MBA 25 Plus

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What schools want from Ideal MBA Event? What we offer at MBA Events based on Business Schools’ needs

Existing problems on the market

MBA Strategy solution

Effective Lead Generation: Find/speak to/meet/ as many strong candidates as possible who are ready to apply.

Crowds of people with very different readiness levels. Existing fair providers care about number of people attending the fair, but do not make serious efforts to attract a well-targeted audience.

All candidates have to be approved (for any format of fair) by the MBA Strategy team or schools admission committee. Only after that candidates receive an invitation.

No care about schools’ ROI

Schools complete a mandatory ‘perfect candidate’ form. It will be our PRD for candidate pre-selection. Our target/commitment: 400 targeted but very diverse candidates for 10 best schools = about 40 strong candidates after the fair

More diversity, more women among candidates, more non-typical background

Low number of women (30%) at fairs. Too many people from one professional area and low number of visitors from non-typical backgrounds

Additional promotion/focus among women groups, special small events of the fair for “non typical background” candidates. E.g. ‘Are you from army? An MBA can help you be more effective’

Quick identification, up to 10 seconds (during event) that this candidates perfectly match ‘our business school’

Big crowd, too many conversations with those who will not apply within next 5 years, and losing of those who can apply this year. Well prepared candidates often wait while ‘lazy’, unprepared candidates ask basic, ‘silly’ questions. As a result ROI and time declines

Mobile, visual system that limits the asking of ‘silly’ questions

Comprehensive and well-organized information to capture a financial picture

Current fairs are overrun with too many candidates seeking similar scholarships and asking the same questions

Schools complete additional financial profile with detailed description of scholarship and loans opportunities.

To become the first to catch/attract good candidates

Competition is fierce, candidates applying to on average 3 schools. Existing fairs don’t offer solutions to catch great candidates asap

Special identification elements for candidates and schools to find each other (visual, hints, directions).

Underserved corporate sector, low but increasing demand from corporate sector. Current fair providers don’t offer any way to meet decision-makers or HR representatives on the local market

Set of meetings with HR representatives: round table discussions and close networking with corporate sector during and after the fair.

Leads from Corporate Sector. Find/ meet decision makers in corporate sectors for EMBA and customised programs

Candidate pre-selection and “before fair invitation”

Possibility to cooperate and gain a longterm partnership

What schools want from Ideal MBA Event? What we offer at MBA Events based on Business Schools’ needs

Existing problems on the market

MBA Strategy solution

Branding & Awareness and PR: To highlight the uniqueness of the business school with the help of design and other elements such as audio, video, advertising and placement

Schools lose their individuality and often stand just as a set of very close to each other programs.

Only top notch programs with an exceptional approach. No low-quality schools will be presented.

Top notch schools and schools with debatable reputation are located side by side, making them equal in the eyes of the candidates

Special identification elements for schools (visual, hints, directions)

Strong all-round promotion in CIS countries before and after the fair with the help of varied promo tools and different channels

International companies entering CIS markets are using MBA Strategy as a linkage between their promo needs and candidates. As a result of their one-sided approach such promo campaigns can be distorted and an untargeted audience could be brought on the fair

MBA Strategy is a CIS market leader. With deep market knowledge, permanent market presence 365 days a year we possess a comprehensive promo package from the face to face conversation with clients through consultants to announcements on a variety of annual CIS events. Exclusive webinars before and after the fair

Find special approach to “difficult to reach” candidates with the help of new up-to-date social media

Some candidates (CEOs, top managers) are difficult to get in touch with and therefore they usually are not present at the fair. Current fair providers use mostly direct email marketing tools (often perceived as spam) overloading the audience

Special Facebook promo page with prompt registration, LinkedIn networking possibilities, Tweeting on the fair, viral referral mechanism: special application on Facebook, real time feedbacks

Knowledge & Information: To gain a deep understanding of the CIS market and to become acknowledged with its problems and development areas

Lack of in-depth knowledge of local market: problems and features, mentality, hiding opportunities

Opportunity to pinpoint core questions and future trends through meetings with local professionals in the field and local educational consultants (“Go to Market Roundtable”)

Prompt feedback from candidates: what did they like the most and what needs to be improved

Lack of interactive dialogue with candidates. Existing fairs offer the same solutions to poll the candidates and don’t take their opinions into account

Onsite interactive questionnaires (from the heart of the fair). Opinion surveys before and after the fair. Active and indeed interactive conversation with the help of social media and surveys

What schools want from Ideal MBA Event? What we offer at MBA Events based on Business Schools’ needs

Existing problems on the market

MBA Strategy solution

Fast Analysis & Processing To keep all information about visitors in real time: • what was said • what questions have been asked • what opinions have been expressed

Schools cannot track down the visitors. Modest tools for registration – “paper data”, plenty of post processing information

Automatic Data Collection System: pre registration and registration on-site give all needed information about the visitor. Schools can easily recognise the candidates, estimate their quality and save their important data online

Fair evaluation and visitor research: how many visitors, detailed profiles, what areas were of interest.

Current fairs mostly do not offer visitor research tools or their instruments are weak and difficult to analyse

Clear segmentation of all visitors with the help of special identification elements and a pre-selection system

Possibility to estimate the fair investment outcome (ROI) with maximum accuracy

There is not any ROI system on current fairs and therefore schools cannot define the investment outcome. As a result the impact of such MBA fairs is often unclear

All data will be saved with high accuracy and then used for setting direct connections between the number of visitors and number of leads. Special survey on fair outcome for schools. We have years of experience using a world-renowned CRM system and are ready to consult on how to estimate and enhance ROI

Excellent Service and Support onsite Dedicated service team manager to help with any needs onsite before, during and after the fair

One or two key managers available during the fair.

Increased number of service team, technical specialists onsite who manage the interactive process and support the fair. Technical innovations make the whole process easy and smooth

Logistics, Technical on-demand support in the hosting country and at the fair

FAQ, fair guide.

FAQ guide with detailed information and advice on how to get the best outcome from the fair

Contacts Dmitriy Bondar Founder e-mail: skype: bondardmitriy

Valeria Radko Project Manager e-mail: skype: Valeria Peppermint

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