Full-Time MBA A 2009-2010 35 students - 21 1 nationalities
Western Europe e 14%
Americas 14%
Netherlands12% India 14%
Middle East / Africa A 6%
Eastern Eurrope 17% Asia/Pacific 23%
Full‐Time MBA 2010‐2011
39 stude ents ‐ 22 nationalities
Middle East / Africca 15% India 13%
Netherland ds 18%
Europe 21%
Americas 1 15%
Asia Paciffic 18%
Full‐Tim me MBA 20 009 ‐ 2010 Ind dustry Backgground
Finance 23% Otheer 23% % Technolo ogy 14%
Consultan ncy 17% Marketing / Sales 23%
Fulll‐Time MBA 201 10‐2011
Indu ustry Backgground
Finance 20% Other 26%
Technology 1 18% Oil & Gas O 8%
Consultancy C 13%
Marketing / Salees 15%
Full-Time MBA 2009-20 010 Ye ears of workexpe erience (average e - 7 years)
8-10 years -29% %
>10 - 11%
5-7 years - 31%
<5 - 29%
Full‐Time MBA 20 010‐2011
Y Years of work k experience (average‐ 7 yyears)
8‐10 yeaars 18%
>10 years 20%
5‐7 years 44%
< 5 yyears 18 8%
Full‐Tim me MBA 20 009 ‐ 2010 Age distrib bution (averaage ‐ 31 yearrs)
23‐28 years 4 43%
>37 7 years 8% 34‐37 years 6%
29‐33 years 2 43%
Full‐Time MBA 2010‐2011
Age Distribution (averaage ‐ 31 yearrs)
24‐28 years 31%
>37 years 10%
34‐37 years 3 18%
29 9‐33 years 41%
Full‐‐Time MBA 2009 9 ‐ 2010
M Male / Fem male
Male 69% Femaale 31% %
Fulll‐Time MBA 201 10‐2011
M Male / Fem male
Male 74%
Female 26%
Full‐Time MBA 2 2009‐2010 Educational backkground
Bachelors 74%
Masters 26%
Full‐Time MB BA 2010‐20 011 Educational Background
Bachelors B 74%
Masters 21% PhD 5%