Mba Strategy

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Proposition for cooperation from MBA Strategy

For more information contact: Kateryna Gridina Phone (Moscow): +7 (499) 921 0217 Phone (Kyiv): +380 (44) 279 3063 E-mail: Skype: katya.gridina

1 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow

About MBA Strategy MBA Strategy is the leading MBA/Top university admissions company in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the CIS (our offices are located in Kyiv and Moscow, we also provide a lot of activities in Kazakhstan). We are unique on the Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakhstan markets. The company provides consulting services related to MBA programs and getting into world-class business schools. We also assist in preparation for GMAT, TOEFL, GRE, LSAT exams. We have operated in the business education market since 2004 and have a list of successful projects with the leading Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakhstan and international companies. MBA Strategy Web-Portals ( / ) are the main promotion engine. They are bilingual (Eng/Rus), fast-growing and well-known throughout the on-line CIS MBA community.

Target Audience MBA Strategy is “the unified entry point� in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan for those who are interested in getting an MBA abroad or in Russia. 99% of those who is planning to apply to a business school or already in application process visit our web-portal, study on our GMAT, TOEFL courses, visit our career and business education events. The age of the target audience is mainly 24-28 years, professional experience of the audience varies from 4 to 8 years. Audience Portrait: -

Average daily traffic is 787 Visits/Month Average weekly traffic is 11,916 Visitors/Week Average weekly pageview is 55,602 Visits/Week Average time on the web-site is 08:32 minutes Percentage of new visits is 61% per month Amount of web-site subscribers is nearly 6000 contacts (Ukraine, Russia, Kazahkhstan and other CIS countries) Amount of clients and potential clients data base is nearly 5000 contacts (Ukraine, Russia, Kazahkhstan and other CIS countries)


2 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow

Visitor’s Age:

Professional experience (in years):

Our professional experience and competence can help you in: • Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakhstan, market analysis and entry. From 2004 to 2009 more than 100 of our clients entered Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Chicago, MIT, LBS, IESE, IE Business School, INSEAD, Kellogg, Darden, Melbourne, Tuck, Cambridge, Michigan, Duke, Rotman (Canada), RSM, Columbia, NY Stern, Cranfield, IMD, Berkeley etc. On this basis we can say that we possess the strong and leading position on the markets, have the image of reliable and useful company among the participants of MBA Community in the CIS. • Delivering your message and information to your target audience. We provide a range of consulting services related to general admission process questions, GMAT and TOEFL iBT test preparation, as well as pre-MBA and essay writing seminars. Each year approximately 1000 people use our consulting services. Our clients form the essence of target audience for a business school, as they are already on one of the stages of admission process. Presence on MBA Strategy web-portal has a high level of effectiveness as the target audience is interested in useful information about all aspects of an MBA. That is why your presence on our webservices (web-portal, newsletter) is such formats as banner advertisement, promotional articles, video presentations of school, business school’s profile etc. won’t be considered as an irritant but as a key to essential knowledge. • If you would like to organize an information session, we offer our successful experience in coordinating business and educational events in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Our company was a primary media partner and helped bring the QS World MBA Tour to Kiev (autumn 2005) for the first time. A range of leading business editions, the TV channel, and also personal company’s contacts were involved into promotion of this campaign. Since then, the event has become an annual fixture for Russian higher education and in 2008 approximately 1,000 people participated. We are permanent QS partners in this region and in Ukraine. From the 2008 we’re QS promotion partners in Kazakhstan. For more than six years, MBA Strategy has been active in forming an MBA community in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. We organize «MBA Community Meetings», specialized events where graduates and students from top business schools can share their experience with those looking to apply. These MBA events have now become a staple, and every year nearly 200-600 people visit them (around 4-5 meetings per year).

3 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow

Moreover, under our belts we have more than 30 information sessions and events which we organized in Moscow, Kyiv and Almaty (Kazakhstan) for major consulting companies and international business schools such as McKinsey & Co, BCG, ISB, IEDC, Kellogg, Chicago Booth, SKOLKOVO etc.

Complex of services we offer This proposition is the complex of actions. We suggest considering them not as the several separate procedures but as the whole campaign of action intended for attracting prospective candidates to apply to your business school. 1. Organizing and holding of School’s presentation and information sessions Organizing of such events will help to attract people who are interested in getting MBA in the current Business School (or region). Such events increase loyalty to the School in the candidates’ eyes, thus increasing the number of prospective applicants in the certain region. This type of promotion allows to reach and communicate with the target audience, which is always more efficient than traditional advertisement instruments. Such event like a school’s presentation or information session (or one-to-one meeting) will introduce the School as another one attractive place to get the MBA, make the resonance for the School as for interesting and unconventional institution.

We together form the main idea of the session or presentation. After this MBA Strategy work in the way of organization and attracting specified audience. Cost: € 1000. The cost is formed in line with the estimated results. The cost includes selecting of corresponding audience, direct mailing through our database of our clients and web-site readers, promotion in social networks, placing announcements on the web-sites of our partners, forming of advertising campaign for event etc. The cost doesn’t include expenses connected with venue reservation, travel expenses for MBA Strategy representative (if the event is to be held in Kazakhstan) and so on. 2. School’s Presence on regular unique for Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan MBA Community Meetings Approximately 4 times per year we organize meetings, so called MBA Community Meetings, where we gather active MBA audience (people who are actively interested in business education, getting MBA abroad, etc.).

Format of meeting: there are from 5 to 10 graduates or current MBA students of top international business schools from one side, and nearly 100-150 people, who are interested in business education, and in future plan to apply to one of the MBA programs. Therefore, such events gather your target audience in the context of admitting. Uniqueness of audience: such events bring together practically all MBA applicants in current region (Moscow, Kiev, Almaty etc.), active and progressive specialists in the field of consulting, audit, banking, finance etc. Massaging information about opportunities of getting MBA in your School to this audience is much more efficient than placing information on general Russian web-portals and events.

4 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow

MBA Community Meetings usually gather current students and graduates (as speakers) from Harvard, Wharton, London Business School, Chicago Booth, Berkeley, IE Business School, Columbia, INSEAD, LSBF, Michigan, Stanford, RSM, IMD, IESE etc. Here is the report of one of the last MBA Community Meetings (in Russian):,Rus/,Rus/

We offer next formats of presence on these meetings: -

Speech of one of your admission committee representatives or MBA alumni from Russia, CIS etc.; Personal distribution of booklets with the information about your Schools and its business educational opportunities to every meeting participant; Referring your School as the co-organizer of meetings: in announcements, in the hall where a meeting is holding etc. Such PR would form School’s image as a lucrative institution for this audience.

Cost: -

1st and 2nd options - € 500 – participating in one MBA Community with the whole PR support. The amount of events we suggest to take part in is 4. 3rd option – format and costs for it are discussed in details separately.

4. Organizing and






This service allows gathering not only Russian audience (for example), but also the people from other countries (for example, Ukraine, Kazakhstan etc.). Providing such events allows getting the answers on the questions from the people how are “insiders” of the school.

Format of on-line chat: it could be the conference with your admission committee representatives as well as prospective students and alumni. The average amount of participants is from 25 to 40 people of the target audience. Here is the transcript of the on-line chat with Columbia,Rus/




Cost: € 400. The cost includes selecting of corresponding audience, direct mailing through our data base of our clients and web-site readers, promoting event through the social networks, forming and providing of advertising campaign for the chat etc.

5 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow

5. Promotion and advertisement through the / web-portals The prices are stated for appearance on both, and Explore the audience portrait here. -

Web-sites advertisement


Banner Views/Shows 100%

1 week

1 month

3 months








Banner #3a,4


























Banner #1,2,3

Moving Line


Weekly newsletter subscribers)





1 month (4 shots)

3 months (12 shots)

Banner #1



Banner #2






Moving Line



6 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow


Exclusive newsletter through the General data base of contacts (nearly 5000 contacts, depends on the targeting) Cost: €150


As the additional promotional tool we offer placing of promotional and informational materials on our web-site. It could be the interview with your prospective students, honored professors, admission committee workers, some interesting news from the school, facts from schools life, career opportunities after graduating the school etc. Cost: € 40 per material


Placing of school’s video presentation in our “MBA Tube” video item. Cost: € 50 per material

6. Marketing research and analytics in the field of business education If you would like to make the “inner” view of a market (one of the CIS countries preferably) before expanding your activity on it, would like to develop the efficient strategy of promotion on a market basing on the needs and preferences of a target audience we are ready to help you. We are able to offer independent marketing research in such different areas, for example: -

Decision making analysis of Executive MBA audience in choosing a business school (Executive MBA Program); Decision making process in Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakhstan (and other CIS) companies while choosing a business (MBA program) school for its workers; Target audience detailed portrait (professional experience, age, sources of getting knowledge about business education, “finance” opportunities etc.) Competitors’ analysis etc.

The cost for this service is stated individually basing on the criteria and purposes of a research.

7 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow

Our Clients

Business Schools


Ukrainian and International Companies


8 Your Way To Top Business Schools | +380 (44) 279 3063 (Kyiv) +7 (499) 921 0217 (Moscow) Offices in Kyiv, Moscow

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