “That’s why we’ve got our own laboratory”, says Stefan Weiser, Managing Director of White Panther. The mountain prawn supplier from Edlach is the only European company that breeds its own prawns. Comparable companies order the larvae from the USA. The idea of doing things themselves arose after hurricanes destroyed many US hatcheries. But where did the first two parents come from? “We found them in Hawaii, where we were asked if we wanted to try breeding blue prawns.” The crustaceans were instantly happy in Steiermark and it was the start of a success story.
Whether recreational or professional, as a club member or individually, in indoor facilities or the great outdoors, when it comes to sport, Steiermark offers something
for everyone. Skiing and basketball, football and rugby, golf and cricket –these are just a few examples of some of the fantastic sports you will find here.
With its glorious diversity, Steiermark wants for nothing in terms of scenery. As such, it’s unsurprising that 140 cycle trails and 175 mountain bike routes wind their way through the Green Heart. Those who prefer to go by foot can use the hiking trails or via ferratas to head for the summit of innumerable mountains.
Whether snowboarding, alpine skiing or crosscountry skiing, there is much fun to be had in the Styrian snow in winter. 680 kilometres of piste in 69 ski areas promise truly memorable winter sport experiences. This applies in equal measure to the FIS-approved ‘4-BergeSkischaukel’ (4-mountain ski area), the small, familyfriendly ski resorts and the 15 cross-country skiing trails that have been awarded quality seals.
Steiermark’s rivers and lakes also offer plenty of options for getting active, whether swimming, kayaking, rafting or stand-up paddleboarding. In addition to its outdoor swimming pools, Steiermark also boasts over 60 bathing lakes in the midst of a stunning natural landscape. It’s also worth noting that the Salza is the longest, undeveloped river in Central Europe to be navigable year round. From A for American football to Z for Zumba, the Green Heart with its 2,300 or so sports clubs and facilities offers a wealth of options for people of all ages.
Art and culture show off the refined sides of Steiermark, while wellness experiences, shopping and partying offer plenty of other opportunities for some time out. From relaxed evenings at the height of the Mediterraneanlike summer to active exertion during the alpine winter, Steiermark offers a wealth of recreational activities for everyone.
Styrians know how to relax and recuperate: whether over a glass of wine in their favourite bar, on a shopping trip to the City of Design or with a wellness experience in one of the new spas. These are not only known for their restorative treatments, but also for the impressive healing properties of the thermal water that springs up from over 2,800 metres below the ground.
Trips to Herberstein Animal World or the Wilde Berg zoo in Mautern and explorative visits to one of the many castles such as the Riegersburg are among the most popular choices for family days out in Steiermark.
Hundreds of hiking trails, meadows, alpine pastures and idyllic parks provide the perfect balance to everyday life. Gesäuse national park and Steiermark’s seven nature reserves are particularly beautiful.
Whether UNESCO world heritage sites, the extraordinary collection of books in Admont Abbey or the impressive basilica in Mariazell, Steiermark boasts a wide array of cultural treasures. Over 300 museums, including the Universalmuseum Joanneum (Joanneum universal museum), and plenty of cultural institutions, such as Bühnen Graz, promise captivating art and cultural experiences throughout the year.
International sporting events such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix and the MotoGP at the Red Bull Ring, the Nightrace on the Planai in Schladming or the FIS Ski-Flying World Championships on the Kulm attract hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.
Culture is brought to life by the many different festivals, from the Diagonale film festival through the steirischer herbst and Klanglicht art festivals to the La Strada Graz cultural festival and the Styriarte music festival. Folk culture is celebrated by the Aufsteirern festival and the Bauernbundball, Europe’s
biggest ball. At the chocolate festival in Leoben, street food festivals and wine harvests, it’s all about sophistication and taste, while the Dirtrun and the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo are all about excitement and speed. And if that weren’t enough, the Elevate Festival, Augartenfest and Styrian Sounds provide the perfect opportunities to listen to a wide range of different musical styles.
Night becomes day in the student capital of Graz. The charming lanes in the old town are lined with eateries like Katze Katze, event venues like the Dom im Berg and clubs like Kottulinsky. Whether live music, concerts, club nights, DJ sets or simply casual conversations over a glass of wine at the Kaiser Josef market, Graz offers something for every musical taste and style. But vibrant nightlife can also be found in other parts of Steiermark. For example, the Latschenhütte on the Teichalm and the Tenne in Schladming are renowned for their modern folk music and traditional charm, and entice both the young and the youngatheart to come to life well into the early hours of the morning.
“Steiermark, that’s where I’m from. And I like the feeling of being at home somewhere more and more.”
Translated from Gert Steinbäcker’s song ‘Steiermark’, one of our state’s two unofficial anthems.
1. So beautiful: Graz old town is a world heritage site
The well-preserved centre of Steiermark’s capital has been recognised by UNESCO.
2. A panther breathes fire
Steiermark’s coat of arms features a silver, red-horned, fire-breathing panther on a green background. The state colours are white and green.
3. Secret anthems
In addition to the official state anthem ‘Hoch vom Dachstein an’, there are also the unofficial anthems ‘Fürstenfeld’ by the Styrian band STS and ‘Steiermark’ by Gert Steinbäcker.
4. In global demand
Styrian products are hits worldwide: three of every four are exported.
5. The longest railway track segment
At 120 metres long, this was produced by voest-alpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH.
The official language in Steiermark is German but there are many different dialects. Classic dialectal words include ‘woutl’ (an expression of amazement), ‘ogölln’ (to slip), ‘gach’ (a filler word meaning almost, quickly, suddenly or perhaps) and ‘Gstauda’ (dense undergrowth).
The clock tower on Graz’s Schlossberg (‘castle hill’) is the city’s landmark and features in records dating back to 1265.
8. Europe’s oldest oak
The thousand-year-old oak can be found in Bad Blumau.
“Steiermark is the most beautiful place in the world and it’s always fantastic to come back here. I’ll always be a styrian boy.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor, politician and bodybuilder
James Bond paid a visit to Steiermark, or more precisely to Ausseerland, where a spectacular chase was filmed for the Hollywood blockbuster ‘Spectre’ in 2015. The lyrics of a song by the Stoakogler, self-ironically claim “Steirermen san very good, very very good for Hollywood” (“Styrian men are very good, very very good for Hollywood”).
In addition to game, local forests provide habitats for badgers, foxes and wild boars, while marmots roam the alpine pastures. A remarkable number of ibex can be found on the Hochschwab and Hochlantsch mountains.
The networked world starts in Leoben: our modern technology would be inconceivable without circuit boards and IC substrates from AT&S.
A long-established company group for mechanical and system engineering with 280 sites in over 40 countries.
The 60,000 new businesses and around 500 patent applications per year show that ideas are becoming a reality. In addition to industry, technology, agriculture, research and tourism, renewable energies, mining and services play a major role for the Styrian economy. What have we been successfully contemplating in Steiermark? A selection.
A steel and technology group with eight sites and over 8,400 employees in Steiermark. 150 apprenticeships in 24 different fields offer a wide range of training opportunities in the region.
Company founder Günter Knapp’s motto “Nothing is impossible” forms the basis for the production of intelligent systems for efficient warehouse logistics at 62 sites around the world.
The people of Steiermark are known for their warm hospitality –and their ideas! The sheer number of patent applications from the state provides clear proof of this, and it’s therefore only logical that Steiermark has become a top technology region. Key areas are brought together to form target-oriented networks in line with the motto “Together we are strong”.
Whether systems, modules or total production, Magna Steyr is a reliable partner for the automotive industry. Over four million vehicles have already come off the production line in Graz.
From an engineering office to a globally renowned technology company: AVL List is a key player when it comes to the development, simulation and testing of drive systems for vehicles.
Let there be light: with more than 21,000 employees worldwide, the industry leader for intelligent sensors and emitters creates illuminating innovations in the field of lighting and visualisation.
The company recently invested around 130 million euros in its Graz site and supplies the national and international market with 160 million pre-filled pharmaceutical products every year.
ACstyria Mobilitätscluster connects 300 companies from the automotive, aerospace and rail systems sectors.
Green Tech Valley Cluster is the technology hotspot for climate protection and the circular economy.
Holzcluster Steiermark is the networker of the timber industry. Styria creates partnerships in relation to human technologies.
Silicon Alps Cluster is the technology and innovation cluster for electronics-based systems.
Creative Industries Styria networks the creative and classic economies.
ICS Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark is the export service organisation for the Styrian economy.
Scan the QR code to find out more about Steiermark’s most successful companies in the ‘Top of Styria’ magazine.
Speed, heart rate, breathing – the QUS top measures all the data that athletes need to optimise their training. The product was inspired by a quote from Under Armour founder Kevin Plank: “It’s absurd that you know more about your car than you know about your body.” Hannes Steiner, CEO of the textile company sanSirro, saw the truth in this remark. The idea: the top has two integrated sensors that measure all relevant data. This not only includes GPS data such as the distance covered, elevation change or speed, but also vital data such as heart rate and breathing rate.
Drinking a glass of water, turning a volume dial, cleaning the teeth – after a stroke, the biggest challenge lies in coping with the little everyday things again. This takes patient practice, iron discipline and therapeutic assistance. Tyromotion has made it its mission to optimise all of these components. “We use external stimulation, i.e. externally guided movements of the limbs, to encourage the brain to restore the lost functions”, explains Alexander Kollreider, cofounder and CEO of the almost 100-strong company. This can be done by a therapist – or a machine. The latter has a number of advantages: more repetitions are possible and the range of exercises is broader. “This provides a sensible way to replace activities that are boring and sometimes very strenuous”, says Alexander Kollreider.
Plants are powerful – and therefore able to damage railways and roads. FloraMon is here to prevent this. This joint project involving the researchers at Joanneum Research, ASFINAG and the Austrian Federal Railway (ÖBB) aims to control undesired wild growth. The data collection is supported by artificial intelligence (AI) and records plants that cause problems for roads and railways, thereby putting people at risk. Particularly troublesome species are removed from circulation.
A wide range of employment opportunities and a stable economy make Steiermark one of the most attractive places to work in Europe.
With everything from wellestablished small and medium-sized businesses through leading international companies to innovative start-ups, Steiermark’s corporate landscape is characterised by diversity and expertise. The Grüne Herz offers a wide range of industries, including the automotive and chemical engineering industries, renewable energies, tourism, food production and many more.
This also plays a major part in Steiermark offering a dynamic working environment coupled with exciting professional opportunities and a high quality of life.
More than 40,000 companies have based themselves in Steiermark and provide active employment for over 530,000 people.
Special protection:
• Steiermark has a comprehensive health and social insurance system that ensures healthcare services and social protection for workers.
• The Austrian Worker Protection Act (Arbeitnehmerschutzgesetz) contains provisions on workplace safety and health protection. It regulates employers’ obligations to prevent accidents and damage to health in the workplace.
If you are looking for a new professional challenge in Steiermark, you will find the best opportunities at, (provided by the Styrian job centre Arbeitsmarktservice Steiermark) and
The diversity and expertise offered by companies from the Green Heart is truly enticing.
The education system in Steiermark provides a good basis for comprehensive training and qualification: from primary and middle schools to polytechnic schools, high schools and vocational colleges, the Green Heart is home to more than 850 educational institutions. It is also exceptionally positioned with nine universities.
CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences, Graz
University of Graz
Steiermark’s largest university researches solutions for the world of tomorrow – and has been doing since 1585.
Graz University of Technology
Excellent teaching and high-quality research: TU Graz is one of Europe’s top 10 universities of technology.
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
Students from 71 countries –diversity as an opportunity to develop the art and culture sector.
Medical University of Graz
The top medical professionals of the future as innovative pioneering spirits for the health and well-being of patients.
Montanuniversität Leoben (University of Leoben)
A small university with a big impact: demand from the business sector outstrips the number of annual graduates.
Work-study programmes in close cooperation with the Styrian business world promote key personnel.
University College of Teacher Education Styria, Graz
With humans at heart: a university shaped by variety and committed to diversity for the future of education.
Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum, Graz
Practice-oriented training, development and further education – childcentred, inclusive, holistic and cosmopolitan.
FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences
A driving force behind innovation and the further development of Steiermark as both an economic hub and a place to live.
Steiermark’s universities.
Schooling meets teaching –united for success
Young talent will also find plenty on offer away from Steiermark’s universities. The ‘dual training system’ skilfully combines theory and practice: training phases in companies and vocational schools are optimally aligned.
Enormous diversity: 200 apprenticeship fields!
Steiermark offers apprenticeships in around 200 different fields. The most popular of these include metal engineering, retail, electrical engineering and automotive engineering. For all those who have already completed basic training or a degree, Steiermark has several adult education institutions that enable lifelong learning and targeted further education.
Healthcare in Steiermark is among the best in Europe. With ultra-modern hospitals and health resorts, highly trained doctors and specialist institutions, the people who live here are guaranteed comprehensive healthcare services and rapid medical assistance in emergencies.
“Laptops and Lederhosen – that’s Steiermark!”
Bernd Pischetsrieder,manager
“There are several places in Steiermark that I really love to visit but my number one favourite is the Altausseer lake.”
Lena Hoschek, fashion designer
2,500 general and specialist doctors (in all areas excluding dental) are registered in Steiermark. This gives the state one of the highest doctorto-patient ratios in the whole of Europe.
83.8 years is the average life expectancy for women in Steiermark (78.8 years for men). The high life expectancy underlines the excellent healthcare in Austria’s Green Heart.
10 state hospitals care for over a million outpatients and inpatients per year. Furthermore, over 360 employees look after those in need in four state care centres.
8 to 15 minutes is the average emergency response time of the Red Cross, the work of which is supported by 37,000 volunteers. Thanks to statutory health insurance, healthcare is free.
Steiermark’s central location makes travelling by bus, train, car and plane pleasantly easy. The Adriatic Sea is just three hours away, Venice just under four-anda-half hours and Vienna a mere two hours. For all those wanting to travel a little further, Graz airport is the gateway to the world, with direct flights to Corfu, Hurghada and Barcelona as well as the key international hubs of Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Berlin of course.
Publishing information
Publisher: Steirische Tourismus und Standortmarketing GmbH- STG.
Responsible for content: Michael Feiertag
Editing and text: Miriam Defregger, Denise Kallweit, Elisabeth Perl, Anja Leitner and Julia Einfalt
Realisation: Red Bull Media House GmbH
Illustrations: Birgit Benda
Photos: Quality of Life: Julius Hirtzberger, Steiermark Tourismus / Streibl; Cuisine: Steiermark Tourismus / Tom Lamm, Philip Platzer, Zotter Schokolade, Jeff Mangione /Kurier /, White Panther / Werner Krug; Sport: Klemens König, Getty Images / iStock, Adobe Stock, Susanne Einzenberger, Steiermark Tourismus /Stefan Leitner; Leisure: Robert Maybach; Facts: Graz Tourismus, Christian Jauschowetz, Das Land Steiermark; Economy: Steiermark Tourismus / Matthias Kniepeiss, Fresenius Kabi Austria, voestalpine Stahl Donawitz, ams AG, / Mathias Kniepeiss, Philipp Horak, Sansirro; Education: Uni Graz / Kanizaj, Steiermark Tourismus / Hoschek
Translation: De Vries Translations
Version: November 2023.
Subject to change without notice.